

新编实用英语综合教程2--Unit-1-Invitation-Etique tte教案

Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette

Unit Goals

What you should learn to do

Make an oral invitation to:

Invite people to join daily activities

Invite people to formal occasions

Make a written invitation

(write an invitation card or a letter) for:

Personal invitation

Official occasions

Give a reply to:

An oral invitation

A written invitation

What you should know about

Invitation culture: western and Chinese

Word order in a subordinate clause


After learning this unit, students should grasp:

1.Read and understand the meaning of invitation cards and letters

2.How to write invitation cards and letters and remember the patterns of invitation cards and letters

3.How to invite people to party or dinner, and how to accept and decline invitations

4.The customs of inviting people in different countries

5.Important words, phrases and language points in the passage

In our daily life, we need to invite others to dinner or take part in all kinds of parties, so we should know about western custom about invitation.

Foreign custom is much stricter than Chinese custom in the matter of replying to

invitations. When you receive an invitation you should answer is immediately, saying definitely whether you are able to accept it or not.

If the invitation is given by word of mouth, in conversation or at a chance meeting, you should answer at once whether you can come or not. If you cannot give an answer at that time, you may say “May I let you know this evening” or some such words.

By studying this unit, we will know about how to invite the others, how to accept or decline the invitation, and how to write invitation cards/letters.

Section I Talking Face to Face

1.Imitating Mini-Talks

2.Acting out the Tasks

3.Studying Email Information on the Internet

4.Following Sample Dialogues

5.Putting Language to Use

Section II Being All Ears

1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication

2.Handling a Dialogue

3.Understanding a Short Speech / Talk

Section III Trying your Hand

1.Practicing Applied Writing

2.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar

Section IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye

Passage 1 :

Information Related to the Reading Passage

Whether it is to a wedding, a dinner party, shower or gala event, an invitation comes with some important obligations. Here’s a quick guide to keep you on the guest list.

1. R.S.V.P

From the French “Répondez, s’il vous plait”, it means “Please reply.”This

little code has been around for a long time and it’s definitely telling you that your hosts want to know if you are attending. Reply promptly, within a day or two of receiving an invitation.

2. How do I respond? Reply in the manner indicated on the invitation.

R.S.V.P and no response card: a handwritten response to the host at the return address on the envelope.

Response Card: fill in and reply by the date indicated and return in the enclosed envelope.

R.S.V.P with phone number: telephone and make sure to speak in person —answering machines can be unreliable.

R.S.V.P with e-mail: you may accept or decline electronically.

Regrets only: reply only if you cannot attend. If your host doesn’t hear from you, he is expecting you!

No reply requested? Unusual, but it is always polite to let someone know your intentions. A phone call would be sufficient.

3. Is that your final answer?

Changing a “yes”to a “no”is only acceptable on account of: illness or injury, a death in the family or an unavoidable professional or business conflict. Call your hosts immediately.

Canceling because you have a “better”offer is a surefire way to get dropped from ALL the guest lists.

Being a “no show”is unacceptable.

Changing a “no”to a “yes”is OK only if it will not upset the hosts’arrangements.

4. “May I bring …?”

Don’t even ask! An invitation is extended to the people the hosts want to invite —and no one else.

…a date. Some invitations indicate that you may invite a guest or date (Mr. John

Evans and Guest) and when you reply, you should indicate whether you are bringing someone, and convey their name.

…my children. If they were invited, the invitation would have said so.

…my houseguest. It’s best to decline the invitation, stating the reason. This gives your host the option to extend the invitation to your guests, or not.

5. Say “Thank You.”

Make sure to thank your hosts before you leave, and then again by phone

or note the next day.

Text Business Invitation

A case of mistaken identity!

Don’t worry, we’ve been assured that this mystery will be

solved in time for our

Holiday Office Party

We’re leaving the investigation to those who do it best.

Let’s get away from all those computers, papers and mess and come

to our office party in your best suit or dress.

Come join us and Toast the Season

Thursday, December 9th 2010 5:00 P.M.

The Columbia House –Penthouse Floor 485 Jefferson Plaza

Leonard, Barley, Travis, Bailey and Smith

Regrets only to Dianne 248-8522

It would be a crime to miss our party or not be on time

485 Jefferson Plaza

Business invitations can be informal or formal. Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable.

Invitation Timing

For most formal occasions, it’s best to invite guests three or four weeks in

advance. If you choose to invite your guests by phone, remind them again in writing two weeks before the gathering. Here are a few guidelines for your information:

●Six to eight months before an important seminar to which out-of-town executives are invited.

●Four weeks before an evening reception.

●Two to four weeks before a cocktail party.

Invitation Format

Formal business invitations are most commonly printed on white or off-white high-quality paper. A company can use any color of paper it desires, as long as it upholds and promotes the company’s image.

With preprinted invitations, you simply fill in the blanks to tell what, where, and when the party will be and who is giving it. It’s also acceptable to include an RSVP notation and your phone number or address on the invitation for more accurate planning.

Responding to an Invitation

Either use the address or phone number printed in the lower left corner of the invitation or return the RSVP card sent with the invitation. If a “Please reply by”a given date is included in the invitation, be polite enough to reply by that date. If the words “Regrets only”are printed in the lower left corner of the invitation, you need only to inform the host if you will not be able to attend. If your host does not hear from you, you are expected to attend.

Never ask to bring a guest unless the invitation states “Mr. Louis Winthorp and Guest.”Most likely, the host will have only enough food and drinks for the number of people he invites. Showing up with an uninvited friend could turn out to be an embarrassing situation for everyone.

Language Points

1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences

1. (Para. 1) Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal

invitations such as e-mails and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable. Analysis: such as means “of the same kind, like”and should be followed by nouns or noun phrases.

Translation: 虽然邀请函通常通过信函方式发出,但目前像电子邮件、电话邀请


Example: Our discussions were all about issues such as education and

climate change.

2. (Para. 4) It’s also acceptable to include an RSVP notation and your phone number or address on the invitation for more accurate planning.

Analysis: It’s also acceptable to do …means “It’s also good enough to be received to do …”

Translation: 如果为了使计划更加周密,也可以在邀请函中加上请回复的字样,以及电话号码或联系地址。

3. (Para. 5) If a “Please reply by”a given date is included in the invitation, be polite enough to reply by that date.

Analysis: If …is a conditional clause followed by an imperative sentence Translation: 如果邀请函中包括“请于某日之前回复”的字样,则需要在规定日期前回复。

Example: If you choose to invite your guests by phone, remind them again in writing two weeks before the gathering.

Example: It’s acceptable to play tricks on your friends on April 1st.

4. (Para. 6) Never ask to bring a guest unless the invitation states “Mr. Louis Winthorp and Guest.”

Analysis: Never …unless …is “double negative”, which means “You can bring a guest if the invitation states …”

Translation: 如若邀请函上没有说明“邀请某某先生和朋友”,不要向邀请方要求带同伴。

Example: Some people are never happy unless they are in the limelight showing off.

2 Important Words

1. in advance

before in time 提前


Can I sign up for this course in advance?

Quality Buildings usually hire its temporary workers well in advance as the need arises.

2. seminar

n. a small class of usually advanced students meeting to study some subject with a teacher 讨论会,研讨班


He I’m very sorry about not setting the seminar on time.

There is a computer network seminar tomorrow afternoon.

3. uphold

v. to support, prevent from being weakened or taken away



I want to love as a kind of faith to uphold.

All staff uphold integrity-based quality first principle.

4. image

n. the opinion people have of a person, organization, product etc. 形象


The hotel industry is working hard on improving its image.

The party has to project the right image.

5. given

a. fixed for a purpose and stated as such 给定的,特定的


The work must be done within the given time.

At any given time, the status of technical progress is relatively inflexible.

6. likely

ad. probably 可能


I’d very likely have done the same thing in your situation.

As likely as not (very probably), the meeting will take place in the village pub. Passage 2 :

Information Related to the Reading Passage

This is an informal invitation letter between friends. The tone of this letter is casual. The language is not so formal. This kind of informal invitation letter is often written in the first person. For example, “in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.”“and it would be nice if you could come then, too.”But a formal invitation card is usually written in the third person.


An Invitation Letter

My dear Michael,

It seems ages since we heard from you —and even longer since you went to work in China. But recently we happened to bump into Charlie Wright at a party, and from him we learnt that you and Lucia will be coming to England over the Christmas holidays. So I am writing straightaway —to make sure this reaches you well before you leave Shanghai —in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.

I am still teaching English Literature in a university and I am getting well along with my colleagues. I also have some Chinese students here, who are very friendly and intelligent.

I imagine you will be spending Christmas with your parents, but surely you will have some time after that before your Christmas holidays end. We shall be having two

other friends of ours staying with us over the New Year weekend, and it would be nice if you could come then, too. Mike and Rosa Griffiths are old friends and a very nice couple; I’m sure you will like them. They used to live in China, too, so we shall have something in common. And if we get some decent weather, we might all go off one day and visit the Carters —I’m sure we can get Uncle Arthur to lend us his minibus.

There’s not a great deal to report from our end. Mary is well and still enjoying her school teaching (at least, I think so); the children are growing up at a terrifying rate; I am still working for Sanderson’s and like it well enough —though occasionally pining for the footloose days of long ago. But let’s hope you will soon be here to see for yourselves —and help us see the New Year in!

I’d better stop here now; I’m supposed to be spending this evening writing Christmas cards. Write or phone as soon as you can —and come!

Love from us all!

Language Points

1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences

1. (Para. 1) It seems ages since we heard from you.

Analysis: It seems ages since ... means “It seems a long time since ...”Translation: 似乎很长时间没有收到你的信了。

Example: It seems ages since I saw you in Shanghai.

2. (Para. 1) So I am writing straightaway —to make sure this reaches you well

before you leave Shanghai —in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.

Analysis: To make sure ... is an adverbial of purpose, and in the hope, a prepositional phrase is used also as an adverbial of purpose.

Translation: 所以我马上写信,好让你在离开上海之前肯定收到这封信——希望你们俩能在英格兰逗留期间和我们一起住几天。

3. (Para. 3) I imagine you will be spending Christmas with your parents, but

surely you will have some time after that before your Christmas holidays end.

Analysis: Surely is used to express that someone is certain or almost certain about something.

Translation: 我猜想你将在你的父母家过圣诞节, 但肯定在你的圣诞节假日结束之前还会有一些时间。

Example: These children surely deserve something better than a life on the streets.

Example: I am sending this card to you today —to make sure you receive it before the Christmas Day.

4. (Para. 4) I am still working for Sanderson’s and liking it well enough —though occasionally pining for the footloose days of long ago.

Analysis: Sanderson’s here refers to a company implying Sanderson’s company; though is introducing a participle clause pining for ... and serving as the adverbial of concession.

Translation: 我还在桑德森公司工作,而且工作很称心——虽然偶尔我也渴望从前自由自在的日子。

Example: They are working happily with Kent’s, though sometimes pining for the footloose school days.

2 Important Words

1. bump into

to meet somebody by chance 偶然碰到,偶然遇到


We bumped into Kate when we were in London last week.

She bumped into his tray, knocking the food onto his lap.

2. straightaway

ad. do without delay, especially it has to be done urgently 马上,立刻


I’ll come around straightaway with the files.

We’d better start work straightaway.

3. colleague

n. someone that you work with 同事


I’d like you to meet a colleague of mine, Jean Michael.

He was never particularly popular with his colleagues.

4. decent

a. of a good enough quality or standard 得体的,像样的,体面的


I want to provide my boys with a decent education.

There isn’t one decent restaurant around.

5. terrify

v. to frighten someone severely 威胁,恐吓,惊吓


We terrified the girls with spooky stories.

He terrified her by jumping out at her from a dark alley.

6. pine for

v. to strongly desire (especially something which is difficult or impossible to obtain) 渴望


It’s at this time of year that I start to pine for the snow-topped mountains.

As a young girl, I always used to pine for a more glamorous existence.


1、Don 'tlet the failure discourag y e ou.Try again. 2、He dropped out of college after only two weeks. 3、He spoke very highly of her. 4、Peter took advantage of his visit to London to improve his English. 5、The chairman agreed to conside r my suggestion. 6、The idea needs to be tried out. 7、The new road is a major government project. 8、This is our greatest and most encouraging progress; in short,a triumph. 9、The house has belonged to our family for a long time. 10、There was a pause in the talk when Mary came in. 11、We all look forward to your next visit to Nanjing. 12、She discovered that she had lost her purse. 13、The plane will land in five minutes. 14、It used to be thought that the earth was flat. 15、Everyone is fascinated by the singer 's amazing voice. 16、My parents are thinking of spending their holiday in France. 17、She's very modes t about her success. 18、Most plants require sunlight. 19、Be careful to your words when talking to elderly people. 20、Mother called again to make certain that the new air-conditioner would be delivered the next day. 21、I presented a bunch of flowers to Mrs.Link last Christmas. 22、Jack wrapped the gift in a piece of colored paper. 23、Shall I make the introduction?Robert,this is Julia. 24、My mom cleans the house every day and keeps everything in order. 25、This idea appeared in many books. 26、The People's Republic of China was founded in 1949. 27、When will the work on the highway be completed? 28、Oranges are my favorite fruit. 29、Hans Andersen created many lovely characters. 30、The business has expanded from having one office to having twelve. 31、Did you have fun at Disneyland last summer? 32、His lies brought to an end his friendship with Mike. 33、I'll help you as far as I can. 34、He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech. 35、These greenbelts protect 500,000 acres of farmland against moving sands. 36、The TV program is shown to call people's attention to water pollution in China. 37、 A soft wind caused ripples on the surface of the lake. 38、The children formed a circle around her. 39、My mother measured me for a new dress. 40、The park lies at the center of the city. 41、The train would pull out soon. We ran like mad to catch it. 42、My old grandmother has difficulty in remembering things. 43、The company employed about 100 men. 44、She checked the letter before sending it.

《新编实用英语》教案第二册unit 7.

Unit Seven Entertainments and Tourist Attractions I. Aims and Requirements 1. Some entertainment and tourist ads 2. How to write entertainment and tourist ads 3. How to introduce entertainment and tourist attractions 4. Some knowledge about opera 5. Useful words, expressions and language points II. Introduction 1. Entertainments are popular for the public, such as film, opera and so on. The unit will discuss different kinds of entertainments. 2. Entertainment ads are an important source of information for people to find out what entertainments are currently available. Now this unit will begin with an entertainment ad. III. Teaching Plans

Task 1 Talking face to face: Entertainment aids L istening comprehension Part 1 Read some entertainment and tourist ads Part 2 Read some dialogues about entertainment and tourist attractions, and learn how to introduce them to the visitors. Part 3 Useful expressions and sentence patterns about introducing entertainment and tourist attractions Part 4 Practices Part 1 Read some entertainment and tourist ads Sample 1 What Shall We See This Evening Sample 2 Go to see Chinese Acrobatics. Part 2 Read some dialogues about entertainment and tourist attractions, and learn how to introduce them to the visitors Sample1. What Shall We See This Evening 1,Asking programs of this evening: What are we going to see this evening? 2,Giving some selections: There are Beijing opera, a concert and Chinese acrobatics (杂技). What do you prefer? 3,Recommending Beijing opera: I’d recommend Beijing opera. It’s something special you’ve probably never seen before. 4,Discussing Beijing opera: I know. It’s unique to Chinese culture. But I had the chance to enjoy it during my last visit. 5,Discussing the meeting time:When shall we meet? Part 3 Useful expressions and sentence patterns about introducing entertainment and tourist attractions (1) There is a … performance here on these days.


新编实用英语综合教程1第八单元课后答案 Unit 8 Keeping Healthy and Seeing a Doctor Put in Use ①Imagine you are a doctor. An overseas student from Englandis suffering from a toothache. He is coming to you for help make a conversation with him by filling out the blanks. Key: (1). the matter (2). very well (3). have a look (4). worry (5). some medicine (6). stop the pain (7). Take the tablets (8) several times a day ②Role-play the following conversation with your partner by putting the Chinese version into English. Key: (1). What’s wrong? You look very pale. (2). Oh, your leg is bleeding. You’d better lie down. Does that feel better? (3). I have the first-aid kit here. Let’s stop the bleeding first. (4). You should go to see a doctor immediately. Want me to accompany you to the hospital? ③Tourists may suffer from differen t kinds of illness. Imagine you are a tour guide. You notice that one of the tourists doesn’t look very well. Talk with her and try to give her some help. Key: (1). Very soon. Are you sure you’re all right? You don’t look quite yourself. (2). Oh, t hat’s too bad. You’d better take a rest now. have you had any medicine? (3). Look, this is medicated oil. You might want to rub some on your temples. (4). But you’d better go to see a doctor. I’ll accompany you to the clinic as soon as we return to the hotel. Step III. Being All Ears Listen and decode.


《英语综合教程1》课后习题答案 第一单元: Text A Exercise 1: 1.No.There are many new things in cloolege life, such as b eing on my own, having Friday off ,and talking with friendl y people. I'll have to adjust to these. 2.The first thing that came into my mind was thatIcould m ake any decisionon my own. 3.Yes. All people, including both my teachers and classmat es, are nice and friendly to me. Exercise 2: 1.D 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.A Exercise 3: 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F Exercise 4:

1.Being on my own 2.Friendly people 3.Having Friday of f Exercise 5: 1—8:dfgebahc Exercise 6: 1. open an count 开立账户 close an account with a bank 和银行结账 a checking account 活期存款账户 a savings account 储蓄存款账户 2.adjust to a new life 适应新的生活 adjust to life in a big city 适应大城市的生活 adjust a watch 校准手表 adjust an error 调整误差 3.be located in a business center 坐落在商业中心 located in the city center 坐落在城市中心 located the shop 找到那商店的位置

新编实用英语综合教程1 第一版 课后答案

一.填空 1. The 2008 … time for… China. 2. Of coursel …take care of …business. 3. Never leave without … years. 4. Clearly … recognition and awards …work. 5. The great … team work. 6. Exercise will … appetite. 7. When I come across … notebook. 8. Let me … official … land. 9. In that … occasional … serious. 10. You have … at hand … traveling. 11. She is annoyed … recommended. 12. Please … feel free to … home. 13. `Nowadays … assume that … is celebrated … America. 14. Is Spring Festival a … the majority … countries? 15. My family … end-of-year cleaning. 16. Some universities … Muslim(s) … food. 17. Decorating the … colorful candles … now. 18.In the 1950s … large choice … them. 19.Do you … ways of thinking? 20.The Asian … festive event … People shared … athletes. 二,汉译英。 1.像…自己。 You, like most people, probably are learning how to market yourself. 2.对不起…走! I’m so sorry , My go-go boss asks me to leave right now. 3.我…言表。 Language is not enough to show my thanks to my parents 4.这…适用于我。 Such sweet words might please you.but they don’t work for me 5.做…差异。 We should beware of cultural differences in foreign trade 6.我们…老朋友。 We have just come across an old friend we haven’t seen for ages. 7.你…吗? Can you provide any evidence to show that he was not in the crime scene at that time. 8.如果…联系。 If you need our products, please contact me in advance, 9.汤姆…去过。 Tom is new to the town . He has never been there before. 10.认为…错了。 It would be wrong to assume that Valentine’s Day is only celebrated by young people. 11.随着…世界杯了。 With the development of the Internet,the World Cup could be watched at the same time


Unit 1 The Information Age B.Fill in each of the following blanks with the proper form of the given words.(P9) 1. Though he is the youngest, he is the most conversational (conversation) guy in our office. 2. The form (formal) must be filled out in black ink. 3. He is well connected (connect) socially. 4. I shall be back in an instant. (instantly) 5. Ted Robinson has been worried (worry) all week. 6.Instant messaging can be abbreviated (abbreviation) as IM. 7. There’s been a great improvement (improve) in his math this term. 8. The teacher called the monitors (monitor) of the three classes for a meeting. B.Choose the best answer to complete each sentence(P11)语法直接引语与间接引语 1. He asked ___D_____ for the iPad. A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much C. how much did I pay D. how much I paid 2. She suggested that they should go to the movies B . A. after evening B. that evening C. the other evening D. yesterday evening 3. John asked me C to visit his uncle’s farm with him. A. how would I like B. if or not would I like C. whether I would like D. which I would like 4. He asked ____D____ with me. A.what the matter is B. what the matter was C. what’s the matter D. what was the matter 5. She wanted to know ___B_____ child it was at the door.


Unit 4 5 One of the difficulties that overseas students have to overcome has to do with adapting to foreign culture. One of the challenges that faces us has to do with coping with global warming. Winning a scholarship starts with getting excellent grades. Succeeding in a job interview starts with making a good impression. This is true in spoken language as well as in written language. This is true in modern societies as well as in ancient societies. Being sorry that I had broken his cell phone, I hurried out to buy him a new one. Being happy that I had got a pay raise, I spent much money in a big shopping mall. These lectures are sure to help you achieve face with new challenges. The promotion plans are sure to help us increase the sales of our new models. Don't just sit in front of the computer all day long and expect your parents to do everything for you. Don't just stay at home and expect a good job to come to you. Unit 5 Language may be a big problem, but there are many other things you can do to help. The short time schedule may be a big problem, but there are many other things we can do to catch up. Crying is not wrong. We just have to cheer up after it. Dreaming is not wrong. We just have to work on to realize our dreams. Whenever she is in bad mood, she goes to the seaside for a walk. Whenever you feel like talking with me, give me a call. If you're going with us, come and meet us at eight. If you're traveling to other places, go online for some helpful information.


Unit 1 Persistence Full in each blank with a word given below、Change the form where necessary、(P8) 1.Although we have tried very hard to achieve the goal,we still encounter great difficulties in our work、虽然我们很努力来达到我们得目标,我们仍在我们得工作遇到很大得困难。 2.I have tried all kinds of ways , but still cannot bend my daughter to my will、 我已经尝试了各种方式,但仍然不能让我得女儿屈从于我得意志。 3.It is natural that babies tumble when they are learning to walk、 婴儿学步时摔倒就是很自然得。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/fa7761599.html,st time he failed in the exam, so this time he made a serious attempt to pass it、 上次她考试不及格,所以这次她认真地试图通过考试。 5.After so many misfortunes, the mother was not able to stand this heavy blow 在这么多得不幸之后,母亲不能忍受这次沉重得打击。 6.He suddenly took a swipe at her face and knocked her down on the ground、 她突然猛打她得脸,把她撞倒在地上。 7.I’m afraid that his efforts will be of no avail 我担心她得努力将不起作用 8.They attempted to escape from the prison, but failed、 她们试图逃离监狱,但失败了。 B、Full in the blanks with the proper form of the given words、(P9) 1、For years, his persistent (persistence )attempts had enabled him to gain the position in the government、 多年来,她坚持不懈得努力使她得以在政府中获得职位。 2.A severe flood struck the food base of the city and consequently (consequence)caused a shortage of food、 一场严重得洪水袭击了这个城市得食物基地,因此造成了食物短缺。


新编实用英语综合教程2 unit 1 课后习题答案 P4-1 ①What are you doing tonight② i was wondering ③i wish i could ④write a term paper ⑤ some other time then ⑥ That's right P4-2 1)are you doing anything special tommorrow evening ? 2) i would like invite you to come to my birthday party . would you like to join us ? :3) Good , will you come at 7:00 ? 4) Lemonade if you must bring sth . P4-3 1) what are you going to do this weekend ? 2) Thunderstorm is on this weekend . 3) the early or the late show 4) Maybe go to KFC (kentucky Fried Chicken ) or a Coffee Shop . 5) i 'd rather go to KFC 6) when and where shall we meet ? P5-1 ①tomorrow②ball game③skiing④for a long time⑤very warm⑥agree P6-2 ① No , she doen't ②going to the ball game and skiing ③She heard it on the radio ④ No, he doesn't ⑤ He will give claire a call P6-3

(完整版)新标准高职公共英语系列教材:实用综合教程(第二版)第二册UNIT5-UNIT8 习题答案

(完整版)新标准高职公共英语系列教材:实用综合教程(第二版)第二册UNIT5-UNIT8 习题答案 Unit 05 : Modern Communication Text A / Comprehension A. Pair Work Complete the following sentences orally according to the text. 1. Where did Reilly come from? He came from a Chicago school . 2. How much time did Reilly typically spend on texting and calling every day before he started the Amish Project? He sent 1,500 texts a month and spent 600 to 900 minutes on the phone. 3. What did Reilly's friends play for fun? They played Words with Friends and Angry Birds.

4. What drives Reilly crazy? That nobody is really doing anything, just sitting quiet and indulging in their cell phones drives him crazy. B. Main Idea Read the text again. As you read, underline what you think are the most important ideas. Then, in one or two sentences, write the main idea of the text. It tells us what Reilly learned from living without electronic conveniences and how it changed his life. Vocabulary Building / Exercises A. Match each word with their proper Chinese meaning.


Unit 4 Punctuality and Culture I.Teaching objectives 1.Enlarge your vocabulary related to timetables and schedules. 2.Make an appointment according to the timetables. 3.Practice writing timetables and schedules . 4.Appreciate passages and complete exercises well. 5.Get some tips about the use of verb tenses. II. Key points 1. Master the vocabulary about timetables and schedules. 2. Understand the passages 3. Practice writing timetables and schedules. 4. Practice making an appointment according to the timetables. III. Difficult points 1. Get some tips about the use of verb tenses. 2. Practice writing timetables and schedules. 3. Appreciate passages and complete exercises well. IV. Teaching methodology 1.Task-based language teaching 2.Direct method V. Teaching procedures Section I Talking Face to Face


新编实用英语综合教程教学大纲 教学大纲是根据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》,并结合我校实际情况编写。 学时:第一学期 64 学时,第二学期72学时,每周授课4学时,开设两个学期,共计 136 学时。 适应专业:高职高专各个专业。(商务英语专业除外) 一、课程的性质和任务 课程性质:本课程为公共必修课。 课程任务:经过两个学期的学习,完成《新编实用英语综合教程》一至二册的教学,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听、说、读、写、译的能力,从而能借助词典翻译和阅读有关英语业务资料,在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中进行简单的口头和书面交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础。 相关课程:根据各专业自行设计安排,部分专业在修完本课程后开设专业英语。(计算机英语、秘书英语、汽车英语等) 二、课程的基本要求 本课程在加强英语语言基础知识和基本技能训练的同时,重视培养学生实际使用英语进行交际的能力。通过学习本课程,学生应该达到以下要求: 1、词汇 认知 2500 个英语单词(包括入学时要求掌握的 1000 个词)以及由这些词构成的常用词组,对其中 1500 个左右的单词能正确拼写,能进行英汉互译。 2、语法 掌握基本的英语语法规则,在听、说、读、写、译中能正确运用所学的语法知识。 3、听力 能听懂涉及日常交际的结构简单、发音清楚、语速较慢(每分钟 120 词左右)的英语对话和不太复杂的陈述,理解基本正确。能理解具体信息,理解所听材料的背景,并能推断所听材料的含义。 4、口语 掌握一般的课堂用语,并能模拟或套用常用口头交际句型,就日常生活和有关业务提出问题或做出简单回答,交流有困难时能采取简单的应变措施。 5、阅读 能阅读中等难度的一般题材的简短英文资料,理解正确。在阅读生词不超过总词数 3% 的英文资料时,阅读速度不低于每分钟 50 词。能读懂通用的简短实用文字材料,如信函、产品说明等,理解基本正确。并且掌握以下阅读技巧: 1)理解文章的主旨或要点; 2)理解文章中的具体信息; 3)根据上下文推断生词的意思; 4)根据上下文做出简单的判断和推理; 5)理解文章的写作意图,作者的见解和态度等; 6)就文章内容做出结论; 7)快速查找有关信息。 6、写作 能运用所学词汇和语法写出简单的短文;能用英语填写表格,套写便函、简历等,词句


2.A severe flood struck the food base of the city and con segue ntly (con seque nce)caused a Unit 1 P ersiste nee Full in each bla nk with a word give n below. Change the form where n ecessary. (P8) bend encoun ter avail tumble swipe atte mpt 〔.Although we have tried very hard to achieve the goal ,we still encounter great difficulties in our work.虽然我们很努力来达到我们的目标 ,我们仍在我们的工作遇到很大的困难。 2.1 have tried all kinds of ways ,but still cannot bend my daughter to my will. 我已经尝试了各种方式,但仍然不能让我的女儿屈从于我的意志。 3.It is n atural that babies tumble whe n they are lear ning to walk. 婴儿学步时摔倒是很自然的。 4. Last time he failed in the exam ,so this time he made a serious attempt to p ass it. 上次他考试不及格,所以这次他认真地试图通过考试。 5. After so many misfort un es ,the mother was n ot able to sta nd this heavy blow 在这么多的不幸之后,母亲不能忍受这次沉重的打击。 6. He sudde niy took a swi pe at her face and kn ocked her dow n on the ground. 他突然猛打她的脸,把她撞倒在地上。 7.1 ' m afraid that his efforts will be of no avail 我担心他的努力将不起作用 8.They attem pted to esca pe from the prison ,but failed. 他们试图逃离监狱,但失败了。 B .Full in the bla nks with the proper form of the give n words.( P9) 1. For years, his persistent (persistenee )attempts had enabled him to gain the position in the gover nment. blow

新编实用英语综合教程2 -Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette教案

Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette Unit Goals What you should learn to do Make an oral invitation to: Invite people to join daily activities Invite people to formal occasions Make a written invitation (write an invitation card or a letter) for: Personal invitation Official occasions Give a reply to: An oral invitation A written invitation What you should know about Invitation culture: western and Chinese Word order in a subordinate clause Requirements: After learning this unit, students should grasp: 1.Read and understand the meaning of invitation cards and letters 2.How to write invitation cards and letters and remember the patterns of invitation cards and letters 3.How to invite people to party or dinner, and how to accept and decline invitations 4.The customs of inviting people in different countries 5.Important words, phrases and language points in the passage In our daily life, we need to invite others to dinner or take part in all kinds of parties, so we should know about western custom about invitation. Foreign custom is much stricter than Chinese custom in the matter of replying to
