



阅读期间:2014年11 月24 日至11 月28 日


All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy, happy and help them to live longer.

Sports change with the season.People play different games in winter and summer.

Games and sports often grow out of people’s work and everyday activities.The Arabs use horses or camels in much of their everyday life; they use them in their sports, too.

Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them.Football, for example, has spread around the world.Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.

Some sports or games go back to thousands of years, like running or jumping.Chinese boxing, for example, has a very long history.But basketball and volleyball are rather new.Neither one is a hundred years old yet.People are inventing new sports or games all the time.

People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game they often become good friends.Sports help to train a person’s character(性格).One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace(体面)

1:According to this passage we know that _____.

A.people began to play about one hundred years ago

B.about 100 years ago people ran or jumped when they played

C.basketball has a longer history than volleyball

D.not all the games have a long history

2:The writer didn’t tell us in this passage that _____.

A.basketball was invented in America

B.sports change with the season

C.games and sports often grow out of people’s work and everyday activities

D.football is played all over the world

3:People all over the world enjoy sports because _____.

A.sports are interesting

B.sports help to keep people healthy , happy and to live longer

C.sports help to train one’s character

D.all of the above

4:From this passage we can see that_____.

A.sports and games are unimportant things that people do

B.sports and games should be treated(对待)only as amusement(娱乐活动)

C.sports and games are only useful to the old

D.sports and games can help people understand each other.


Many people think sports are just for winning and honor, but there is a lot more you can gain from (get out of) them. I have learned over the past years that sometimes when I lose, I get a lot more out of it than winning. Also, I find a lot of times in sports, people are getting too caught up in the game instead of just having fun. The real purpose of sports is to have fun and learn life lessons along the way.

I greatly encourage you to be a part of the school sports. Even if you are not the best, you can still have fun. Sports give people a great and healthy way of spending an afternoon, instead of lying around playing video games or even getting into bad things. Sports also give us a sense of achievement. There isn't a better feeling than to have done something fun and productive for my day.

I think that we all need sports to give us courage. If we try hard in sports, we usually do well. If we did the same in study, we would all be champions. Another reason why I encourage you to play sports is that it's just fun. Without sports, our lives would just be boring. So as you may be able to tell, sports are amazing!

Our coaches not only teach us to play sports, but show class and good sportsmanship while playing them.It's never fun when you lose to have the competitor rub it in your face. That's why our coaches teach us to show class when we lose; also, when coaches get onto you, don't get down. They only want to see you improve and learn from what they say. When you do badly and they don't shout loudly is when you should start worrying because they are giving up on you.

Overall, sports are great! They bring out the best and worst of a lot of us. However, we can't let sports get too serious to where it brings down all the fun. So to have the most fun in sports, you just need try your best and not worry so much about the winning or losing.

1. The underlined phrase "get onto you" in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.

A. point out your mistakes

B. take up your time

C. worry about your future

D. look into your privacy

2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Sports bring us great fun only if we have the talent.

B. Sports give us the best way of spending free time.

C. We can get more out of winning than losing.

D. We should take pleasure in doing sports.

3. What is the best title of this passage?

A. Are we too caught up?

B. To win or to gain?

C. Are sports really great?

D. For honor or for health?


As time goes by, sports have become (变) more and more important in people's modern (现代) life. People take part in (参加) different kinds of sports, like football, basketball, table tennis, swimming and so on.

Sports are popular all over the world. People also like watching sports matches. Sports stars are very popular with people, especially (尤其) students.

There are spots matches nearly every day, but the most important and famous are the Olympic Games (奥林匹克运动会). Every athlete (运动员) want to win (赢) the games. At that time all sports fans (迷) sit in front of TV sets to watch games.Some even go to the stadium (体育馆) to watch.

Why a re sports so popular? Because sports call keep our body healthy.

1. _________ become an important part of people's life.

A. TVs

B. Computers

C. Sports

D. Telephone

2. People can _________.

A. change sports rules

B. take part in sports

C. watch sports matches

D. Both B and C

3. The Olympics sports games are _________.

A. Car races (赛)

B. Olympic Games

C. World Cups

D. Asian Games

4. In the Olympics athletes do their best (尽力) to _________.

A. win the games

B. show their strong body

C. keep healthy

D. make money

5. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

A. Sports can keep our body healthy.

B. There a re sports matches nearly every year.

C. Sports a re popular all over the world.

D. Sports stars are very popular with students.


Most high schools have at least four sports they offer to their students. In many districts, there must be an equal amount of sports for boys and girls. Some schools even have sporting clubs. High school sports have been an important part of the high school curriculum(课程) for many years. However, not all parents fully realize the importance. Some children are not even allowed to participate in school sports, because of the cost, the time commitment(投入), or the possibility of injury.

The truth is that high school sports are more than just fun. They are great tools to help students learn about life. They can teach students teamwork, cooperation, and leadership, etc. Students can take these things into their everyday lives as well. When they build their confidence on the sporting field, students are also building confidence against the world. They will be able to work well with others in all other areas of their life.

High school sports are also the perfect way to keep teens away from drugs and other dangerous

behaviors. Coaches are great role models that can often encourage players to be well behaved. Some schools even have limits on GPAs (grade point average) for their athletes. If a student athlete’s grades fall below a certain point, they cannot play. Students who love sports will do anything to play, including studying more. They will also be less likely to try drugs or break the law in any other manner. So, allow your children to participate in school sports. Get involved and make friends with the parents of the other students. The whole family can have a great time and learn about sports together.

1. The passage is mainly written for ____.

A. high school teachers

B. high school students

C. students’parents

D. sports lovers

2. The author believes that high school sports are ____.

A. interesting and useful

B. important and cheap

C. expensive but worthwhile

D. dangerous but meaningful

3. What does the underlined part “Coaches are great role models”mean?

A. Coaches respect athletes’wishes.

B. Coaches are a good example to students.

C. Coaches are good partners.

D. Coaches are great athletes.

4. Which of the following is NOT used to support the idea that school sports help keep students away from some dangerous behaviors?

A. Coaches have a positive effect on students.

B. Schools are strict with their students.

C. Students loving sports study more.

D. Parents can have a great time with their children.


Are you bored with your daily routine? Here are some things you should try before you are 18.

Try at least one kind of team sports.

Being a good team player is an important skill in life. You can't just think of yourself, but have to work well with other people. Other advantages of team sports like football and basketball are that they keep you fit, and they are also great fun. Teams usually have a good social life, too. You'll go to lots of parties and make many friends.

Collect (收集) something.

One of the best hobbies for under-18s is collecting things. You could collect stamps, or you could collect things that make you remember what you have done, like tickets for films you have seen or letters from your friends. The best way to collect is to have a special album(册子) to put your collection in and to write what each thing means to you. That way you won't forget.

Camp out in the garden.

If you don't have your own garden, find a friend who has one! You will need: two or three friends, a small tent, sleeping bags and warm blankets. Take a lot of food and drink with you into the tent and play games until it gets dark. When it gets dark, tell ghost (鬼) stories, and at midnight, eat all your food. You will need a torch or something else, or you won't be able to see all your food, and it might get too scary.

1. What should you do in team sports?

A. Just think of yourself.

B. Work well by yourself

C. Work well with other people.

D. Just think of others.

2. Which is the best way to remember the things that you collect?

A. To put them in an album and write their meanings.

B. To have a special album.

C. To take some photos of them.

D. To write what each thing means.

3. What do you need if you want to camp out in the garden?

A. A tent, sleeping bags and blankets.

B. A torch, food and drink.

C. A torch and a tent.

D. A and B

4. What does the underlined word "torch" mean in Chinese?

A. 手电筒

B. 长棒

C. 水果刀

D. 毛毯

5. What's the passage mainly about?

A. Hobbies to share (分享).

B. Skills to have

C. Things to do.

D. Sports to play.



六年级英语课外阅读短文 Let's face it: English is a stupid language. 不要怀疑:英语是一种愚蠢的语言。 There is no egg in the eggplant,no ham in the hamburger,and neither pine nor apple in the pineapple.English muffins were not invented in England;and French fries had nothing to do with France. 茄子里没有鸡蛋,汉堡里也没有火腿,在凤梨即没有松木也没有苹果。英国松饼不是在英国发明的;而炸薯条与法国一点关联都没有。 We sometimes take English for granted,but if we examine its paradoxes we find that quicksnad takes you down slowly,boxing rings are square,and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. 我们有时候习惯的以为英语就是这样说的,但如果我们探讨它似是而非的地方,我们会发现流沙是让你慢慢陷下去的,拳击场是方型的,而天竹鼠既不是来自几内亚,更不是猪。 You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down,in which you fill in a form by filling it out,and in which an alarm clock goes off by going on. 你不是不惊讶于这种独特的疯癫语言,比如说你的房子被烧毁时,它是烧起来的,当你填表之时,是要填写出的,而闹钟响起来go off是因为它自己启动了go on。 English was invented by people,not computers,and it reflects the creativity of the human raceWhich of course isn't a race at all.That is why when the stars are out they are visible,but when the lights are out they are invisible.And why is it that when I wind up my watch is starts but when I wind up this story it ends! 英语是由人而不是由电脑发明的,它反应的是人类的创造力那当然根本就不是一种竞赛。那就难怪当星星出来out时是看得见的,但是灯光减了out时是看不见的。为什么我给我的手表上紧发条时它就开始走了,而当我完结了这个故事时它结束了。 ests are part of a student's life.The purpose of testing is to translate intellectualperformance into numbers for comparison within the same standards.The EducationalTesting ServiceETShas created different testing programs for different purposes.The SAT iswhat universities look at for undergraduate admission.The Graduate RecordExaminationsGREis for those who are


初中英语课外阅读教学 尽管初中英语教学重视培养学生的阅读能力,但是目前我们很多英语阅读课教学在很大程度上主要通过阅读材料来传授语音、词汇、语法等语言知识,忽视了培养学生运用科学的阅读方法和策略获取信息的能力,从而导致学生的阅读能力并没有得到实质性的提高。课文是学生英语学习中最重要的语言素材,但是只阅读教科书上提供的语言材料是远远不够的。这就要求我们拓宽阅读范围,将阅读的视野延伸到课外读物上。教师应运用不同的阅读教学策略指导学生展开阅读,帮助学生掌握阅读方法和技巧,为学生在课后养成良好的阅读习惯,培养自主学习提供策略上的帮助。 一、精选材料,扩大范围,培养兴趣 我们为初一年级学生选择的阅读材料,以短小精悍,幽默有趣为主;为初二的学生,我们选择了一些比较适合阅读的,并且具有时代性,新颖性的报刊《21世纪报》、《英语周报》、《上海学生英文报》等报刊杂志,它们比较贴近学生的生活,涉及体育、娱乐、学习等题材,很受学生欢迎。对于初三的学生,因为学生已经具有一定的阅读能力,而且对自己的阅读内容也有所偏好,让他们相互推荐,进行“书讯交流”,分享阅读资源,扩大阅读量,读后摘抄好词好句,列出提纲,甚至可以用英语写短小的读后感。 阅读之后,我们挑选一些所读内容的语言形式进行分析,通过运用内容图式对其作进一步归纳;运用结构图式对语篇的线性结构或层次结构进行分析和讨论;围绕其开展复述、角色扮演、故事续写等活动,以期进一步激活和扩展学生的阅读图式,提高学生的元认知水平。从某种程度上看,读后活动为学生展示风采提供了平台,他们可以尽情地展现自我,展现他们被英语文化熏陶后的自我。 二、培养学生良好阅读习惯,强化阅读意识 要养成良好的阅读习惯,我们必须从点滴做起。在学生进入中学时,就告诉他们课外阅读的重要性和必要性,并做到即时指导。我们不仅为学生提供或推荐课外阅读的资料,还有意识地给他们安排课外阅读的时间,鼓励学生进行课外阅读。 心理因素对阅读的影响也很大,当人的情绪处于紧张焦急状态时,就容易产生恐惧心理。不少学生在阅读时缺乏信心,或被动,或急于求成。我们及时帮助学生克服心理障碍,使他们心平气和主动积极地参与这一活动。为此,我们设立并完善了一些奖励措施和评估办法,如:在每天的Duty Report的时间,请同学讲述阅读的故事或片段,并进行评比,这样不仅锻炼了学生口语,而且也促进了他们主动进行课外阅读。我们还开设了“我和好书交朋友”、“名著伴我行”的活动,让学生利用假期去读一些简易的英文书籍,开学后组织学生进行阅读材料的交流活动,以引导学生逐渐增强阅读意识。


课外阅读英语短文带翻译六年级英语短文带翻译 英语阅读,是英语学习和英语教学中的一个重要环节,它是我 们获取知识、外界信息,与外界交流的主要途径之一。了课外英语短文带翻译,欢迎阅读! On Saturday, the weather is sunny, cloudless sky, a group of birds chattering in the trees, as if to we hear singing hit song. At this moment, I saw a little sparrows on our car. Father rushed the sparrow away, but the little sparrow or motionless parked in the car. Jumped up and down in a moment, my father caught the little sparrows, at this time, I carefully looked at the little sparrow, its feathers have not full long, also not too will fly, only walking up and down on the car. I said to my father: "dad, you don't catch! We should protect animals, not hurt them, this is wrong." Say that finish, I heard the tree sparrow kept calling, as if to say: "put a small sparrow, put it!" So my father gently sparrow on the branches, let the little sparrow in the nature of life freely. The sparrows on the tree one see we put the little sparrow, chattering again, as if to say to me: "you are such a good child to protect animals."


推荐一《典范英语》 《典范英语》(Good English),原名《牛津阅读树》(Oxford Reading Tree),是英国牛津大学出版社出版的一套家喻户晓的英语教材,闻名英国,享誉世界。英国有80%的学校用它教学生学习母语,全球有133个国家用它作为外语学习教材。《典范英语》共分九级,其中(1-5)针对小学生,精选261个最有趣的、最适合我国小学生阅读的故事;(6-9)在此基础上,又从《牛津阅读树》中精选出64部适合我国中学生使用的作品,由权威英语教育专家精心编辑而成。本套教材语言纯正地道,内容生动有趣,贴近儿童生活,融故事性、趣味性、知识性、科学性、权威性于一体,同时,配有原声录音CD,便于学生模仿一口地道纯正的英语。 推荐二“攀登英语阅读系列” “攀登英语阅读系列”包括“关键阅读技能训练”和“分级阅读”两个部分。“关键阅读技能训练”部分包括“有趣的字母”和“神奇字母组合”两辑,主要训练孩子将英语字母或字母组合的形和音准确对应的拼读能力。不管孩子是刚刚开始进行英语学习,还是已经有了一定的英语基础,进行关键阅读技能的训练,都可以帮助孩子达到事半功倍的学习效果。“分级阅读”共包括六个级别的阅读资源,覆盖了国家《英语课程标准》要求掌握的主要词汇、句式和语法点,能满足不同地域、不同年龄、不同英语水平的孩子的英语阅读需求。 推荐三《体验英语》 在外语教学中,经常要面对这样一个问题:同一年级的学生在语言能力、学习兴趣和要求等方面各不相同,那么,到哪里能找到一套丰富的阅读资源让所有的学生都能获益呢?让爱读书的孩子有更多的收获,尽情享受英语阅读的乐趣,让原来不爱阅读的孩子喜欢上英语阅读,通过读故事、读短剧、读科普文章培养自己的认知能力和阅读能力,养成良好的阅读和学习习惯。《体验英语少儿阅读文库》提供解决方案,从适合自己的开始!快乐阅读,强调阅读通畅性和趣味性,满足学生的成就感。 本书共分SETA、SETB 共15级,SETA分9级: 推荐四《开心小读者》 它之前是机灵狗系列。《朗文·清华儿童英语分级读物(第2版):开心小读者(第1级)(套装共4册)》是一套美国幼教专家专门为儿童英语启蒙创作的读物。该套读物从内容创作到绘画编排都立足儿童年龄特点,符合儿童认知规律,注重多元智能的发展,体现儿童情感世界,启发想像空间。通过多种表现形式和丰富的内容为孩子全面成长提供精神食粮。故事书画面优美生动,故事题材广泛,包括儿童日常生活经历、探险、童话故事、自然知识等。各个级别难易程度循序渐进。配套cD为儿童阅读提供语音辅导。朗诵发音清晰,语速适当,并配有生动的音效。充分考虑了人性化因素,让儿童感觉亲近简单,例如朗读中每到图书翻页时,会有一声狗叫提示孩子。有些故事后面还配有与故事情节相呼应的儿歌。《家长手册》提供了英文故事的中文译文,还提供有CD中故事串讲词的原文及译文,并给出了CD中英文歌曲的歌词及译文。 推荐五《国家地理儿童百科》 《国家地理儿童百科提高级(外研社点读书)(套装共24册)》适用于7-13岁的儿童,图书内容囊括了包罗万象的地球知识,并配有大自然的真实图片,设计精美,为孩子开启了认识大千世界的窗口。本套点读书可分句点读文字,也可点击非文字处欣赏旋律优美的歌曲歌谣;同时书中也特别添加了中文翻译的语音内容,适合孩子自学和家长辅导。

新译林九年级上册(初三上期) UNIT4英语课外趣味阅读及练习题含答案

新译林9AUNIT4英语课外趣味阅读及练习题 课外趣味阅读 美国居民住房 美国城市居民的住房从总体规划与布置,到具体的设计与安排,都是比较实用舒适的。在一个小区里除住房外,学校、商店、文体设施、公园、银行、邮局等等都一应俱全。美国老百姓住房,就一般水平而言,不论楼房或平房也不论几居室,在设计上大致有这样几个特点:一是客厅与餐厅连为一体,比较大,因为家人活动大部分时间在客厅;二是厨房比较大,并且与餐厅相连。厨房里壁橱很多,餐具与食物都放在橱里,看起来很简洁。电冰箱容量大。另外就是其它电器一应俱全,墙壁上电插头多。这当然要有充足的电力为基础。旧金山一般每月电费四、五十元。据说电力公司鼓励多用电,办法是一度电是十美分的话,十度电可能只收九十美分;三是卧室小,但壁橱大而且多,十分实用。一般卧室除摆一张双人床外,再没有很多空间。所有衣物都挂放壁橱里。美国人极少用箱子,如遇搬家(比较起来,他们喜欢搬家)就到商店里要几只纸箱;四是洗手间多。一般二间以上卧室的民房都有二间以上的洗手间,而且空间大,设备完善,使用方便。 The White Family There are three people in the White family. They are Mr. and Mrs. White and their son Sam. The Whites have a nice home. There is a small garden in front of the house. There are many kinds of beautiful flowers in the garden. But there aren’t any trees in it. Behind the house there are two orange trees. Between the trees there is a garage. Mr. White’s nice black car is in the garage now. On the first floor, there is a large living room, a dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom. The Whites like watching TV in the living room. On the second floor, there is a study and two bedrooms. Mr. White’s son Sam loves playing on the computer in the study. 练习题 (一) John liked chocolates very much, but his mother didn't give him 1 , because they were 2 for his teeth, she thought. But John had a very nice grandfather. The old man loved John very much, and sometimes he brought John chocolates when he came to see him. Then mother let him 3 them. One evening, a few days 4 John' s birthday, he was 5 his prayers(祈祷)in his room before he went to bed.“God,” he shouted.“Make them give me a big 6 of chocolates for my birthday 7 Saturday.” His mother heard the small boy 8 and went into his room. “9 are you shouting?”She asked her son.“God can 10 you when you talk quietly.” “I know”, answered the boy.“11 Grandfather is in the next 12 and he can'


六年级英语阅读理解题及答案 (共16篇) 目录 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案1 (2) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案2 (2) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案3 (4) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案4 (4) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案5 (5) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案6 (7) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案7 (7) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案8 (9) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案9 (10) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案10 (11) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案11 (12) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案12 (13) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案13 (14) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案14 (15) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案15 (16) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案16 (17) 六年级英语阅读理解题答案汇总1——16 (19)

六年级英语阅读理解题及答案1 There are forty-two students in our class . There are also two American boys . They are Jack and Mike . They are our good friends . They like watching TV ,but they don’t like playing basket-ball .They often go to school by bike . And I often go to school on foot . There is one English girl in our class . Her name is Lucy . She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming . She usually does her homework in the evening . She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons . She is my good friend . All of the Chinese students are Yong Pioneers . 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 1. There are thirty-nine Chinese students in our class . ( ) 2. There are two American girls and one English boy in our class . ( ) 3. Jack and Mike are our good friends . ( ) 4. Jack and Mike like playing basketball . ( ) 5. Lucy often does her homework on Saturday afternoons . 【答案】TFTFF 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案2 My name is Jack . I am a pupil of Grade One . I’m in No.1 Middle School . On weekdays I get up at six o’clock . I have breakfast at seven and then I go to


初中英语课外阅读课教学案例 英语组:袁迎迎 1、话题:本课时选择的是初二英语review6-8课外阅读文章, How often do you exercise?中的一篇文章,主要是围绕本话题的中心任务“Food and lifestyles ”而展开的。 2、内容:这篇文章讲述了很多学生平时的饮食和生活习惯。通过学习,让学生明白什么是健康的饮食和生活习惯 3、目标:(1)理解课文内容,知道如何捕捉细节。 (2)根据图片猜测大意。 (3)引导学生掌握模仿主题进行描述的技巧, 形成根据主题理解文章细节并能分辨是非的能力。 Warming–up activities (一)Free Talk: To ask the student on duty to make a speech: “What is my favorite food?” (二)1.Revise some names of food (Let the students speak freely.) 2. To show the students beautiful pictures of food . During the talking,the teacher can write some of them on the Bb, especially some new words: fruit, sweet, bread, meat, juice. 3. To ask the students to ask and answer: “What is it?”,“Do you like it?” (三)Discussion : (1)What food can we eat a lot? (2) Do you think … is good for our health? (3) Which is your favorite?


英语课外阅读教学模式 英语课外阅读教学模式 一、英语课外阅读的好处 首先,阅读能扩大学生的词汇量。有些学生觉得英语学习中最困难的是单词太多,学了就忘。而在课外阅读材料中,有些常用的词复 现率较高。对于这部分单词,学生就可以自然而轻松地习得。同时, 词汇量的扩大也让听、说、读、写变得更轻松。 其次,阅读能提高学生阅读综合能力。经常的大量的课外阅读能提高学生的阅读速度,降低阅读时的困难。学生在坚持了一段时间哪怕是没有时间规律的课外阅读之后,在读阅读理解题的文章时“觉得没那么痛苦”了。 最后,阅读能增强学生对英语的兴趣。一些趣味英语阅读对学生来说除了是学习之外还是一种娱乐、放松,能增强学生对英语的兴趣,让学生更主动地学习、思考和研究英语。 二、高中生如何选择阅读材料 为了培养学生的兴趣,我们应遵循文章由易到难的原则。 1.文章长度:由短到长。高一的学生,尤其是农村学生大多是没有课外阅读习惯的。教师不妨指导他们由最短的小笑话、漫画或者如 一些学习辅导报上的小资讯读起。这些笑话、资讯往往一分钟左右 就能读完,有趣而且简单,并且贴近生活,能引起学生的兴趣。而在培养学生阅读习惯的最初,“兴趣”恰恰是教师最应该注重的。 2.文章内容:由具体到抽象。内容具体的文章如有故事情节的记叙文、报刊上的连载小说等,容易理解,有利于增强学生课外阅读时 的信心,从而使其养成坚持阅读的好习惯。有了这个好习惯之后,再 渐渐过渡到一些说明文、议论文等各种体裁的文章。

三、高中生如何合理安排阅读时间 高中阶段学习任务较重,因此养成好的阅读习惯不是很容易。有 时学生可能会觉得没有时间阅读。这里,我们把时间分为课内和课外 两部分,作如下建议:在培养学生阅读习惯的初期,教师不妨每天给出 课内的一小部分时间,在这有限的时间内指定一些简短而有趣的文章 让学生去阅读。一些英语学得好的学生在做练习的时候比较快,也可 以利用这节省下来的时间进行一些阅读。学生的阅读习惯初步养成 之后,教师就可以逐渐减少课内所用的阅读时间,指导学生利用课外 的零碎的时间去阅读。根据这些时间的长短决定阅读文章的长度。 四、英语课外阅读的方法和技巧 1.词汇的处理。 出现频率较高的词或影响对文章内容理解的词要借助工具书,查 清词的意义、用法,必要的时候还要把这些词摘录下来。一些专有名 词一般不影响对文章的理解,阅读时学生可以跳过去不管它们的意义。还有的词是可以根据上下文猜出其意义的。而猜词的能力也是学生 在课外阅读过程中要培养的一个重要能力。 2.长句、难句的`处理。 阅读的过程中,我们会见到各种各样的句式。一个提高阅读理解 能力的有效途径就是做个有心人,留意、分析已学过的句式,同时思考、与同学讨论、分析不熟悉的句式。还可以把一些优美的句子摘 录下来进行背诵,增强自己对英语的语感。 3.文章大意的把握。 对文章大意的准确的把握,体现了学生的阅读综合能力,也有利于学生考试时对付阅读理解题目。要把握文章大意,就要注意文章的题目、文章的首尾段落和各段落的主题句。此外,一些学生还需要克服 阅读时的一个类似强迫症的坏习惯,即遇到生词时,不管该词是否影 响理解都要较长时间地停留、琢磨,以致于影响阅读速度,更不利于 对文章大意的把握。 4.阅读时应详略得当。


美联英语提供:英语阅读:如何选择正确的英语课外阅读材料 小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd15321446.html,/?tid=16-73374-0我们常说的英语阅读就是读者利用相关的英语知识和非英语知识去解读包含一定英语知识和非英语知识的阅读材料。英语知识是指读者英语语音、词汇、语法以及篇章知识的总和,而非英语知识是指读者英语知识以外的背景知识,即直接或间接获取的知识经验的总和。 在培养学生的英语语言综合运用能力听说读写过程中,阅读能力的提高对于英语学习者来说是重中之重。诚如刘润清教授所总结的那样“正式的外语教学与其他学科教学一样,要想真正掌握一门外语,需要大量的阅读,有独立的思维过程和分析总结过程”。 课外阅读是高中英语教学的必要补充。高中英语大纲明确指出:要提高学生的阅读能力,单纯通过教科书的课文教学是远远不够的,还要根据学生的具体情况,有计划地指导学生在课外阅读一定数量的课外读物。理由是:第一,现行的课文教学篇目少,篇幅短,不能保证充分的阅读活动;第二,精读教学担负着语言知识教学的任务,所以,课文生词和新的语言结构的密度大,不适用于流畅阅读的训练;第三,精读实际上综合训练,大量的时间用于为语言点的掌握而安排的听、说、读、写操练上,读的专门训练不够。因此,大纲的指出实际上对我们的外语教师提出了更高的、更全面的要求。 我们的理解是,这里的课外阅读即泛读,让学生独立阅读,但又不是“放羊式”的阅读,而是在教师有计划的指导下进行的课外阅读。因此,我们认为泛读既是阅读材料的问题,也是阅读方法的问题,老师应做到以下几点: 首先,给学生选择时应掌握以下原则:(1)思想性强,内容健康; (2)材料难易适合学生的实际水平; (3)题材涉及面广,材料新颖,具有趣味性; (4)文章体载多样化; (5)语言地道、规范。


九年级上册课文改编的阅读题 Cartoon heroes Nemo, a cute orange-and white fish, and Shrek, a huge green monster have won the hearts of young people in China and all over the world. The heroes of popular cartoons are everywhere, on office desks, handbags, and computer screens. But there some cartoon favourites which are older. The cartoon of the Monkey King has just had his "40th birthday". Called Havoc in Heaven, it tells the story of a monkey who leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the Emperor in heaven. He flies into a peach garden and eats as many as he likes. He makes a mess in each room in heaven. But it is above all the jokes played by the monkey that people remembered. "Havoc in Heaven" has become a common expression used by a parent or a boss when they return to the house or office and see a mess. Another favourite who has celebrated an important birthday in China is a reporter with red hair and a small white dog. Tintin has travelled to the jungles, the backstreet of Shanghai and even the surface of the moon. Tintin has been popular for 75 years, ever since Belgian cartoonist Herge invented the character in 1929. His books have been translated into more than 50 languages, and about 200 million copies have been sold. In December 1984 the whole series of Tintin began to be published in China. Many Chinese still keep collections of these black- and- white Tintin books. There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Wuhan. Finally, Snoopy, Charlie Brown's lovable dog who lives in his own private dream world, also had his "50th birthday" celebrated by China's Snoopy fans in 2000. "I didn't draw the cartoons only for children Adults who have experienced life understand them better." said the late Charles Schulz, cartoons of Snoopy and the Peanuts cartoons. 1. How many American cartoon characters are mentioned in the article? 5 hasn't been to China, has he? Yes, he has. Feed me better Jamie Oliver is a young cook who wants to improve school dinners. In 2005 he went back to school to see what the children were eating. What’s on the menu? Jamie asked the children what their meals were like. “We have hamburgers and chips, or pizza”they told him,” and sometimes there is fruit, but we prefer ice cream. “Jamie thought the menu was terrible. The children were eating junk food, and it was a problem. Junk food isn’t just bad for the whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult to teach in the afternoon. Teachers said that children behaved very badly after lunch. Improving school meals When Jamie took vegetables into class, the children didn’t know what they were. Jamie realized that the children didn’t know about healthy food. Then he talked to the people who worked in the kitchens. He found out that they didn’t know enough about food and health, and they didn’t have very much money to spend. What is healthy food He decided to teach the cooks and the children about healthy food .It was hard wrok! He cooked healthy meals for them including meat,rice, pasta and vegetable, but a lot of the teenagers refused


xx ~xx 学年度第一学期期末试卷 六年级英语 总分:50分 考试时间:60分钟 一、英汉互译。( )10’ 1、在上午 2、许多花 3、太阳和月亮 4、画一个形状 5、课后 6、do housework 7、play chess 8、run after the dog 9、a tin of fish 10、help me with my maths 二、选择填空(10’) ( )1. Are there flowers in the garden? A. some B. any C. a ( )2. I live Nanjing my parents. A. on , and B. in , and C. in , with ( )3. Here a card you. A. is , to B. are , for C. is , for ( )4. Look! The girl in the garden. A. dance B.are dancing C. is dancing ( )5. is Mike doing? He ’s sweeping the floor. A. Where B. Whose C. What ( )6. They are showing their things each other. A. to B. at C. for ( )7. What is the sun? It ’s a circle. A. shape B. colour C. time 班级: 姓名: 学号:

( )8. What the students ? A. does , has B. do , has C. do , have ( )9. Why you go to school today? A. isn’t B. don’t C. doesn’t ( )10. I don’t like pictures . A. draw B. to draw C. drawing 三、单句改错:下列每句的划线部分中,各有一处错误,请将其 序号填入题前括号内,并在句子后面的横线上订正。(10’) ( )1、What do you doing ? I’m watching TV. A B C ( )2、The children is running in the playground. A B C ( )3、Tom’s brothers has six dogs. A B C ( )4、Are there any juice on the desk? A B C ( )5、I like playing the football with my friends. A B C 四、翻译句子:根据中文提示,完成下列句子,每空一词。(10’) 1、迈克有什么?他有一个望远镜。 What Mike ? He a tent. 2、你要去哪里?我要去图书馆。 are you ? I’m going to the library. 3、不要忘了在纸上写上你的名字。


初中英语课外阅读: (一)农夫和苹果树 A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apple he grew. One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it. The farmer was pleased with the gift, but when he got home he did not know where to plant it. He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the fruit. If he planted the tree in one of his field, his neighbors would come at night and steal some of the apples. If he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the fruit. Finally he planted the tree in his wood where no one could see it. But without sunlight and good soil, the tree soon died. Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a poor place."What's the difference?" the farmer said angrily. "If I had planted the tree near the road, strangers would have stolen the fruit. If I had planted the tree in one of my field, my neighbors would have come at night and stolen some of the apples. If I had planted it near my house, my own children would have taken the fruit." "Yes," said the friend, "but at least someone could have enjoyed the fruit. Now you not only have robbed everyone of the fruit, but also you have destroyed a good apple tree!" (二)阅读理解趣味故事题 Several years ago, a television reporter was talking to three of the most important people in America. One was a very rich banker, another owned one of the largest companies in the world, and the third owned many buildings in the center of New Y ork. The reporter was talking to them about being important. “How do we know if someone is really important?” the reporter asked the banker. The banker thought for a few moments and then said, “I think anybody who is invited to the White House to meet t he President of the United States is really important.” The reporter then turned to the owner of the very large company. “Do you agree with that? asked. The man shook his head, “No. I think the President invites a lot of people to the White House. You?d only be important if while you were visiting the President, there was a telephone call from the president of another country, and the President of the US said he was too busy to answer it. The reporter turned to the third man. “Do you think so?” “No, Idon?t.” he said. “I don?t think that makes the visitor important. That makes the President important.” “Then what would make the visitor important?” the reporter and the other two men asked. “Oh, I think if the visitor to the White House was talking to th e President and the phone rang, and
