


1.He is the only one of the students who ______a winner of scholarship for three years.

A. is


C. have been

D. has been

2.Mathematics _______ the language of science.

A. are

B.are going to be

C. is

D. is to be

3.All the furniture in my office ______made in Hong Kong.


B. are

C. were

D. had been

4.What the children in the mountain village need _________good books.

A. is


C. have

D. Has

5.I think Class One ______ to win because Class One __________all football lovers.

A. is likely ; are

B. are likely; are

C.is likely; is

D. are likely;is

6.———I don’t understand why you didn’t go to the lecture yesterday afternoon.

——I’m so sorry.But I___________my homework.

A.had done B was doing C would do D am doing

7.Hurry up! Mark and Carol _________us.


B. are expecting C .have expected D. will expect

8.In order to find the missing child, villagers __________all they can over the past five hours.

A. did

B. do

C. had done

D. have been doing

9.Since nobody gave him any help, he ________have done the research on his own.


B. must

C. would

D. Need

10.That evening,_______I will tell you more about later,I ended up working very late.

A. that

B. which

C. what


11.He wrote a letter _____he explained what had happened in the accident.


B. which

C. where

D. How

12.——where did you study English ?

——It was in the school __________my mother taught.


B. there

C. which

D. Where

13.Not until he went through real hardship _________the love we have for our families is important.

A.had he realized B did he realize C he realized D he had realized

14.The computer was used in teaching .As a result,not only _______,but students became more interested in the lessons.

A. saved was teachers’ energy

B. was teachers’ energy saved

C. teachers’ energy was saved

D. was saved teachers’ energy

15.Hardly _____the phone _______I was told that the hotel had been booked full.

A.I had picked up;when

B. Had I picked up; then

C. had I picked up ; when

D. I had picked up;then


1.解释语法区别预测和non-predictive情态助动词的使用示例。语法区别预测和non-predictive使用情态助动词是明确以下两个句子:1)他昨天不能去过。2)他昨天根本不存在。两句话揭示两个截然不同的情态助动词的使用。第一句话,预测不能与不可能和主要动词被标记为过去的时间基准,是指演讲者”年代现在否认过去事件的可能性。第二,情态助动词本身non-predictive使用,指的是标记为过去时态,过去缺乏能力。 2.关系代词的功能是什么?关系代词充当“链接”关系从句与先行词之间。它执行两个功能:显示康科德的先行词和表示其功能在相对的老人 3.如果时态与时间,相关的方面是什么?当紧张的指向一个事件的时间位置或状态,方面“反映了动词的方式行动被认为或经验丰富的关于时间”。 4.4。除了查询语句的真理,其他潜在的功能没有问题可以执行什么?他们可能被视为演讲者的邀请或建议,试探性的方式,因为他们往往制造,而不是消极的假设。他们就像规则。例如:不会让你进来吗?你不会坐下来吗?也可以像感叹词:还不可爱吗?是“你傻吗? 5.5。先行词的类型列表。先行词分为名义前期和non-nominal先行词。名义先行词分为不同的子类:他们可能是普通名词和专有名词,代词或指示代词。Non-nominal先行词可以分为三种类型:从句,表语形容词,动词词组。 6.6。提供的例子来说明result-adjuncts和purpose-adjuncts,被这样介绍。他工作努力,他成功地通过考试。(结果)他更加努力工作,以便能通过考试。(目的) 7.7。提供的例子来说明这三个程度的比较。我的哥哥和我一样高。(积极程度)我弟弟比我爸爸高。(比较级)我弟弟在家庭中是最高的。(最高级)


Grammar 100 1. Of the millions who saw Halley’s cornet in 1986, how many people ________ long enough to see it return in the 21st century ? a. living b. will live c. they will be living d. alive 2. Because of the discoveries of the new element , scientists never again regarded the world _______. a. as before they did b. as they had before c. as they regarded before d. as they did before 3. Millennia ________ since the pyramids were built . a. passed b. will pass c. pass d. have passed 4. After we ________ a snack , we had a look round the company . a. had b. have had c. had had d. have 5.As the first drops of rain started to fall , everybody who _______ the procession put up an umbrella . a. watched b. was watching c. has watched d. had watched 6. By this time next week the new scheme _______ a. will introduce b. will be introduced c. will have introduced d. will have been introduced 7. I wanted to know if _______ many interviews before a. she had had b. she has had c. she has d. she had 8.It ________ two weeks since she _______down the stairs , but you can still see the bruises . a. was … fell b. is … has fallen c. will be … fell d. Is … fell 9.she told me that an earthquake ______ in my hometown a. occurred b. had occurred c. was occurred d. has occurred 10. By the time you receive this letter , I ______ for America a. will leave b. have left c. would have left d. will have left 11. The extent of the harmful effect of the loeoweeds on animals depends on the soil ______ the plants grow . a. in which b. which c. which in d. in 12. Mr. Smith will move into his new house next Monday , ________ it will be completely finished a. by that time b. by which time c. by then d. by the time 13. Larger passenger planes often carry weather instruments _______ storms a. to forecast which the b. with which to forecast c. forecast d. they forecast 14.The one thing ________ was smoking a. Agnes could not stand it b. Agnes can not stand c. Agnes could not stand d. the which Agnes could not stand 15.The lakes were frozen , ______ does not frequently happen in these regions a. that b. which c. how d. whom 16. Mary will graduate from the university next year , ________ she will have studied there for 4 years a. by then b. by that time c. by what time d.by which time 17. The Great Wall is the place _______ almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to China . a. where b. to which c. in which d. which 18. The weather may not be fine tomorrow , in _______ case we’ll have to put the trip off a. this b. which c. that d. whose 19.He ______ be ill , I was speaking to him only a moment ago a. can’t b. mustn’t c. shouldn’t d. may not 20. I checked the timetable , so I ______ wrong about the departure time a. wouldn’t be b. couldn’t be c. mightn’t be d. can’t be 21. You ______ worry about her . she ______ well already a. needn’t… may get b. don’t need to … may get c. mustn’t … gets d. needn’ t … may have got 22. The examination has been cancelled . you ______ all that revision , after all a. didn’t need to have done b. needn’t have done c. need to do d. needn’t do 23. It is absurd that women ________ be paid less than men for doing the work . a. are to b. ought to c. would d. should


实用文档 初中英语语法测试100 题 1.—How many________are there in your school,T om?—Two. A.Japanese B.American C.Germen D.Australian 2.________room is big and bright.They like it very much. A.T om and Sam B.T om's and Sam C.T om and Sam's D.T om's and Sam's 3.The students didn't find much_______about the topic on that website. A.report B.article C.information D.story 4.There are many________at the foot of the hill. A.cow B.horse C.sheep D.fish 5.They are from________.They're________. A C .Germany;Germans .German;Germany B.Germans;Germany D.Germany;Germen 6.—What would you like to drink,girls?—________,please. A.Two glass of water B.Two glass of waters C.Two cups of tea D.Two cups of teas 7.Kate is________girl.She's very happy at school. A C .a eighteen-year-old .an eighteen-years-old B.an eighteen-year-old D.a eighteen-years-old 8.In our school,there are fifty-five________. A C .women teachers .women teacher B.woman teachers D.woman teacher 9.My cousins have collected stamps for two years.They have________stamps from different countries. A.a little B.many C.much D.little 10.________of the twins went to watch Peking Opera last Sunday.They were staying at home all that day. A.Either B.Both C.Neither D.None


现代汉语语法特点 本节课的内容(参考P232,P7) ?分析现代汉语语法的主要特点 ?重点:用具体的语言事实理解现代汉语语法的特点。 ?思考题(1-3) ? 1.对比下面的材料,理解汉英两种语言在语法方面的差异。 ?(1)a child;two children ?一个小孩;两个小孩 ?(2)She is always ready to help us. 他随时都在准备帮助我们。 ?We are always ready to help her. 我们随时都在准备帮助他。 ?理解:语法方面的差异是什么? ? 2.对比下面的材料,理解汉英两种语言在语法方面的差异。 ?(1)He criticized my taking risks. 他批评了我的冒险活动。 ?(2)His criticism doesn't worry me. ?他的批评不会使我不安。 (3)I don't like to read his literary criticism. 我不喜欢读他的文学批评。 ?理解:语法方面的差异是什么? ?小结:“汉英语语法方面的差异” ?(1)汉语有个体量词,而英语没有。 ?(2)英语这一类的印欧语言有丰富的形态变化,而汉语没有。英语用不同的形态来表示相应的语法意义,比如英语的名词有数的变化(a book:two books),代词有主格宾格的变化(I:me;he:him;she:her),动词有时、体、态的变化(study,studies,studying,studied),等等。 ?思考题 ? 3.观察下面这段文字,体会句子的差异是由什么造成的。 ?辣妹子从小辣不怕辣妹子长大不怕辣辣妹子嫁人怕不辣 辣妹子从来辣不怕辣妹子生性不怕辣辣妹子出门怕不辣 体会意义:不怕辣辣不怕怕不辣 ?类似的例子不怕难难不怕怕不难 做人难难做人人难做 想吃饭想饭吃饭想吃 ?小结:“汉语语法方面的特点” ?语序可以表达不同的意义,可以造成不同的结构。语序在汉语中的地位十分重要。 ?分析方法现代汉语汉语语法特点只有在对比中发现,比如和印欧语对比。主要有5个方面的特点。 ?现代汉语语法的特点 ?(一)汉语没有严格意义的形态变化 ?(二)语序和虚词是汉语主要的语法手段 ?(三)汉语中词类与句法成分之间不是简单的对应关系 ?(四)汉语中词、短语和句子的结构方式基本一致 ?(五)汉语里有丰富的量词和语气词


超强总结——日语语法与中文语法区别 学习日语时,相信很多小伙伴和小编一样,容易出现中文式表达的现象,想要说出一句话时,第一反应就是中文怎么说,然后把它直译成日语,遇到这种情况,ほんとに嫌です!因此今天,小编向大家简单介绍一下日语语法与中文语法的区别,希望能对大家日后的日语学习有所帮助! ?日语属于黏着语系,也就是它的词性以及时态等的变化是 在原词后加上其他的成分构成的,中文却不是这样,所以区别还是蛮大的。?汉语和日语的一些简单的语法区别:1.语序:日语句子的表达顺序是“主语-宾语-动词(SOV)”。例:“私は王さんを爱しています。”汉语则是“主语-动词-宾语(SVO)”。例:“我爱小王。”2.时态:日语时态分为“过去式”和“非过去时”,并且日语的动词·形容词根据时态区分明确。比如说要 是“今天”的话,会说“今日は勉强します。”“今日は寒いです。”,要是“昨天”的话,会说“昨日勉强しました。”“昨日は寒かっ たです。”,语句使用过去时。而在汉语中,如果是形容词的话,不管是不是过去时,都不加表示“结束”的助词“了”。如果加上的话,就会变成别的用法,即表示状态的变化。比如,“今天很冷”在日语中是“今日は寒いです。”之意,而“今天冷了”则为“今日は寒くなりました”之意。3.介词:汉语中有相当于英语前置词这样的词类,叫做介词。在句子中的作用类

似于日语中的助词,不过和日语不同,它是放在名词前面。比如“私は食堂で友达とご饭を食べます。”,汉语表述为:“我在食堂和朋友吃饭。”4.补语:汉语中有种词类叫做补语,作用是跟在动词以及形容词后面对其进行补充说明。补语中有不少形似的结构,想要将其逐字逐句翻译成日语的话很多时候会变得牵强,所以学习起来会有困难。比如,日语中“食べられない”这样一句话就能通用的,在汉语中要进行区分描述。 5.无主语句子:汉语中存在没有主语的句子。“教室に学生がいます。”用中文可以这样说:“(在)教室里有学生。”这句话即使逐字逐句对应看,也容易理解其意思。但是,“没有人告诉我今天有考试。”要是根据上面的译法翻译出来,便成了意思不清的句子:“人がいません。今日试験があると言いました。”。包含“有”这个字的句子有着特殊的语法构造。事实上该句可以译为“今日试験があることをだれも教えてくれ なかった。”。今天小编简单向大家介绍了一下日语语法与中文语法的区别,希望能够帮到大家学习,尽量避免“中文式表达”的出现,喜欢的小伙伴记得点赞或者关注一下哟~ありがとうございました! ?


中考语法综合练习 一、用所给动词的适当形式填空: 1、Tom (be) in Paris since 2 years ago. 2、I (be) to the Great Wall twice. 3、My uncle (be) in this city for many years. 4、We (visit) our teacher already. 5、 May (go) home yet? 6、He (read) the book 3 times. 7、They just (leave) the farm. 8、She (not play) football these days. 9、My friend (see) the film before. 10、He never (meet) a foreigner. 11、He (give) you the answer as soon as he (come) back. 12、There (be) a meeting tomorrow. Please (come) on time. 13、My mother (work) for 3 years. 14、 (be) there much snow last winter? No, there (not). 15、We (start) at 10 if it (stop) raining. 16、The plane (take off) in a moment. 17、It (rain) for 3 days. There are too much rain is year. 18、How long you uncle (live) in Beijing.


历年中考英语常考英语语法250例(一) 2012-02-17 14:17:43 [来源]:互联网[作者]:佚名 大中小 1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、 look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump 2 (比较级 and 比较级)表示越来越怎么样 3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易) 4 agree with sb 赞成某人 5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样 6 all over the world = the whole world 整个世界 7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg : I will go along with you我将和你一起去 the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树 8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样 9 as you can see 你是知道的 10 ask for ……求助向…要…(直接接想要的东西) eg : ask you for my book 11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么 12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事 ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事 13 at the age of 在……岁时 eg:I am sixteen I am at the age of sixteen 14 at the beginning of …………的起初;……的开始 15 at the end of +地点/+时间最后;尽头;末尾 eg : At the end of the day 16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候 17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信 eg : I am / feel confident of my spoken English I feel that I can pass the test 18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时 2 将来时 19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原)能够…… eg : She is able to sing She can sing 20 be able to do sth 能够干什么 eg :she is able to sing 21 be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕……eg : I'm afraed to go out at night I'm afraid of dog 22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么 eg: I'm allowed to watch TV 我被允许看电视I should be allowed to watch TV 我应该被允许看电视 23 be angry with sb 生某人的气eg : Don't be angry with me 24 be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气 25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一样高


现代汉语与英语语法的区别 现在大家都在学习外语,一般都是学习英语。汉语语法和英语语法的区别相当大,学习汉语语法的时候,千万不要用英语语法来套汉语语法。 凡是事物都有一致的地方。汉语语法和英语语法都是事物,当然也有一致性。比如说,汉语有名词、动词、形容词,人家英语也有。你会说"学生们热爱伟大的祖国",人家就会说"pupils love great motherland",一句话里面三种词都出现了。汉语里头有主语、谓语、宾语这些玩意儿,英语里头也有。上面那句话,"学生们"是主语,英语的主语是pupils;汉语的谓语是"热爱",英语的谓语也是love;汉语的宾语是"祖国",英语的宾语也是motheland;汉语的定语是"伟大",英语的定语也是great。你看,都一样,用英语语法来分析汉语难道不可以吗? 碰到两种语言一致的地方,当然凑合。为什么不说是"可以"而说"凑合"呢?因为严格说来,是不可以的。人家的主语、谓语等等,同汉语的主语、谓语等等都不完全一样。就拿前边提到过的he works来说吧,人家的主语he同谓语works在人称、数方面必须一致,汉语有这些名堂吗?没有。汉语的主语同英语的主语不是一码事,汉语的谓语跟英语的谓语也很不相同,所以严格说来,碰到了一致的地方,是不可以用一种语言的语法知识去分析另一种语言的语法结构的。说"凑合",是因为大体一致,把那些不同的地方扔掉不管,用这种语言的语法去说明那种语言的语法,也只能说是凑合着用吧。 而碰到两种语言不一致的地方,那就决不能用这种语言的语法去套那种语言的语法,连凑合都不可能。大家平时在课堂里学习,英语语法讲得多,汉语语法讲得少,同学们对英语语法知识更为熟悉,对汉语语法知识反倒生疏。一用语法知识去分析问题,就很容易用英语语法知识去分析汉语的句子。比如英语里有a pioneer 's red scarf(一个少先队员的红领巾),人家的a是冠词,汉语里有冠词吗?没有,谁要是把汉语的"一个"说成是冠词,岂不让人笑掉大牙?英语里没有量词,谁要是把a cup of water(一杯水)的cup,把a piece of news (一条消息)的piece说成是量词,老外们也决不会认帐,那个a就说明它们是名词。这说明,用这种语言的语法知识去分析另一种语言的语法,是要碰钉子的。所以学习汉语语法,一定要注意同英语语法的区别。 第一,在词类方面不一样。 汉语的名词里头有方位词,如"里、内、外、上、下、前、后、左、右、中"等,其中的几个在英语里溶入了介词,如in、on、behind,有的成了形容词,如inner、outer、outside、middle。因此,见到了汉语的方位词,就不能说它们是介词或形容词。 汉语的许多动词后面能够加"着、了、过",于是有的同学便认为"着"是现在时,"了、过"表示过去时,这就是照套的结果。汉语的"着、了、过"可不是表示"时态"的,因为用了"着、了、过",既可以表示现在、过去的事情,也可以表示将来的事情。"他昨天吃着饭还看书呢",如果说这"着"是"过去时","他明天看着电影还会想到我的",如果说这个"着"又是"将来时",那汉语里还有什么时态呢?"他明天吃了饭到我家来""他后天吃过饭到我家来",这"了、过"是"过去时"吗?显然不是。 人家的形容词也跟咱们的不一样。political study(政治学习)、American films(美国电影)、brown overcoat(棕色大衣),"政治、美国、棕色"在人家那里是形容词,咱们可不能把汉语的"政治、美国、棕色"当作形容词看待,它们在汉语里都是名词。一些同学老是把"中国人民"的"中国",把"经济形势"的"经济"当作形容词,就是这么造成的。 汉语里的许多形容词可以做状语,如"勤奋学习""认真工作""严厉批评"的"勤奋、认真、严厉"都是做状语的形容词。英语的形容词绝对同状语无缘。例如hard study(勤奋学习)、work seriouly(认真工作)、criticise severely(严厉批评),人家的"hard、seriouly、


英语语法练习题(一) Part I. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given word in the brackets. (20%) 1. This pair of trousers ____________ (cost) fifty yuan. 2. All their belongs, together with the remains of torn-up newspapers, _________ (lie) scattered over the carpets. 3. The class _________ (be) taking notes, their pens scribing quickly over their exercise books. 4. John, rather than his roommates, ___________ (be) to blame. 5. It’s high time that we _________ (have) a rest. 6. When she ___________ (arrive) I ___________ (telephone) Harry. (= She arrived during my telephone call.) 7. I wouldn’t object to ___________ (ask) some questions. 8. It is recommended that the work ___________ (not start) until all the preparations have been made. 9. I didn’t mean ___________ (eat) anything but the cakes looked so good that I couldn’t resist ________ (try) one. 10. A President’s power is very strong. He is the most _________ (power) executive in t he nation. 11. What _____________ (happen) if they can’t reach an agreement? 12. If we ___________ (catch) the 10 o’clock train, we _________ (get) there by lunch time. 13. What is __________ (funny) joke you have ever heard? 14. It’s _________ (pr etty) well impossible to travel over these mountains. 15. Unreliable delivery dates are one of the most important obstacles to ____________ (increase) our exports. 16. Lee __________ (learn) English for several years, and at last he _________ (master) the irregular verbs. 17. It’s the first time I __________ (explain) this particular aspect of grammar. 18. This time tomorrow everyone __________ (read) of your success, and all sorts of people __________ (ring) up to congratulate you.


初中英语语法测试100题 1.—How many ________ are there in your school, Tom —Two. A.Japanese B.American C.Germen D.Australian 2.________ room is big and bright. They like it very much. A.Tom and Sam B.Tom's and Sam C.Tom and Sam's D.Tom's and Sam's 3.The students didn't find much _______ about the topic on that website. A.report B.article C.information D.story \ 4.There are many ________ at the foot of the hill. A.cow B.horse C.sheep D.fish 5.They are from ________. They're ________. A.Germany; Germans B.Germans; Germany C.German; Germany D.Germany; Germen 6.—What would you like to drink, girls —________, please. A.Two glass of water B.Two glass of waters C.Two cups of tea D.Two cups of teas ~ 7.Kate is ________ girl. She's very happy at school. A.a eighteen-year-old B.an eighteen-year-old C.an eighteen-years-old D.a eighteen-years-old 8.In our school, there are fifty-five________. A.women teachers B.woman teachers C.women teacher D.woman teacher 9.My cousins have collected stamps for two years. They have ________ stamps from different countries. A.a little B.many C.much D.little … 10.________ of the twins went to watch Peking Opera last Sunday. They were staying at home all that day. A.Either B.Both C.Neither D.None 11.There is _________ in today's newspaper. I am bored. A.new nothing B.new something C.nothing new D.something new 12.The old man has two sons. One is a worker; ________ is a teacher. A.another B.other C.others D.the other 13.There is some salt in the bowl. Please pass ________ to me.


《语法讲义》读后感 本学期在老师的推荐下,我读了朱德熙先生的《语法讲义》。在读这本书的时候,总是会忍不住想做笔记梳理知识点,作为一个中文系的学生来讲,这可能是由于在大一时期长期处于被《现代汉语》支配的恐惧所造成的。朱德熙先生的《语法讲义》是语法学界最有权威的一部语法学著作,读这本书时,大部分是熟悉的内容,尽管熟悉,但是以前这些语法知识,我头脑中是混乱不成体系的,因为我一直对语法方面不太敏感。读这本著作时,每读一部分,就会梳理清楚一些。读完之后,虽然忘记的也很多,但是我还是觉得收获不小。本篇读后感我想从这些内容的归纳,收获以及启示、还有存疑的地方这三点来完成。 一、语法讲义的主要内容 《语法讲义》这本著作分为了十八章来讲,分别就语法单位、词的构造、词类、句型等内容做了多方面,具体的阐释。下面主要是对一些主要章节具体内容的归纳阐释。 第一章为语法单位,从语素、词、词组、句子等最基本的语法内容讲起。在这一章里我了解到了语素作为语法系统里的基本符号,有单音节语素、多音节语素;自由语素、粘着语素;定位语素、不定位语素、成词语素、不成词语素等不同方向上的分类。词是比语素高一级的单位,它可以分为单纯词和合成词。在区分是不是词的时候,朱德熙先生归纳了目前存在的三种方法,我们可以根据能不能单独成句、语言成分活动能力的强弱、扩展法等三种方法来判定是不是词,朱德熙先生指出,这三种方法其实是有着各自不同的缺陷的,比如在划分“铁路”、“白菜”、“理发”等词语时,都不能根据其中单一的标准来划分,否则就会出现歧义。所以我们在划分一个词的时候,需要综合运用多种分类方法,具体问题具体分析。在本章中,朱德熙先生还讲到了词组,并具体阐释了词组的几大类型:偏正结构、述宾结构、述补结构、主谓结构、连谓结构。并通过举例“我们班有许多外国留学生”来介绍了层次分析的具体应用以及二分法。在本章中,朱德熙先生还指出任何句法结构都可以从两个不同的方面来观察,一个看句子的内部结构,一个看语法功能。本章的第四节是句子。本节中介绍了句子的分类,从结构上分为单句和复句两大类,单句又可分为主谓句和非主谓句。从句子的功能上看,又可以把它分成陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、称呼句、感叹句五类,朱德熙先生指出,形式与功能之间的关系是错综的,因此这五类句子有交叉的情形。 第二章的主要内容为词的构造,主要讲了几种词的构造的主要类型。如重叠式、附加式、前缀、后缀、复合式等类型的词的构成方式,并细化了其中的一些分类,比如重叠式副词中的基式,附加式中区分一些附加式词语与复合词的辨析,后缀中的副词后缀、状态形容词后缀、“的”与“得”的区别等。并对一些复杂的合成词,以及特殊的复合词中的紧缩式与减缩式进行了区分。并对并立式复合词进行了具体阐释。 第三章从大的层面上讲述了词类的知识。本章首先介绍了划分词类的几大依据:词的意义、语法功能、形态变化三大方面划分,但朱德熙先生指出,实际上根据词的意义来划分词类的方法是行不通的,虽然词的语法功能和意义之间有着密切联系,但是我们在划分词类的时候,只能根据词的语法功能来划分。在印欧语系中,比较适合运用词的形态变化来划分词类,而汉语由于缺乏形态变化,只能通过词的语法功能来进行分类。除此之外,本章还讲到了词的共性与个性,词的兼类等内容。朱德熙先生还指出,汉语的词分为实词与虚词两大类,并具体阐


从语法上比较粤语和普通话的区别 Ⅰ 语法上话与普通话亦有差别,往往把状语修饰成分置于动词之后。 1、副词后置。例如:你先看——你睇先:我先走——我行先;我比你多——我多过你,等等。还有双宾语的词序往往相反,例如:给你笔——畀笔你。 2、二动词‘来’、‘去’,粤语是把来、去名词之前,如:星仔听日去。而普通话会说成,星仔明天到去。 3、语序比较,比如,粤语会说,你高过a,但是普通话会说,你比a高。 词序上的分别: 词序就是指词的先后次序。这里的词序并不是指在词汇中,语素出现的先后次序,而是指在句式中,词类出现的先后次序。在普通话与话之间经常出现在词序上的差异,我们可以把这些分别归纳成以下几大类: 1. 副词的位置不同: 普通话与话在这个词序上的分别十分明显;在普通话里,副词一定会放在动词前面作为状语,没有例外;然而,在话里面,有很多副词是能放在动词后面,例如: 话普通话 动 + 副副(状) + 动 对唔住,我行先对不起,我先走 俾多o的啦,咁少o既?多给点吧,怎么这么少哇? 讲少o的啦,讲多错多。少说点吧,说得多错得多。 等埋佢o地,行慢o的啦。等等他们,慢点走吧。 你出去先,我要锁门你先出去,我要锁门 2. 形容词的位置不同 在普通话中,形容词往往是用在名词反作为谓语,然而在话中有某些形容词,如:多、少、大、齐等等,经常效在阿词的前面,作为定语,例如: 话普通话

形(定) + 名名 + 形(谓) 多人唔紧要。人多不要紧。 好生意啦。生意好啦。 黄先生几好人。黄先生人挺好。 大风得滞!风太大了! 今日真系齐人。今天人真齐。 3. 双宾语的位置不同 宾语是动词的一种连带成份,有时一个动词可以带起两个宾语,如:「他借我两本杂志。」中的「我」跟「杂志」,这就是双宾语了。普通话与话在双宾语的先后次序上刚好相反;在普通话里,指人的宾语在前,指物的宾语在后,构成一名(人宾语)一名(物宾语),而在话则刚好相反,指物的宾语在前,指人的宾语在后,构成一名(物宾语)一名(人宾语)。简单来说双宾语在普通话是以「先人后物」形式存在,而在话则是以「先物后人」形式存在。 话普通话 主 + 动 + 物宾语 + 人宾语主 + 动 + 人宾语 + 物宾语 俾一本书我。给我一本书。 佢俾钱我。他给我钱。 佢借两本杂志我。他借给我两本杂志。 你打个俾小华啦。你给小华打个吧。 你写封信俾佢啦。你给他写封信吧。 4. 动补结构的否定式上,否定词位置的不同 在普通话中的动补结构的否定式,否定词「不」往往是在动词之后,而在话中,否定词「唔」往往是在动词之前,例如: 话普通话 否定词 + 动词动词 + 否定词 o的字我唔睇得清楚。那些字我看不清楚。 嘈得滞,我唔训得着。太吵了,我睡不着。 我o地唔比得过佢o地我们比不过他们。


英语语法练习题(答案详解) 1. Ms Nancy didn't mind at all ______ to the ceremony. A. being not invited B. not being invited C. not inviting D. not to be invited B 2."_____ your meeting is!" he offered them his sincere congratulations. A. How a great success B. What a great success C. How great success D. What great success B success 名词,保留远动词含义"成功"是不可数名词;如用来代替具体的人(成功者)或具体的事(成功的事情(东西))是可数名词。故排除C,D;A中how是副词,如改成how great a success就是正确的。 3. We must remember that _____fashion is not the most important thing in _______ life. A. /; the B. /; / C. the; / D. the; the B 抽象名词不特指时,前不用冠词。 4. It _____ quite a few years _____ the accused was declared innocent and set free. A. was; since B. is; that C. will be; when D. was; before D 如将A项中was, since改成is, since是正确的;即从句中谓语先发生。如用B项,是强调句,而强调句前后两个谓语动词在时间上必须一致(a);被强调部分能还回原句中(b),即因为句中was declared是过去时, B项中is改成was;因为句中was declared是非延续性动词,在years后加上ago将"一段" 时间变成"一点"就是正确的。C 项前后时间不一致。


英语语法测试100题 1.She likes _______ better than hers. A. he and I B. his and mine C. his and my D. his and me 2.You may come on Monday or Tuesday. ______ day will do. A. Both B. All C. Either D. One 3.We promise to help ______ get good jobs after graduation. A. to each other B. another one C. one another D. every another 4._______can prevent us from devoting our life to science. A. Everybody else B. Nothing else C. Other nobody D. Anything else 5.Fifty days ______ a long time for Mary, who never separated from her child. A. is B. was C. are D. were 6._______ of his share my opinions so they have ______ in common to discuss. A. Few, little B. A few, little C. Few, a little D. A little, a few 7.They saw ______ in that room. A. a large amount of furniture B. many funitures C. a large amount of furnitures D. few furniture 8.After four years in Canada, she got ________. A. a degree of doctor B. a doctor’s degree C. the degree of a doctor D. a doctor degree 9.Statistics______that the number of housewives who work part-time has increased in the past few years in the U.S. A. show B. shows C. has showed D. showed 10. _______ do you have for your student? A. How much evidence B. How much evidences C. How many evidence D. How many evidences 11. It was _______ that we went swimming. A. a so hot day B. so hot day C. so hot a day D. a such hot day 12. She is kind and _______ toward old people. A. considerable B. considered C. considerate D. considering 13. After his latest affair, Clinton hardly seems _____ as a president. A. credible B. creditable C. credulous D. credulity 13. I can’t believe that he played such a _______ trick on me. A. contemptible B. contemporary C. contemptuous D. contemplative 14. All the characters in this book are ______. A. imaginary B. imagined C. imaginative D. imaginable 15. Some people are _______ to odors, pollen and even light. A. sensible B. sensing C. senseless D. sensitive 16. This shirt too small for me, I want to try on _______. A.something larger B. something large C. larger something D. large something
