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What is a benefit?
A benefit is an indirect reward given to an employee or group of employees for organizational membership.
Benefits often include retirement plans, vacations with pay, health insurance, educational assistance, and many more programs.
Benefits are a vital part of the total compensation
total compensation: $26.86, benefits: $8.04
Challenge:to balance the growing cost of benefits and the use of them in accomplishing organizational goals
HR and Benefits Administration
benefits administration responsibilities can be split between HR specialists and operating managers
HR specialists play the more significant role, but managers must assume responsibility for some of the communication aspects of benefits administration.
Role of Benefits for Workforce Attraction and Retention
influence employees’ decisions about which particular employer to work for, whether to stay with or leave an employer, and when to retire
Benefits are a vital part of the total compensation
Benefits approach depends on many factors
Strategic Benefits Considerations
Competitive Advantage Workforce Attraction and
reinforcing the company philosophy of social and corporate citizenship
meet responsibilities to employees Global Benefits Benefits vary from country to country.
Part-Time Employee Benefits?
Flexible Benefits or Standardized Benefits?
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Flexible Benefits
Definition:program that allows employees to select the benefits they prefer from groups of benefits established by the employer.
Benefits Design
• How much total compensation, including benefits, can be provided? • What part of the total compensation of individuals should benefits constitute? • Which employees should be provided which benefits? • What expense levels are acceptable for each benefit offered? • What is being received by the organization in return for each benefit? • How flexible should the package of benefits be?
Problems:an inappropriate benefits package may be chosen by an employee; only higher-risk employees select and use certain benefits.
Flex plans will likely continue to grow in popularity.
Retention Benefits Management Benefits Communication
Benefits as Competitive Advantage
aid recruiting and retention, impact organizational performance, and meet legal requirements
represent a somewhat more valuable reward to employees than an equivalent cash payment
EFFECTIVE BENEFITS MANAGEMENT Benefits Design Benefits Administration Technology Administration Benefits Measurement Cost-Control Efforts Communication to Employees