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1、Ambiguity effect (歧义效应)– the tendency to avoid options for which missing information makes the probability seem "unknown."(倾向于避免选择可能性未知的缺失的信息)

2、Anchoring or focalism(锚定或聚焦)– the tendency to rely too heavily, or "anchor," on one trait or piece of information when making decisions(在做决策时过度依赖或“锚定”一个特点或信息的倾向)

3、Attentional bias(注意偏向)– the tendency to pay attention to emotionally dominant stimuli(占主导地位的刺激)in one's environment and to neglect relevant data when making judgments of a correlation or association. (对于一个相关事物或联想作出判断时,忽视相关数据而感性地重视他们环境中占主导地位的刺激,是一个人集中更多他的注意力引向一种特定的刺激或感觉。这将导致一个贫穷的判断力还是一个不完整的回忆某个事件或内存。)

4、Availability heuristic(可得性启发法) – the tendency to overestimate the likelihood of events with greater "availability" in memory, which can be influenced by how recent the memories are or how unusual or emotionally charged they may be (倾向于根据记忆来高估事件的可能性,它是受到最近的记忆的影响或者多么不寻常的或充满感情他们可能是,就是说在进行判断时,人们往往会依赖最先想到的经验和信息,并认定这些容易知觉到或回想起的事件更常出现,以此作为判断的依据,这种判断方法称为可得性启发法。)

5、Availability cascade(效用层叠) – a self-reinforcing process in which a collective belief gains more and more plausibility through its increasing repetition in public discourse (or "repeat something long enough and it will

become true")(一个自我加强的过程:通过其增加重复在公共话语使得一个共同的信念获得越来越多的真实性 (或“重复一些足够长的时间,它就会成为真正的”)

6、Backfire effect (逆火效应)– when people react to disconfirming evidence by strengthening their beliefs. (当一个错误的信息被更正后,如果更正的信息与人原本的看法相违背,它反而会加深人们对这条(原本)错误的信息的信任。这就是逆火效应,而更正信息的行为就像是一把逆火的枪,虽然没有射出子弹,但却“击中”了谣言,让更正后的(或原本)真实的信息更加没有市场。当在人被动的接受信息轰炸时,会有一种保护自己的既有观点不受外来信息的侵害的本能。慢慢的,逆火效应就会让你对自己的怀疑越来越少,最终把自己的看法当作是理所当然的事实。)

7、Bandwagon effect (从众效应)– the tendency to do (or believe) things because many other people do (or believe) the same. (趋向于做(或相信)的事情与很多人做(或相信)的事情相同)

8、Base rate fallacy or base rate neglect(基率错误(忽略))– the tendency to base judgments on specifics, ignoring general statistical information.(基本判断的倾向于特性,忽视一般统计信息。)(餐厅的某个特性,而非一般统计信息)

9、Belief bias (信念偏见) – an effect where someone's evaluation of the logical strength of an argument is biased by the believability of the conclusion(根据结论的可信度来判断论据是否有说服力,也就是说不管结论的实际效度如何,接受可信结论和拒绝不可信结论的倾向。)

10、Bias blind spot (偏见盲点)– the tendency to see oneself as less biased than other people, or to be able to identify more cognitive biases in others than in oneself(倾向于认为自己比别人少偏见,或者在别人身上,比在自己身上能够识别更多的认知偏见,当人们看待别人的偏见时,他们乐意直白地表达,在另一方面,当他们评价自己的判断是否有偏见时,他们则表现得很委婉,似乎他们找不到自己产生偏见的动机)

11、Choice-supportive bias (选择支持性偏差)– the tendency to remember one's choices as better than they actually were.(倾向于记得自己的选项,而不是实际答案)

12、Clustering illusion (聚集性假象)– the tendency to over-expect small runs, streaks, or clusters in large samples of random data(倾向于在随意数据的大的
