21世纪大学英语2读写Unit 6教案

21世纪大学英语2读写Unit 6教案
21世纪大学英语2读写Unit 6教案

Unit 6 Text A A Brief History of Stephen Hawking Teaching Materials: 1. 21st Century English—Reading and Writing Course,

Book 2

2. 21st Century English—Listening and

Speaking Course, Book 2

II Aimed Students: Undergraduates in Grade One, non-English Majors Ⅲ Academic Year: The first academic year—the second semester

ⅣTeaching Objectives:

1. Knowledge objective:*Grasping the key words, phrases and structure

*Language points (key words, phrases and

difficult sentences)

*Grammar focus (Apposition)

2. Ability objective:*Listening, speaking, reading, retelling, reciting

of the text

*Mastering the skills of writing and reading in this unit

3.Cultural objective:*Getting to know some disabled giants in foreign

countries and learn their strong will

ⅤTeaching Content

1. Lead-in activities

2. Text organization

3. Background information

4. Skill learning in writing and reading

5. Language points (key words, phrases and difficult sentences)

6. Grammar focus (Apposition)

7. Guided practice (exercises, oral practice and group work)

ⅥTeaching Process

1. Pre-reading activities

1) Warm-up questions

Where did we come from?

How did the universe come into being?

Are we alone in the universe? Is there any other life out there?

What is the future of the human race?

2) Introduce Stephen Hawking’s family, education, marriage, disease, contribution

3) Let students discuss what contributes to Stephen Hawking’s success 2. Text organization

The text can be divided into 4 parts:

Part I (para1-2)Stephen Hawking is known to millions, far and wide, for one of his science book and two questions about his achievements and his disabilitity.

Part II (para3-5) Hawking was born to intellectual, eccentric parents, and he was also greatly influenced by famous scientist Galileo.

Part III (para6-10) Hawking showed his intelligence and gift at school.

Part IV (para11-14) Hawking gained success in science in spite of his disability.

3. Background information

Guinness Book of World Records.

In 1955, Norris and his twin brother Ross edited the first Guinness Book of World Records. The book was first designed to record the then extremes in, on and beyond the Earth — notably in human performance and of the natural world. The name “Guinness” derives from the Guinness Brewery in Dublin, which was Ireland’s largest company. It is in London now. The book is now published worldwide in 23 different languages.

The Sunday Times

The Sunday Times is an influential Sunday newspaper published in London, England. It is known around the world for the quality of its reporting and editing and for its coverage of British politics and the arts. Founded in 1822 as a nationally circulated paper with an independent editorial policy, The Sunday Times reflects the dignified, carefully written, and well-edited character of its daily counterpart The Times.

4. Skill learning in writing and reading

A) Writing Skill: Coming up with examples to support the general statement. When writing, we usually put forward some general statements, then we list several examples to illustrate the general statements

Now, analyze the following sample paragraph:

No one is smart at everything or smart all the time. Einstein, for instance, failed many classes in grammar school because of his terrible spelling. And he was well known among his colleagues for being forgetful. He was always

losing his keys, and one famous day he came to work with a clothes hanger still inside his jacket.

General statement: No one is smart at everything or smart all the time. Example1:Einstein, for instance, failed many classes in grammar school because of his terrible spelling.

Example2: And he was well-known among his colleagues for being forgetful. He was always losing his keys, and one famous day he came to work with a clothes hanger still inside his jacket.

B) Reading Skill: Understanding the figurative language

Authors often use figures of speech, or figurative language, to make their writing lively and memorable. Like idiomatic expressions, figures of speech can be confusing if you try to understand them literally—but for effective readers, who know how to recognize and interpret them, figures of speech can help you understand the author’s meaning more deeply and think about ideas in new ways.

Comparisons, personification and symbolism etc. are all figurative languages.

5. Language points

1) He has been proclaimed "the finest mind alive"... (para1) Paraphrase ---He has been declared the most intelligent man who is living today...

alive:adj. (predicative) having life; living


The doctors are trying every possible means to keep him alive.

It is reported that more than forty people were burned alive in yesterday’s fire Cf.living :adj. (attributive)


A living language is a language that is always changing.

I have no living relatives in my hometown.

2) Known to millions, far and wide, for his book A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking is a star scientist in more ways than one. (para1)

far and wide: (also far and near) everywhere; over a great distance) Examples:

The couple looked far and wide for the missing diamond ring.

People came from far and near to see the circus.

Since he retired, he has traveled far and wide.

3) His gift for revealing the mysteries of the universe in a style that non-scientists can enjoy made Hawking an instant celebrity and his book a

bestseller in both Britain and America. (para1)

Paraphrase ---His ability to explain the complexities of the universe in a way that the average non-professional readers can understand and appreciate soon made him well known and his book best-selling in both Britain and America.

bestseller :n. anything, especially a book, that has a large sale

4) earn a place in the Guinness Book of Record…(para1)

Paraphrase ---be carried in the Guinness Book of Records (for its success) earn : vt. get (something that one deserves) because of one's qualities; deserve


He has earned his place in history.

She earned the promotion from a salesgirl to a sales manager.

After that, Sharon earned a reputation for honesty.

5) …spending 184 weeks in The Sunday Times "top-ten" lists (para1)

Paraphrase ---being among the weekly top best-sellers listed by The

Sunday Times for as long as 184 weeks

6)…virtually unheard-of success for a science book (para1) Paraphrase ---success which is almost never heard of in the case of science books

virtually :ad. practically; nearly; almost


Last night's frost was unprecedented, virtually every flower in the garden was killed

These small errors are virtually impossible to detect within such a period of time

Many species of wild animals have virtually disappeared from the earth

7)How has a man who is almost completely paralyzed and unable to speak except through a computer overcome these incredible obstacles and achieved far more than most people ever dream of? (para2) Paralyse /paralyze:vt. cause (some or all of the body muscles) to become uncontrollable or stiff; (fig.) make powerless or make ineffective; cause to stop working


After a stroke, his left arm and leg were paralyzed.

Electricity failure paralyzed the whole town.

8) achieve far more than most people ever dream of (para2)

Paraphrase ---successfully do far more than most people ever imagine they can do

9) His father Frank, a doctor specializing in tropical diseases… (para3) specialize /specialise in : pursue some special branch of study, research, or work; be or become a specialist; concentrate time and resources on Examples:

Prof. White specializes in oriental history.

He specialized first in painting birds and later in writing about them.

We went to a restaurant that specializes in Indian food.

10)Carpets and furniture stayed in use until they fell apart; the wallpaper hung peeling from old age. The family car was a London taxi, bought for 50 dollars. (para3)

Paraphrase ---Carpets and furniture would not be replaced by new ones until they broke; the wallpaper came off and hung for old age. The family car was a second-hand car bought for £50 from a London taxi company.

The description of Hawking's parents' house suggests their "eccentric “behaviors in other people's eyes and, on the other hand, their thrift in life: they would rather buy themselves in a roomful of books than have any comforts in their house.

peel:vi. A) come off


After the sunburn, my husband's skin peeled.

The paint on the shed is peeling.

B) strip skin or bark from


Mother wanted Charlie to peel some potatoes for salad.

The Indians peeled the bark from trees to make canoes.

11) Hawking has always been fascinated by his birth date... (para4) Paraphrase ---Hawking has always been interested in and curious about his birth date ...

12)… maintaining that the Sun is the center of the Solar System —not the Earth… (para4)

Paraphrase ---forcefully stating that it is the Sun instead of the Earth that is the center of the Solar System

13) …start using his eyes, both figuratively and literally (para5) Paraphrase ---begin to observe (the universe) with both his mind and his


"Figuratively" and "literally" are often used to describe the meanings of words. In the case of "eye", literally it means an organ of sight, as in "He closed his left eye and opened his right eye", while figuratively it means the mind's eye or observation, as in "To her expert eye, the painting was terrible."

14) In a sense, he was responsible for the age of science we now enjoy.


Paraphrase --- To a certain extent, we owe it to Galileo that we are now in a world with rapid development of science.

in a/one sense : to some degree; partly


You are right in a sense, but you don't know all the facts.

We are, in a sense, being deceitful if we tell them so.

15) He was part of a small elite group, the brightest of the bright students.


Paraphrase --- He was one of a small group of intelligent students, the

brightest few among the bright students.

16) hang around together (para6)

Paraphrase ---spend a lot of time together

17)… at once an intellectual giant and liberal activist (para6)

Paraphrase ---a person with both unusual intellectual power and progressive views in politics, morals, etc.

at once : at the same time


All three boys spoke at once.

The book is at once instructive and amusing.

When there's more than one conversation going on at on at once, you can’t hear anything.

intellectual: adj. having or showing power of the mind; needing or using power of the mind


He's quite bright but he's not what you should describe as intellectual.

Thinking is an intellectual process.

Cf.intelligent : adj. having or showing understanding; able to learn and know Examples:

Dolphins are intelligent animals.

Scientists believe that there are intelligent life existing beyond our solar


An intellectual person is one who has developed his brain and is highly educated, and is interested in subjects that exercise the mind, while an intelligent person has the power of learning or understanding but may not know much.

18)While I would be struggling away with a complicated problem, he just knew the answer. (para7)

Paraphrase ---While I would be trying hard all the time to solve a difficult problem, he gave the answer immediately as if it was ready in his mind. away: ad. all the time; continuously;


She worked away at her job.

The young people chatted away like old friends.

19)…struggled over how to even begin approaching the problem ... (para8)

Paraphrase --- even had difficulty trying to take the first step in solving the problem

approach :vt. begin to cope with (a problem, task, etc.)

20) Hawking the schoolboy was... (para9)

Paraphrase ---As a schoolboy Hawking was ...

"Hawking the schoolboy", the reverse of the more common form, the schoolboy Hawking, is a case of restrictive apposition of noun phrases. The appositive preceded by "the" is a general word restricted in meaning by the proper name.


Robinson the singer (= the singer Robinson)

Paul Jones the critic (= the critic Paul Jones)

21) …having inherited a slight lips from his father.(para9)

inheri t:vt. get (characteristics, qualities of mind or body, money, property, etc.)from one's parents or ancestors


She inherits her blue eyes from her father.

Differences in intelligence were largely inherited.

After his parents' death, he inherited a big fortune.

22) This had nothing to do with early signs of illness… (para9)

have something /nothing/anything/a lot/a little to do with: have some/ no/ any/ a lot/a little relation or connection with


His job has nothing to do with telephones.

Abstract art has little to do with everyday experience.

Listen, what I have said has a lot to do with you.

23) …a figure of classroom fun … (para9)

Paraphrase ----a person who made his classmates amused

24) He... averaged only one hour's work a day. (para10)

Paraphrase ---He ... had only to do one hour’s work a day on the average.

25) His main enthusiasm was the Boat Club. (para10)

Paraphrase ---One thing that he was enthusiastic about was the Boat Club.

enthusiasm : n. an activity or subject that interests someone a great deal and takes up a lot of his time

26) Many times he returned to shore with bits of the boat knocked off…


knock off: cause (sth. or sb.) to fall from a place


Just when I had put the glass safely down on the table, the cat jumped up and knocked it off.

A snowball knocked his hat off.

The blow knocked him off his feet.

27)…with his head in the stars, working out mathematical formulae


Paraphrase --- with his thoughts far, far away thinking about solutions to mathematical problems

work out : find the answer to (sth.); solve (sth.)


Can you work out this math problem for me?

No one can work out how the fire started.

We are always hoping that a more peaceful solution can be worked out

28) Oxford has always had its share of eccentric students, so Hawking fit

right in. (para11)

Paraphrase ---Just like many other universities, Oxford also has had some students who behave in a strange way, so Hawking felt as if he belonged

exactly to them

fit in : be suitable; behave or feel as if belonging (to a group)


It's no surprise she is leaving the course ---she never really fit in.

They are looking for someone young to join the team, someone who fits in.

29)…get the most from a life he had previously taken for granted (para12)

Paraphrase---take full advantage of a life whose value he had not fully appreciated

take (sth.) for granted :be so familiar with (sth.) that one no longer appreciates its full value; treat (sth.) as unimportant


He just takes it for granted that the house is tidy.

Most young people take the washing machine for granted because they've never lived without it.

30) …demonstrate the theory of mind over matter (para13) Paraphrase---prove the theory that the spiritual force overpowers the material force.

31) Hawking himself acknowledges his disease as being a crucial factor in focusing his attention on what turned out to be his real strength: theoretical research. (para13)

Paraphrase ---Even Hawking himself admits that his disease has been important in making it possible for him to concentrate on theoretical research, and this has proved to be something that he is really strong in.

turn out (to be): be found or known to be in the end; prove to be Examples:

That guy we met the other day turned out to be Lisa's second cousin.

As it turned out, there was no need to worry. Everything is going to be all right.

The absent-minded professor looked everywhere for his glasses, but it turned out that they were just on top of his head.

32) The smartest man in the world is not immune to the depression that can accompany severe disabilities. (para14)

Paraphrase ---The smartest man in the world also has the feeling of sadness that other disabled people may have.

be immune to :not responsive to or affected by (diseases, criticism, bad treatment, etc.)


My uncle seems to be immune to colds —he just never gets them.

They're always so rude that I've already become immune to it.

6. Grammar focus


1) Explain to Ss that a noun phrase can be added to another noun or

pronoun as further explanation, or modifier, which is called

apposition, and that an appositive is usually placed after the preceding

noun, but sometimes in front of a noun, or a pronoun for emphasis.

2) Ask Ss to find appositives in the text.


-----His father Frank, a doctor specializing in tropical diseases, and his mother Isobel, a doctor’s daughter, lived in a big old house full of books

-----Hawking attended St. Albans School, a private school noted for it’s high academic standards.

-----He was part of a small elite group, the brightest of the bright students. -----Hawking the schoolboy was a typical grind, underweight and awkward and peering through eyeglasses.

7. Guided practice

Oral practice and group work

8. After-class assignments

1)P174-175 (Translation)

2) P175-176 (Cloze)

VII Length of Teaching: 8 periods

大学英语教案unit1 period1-2

Periods 1-2 I. Teaching Content: Listening and Speaking: Unit 1 Family II.Teaching Aims: 1.Knowledge aims (1)Grasp important words and phrases Award;conservationist;environmentalist;film ;take after (2)Have a better understanding of family. 2.Ability aims Improve their ability of listening and speaking. 3.Emotional aims Get more interested in English studying. Combine English learning with daily life and arouse students’interest in learning English. III.Teaching Important and Difficult Points: (1)To grasp important words and phrases such as award; conservationist; environmentalist; film; take after. (2)To train students grasp the main idea and details of the passage listened. IV.Teaching Methods: https://www.360docs.net/doc/1510215107.html,municative method; Task-based method; 2.Teaching aids: Multi-media, blackboard. V. Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Greeting/ Organize the Class Greet students. Step 2: Review/Revison Step3: Presentation 1.Introduction of pronunciations and meanings of the new words and phrases. 2. Lesson A A Famous family 1)Listen for gist To give the students some background information, the teacher should have students look over the picture and read the captions. Ask them to raise their hands if they've



课后答案 1单元 TEXT A III https://www.360docs.net/doc/1510215107.html,pulsory 2.relish 3.confidence 4.consequences 5.incentive 6.henceforth 7.invest 8.perceive 9.passion 10.scheming IV 1.going steady with Richard 2.in time 3.played into his enemy's hands 4.beyond her wildest dreams 5.hung on Michael's every word or hung on Michael's words 6.out of focus 7.feed on 8.the apple of Chris's eye 9.filed into the courtroom 10.poring over their collection V 1.most obvious:gaze,beam,widen 2.most obvious:betray,sigh,frown

3.most obvious:glorious,revelation,stump VI A 1.actress 2.empress 3.goddes 4.mistress 5.waitress 6.lioness 7.priestess 8.heiress B 1.Goddess 2.waitresses,actresses 3.Lionesses 4.mistresses VII a person who is taking an exam 应试者 one to whom something is referred, esp. for decision or settlement 裁判 a person who is appointed to a jo b or position 被任命者 a person who has been forced to leave his country, home, etc. and seek refuge 避难者,难民 the person to whom a letter, etc. is addressed 收件人


Unit 3 Before Watching: 1) please 2) available 3) any singles 4) with a single bed 5) a double 6) a double bed 7) a suite 8) any vacancies 9) reserve 10) book 11) a reservation 12) have a rvservatlon 13) at the front 14) at the rear 15) you have 16) with a view of the beach 17) a wake-up call 18) the rates 19) room service 20) by 21) checkout 22) credit cards While Watching: 1) a uniform / a receptionist 2) a badge 3) on his mobile phone

4) dressed up 5) a magnetic card 1) May I help you 2) make a reservation 3) on October 10th 4) on the 14th 5) in all 6) with a single bed 7) spell your last name 8) My phone number 9) I got it 10) have a reservation 1) I'll check 2) is that 3) with a view of the lake 4) a wake-up call 5) will that be 6) accept a Visa card 7) Is breakfast included 8) Breakfast is served 9) the magnetic card 10) Have a nice stay 1) make a reservation 2) plans to 3)on the afternoon of October 10th 4) for four days 5) with a view of the lake

大学英语1教案Talking About People

广州市公用事业高级技工学校 教案 编号:版本:流水号: 授课教师:审阅签名: 提交日期:审阅日期:

I. Vocabulary 10mins 1. Learn the new words in Unit 1. Make sure that students can read all the new words and understand them. 2.Pay attention to the following words: nationality 国籍 British 英国的Britain 英国 Chinese 中国的、中国人China 中国 American 美国的、美国人America 美国 Italian 意大利的、意大利人Italy 意大利 Russian 俄罗斯的、俄罗斯人Russia 俄罗斯 II. Session 1 40mins A.Learn to give basic information about a person and their jobs. 1.Let students make self-introduction, and describe their parent’s jobs simply 2.Activity1 Extract 1 Listen to Extract 1 and complete the table about the people in the photographs. An example has been done for you. 答案:略 3. Activity 4 Extract 2 L isten to Extract 2 and tick the people’s jobs and work places. One example has been done for you.


Unit 7 T ext A So What’s So Bad About So-So? I. T eaching Objectives: 1. To make clear the writer’s purpose to write the text and the ideas about the pleasures of doing something badly now and then. 2. To grasp the key words and phrases. 3. To master the skills of writing and reading in this unit. 1)To introduce a thesis with the specific-to-general structure. 2)To understand idiomatic expressions. II. Teaching Content 1. Lead-in Activities 2. Text Organization 3. Skill Learning in Writing and Reading 4. Language Points( key words, phrases and difficult sentences) 5. Grammar Focus (phrases as far as…be concerned & it’s time it’s high time) 6. Guided Practice (exercises, oral practice and group work) III. Teaching Process 1. Warm-up Questions (based on the listening material) 1)which sport is it about? Compare your equipment list with the equipment mentioned on the tape. 2)What attracts you to the activities that you enjoy in your spare time? 3)How important is it to you to “ do them right”? 2. T ext Organization Part I (Paras.1-4) (From one specific example of the author’s poor piano playing, the author introduces the general thesis:) In the competitive world today, we should be “experts” even in our hobbies.(What about the author’s own point of view?) Part II (Paras.5-9) The author gives five more examples to illustrate that this thesis has been widely accepted .Part III (Para.10) The terrible result this thesis leads to. (What’s the result?) Part IV (Paras.11-12) The author states her position: It’s time we put a stop to all this. 3. Skill Learning in Writing and Reading 1) The specific-to-general structure (take Text A for example) The author starts with a specific example (her bad piano-playing); She then moves to a more general statement about herself; And this leads to her general thesis. 2) Understanding idiomatic expressions To hypothesizing the meaning of idiomatic expressions with the context clues ― examples, explanations, contrasts or parallel phrases. 4. Language Points 1) the other afternoon— on the afternoon a few days ago (para.1) Also: the other day (para.7), the other morning, etc.


大学英语教案 2学时Unit 1 On Campus Teaching content Topics: On Campus Part One : Campus Life P art Two: Campus Study Teaching materials and reference book 《Beyond Oxford 2》 (Student’s Book; Teachers’ Book) Teaching objectives With the aims of: 1. Teach the students language knowledge, grammar and intonation. 2. Cultivating students’listening, speaking, reading and writing skills; 3. Motivating students’English learning interests. Teaching methods Listening; D iscussion; role-play; task-based

teaching method and exercises. Teaching time arr angement E very unit occupies about two-three week s Teachin g steps 见附录 Unit One Human Touch 人间真情 Time Allotment of the Unit Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of listening,speaking, reading and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Moving Stories 1 感人故事1 (2 periods) Moving Stories 2 感人故事2 (2 periods) S: A song: My Heart W ill G o O n 5 mins S: G eneration gap 5 mins L: Holding on and never giving up (1) 10 mins L: Simba disobeys his father (1) 10 mins L:Holding on and never giving up (2)10 mins L: Simba disobeys his father (2) 10 mins S:Telling a story15 mins S: Unconditional love 15 mins R:It was worth every penny 30 mins W:Writing a memo 15 mins W:Writing a t hank-you l etter15 mins R:Corporate benefits10 mins R:Kindness 5 mins Grammar: 时间状语从句与 地点状语从句 25 mins Section One: Moving Stories 1 感人故事1 A. Objectives Students will be able to: 1. be familiar with the expressions about human touch. 2. master the techniques of giving encouragement in English. 3. share stories of helping others with classmates. 4. write a thank-you letter. B. Teaching Procedures Step One: Starter—A song: My Heart Will Go On A. A s k students the following questions before playing the tape: a) Which do you think is the most important in one’s life, faith, hope, or love? b) Do you think love begins at home?


21世纪大学英语读写教程(第三册) Vocabulary III Unit 1 1.Do you think that making music and art compulsory subjects in schools would reduce some children’s enjoyment of them ? 2.Bob’s one of those people who relish risk and danger—he’d be bored in a safe , steady job. 3.Elizabeth is certainly enough to succeed in her career ; she just doesn’t have enough confidence in her own abilities. 4.I’m sorry you’re in trouble , but as you made your decision on your own you’ll just have to face the consequences. 5.Many educators would be delighted to abolish exams , but they also worry that with them there would be too little incentive for students to work hard. 6.The teacher accidentally hit the boy’s hand with an eraser and was henceforth known as “Dead-Eye Bean”. 7.If I had money , I’d invest it all in Internet companies. 8.Psychologists say that our behavior is influenced by many factors too subtle for us to consciously perceive. 9.He’s always had a passion for books. If he could work in library, it would be a dream come true. 10.Look at those three whispering in the corner again ----they’re scheming something , I just don’t know what! Unit2 1. In a healthy relationship, the partner’ strengths and abilities complement each other, rather than being identical. 2. Millions of dollars and lots of famous actors not indispensable to the production of a successful film , but they help!


Unit 5 T ext A Prison Studies I. T eaching Objectives 1. To understand the audio materials of this unit. 2. To grasp the key words, Phrases and structure. 3. To mast the skills of writing and reading in this unit. 1) understanding the writing skill of a personal narrative2) mastering the reading skill of skimming the text for main ideas, and reading the text carefully for the details. II. Teaching Content 1. Lead-in activities 2. Text Organization 3. Skill learning in writing and reading 4. Language points ( key words, phrases and difficult sentences) 5. Grammar Focus (The pattern may / might as well do sth.) 6. Guided Practice (exercises, oral practice and group work) 7. After-class Assignments III. Teaching Process 1.W arm-up Activity: Questions for Ss’ discussion: 1)What do you often do in your spare time? 2)What do you think of the role that reading plays in you life? 2.Text-organization Part I (Para1) Introduction: My profound knowledge is the result of my prison studies. Part II (Para 2-14) Main body: How I began my prison studies and how hard I kept it. Part III (Para 15-16) Conclusion: The prison studies is so significant that it has changed my life course forever. 3.Skill Learning in Writing and Reading Text A is an example of a personal narrative. Malcolm X is telling an important story from his own life, and he presents the events in the order in which they occurred. Malcolm X?s story is effective because it is centered around a theme - how his prison studies have changed his life by giving him a love of reading –and because it contains many details that let the reader vividly picture the experience he is describing. For example, to write a story of an important event from your own life. This could be an event from your personal life or an important event from your school career. Be sure to clearly describe the events and to include details which will let the reader know how you felt and why this event was important to you. 4. Language Points 1. Many who today hear me somewhere in person, or on television … will think that I went to school far beyond the eighth grade. –Many people who are actually present at my speeches somewhere or hear them on television these days… will think that I have got much more education than just eight years? schooling.

21世纪大学英语第二册 unit 3 整理

Unit 3 1.Conflict N.冲突,矛盾 ?Conflict between A and B A与B之间的矛盾 –宗教(religion)和科学之间的矛盾 The conflict between religion and science ?Be in conflict (with …) 有矛盾 –这两个政党(party)从选举(election)以来就一直有冲突。 The two parties have been in conflict since the election. ?武装冲突 This is a serious dispute and could lead to armed conflict. Vi. (同……) 冲突;(同……) 抵触 –英国的移民法与国际法有抵触么? Do British immigration laws conflict with any international laws? ?互相矛盾的意见【建议、证词】 Conflicting opinions/ advice/ evidence ?We have planned an exciting publicity _B_ with our advertisers. A) struggle B) campaign C) battle D) conflict ?The test results are beyond _D_; they have been repeated in labs all over the world. A) negotiation B) conflict C) bargain D) dispute 2.Qualify Vt. & VI. (使)具有[取得]资格 ?Qualify sb. to do sth. 赋予(某人)做……的资格 –他所受的培训使他具有担任那项工作的资格。 His training qualified him for the job. ?Qualify (for/as) sth. 取得……的资格 –你有取得作为做一名教师的资格么? Did you qualify as a teacher? Adj. qualified有资格的, 适合的, 胜任的 –他很适合担任那个职位。 He is well qualified for the position. N. qualification合格证书; 资格, 条件; 限制, 限定性条件; –杰克取得了行医资格证书。 Jack has obtained a medical qualification. –你有资格做这份工作。 Y ou have all qualifications to do the job. –该合同对双方都提出了几个限制性条件。 The contract has several qualifications for both parties. 3.Contract ?口头协定An oral (a verbal) contract ?违约,背约 A breach of contract ?婚约Marriage contract


Unit 1 Half a day 教学目的 1. 了解作者及其背景知识; 2.熟悉本文使用的写作手法; 3.掌握修辞疑问句、倒装句等修辞手法; 4.熟练掌握三类构词法; 5.通过深刻理解文章内涵,培养学生社会洞察力和相关的讨论能力,同时掌握文中的核心语言点。 教学内容 1. 热身 2.作者 教育与背景 主要著作 创作观 3.作品赏析 结构分析 如何赏析文学作品 扩展式讨论 4.写作技巧 省略疑问句和修辞疑问句 倒装句 “with”独立结构 5.语言理解 长难句解析 核心词汇学习 band, convince, daze, exert, intricate, observe, overlook, rank, revolve, startle, uviverse, vary 介词练习 构词法:-tion; -volve; -ly 6.课堂讨论 7.练与讲 教学重点 1. 文学作品的赏析; 2.文学中的修辞手法――省略疑问句和修辞疑问句;倒装句;“with”独立结构3.构词法:前缀 教学方法结合实际吸收各种教学法(讲授、问答、讨论、模仿、练习、多媒体使用)的优点。 教学手段用投影仪播放PowerPoint课件及板书;群发电子邮件布置课堂资料和课后作业(或其来源)。

ⅠAbout the author ★Naguib Mahfouz was born on the 11th Dec. 1911 in an old quarter of Cairo, the youngest son of a merchant. (mummies and pyramids / sphinx 狮身人面)★He worked in university administration(行政部门)and then in 1939 he worked for the Ministry of Islamic Affairs.(Buddhism Christianity Islam) ★He was later Head of the State Cinema Organization at the Ministry of Culture(文化部). He also worked as a journalist(记者). ★He is married, has two daughters and lives in Cairo. ★He was the first Arab to win the Nobel prize for literature He is now the author of no fewer than 30 novels, more than 100 short stories, and more than 200 articles. Half of his novels have been made into films which have circulated (流通;传播)throughout the Arabic-speaking world. The Cairo Trilogy(三部曲)is a tale of the lives of a Muslim family and spans (跨过)the first half of the 20th century. Palace Walk 《宫间街》Palace of Desire 《思官街》Sugar Street 《甘露街》How does he picture the world? 1 The world is very gloomy(阴沉的令人沮丧的)though not completely disappointing. 2 The author’s social utopia (乌托邦)is far from being realized. 3 Time is the bringer of change and change is a very painful process. 4 Life is a tragedy. ⅡText Appreciation 1 structure 2 Further discussion Can you recall your first day’s experience at primary school? Did you feel you were a stranger the first day you arrived at this university? Was it hard for you to leave home for the first time in your life? What do you think is the business of university? What do you expect to learn here? 3 Theme of the story The following are a few possible understandings of the message the story conveys. Which one do you agree with? Argue with your group partners. Time and tide wait for no man. Life is a tragedy. There is nothing permanent in life but change. Education can never keep up with changes in society. Life is short and time is precious. Life is a dream. Do not take anything seriously. 4 Structure of the text Part 1 (para. 1- 7 ) about:The boy’s misgivings about school Part 2 (para. 8-16 ) about: How the boy felt about school. Part 3 (para. 17-20 ) about: Walking out of the school, he found time had changed everything.

21世纪大学英语2册unit 1教案

Unit One Test A Time-out Test B Ready, Set, Go – and Get There Practical Reading: Help Centre – After-sales Care Teaching Objectives From studying this unit, students are expected to 1. have listening and speaking practices to explore time management and acquire the theme-related expressions and their functional structures; 2. understand the main idea of Text A and Text B, as well as master the useful sentence structures, words and expressions found in the two texts’ follow-up exercises; 3. know the structure of imperative sentences; 4. be able to read an after-sales policy; 5. be able to write a résumé cover letter. Difficult language points: 1. Learn how to use the structure “too...to” 2.Learn how to use imperative sentences Teaching Methods: Discussion, Exercise and Presenting Teaching Periods: 8 Periods Background Information: Personal Time Management Time management strategies are often associated with the recommendation to set personal goals. These goals are recorded and may be broken down into a project, an action plan, or a simple task list. For individual tasks or for goals, an importance rating may be established, deadlines may be set, and priorities assigned. This process results in a plan with a task list or a schedule or calendar of activities. A task list (also to-do list or things-to-do) is a list of tasks to be completed, such as chores or steps toward completing a project. Task lists are often prioritized. An early advocate of “ABC” prioritization was Alan Lakein. In his system “A” items were the most important (“A-1” the most important within that group), “B” next most important, “C” least important. A particular method of applying the ABC method assigns “A” to tasks to be done within a day, “B” a week, and “C” a month. Basic Tips on Time Management for Students Every student spends a lot of time studying and almost every one of them would like their studying to be more efficient. Here are some basic tips to manage your time better when studying. Minimize Distractions Eliminate everything that might be a distraction in the area where you are studying. Make sure there’s nothing nearby that might be tempting. If you love surfing the net, turn off the internet while you study. If you are totally into video games, discipline yourself to only play them after you have finished your studying as a reward. Don’t put the video games anywhere near your study area.
