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The Literature Review of

the situation setting and adaption of modern means in English teaching

More and more efforts have been made to enhance language abilities of college students than ever before since China joined the WTO. Language is the means for exchanging ideas between peoples. To improve spoken English of college students and find the new methods to teach are urgent tasks right now.

This article discusses the strategies about teaching Chinese college students to learn spoken English through English movies and suggests a practical way that actually widens students’ communicative abilities.

1. Viewing the Western Movies

Starting with providing some excerpts from the classical movies, this book gives us a detailed description of the process of teaching spoken English by films: 1) Cultural notes: providing the background and the music in the film. 2) Before viewing: asking some questions, to make students have an idea about this film. Before class, students must find some information about this film by themselves. 3) Viewing: after the watching, to ask students to analyze some classical sentences or parts of the film.

4) Role-play: choosing the most wonderful part of the film, to ask students to imitate.

5) Post-viewing: to ask students to think the topic and make a contract with the reality. Specifically, this book links the relationship among the various skills of learning, such as reading, listening, and writing. Each film in this book has its own features, emotions, and meanings.

2. The Positive Impact of Original English Movies on Oral English

In this article, the author first analyzes the English status of Chinese students and emphasize that the lack of English environment is one of the difficulties in oral English for the Chinese English learners. Then the author presents that watching original English movies will have compensation to the learners for the lack of the environment. In the following, the author takes the American popular situational comedy Friends as an example, to expound how the films to help people learn oral English. This article interprets the positive parts: the first one is the pronunciation of the film, the second is the sentences and the vocabulary of the film, the third is the content and the theme of the film and the last one is the culture and the thought of the film.

3. Imitating English Speaking Through English Movies

It is widely accepted that imitating English speaking as an F/S language through movies achieves a better effect than through tapes. The author considers that the imitation is the basic way of learning oral English. This article shows that imitating movies achieves the same acoustic quality as through tapes. This proves that psychological factors play roles in achieving good imitating quality through English movies, proved by many experts such as Wilder Penfield, etc. Then the author makes a research of the situation: when foreigners communicating with Chinese people, who
