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1 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Forum 企业社会责任(CSR)论坛

2 Position Paper 2008/09 建议书(2008年9月)

3 Introduction to the CSR Forum CSR论坛简介

4 The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Forum was established in Beijing in the spring of 200

5 and in Shanghai two years later. 企业社会责任(CSR)论坛于2005年春在北京创立,并于两年后在上海举行。

5 The CSR Forum serves as a platform for European enterprises operating in China to exchange experiences and provide practical information to support their responsible business practices in China. CSR论坛为欧洲企业在中国的经营充当了一个平台,它们可在这个平台上交流经验、提供活动信息,以支持它们在中国有责任感的业务活动。

6 The CSR Forum is an event-driven platform that regularly organises seminars with topics that are of interest to all European Chamber members. CSR论坛是一个由事件驱动的平台,这定期举办的研讨会所讨论的话题都事关所有欧盟商会成员的切身利益。

7 The aim is to share CSR experiences in China, exchange best practice, improve the understanding of different approaches and expectations and where possible, to collectively find solutions to challenges in implementing responsible business practice in order to facilitate the creation of harmonious and sustainable business practice in China. 研讨会的目标是分享CSR 在中国的经验、交流最好的活动、提高对不同措施和期望的理解以及在可能的情况下,共同为在实施有责任的业务活动中所出现的挑战而找到解决方案,从而促进在中国创立和谐而持续发展的业务活动。

8 The European Chamber has organised seminars and meetings on supply chain management, corporate governance practices, labour issues, the environment, health and safety practices and engaging with the community and NGOs in China, amongst others. 欧盟商会已经举办了许多研讨会和会议,如:供应链管理、公司管理实务、劳工问题以及环境、健康与安全方面的活动等,得到了中国的社区和非政府组织的参与。

9 The CSR Forum has also benefited from specialised CSR training from CSR Asia, a non-profit organisation based in Hong Kong. CSR论坛还从由CSR亚洲协会(设立在香港的非盈利性组织)专门提供的CSR培训中获益菲浅。

10 In June 2008, the European Chamber organised a two-day CSR conference jointly with the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) on “Responsible Competitiveness in China –from Concept to Implementation”, which w as attended by over 200 people from Chinese and foreign businesses, non-governmental organisations, academics and government officials. 2008年6月,欧盟商会与中欧国际工商学院(CEIBS)联合举办了为期两天的CSR研讨会,其主题为“中国有责任的竞争–从概念到实施”,来自于中外企业、非政府组织、学术团体以及政府部门的200多人出席了此研讨会。

11 The theme for the conference was chosen in response to a real demand by companies operating in China to discourage irresponsible behaviour by companies, which can result in costs whether in the form of fines, damage to a brand or reputation, labour disputes or product recalls due to safety concerns. 会议主旨的选择正好回应了中国的公司在运营中出现的现实需求,对企业不负责任的行为加以阻止,因为这些行为将会产生各种各样的费用。这些费用可能是以罚款形式出现的,可能是对品牌或企业声誉损害,可能是劳工纷争,也可能是由于安全问题而发生的产品召回。

12 Many critics note that it is difficult enough for a company to be competitive in China without having to be “responsible”too. 许多评论家指出:对于一个企业,要想在中国市场上具
