高三英语选修9Unit 5词汇.ppt

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7. M_is_l_e_a_d_in__g__ advertisements are prohibited by law. 8. The young army officer was p_r_o_m_o__te_d___ to the rank of captain. 9. It's i_m_m__o_r_a_l __ to steal other people's ideas. 10. I didn't mean to o_ff_e_n_d__ you. 11. Be_w__a_r_e_ how you handle the toxic chemical.
Period 2 英—汉
1.The radio operator sent (out) an appeal for help to headquarters.
2. Advertisements for houses for sale often lead buyers on with misleading description.
3. The ethics of his profession do not permit him to do that.
1. You can d_ia_l___ New York direct from London. 2. Her responsibilities ma_t_u_r_e_d__ her at an early age. 3. It is d_is_h_o_n_e_s_t_ to lie about one's age. 4. It's forbidden to sell to__b_a_c_c_o__ to children under 16. 5. A b_a_n_ on the importation of drugs had been issued recently.
Homework 汉—英 1. 等到我得知这项决定时,已经太迟了。 (inform) 2. 我们是在试验的基础上得出这个结论的。
(basis) 3. 他以牺牲健康完成了这项工作。(expense) 4. 这种仇恨是由种族偏见引起的。 (generate) 5. 为回报他们的热情,我们写了一封感谢信。
4. Her designs have a strong visual appeal.
单词填空 1. He worked as a c_a_s_u_a_l __ laborer and did not earn much. 2. If you want to sell your product you must ad__v_e_rt_is_e__ it. 3. I i_n_fo_r_m__e_d his wife of his safe arrival. 4. I benefited a lot from my as_s_o__c_ia_t_io_n_ with him. 5. I aimed at the t_a_r_g_e_t __but hit the wall. 6. Such decoration was a typical fe_a_t_u_r_e_ of the baroque period.
Unit 5 Inside advertising
Period 1 英– 汉 1.Machines have been developed that could
produce hundreds, even thousands, of identical parts that would fit into place where the broken puts were completely.
7. She gave him back the money she'd stolen for the sake of her c_o_n_s_c_ie_n_c_e___. 8. She is w_o_rt_h_y___ to receive such honor. 9. Several new members have come into this c_o_rp_o__ra_t_io__n__. 10. The chairman's speech will be b_ro_a_d__c_a_s_t ___ nationwide. 11. She laughed in r_e_s_p_o_n_s_e_ to his jokes. 12. His attitudes were shaped p_a_rt_ly___ by early experiences. 13. She inserted a new s_h_e_e_t___ of paper into the typewriter.
能够生产几百乃至几千个可互换的零件的机器研制出来了, 这些可互换的零件完全适合于损坏了的零件的位置。
2. In many sports (physical) fitness is not as important as technique.
3. After overtaking you should move back into the inside lane. 超车後应回到内车道行驶。
Homework 汉—英
1. 这些年他的性格已大大成熟。 2. 他使我误以为他很有钱。 3. 首相的访问将促进两国间的合作。 4. 他一个星期没有吃一顿像样的饭。 5. 你处理这些危险品时,可要当心。