

The analysis of Ode to the West Wind

Ode to the West Wind is the most famous lyric poem written by Shelley. There are five stanzas in the poem. In the first stanza, the poet uses the personification like “breath” to help describe the wet wind scatters the dead leaves and spreads seeds, here the poet gives us a image that the west wind is “destroyer and preserver”. In the next two stanzas, the poet describes how the west wind conquers the sea and the sky, we can see the west wind’s great power. In the last two stanzas, the poet expresses her wish to become the west wind.

From the poem we can see many images are used, such as “the dead leaves, the cloud and the wave”, and they all help to describe the west wind’s power, so is the west wind also just a image? To get the answer we must know the background when Shelley wrote the poem.

The poem was written in 1819 when European worker’s movement and the revolution were going on. British working class fought with the bourgeoisie for their right to make a living. Concerning this fact we can see that the west wind is not only a image, it is a symbol, namely that the west wind is like the revolution which destroys the old world and creates the new world. In this poem, the poet turn to the west wind for help because in her heart, the west wind stands for the moral and the spirit, it can give people power.

The poem is a ode. The stanza used in this ode was developed by Shelley from the interlaced three-line units of the Italian terza rima: aba bcb cdc and so on. Shelley’s stanza consists of a set of four such tercets, closed by a couplet rhyming with the middle line of the preceding tercet: aba bab cdc ded ee. This kind of rhyme breaks the old rule and describes the west wind’s great power vividly.


Appreciation of the Poem “Ode to the West Wind” Class 0801 Name Zhao Xiaoning Student Number 2008030112

Abstract... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...( 3) 摘要... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...( 4) 1. Introduction... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ( 5) 2. Appreciation to the Ode to the West Wind… … … … … … … ( 5 ) 3. Conclusion… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ( 6) 4. Bibliography… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ( 7 )

Abstract: Ode to the West Wind is the most classical works of Shelley The poet came up with the thought when he is walking in a forest and a strong storm seemed to come soon. And the storm came together with wind and hails. In such weather Shelley thought of many things of the society. Under this atmosphere he wrote the poem “Ode to the West Wind”. Key Words: Lyric image aesthetics the west wind


The analysis of Ode to the West Wind Ode to the West Wind is the most famous lyric poem written by Shelley. There are five stanzas in the poem. In the first stanza, the poet uses the personification like “breath” to help describe the wet wind scatters the dead leaves and spreads seeds, here the poet gives us a image that the west wind is “destroyer and preserver”. In the next two stanzas, the poet describes how the west wind conquers the sea and the sky, we can see the west wind’s great power. In the last two stanzas, the poet expresses her wish to become the west wind. From the poem we can see many images are used, such as “the dead leaves, the cloud and the wave”, and they all help to describe the west wind’s power, so is the west wind also just a image? To get the answer we must know the background when Shelley wrote the poem. The poem was written in 1819 when European worker’s movement and the revolution were going on. British working class fought with the bourgeoisie for their right to make a living. Concerning this fact we can see that the west wind is not only a image, it is a symbol, namely that the west wind is like the revolution which destroys the old world and creates the new world. In this poem, the poet turn to the west wind for help because in her heart, the west wind stands for the moral and the spirit, it can give people power. The poem is a ode. The stanza used in this ode was developed by Shelley from the interlaced three-line units of the Italian terza rima: aba bcb cdc and so on. Shelley’s stanza consists of a set of four such tercets, closed by a couplet rhyming with the middle line of the preceding tercet: aba bab cdc ded ee. This kind of rhyme breaks the old rule and describes the west wind’s great power vividly.

西风颂 英语赏析

Summary The speaker invokes the “wild West Wind”of autumn, which scatters the dead leaves and spreads seeds so that they may be nurtured by the spring, and asks that the wind, a “destroyer and preserver,”hear him. The speaker calls the wind the “dirge / Of the dying year,”and describes how it stirs up violent storms, and again implores it to hear him. The speaker says that the wind stirs the Mediterranean from “his summer dreams,”and cleaves the Atlantic into choppy chasms, making the “sapless foliage”of the ocean tremble, and asks for a third time that it hear him.The speaker says that if he were a dead leaf that the wind could bear, or a cloud it could carry, or a wave it could push, or even if he were, as a boy, “the comrade”of the wind’s “wandering over heaven,”then he would never have needed to pray to the wind and invoke its powers. He pleads with the wind to lift him “as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!”—for though he is like the wind at heart, untamable and proud—he is now chained and bowed with the weight of his hours upon the earth.The speaker asks the wind to “make me thy lyre,”to be his own Spirit, and to drive his thoughts across the universe, “like withered leaves, to quicken a new birth.”He asks the wind, by the incantation of this verse, to scatter his words among mankind, to be the “trumpet of a prophecy.”Speaking both in regard to the season and in regard to the effect upon mankind that he hopes his words to have, the speaker asks: “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”Form Each of the seven parts of “Ode to the West Wind”contains five stanzas—four three-line stanzas and a two-line couplet, all metered in iambic pentameter. The rhyme scheme in each part follows a pattern known as terza rima, the three-line rhyme scheme employed by Dante in his Divine Comedy. In the three-line terza rima stanza, the first and third lines rhyme, and the middle line does not; then the end sound of that middle line is employed as the rhyme for the first and third lines in the next stanza. The final couplet rhymes with the middle line of the last three-line stanza. Thus each of the seven parts of “Ode to the West Wind”follows this scheme: ABA BCB CDC DED EE. Commentary The wispy, fluid terza rima of “Ode to the West Wind”finds Shelley taking a long thematic leap beyond the scope of “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty,”and incorporating his own art into his meditation on beauty and the natural world. Shelley invokes the wind magically, describing its power and its role as both “destroyer and preserver,”and asks the wind to sweep him out of his torpor “as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!”In the fifth section, the poet then takes a remarkable turn, transforming the wind into a metaphor for his own art, the expressive capacity that drives “dead thoughts”like “withered leaves”over the universe, to “quicken a new birth”—that is, to quicken the coming of the spring. Here the spring season is a metaphor for a “spring”of human consciousness, imagination, liberty, or morality—all the things Shelley hoped his art could help to bring about in the human mind. Shelley asks the wind to be his spirit, and in the same movement he makes it his metaphorical spirit, his poetic faculty, which will play him like a musical instrument, the way the wind strums the leaves of the trees. The thematic implication is significant: whereas the older generation of Romantic poets viewed nature as a source of truth and authentic experience, the younger generation largely viewed nature as a source of beauty and aesthetic experience. In this poem, Shelley explicitly links nature with art by finding powerful natural metaphors with which to express his ideas about the power, import, quality, and ultimate effect of aesthetic expression


Name:段曦Class:英语0901 Number:08 On the Image of Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind” As the most famous representative of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s thoughts and feelings, “ode to the west wind” sets up strong and powerful image of the west wind as the destroyer and the preserver, showing the poet’s critical attitude towards the ugly social reality of his days and his faith in a bright future for humanity. ●Part 1 (stanza 1~3) The effects of the west wind The first stanza begins with the alliteration (“wild West Wind”) which indicates that the wind is vigorous and powerful. The “Wild Spirit”is both“the Destroyer”and“the Preserver”. This autumnal wind is personified as human being (“breath of autumn’s being”), because only our humans have the revolutionary power to destroy the old society which is symbolized by “the leaves dead”and create a new world symbolized by “the winged seeds”. The second stanza describes the wind’s activity on the clouds in the sky. The “clouds” are “Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean” by the influence of the wind, getting together with the “black rain and fire and hail”, which probably heralds a revolutionary storm to ruin the corruptive old things. The third stanza focuses on the tremendous force of the wind on the waves. “The blue Mediterranean” symbolizes the rulers who were being lulled into a false sense of security in the 19th century by “his chrystalline streams”and “azure moss and flowers”. All this looks peaceful, but suddenly the peaceful waves are shaken by the west wind and ultimately are cleaved into the powerful tides (“the Atlantic’s level powers”). ●Part 2 (stanza 4~5) The poet’s eagerness and optimistic belief In the fourth stanza, the first three sentences are in subjunctive mood. The poet applies the subjunctive to feel the power influenced by the wind (“share the impulse of thy strength”), to be free like the wind (“wandering over Heaven”), and to show his eagerness to enjoy the boundless uncontrollable spirit of the wind (“like thee: tameless, and swift, and proud”). The word “comrade”implies that the poet want to be a companion of the west wind to overcome the difficulties of life (“the thorns of life”). The last stanza is the climax of the poem. Shelley compares his poem to “incantation”, and he wants to be lyre to play his words by which his curse and criticism to the society’s darkness and viciousness can be expressed completely. He wishes the wind to scatter his words among mankind (“Be through my lips to unawakened Earth”). At this point, Shelley also indicates the west wind’s power of transmitting the great

西风颂的文体学分析 英文

A Stylistic Analysis of Ode to the West Wind Class 3, Name:XXX, Student Number: XXXXXXXXXX Abstract:Ode to the West Wind is the most famous lyric poetry of Shelley, a well-known English romantic poet. In this poem, Shelley applied many figures of speech, combined scenery-depicting and emotion-expressing. The lively rhythm, effusive emotion and profound meaning unified the form and the content. This paper tries to analyze in the following three aspects----Firstly, at phonetic level, to illustrate that this poem render atmosphere and express ideological purpose by acoustics, mainly in rhyme and pause. Secondly, at lexical level, this poem applied simile, metaphor and personification to make unreal images more specific and vivid, make flat words full of strong infection. Last, at syntactic level, from the structural analysis of the inversion, repetition and rhetorical question in this poem, we know clearer about the relationship between forms and contents. Key Words: Phonetic level; lexical level; syntactic level; forms; contents 1 Introduction “Using proper words in proper places, and this is the real definition of style.”From the definition of style that Swift gave. We can make a comprehension that the language expression way of a literary work is the most remarkable style. As the old Chinese saying goes, “the style is the man”. By reading the words and phrases of a work, it is no wonder that we can guess the creating time and author of the work. For instance, the writing style of Elizabethan Age is full of passion and romantic color, and integrated and unified in structure. The style of Hemingway is clear, concise and simple in sentence structure. But we cannot treat different things as the same; we don’t exclude the


《西风颂》习题 基础考查 1.下列各组词语中加点字注音有误的一项是() A.鬼魅.(mai)肺痨.(láo) 疫疠.(lì)不羁.(jǐ) B.聆.听(línɡ)重轭.(a) 纠.缠(jiū)磅礴 ..(pánɡb?) C.摇曳.(ya)澄.彻(ch?nɡ) 颤.栗(zhàn)符咒.(zh?u) D.喇叭 ..(lǎbɑ)不驯.(xùn) 蔚.蓝(wai)闪烁.(shu?) 解析:选A。“羁”应读jī。 2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是() A.脉膊度假貌合神离坐收鱼利 B.凋敝喋血既往不究金碧辉煌 C.疫疠勘误层峦叠嶂墨守成规 D.沉湎幅员人才倍出反映问题 解析:选C。A.膊—搏,鱼—渔。B.究—咎。D.倍—辈。 3.下面句子中标点符号使用正确的一项是() A.到了高中,这样的发明他已经有了20多件,其中获省、市一、二、三等奖的就有15件。1999年,他的《高效率扳手》《易拆卸钉书钉》《定量倒药瓶》三项发明几乎同时获得国家专利。 B.杜甫称赞李白只有两句话——“清新庾开府,俊逸鲍参军”,还有人硬说这是“贬”词——真是以小人之心度君子之腹了。 C.吸取爸爸失败的教训后,他自己发明了一种“自动晒收衣架”,其“科技含量”明显高出老子一筹,真是“后生可畏啊!” D.他提出了著名的“现代派六大信条”,声称“我们是有所扬弃并发扬光大地包容了自波特莱尔以来一切新兴诗派之精神的现代派之一群。” 解析:选B。A.三项专利不能用书名号,可改用引号。C.最后一个引号只能加在“后生可畏”上,“啊!”应在引号外。D.句号应在引号外。 4.依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,最恰当的一组是() ①只有书籍,能把一切高贵生命早已飘散的信号________给你。 ②这家工厂排放的废水废气,严重地污染了环境,________了居民们的健康。

英国文学 复习提纲

题型模式 选择题(2分*15道=30分) 作家作品匹配(1分*20道=20分) 名词解释(5分*2道=10分) 作品分析(三道题,25分) 论述作家区别(15分) Chapter 1 The Renaissance Period文艺复兴时期 掌握要点: The Renaissance(文艺复兴): Humanism is the essence of Renaissance. The Greek and Roman civilization was based on such a conception that man is the measure of all things. Renaissance humanists(文艺复兴时期的人文主义者): Human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection. (question, explore enjoy. ) Knight Literature(骑士文学) Period: The Renaissance period, Themes: “Fierce wars and faithful loves” Humansim(人文主义) Sonnet十四行诗 Shakespearean Sonnet: comprises three quatrain and final couplet rhyming ababcdcdefefgg Spenserian Sonnet: ababbabccdcdee Christopher Marlowe马洛 The poineer of English Drama His creation of Renaissance hero for English drama. Dr. Faustus: It celevrates the human passion for knowledge, power and happiness. Tamburlaine: Supreme desire for infinite power and authority. William Shakespeare莎士比亚 The spirit of pursuing happiness. Hamlet哈姆雷特 Othello奥赛罗 King Lear李尔王 Macbeth 麦克白 All’s Well That Ends 终成眷属 Measure for Measure 一报还一报 Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶 “To Be or Not to Be”


一个秋日的午后,诗人雪莱在意大利佛罗伦萨近郊的树林里漫步。突然狂风大作,乌云翻滚。到了傍晚,暴风雨夹带着冰雹雷电倾盆而下,荡涤着大地,震撼着人间。大自然威武雄壮的交响乐,触发了诗人的灵感,他奋笔疾书,谱写了不朽的抒情短诗《西风颂》。这是1819年的事情。 当时,欧洲各国的工人运动和革命运动风起云涌。英国工人阶级为了争取自身的生存权利,正同资产阶级展开英勇的斗争,捣毁机器和罢工事件接连不断。1819年8月,曼彻斯特八万工人举行了声势浩大的游行示威,反动当局竟出动军队野蛮镇压,制造了历史上著名的彼得卢大屠杀事件。雪莱满怀悲愤,写下了长诗《暴政的假面游行》,对资产阶级政府的血腥暴行提出严正抗议。法国自拿破仑帝制崩溃、波旁王朝复辟以后,阶级矛盾异常尖锐,广大人民正酝酿着反对封建复辟势力的革命斗争。拿破仑帝国的解体也大大促进了西班牙人民反对异族压迫和封建专制的革命运动,1819年1月,终于响起了武装起义的枪声。就在武装起义的前夕,雪莱给西班牙人民献上了《颂歌》一首,为西班牙革命吹响了进军的号角。在意大利和希腊,民族解放运动方兴未艾,雪莱的《西风颂》发表不久,这两个国家也先后爆发了轰轰烈烈的武装起义。面对着欧洲山雨欲来风满楼的革命形势,雪莱为之鼓舞,为之振奋,诗人胸中沸腾着炽热的革命激情。这时,在一场暴风骤雨的自然景象的触发下,这种难以抑制的革命激情立刻冲出胸膛,一泻千里,化作激昂慷慨的歌唱: 你怒吼咆哮的雄浑交响乐中,

将有树林和我的深沉的歌唱, 我们将唱出秋声,婉转而忧愁。 精灵呀,让我变成你,猛烈、刚强! 把我僵死的思想驱散在宇宙, 像一片片的枯叶,以鼓舞新生; 请听从我这个诗篇中的符咒, 把我的话传给全世界的人, 犹如从不灭的炉中吹出火花! 雪莱在歌唱西风。他歌唱西风以摧枯拉朽的巨大力量扫除破败的残叶,无情地把那“黑的、惨红的、铅灰的,或者蜡黄,患瘟疫而死掉的一大群”垃圾扫除干净;他歌唱西风“在动乱的太空中掀起激流”,搅动着“浓云密雾”,呼唤着“电火、冰雹和黑的雨水”,“为这将逝的残年唱起挽歌”;他歌唱西风唤醒沉睡的浩翰大海,波涛汹涌,把一丛丛躲藏在海底深处的海树海花,吓得惊恐色变,“瑟瑟地发抖,纷纷凋谢”。雪莱歌唱西风,同时也在歌唱席卷整个欧洲的革命风暴。他歌唱革命运动正以排山倒海之势,雷霆万钧之力,横扫旧世界一切黑暗反动势力。革命运动风起云涌,一顶顶皇冠随风落地,一群群妖魔鬼怪望风逃遁,这正是当时欧洲革命形势的生动写照。雪莱在歌唱西风。他歌唱西风“是破坏者,又是保护者”。他歌唱西风不仅扫除了残枝败叶,而且“送飞翔的种籽到它们的冬床”。待到来年春天,西风的妹妹——东风驾临大地,就会“蓓蕾儿吐馨”,“漫山遍野铺上了姹紫嫣红”,出现一个春光明媚的新世界。雪莱歌唱西风,同时也在歌唱革命。他和那些资产阶级凡夫俗子不同,他没有把革命简单地看作消极的破坏力


This poem was conceived and chiefly written in a wood, and on a day when that tempestuous wind, whose temperature is at once mild and animating, was collecting the vapors which pour down the autumnal rains. Shelley’s west wind is a “spirit”, the “breath of autumn’s being”, which on earth, sky and sea destroys in the autumn in order to revive in the spring. Around this central image the poem weaves various cycles of death and regeneration----vegetational, human, and divine. The stanza used in this ode was developed by Shelley from the interlaced three-line units of the Italian terza rima: aba bcb cdc and so on. Shelley’s stanza consists of a set of four such tercets, closed by a couplet rhyming with the middle line of the preceding tercet: aba bab cdc ded ee. This poem consists of five cantos and each canto is a sonnet. The first canto describes that west wind crushes dry weeds and smashes rotten woods and ay the same time it also sweeps the seeds into earth. The second canto describes that the west wind stirs up the condense clouds and fog and calls the lightning and storm to come. The third canto describes the power of the west wind in land, sea and air. The fourth canto is a turning point, Shelley’s poem turns from describing scene to expressing emotions and he conveys his willing with the west wind. The last canto is the climax of the poem, in it Shelley further expresses the wind will destroy everything. All in all, it can be divided into two parts. The first part include canto one, canto two and canto three. The first part gives a description of many images but there is only one central idea. That is the west wind has a strong power to eliminate decadent and encourage the new things. The last two cantos are Shelley speaking directly to the wind, asking for its power, to lift him like a leaf, a cloud or a wave and make him its companion in its wanderings. Symbolism is widely used in this poem. This poem describes the west wind from the beginning to the end. Whether it describes the scenery or expresses his thoughts, the west wind is indispensable in his descriptions. From the surface it seems that Shelley writes about the west wind but actually he uses the west wind to express the revolution. What the author describes about the nature is exactly what he wants to

《西风颂》 两个汉译版本的文体分析

最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 英文歌词翻译策略探析 2 分析《贵妇画像》中伊莎贝尔的个性特点 3 异化的美国梦:小说《教父》的主题解读 4 顺应理论视角下《红楼梦》中委婉语的英译 5 跨文化交际中的社交语用失误及其对英语教学的启示 6 论汉文化负载词汇的翻译 7 论地理位置对中美民族性格的影响 8 商务英语翻译中的隐喻研究 9 对文化差异引起的误译的研究 10 从合作原则角度简要分析《老友记》中乔伊的性格特征 11 《喜福会》中的象征主义 12 Risk Comparing of Documentary Collection and Letters of Credit 13 霍桑在《红字》中对人的罪恶的探究 14 An Analysis of Conflict Images in Invisible Man 15 浅谈《当幸福来敲门》中的美国个人主义 16 尼斯湖和西湖—中西方旅游性格差异研究 17 Mirror Image Relationship Between General Liguang and Patton 18 从跨文化角度对品牌名称的研究——以化妆品品牌为例 19 对爱德加.爱伦.坡哥特式小说中象征手法的研究 20 析《远大前程》主人公性格之路 21 从《男孩们女孩们》看身份问题对艾丽斯.门罗文学创作的影响 22 麦当劳法则及其在美国社会的影响 23 哥特文化--十字架背后的光 24 从文化无意识的角度分析《喜福会》中的边缘人 25 中西礼仪对比 26 网络广告在中国营销中存在的弊端 27 浅谈中西婚俗的文化差异 28 《白雪公主》的后现代主义创作技巧 29 中西方饮酒礼仪的比较 30 《我的安东妮娅》中的文化冲突研究 31 Tradition and Beyond—Reading The Diviners as a Bildungsroman 32 Cultural Differences on West-Eastern Business Negotiations 33 论英语教学中交际法应用的困境及其解决之道 34 文类、历史与受众心态——论小说《红字》的电影改编 35 从四个主要人物的叙述结构来分析《蝇王》的主题意义 36 印度商务礼仪研究—对中印商务谈判的建议 37 书面语言输入与输出对英语词汇习得的影响 38 国际商务谈判中的文化差异分析 39 Miss Havisham: an Imprisoned Woman in Great Expectations 40 从接受美学浅谈英文电影片名的汉译 41 从生态中心主义角度分析康拉德《黑暗的心》 42 英语词汇教学方法探讨

西风颂 英文赏析

Appreciation of Ode to the West Wind Abstract:Ode to the west wind is one of the representative works of Shelley. The poet through the shape of "destroyer and protect" for the west wind to image to express their confidence in the future of humanity. The poet came up with the thought when he is walking in a forest and a strong storm seemed to come soon. And the storm came together with wind and hails. In such weather Shelley thought of many things of the society. key words: romantic, appreciation, the West Wind,artistic conception Ode to the West Wind is written by Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1819.Encourage those struggle for freedom, at the same time, the poem expresses the hope that its words will inspire and influence those who read or hear it. Shelley wanted his message of reform and revolution spread, and the wind becomes the trope for spreading the word of change through the poet-prophet figure. Shelley's lyrical poem Ode to the west wind has been regarded as a bright pearl in the treasure house of world poetry. Regardless of the content, form and ideological exudes its own unique charming. However, as Hans Robert Jauss said "no receiver's history life of the literature in participation is unthinkable". Therefore, this article from the perspective of aesthetics of reception, to appreciate the poem from the artistic beauty, sound beauty, beauty of rhetoric aspects. The poem is a lyric poem that addresses the west wind as a powerful force and asks it to scatter the poet's words throughout the world. In Ode to the West Wind, Shelley uses the wind to represent driving change and a carrier for his ideas. In Ode to the West Wind, Percy Bysshe Shelley tries to show his desire for transcendence, by explaining that his thoughts and ideas, like
