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What does international business refer to? Please tell the difference between international business and domestic business.

1. International business refers to transactions between parties from diffirent countries.

There are four major diffrences between international business and domestic business:

1)differences in legal system

2)differences in currencies

3)differences in cutural background

4)differences in natural and economic conditions

Please explain the differences between visible trade and invisible trade. Which is becoming more and more important and accounts for an increasing proportion in international trade?

modity trade, i.e exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one

country for consumption or resale in another. This kind of trade is also referred to visible trade.

Invisible trade is in the form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc. Invisible trade is becoming more and more important and accounts for an increasing proportion in international trade.

Can you cite some examples to illustrate cultural differences in international business?

3.Cultural differences including language, customs, traditions, religion, value, behavior etc. Please elaborate on the two categoreis of international investment. What is their major difference?

4.Foreign direct investments or FDI for short is made for returns through controlling the

enterprises or assets invested in in a host country.

Portfolio investment refers to purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other than controlling.

What is licensing? Why do firms sometimes choose it as means of entering a foreign market?

5.In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country.

Firms choose licensing because they do not want to make cash payments to start business, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty. Besides, they can benefit from locational advanteges of foreign operation without any obligations in ownership or management.

What is franchising? How is it different from licensing?

6.Under franchising, a fim, called the franchisee, is allowed to operate in the name of another,

called the franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand name, logos, and operating techniques for royalty.

In comparision with the relation between the licenser and the licensee, the franchiser has more control over and provides more support for the franchisee.

What is a management contract? Under what conditions is it most applicable?

7.Under a management contract, one company offers managerial or other specialized services to

another within a particular period for a flat payment or a percentage of the relevant business volum.

When a government forbids foreign ownership in certain industries it considers to be of strategic importance but lacks the expertise for operation, management contracts may be a practical choice enabling a foreign company to operate in the industry without owning the assets..

What is an international turnkey project? In what way is its variant BOT different from it?
