











1. Where does the man want to go?

A. To a cafe.

B. To a grocery store.

C. To a restaurant.

2. What does the woman tell the man to do before taking his medicine?

A. Keep his stomach empty.

B. Have something to eat.

C. Take good notes.

3. What is more important in playing golf according to the man?

A. Putting more strength.

B. Using the body properly.

C. Practicing hard.

4. What should the woman do first?

A. Go upstairs.

B. Turn right.

C. Go down a hallway.

5. Where are the speakers?

A. At a health clinic.

B. At a department store.

C. At a tailor's.




6. Why won't the man take Flight F8008?

A. It leaves too early in the morning.

B. The tickets are not available.

C. It's not a direct flight.

7. When will the man go to New York?

A. On Monday.

B. On Tuesday.

C. On Wednesday.


8. What is the woman's attitude towards taking up golf?

A. Negative.

B. Careful.

C. Confident.

9. According to the woman, why is she considering the sport?

A. To feel young again.

B. To have more exercise.

C. To spend more time with her husband.


10. Where does the man notice the red things first?

A. On the woman's arms.

B. On the woman's face.

C. On the woman's legs.

11. What might cause the red things?

A. Oily skin.

B. Some food.

C.A plant.

12. What will the woman probably do next?

A. Go to the drugstore.

B. Receive hospital treatment.

C. Eat something different.


13. What does the man want to get?

A. A basic haircut.

B. A nail special.

C. A crazy haircut.

14. When does the man get his hair cut?

A. At around 3: 00.

B. At 3: 30.

C. At about4: 00.

15. Where does the man live?

A. In Los Angeles.

B. In New York.

C. In Washington


16. What does the man do for a living?

A. He works as a novelist.

B. He works for a newspaper.

C. He works for the government.


17. Where did western culture begin?

A. In western Europe.

B. In Rome.

C. In Ancient Greece.

18. What influenced the North American culture most in recent centuries?

A. Arts.

B. Science.

C. Government.

19. What has provided a new source for western values?

A. Modern literature.

B. The moving population.

C. The invention of television and the Internet.

20. What is the speaker probably doing?

A. Giving a lecture.

B. Conducting a TV show.

C. Hosting a radio program.





Have you always dreamed of working with animals? Come and spend a day at the RSPCA and discover just what's involved behind the scenes when working in animal welfare. Gain an insight into a day in the life of an animal attendant, vet, vet nurse or an inspector and learn practical skills so you know what to do if your pet needs help. Your day will include:

Learning skills needed to work in a vet clinic,including the art of suturing (缝合) and veterinary tests.

* Viewing live surgery in the working operating theatre.

* Assisting with the preventative health care of our animals.

* Discovering the various career pathways that can help you reach your goals, including working closely with a vet and a vet nurse who will gladly discuss their roles and share their expertise with you.

* Going behind the scenes of one of the busiest vet clinic in Victoria.

* Please read our program information before making your booking.

Program information

Time: Fri 14th July; 9: 30 am-3: 00 pm

Place: RSPCA Education Centre, Burwood East

Age: 15-18

Clothing requirements: Long pants ( no skirts or shorts) and sturdy (结实) enclosed shoes such as boots or gumboots

Program costs: $ 109

Enquires: 03 9224 2286 Education department

All attendees receive a certificate of attendance.

Bookings are non-refundable and numbers are limited.

All programs will start at 9: 30 am and finish at 3: 00 pm sharp. Doors open 10 minutes prior to start/finish time.

Please provide your child with morning tea and a packed lunch ( that does not require heating or cooking). Please note: We try hard to be a nut-free environment.

1. Which of the following can you do at the RSPCA?

A. Discover the secret of animal welfare.

B. Learn the art of pleasing animals.

C. Perform live surgery on animals.

D. Help with animals' health care.

2. What do we learn about the program?

A. You can get no refund after booking it.

B. Attendees should arrive before 9 am.

C. Attendees will be offered free lunch.

D. No advance booking is necessary.

3. What's the main purpose of the text?

A. To show what the RSPCA is like.

B. To introduce a vet program to teenagers.

C. To give advice on how to take care of animals.

D. To explain how to join in a program at the RSPCA.

【答案】1. D 2. A 3. B




细节理解题。根据短文中的“Assisting with the preventative health care of our animals.”可知,在RSPCA可以帮助照料动物。故选D项。


细节理解题。根据Program information 部分中的“Bookings are non-refundable”可知,预订之后是无法退款的。故选A项。




I arrived late one night on a business trip, so I decided to have dinner in the hotel I stayed in. As I was finishing my meal, an elderly couple came in. They were holding hands and had lovely smiles on their faces. They sat three tables from me. I was amazed at the love they showed for each other. It struck me because it was shortly after ending a 20-year marriage and I still had pain in my heart.

My waiter was also their waiter. As I paid my bill, I asked what their bill was. He informed me, and I gave him $40 to pay their bill. H e asked if I knew them. I told him “No, I just wanted to repay them for the love that they were showing to each other, ” and then I left.

The next day I entered the restaurant again. After I had been seated, the waiter who served me the night before told me that the strangest thing happened after I left the restaurant. When the elderly couple went to pay for their meal, they were informed that it had been paid. The waiter just retold them what I said. They were amazed. They looked around, asked for the bill of two young couples seated together, paid their bill and left.

I smiled and began to order my meal. About 45 minutes later, I finished my meal and was about to head out, but my waiter was nowhere to be found. I explained to the hostess that I needed to pay for my meal and hurry to the airport. She smiled and explained that I would not have to pay, because she felt she should pay my bill due to the joy

brought to the faces of the elderly couple and the amazement of the young couples.

When I told her that s he didn't have to do that she said with a smile “Love begets Love.”

4. Why was the writer deeply touched by the love of an elderly couple?

A. Because he did not have heart pain cured soon after divorce.

B. Because he has been familiar with them.

C. Because he was warm-hearted.

D. Because he was amazed at the love of others.

5. The hostess paid the writer's bill because______

A. She only felt like paying for the love of couples.

B. She was ready to help people in need.

C. She was glad to pass the love.

D. She was required to pay the bill.

6. What can be learned from the story?

A. The writer did it to prove his generosity.

B. The young couples paid the bill of the elderly couple.

C. The writer was reminded to pay his own bill in time.

D. The love is produced, it can be passed.

7. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Pain Past Is Pleasure

B. Love Is the Reward of Love

C. All Good Things Come to An End

D. Love Is A Permanent Faith

【答案】4. A 5. C 6. D 7. B




细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句“It struck me because it was shortly after ending a 20-year marriage and I still had pain in my heart.”可知,作者还沉浸在离婚的伤痛之中,故而感动。故选A项。


细节理解题。根据文章第四段最后一句“She smiled and explained that I would not have to pay,because she felt she should pay my bill due to the joy brought to the faces of the elderly couple and the amazement of the young couples.”可知,她微笑着解释说我不用付账,因为她觉得她应该为我付账,因为这给老夫妇带来了欢乐,也让年轻夫妇带来了惊喜。所以女主人支付了作者的账单,因为她很高兴传递爱。故选C项。


推理判断题。本文通过一个故事的描述,告诉读者的道理可以用最后一段老板说的“Love begets Love”来总结,意为“爱引发爱”,也就是一个人的善意可以传递给另一个人。由此判断出爱一旦产生,就可以被传递下去。故选D项。




Simply turning pages of a book quickly may not seem like the best way to scan it. A Japanese research group at Tokyo University has created a new software that allows hundreds of pages to be scanned within minutes. Scanning text is normally a boring process with each page having to be inserted into a scanner, but the team led by Professor Masatoshi Ishikawa uses a high speed camera that takes 500 pictures a second to scan pages as they are turned by workers.

Normal scanners can only scan the information that is actually before them on the page. This high speed book scanner uses a camera that captures pages at 1000fps as they are turned. A system built in allows it to automatically correct any changes to the text due to the page bending as well as light differences due to shadows. “It takes a shot of the shape, then it calculates the shape and uses those calculations to film the scanning,” Ishikawa said, explaining the system used to reconstruct the original page.

The current system is able to scan an average 250 page book in a lite over 60 seconds using basic computer hardware. While it now requires extra time to process the scanned images (影像), the researchers hope to eventually make the technology both faster and much smaller. “In the more distant future, once it beco mes possible to put all of this processing on one chip (芯片) and then put that in an iPad or iPod, one could scan just using that chip. At that point, it becomes possible to scan something quickly to save for later reading,” Ishikawa said.

Being able to scan books with an iPhone may be further off, but Ishikawa says that a commercial version of the large-scale computer based scanning system could be available in two or three years.

While the technology has the potential to take paper books into the digital age, it remains to be how publishers will react to people scanning their books while just turning pages quickly.

8. What is the most effective way to scan a book according to the text?

A. Turning pages of a book as quickly as possible.

B. Using basic computer hardware.

C. Scanning with an iPhone.

D. Using a high speed book scanner created by a team at Tokyo University.

9. According to the text, a system built in a high speed camera can

A. change the size of the image.

B. scan many pages at a time.

C. revise any changes of itself to the text due to the page bending.

D. change the shape of the image.

10. What is the writer's attitude to the use of the new scanning software?

A.He thinks it unbelievable.

B. He is cautious about it.

C. He takes no interest in it.

D. He is curious about it. 11. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. A new technology to scan a book at a high speed. B. The process of scanning a book. C. The way of using a scanner. D. The advantages and disadvantages of a high speed scanner. 【答案】8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A 【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了日本东京大学一个研究团队发明的一款新型高速书本扫描仪及其发展前



细节理解题。第一段“…but the team led by Professor Masatoshi Ishikawa uses a high speed camera that takes 500 pictures a second to scan pages as they are turned by workers.”提到东京大学石川教授带领的团队发明了一款高速书本扫描仪,通过用高速相机以每秒500 页的速度扫描纸张。所以扫描一本书最有效的方法是用东京



细节理解题。文中第二段“A system built in allows it to automatically correct any changes to the text due to the page bending as well as light differences due to shadows.”提到在高速相机中嵌入一个系统能够自动纠正由于纸张弯曲或阴影造成光线不同而导致的文本变化。故选C项。


推理判断题。文中最后一段While the technology has the potential to take paper books into the digital age, it remains to be how publishers will react to people scanning their books while just turning pages quickly.可知,尽管这种技术有潜力,但出版商如何来应对人们仅凭快速翻页就能扫描这本书这一局面仍是一个问题。由此可推知作者对这项新技术持谨慎态度。故选B项。


主旨大意题。根据第一段“A Japanese research group at Tokyo University has created a new software that allows hundreds of pages to be scanned within minutes. Scanning text is normally a boring process with each page having to be inserted into a scanner, but the team led by Professor Masatoshi Ishikawa uses a high speed camera that takes 500 pictures a second to scan pages as they are turned by workers”可知,东京大学的一个日本研究小组发明了一种新软件,可以在几分钟内扫描数百页内容。扫描文本通常是一个无聊的过程,每一页都要扫入扫描仪,但由石川正俊教授领导的研究小组使用了一种每秒可拍摄500张照片的高速相机,在工作人员翻页时进行扫描。所以本文主要讲述一种高速扫描书本的新技术。故选A项。


Several days ago, a doctor Lord Robert Winston from Britain took a train from London to Manchester, he found himself becoming steadily angry. A woman had picked up her phone and begun a loud conversation, which would last an unbelievable hour. Furious, Winston began to put the message about the woman on his twitter. He took her picture and sent it to his more than 40 ,000 followers.

As the train arrived at its destination, Winston had enough of the woman's rudeness. But the press were now waiting for her on the platform. And when they deliberately showed her the Lord's messages, she used just one word to describe Winston's actions: rude.

The story of Winston is something of a microcosm of our age of increasing rudeness, fueled by social media ( and often politics). What can we do to fix this?

Studies have shown that rudeness spreads quickly and virally, almost like the common cold. Just witnessing

rudeness makes it far more likely that we, in turn, will be rude later on. Once infected, we are more aggressive, less creative and worse at our jobs. The only way to end a strain is to make a conscious decision to do so. We must have the courage to call it out, face to face. We must say, “ Just stop. ” For Winston, that would have meant approaching the woman, telling her that her conversation was frustrating other passengers and politely asking her to speak more quietly or make the call at another time.

The anger and injustice we feel at the rude behavior of a stranger can drive us to do odd things. In my own research, surveying 2 ,000 adults, I discovered that the acts of revenge people had been taken ranging from the ridiculous to the disturbing. Winston did shine a spotlight on the woman's behavior but from afar, in a way that shamed her.

We must instead fight with rudeness directly. When we see it occur in a store, we must step up and say something. If it happens to a colleague, we must point it out. We must defend strangers in the same way we'd defend our best friends. But we can do it with grace, by handling it without a trace of aggression and without being rude ourselves. Because once rude people can see their actions through the eyes of others, they are far more likely to end that strain themselves.

12. Why did the woman use the word “rude” to describe Winston's actions?

A. Because he behaved improperly and spoke loudly on the train.

B. Because he said rude words to the woman.

C. Because he lost his temper due to other people's rudeness.

D. Because he pointed out the woman's rude behavior in a wrong way.

13.What is the function of the third paragraph? A. To draw a conclusion to the above story. B. To act as a connecting link of the former and latter part. C. To show us the positive and negative effects of the social media. D. To tell us the ways to fix this kind of situation. 14. What does the underlined phrase mean in Paragraph 5? A. Uncover. B. Combat. C. Concern. D. Undertake. 15. According to the writer, how should we respond to some uncivilized behaviors? A. We can only point out rudeness from familiar people. B. Do nothing but wait for other people to fix it.

C. Both strangers and acquaintances deserve our friendly warning.

D. Take revenge on rude people by doing equally disturbing things.

【答案】12. D 13. B 14. A 15. C




细节理解题。题干所问的单词出现在第二段的末尾,根据第一段的“Winston began to put the message about the woman on his twitter.He took her picture and sent it to his more than 40,000 followers.”和第三段的“The story of Winston is something of a microcosm of our age of increasing rudeness,”可知,看到了不文明的行为,Winston 并没有当面指出,而选择了将对方拍照发到了社交媒体,也就是Winston 用一种错误的、粗鲁的方式指出了女乘客的错误。故选D项。


推理判断题。根据第三段“The story of Winston is something of a microcosm of our age of increasing rudeness, fueled by social media ( and often politics). What can we do to fix this?”可知,温斯顿的故事是我们这个越来越粗鲁的时代的一个缩影,社交媒体(通常是政治)为其推波助澜。我们能做些什么来解决这个问题?第三段总结了Winston的故事,并进一步提出了问题,在这里承接上文讲的Winston 的行为,引出下文对此的一些讨论。故判断出第三段起到连接前、后两部分的纽带的作用。故选B项。


词义猜测题。根据第一段最后一句“Furious, Winston began to put the message about the woman on his twitter. He took her picture and sent it to his more than 40 ,000 followers.”可知,Winston 曝光和揭露了女乘客的不文明行为,故此处应选择与“揭露、曝光”这个意思最接近的词语。A. Uncover揭露;B. Combat与……作斗争;C. Concern关心、担忧;D. Undertake承担。故选A项。


细节理解题。根据最后一段“If it happens to a colleague,we must point it out.We must defend strangers in the same way we’d defend our best friends.”可知,我们对待陌生人应该和我们对待朋友一样,当他们出现不文明行为的时候,友善的提醒,而不是粗鲁的曝光。所以陌生人和熟人都值得我们友善地提醒。故选C项。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


How to Recycle or Reuse Broken Stuff

A motor from a small appliance can be reused in many ways,including taking it apart to learn how motors work.___16___But there will be some things that you just can't fix-or can't find parts for. So what are you going to do with those things?___17___

Recycle it

Because recycling is limited to local understanding and budgets, you may find that recycling things and parts may be quite easy or relatively difficult depending on where you live.___18___If you're rural and must take trash and recycling to a landfill, transfer station, or recycle center, contact the company to find out what it can use and what it can't, and whether there is a charge.

You also can find local recyclers in your local telephone book under headings like Recycle Centers and Scrap Metals.___19___PET stands for polyethylene terephthalate, a plastic resin (树脂) used in many products and easily recycled into new products.

Reuse it

___20___Think creatively before you banish (驱除) something from your household. For example, unrepairable clothing can become fix it shop rags or quilting squares. Extra drawers from a broken dresser can become under-bed storage containers. Ugly but usable hairdryers can be put to work thawing (解冻) frozen pipes. A senior center or homeless shelter may appreciate your old books and magazines.

A. How can I change broken things into new ones?

B. You can repair hundreds of household things that break.

C. Here's the page at Amazon with directions for repairing.

D. Many will pay you for cans,clear glass,PET plastics, and metals.

E. There are many things that you can reuse instead of recycling or throwing away.

F. The best place to learn about recycling is to call whatever company picks up your trash.

G. Consider the many creative ways of recycling and reusing before you throw away anything.

【答案】16. B 17. G 18. F 19. D 20. E





B选项“家里面很多坏掉的东西你是可以修好的”,其中“can repair”与空白处下一句的“can’t fix”符合but在句意上的转折。故选B项。


下文中给出主要两方面的建议是Recycle it和Reuse it,G选项“在你扔东西之前考虑多种有创意的方式来回收、再利用”,其中“recycling and reusing”与下文呼应。串联到下文的内容。故选G项。




空白处下一句可知“PET代表聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯,这是一种用于许多产品的塑料树脂,很容易回收制成新产品”,只有D选项中“PET plastic”可以与之对应。故D选项“很多人会为易拉罐,透明玻璃,宠物塑料和金属付钱”故选D项。



【点睛】七选五题型主要考查考生对文章的整体理解和掌握情况,相当于阅读理解和完形填空的综合。它不仅需要阅读速度,还要对文章的结构、主旨、写作意图、观点都有所了解。主要考点包括:1.考查主题句,也就是考查对文章整体内容的概括能力;2考查上下文衔接,即考查文章的过渡部分;3考查中心句,需要考生学会归纳段落大意。拿到题目时,应该先确定出题位置;读题干,再读需要填入句子的上下句,画出关键词;读文章各段落,确定段落中心句和文章主题句;通读文章确定上下句和选项之间的逻辑关系。针对不同设空位置选择不同的策略就能事半功倍。第2小题位置在第一段的末尾,根据行文的结构特点可知,第一段点明主题,再分成两部分分别阐述,该位置的句子要将上下文串联起来,而前一句提出了问题,B 选项作为回答,正好也串联到下文的内容,句意和结构都是符合的。




Two years ago, my wife Carol and I decided that children's education would not be complete without some

grounding in modern computers. To this end, we___21___our children a brand new Compaq to learn with. The kids had a lot of fun___22___the handful (少量的) of application programs we'd bought,___23___Adobe's Photoshop and Microsoft's Word, and my wife and I were___24___that our gift was received so well. Our son Peter

was___25___attracted to the device , and became quite fond of surfing the net.___26___Peter began to spend whole days on the machine, I became___27___, but Carol advised me to___28___,and that it was only a passing period. I was content to bow to her experience___29___a mother, until our youngest daughter, Cindy, rushed into

the___30___room one night to blurt out, “Peter is a computer hacker!’

As you can imagine, I was___31___. A computer hacker in my own house! I began to___32___my son's habits, to make certain that Cindy wasn't just making up___33___, as she is likely to do at times.

After few days of___34___, and some research into computer hacking, I faced Peter with the___35___.I'm afraid to say, this was the only time I have ever been___36___disappointed in one of my children. We raised them to be___37___and to have integrity (真诚), and Peter didn't follow the principles we tried to___38___in him, when he refused to admit to his activities. His denials continued for hours, and in the end, I was___39___with no choice but to ban him from using the computer until he is old enough to be___40___for his actions.

21. A. carried B. took C. bought D. borrowed

22. A. using B. designing C. playing D. spending

23. A. such as B. as a result C. in search of D. except for

24. A. disappointed B. pleased C. moved D. depressed

25. A. never B. even C. seldom D. most

26. A. If B. When C. Unless D. Though

27. A. satisfied B. relaxed C. concerned D. relieved

28. A. cheer up B. calm down C. watch out D. give in

29. A. as B. like C. for D. of

30. A. dining B. washing C. living D. reading

31. A. embarrassed B. amazed C. thrilled D. excited 32. A. notice B. miss C. inspect D. monitor 33. A. differences B. jokes C. stories D. truths 34. A. investigation B. track C. consideration D. hesitation 35. A. invention B. excuse C. evidence D. wonder 36. A. slightly B. truly C. partly D. possibly

37. A. brave B. honest C. diligent D. careful

38. A. forbid B. prevent C. encourage D. advise

39. A. left B. filled C. equipped D. loaded

40. A. thankful B. responsible C. hopeful D. anxious

【答案】21. C 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. C 31. B 32. D 33. C 34. A 35. C 36. B 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. B




考查动词词义辨析。句意:为此,我们给孩子们买了一个全新的Compaq电脑用于学习。A. carried携带,运送;B. took带走;C. bought购买;D. borrowed借用。根据下句中的bought可知,是购买了一台电脑。故选C项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:孩子们用我们买的少量的应用程序却玩得很开心。A. using使用;B. designing 设计;C. playing玩耍,播放;D. spending花费。该动词发起者是孩子们,搭配宾语“应用程序”,自然要用“使用”。故选A项。


考查介词短语辨析。句意:例如PS和微软Word。A. such as比如;B. as a result结果是;C. in search of寻找;

D. except for除了。根据“Adobe's Photoshop and Microsoft's Word”可知,这里是对电脑的应用程序进行举例。故选A项。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我和妻子对于礼物这么受用感到高兴。A. disappointed失望的;B. pleased愉快的;C. moved感动的;D. depressed沮丧的。上文中孩子们如此喜欢作者的礼物,作者应该是高兴的。故选B项。


考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们的儿子Peter几乎迷上了这台设备。A. never绝不;B. even甚至;C. seldom 很少;D. most极其,几乎。下句中写Peter很喜欢上网,再结合前文孩子们对电脑的态度,D选项“几乎”



考查连词。句意:当Peter开始一整天都耗在那台机器上时,我有点担心了。A. If如果;B. When当……时;

C. Unless除非;

D. Though虽然。分析句意可知,两句话描述的动作是同时发生的,所以用when引导时间状语从句。故选B项。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当Peter开始一整天都耗在那台机器上时,我有点担心了。A. satisfied满足的;

B. relaxed放松的;

C. concerned担忧的;

D. relieved放心的,宽慰的。根据“ 6 Peter began to spend whole days on the machine,”可知,儿子整天上网作者当然是很担心。故选C项。


考查动词短语辨析。句意:但Carol建议我先冷静一下。A. cheer up鼓励,使高兴;B. calm down冷静;C. watch out小心;D. give in屈服。丈夫担心,妻子建议他冷静下来,理由是下句中“这只是一个过渡阶段”,即孩子刚刚接触电脑一时着迷是正常的,不用担心。故选B项。


考查介词辨析。句意:我愿意相信她身为母亲的经验。A. as作为;B. like像……;C. for为了;D. of……的。她的经验就是做母亲的经验,应该用as表示“作为”。故选A项。


考查动名词词义辨析。句意:直到有一天晚上我们的小女儿Cindy冲进了起居室。A. dining就餐;B. washing 洗;C. living居住;D. reading阅读。结合生活经验,孩子晚上冲进房间来报告情况,可以推测是起居室。故选C项。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你可以想象,我很震惊。A. embarrassed尴尬的;B. amazed震惊的;C. thrilled 激动的;D. excited兴奋的。前文作者被妻子劝慰过不那么担心了,但知道了儿子是黑客,心里一定很震惊。故选B项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:我开始监控儿子的习惯,以确定Cindy没有在编故事。A. notice注意到;B. miss 错过;C. inspect检查;D. monitor监视。为了证实儿子是否真的是黑客,作者应该是要开始监视他的举动。故选D项。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:我开始监控儿子的习惯,以确定Cindy没有在编故事。A. differences不同;B. jokes 玩笑;C. stories故事;D. truths事实。女儿的话作者也没有直接相信,还是选择自己来判断,以防女儿在编造故事。故选C项。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:几天的调查过后,再加上一些对电脑黑客的研究,我带着证据面对Peter。A. investigation调查;B. track追踪;C. consideration考虑;D. hesitation犹豫。与前文的monitor一词对应,都指作者为了弄清真相做了调查。故选A项。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:几天的调查过后,再加上一些对电脑黑客的研究,我带着证据面对Peter。A. invention意图;B. excuse接口,理由;C. evidence证据;D. wonder奇迹。能面对儿子说明已经掌握证据了。故选C项。


考查副词词义辨析。句意:恐怕,这是我唯一一次对我的孩子真正失望。A. slightly稍微;B. truly真地;C. partly部分地;D. possibly可能地。根据上文作者找到了证据以及从下文中对Peter的行为性质描述中不难看出,这次作者真地很失望。故选B项。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们抚养他们,想让他们诚实做人,真诚待人。A. brave勇敢的;B. honest诚实的;C. diligent用功的;D. careful小心的。与下一句的integrity(真诚)呼应,而且Peter否认了自己的行为,应该指作者希望孩子们诚实。故选B项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:而Peter并没有遵守这些我们鼓励他拥有的原则。A. forbid禁止;B. prevent阻止;

C. encourage鼓励;

D. advise建议。与上文抚养过程中的培养含义一致,这里指从小鼓励孩子们建立诚实的品性。故选C项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的否认持续了几个小时,最后,我别无选择,只剩下禁止他使用电脑,直到他长大到可以对自己的行为负责。A. left遗留,留下;B. filled充满;C. equipped装备;D. loaded装载。根据“with no choice but to ban him from using the computer”作者别无选择,只剩下禁止他使用电脑,

直到他长大到可以对自己的行为负责,be left with意为“剩下”。故选A项。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他的否认持续了几个小时,最后,我别无选择,只剩下禁止他使用电脑,直到他长大到可以对自己的行为负责。A. thankful感激的;B. responsible负责的;C. hopeful有希望的;D. anxious 不安的。根据“ old enough以及his actions”可知,禁令要一直施行到他长大,直到他能为自己的行为负责,be responsible for意为“为……负责”符合语境。故选B项。



Running is good for your health. It may help to protect you___41___heart disease and other health problems. Running may also help you live longer.

According to a research___42___( conduct) in the US recently, runners are a great deal___43___( health) than non-runners. In fact, the I runners live, on average, three years s longer than the non-runners.

Running may be good exercise, but it can be difficult on the body. Here___44___( be ) commonly shared ideas among fitness experts to lower the risk of injury for people running regularly.

Do not run too much, too soon or too fast. Most people get running injuries when they push___45___( they) too hard.

Get good running shoes. You should find the shoes___46___offer the best fit and support for your feet.

More___47___( important), you should have a new pair of shoes every 500 to 800 kilometers.

After each run, write down notes about what you___48___(do) and___49___you felt. You may find that your knees hurt when you run sometimes. Or perhaps you feel great when you have___50___rest between running days. These notes will help you make the best plan for running.

【答案】41. from / against

42. conducted

43. healthier

44. are45. themselves

46. that /which

47. importantly

48. did49. how

50. a




考查介词。句意:它有助于保护你免受心脏病和其他健康问题的侵扰。protect sth. from/against sth.意为“保护……免受……的伤害”。故填from / against。


考查非谓语动词。句意:根据美国最近的一项研究,跑步者比不跑步的人要健康很多。分析句子结构可知,conduct in the US作主语a research的定语,且conduct与research之间是被动关系,要用过去分词形式。故填conducted。




考查倒装和主谓一致。句意:这里是一些由健康专家分享的普适性方法,可以降低人们在日常跑步时受伤的风险。句子使用了Here 开头的完全倒装,主语是ideas,复数形式,时态是一般现在时,be动词要用are。故填are。




考查定语从句。句意:你应该找到最适合你脚的鞋子。分析句子结构可知,空白前句不缺主宾成分,后句缺少主语,考虑定语从句,句意上来讲后句描述的也正是鞋子,先行词是the shoes,事物属性,无特殊情况可用that或which。故填that /which。




考查时态。句意:每次跑步后,写下你做了什么和感受如何。这里两个谓语动词、即空白处与felt 并列,都要用过去式。故填did。


考查名词性从句。句意:每次跑步后,写下你做了什么和感受如何。这里的结构与并列的what you did一致,都是连接词词引导的宾语从句。句意应该是“感觉如何”,考虑方式状语,要用how。故填how。


考查冠词。句意:或者当你在跑步日期间休息了一次,你也许会觉得很不错。have a rest意为“休息一下”,固定短语。故填a。




增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。


的词用斜线(I )划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Fires sweep across the Amazon this month have been grabbing global headlines, Scientists and environmentally

groups are worried about that they will result in climate change crisis and threaten biodiversity. As a largest rainforest in the world, the Amazon is often calling “the lungs of the world”. It is also home 3 million species of plant s and animal and 2 million local people. Quantities of rainforest plays an important role in the world's ecosystem because they absorb heat what will be reflected back into the atmosphere. They also store carbon dioxide and produced oxygen, ensuring that less carbon is released, reducing the effects of climate change.









贵州省贵阳市第一中学2018届高三12月月考数学 (文)试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 设集合,集合,则()A.B.C.D. 2. 在复平面中,复数的共轭复数,则对应的点在()A.第一象限B.第二象限 C.第三象限D.第四象限 3. 在等差数列中,已知,且公差,则其前项和取最小值时的的值为() A.B.或C.D. 4. 下列命题正确的是() A.存在,使得的否定是:不存在,使得 B.对任意,均有的否定是:存在,使得 C.若,则或的否命题是:若,则或 D.若为假命题,则命题与必一真一假 5. 在平面直角坐标系中,向量,,若, ,三点能构成三角形,则() A.B.C.D. 6. 设函数,则“函数在上存在零点”是 “”的() A.充分而不必要条件B.必要而不充分条件 C.充分且必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件

7. 若,满足约束条件,则的范围是()A.B.C.D. 8. 如图,设网格纸上每个小正方形的边长为,网格纸中粗线部分为某几何体的三视图,那么该几何体的表面积为() A.B. C.D. 9. 已知某算法的程序框图如图所示,则该算法的功能是() A.求和 B.求和 C.求和 D.求和 10. 已知正四棱锥的底面是边长为的正方形,若一个半径为的球与此四棱锥所有面都相切,则该四棱锥的高是() A.B.C.D.

11. 已知为坐标原点,设,分别是双曲线的左、右焦点,点为双曲线左支上任一点,过点作的平分线的垂线,垂足为,若 ,则双曲线的离心率是() A.B.C.D. 12. 已知是定义在上的奇函数,满足,当时, ,则函数在区间上所有零点之和为() A.B.C.D. 二、填空题 13. 在中,角,,的对边分别为,,,若,, ,,则角的大小为__________. 14. 若圆与双曲线:的渐近线相切,则双曲线的渐近线方程是_______. 15. 设函数若且,,则取值范围分别是__________. 16. 已知函数,且点满足条件 ,若点关于直线的对称点是,则线段的最小值是__________.


第 1 页 共 10 页 贵阳一中2018届第一次月考卷——理科数学 一、选择题 1. 已知集合{|A x y ==,2{|0}2 x B x x +=≤-,则A B =( ) A. [2,1]-- B. [1,2)- C. [1,1]-- D. [1,2) 2.复数3 2 (1)(1)i i +-在复平面上对应的点位于( ) A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D. 第四象限 3.已知()f x 在其定义域[1,)-+∞上是减函数,若(2)()f x f x ->,则( ) A. 1x > B. 11x -≤< C. 13x <≤ D. 13x -≤≤ 4.双曲线方程为22 21x y -=,则它的右焦点坐标为( ) A. 2?? ? ??? B. 2?? ? ??? C. 2?? ? ??? D. 0) 5.某市国际马拉松邀请赛设置了全程马拉松、半程马拉松和迷你马拉松三个比赛项目,4位长跑爱好者各自任选一个项目参加比赛,则这4人中三个项目都有人参加的概率为( ) A. 89 B. 49 C. 29 D. 827 6.若方程2(1)10x k x --+=有大于2的根,则实数k 的取值范围是( ) A. 7,2??-∞ ??? B. 7,2??-∞ ??? C. 7,2??+∞ ??? D. 7,2??+∞???? 7.已知,αβ都是锐角,且sin cos cos (1sin )αβαβ=+,则( ) A. 32π αβ-= B. 22π αβ-= C. 32π αβ+= D. 22π αβ+= 8.如图1.由曲线21y x =-,直线0,2x x ==和x 轴围成的封闭图形的面积是( ) A. 2 20(1)x dx -? B. 2 20(1)x dx -?


2017-1018学年度六年级下册英语周考 测试卷(3.24) 一.按要求写单词(10*1) 1. Big (比较级)_______________ 2. 2. foot (复数)_____________ 3. Heavier(原级) ______________ 4. 4. funny (比较级)___________ 5. Thin (最高级)___________ 6. 6. clean (过去式)____________ 7. Sleep (过去式)____________ 8. stayed (原形)____________ 9.Wash (过去式)_____________ 10. break (过去式)_____________ 二.英汉互译(10*1) 1. 多高wash my clothes 2. 多重children’s show 2. 多大Drink tea 3. 多大尺码Taller than me 4. 看电视stay at home 5. 上周末 6. 感冒 三.用所给词的适当形式填空(10*1) 1. John _________(be) taller than you. 2. The book is _____(heavy) than yours. 3. What size ______(be) your shoes? 4. How ________(tall) are you ? 5. I am the ______(thin) one in our class. 6. I ________(read ) a book yesterday. 7. He _______(watch) TV last week . 8. ________(do) you play football last Monday? 9. I ________(see) a film last Sunday. 10. What _________(do) Mike do last week? 四.单项选择(10*2) ()1.You are___than Li Lei, she is only 1.5 meters. A. Heavier B. taller C. tall ( ) 2.Tom is __________-than Li Ming. A. taller 4 cm B. 4 cm taller C. 4 taller cm ()3.What size _______ your feet? A. Am B. is C. are ( )4.You are __than me, but my hands are smaller than __ A.Thin, you B.thinner, yours C. thinner, your ( ) 5.----How ____are you ? -----I am 1.6 meters. A. Tall B. taller C. tallest ( ) 6.Who is _____, Zhang Peng or Mike? A. Short B.shorter C. shortest ( ) 7.What ____you ___last Sunday? A. Do, did B. did, do C. do , do ( ) 8.Tom _____his clothes and watched TV yesterday. A. Wash B. washed C. washes ( ) 9._____you ______basketball on Sunday morning? A. Did,play B. did played C. do ,played ( ) 10._____was your weekend? 学校班级姓名考号________________ ……………………..…….密………………封………………线………………内……………………不…………………要………..…..……答…………………题…………………….……


英语试题 (本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟) 第Ⅰ卷(两部分,共95分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分) 第一节:语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。 1.kick A. live B. life C. machine D. shine 2. receive A. believe B. certain C. height D. remain 3. theater A. appear B. especially C. learner D. society 4. language. A. attentively B. control C. strange D. twinkle 5. pressure A. measure B. expression C. pleasure D. professor 第二节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 6. The little girl _________ her heart out because she _________ her toy bear and believed she wasn’t ever going to find it . A. had cried ; lost B. cried ; had lost C. has cried ; had lost D. cries ; has lost 7. We will be shown around the city : schools , museums , and some other places . _______ other visitors seldom go . A. what B. which C. where D. when 8. -- Excuse me , sir . Would you do me a favor ? -- Of course . What is it ? --I _______ if you could tell me how to fill out this form . A. had wondered B. was wondering C. would wonder D. did wonder 9. It is so nice to hear from her . _______ , we last met more than thirty years ago . A. What's more B. That is to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not 10. -- When shall we start ? -- Let’s _______ it 8:30 . Is that all right ? A. set B. meet C. make D. take 11. All the people _______ at the party were his supporters . A. present B. thankful C. interested D. important 12. -- Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Saturday ? -- Thank you . I’d love to , _______ I’ll be out of town at the weekend . A. because B. and C. so D. but 13. Be careful when you cross this very busy street . If not , you may _______ run over by a car . A. have B. get C. become D. turn 14. His mother had thought it would be good for his character to _______ from home and earn


贵阳一中2020届高三第五次月考 英语试卷 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。在试题卷上作答无效。 3.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分300分,考试用时150分钟。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 注意,听力部分答题时请先将答案标在试卷上,听力部分结束前你将有两分钟的时间将答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where does the man want to go? A. To a cafe. B. To a grocery store. C. To a restaurant. 2. What does the woman tell the man to do before taking his medicine? A. Keep his stomach empty. B. Have something to eat. C. Take good notes. 3. What is more important in playing golf according to the man? A. Putting more strength. B. Using the body properly. C. Practicing hard. 4. What should the woman do first? A. Go upstairs. B. Turn right. C. Go down a hallway. 5. Where are the speakers? A. At a health clinic. B. At a department store. C. At a tailor's. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。


西华一高高一年级上学期周考 英语试题 第一部分: 听力(1—20题)(略) 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A From family-friendly beach holidays to city breaks, you won’t need to break the bank on these trips this summer. Tenerife, Canary Islands What to do.You won’t be stuck trying to find activities that the whole family can enjoy in Tenerife. Parents can enjoy themselves as kids make the most of the sandy beaches and blue waters —everybody is happy. Where to stay. The four-star, all-inclusive Fanabe Costa Sur Hotel is a short walk from Playa del Duqe and Playa Fanabe. Its central location means it’s conveniently right by the area’s bars, shops and restaurants. Cyprus What to do: Whether you like to go out and explore local cultures or prefer to sit on a beach with a good book, Cyprus serves a wide range of holiday types. There are famous historic sites —such as UNESCO World Heritage Site “The Tomb of Kings” as well as mountains that are ideal for picturesque beaches, with many hotels offering water sports and other fun activities. Where to stay: The five-star Great Beach Hotel overlooks the Mediterranean sea, and is just a few minutes’ walk from the town. Goa, India What to do.Looking to venture somewhere a bit different this summer? Goa has everything you could want for an unforgettable


重庆八中高2020级高三(下)第4次月考 英语试题 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 A Language Engineer Wanted Are you a linguist(语言学家)with technical skills? Or are you an engineer with a passion for(human)languages? Come work on Alexa! We're building the speech and language solutions behind Amazon Echo and other Amazon products and services. Our goal is to delight our customers by adding new features to Alexa. We also improve our existing speech recognition and natural language processing systems. Specifically, you will: ●design the natural language processing components of new Alexa experiences and features; ●discover and solve production issues that are impacting the Alexa customer experience; ●work with other language engineers in creating the best solutions to improve customer satisfaction. Basic qualifications: ●Bachelor's degree in a relevant field ●Experience in computational linguistics(计算语言学), language data processing, etc. ●Experience working with speech and text language data in several languages ●Experience in Python, Perl, or other programming languages Primary qualifications: ●Advanced degree in a relevant field ●Familiarity with database queries(数据库查询)and data analysis processes ●Experience with statistical language modeling ●Fluency in a language other than English Application instructions: Please click"Apply Now"and follow our online application process Deadline: September 30, 11:59 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time(EDT). We highly recommend that candidates submit résumés up to two weeks in advance of the deadline. Submitting on the deadline day is NOT recommended,and applications received late will not be accepted. 1


贵阳一中2018届第一次月考卷——理科数学 一、选择题 1.已知集合2 {|23}A x y x x == --,2 {| 0}2 x B x x +=≤-,则A B =I ( ) A. [2,1]-- B. [1,2)- C. [1,1]-- D. [1,2) 2.复数3 2 (1)(1)i i +-在复平面上对应的点位于( ) A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D. 第四象限 3.已知()f x 在其定义域[1,)-+∞上是减函数,若(2)()f x f x ->,则( ) A. 1x > B. 11x -≤< C. 13x <≤ D. 13x -≤≤ 4.双曲线方程为2221x y -=,则它的右焦点坐标为( ) A. 2,02?? ? ??? B. 5,0?? ? ??? C. 6,02?? ? ??? D. (3,0) 5.某市国际马拉松邀请赛设置了全程马拉松、半程马拉松和迷你马拉松三个比赛项目,4位长跑爱好者各自任选一个项目参加比赛,则这4人中三个项目都有人参加的概率为( ) A. 89 B. 49 C. 29 D. 8 27 6.若方程2(1)10x k x --+=有大于2的根,则实数k 的取值范围是( ) A. 7,2??-∞ ??? B. 7,2? ?-∞ ??? C. 7,2?? +∞ ??? D. 7,2?? +∞???? 7.已知,αβ都是锐角,且sin cos cos (1sin )αβαβ=+,则( ) A. 32 π αβ-= B. 22 π αβ-= C. 32 π αβ+= D. 22 π αβ+= 8.如图1.由曲线21y x =-,直线0,2x x ==和x 轴围成的封闭图形的面积是( ) A. 2 20(1)x dx -? B. 2 2 0(1)x dx -? C. 2 201x dx -? D. 1 2 2 21 1 (1)(1)x dx x dx --+-? ?


高三英语周考试卷 一:听力(略) 二:单项选择: 21.My father has _____large collection of ______musical instruments . A. the ; the B. a ; the C. the; / D a ; / 22. ______everyone would like to find an apartment near the university ,there are very few vacant apartments in the area . A. Since B. When C. After D. Until 23. Although zorbing(悠波球) was invented in 2000,it has only recently begun to _______. A. get off B. set off C. jump off D.take off 24. He is really ____whom we can admire for his courage . A. somebody B. anybody C. something D. everybody 25. -----I’d like to see the latest movie very much ,but I have no money on me . ----That’s OK .This is my _______. A.offer B. turn C. service D. treat 26.Guangzhou Karaoke businesses are reported ____a 12-yuan royalty fee for each Karaoke room ,a charge set by the china Audio and Video Association . A. to refuse B. refusing C. to have refused D.having refused 27.----I’ll come to pick you at 11:30 tomorrow . ----But by then my class will have been over and I______my lunch at home A. am to have B. will have C. will be having D. will have had 28.---Can you answer the question for me , Mr Smith ? ---Oh, ______! A.you’ve got it B. help yourself C. you’ve got me there D. you made it 29. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _____ effects the people are still suffering. A. that B. whose C. those D. what 30. I’ve tried several times, but the car just _______. A. doesn’t st art B. wouldn’t start C. won’t start D. didn’t start 31. Please tell me _____ you would like to have your coffee ―black or white? A. what B. where C. when D. how 32. People like beautiful things, but the beautiful________ not always the useful. A. is B. are C. was D. were 33. ―How often do you refer to the dictionary when you are reading an English novel? ―Well, ________. I will look up the word if it affects my understanding. A. never B. very often C. it depends D. if possible 34. ―Could you _______ take care of my dog while I’m away? ―Sure. Leav e it to me, please. A. perhaps B. possibly C. maybe D. probably 35.―Have you worked out when the final payment is _______?


2019-2020学年贵州省贵阳一中高三(下)月考数学试卷(理科) (六) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1. 已知集合A ={(x,?y)|x 2+y 2≤2,?x ∈Z,?y ∈Z},B ={(x,?y)|x +1>0},则A ∩B 的元素个数为( ) A.9 B.8 C.6 D.5 【答案】 C 【考点】 交集及其运算 【解析】 利用交集定义先求出A ∩B ,由此能求出A ∩B 的元素个数. 【解答】 ∵ 集合A ={(x,?y)|x 2+y 2≤2,?x ∈Z,?y ∈Z},B ={(x,?y)|x +1>0}, ∴ A ∩B ={(x,?y)|{x 2+y 2 ≤2x +1>0 }={(0,??1),?(0,?0),?(0,?1),?(1,??1),?(1,?0),?(1,?1)}, ∴ A ∩B 的元素个数为6. 2. i 是虚数单位,x ,y 是实数,x +i =(2+i)(y +yi),则x =( ) A.3 B.1 C.?1 2 D.1 3 【答案】 D 【考点】 复数的运算 【解析】 先利用复数代数形式的乘除运算化简,再利用复数相等的定义计算即可. 【解答】 (2+i)(y +yi)=y +3yi , 所以3y =1,x =y =1 3, 3. 平面向量a → ,b → 满足|a → |=4,|b → |=2,(a → +2b → )?a → =24,则|a → ?2b → |=( ) A.2 B.4 C.8 D.16 【答案】 B 【考点】 平面向量数量积的性质及其运算 【解析】 先根据数量积求出a → ?b → =4,再求模长的平方,进而求得结论. 【解答】


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 八年英语周考测试题 班级姓名得分 一.选择题20’ ( )1. --Where ______ you ______ on vacation? -- I went to New York City. A. did, go B. are, going C. will, go D. do, you ( )2. What a _______ a day makes! A. difference B. differences C. different D. relaxing ( )3.-- What did you do last vacation? -- I ______ at home. A. stay B. will stay C. staied D. stayed ( )4.The boy is ______ to carry the box. A.enough strong B.enough strongly C.strong enough D.strongly enough ( )5.. _____ the bad weather, we could n’t see anything below. A. Because B. Because of C. So D. Though ( )6. I felt like ______ in the sky like a bird. A.fly B.flew C.am flying D.flying ( )7. What did you do? I stayed at home most of the time _____ read. A to B of C with D for ( )8. I ______ at school now,but I ______ at home an hour ago. A.am;am B.was;was C.am;were D.am;was ( )9. -- Did you buy _______? -- No, I bought nothing. A. something special B. anything special C. special something D. special anything ( )10.I really enjoyed ______ around the town. A. to walk B. walked C. walking D. walk ( )11.. It was ____ beautiful ____ we forgot the last five hours. A. so… that B. too… to C. such… that D. to… that ( )12. I didn’t really see _____ I liked. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing ( )13. Can / Could / Would you give me ______ milk ? A. anything B. some C. any D. something ( )14. --_____ did / do you _____ it? -- I like / liked it very much. A. What, like B. How, feel C. How, think of D. What, think of ( )15. He seemed _____ the bad news. He looked sad. A know B knew C knows D to kn ow ( )16. Our vacation was _______. A. excite B. exciting C. excited D. excitement ( )17. I wonder what life _____ like here in the past. A. are B. be C. was D. is ( )18. We felt / were _______ in that book. A. bored B. exciting C. interested D. relaxed ( )19.Everyone _____ here now, and we can begin our class. A am B is C are D was ( )20.It was my first time _____ to this park. It was really fun. A went B go C to go D to went Ⅱ. 汉译英20’ 1. I wonder what life was here ____________________. (在过去) 2. 我们班每个人都带了一个装有一些食物和水的包。 _____ in our class took a bag _____ some food and water 3. We didn’t go to the beach ________________ the rain. (因为) 4. We saw a lot of Malaysian flowers ________________. (沿路) 5.我的腿如此劳累,以至于我想停下来。 My legs were _____tired ____I wanted to stop. 6. --Hi, Mike. __________________________. --I was on vacation. (好久不见) 7. We bought _____________________ in the shopping center. (相当多的东西) 8. I just _________________ and did my home work. (呆在家里) 9. --Did everyone ________________________? --Oh, yes. Everything was excellent. (过得愉快) 10. Everyone jumped _________________________in excitement. (跳起来/ 欢呼雀跃) 11. –Did you go shopping? --_____________! I bought something for my parents. (当然) 12. I went to a friend’s farm ___________________________ with my family. (在农村/ 在 乡下) 13. 我给我父母买了一些东西,但自己没买什么。 I______ _______ for my parents, _______ ________for myself 14. The only problem is that there was _____________________ to do in the evening. (没 什么事) 15. He ____________________ every day. (写日记)

2021年高二上学期第四次周考英语试题 含答案

信丰二中高二年级上学期英语学科第14周第4次周考卷(D卷) 卢玉琴王玉萍 一、阅读理解(每题4分,共60分) 2021年高二上学期第四次周考英语试题含答案 My friend, Dick, has a large police dog. Its name is Jack. Every Saturday afternoon Dick takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much. One Saturday afternoon, a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for a walk. But the man was still there. Jack became very worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the man and looked at him. But the man kept talking. Finally Jack could stand it no longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the man, but this time he held the man’s hat in his mouth. 1. From the story, we know that Jack is ________. A Dick’s good friend B a large police dog C a young man 2. Where does Dick walk with his dog every Saturday afternoon? A In his room B In the street C In the park


秘密★启用前 贵阳一中2016届高三第七次月考英语 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,第I卷第1页至第7页,第II卷第7页至第8页。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分120分,考试用时100分钟。 第I卷(选择题,共70分) 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后再选涂其他答案标号。在试题卷上作答无效。 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。 A Chinese food is not a foreign concept to the United States. But in the past, certain recipes have gotten lost in translation. The latest example is the Chinese smashed cucumber trend that has recently popped up in New York City. Many of Manhattan’s restaurants now offer smashed cucumbers dressed with sauces such as sesame oil with garlic and yogurt. This isn’t the first time that US chefs have embraced Chinese cooking techniques. Chefs in the US lean on flavors that American taste buds are attracted to, but by evolving the taste in this way, the original Chinese recipe is sometimes ignored. General Tso’s Chicken(左宗棠鸡), chop suey(炒杂碎) and fortune cookies are among the most popular Chinese dishes in the US. However, “Chinese people don’t crack open fortune cookies after every meal... Most Chinese people don’t even know what chop suey actually is,” Shanghai-based journalist Jamie Fullerton told Business Insider. “In the 19th century, what we call Chinese food in the US... was a lot of seafood, shark fins, bird’s nests, and a lot of shrimp,” Yong Chen, author of Chop Suey Nation: The Story of Chinese Food in America, told Yahoo Food. “But American diners rejected that.” Chefs specializing in Chinese cuisine want Americans to try their food. So they changed the ingredients, the cuts of meat and the presentation to suit American palates. This is a cultural compromise to make consumers happy. At the same time, they are turning the food into something less Chinese and more American. 1. How many ingredients are there in the smashed cucumbers according to the passage? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five 2. Which of the following is among the most popular Chinese dishes in the US now? A. Seafood B. Bird’s nests C. Shark fins D. Fortune cookies 3. What did the chefs do in order to suit American palates? A. They had to change the cooking method to suit American palates
