



( )1、A、book 、、B、good C 、cool

( )2 、A、speak 、、B、breakfast C、spread

( )3、A、doctor 、B、horse C、for

( )4、A、same B、bake C、have

( )5、A、bike B、kite C、give






5、put(现在分词)_______ 6.right(反义词)______7、short (反义词) ____ 8、.sing(职业) _______ 9.let us(缩写形式)____10.slowly(形容词)_______三、选择填空(20分)

( )1、Are there ____ apples in the box ?


B、any C 、a D、the

( )2、There are many ______ in the classroom.





()3、Whose bird are these ? _______ are yours.


B、Their C 、Those D、Theirs

( )4、May I take a message _____ you ?





( )5、There is no water on ____ Mars.





( )6、There ___ some milk in the glass.





( )7、Go down this street , you can see it ___ the end.





( )8、Is this dog ___ ? Yes , it’s ____.

A、your , my B 、yours , mine

C、yours , my

D、your , mine

( )9、______ I borrow your pen ?

A 、May B、Must C 、Does D、Am

( )10、The light is red. You_____ cross the street.



C、can D 、must


1、How can I get there ?

2、Yes,there is.

3、Excuse me .Is there a shop near here ?

4、You can see it on the right.

5、Go down this street , turn right.



1、you, clean ,help ,the, me,can ,to ,room,_________________________?

2、can there get how I(?) ________________________________?

3、are some birds there sky in the(.)_________________________.

4、is here you for letter a(.)_______________________________.

5、Jim ,who ,choose ,to ,does ,know ,not________________________.


1、You must cross the street .(否定句)

2 、There are some cows in the farm.(一般疑问句)

3、They are my desks.(对划线部分提问)

4、There are two birds in the tree . (对划线部分提问)

5、My name is Mary.(对划线部分提问)


()1、How many pencil do you want? 改正:__________


()2.I want half a pound for chicken. 改正:_______


()3、I doesn`t like music. 改正:_________


()4、Grandma wants a TV to her own. 改正:____


( ) 5. Let I go and see him. 改正:_______________ 八、阅读短文,然后判断正误,正确打(T),错误打(F)(20分)。There is a park near our school .We can see many trees and flowers there .We can see a hill behind the park too .At the foot of the hill we can see a river . There are some boats on it . It is Monday today . There are many children in the park .Some are

walking and singing .Some are dancing or playing games .Ann and her brother Tom are flying a kite .Their father and mother are sitting under the tree .All the family are having a good time.

( )1、There are many trees and animals in the park .

( )2、There is a hill in the park .

( )3、Ann and her brother Tom are flying a kite

( )4、Some children are singing .

( )5、All the family are very happy .

Tom is a little boy. He is five. Today his father takes him to see his grandparents. His home is far away from his grandparents. So they are going there by bus. There are only nine people on it. They all have seats Tom is very happy. He is running about on the bus. His father says, “don’t run! Sit down, please. ”“I miss my grandfather and grandmother very much. I want this bus to go faster.” Tom says.

()1. Tom goes to see his grandparents with his mother. ()2. Tom goes to see his grandparents’ home by bus.

()3. Tom and his father are running on the bus.

()4. Tom’s home is far away from his grandparents’. ()5. The driver tells Tom to sit down.


2011年小学六年级英语学业水平检测 (完卷时间60分钟,满分100分,超量给题10分) 一、 单项选择(每题2分,共10分) ( )1. —A: May I come in? B: ___________. A. Come in, please. B. No come in. C. You ’re welcome. ( )2、What’s the weather like today? ---______________. A. I like clouds. B. It’s windy C. Today is Sunday ( )3、She is talking to her friend ______her phone is ringing. A. And B. but C. with ( )4、It ’s going to _ hot _ Sunday A / at B be , on C be , in ( )5 、I sing songs, but I do Taijiquan. A. can ’t can ’t B. can can ’t C. can can 二、选词填空.把方框内的词填在横线上(每空2分,共10分) Daming and Simon went to a baseball game in America .They ________ their bicycles .Then they _______ the game . They saw their favourite team . Their team ___ very well and they ___ .Daming and Simon ________ hot dogs and drank colas .It was a great game ! 三、看图选择正确的单词或短语,请将序号填在括号内。(每空2分,共10分) 11、 12、 13、 14、


笔试部分 一. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,用“√”,“×”,表示在括号内。 ()1. five thin ()2. use usually ()3. lake wait ()4. phone bottle ()5. me he ()6. lot note ()7. over old ()8. tree eat ()9. slow down ()10. horse work 三. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。 ()1. I’ve got a toothache. I’m going to see the _______. A. park B. doctor C. teacher D. hospital ()2. -May I ______ your bike? -Sure. A. ride B. riding C. read D. to ride ()3. -Whose ruler is it? -Maybe it’s ______. A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary’s D. Peters’ ()4. I want to see a film. I’m going to the _____. A. cinema B. school C. museum D. bank ()5. -_____ will you do this Sunday? -I’ll play football. A. What B. When C. Where D. How ()6. -What is she doing? -She _______. A. has a cold B. will dance C. is dancing D. usually goes swimming ()7. Mrs Arthur can _______ piano. A. played the B. played C. plays the D. play the ()8. -_____ does your father do? -He’s an engineer. A. Who B. What C. Which D. How old ()9. My father ______ a new car. He ______ it very much. A. have, like B. has, likes C. has, like D. have, likes ()10. What time will he _______ back tomorrow? A. be B. is C. am D. are 四. 从B栏中选出适合A栏的答语: A B ()1. What will your dad do next week? a. He is a doctor. ()2. What are you doing? b. It is green. ()3. What does he do? c. I surfed the internet. ()4. Did you have a good time? d. I am watching TV. ()5. When did you come home? f. We’re going to visit art museum.()6. What colour is it? g. Yes, I enjoyed myself very much. ()7. What are you going to do tomorrow? h. OK. My name is Jones White. ()8. Could you leave your name? i. About eleven in the evening. ()9. What’s Mary doing now?j. She’s sleeping in bed, she’s ill.()10. What did you do last night? k. He’ll go sailing. 五. 下列情景应说哪句话,将其标号填入括号内。 ()1. 当你想知道对方最喜欢什么时,问 A. What do you like best? B. Do you like English? C. I like English very much. ()2. 当你提醒Jack上学不要迟到时,说: A. Don’t read in bed, Jack! B. Don’t watch TV, Jack! C. Don’t be late for school, Jack! ()3. 当你想知道这周日的天气如何时,问: A. It’s Sunday today. B. What does Sunday like? C. What’s the weather like this Sunday? ()4. 当你想知道字典的价钱,问: A. Have you got a dictionary? B. How much is the dictionary?


南流中学立德树人基本要素模型 (试行) 一、目标 (一)总目标 全面贯彻党的教育方针,坚持教育为社会主义现代化建设服务、为人民服务,把立德、树人作为教育的根本任务,全面实施素质教育,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,努力办好人民满意的教育。 (二)具体目标 德育目标:

教育学生理解、认同和拥护国家政治制度,爱党爱国爱人民,增强国家意识和社会责任意识,了解中华优秀传统文化和革命文化、社会主义先进文化,增强中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信,使学生养成良好政治素质、道德品质、法治意识。 智育目标: 全面实施素质教育,使学生形成积极健康的人格和良好心理品质,注重培养支撑学生终身发展、适应时代要求的关键能力和核心素养,成为合格的社会主义建设者和接班人。 体育目标: 按课程方案规定开设体育课程,开足课时。组织学生加强体育锻炼,不断提升学生体质监测合格率和优秀率。引导学生身心健康、体魄强健、意志坚强、充满活力,助推学生思想品德、智力发育、审美素养和健康生活方式的形成。 美育目标: 学校在开齐音乐、美术课程的基础上,根据课程方案要求,开设相应的舞蹈、戏曲、戏剧、影视、书法等课程,为学生提升艺术素养搭建多元化平台;引领学生树立正确的审美观念、陶冶高尚的道德情操、培育深厚的民族情感、激发想象力和创新意识、拥有开阔的眼光和宽广的胸怀。 劳动教育目标:

积极利用校内外各种资源,为学生提供参加劳动教育的机会,提高他们的劳动素养,促进他们形成积极的劳动态度和良好的劳动习惯,培养他们勤奋学习、勇于创造的精神。 二、路径 (一)立德立师 1.发挥党员教师的率先垂范作用,带动全体教师将立德树人落实到教育教学全过程。 2.加强全员育人、学科育人、管理育人、服务育人,培养和造就一支学高身正的教师队伍。 3.完善全员育人导师制度,实现“一人一导师”。学校把促进每一位学生健康成长的责任具体落实到教师身上,使育人为本的要求体现在学生学习、生活的各个环节。 4. 建立学科育人示范标兵评选长效机制。定期推选、表彰学科育人示范标兵,并发挥其在学科育人工作中的示范作用,带动一批教师实现有效学科育人。 (二)遵循规律 1.坚持学生主体地位。一切育人目标和育人行为围绕学生展开,对学生未来发展负责;拒绝填鸭式教育和空洞的道德说教。 2.坚持尊重个体成长。根据学生性格特点、天赋特长创设教育情景,实行分类施教;严禁以学科成绩作为单一的教育和评价模式。


小学六年级英语练习题及参考答案一.把下列英语句子规范地写在四线格中。 Where is the post office? Next to the hospital. It’s in front of the school. ____ 二.选择填空,将序号写在题前的序号里。 ()1. Mr Brown likes _______ food very much. A. Japan B. Japan”s C. Japanese D. Japanese”s ()2. --Can your sister swim? --Not very well, she ______ a beginner. A. is just B. can C. does D. just ()3. My grandfather is a Beijing Opera _______. A. fan B. fun C. fine D. fin ()4. --How many friends _______ you got? --Four. A. do B. will C. are D. have ()5. --______ jacket is this? --Maybe it”s Tom”s. A. Who B. What C. Whose D. Where ()6. --______ did you get to the park? --By taxi. A. What B. How C. Which D. Who ()7. I will tell you ______ about this story tomorrow. A. more B. much C. many D. a lot of ()8. --This flower ________ like a butterfly. --Yes. It”s very nice. A. see B. looks C. look D. look at ()9. --Ben is my _______ son. --Oh, he is your cousin. A. father sister”s B. father”s sister C. father sister D. father”s sister”s ()10. Oh, _______ a day! It”s dark outside. A. how B. what is C. what D. when 三.选择词的适当形式填空,注意书写的规范。 1. Helen is a new student in _______(we, our)class. 2. My father will take _______(me, I)to the park tomorrow. 3. --Can your father _______(speaks, speak)English?


立德树人——构建高校师德建设长效机制 [摘要] 高校作为教育体系的最后一个环节,是思想、文化、科技资源的聚集地。高校师德建设作为高等教育中的重要环节,在整个高等教育中起着至关重要的作用。社会经济的发展和改革开放的深入,对教师人生观、价值观、世界观产生了巨大的冲击,而高校教师的师德对学生的成长起着至关重要的作用,不但对学生的学术观、价值观有着直接的影响,甚至影响着学生做人的准则。教师队伍具有一定的稳定性,因此,以立德树人为主线,构建高效师德的长效机制迫在眉睫。本文主要从对立德树人的意义和如何构建高校师德建设长效机制的策略进行了研究,探索实现途径。 [关键词]立德树人师德建设长效机制 一、立德树人构建高校师德建设长效机制的意义 “君子务本,本立而道生”,教育之本,立德树人。“立德树人”是古往今来历代教育家共同遵循的理念。古人重视“立德、立功、立言”,称其为“三不朽”并将“立德”摆在第一位。党的十八大报告更是明确指出:“把立德树人作为教育的根本任务”。“立德树人”核心意义在于让中华民族优秀的文化传统永续,让中国人崇真向善的德心发扬光大。它包括学生培养的要求,也包括教师修炼的要求。而其中教师的立德树人更为重要。 伴随着社会经济的飞速发展,高校教师的观念和思想也得到了进一步的解放。但同时,贪腐之风、奢华主义也对一些教师的人生观、价值观、世界观形成了巨大的冲击,出现了不同类型的师德不优表现。如政治观念不强,缺乏社会公德;育人意识不强,对职业的崇高性认识不够,缺乏热情;;安于现状;;把心思花在工作之外,受利益驱动热衷于第二职业;违背学术道德,急功近利不踏实搞研究等等,甚至有个别道德败坏,带来了极大的负面社会影响。使高校教师师德建设面临严峻的挑战,遏制不正之风,保持教师队伍的纯洁性迫在眉睫,迫切需要加强教师队伍师德建设,将立德树人为主线,将师德建设纳入高校建设的长效机制中去。 二、构建高校师德建设长效机制的策略


班级姓名 一、按要求完成下列各题: 1:she _______(宾格) 2. country_________(复数)3. buy (过去式)(基数词) 5 .China_______(形容词)______(现在分词)(最高级)(同音词) ’t________(完全形式) 10. I ______(形容词性物主代词) 二选择题: ( ) (1). I get up _______ about seven fifty -five . A. in B. on C. at D. for ( ) (2). Why are you looking at _______like that A. I B. mine C. my D. me ( ) (3). I want _______ a map of China . A. buy B. is buying C. to buy D. am buying ( ) (4). Is it a picture ______ your school A. of B. to C. and D. with ( ) (5). Do you like _______ A. swim B. swimming C. are swimming D. swim, too ( ) (6). The man ______ a book in his hand is my uncle . A. and B. of C. with D. for ( ) (7). Who’s the lady ______ blue A in B. on C. at D. with ( ) (8). books are these They are mine. A: Who’s B: Whose C: who D: Whose is ( ) (9). He to work by car yesterday. A: isn’t go B: doesn’t go C: didn’t go D: don’t go ( ) (10). Are these Yes, they are. A: duck B: goat C: sheep D: cat 三、圈出不属于同类的单词。 1. older younger taller other


2019年小学英语摸底试卷 Listening part (听力部分)40% 一、听音,选出听到的单词(10分) ( ) 1. A. before B. begin C. because ( ) 2. A. wait B. want C. what ( ) 3. A. talk B. take C. tell ( ) 4. A. work B. walk C. wake ( ) 5. A. hurt B. hit C. his ( ) 6. A. angry B. hungry C. hurry ( ) 7. A. skate B. skirt C. shirt ( ) 8. A. watch B. water C. wash ( ) 9. A. stop B. shop C. ship ( ) 10. A. seed B. seat C. said 二、听音,选出听到的句子(10分) ( ) 1.A. The trees have cool,green leaves. B. The trees have new leaves. C. The trees lose their leaves. ( ) 2. A. Thirty dollars for these runners. B.Thirteen dollars for those runners. C. Three dollars for these balls. ( ) 3. A. Running is exercise. B. Riding bike is exercise. C.Walking is exercise. ( ) 4. A.Where did you go yesterday? B.What did you do yesterday? C. How did you do yesterday? ( ) 5. A.Summer comes after spring. B.Spring comes before summer. C.Summer is coming. ( ) 6. A.It ’s time to go to school. B.It ’s time for school C.It ’s time to go home. ( ) 7. A.I will put on my swimsuit. B.I will take off my swimsuit. C. I will buy a swimsuit. ( ) 8. A. Are you ready for supper? B.Are you ready to have breakfast? C. Are you ready for breakfast? ( ) 9. A.I usually go to school at 6:05. B.I usually go to school at 6:15 C.I usually go to school at 6:25 ( ) 10.A.The plane for Beijing is leaving soon. B.Li Ming is leaving for China soon. C. The bus for Yongchang is leaving soon. 三、听问句,选择正确的答句(10分) ( ) 1.A. I ’m 40kg B.I ’m 154cm. C. I ’m 12 ( ) 2.A. Fine,thanks. B.How do you do? C. How are you?. ( ) 3.A. October 1st. B. June 1st C. December 25th ( ) 4.A. I ’m going to Beijing. B. I ’m going there by airplane. C.I ’m going to buy a book. ( ) 5. A.I will watch TV. B.I watched TV C.I ’m a TV reporter. 四、听音排序(4分): ( )1.Yes, we did. ( )2.I picked apples on my uncle's farm ( )3.How did you go to the farm? ( )4. What did you do yesterday? ( )5.We went there by bus. ( )6.How about you? ( )7.Did you have a good time? ( )8.I played basketball with John. 五、听句子,写出所缺单词:(6分) 1.Jenny______ some toys at the______. 2.This flower is and _____. 3.That clouds looks like an . 4.I am walking . Writing part (笔试部分)60% 一、英汉互译(10分) 1.旅途愉快______________ 6. basketball game______________ 2. 去体育馆______________ 7. ride a bike________________ 3. 坐下_________________ 8. next week_________________ 4. 唱歌________________ 9. look at the flowers_________________ 5. 去游泳______________ 10.in summer__________________ 二、按要求写出下列单词(10分) 1.know (同音词) 2.on(反义词) 3.do (过去式) 4.have(三单式) 5.he(名词性物主代词) 6.party(复数)________ 7.put on (反义词) 8、 nine(序数词)_____ _9.come (反义词) 10.see (过去式) 11.good(比较级) 12.meat (同音词) 13.you(名词性物主代词) 14.sun(形容词) 15.hit (现在分词) 16.high(反义词) 17.thin(比较级) 18.never(反义词) 19.can not(缩写形式) 20.let ’s(完全形式) 三、选出不是同一类型的单词,并将序号填入题前括号内。(5分) ( )1.、A. apple B. pear C. melon D. fruit ( )2、A. cat B. tree C. dog D. monkey ( )3、A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Friday D. June ( )4、A play B. happy C. watch D. wash ( )5、A. sunny B. cloudy C. snow D. windy 四、选择填空。(10分) ( )1. --- ____ gifts do you have?A. How many B. how much C. how far ( )2.She can English. A. speak B. speaks C.speaking ( )3.We got there May 2st. A. in B. on C. at ( )4.What would you like ____ supper? A.to B.in C.for ( )5.Many students watching the game. A. are B. is C. am ( )6.I usually go to school __seven thirty___ the morning. A. at; in B. on; in C. at; on ( )7.____ does Amy often go to school? By bike. A. Where B. What C.How ( )8.The weather is ___A.warm and warm B.warmer and warm C.warmer and warmer ( )9.I played basketball___ my friend. A.for B. with C. and ( )10. He lives in ______ apartment. A. a B. an C. / ( )11. _____ kite looks like square, _____ looks like a circle. A.My , Your B.My , Yours C.Mine , Yours ( )12.This snowball is ____ than that one. A. big B. biger C. bigger ( )13.I don ’t like ping-pong,____ . A.also B.too C.either ( )14.Are you ready ____ sports? A. play B. to play C.playing ( )15.Are Jenny ’s hands high____low? A. and B. but C. or ( )16.I will say hello___my father and mother. A.of B.from C.to D.for ( )17.My friend invites me____ dinner with her. A.have B.to have C.has ( )18.Let ’s____him about the party.A.don ’t tell B.not tell C.not to tell ( )19.____ we are going to put up the Chistmas tree. A.Tomorrow B.Yesterday C.Often ( )20._____forget to buy gifts for me. A. Not B. Don ’t C. Didn ’t 五、情景交际。(5分) ( )1.你想约你的朋友周末去滑冰,你可以说: A .Let ’s go fishing this weekend. B .Let ’s go hiking this weekend. C .Let ’s go skating this weekend. ( )2.当别人跟你说:May I borrow your dictionary ?你回答说: A .Sure,here you are. B .Fine.C .I don ’t think so. ( )3.当你想了解某个物品的颜色时,你可以问: A .What ’s this ?B .What colour is it ?C .What ’s your name ? ( )4.当有人对你说Happy birthday to you !时,你应说: 密 封 线


关于“立德树人”主题教育活动实施方案根据市、县教育局“立德树人”工作方案要求,结合我校教育工作实际,制定“立德树人”主题教育活动实施方案。 一、指导思想 围绕十八届三中全会提出的“全面贯彻党的教育方针,坚持立德树人,加强社会主义核心价值体系教育,完善中华优秀传统文化教育,形成爱学习、爱劳动、爱祖国活动的有效形式和长效机制,增强学生社会责任感、创新精神、实践能力。”的要求,深化中国特色社会主义和中国梦宣传教育。深入开展爱国主义教育和理想信念教育,把社会主义核心价值体系融入国民教育体系,引导学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观、荣辱观,让广大青少年在丰富多彩的主题实践活动中接受教育、增长才干。 二、活动内容 (一)“中学生承诺”签名、宣读活动 1.制定中学承诺书,承诺书内容应与“做一个有道德的人”有关,科学实用。 2.利用学校升国旗、入队、入团等分类别采取签订《承诺书》、宣读道德誓言等多种方式,向老师、家长及其他同学做出公开承诺,自觉接受老师、家长、同学们的监督,进一步增强社会责任感,树立注重诚信、遵法守纪的意识。 3.7月份前,要将活动的文字图片影像资料及典型经验整理后报县教育局普教科。

(二)“中国梦”宣传教育活动。 1.1-2月,根据市委宣传部、市教育局等部门下发的《关于在全市青少年中组织开展“走复兴路圆中国梦”爱国主义读书教育活动的通知》,学校利用宣传栏、黑板报、公示栏、校园广播、班会等宣传平台,宣传“我的中国梦”主题教育活动。鼓励学生向信念坚定、奋发向上、意志执着的典型人物学习,通过学生带动家长,家长影响社会,向全社会传播实现中国科学发展的美丽梦想。 2.2月,开展“走复兴路圆中国梦”征文活动。 3.开展美德类电影观影活动。学校要在学生自愿的基础上积极组织学生观看美德类电影。各年级也可根据学生的需求合理确定观影片目。要积极倡导学生撰写影评,充分发挥优秀影视作品的育人功能。 4.3-4月上旬,学校开展“走复兴路圆中国梦”讲故事、演讲比赛,并以学校为单位择优上报县教育局(1人)。 5.4月下旬,参加全县“走复兴路圆中国梦”讲故事、演讲比赛。 (三)“同在一片蓝天下,手拉手共同成长”活动 1.2月,完成特殊学生群体分类登记备案,确保每位留守儿童和特殊群体学生都有人结对帮扶。 2.开展留守儿童“一对一”亲情活动。 3.通过各种活动,建立起师生、同学之间融洽、信任、真诚的感情。呼吁全社会更加关心、爱护留守儿童等特殊学生群体。各种活动资料于4月下旬报县教育局普教科。 (四)“挫折体验,吃苦耐劳”教育活动


2012-2013学年度第二学期 小学六年级英语期中自查题 班级姓名成绩 听力部分 一、Listen and choose(听音,根据你所听到的内容,选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编写在题前的括里。)(10分) C. A. B. ( )1.

C. B. ( )2. A . C. flew B . fly ( )3. A . flu C. shorts B .shorter ( )4. A . short C. watch B .washed ( )5. A . wash C. swimming B .swam ( )6. A . swim C. going B .went )7. A . go ( C. food A . feel B .feet ( )8. have a sore throat. B .He has a toothache. .I ( )9. A C. She had a flu. C. I wear size 49.

B .I wear size 39. ( )10. A . I wear size29. Listen and judge 二、别忘在每小题的大图中圈出相符的图片。你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容, ) 分了先浏览选项!每小题读两遍。(每小题1分,共10 1.

4. 3. 6 5.

7. 8. 9. 10. 10. 三.Listen and chose the best answer. (听录音,选择最合适的答语。每小题读两遍。)(每小题2分,共10分) nd. It's March 2 C:B:It's rainy. )1. A( :It's Friday. ( )2. A:Yes, she does. B:No, he does. C:No, he doesn't. ( )3.A:Last weekend. B:Next week. C:In the morning.


小学六年级英语试题及答案 一、单项选择从下列每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确的选项。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)( C)1、They are reading about an English boy ________ the newspaper. A. on B. at C. in ( C )2、Can I have ________ postcards? A. any B. a C. some ( B )3、Who do you want to ________? A. write B. write to C. writing ( A )4、I ________ lots of people in the park yesterday afternoon. A. saw B. see C. am seeing (B)5、Yang Ling and I ________ have the same hobbies. A. all B. both C. are ( B )6、You ________ me about it yesterday. A. tell B. told C. talked ( C)7、Are you going to take part ________ the meeting? A. on B. at C. in ( A )8、There ________ a concert in the school tomorrow. A. is B. are C. have

( C )9、Which season do you like ________? A. better B. good C. best ( B)10、The car is ________ than the old one. A. nice B. nicer C. very nice 二、英汉词组互译。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. by the way 顺便说 2. a quarter to one 12:45 3. do more exercise 做更多的运动 4. of course 当然 5. 去散步go for a walk 6. 在公共汽车站at the bus stop 7. 在秋季in autumn 8. 上课;有课have school 9. 写一封信write a letter 10. 下个星期next week 三、单词填空从所给的句子中选出一个符合题意的单词,使句子完整。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. The students are listening to the teacher ___quietly_________ (quiet)in class.


立德树人活动实施方案 醒 狮 中 学 (2019年)

石市镇醒狮中学“立德树人” (2019年) 一、指导思想 立德树人的语境宏阔、语意深远。立德树人,要求我们充分认识社会主义核心价值体系对于学校思政和德育工作的重要意义和价值。学校作为青少年学生培养的重要阵地,学校的思政和德育工作是社会主义核心价值体系建设中不可分割的一部分。要做好这一工作,最为核心的是在学校培养“德才兼备,以德为先”的高水平的师资和管理队伍。形成以德修身、以德服众、以德领才、以德润才、德才兼备的用人导向。”这为我们学校的师资建设明确了标准。学校应要坚持这一思想并贯彻落实到教育教学各个环节,用“德”字来培养教师和学生,依“德”字来评价教师和学生,凭“德”字来任用教师和学生干部,以“德”字来监督教师和学生。要围绕“勤学、修德、明辨、笃实”的要求,从落细、落小、落实入手,形成课堂教学、校园文化和社会实践多位一体的育人平台,促进青少年学生学会劳动、学会勤俭,学会感恩、学会助人,学会谦让、学会宽容,学会自省、学会自律。 二、活动主题 勤学、修德、明辨、笃实 三、活动对象

石市镇醒狮中学全体教师和学生 四、活动内容 (一)组织部署(领导小组) 组长:曾宪平 成员:刘成志黄庆煌曾庆国黄俊凯胡燕芝唐志花邹韶华刘璐王芳周雯 (二)目标任务 1、实现全员德育、全过程德育完善德育工作考评机制开展生动活泼的校内外系列德育教育活动进行以“勤学、修德、明辨、笃实”为基本内容的社会主义公德教育、社会常识教育和文明习惯的养成教育培养学生良好的行为习惯和基本 的社会公德意识。 2、按照“科学、精细、规范、严密”的原则从常规工作入手从增强爱国情感做起弘扬和培育民族精神从小树立民族自尊心、自信心和自豪感从确立远大志向做起树立和培育正确的理想信念为担负起建设祖国、振兴中华的光荣使命做好准备从规范行为习惯做起培养良好道德品质和文明行为学会处理人与人、人与社会、人与自然等基本关系从提高基本素质做起促进学生全面发展激励他们勤奋学习、大胆实践、勇于创新全面提升思想道德、科学文化和健康素质。 3、提高教师德育水平增强对学生德育的认识能够全面


小学六年级英语测试卷 一、单项选择题,请将正确答案的字母序号填在题前括号内。(20分) ( )1A:My bike is green, What about ________? B: _____ is blue. A.your,My B. yours,My C.yours,It D.your,Mine ( ) 2.There are many _______ in our school. A. woman teachers B.women teachers C.woman teacher D.women teacher. ( )3. A:What’s the weather like in spring? B: It often _______. A. rainy B. raining C. rain D.rains ( )4.. A: ______ bag is heavier,his or hers? B:Hers. A.What B.Which C. Who’s D.Whose ( )5.A: Look,The baby tiger with its mom _______ on the grass. B: So cute. A.play B. are playing C.playing D.is playing ( )6. Enjoy _______, Mary and Lucy. A. yourself B.myself C. yourselves D.themselves ( )7. A:How much______ is on the table? B:Let me see. A.bread B.sandwich C.apples D.hamburger ( )8. There ______ a ball and some books on the desk. A.are B. am C.is D.have ( )9.My brother is ____ university student ,He play sports for ___ hour everyday. A.a,a B. an,a C. an,an D.a,an ( ) 10. A:Hello,Is _____ Jim speaking? B: No,_____ is John here. A. this,that B that,he C.that,this D.it, this 二、完成下列句子翻译(10分) 1.正在下大雪。It’s ________ _________ now. 2.如果你喜欢帮助别人,你可以做警察。 If you enjoy _______ _______,you can be a policeman. 3.明天我们将不去爬山。We _______ ________ mountains tomorrow. 4.他爸爸经常开车去学校吗?______his father often _______ a car to school? 5.露西朋友的哥哥想成为一名飞行员。


小学六年级英语综合测试题一根据汉语写单词(13’) 1. 问_______________ 2 (have,has的过去式)____________ 3. 以前___________________ 4. 高的_________________ 5. 街,街道__________________ 6. 号码__________________ 13.我们的(东西)_________________ 二英汉互译(21’) 1.发出(喧闹)声音_______________ 2. 赛跑________________ 3. 装扮________________ 4. 圣诞节__________ 5.和……一样 ____________ 6. 抵达_______________ 7. 参加,参与_______________ 8. 运动会_______________ 9. 独生子女___________ 10. 乘5路公交车____________ 11. 写信________________

三选择(22’) ( ) 1.Can I go in? __________ A Yes, I can. B No, you can’t. C Yes, I am. D No, I’m not. ( ) 2. The sign on the wall _______ “ No smoking”. A say B says C tell D tells ( ) 3. It’s time _______ some cake. A to B for C in D with ( ) 4. The running race is_________. The students are very_______ . A exciting; excited B excited; exciting C excited; excited D exciting; exciting ( ) 5. The man ________ first,and then he sits down. A looks after B looks at C looks for D looks around ( ) 6. Did you have a good time last weekend? ____________ A Yes, they did. B Yes, we did C No, we don’t D No, I don’t. ( ) 7. What do people usually do _______ Mid—Autumn Festival? A at B on C in D with ( ) 8. Who is it from? It’s ________ my mother . A for B from C with D to ( ) 9. On Sunday morning, Su Hai went ______ a walk in the park. A for B from C with D to ( ) 10. I’m good ________ English and I do well ________ PE, too.
