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关键词: MATLAB软件;Simulink模糊控制器;啤酒发酵


Beer is one of the indispensable in the life of people drink now, but the beer fermentation is the key technology of beer taste. Beer yeast fermentation is theprocess of wheat malt wort into beer the new replacing the old. , control the temperature of fermentation in beer fermentation process is a key process to determine the thetaste beer, beer fermentation process is a complex and nonlinear and time-varying, the traditional temperature measurement,temperature control precision is low, the control effect is not ideal, leading tounstable quality of beer. Therefore, research on how to improve and optimize thepractical significance of beer fermentation process detection and control strategy.

In-depth research and analysis to understand China's current beer industry process of beer fermentation temperature control, a detailed discussion of the demand of the function of the beer fermentation temperature control system and structure.Set up the process of beer fermentation temperature control mathematical model is analyzed.To summarize structure and common control strategy.

Based on the knowledge through the use of fuzzycontroller using the principle of simulation software, the fuzzy controller to control the temperature of the fermented in fermentation tank, by MATLAB simulation.The experimental results show that in this system, the fuzzy controller to control the temperature controlmethod has obvious advantages, stable quality control system, than the traditional PID.

Key words :MATLAB Simulation;Simulink;Beer fermentation


摘要 ............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。Abstract ................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。引言 . (5)

1 概述 (6)

1.1课题的来源、目的及意义 (6)

1.2计算机控制系统在发酵过程中的应用 (6)

1.3发酵过程模糊控制应用 (6)

1.4本章小结 (7)

2 啤酒发酵过程工艺及控制方案 (7)

2.1啤酒生产工艺简介 (7)

2.2啤酒发酵过程的温度控制工艺要求 (8)

2.3啤酒发酵过程的温度控制系统特点与要求 (9)

2.3.1啤酒发酵过程温控对象的特点 (9)

2.3.2啤酒发酵温控系统的基本控制要求 (10)

2.4啤酒发酵温度控制系统的数学模型分析 (10)

2.4.1发酵罐内发热与散热过程 (10)

2.4.2发酵罐内反应热的传递函数 (11)

2.4.3发酵罐内发热与制冷的温度控制过程 (11)

2.5啤酒发酵过程温度控制策略 (11)

2.6本章小结 (13)

3 模糊控制器的设计 (13)

3.1模糊控制的特点 (13)

3.2模糊控制理论 (14)

3.2.1 模糊理论 (14)

3.2.2模糊控制系统的基本组成 (15)

3.3模糊控制器的设计内容 (16)

3.3.1模糊控制的输入输出语言变量及其隶属度函数 (16)

3.3.2模糊控制规则的设计 (17)

3.3.3精确量的模糊化方法和去模糊化方法 (18)

3.3.4论域、量化因子、比例因子的选择 (19)

3.4本章小结 (20)

4 模糊控制器的设计及仿真 (20)

4.1模糊控制器的设计 (20)
