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第二章主要从薪酬结构比例和岗位工资体系两个方面介绍了W公司薪酬体系的现状。设计了一套针对W公司的薪酬满意度调查问卷,发现W公司大多数员工对现行薪酬体系并不满意,认为现行薪酬制度存在诸多不公平的元素。同时,本研究调查了W公司员工对薪酬体系中不同因素的关注程度,以此作为建立W 公司新的薪酬体系的依据。在对W公司薪酬体系进行分析后,认为W公司的薪酬体系主要存在以下四个方面的缺陷:(1)未从战略高度建立薪酬体系;(2)薪酬结构不合理;(3)薪酬体系缺乏激励机制;(4)薪酬体系缺乏内部支撑。并深入挖掘了造成这些问题的原因,认为W公司之所以出现这些问题主要是因为企业历史原因、战略认识出现偏差、企业组织结构不够完备造成的。



第四章对W公司薪酬体系进行了构建。首先确定了构建W公司薪酬体系的原则,认为在构建W公司薪酬体系的时候要注意从薪酬体系结构入手,建立以基本工资、效益工资和岗位工资为主体的薪酬主要结构。明确建立薪酬体系的目的,认为建立W公司薪酬体系是为了规范W公司的薪酬体系管理制度、将W 公司的薪酬体系与发展战略紧密结合、强调薪酬体系的外部性质。并从公正性、激励性、成本合理性、发展战略性这四方面强调了构建W公司薪酬体系的原则。最后以岗位划分为基准建立了W公司的薪酬体系。




Compensation is one of the core issues of enterprise human resource management and labor market. The compensation involves many aspects of workers, enterprises, society and government. To the enterprise, the enthusiasm and initiative of scientific and effective compensation system not only can stimulate its employees to work effectively, promotes the staff to work harder, improve the efficiency of enterprises, and ultimately improve the competitiveness of enterprises, but also can attract and retain talent in the fierce competitive environment, the realization of enterprise talent development strategy.

In recent years, the electronic industry have a rapid development, the attendant is be just unfolding IT training industry. W company is a Nanjing with hundreds of small and medium enterprises in the development of IT training, enterprise quickly in recent years, but the internal talent dissatisfaction with salary system has caused a lot of talent loss, while the internal staff on pay satisfaction degree is low, serious impact on the W company's benefit. In view of this situation, W company decided to design and establish a scientific and reasonable, accord with W specific companies pay system. This attempt not only has practical significance to W company, the same in the development of other enterprises in China also has very important reference and theoretical significance.

In the first part, starting from the research background, firstly introduces the significance of salary system in modern enterprises, and the typical features of W company's compensation sum are introduced, and the development process of domestic and international compensation system and the compensation system of the research were described.

The second chapter mainly from the two aspects of the salary structure and salary system and introduces the present situation of the compensation system of W company. Design a set of W company's compensation satisfaction questionnaire, found that W company most employees are not satisfied with the current salary
