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ECDRV-Analog EcoDrive03 DKC01.3 and DKC11.3 with
analog and parallel interface
ECDRV-Sercos EcoDrive03 DKC02.3
with SERCOS interface
ECDRV-Profibus EcoDrive03
Dates and Location On request
Price ¥10,000 (Collective ¥800/day/person)
Contact and Registration Shanghai Bosch Rexroth Hydraulics & Automation Ltd. DCCN/SLC2, Sonic Cheng 6F Marine Tower, No.1 Pudong Avenue, Shanghai Postal Code: 200120 Tel: 0086 (021) 3866 6121 Fax: 0086 (021) 6886 0599 Email: zhiyou.cheng@boschrexroth.com.cn Website: www.boschrexroth.com.cn/training

目录 Contents
电子传动与控制培训课程 Electric Controls & Drives Training Program
授课地点 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………5
Training Locations
课程列表 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………6
Our technological leadership challenges us in more than 80 countries around the world with approximately 28,000 employees. We are where our customers are. Only in this way can we live up to the high quality standards as a company that looks back on more than 200 years of history.
Prerequisite for Participants • Basic knowledge for electrics, NC and PC Windows • Personnel from planning, operation, maintenance
Duration 2 days (09:00-17:00)
2010年电子传动与控制产品培训计划 DCC Training Program 2010
The Drive & Control Company

前言 Preface
在今天的工业驱动与控制领域,力士乐以其独一无二 的专业技术水准赢得了满堂喝彩。我们不但为您提供 最先进的驱动,控制技术系统,更为您保障专业的咨 询,安装,培训,保养,维修等全方位服务,您将以 最低的成本输出得到最富竞争力的产品,这一切我们 向您承诺!
今天的力士乐已经成为了一个拥有大约28,000名员 工,足迹遍及超过80个国家的跨国公司,为全世界的 顾客提供着最优质的服务。
回顾超过200年的历史,我们的发展壮大正是因为本着 竭诚为顾客服务,满足每一个不同技术要求的准则, 只有这样,我们才能达到更高的质量标准,才能在每 一次顾客的微笑和满意中积累经验,不断更新。
You are sincerely invited to participate the training we organized in 2010. Remember, whether you are our customer or colleague in sales, engineering or service you can count on quality training at any Bosch Rexroth Electric Drives & Controls Training Program. Your satisfaction, our achievement.
我们真诚地欢迎您参加我们2010年的培训。无论您是 我们的客户,还是我们的同事,博世力士乐电子传动 与控制培训为您提供了您所需的高质量的培训课程。 您的满意,我们的追求。
Rexroth is unique. No other brand on the world market can offer its customers all drive and control technologies, both specialized and integrated. Together with superior expertise in consulting, application, and implementation, this gives you competitive advantages by minimizing both your technical and financial outlay.
IndraDrive驱动系统课程 Seminars for IndraDrive drive system
INDRV-Sercos IndraDrive with
SERCOS interface
INDRV-Profibus IndraDrive with
Profibus interface
INDRV-CanDevice IndraDrive

课程列表 Course Outline
标准课程 Standard
用户定制课程 Customer-Specific
驱动器技术 Drive Technology
自动化系统 Automation Systems
电子传动与控制 控制技术/PLC技术
Electric Drives and Control Technology
培训内容 • 驱动技术基础 • 伺服驱动在设备当中的作用 • 无刷驱动与直流驱动之间概念的比较 • 通过模拟量系统调试一根伺服轴 • 模拟/数字驱动技术之间的比较 • 电机与控制器之间的区别 • 数字控制器 • 通过数字控制器操作及调试一根伺服轴
DIAX04驱动系统课程 Seminars for DIAX04 drive system
DIAX-Sercos DIAX04 sercos drives with SSE firmware and SERCOS interface

Drive Technology Basics / 驱动技术基础
drive-integrated safety technology

基础课程 Basic Seminars
Advanced Seminars I Advanced Seminars II Specialist Seminars
EcoDrive03驱动系统课程 Seminars for EcoDrive03 drive system
/PLC Technology
中频电阻焊接系统 Resistance Welding
维修服务课程 Service Courses
用户定制课程 Customer-Specific

驱动器技术 Drive Technology
基础课程 Basic Seminars
Advanced Seminars I Advanced Seminars II Specialist Seminars
适用于初学者的驱动器技术课程 Seminars for beginner in drive technology
INDRV-Basic Drive Technology
with CANopen/ DeviceNet interface
INDRV-SercosIII IndraDrive with
SERCOSIII interface
INDRV-Parallel IndraDrive with
Parallel interface
INDRV-Safety IndraDrive with
自动化系统 ………………………………………………………………………………………………28
Automation Systems
中频电阻焊接系统 ………………………………………………………………………………………48
Resistance Welding
维修服务课程 ……………………………………………………………………………………………53
DKC03.3 with Profibus interface
EcoDrive Cs驱动系统课程 Seminars for EcoDrive Cs drive system
ECDRV-Cs EcoDrive Cs with parallel, SERCOS and Profibus interface

授课地点 Training Locations
上海博世力士乐液压及自动化有限公司 中国上海市浦东大道1号船舶大厦4/6楼 邮 编: 200120 电 话: (86-21) 3866 6000 传 真: (86-21) 3866 6111 Shanghai Bosch Rexroth Hydraulics & Automation Ltd. 4/6F, Marine Tower, No.1 Pudong Ave., Shanghai, China Postal Code: 200120 Tel: (86-21) 3866 6000 Fax: (86-21) 3866 6111
上海博世力士乐液压及自动化有限公司金桥分公司 中国上海市金桥开发区金皖路55号 邮 编: 201206 电 话: (86-21) 3866 6333 传 真: (86-21) 3866 6222 Shanghai Bosch Rexroth Hydraulics & Automation Ltd. JinQiao Branch No.55 Jinwan Road, Jinqiao Industry Zone, Shanghai, China Postal Code: 201206 Tel: (86-21) 3866 6333 Fax: (86-21) 3866 6222
Course Outline
驱动器技术 …………………………………………………………………………………………………7
Drive Technology
控制技术/PLC技术 ………………………………………………………………………………………21
Control Technology/PLC Technology
Contents • Basics of drive technology • Interaction between machines and servo drives • Comparison of brushless drive concepts with direct
current drives • Commissioning of an axis using an analog system • Comparison analog − digital drive technology • Differences in the motors and controllers • Digital controllers • Handling and commissioning of an axis using a digital
Courses for Service Products
课程计划总揽 ……………………………………………………………………………………………54
Training Schedule Overview
注册登记 …………………………………………………………………………………………………55
How to Register