国际航运业务英语与函电 课后练习句子翻译

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We shall have a consignment of 500 cases of bicycles for shipment from Shanghai to Bombay .please quote us your freight rate including dockage, lighterage, discharging and other costs.


The M.V.”TAI SHAN”of our company is due to leave Shanghai for Lisbon on Oct.5.Please fax/cable us if you have any consignment to be shipped by this vessel.


This is to inform you that we are able to reserve enough space for your shipment as per as your request. Please complete and return the application form in exchange for our shipping order, but freight to be prepaid.


With regard to the accommodation for additional cargo as requested in your letter of 4 inst(of this month),please be informed that the M.V.ABC is unable to accommodate any more cargo, for which we feel regret.


The main advantages of containers for shipment are: easy handing of cargo :less risk of cargo damage or loss: low freight and prompt delivery, etc. Especially ,the development of “Multimodal Container Transport” system offers an efficient model for cargo transport.


I regret to inform you that an accident happened on board my vessel about 4:10 p.m. today.


The accident involved which a man, who was struck and wounded at his left shoulder while lifting cargo and received fracture.


I am extremely sorry for such an accident, which happened on board my ship. According to my investigation, none of our crew except the stevedores was on the scene on that occasion


My ship’s doctor suggested me that the injured person be sent ashore to a reliable hospital for operation


So far as I Know from my experience, in no way should be accident be attributable to the breakage or breakage or imperfection my ship’s installations.


The true cause of the accident will certainly be clear if you send your representative to make a further investigation on the persons concerned.

Dear sir,


Such being the case, the marks of the consignment are unclear and the ship is not responsible for any consequences arising therefrom

2.你们尽可放心,我们会采取一切可能的预防措施保护货物在航运和装卸中不受损失。You may rest assured that we will take all precautions available to protect the goods against any damage both in transit and handling


I have to inform you with regret that 300 bags of rice were shut out due to insufficient space through our misstatement. my ship, therefore, would bear all the expenses thus incurred.


As you are aware, these weights of heavy lifts are far beyond the lifting capacity of ship’s facilities. Please contact the Harbour Administration as soon as possible with regard to arranging the discharge of these goods by shore cranes


Shippers should, prior to loading, furnish the owner or master of vessel with a copy of the Declaration of Dangerous Goods, stating that the goods have been properly packed, marked and labeled in accordance with the requirements of the I.M.D.G.Code.


It is inevitable that the goods will be mixed up if the stevedores handle them in such a manner.


Owing to the rapid development of trade between our two nations ,we feel sure that more of our ships will call at yours and others in your county in the future .


We appreciate that the particular data about your port we asked for may require of your some extra work, for which we feel much regret


Your letter of 24 May has been duly received .upon contemplation we have decided to formally appoint you as our agent at the port of Libreville

4.随函附上“代理协议书”草稿一份,请细阅其中各项条款,并惠告你们是否同意。Enclosed herewith please find one copy of the draft “Agency Agreement”.
