




apply for 申请 business degree 商学院学位

pay your own way 自己支付各种费用



semester 学期(美国英语) biology 生物学

term 学期(英国英语) registration 注册

course 课程 class permit 听课证optional course 选修课 literature class 文学课3. 听课


professor 教授 briefing 剪报 lecturer 讲师barely stay awake 几乎不能保持清醒

complicated 复杂

extra copies 多余的篇子

informative 信息量大

presentation 陈述,解释,示范

mission 任务,使命



nervous 紧张的contest 比赛calm 平静的

contestant 参赛选手 a large audience 一大群观众talk of the town 镇上谈论的焦点

shaking all over 浑身发抖

not a big deal 不是什么大不了的事情

beyond me 超出我的理解范围



reading assignment 阅读任务selectively 有选择地chapter by chapter 一章一章地 theory 理论

read through 从头到尾地读 plot 情节

cover a few chapters 涉及了几个章节

intensively 精细地 character 人物角色



typing errors 打字错误 revise 修订

quality paper 好纸 get it published 出版proofread 校对paragraph 段落



final exam 期末考 fail 不及格,失败

mid-term 期中考试 results (pl)分数

stay up 熬夜 release 发布(分数)

two sleepless nights 两天两夜没睡觉

be through with 结束,完成




interview 面试 finance 金融 suit 西装

accounting 会计 tie 领带 brush up on 温习,复习 resume 简历 working experience 工作经历hand in 上交

travel 出差 annual vacation 年假



email 邮件 attachment 附件 log in 登录

forward the mail to 把邮件转发给log off 登出



appointment 约会 move on to 继续 confirm 确认

the next item 下一议题个cancel 取消 presentation 陈述,解释,示范come in one's place 代表某人来

replace 取代 on behalf of 代表




Global theatre 环球剧院drama 戏剧Grand theatre 大剧院

impressive 令人印象深刻的

too dramatic to be true 太假了

audience 观众play the boss 扮演老板

out of the way 太远了 the greatest hit 大片

a long queue 长队 appreciate 欣赏sold out 卖完了



basketball season 篮球赛季tennis 网球

camping 野营 badminton 羽毛球

jogging 慢跑 performance 表现

fishing 钓鱼 keep fit 保持健康



scenery 风景 Greek style 希腊风格 lawn 草地

museum 博物馆 column 柱子 statue 塑像




size 型号 come in all sizes 号全



model 款 discount 折扣 latest technology 最新的科技reduce 减少




Italian restaurant 意大利餐馆

popular 受人喜爱的 environment 环境 crowded 拥挤的2.饮食健康


on diet 节食 dessert 甜点 contain 含有 salad 沙拉

steak 牛排




inquire about 询问

furnished (公寓)带家具的

apartment 公寓(美国英语)

double-bedroom 两室的

flat 公寓(英国英语)



brochure 册子

house developer 房产开发商




flight 航班

wait for further notice 等候进一步通知

gate 登机口

seat belt 安全带

minor mechanical errors 轻微的机械故障

terminal 候机大厅

sign 标志



parking lot 停车场

maintain 保养

break down 抛锚

garage 修车场

scratches 刮蹭

highway 高速公路

single lane 单行道

No-parking sign 禁止停车标志



bus stop 车站

passengers 乘客

crowded 拥挤的



sleeper 卧铺

be supposed to 应该

view 景色

scenery 景色



a cold 感冒

dizzy 头晕

a fever 发烧

exhausted 筋疲力尽的

have the ankle twisted 扭到脚踝

appetite 胃口

high blood pressure 高血压

blood vessel 血管



cloud over 天阴起来

sweat 出汗

clear up 天晴起来

swing 不稳定,极端

weather forecast 天气预报

coupled with strong wind 伴有强风

freezing 非常冷



hear from 听到某人消息

get along 与……相处

be mad with 对某人生气

get in touch with 和……联系


favorable adj.赞成的,有利的, 赞许的, 良好的enthusiastic adj.狂热,热心, 积极性

supportive adj.支持的,支援的

defensive 为……而辩护

objection /opposition 反对

detestation/ hatred n.憎恶,厌恶的人, 嫌恶

indignation 愤慨

contempt n.轻视,轻蔑, 耻辱, 不尊敬

compromising n.妥协,折衷v.妥协,折衷

worried adj. 闷闷不乐的,焦虑的

Formal(informal)正式,礼仪, 拘谨(非正式, 不拘礼, 通俗)

Matter of fact 实事求是,以事实为依据

Personal(impersonal)人性的,涉及隐私的, 私人的, (客观的, 和个人无关的, 没有人情味的, 非人的)

Respectful 表示尊敬的,有礼貌的, 谦恭的

Wonder 奇迹,惊讶, 难以置信的

Affection(affectionate)深情的,亲切的, 挚爱的

Amusement(amusing)有趣的,使人发笑的, 消遣的, 愉快的

Approval(disapproval)赞成的,满意的(不以为然的, 不赞成的, 非难的)

Reverence(irreverence)虔诚的,表示尊敬的, 充满崇敬心的(不敬的, 不逊的, 无礼的)

Disappointment 使人失望的,令人沮丧的,


Persuasive(convincing)令人信服的,有力的, 使人心悦诚服的

Indifferent 漠不关心的,不重要的, 冷淡的

Condemnation(condemnable)该受责备的,可非难的, 该罚的

Apologetic 道歉的,急于认错的, 辩护的

Frustrated 挫折的,挫败的, 无益的

Contemptuous 轻蔑的,鄙视的, 瞧不起人的

Cynical 愤世嫉俗的,讽刺的, 冷嘲的

Pitying 怜悯的,遗憾的, 同情的

Bitter(bitterness)痛苦的,怀恨的(悲痛, 怨恨)

Factual 事实的,实际的

Humorous 富幽默感的,滑稽的, 诙谐的

Inventive 善于创造的,发明的

Self-righteous 自以为是的

Insincere 不诚实的,无诚意的, 伪善的

Matter-of-fact 事实的,实际的, 事务性的, 平淡的

Stick to established facts 坚持已确立的观点

Impatient 不耐烦的,着急的, 急切的

Pleasure 心情舒畅的,愉悦的

Anxious to please 焦虑地讨好,渴望地取悦

Seriously 严肃地,认真地

Up-to-date 最近的,跟上时代的

Paradoxical and witty 似非而是的诙谐,矛盾的妙语, 诡论的机智

Unforgiving 不可饶恕的,不可原谅的

Professionally scientific 专于科学的,专业从事科学的

Argumentative 好辩的


Vocabulary (Conversation)Course 1.office hour 办公室时间 2.semester 学期 3.department/faculty院系 4.curriculum (单数)/curricula (复数)课程 5.required/compulsory/obligatory course 必修课 6.core course 必修课, 基础课程, 重点课程 7.core curriculum基础课程 8.elective/optional course 选修课 9.elective (Am.E)/option (Br.E) 选修课 10.major course 专业课,主课 11.major subject 主科 12.discipline 学科 13.introduction 入门课程 14.introductory course 入门课程 15.intro-to-(course) 入门课程 16.intro course 入门课程 17.basic-level course基础课程 18.preliminary list 初步课程目录 19.elementary/intermediate/advanced level 初级/中级/高级(课程) 20.summer session 暑期课程 21.course requirements 课程要求 22.syllabus 教学大纲 23.major in…专业是… 24.English literature major 英语文学专业生 25.non-science major 非理科专业学生 26.arts 文科 27.science and technology 理工科 28.graduate course 研究生课程 29.bird course 轻松的课程* 30.add a course 在原有课程上加上新课程 31.register for a course 注册一门课程 32.enroll in/on a course 报名课程 33.sign up for a course 报名参加课程,选课 34.accept more students 接受更多的学生 35.be overwhelmed by 负担过重的,不知所措 的 36.be swamped with负担过重的 37.have quite a heavy load课业负担沉重38.drop a course/class 退课 39.get out of the class 退课 40.cancel a class 退课 41.quit a class 退课 42.retake 重修 43.check back查阅记录 44.keep up/catch up 跟得上(进度) 45.have a hard time keeping up 难跟得上 46.challenging 富有挑战性的 47.easy grade好拿的分数(e.g. Just give me some easy grade!) 48.sold up 课程学生已满 49.plenty room 课程有足够的空位 50.take the prerequisite满足选课的先决条件 51.special course 专业课程 52.evening class 晚班 53.practical issue 现实问题 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f10646482.html,te start course 晚开始的课程 55.mailing address 邮寄地址 56.fulfill academic requirement 满足学术要 求 57.major field 专业领域 58. a warning flag 警告 59.academic record 学习成绩,成绩单 60.advisor’s approval导师许可 61.sign (vt.)签名 62.signature (n.)签名 63.put through 批准通过 64.special add form 特殊加课申请表 65.permission to register允许注册 66.transfer 转(学),转(专业) 67.(technical) term 术语,技术名词 68.qualified 有资格的(be qualified for) 69.TA: teaching assistant 助教 70.get through: 读完,消化完,理解 71.go off on/at tangents/get sidetracked/wander off the topic/wander off the topic 跑题 72.learning experience 学习经历 73.correspond with/to一致的(a workbook


两人简短的英语口语小对话 英语口语对话 a: she has a certain aptitude for math. when she was a teenager, she was already taking college level math courses. b: i know! she really has made a lot of accomplishments in the field and her adeptness is amazing. a: i think she was born with the ability to solve math problems. i myself have toiled year in and year out just to achieve the minimum adequacy. b: well, her brilliance in the field of math is rare. you shouldn't compare yourself to her! a:她很有数学天赋,十几岁的时候就上大学级别的数学课了。 b:是呀!她在这个领域确实取得了很多成绩,她的数学才能真 是令人惊异。 a:我想她天生就擅长解数学题。我自己努力了多年才达到最起码的水准。 b:她那样的数学才华是很少见的,你不该拿自己跟她比! 英语口语小对话 a: margaret's flair for fashion design is a real talent. b: her technique and workmanship are exquisite. a: do you know what her qualifications are? did she receive a degree from a university?


Campus Catalogue Campus (1) 1. Terms (2) 2. Sentences and expressions (8) (1)Daily sentences and expressions (8) (2)Slogans in the library of Harvard University (13) 3. Conversations (13) Registration (13) Missed Class (14) At the library (14) Changing plans (15) Generalization After graduating from high school, students leave homes and start their lives in the campus. Campus is like a second family, where all students of different ages live together. In the campus, we can meet people from all around the country, even foreign students. For the first time, we have to take care of ourselves. Naturally, many boys and girls have a hard time adapting to the new environment. Therefore, if you want to know more about campus, please go on reading. The following gives you plenty of English words and expression you may want to use when it comes to campus.


小对话10大场景场景词 1.学习 A.人 a. Student学生 本科生undergraduate freshman 大一 sophomore大二 junior 大三 senior 大四 研究生postgraduate/ graduate student graduate v. b. teacher老师 教授professor 导师tutor\supervisor 讲师,演讲者lecturer 院长dean the dean of foreign language institute 校长president(区别headmaster) 全体教职员工faculty B课程 course class eg. This term I chose the course of American literature, but I didn’t attend that class this week. seminar 讨论课(研究生) briefing 概述、短课 初级课程introductory course 高级课程advanced course 必修课:required/compulsory course 选修课:selective course / elective course /optional course 讲座:lecture 做讲座give a lecture 听讲座attend a lecture 选课:take\ sign up for\register for 退课:quit\drop the course 上课:go to\attend a course 逃课:skip the course 旷课:truancy a.课程意外(上课推迟或者取消) 推迟:delay、postpone、put off 取消:cancel、call off b.课程评价 赞同:agree、think much of、make a lot of sense 否定:disagree、nonsense


高中英语听力:十大必备场景词汇精选汇总 导读高考考试的对话内容场景基本上都是考生所熟悉的,有校园、生活、工作、各种社交 场所。了解一些场景下的常用语和常见表达对解题是很有帮助的。对这些常用词汇和短语不仅要知道其本身的意思,还要知道它们的同义表达方式。因为现在听力试题一般不会在选项中出现对话中的原词和词组。以下场景是对话当中所占比例最大的,掌握了这些场景下的常用短语和表达方式,也就从词汇和短语方面抓住了解题的关键。 (1)餐馆场景: order点菜 serve上菜 change零钱(Keep the change!不用找零钱了!) tip 小费 treat 请客 (This is my treat!我请客!) go Dutch AA制 (Let’s go fifty-fifty.) steak 牛排 cheese 奶酪 sandwich 三明治 bacon 腌肉 soup 汤 plain water 自来水(西餐中洗手用的) doughnut 多纳圈 appetizer 开胃物 dessert 甜品,水果(作为正餐的最后一道) go out for dinner / dinner out 出去吃饭 snack bar 小吃街、大排挡 hamburger 汉堡包 coke 可口可乐 French fries 炸薯条 cafeteria 自助餐厅 buffet 自助餐 dining hall 食堂 coffee shop 咖啡店 restaurant 饭店 canteen 小卖部 (2)邮局场景: stamp 邮票 envelope 信封 package/parcel 包裹 overweight 超重 extra postage 额外邮资 send / post / deliver a letter / mail 寄/发信 express mail 快件


3分钟简短的英语口语对话 【3分钟简短的英语口语对话】 A:Excuse me, is this the Auto Consumer Loan Center? A:请问,这儿是汽车消费贷款中心吗? B:Yes. Is there anything I can do for you? B:是啊。需要我为您做点什么事吗? A:Could you tell me something about the terms and interest rates for personal automobile consumer loan? A:请您告诉我个人汽车消费贷款的期限和利率情况好吗? B:The deadline is normally no more than 5 years with the interest adopted according to the corresponding lending rates announced by the PBC. B:按照规定,汽车消费贷款期限最长不超过5年,利率按中国人民银行规定的同期同档利率执行。

A:I plan to take the loan for 3 years. A:我打算贷3年期。 B:Well, the yearly interest rate is 5.49% for 3 years. I'm sure you are qualified to apply for this loan. B:3年期贷款年利率为5.49%。我相信您符合申请此项贷款的要求。 A:What about the loan repayment? A:如何还款呢? B:You may choose a repayment pattern by consulting with our bank, for example, payment of equal amount of principal or of principal and interest on monthly installments. B:您可以和我行协商后选择一种还款方式,例如选择按月分期付款或等额支付本息。 A:Does that mean I should deposit sufficient money to my account prior to the monthly payment date so that you can


法语实用生活衣物词汇及对话============================== A accessoire-m 配饰 fibre acrylique 晴纶 alpaga-m 羊毛织物 anorak-m xx attache-f 系扣用品 B ballerines-f 平底轻便女鞋 batiste-f 细麻布 beret-m 贝蕾帽 bi-m 女式小帽 bijouterie-f 首饰 blanchisseur-m 洗衣工 blouse-f tt 工作罩衣 blouson-m 夹克衫 boa-m 毛皮或羽毛的长围巾 bob-m 阔边遮阳帽 botte-f 长统靴子

boucle-m 环 boucle d'oreille-m 耳环 bourse-f 线包 bourette de soie-f 锦绸 braguette-f 门襟 bretelles-f (男裤)背带,(妇女内衣)吊带broderie-f 刺绣品 C caban-m 厚衣料的无帽短大衣cachemire-m 羊绒大围巾 calecon-m (男)短衬裤,女用针织紧身长裤calicot-m 平布,xx capuchon-m 风帽,帽兜 casaque-f 上衣,女式段上衣 casquette-f 大盖帽 catalogue-f 商品一览表 ceinture-f 裤带,腰带 chale-m 披肩 chapeau-m 帽子 chasuble-f 祭披式无袖衣服chaussettes-f 短统袜子

chaussure-f 鞋,靴子 chef d'atelier-m 车间主任chemise-f 衬衫,男式衬衫chemise de nuit-f 长睡衣chemisier-m (长袖)女衬衫 chic-m 漂亮,优雅 col-m 衣领 collant-m 紧身衣,紧身裤confection-f 制作,现成衣服contrefacon-m 伪造品 costume-m 服装,(成套的)男式西服coton-m 棉布 couleur-f 颜色 coupe-f 裁减 coutil-m 人字斜纹布 couturiere-f 女裁缝,缝衣女工createur de mode 时装设计师crepe-m 绉布,绉纱 crepon-m 重磅绉纱 culotte-f (女用)短衬裤 S’habiller穿衣


Catherine Lau 租房场景 基本词汇住宅结构和附加装置mattress 床垫landlord 房东single room 单人房cushion 垫子landlady 房东太太double bedroom 双卧towel 毛巾 tenant 房客twin room 双人房cabinet/cupboard橱/碗柜house agent 房产中介triple room 三人间refrigerator 冰箱college accommodation servie kitchen utensil 厨房用具freezer 冷冻柜 校园住宿管理处laundry room 洗衣房electric stove电烤炉residence 居住courtyard 庭院microwave 微波炉inhabitant 居民bedsit 卧室兼起居室gas cooker煤气灶for sale 出售shared room 公用房间oven 烤箱 sign the lease 签租约balcony 阳台cooker hood抽油烟机pay the tent/tental price 付租金hall / lobby 门厅blender 搅拌机deposit 押金corridor / porch 走廊dishwasher 洗碗机refund 退款garage 车库washing machine洗衣机bill(gas/electricity/water skylight 天窗tap 水龙头 /telephone bill)账单furniture 家具water heater热水器utility 公共设施费attic 阁楼squeezer 榨汁机available 可用的basement 地下室dryer 烘干机reasonable 合理的lift(英)/elevator(美)电梯toaster 烤炉 revolving door 旋转门iron 熨斗 居住地点及环境shutter 百叶窗vacuum cleaner吸尘器accommodation 住宿,食宿fence 栅栏broom 扫帚homestay 住在当地居民家中lawn 草坪dust cloth 抹布dormitory 大学宿舍switch 开关mop 拖把 room allocation 房屋分配outlet 插座shampoo 洗发精lodging 寄宿sprinkler 喷水器lotion 洗液 flat (英) / apartment(美)公寓cream 乳霜student hostel 学生旅店家电设施facility razor/shaver 剃刀youth hostel 青年旅店unfurnished 未配备家具的shower 淋浴 villa 别墅armchair 扶手椅basin 洗手池studio apartment 单间公寓sofa 沙发detergent 洗衣剂tent 帐篷bench/stool凳子tissue 纸巾farmhouse 农舍carpet 地毯sponge 海绵surroundings 环境blanket 毯子PC(personal computer) downtown /city center 市中心ceiling fan 吊扇个人电脑 suburb / outskirt郊区stereo system 立体音响fire door/escape安全门rural area 农村curtain 窗帘closed circuit in the southeast 在东南部central air conditioner中央空调television闭路电视on the ground floor 在一楼(英)radiator 取暖电炉broadband internet address 地址wardrobe 衣橱connection 宽带road 路/street 街道/ avenue 大街sheet 床单insects 害虫 lane 车道pillow 枕头blackout 停电 听力场景词汇 1

练习 简短英文对话

Dario: What is your favorite food, Brian? Brian: That's a hard question Dario! You know that I am a food machine. Dario: Does that mean you will eat anything? Brian: Within reason! My word is try everything once and eat the things you like often. Dario: I prefer my food hot Brian: I remember the chicken dish you made at your place. It had so much pepper that I cried Dario: I forgot that. I did feel a little guilty when I saw how much pain people's mouths were in! Brian: I like ice-cream. Dario: Maybe we could make a ice-cream with pepper. We would both be happy that way. Brian: That sounds disgusting! Neither of us would eat that! Dario:ok,I just kinding.Let's have something to eat. Brian:Good suggestion.I'm a little bit hungry. Dario:What do you think of apples? Brian:I don't like it.It tastes terrible. Dario:Well,what about milk? Brian:Fine.Give me a cup of milk,thanks. Dario:You are welcome. 达里奥:布瑞恩,你最喜欢的食物是什么? 布瑞恩:这是个很棘手的问题,达里奥!你知道我是一个食品机器。 达里奥:这意味着你会吃什么吗? 布瑞恩:在理性!我的座右铭是尝试每一件事,吃你喜欢的东西。 达里奥:我更喜欢吃辣的。 布瑞恩:我记得你在你家做的辣椒菜。它有这么多的辣椒,我哭了 达里奥:我忘了。当我看到别人的嘴巴有多痛时,我确实感到有点内疚! 布瑞恩:我喜欢吃冰淇淋。 达里奥:也许我们可以做一个辣椒冰淇淋。我们都会幸福的方式。 布瑞恩:听起来很恶心!我们都不吃那个! 达里奥:好的,开玩笑而已拉。让我们吃点东西吧。 布瑞恩:好的建议,我有点饿。 达里奥:你觉得苹果怎么样? 布瑞恩:我不喜欢它,它的味道很难闻。 达里奥::好吧,牛奶怎么样? 布瑞恩:好得,给我一杯牛奶,谢谢。 达里奥:不客气。 Lihua : Hi,Zoe.Did you try the Chinese food? My mother asked me what you like to eat. So she can prepare the dinner. Zoe : Yeah. I try chinese food before. Lihua : Did you? What do you think of it? Zoe : Excellent! I like Chinese food very much.


在理发店 单词与短语 洗头shampoo / hair shampoo 烫发permanent 剪发cut/hair cutting 染发color/hair coloring 吹风(发) blow/blow drying 护发treatment/hair treatment 修指甲manicure修脚甲pedicure 洗澡take a bath 赶快hurry up /quickly 小费tip 结帐pay the bill 折扣discount 钱money整发做花hair setting 发型设计hair design 手指卷法pin curl 化妆make up 按摩massage 全套服务full service 快速服务quick service 免费服务free service 指甲保养nail care 产品product 工具instrument 头发hair 护发霜hair care/conditioner 发胶gel 定型液hair spray 染发剂hair color 发雕lotion 卷发curl 干燥dry 湿的wet 润湿rinse 平梳comb 镜子mirror 吹风机hair dryer 毛巾towel 发夹hair pick 帽子cap 削刀razor 模特model 发叉hair pin 冷烫卷perm rod 冷烫纸perm paper 橡皮筋rubber band 工作车setting cart 洗发槽shampoo sink 发刷brush 圆梳round brush 尖尾梳tail comb 吹风机blow dryer 电棒curling iron 剪刀scissors / shears 大吹风air dryer 蒸气机steamer 推剪clipper 电推剪electric clipper 大发夹hair clip 假发wig 手套gloves 头皮屑dandruff 线条line 长发long hairstyle 中长发medium hairstyle 短发short hairstyle波浪wave 很鬈curly 旁分side parting 中分central parting 黄金点golden point 打薄thinning 化妆室Toilet 检查check 流行fashion 造型style 发型设计师hair designer 美发师hair stylist 客人client/customer/guest 美发从业人员hairdresser 老板boss /hair owner 学徒follower 经理/店长manager 美容院beauty salon 美容学校beauty school 杂志magazine 海报poster 图片picture 发型书hairstyle book 发型发表会(秀) hair show 发型研习会hair seminar 连锁店chain store 加盟店franchise 沙龙经营salon management 待客礼节etiquette 促销promotion 小赠品gimmick (gift) 恕不赊帐no credit 请坐Sit down ,Please /Take a seat, Please beside 在……旁边outside right 右边锋temple 鬓角hand 手leg 腿eye 眼睛mouth 嘴巴teeth 牙齿arm 手臂nose 鼻子foot 脚waist 腰neck 脖子thumb 拇指moustache 小胡子toner 调色剂,增色剂invigorate 滋补,滋润exfoliation 剥落;剥落物peel 剥(皮);被剥(或削)去皮scrub 擦洗;擦净massage 给(某人或身体某部位)按摩(或推拿)circulation 循环,环流;运行moisturize 给(皮肤、空气等)增加水分tonic 滋补的cleanse 使清洁,清洗 句型 麻烦给我报纸? Yes newspaper please? 您要洗头吗? Would you like a shampoo? 您要整发做花吗? Would you like a hairset? 您要护发吗? Would you like a conditioner? 您要剪发吗? Would you like a haircut? 您要吹风吗? Would you like a blowdry? 您要烫发吗? Would you like a perm? 您要修指甲吗? Would you like a manicure? 您要修脚指甲吗? Would you like a pedicure? 您要染发吗? Would you like a hair colored? 我要洗头(护发, 吹风...) I’d need a shampoo (conditioner, blowdry, haircut, perm, medicure). 我要染发. I’d need my hair colored. 您比较喜欢什么发型? What hairstyle would you prefer? 我喜欢短发(中长发,长发). I prefer a short (medium, long) hairstyle. 我建议您这款的新发型. May l recommend this new hairstyle for you? 您使用何种洗发精? What brand of shampoo do you use? 我现在为您按摩肩膀. I’m going to massage your shoulder now.


1.movie A: do you want to go to the movies tonight? B: Actually, I just saw a horror movie last night and it scared me half to death. A: Well , we could see something different like a detective film. B: I don’t really like detective stories , they always make me so nervous. A: How about a comedy? B: No .I don’t think comedies today are natural or cheerful. A: How about a love story then ? B: No. Romance is boring. A: Well , western , adventure ,war or science fiction movies , which of them do you like best? B: Science fiction , I think . A: Oh , sure . let’s go. 2.sport A: Holle , How is everything in xi’an ? B: Never better , How are you? How is the family? A: Everyone’s fine , But actually ,I’m feeling a little tired these days . B: You’re working harder than ever ,and probably not getting as mush exercise as you should . A: Yes .I know , I should exercise more , I feel like I’m gaining weight . But you look really young and energetic . What’s you secret ? B: There is no secret . I just make sure that no matter how matter how busy I am , I make time to exercise ,and I’m really careful about my diet ,you should be too . A: You’re absolutely right . Now that the weather is warmer ,I’m goring to start . B: That’s a great idea ,don’t wait until tomorrow ,start now . A: OK. I will start today ,let’s do some warm-ups .thank you for your advice . B: That’s all right . Let’s go . 3.pollution A: Dad ,what’s that thick black foam on the river ? B: That’s the waste form some factories . A: I thought it was against the law to dump directly into the river . B: Yes , it is . But a lot of companies just ignore the law. A: Why do they run such a risk ? B: They can save a lot of money by doing this . A: But they make the river polluted and it smells bad too . B: Not just the river ,they also pollute the air and the soil . A: The air is also polluted ? They should stop contaminating the air . B: You’re seen many people coughing all the time and even your own eyes start to sting and get all watery just by going too near a factory . A: Yeah . I ‘ve noticed those things ,but I never really thought about why it


酒店常用英文对话 一、酒店服务、时尚英语 Reserving a Room 预订酒店房间(电话) (H=Hotel, G=Guest) H: George’s Hotel. 这儿是乔治酒店。 G: I’d like to reserve a room. 我想预订一间房间。 H: When for Sir? 先生,什么时候要用? G: This weekend. 这周末。 H: Thank you. Just a moment, please. 谢谢。请等一会儿。 H: Front desk, sir. (总台接待员)先生,这儿是总台。 G: I want a single room with bath next Saturday. 我下星期六要一间有浴室的单人房。 H: Hold on, please. 请等一下。 (A few seconds later) (几秒钟以后) H: We’ll have it ready for you, sir. 先生,我们会为您准备好房间。 G: Fine. 好! H: May I have your name and phone number, sir? 先生,请问贵姓和电话号码? G: Yes, my name is XinHua Zhou, and the number is 116079. 我名叫周新华,电话号码是116079。 Inquiring about the Hotel Charges 询问酒店费用(电话) H: (Operator) George’s Hotel. Can be of any assistance? (接线生)乔治酒店。请问有什么贵干? G: Yes, I’d like to find out about the room charges. 我想了解住房费用。 H: Just a moment, sir. I’ll put you onto reservations. 先生,请等一会儿。我替您接订房部。 H: (Reservation Clerk) Reservations. Can I help you? (订房部员工)订房部。请问有什么事可以效劳? G: Yes, could you tell me the rates for your rooms? 您可以告诉我,你们房间的收费率吗? H: Yes. It’s 350 to 550 dollars for a single, 550 to 750 for a dou- ble for a twin. 可以。单人房收费350~550元,双人房收费550~750元。 G: I see. I am visiting your city in April. How soon should I make


短对话场景词汇 1.At the office 职场类 speakers boss and secretary 老板和秘书 manager/employer and employee 经理和雇员 colleagues/ co-workers 同事 interviewer and interviewee 面试官和求职者 sales representative 销售代表 experience 经验;income 收入;salary 工资;get a raise 涨工资;promotion 升职; post/position 职位;vacancy 空缺;interview 面试;resume 简历;cover letter 求职信;candidate / job applicant 求职者;qualification 资历;(submit) a resignation 递辞呈; job hunting/ job seeking 求职;want ad 招聘广告 export 出口;import 进口;type a letter 打印信件;filing cabinet 文件柜; paid vacation带薪假期 do odd jobs零工; run errand for sb. 为谁跑腿 2.On campus 校园类 speakers librarian and student 图书管理员与学生 teacher/instructor/adviser and student 教师与学生 professor and student 教授与学生 classmates 同学schoolmates 校友 (freshman 大一、高一sophomore 大二、高二junior 大三senior 大四、高三, )( undergraduate 在校生、本科生postgraduate 研究生) dean 学院院长,系主任 supervisor 导师 campaign manager 竞选管理人员(Students’ Union 学生会,election 选举)chairman/ chairperson 主席 majors 专业/ program 课程计划/ course 课程/ curriculum 课程/ department 系sociology 社会学(social science) psychology 心理学 philosophy 哲学 economics 经济学 finance 金融学


揭秘雅思听力出题的三种思路 细心的烤鸭会发现,雅思听力中考官考查大家的方法无外乎就是想办法让雅思听力原文中的信息在题目中“华丽变身”,好让“学艺不精”的烤鸭们继续苦读下去直到炼就“火眼金睛”,而这些方法总是贯穿我们雅思听力的四个部分的。以下就以剑8/Test1/Section 2(P12)为例,来揭密雅思听力中的三种出题思路: 变脸戏法一:交换出场顺序法 这种出题方式非常的常见,常常是原文中先出场的信号词在题目中却被摆在答案后面,或者与之相反。考查学生两方面的能力,一是把听力原文的信息充分理解,二是对题目的理解也比较透彻。请看剑8/Test1/Section 2的11题,题目的原型是:The museum closes at ______ p.m on Mondays. 而我们的听力原文写的是We’re open every day of the week from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm except on Mondays when we close at 1:30 pm. 听力原文中把答案放在了我们的信号词Monday 后面,这种情况属于考官“大发慈悲”,因为信息量相对较简单。考生应对这个方法的策略就是,锁定关键词,以及关键词左右两边的信息。 变脸戏法二:同义表达法 请看这里的12题,题目是The museum is not open on ______. 听力原文中却是in fact the only day in the year when we are closed is on the 25th of December. 在雅思听力中,正话反说出现得也比较广泛,尤其是相对的概念里,比如arrive/depart ; on/off 等,考生策略是平时注意积累一些出现过的反义词就可以迎刃而解了。请看13题,There are _____behind the museum where students can have lunch. 原文中讲behind替换成outside the museum at the back.到了第16-18题,问到参观博物馆需要带些什么东西,没有直接说camera,却说了We do allow students to take photographs.同义和近义表达成为最广泛应用的出题方法。
