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1. Time flies so fast that you won’t know that something have already passed by. That feeling when a year or two seemed to be yesterday. Memories can still be traced and remembered easily. So, enjoy every moment of your life because you won’t know if you can still see tomorrow and be able to remember yesterday.


2. Every move you make is an important choice. Think twice if you want to make perfect ones. Just cheer up when you make wrong decisions.You can make it right, but only once.


3. You can only have life once. Seize the moments, enjoy the days. Be thankful and be sorry for all the things. At the end of the day,having a good character on earth would matter the most. It is not wealth that would make your life meaningful.

It is the people around you, so treasure them as you treasure gems and jewelleries.


4. Doing something you don’t like would only result to nothing.It’s not worth the effort if you would not love the things you are doing. So, starting now,I encourage you to love what you’re doing. It would be more fruitful and effective.


5.Looking back in the old times,will give you a lot of realizations. If you are from rags to riches, then it would definitely give you important points. The important thing is you must learn how to bring back the times. Forgetting where you came from might bring you a downfall in life.


6、Whatever you do,do with all your might.


7、When the world says,Give Up! Hope whispers,Try it one more time.

当全世界都要我放弃, 还是期待有人轻语一声: 再试一次!

8、To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. --------George MacDonald


9、Love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.


10、You come close ,but you never made it .And if you were gonna make it ,you would have made it before now.


11、A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.


12、If I end up being the one walking away.I want you to know that it wasn't because I stopped loving you,but because you stopped loving me.


13、You don’t need to look to someone else to tell you how good you are.


14、People do a lot of thinking, and sometimes, that's what kills us.


15、English was never hard.It is just the mind-set of a person that makes the language hard.But if you embrace and enjoy the learning process,then it'll be just very easy for you.If you
