


s=txt>Ⅱ. translation


1. 那是一个正规的宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了(formal)

as it was a formal dinner party, i wore formal dress, as mother told me to.

2. 他的女友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯尚未根深蒂固之前把它改掉

(take hold)

his girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold.

3. 他们预料到下几个月电的需求量很大,决定增加生产。(anticipate)

anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.

4. 据说比尔因一再违反公司的安全规章而被解雇(violate)

it is said that bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules.

5. 据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水(water


it is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /the local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.


susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. for a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again.

one day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story. it gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. greatly inspired, susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life.

unit 2 friendship

ii. translation

1. translate the sentences.

1)半个小时已经过去了,但末班车还没拉力。我们只好走回家(go by)

half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. we had to walk home.

2) 玛丽看上去对汉语考试很担心,因为她没有背熟课文。(learn

by heart)

mary seems to be very worried about the chinese exam because she hasn’t learned the texts by heart.

3) 既然篮球赛已经被推迟,我们不妨去参观博物馆(postpone)since the basketball match has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum.

4) 整个二次世界大战期间他一直和父母住在澳大利亚(all the time)

5) 自1985年从北京大学毕业至今,可以说我与我的大学同学失去

了联系(kind of ,lose touch)since i graduated from nanjing university in 1985, i have kind of lost touch with my classmates.

2. translate the passage.

it is not easy to keep in touch with friends far away. this is true in my case.

it has been a couple of years since i left my old neighborhood and all the friends there. i have been meaning to write to them but things come up and i just don’t seem to find the time. they are always on my mind, however, and i think i will certainly make an effort to keep up correspondence with

them in the future.

unit 3

ii translation



as is predicted by scientists, global pollution has become one of the most serious problems humans are faced with.

2) 谋求这些职位的竞争很激烈—今年的求职者(applicant)是去年


competition for these jobs is very tough –we have five times

as many applicants this year as we did last year/ there are five times as many applicants this year as there were last year.

3)正如事实表明的那样,教育大纲应当符合国家的经济发展计划。(fit into) as the facts show, educational programs need to fit into the national plan for economical development.

4) 这辆汽车太费油(burn too much gas),而且价钱几乎是我想付的两倍(moreever)

the car burns too much gas, and moreover, the price is almost twice as much as i intend to pay.

5)要了解一起重大的国际事件,我们首先需要考虑其历史与政治的背景(background) to understand a great international event, we, first of all, need to consider the historical and

political background to it.

2. translate the passage

it is hard to imagine how our forefathers could do without so many conveniences that modern technology has brought about. back then only a small proportion of the population enjoyed the comforts of life. the majority didn’t even have sufficient food, not to speak of/ let alone the privilege of being educated. however, many people blame modern technology for creating so many problems. they want to slow down the rate of progress. but no one can put the clock back.

unit 4

iii translation

1) 据报道,联合国幹旋者(mediators)制定出了他们希望双方

都能接受的方案(work out)

it is reported that un mediators have worked out a plan which they hope will be acceptable to both sides.

2) 多丽丝小心翼翼地在森林里行走,害怕遭到大蛇攻击(giant)

doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked by giant snakes.

3) 地震,台风和其他自然灾害(disaster)无法阻止,但可采取


earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters cannot be 【篇二:新标准大学英语综合教程二 unit1 课后习题答


ss=txt>active reading(1)

3).match the words in the box with their definitions.

1 a subject that people discuss or argue about (issue)

2 a chance to do something (opportunity)

3 the most important and powerful people in the country (establishment)

4 an area of land containing all the main buildings of a university (campus)

5 something such as a meeting or public statement by people who strongly disagree with a policy, law etc (protest)

6 to start a major activity (launch)

7 chances of success, especially in a job or a career (prospects)

8 work that you are paid regularly to do for a person or company (employment)

4). complete the paragraph with the correct form of the

words in activity 3.

what are the most important (1) issues for students today? is the university (2) campus really such a different place compared to what it was 40 years ago? perhaps, as the passage suggests, there are fewer (3) protests by students against the (4) establishment than there used to be. and of course, improving your (5) prospects of being competitive in

the (6) employment market is a major concern for students everywhere, since a good university degree is the means by which you can (7) launch your career. but in spite of all this,

the role of the university is the same as it always has been. it is the place where you have the (8) opportunity to learn to think

for yourself.

5).replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box. you may need to make other changes.

1 there were fights between police and protestors outside the us embassy. (clashes)

2 the two parties formed a temporary political arrangement to respond to the problem. (alliance)

3 i’ve always considered myself as someone who is tolerant

of other people’s idea. (liberal) 4 the chief official of an american state has a lot of power. (governor)

5 the financial situation of western european countries rapidly improved in the 1960s. (economy)

6 the 1960s were associated with a new type of popular music. (characterized)

the 1960s were characterized by a new type of popular music.

7 mark left college without finishing the course and joined a rock band. (dropped out)

8 for many people, listening to their music was an experience which made them feel free. (liberating)

for many people, listening to their music was a liberating experience.

9 for some people, an interest in politics went hand in hand with a strong enthusiasm for music. (passion)

6) . answer the questions about the words.

1 (b) not very clearly?

2 (a) active?

3 (b) who disagrees publicly with the government?

4 (b) not interested in it?

5 (b) exciting?

6 (a) get smaller?

7 (a) often in touch with them?

8 (b) great pleasure?

active reading 2

3).match the words in the box with their definitions.















5).answer the questions about the words and expressions.









language in use

1. going to do about this problem? (govern)

correct answer :government

2.correct answer : postmodernism

3. led to the creation of new universities in the 1960s. (develop) correct answer : development

4.. (individual)

correct answer : individualism

5. the two groups discussed for a long time, but couldnt

reach an . (agree) correct answer : agreement

6.the we can make for the future is to provide opportunities for the younger generation. (invest)

correct answer : investment

7. is the belief that men and women should be treated differently. (sex)

correct answer : sexism

8.correct answer : romanticism

2.rewrite the sentences using so / neither / nor + inversion. follow the example.

1. the world has changed a lot since the 1960s. universities have changed a lot, too.

suggested answer:

the world has changed a lot since the 1960s, and so have universities.

2. i really enjoyed my years at university. jackie also enjoyed the time she spent at university.suggested answer:

i really enjoyed my years at university, and so did jackie.

3. choosing the right course is always a major problem for

new students. another major problem is organizing ones time on campus.

suggested answer:

choosing the right course is always a major problem for new students, and so is organizing ones time on campus.

4. im thinking of going to the lecture on post-colonial literature. li ming is thinking of going, too.suggested answer:

im thinking of going to the lecture on post-colonial literature, and so is li ming.

5. i think the facilities in our college have improved over the last few years. in my opinion the teaching has also got better.

suggested answer:

i think the facilities in our college have improved over the last few years, and so has the teaching.

6. we can access the internet in our student hostel, and its the same for everyone else on campus.suggested answer:

we can access the internet in our student hostel, and so can everyone else on campus.

7. im not very interested in politics. my friends arent either.

suggested answer:

im not very interested in politics, nor are my friends.

8. i wont be doing much tonight. my roommate wont be doing much either.

suggested answer:

i wont be doing much tonight, nor will my roommate.

3.rewrite the sentences using mean. follow the example.

1. when you start out at college you meet lots of interesting people.

suggested answer:

starting out at college means meeting lots of interesting people.

2. if you go to bed too late you wont be able to concentrate the next day.

suggested answer:

going to bed too late means not being able to concentrate the next day.

3. when you do a course in lit theory you spend a lot of time on difficult subjects.

suggested answer:

doing a course in lit theory means spending a lot of time on difficult subjects.

4. to be interested in literature is to have an open mind about other ways of life.

suggested answer:

being interested in literature means having an open mind about other ways of life.

5. to protest against the vietnam war in the 1960s you went out onto the streets.

suggested answer:

protesting against the vietnam war in the 1960s meant going out onto the streets.

6. when you go to college today you spend a lot of time thinking about what you will do afterwards.

suggested answer:

going to college today means spending a lot of time thinking about what you will do afterwards.

4.translate the sentences into chinese.

1 on university campuses in europe, mass socialist or communist movements gave rise to increasingly violent clashes between the establishment and the college students, with their new and passionate commitment to freedom and justice. (with their ? and justice 部分最好提前,即先说学生的状况,再说学生与当权者的冲突。)



2 these days political, social and creative awakening seems to happen not because of college, but in spiteof it. of course, it’s true that higher education is still important. for example, in the uk, prime ministerblair was close to achieving his aim of getting 50 per cent of all under thirties into college by 2010 (eventhough a cynic would say that this was to keep them off the unemployment statistics).

现在,政治、社会和创造意识的觉醒似乎不是凭借大学的助力,而是冲破其阻力才发生的。当然,一点不假,高等教育仍然重要。例如,在英国,布莱尔首相几乎实现了到2010 年让50%的30 岁以下的人上大学的目标,(即使愤世嫉俗的人会说,这是要把他们排除


3 i never hoped to understand the nature of my generation or how american colleges are changing by going to lit theory classes. this is the class where you look cool, a bit sleepy from too many late nights and wearing a t-shirt with some ironic comment such as “been there, done that and yes, this is the t-shirt”.(第二句的主句是强调句式,汉译应在句法上稍做变通,以求类似强调语义的效果。a bit 以后的内容是进一步说明如何look cool 的,汉译可加破折号表明关系。)


丝熬夜太多的困劲儿,穿着一件t 恤衫,上面印着“去过那儿,干过那事儿,对,这就是那件t 恤衫”,或诸如此类带有讥讽意味的俏皮话。

4we’re a generation that comes from what has been called the short century (1914-1989), at the end of a century of war and revolution which changed civilizations, overthrew repressive

governments, and left us with extraordinary opportunities and privilege, more than any generation

before. (由which引导的从句比较难处理。可以在at the end of

the century of war and revolution 处拆句。前半部分讲“我们”所






5.translate the sentences into english.

1 政府采取的一系列措施不但没有化解矛盾,反倒激起更多的暴力

冲突。反对党联合工会发动了一次大罢工,最终导致政府的垮台。(give rise to; form an alliance with; launch;bring about) instead of resolving contradictions, the series of measures taken by

the government gave rise to more violent clashes. the opposition formed an alliance with the trade unions and launched a general strike, which ultimately brought about the downfall of the government.

2 如今,大学与现实世界的距离越来越小,学生也变得越来越实际。从前,大学是一个象牙塔,学者追求的是学问本身而不是把学问作


(shrink;gone are the days; a means to an end)

nowadays, the gap between the university and the real world

is shrinking and the students are becoming more and more practical. gone are the days when the university was an ivory tower in which scholars pursued knowledge as an end rather than a means to an end.

3 我从未指望靠上课来学好这门课。但我确实去听课,因为在课上

我能了解这门课的重点,学会如何组织材料、如何推理。(hope; by doing ?; the place where)

i never hoped to learn the subject well by attending those lectures. but i did go to lectures, for it was the place where i could get the important points of the course and learn how to organize materials and how to reason.

4 我一直想方设法解决这个难题,但就是找不到满意的答案。可是


方法实际上可能很简单。(work out; click)

although i have been trying every means to solve the problem, i cannot work out a satisfactory solution. but when i went to the kitchen to get a drink, something clicked and made me realize that the solution might be quite simple.




就没有真正经历过那段岁月。”对于在大麻烟雾中度过大学时光的那些人,这话可能是真的。但是,20世纪60 年代有一件事人人都记得,那就是:上大学是你一生中最激动人心、最刺激的经历。




ss=txt>unit 1

warming up:


1.1 imports

1.2 scent

1.3 detect

1.4 sniff

1.5 detector dogs


f e d c b a



1 morning run,different,something different,international airports,illegal imports,passengers

2 mixed odors

an apple,a mango



learn to sit

work,comes out



f f f t t



far ahead


the public

food drive


things don’t always go so smoothly for stockton though. you’ve got to work with me.i’m your partner,remember? so what does it take to be a “detector dog”?

they’ve got to have real food drive because they work for food. even after they eat a di nner,they’re still ready to eat some more. part3

1 animal shelters


green jacket,detector dogs


2.1 work out

stay with us



a good fit


nothing kind of

a game


follow up






nice to meet you

is he big


what kind of food does he like

my pleasure

reading comprehension








initial training


a game

home listening

1.1missing injured

1.2an item of clothing

1.3a black bear

1.4barking biting scared away


1.6locate dig



20032008 122

40 percent


30 50percent


of these 122 calls,sar dogs were able to help almost 40 percent of the time.

the dog can simply follow its nose to find the person she is out for her usual run one sunday morning in the spring

rusty was able to locate roycroft by his scent the dog seemed as happy about it as poycroft

unit 2

warming up 1

reptiles amphibious species caves

herpetologist 2

tissue sample expedition capture dinosaurs geneticist

watching part1 1

c b

a c

b a 2



新标准大学英语视听说1答案 【篇一:新标准大学英语视听说1答案】 xt>unit 1 246 four years,modern languages,special meal,of the town,improve its place,white shirt,should have traditions,white,pink,red,our history accad 461352 bcad unit 2 257813496 cdabcbd deafgbc go ahead and start,you can go to a restaurant,stay too late,would arrive,everyone tries everything ,you dont like their cooking,thats considered rude,nothing more than that cdbd ehgacbfd unit 3 234 a centre,words,sentences,a tree,a lot of colours dbab 51,50,12,three and a half months in white coats,my family,almost immediately,words and pictures,a lot of words,read and write,the right time 326154 bdadd unit 4 1,4,5,6,8 160,1992,1,000,000,000,20,000,000,000,10, 15,2004,450,2,1,10% 1,4,5 stands for,only,reached,has quickly become,text,up to,by,which is when,as a result,most successful 5,7,4,2,3,6,1

新标准大学英语 综合教程1 答案Unit1-4

Unit 1 Active reading 1 4 Match the words and expressions in the boxwith their definitions. 1 to make a sincere statement that you are telling the truth (swear) 2 a piece of flesh that connects bones and moves a particular part of yourbody (muscle) 3 to make you admire or respect someone (impress) 4 to drink in small amounts (sip) 5 a period of time between two events (gap) 6 to arrive somewhere and give your personal details to the person workingat the reception desk (check in) 5 Replace the underlined words with thecorrect form of the words and expressions in the box. 1 There was only just enough room for two people. (barely) 2 Be careful or you’ll accidentally pour your drink down your clothes. (spill) 3 He was completely unaware of what to do in the library. (ignorant) 4 She was very clever and got excellent grades. (intelligent) 5 You write your name on the list to join the club. (sign up) 6 She tells me that she’s definitely read the book. (assures) She assures me that she’s read the book. 7 I need to go and buy some tea, I have finished it all. (run out of) I need to go and buy some tea, I have run out of it. 6 Answer the questions about the words andexpressions. 1 Is a warden likely to be (a) a teacher at the college, or (b) someonewho looks after the hall of residence? 2 Is a tutor likely to be (a) a teacher, or (b) astudent? 3 If you go along somewhere, do you (a) go to aplace and join other people there, or (b) walk a long way to get to a place? 4 If you rent out a room, do you (a) paint and decorate it, or (b) allow itto be used by someone who pays you regularly to use it? Active reading 2 Dealing with unfamiliar words 4 Replace the underlined words with thecorrect form of the words in the box. 1 When he speaks, people notice that he sounds Irish. (detect) 2 Frank McCourt had read a lot of books which was deserving respect consideringhe had no high school education. (admirable) 3 You can tell the students on the underground trains by the number ofbooks they carry. (subways) 4 The woman in the admissions office suggests that his European educationis not good enough.

新标准大学英语综合教程1 unin test4答案

Unit test4 Part I: Vocabulary and Structure Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box. tedious essential interfere undoubtedly curiosity weird inquire uneasy thoughtful distract 1. She went into the store the newest touch screen mobile phone. Your answer Correct answer inquire inquire 2. P eople often criticize mobile phones and handheld devices because they Your answer Correct answer weird interfere 3. understand why French people like to eat them. Your answer Correct answer interfere weird 4. M any places have laws against talking on mobile phones while driving because

Your answer Correct answer distract distract 5. couldn't speak any Spanish. Your answer Correct answer uneasy uneasy 6. It understand cultural differences when you visit another country so that you don't offend anyone. Your answer Correct answer essential essential any other form of communication. Your answer Correct answer undoubtedly Undoubtedly 8. Thomas spent minutes talking with his insurance company by telephone. Your answer Correct answer curiosity tedious 9.


Part I: Vocabulary and Structure Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box. ignorant cultural sign up for gap barely intelligent check in memoir muscle ballroom 1. Your answer Correct answer cultural cultural 2. Your answer Correct answer sign up for sign up for 3. question. Your answer Correct answer ignorant ignorant 4. Your answer Correct answer barely barely 5. year. Your answer Correct answer gap gap 6. Your answer Correct answer ballroom ballroom 7. Your answer Correct answer check in check in 8.

Your answer Correct answer muscle muscle 9. Your answer Correct answer memoir memoir 10. Her psychology thesis examines whether cats are dogs. Your answer Correct answer intelligent intelligent Section B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 11. Please send all correspondence to my new place of ____. A. resident B. residents C. residence D. residue 12. The professor tried to ____ us that there would be no surprise test next week. A. assure B. sure C. ensure D. pressure 13. My paper is about nature's ability to ____ potential threats. A. inspect

新标准大学英语视听说教程1课本 详细答案

Listening and Speaking Book 1 Answer key Unit 1Inside view room. 3 Sir. 4 He asks her to call him Stewart. 5 To sign for her keys. Activity 7Suggested predicted questions:1 What’s your name? 2 Are you British? 3 What are you studying? 4 What are you studying?5 And how about you? Correct questions from video:1 And you are …?2 You’re British, huh? 3 What are you reading? 4 How about you, Kate? 5 And you? Activity 81 (b)2 (b)3 (a)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a) Outside view Activity 1Clip 1 – interviewClip 2 – conversation Activity 3True statements according to the passage 3, 5 Activity 4(1) one of the best universities(2) most talented students(3) well-known around the world(4) have open doors(5) good social life(6) you want it to be(7) on another campus(8) it’s a fun place (9) go to concerts(10) during the week Activity 51 From the library system online.2 Tree or four times a week.3 Brian.4 For leisure purposes, such as following news and sport.5 In the libraries. Listening in Activity 1Number of institutions: 8 Sporting importance: university sports teams competed against each other Academic importance: near or at the top of the US colleges and university rankings Social importance: social elitism, mostly rich intellectual white students Location: the US Origin of name: four universities, Ivy plants growing on walls Oldest institution: Harvard, founded in 1636 Largest number of undergraduates: Cornell, about 13,000 Acceptance rates: 7% – 20% Famous alumni: George Bush, John F Kenne Activity 21 (d)2 (b)3 (c)4 (d)5 (d) Activity 5 3–6–4–1–5–2 Activity 61 At Princeton University.2 That he is better with numbers than people.3 Not very. He finds relationships difficult at first.4 He thinks the Soviets have captured him. Pronunciation Activity 3Mark Hi Janet. Welcome to England. What are you reading? Janet English.Mark How about you, Kate?Kate My major is law. And you? Mark I’m studying PPE.Kate That’s a special Oxford subject, isn’t it? Activity 6Harvard University in Cambridge / is one of the best universities / in the world. He explained / that Harvard looks for the best / and most talented students / from around the world. We asked five students / at Harvard / to tell us / what kind of social life / they have. If you wanna / sit in your room / and study all night / like my friend over here, / you can also do that.


灰色的表格单元(table cell)表示该单元无对应章节。
红色方块标记( )表示该练习为必答题。
打勾( )表示您已完成的练习。
表示老师批改后的成绩。如果您的老师没有批改,主观题的缺省分值为 0%,客观题的分值为
? ?
点击 或 可查看您该题的详细答题情况。 单元平均成绩 = 该单元计入教科书成绩的章节得分百分和 / 该单元需计入教科书成绩的章节总
Active reading 1
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8
First reading Task 1
First reading Task 2
* 100%
! * ! * ! *! * ! *! * ! *! * Reading in detail: Vocabulary
exercises Task 1
71% 100%

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 ! * ! * ! *! * ! *! * ! *! *
100% 89%
Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3
! * ! *! 100% 100%
* ! *!
* ! *!
* !*
Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 4
! * !*
Active reading 2
First reading Task 1
First reading Task 2
Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1
! *! *! 100% 100%
* ! *!
Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2
! *! *! 75% 80%
* ! *!
Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3
! * ! *!
Reading in detail: Vocabulary
exercises Task 4
Language in use
Task 1
* !*
* ! *! * ! *! * * *
* !* * !*
Task 2
* !*
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
Task 7


Unit 1答案 Active Reading (1) ●课前预习(1):语段 1. so the saying goes 2. the most exciting and stimulating experience 3. transform …into 4. political radicalism 5. run for 6.bring …to one’s knees 7. dissident minority 8. give rise to 9. increasingly violent 10. clashes between the establishment and college students 11. commitment to freedom and justice 12. form an alliance with trade unions 13. launch a general strike 14. bring about the resignation of President de Gaulle. 15. share one’s passion for 16. what’s the matter with college students today? 17. be close to achieving the aim of 18. those under thirties 19. keep sb. off sth 20. a topic of great national importance 21. be keen to sth/doing sth 22. drop out 23. too much effort to do sth 24. do research into sth 25. in descending order 26. employment markets 27. an end in itself 28. gone are the days when… 29. like-minded friends 30. be also true for 课前预习(2):摘要 1. campus 2. exciting and stimulating 3. protests 4. strikes 5. passionate 6. taste 7. forbidden 8.passion 9. keen 10. heady 11. serious 12. a means to an end 13. prospects 14. employment 15. in itself 16. opportunity ●课文辅导(即时操练) 1-1俗云:“少小不努力,老大徒伤悲。” 1-2:Early to bed, early to rise,-so goes an old saying. 2-1 成功和财富改变了他的性格。2-2 The magician transformed the frog into a princess. 3-1 The news soon went round the campus. 3-2 The restaurant is well known for its friendly atmosphere and excellent service. 3-3由于就待遇问题产生争议,法国的机场管控人员已经开始了一场为期三天的罢工。 4-1我们的目标是使政府屈服并迫使它回到谈判桌前。 5-1 International support has given rise to a new optimism in the company. 5-2 Many of these obligations can give rise to problems and complications. 5-3她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语。5-4: 总统申明美国履行对其欧洲盟国承担的义务。 5-5: 他政治上的承诺只是表面文章。 6-1 They have launched a man-made satellite successfully. 6-2 The police have launched an investigation into the incident. 6-3使该国发生政治变革的唯一办法是向其施压。 7-1 This election campaign has been characterized by violence. 7-2 他的早期画作以鲜艳的颜色和大胆的笔触为特色。 10-1 The best way to keep babies off sugar is to go back to the natural diet and eat lots of fresh fruit. 10-2 Many high schools try every possible means to keep their students off outside influence so that they can stay far away from various addictive temptations and focus on their study. 13-1 As for you, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. ●巩固与拓展 1. "Everyone complains about weather, nobody does anything about it." -so goes an old saying. 2. It may be true that genes and living environment jointly decide what we are. 3. His plans were transformed overnight into reality. 4. The strikes brought the industry to its knees. 5. He's become increasingly withdrawn since his wife's death. 6. We made a commitment to keep working together. 7. He stepped out of politics to launch a business venture. 8. What characterizes street food, as opposed to commercial fast food, is that it is bought in the street and full of local flavors. 9. Two Americans will share this year's Nobel Prize for Medicine. 10. I will by all means make it to the meeting in spite of the rain. 11. I managed to stick to the diet and keep off sweet foods. 12. The items are listed in order of importance. 13. We seem to have lost sight of the fact that marketing is only a means to an end. 14. College in itself should be the end. 15. As for the hotel, it was very uncomfortable and miles from the sea. 16. in a haze of marijuana smoke 17. demonstrations and strikes 18. mass socialist and communist movements 19. much of the protest 20. the first taste of sth 21. junior common room 22. the meaning of life


新标准大学英语综合教程1 Unit 1 Active Reading 1 Diary of a fresher 大一新生日记 星期日 从家里出发后,我们开车开了很长一段时间才到达我住的宿舍楼。我进去登记。宿舍管理员给了我一串钥匙,并告诉了我房间号。我的房间在6楼,可电梯坏了。等我们终于找到8号房的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,上气不接下气。我打开门锁,我们都走了进去。 但爸爸马上就从里面钻了出来。这个房间刚刚够一个人住,一家人都进去,肯定装不下。我躺在床上,不动弹就可以碰到三面墙。 幸亏我哥哥和我的狗没一起来。 后来,爸爸妈妈就走了,只剩下我孤零零一个人。周围只有书和一个箱子。接下来我该做什么? 星期一 早上,有一个为一年级新生举办的咖啡早茶会。我见到了我的导师,他个子高高的,肩膀厚实,好像打定了主意要逗人开心。 “你是从很远的地方来的吗?”他问我。他边说话边晃悠脑袋,咖啡都洒到杯托里了。 “我家离爱丁堡不太远,开车大约6个小时,”我说。 “好极了!”他说,接着又走向站在我旁边的那个女孩儿。“你是从很远的地方来的吗?”他问。但不等那女孩儿作出任何回答,他就说到,“好极了!”然后就继续向前走。他啜了一口咖啡,却惊讶地发现杯子是空的。 妈妈打来电话。她问我是不是见到了导师。 星期二 我觉得有点儿饿,这才意识到我已经两天没吃东西了。我下楼去,得知一天三餐我可以在餐厅里吃。我下到餐厅排进了长队。 “早餐吃什么?”我问前面的男生。 “不知道。我来得太晚了,吃不上早餐了。这是午餐。” 午餐是自助餐,今天的菜谱是鸡肉、米饭、土豆、沙拉、蔬菜、奶酪、酸奶和水果。前面的男生每样儿都取一些放到托盘上,付了钱,坐下来吃。


u校园新标准大学英语第二版视听说1答案 1、32.There are about __________ women doctors in this hospital. [单选题] * A.two hundred of B.two hundreds of C.two hundreds D.two hundred (正确答案) 2、He is going to _______ a party this evening. [单选题] * A. hold(正确答案) B. make C. need D. hear 3、6.Hi, boys and girls. How are you ________ your posters for the coming English Festival at school? [单选题] * A.getting on B.getting off C.getting with (正确答案) D.getting

4、She is _______, but she looks young. [单选题] * A. in her fifties(正确答案) B. at her fifty C. in her fifty D. at her fifties 5、I don’t think he will take the case seriously,_____? [单选题] * A.don’t I B.won’t he C.does he D.will he(正确答案) 6、Mrs. Green has given us some _______ on how to study English well. [单选题] * A. practice B. news C. messages D. suggestions(正确答案) 7、I knocked on the door but _______ answered. [单选题] * A. somebody


新标准大学英语视听说教程unittest答案(1) 新标准大学英语视听说教程是各大高校广泛使用的英语教材之一,其 中的unittest测试题是课程学习的重要内容。下面列出几道实用的unittest答案,希望对同学们的复习有所帮助。 1.听力题答案 1) What did the man do? 答案:He had a meeting with his boss. 2) How was the woman's summer holiday? 答案:It was relaxing and enjoyable. 3) What is the woman's major? 答案:Marketing. 4) How did the woman go to the city center? 答案:By subway. 5) What does the man think of the movie? 答案:He thinks it's boring. 2.口语题答案

1) What do you usually do on weekends? 答案:I usually hang out with my friends or watch movies at home. 2) Have you ever been to any foreign countries? If so, which one(s)? 答案:Yes, I've been to Japan and Thailand. 3) What is your favorite type of food? Why? 答案:My favorite type of food is Chinese cuisine because it's rich in flavor and diverse in cooking methods. 4) How often do you exercise? What kind of exercise do you do? 答案:I try to exercise at least three times a week. I usually do some cardio and weightlifting in the gym. 5) Do you prefer living in the city or the countryside? Why? 答案:I prefer living in the city because there are more opportunities for work and entertainment. 3.阅读题答案 1) What is the article mainly about? 答案:It's about the benefits of reading books.


College culture Unit 1 Unit 1 College culture Inside view Conversation1 Janet :So this is the Cherwell Boathouse –it’s lovely! And look at those people punting! It looks quite easy. Mark :I’m not so sure about that! Janet, there’s something Kate an d I wanted to discuss with you. Some people in college are organizing charity events this term. We’ve decided to get involved. Janet :Raising money for charity? Right. In China, people raise money for charity but students don’t usually do that. Mark :Stu dents often do that here. Anyway, we’re thinking of doing sponsored punting. Janet :Sponsored punting! What’s that? Kate :Sponsoring is when people pay you to do something – like run a long distance. So people would be sponsoring students to punt. Janet :What a great idea! I’d love to join you! Mark :That’s why we’re telling you about it. So that’s decided then. Let’s make a list of things we need to do. Kate :I’ll do that. One of the first things we should do is choose the charity. Mark :Yes. And cho ose a day for the event. And we need to design the sponsorship form. I’ve got one here. Kate :That looks fine, but we must change the wording. Who wants to do that? Mark :I’ll do that. What have we got so far? Kate :Choose a charity. Also a day for the event. Change the wording on the sponsorship form …Um … We have to decide where the punt will start from. Mark :Cherwell Boathouse, no question! It's a very beautiful route from here, apparently. Kate :I’m with you on that. Janet :Me too … Conversation2 Janet :I’m not used to boats – Woah! Mark :Whoops! Kate :Watch out! You nearly hit me with that thing! Mark :Sorry! I didn’t mean to. … OK, we’re off! Kate :Maybe I should do the punting. Mark :It’s fine. I’ve got the hang of it now – give me a chance. Kate :Well, I’d like to have a go. Mark :Supposing I do the first hour. Then you can take over for a while, if you want to. Kate :Yes, great. Janet :You’re really good at it, Mark! This is fantastic! It’s exactly how I imagined life here! Look over there –isn’t it lovely! Kate :Yes, it is.


Unit 3 Part I:Vocabulary and Structure Section A:Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1。The researcher had a ____ that academic achievement was linked to culture. A. suspense B. suspicion C。suspect D。suspicious 2。I would love to go to graduate school but the ____ cost is too great。 B. finance B. financing C。financier D。financial 3.It is absolutely ____ for children to learn foreign languages as early as possible。 C. criticism B。critic C. critical D。criticize 4.There is no one I ____ more than Albert Einstein。He’s the reason I began studying physics。 A。revere B。reverent C. reverential D. revel 5. The human brain is capable of ____ thought,making us entirely different from any other animal on Earth。 A。irrational B. rational C。ration D。rationing 6.Studies have shown that computers are ____ learning tools. A.effect B。affect C. affective D。effective 7.Shawn's paintings are some of the most ____ I have ever seen! A。create B. creative C. creativity D。Creatively 8.Thomas did very well his exam and is taking the ____ level chemistry class next semester。 A. advised B。advantaged C。advanced D。advertised 9.Young children have a remarkable ability to ____ information they have learned. A。recall B. reveal C. release D。remain 10.She couldn’t concentrate on her test; her mother's ____ in the room was too distracting. A. presence B. presents C。present D. prescience 11.The ____ of Newton’s influence on nearly every field of science is incredible. A。extend B. extant C。extent D. extinct 12。He suggested that I ____ my lecture notes to the computer. A. translate B. transfer C。transform D。transit 13.Galileo was heavily criticized because many people thought his ____ ideas challenged the authority of religion。 A. mundane B。regular C. routine D. radical 14.Please ____ a list of questions to ask the scientist for an interview. A。generate B。general C。generation D. generic 15.Early man discovered that you could ____ sticks together and make fire from the friction. A. touch B. rub C. push D. pull 16.How many famous biologists can you ____? A。exemplify B. horrify C。identify D. intensify 17.Professor Clark's comment only makes sense if you understand the ____ of the entire lecture. A。context B. subtext C. pretext D. textbook
