

From Medusa learn Greece and Rome culture


Greece and Rome are the cradle of western culture. Greek and Roman mythology, as the symbol of Greece and Rome, are therefore of great significance to the western culture. As a vast system, Greek mythology has an extensive influence on the arts, and the literature and the language of Western civilizations. Poets and artists from ancient times to the present have derived inspiration from Greek mythology. Also, Greek mythology had an influence on the culture of many commentary countries such as Rome. The Greek influence on Rome was explicitly exhibited in the Roman mythology. Like Greek mythology, Roman mythology is the body of traditional stories of gods and heroes, concerning with ancient Rome's legendary origins and religious system. as represented in the literature and visual arts of the Romans. Roman mythology has greatly influenced by Greek mythology with respect to the reinterpretation of Greek myths with a Roman version in Roman mythology. During Rome's protohistory, Greek religion had an influenced on the whole Italian peninsula. In that time, Greek mythology had introduced into Rome. In later time, there had been a popular period artistic imitation of Greek literary models by Roman authors.

In both Greek and Roman mythology, they are full of popular heroic legends. These heroic legends can often tell us about the value of the ancient people. The value they worship is often gave to the heroes in their myth. By seeing what kind of value the heroes are addicted to in the myths can have a glimpse on the value of the sociaty in that time.

Medusa, one of the three Gorgons, daughter of Phorcys and Ceto. She was the only one of the Gorgons who was subject to mortality. She is celebrated for her personal charms and the beauty of her locks. Neptune became enamoured of her, and obtained her favours in the temple of Minerva. This violation of the sanctity of the temple provoked Minerva, and she changed the beautiful locks of Medusa, which had inspired Neptune’s love to serpents. According t o Apollodorus, Medusa and her sisters came into the world with snakes on their heads, instead of hair, with yellow wings and brazen hands. Their bodies were also covered with impenetrable scales, and their very looks had the power of killing or turning to stones. Perseus rendered his name immortal by his conquest of Medusa. He cut off her head, and the blood that dropped from the wound produced the innumerable serpents that infest Africa. The conqueror placed Medusa's head on the shield of Minerva, which he had used in his expedition. The head still retained the same petrifying power as before, as it was fatally known in the court of Cepheus.. Some suppose that the Gorgons were a nation of women, whom Perseus conquered.

Medusa's head is both a mirror and a mask. It is the mirror of collective violence which leaves the Devil's mark on the individual, as well as being the image of death for those who look at it.

Key Words: Medusa; head;women

Gorgom are three sisters of Greek mythology,they living in the remote of western, they are the daughter of Phorcydes. Their head and neck are full of scales, the hair are many snakes, with a wild boar tusks and a pair of iron hand and golden wings, any see them will immediately turned into stone. Medusa is one of three sisters of Gorgon. Her father is the Nept Poseido while his mother is the see monster Ceto, her hair are many snakes. Three sisters of Gorgon, only Medusa was physically, her sister Cecillia and Euryale is magic body. Allegedly Medusa once was a beautiful girl, because boasted good-looking than Athena.

Medusa began her life as a beautiful human, admired for her long, flowing hair. When the sea god Neptune (the Greek god Poseidon) began to fall in love with her, the goddess Minerva (the Greek goddess Athena) became jealous, took away all of her beautiful, leaving her an ugly monster form, beauty became the devil and changed Medusa into a hideous Gorgon, a creature with a head full of snakes. Y ears later Minerva completed her destruction of Medusa when she helped the young hero Perseus slay the hideous Gorgon. In order to save his mother, Perseus was ordered by Polydectes, the cruel king of the island Seriphos to kill and behead Medusa. Minerva helped him by giving him her shield as protection. After days of traveling, Perseus finally spotted Medusa. To avoid being turned to stone, Perseus looked at the monster through her reflection in Minerva's shield. As he moved nearer, he grew more and more horrified by her repulsive appearance. With one sweep of his sword, Perseus severed Medusa's head from her body. Perseus quickly stuffed Medusa's head inside his sack.When Perseus decapitated the gorgon Medusa, she was already pregnant by the sea god Poseidon who had visited her in the form of a stallion. As her body fell to the ground, the two offspring of this union. Pegasus and the warrior Chrysaor leapt fully developed from her body. The young hero took flight for the island of Seriphos in the winged sandals given to him by the god Dis (the Greek god Hades). When Perseus arrived on Seriphos, he rescued his mother from Polydectes by turning him to stone with Medusa's still deadly head. He then gave the head to the goddess Minerva, who attached the head to her shield to help her in future battles. In Roman and Greek Mythology; Medusa is one of three terrible Gorgon sisters. She has snakes in her hair and bronze claws on her hands. Anyone who looks directly at Medusa immediately turns to stone.

Medusa's head, an apparently simple motif linked to the myth of Perseus, was freed through being severed and cut loose from its 'moorings' by the hero in the remote depths of the world. There is something paradoxical about the story since the monster was all the more indestructible because it had been killed. Indeed, the figure of Medusa is characterized by paradox, both in terms of the actual mythical stare, which turned men to stone, and in the interpretations that have been given to it. The fascination that she exerts arises from a combination of beauty and horror. Her head was used, in Ancient times, as an apotropaic mask -- a sort of talisman which both killed and redeemed.

As well as being the very symbol of ambiguity, Medusa's head is also one of the most archaic mythical figures, perhaps an echo of the demon Humbaba who was decapitated by Gilgamesh. Everything implies that it is a 'representation' of the most

meaningful aspect of the sacred. Insofar as it is the role of literature to assume responsibility for the sacred, each era, when confronted with the mystery of the 'origins', has re-examined Medusa's head with its mesmerizing stare as something which conceals the secret of the sacred.

In Christian symbolism, Medusa represents the dreaded enemy and death, and thus becomes an embodiment of the Devil. She appears in this guise in a passage in the Book of Arthur which belongs to the cycle of the Holy Grail. In fact, this is a female monster, the 'Ugly Semblance', who lives at the bottom of a river. She does not exercise her powers by turning people to stone, but by causing the waters to swallow them up. Similarly, a play by Calder, which tells of the adventures of Andromeda and Perseus, has the hero, a new incarnation of the Saviour, defeating Medusa who is the personification of Death and Sin.

At first glance, therefore, Medusa's head is very much a representation of the terrifying other, of absolute negativity. She continues to fulfill this function in the twentieth-century trilogy by the Greek writer Pandelis Prevelakis, The Ways of Creation, which comprises The Sun of Death , The Head of the Medusa and The Bread of the Angels. In the trilogy, the Gorgon represents both 'Nietzschian nihilism' and the foreign ideologies which threaten Hellenism. The hero sets out to free Greece once again from the monster, but he fails and realizes that there is no longer a single piece of untaited land in his country. Everything points to the fact that the malady specific to modern Greece, and the country's inability to accommodate, change, have provoked this monstrous 'representation' of the other. Medusa's head does indeed seem to be a mask which serves to justify her absolute and evil strangeness.

The fact that Medusa is a mask and that this mask hides a more human face, is borne out by the way in which her portrayal is developed from the pre-Classical era to the Hellenistic period. There is a dual transformation i.e. the disappearance of both facial quality and ugliness. Beneath the mask lies what could be called Medusa's 'tragic beauty'.

Many elements of the myth suggest, through its basic ambiguity, the tragic nature of Medusa. One of the most revealing of these is the gift from Athena to Asclepius of two drops of the Gorgon's blood, one of which has the power to cure and even resurrect, while the other is a deadly poison. Medusa's blood is therefore the epitome of the 'pharmakon', while she herself -- as is shown by the apotropaic function of her mask -- is a 'pharmakos'. As has been demonstrated by Ren Girard, the 'pharmakos' is the scapegoat whose sacrifice establishes the dual nature of the sacred and reinforces the separation of the monster and the god. However, it is for literature and the arts to reveal the close relationship between opposites and the 'innocence' of the victim. In this respect, the myth of Medusa is revealing.

In the same way that there is a hidden similarity between Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, and Medusa, a similarity also exists between the sun, symbol of the Ideal and the Gorgon's mask. Although they are both objects of desire, Athena and the sun are unapproachable and terrifying for those who come too close. This danger is illustrated by the Platonic myth of Phaedrus in which the downfall of souls is brought about by an overpowering desire to see the sun.

According to Ovid . the reason for the dispute lay in Poseidon's rape of Medusa inside the temple of the virgin goddess. The goddess is supposed to have punished Medusa by transforming her face, which therefore made Medusa an innocent victim for the second time. Medusa had boasted that she was more beautiful than Athena. Everything points to the face that the goddess found it necessary to set herself apart from her negative double in order to assert her 'own' identity. Common features are numerous. For example, snakes are the attribute of Athena, Moreover, the hypnotic stare is one of the features of the goddess 'with blue-green eyes', whose bird is the owl, depicted with an unblinking gaze. Finally, because she has affixed Medusa's head to her shield, in battle or in anger she assumes the terrifying appearance of the monster. Thus, in the Aeneid , she expresses her wrath by making flames shoot forth from her eyes. These observations are intended to show that Athena and Medusa are the two indissociable aspects of the same sacred power.

In this interplay of doubles, the theme of reflection is fundamental. It explains the process of victimization to which Medusa was subjected, and which falls within the province of the superstition of the 'evil eye'. The way to respond to the 'evil eye' is either to use a third eye -- the one that Perseus threw at the Graiae - or to deflect the evil spell by using a mirror. Ovid, in particular, stressed the significance of the shield in which Perseus was able to see the Gorgon without being turned to stone, and which was given to him by Athena. Everything indicates that the mirror was the real weapon.

Ovid was responsible for establishing the link with Narcissus, a myth that he made famous. It seems that the same process of victimization is at work here. The individual is considered to have been the victim of his own reflection, which absolves the victimizer from all blame. This association of the two myths appears in a passage in Desportes' Amours d’Hyppolite where the poet tells his lady that she is in danger of seeing herself changed 'into some hard rock' by her 'Medusa's eye'. Even more revealing is Gautier's story Jettatura in which the hero, accused of having the 'evil eye', eventually believes it to be true and watches the monstrous transformation of his face in the mirror: 'Imagine Medusa looking at her horrible, hypnotic face in the lurid reflection of the bronze shield.


This terrible woman, the paragon of all women, whom every man simultaneously fears and seeks and for whom Medusa is the mask, is in fact the mother, i.e. the great Goddess Mother whose rites were concealed by the Gorgon's face. Countless texts illustrate Medusa's affinity with the depths of the sea and the terrible power of nature, The snakes are multiple phalluses and petrifaction represents the comforting erection.

From this point onwards, the myth of Perseus takes on a new psychological meaning. It tells of the exploit of the hero who, because he has conquered ‘castrating' woman and armed himself with the talisman of Medusa's head, is able to conquer Andromeda, the terrifying virgin, and kill the sea monster which represents the evil aspect of woman. A 'sacred' man must perform the first sexual act with a woman.

Gods are a reflection of human and the world in the mythology can be seen as a record of the early life in Greece and Rome However, the myth reveals and this seems

that woman's 'castration' is a result of the violence imposed on her by the original hero. Woman only appears in the story divided by separative decapitation, casting off the feminine in the remote depths of the world. Cast down, the feminine remains unrecognized within its innermost recess and it is this 'abject' void which maintains the theatre of the world and the logic of the talisman.

In this theatre, woman occupies the two opposite extremes of evil and their recess cure. That is why, despite her terrifying power, she is fascinating. 'Fascinum' means 'charm' and 'evil spell', but also 'virile member'. Between the 'emptiness' a nd the Idol represented by the division of woman, yawns the gulf of male Desire. This persistent ambiguity can be found in the classification of the creature called the Medusa. It owes its name to its resemblance to Medusa's head. Medusa keeps her secret behind the ambiguous mask. Although she is 'representable', she is never 'presentable' and even Perseus only sees her reflected in his shield.

In a word, no matter weather she is truly live in this world, she is mysterious and because of her enables the beautiful myth to be played out year and year.


小学生素质评价论文 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

星级管理与小学生综合素质的提高 小学的素质教育除了教给学生应有的基础知识和基本技能外,更重要的是对学生的养成教育,是学生良好行为习惯的养成、良好思想品质和学习品质的形成。综合素质评价是新课程改革的基本要求,也是全面提高学生综合素质的重要措施。新的评价理念更侧重于关注学生的学习过程和在活动中所表现出来的情感与态度,要求教师改善评价方式,以发展性评价激励每一个学生,使被评价的学生都能获得快乐的情感体验。注重对学生心理、认知发展水平的观察与研究,采取切实可行的评价方法,使评价准确、公正、科学,促使每一位学生在德、智、体、美、劳等诸多方面、地全面发展,养成良好的习惯,积极参与各种活动,在评价中享受快乐,在进步中感受成功的喜悦,增强自信,健康成长。课程标准大力倡导学生素质综合评价法,因为它充分体现了发展性学生评价的理念,如注重过程、关注学生放,现在对学生的评价体系也越来越系统了,越来越公平了,不仅在教育学生的过程中体现了人文性,在评价学生的过程中更加体现了“以人为本”。 怎么让综合素质评价操作简单并有实效性?我认为,要特别注重评价过程管理,注意年段特点,让学生、科任老师和家长共同参与管理。在日常管理中对学生进行全面、综合的素质评价是小学管理中面临的一个重大课题。下面,结合实际的教育教学实践,就小学生综合素质评价,谈谈我的做法: 一、重温小学生守则、日常行为规范,自定本班“班规” 我爱我的学生,但绝不是“爱不释手”,爱的放纵他们,而是让他们知道学校有学校的规范和纪律,“校有校纪,班有班规”。他们作为小学生必须遵守才行,要不然学校就会散沙一片,绝不会成为一所名校。于是,开学初,我让孩子们重温小学生守则、日常行为规范,逐条学习,深刻领会,让学生有规矩可寻,注重学生的


古希腊罗马神话读后感 本文是关于读后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 古希腊罗马神话读后感(一) 《古希腊罗马神话故事》是一本很好看的书,也是一本很有意思的书。这本书主要讲述了很久很久以前众神的故事以及一些古希腊罗马的着名战役和引人入胜的精彩事件,既有趣又可以增长知识,对以后学历史会有非常大的帮助。 这本书中最引人注目的当然是众神录啦!众神录主要描写了所有神的来历和相关的着名故事;其次就是英雄篇,如赫拉克拉斯、帕尔修斯、伊阿宋、特修斯、俄狄浦斯……这些英雄们都很令我敬佩,他们的故事也都让人提心吊胆。 我先来讲讲赫拉克拉斯的故事吧。赫拉克拉斯因为发了疯,把自己的妻子给杀害了,他为了洗清罪孽,答应为欧律斯透斯国王做12件苦差,国王将其专门取名为赫拉克拉斯的苦差。这12件苦差件件都难如登天,第一件是扒掉墨亚狮子的毛皮;第二件工作是斩杀许德拉;第三件工作则是生擒克律涅亚山上的赤牝鹿;紧接着的第四件工作是毫发无损地为国王捕捉、蹂躏厄律曼托斯山的大野猪……过了一年又一年,赫拉克拉斯历尽千辛万苦,终于完成了这12件苦差,他也洗清了自己身上的种种罪孽。这位洗心革面的英雄终于获得了自由! 这本书融合了西方文化的起源,告诉我一个真理——人不要过于贪婪,要时时刻刻保持谦虚和冷静。这是一本值得看的好书。

古希腊罗马神话读后感(二) 这是一本奇妙有趣的神话书,讲述了古代与自然共生的人类,将我们带回刚诞生的世界,和人·大地·花草树木·海洋·山丘息息相关的日子。 此书共有三个故事,令我感受最深的是《太阳之子法埃同》和《糊涂国王弥达斯》。让我们来听听第一个故事吧:男孩法埃同跟小伙伴说自己是太阳神的儿子,伙伴们不仅不信,还笑话他。法埃同来到了东方神殿请求父亲让自己单独驾驶太阳马车,父亲说马车不能驾的太高和太低。为了让伙伴们相信自己,法埃同冒着危险把太阳马车驶向地面。结果地面着起了大火,法埃同被迫摔向了地面。故事讲了人们为了没有意义的美好理想牺牲了生命和自由。都是虚荣心惹的祸!像法埃同一样,过分拥有虚荣心的人,老是追求一种虚假的效果,甚至弄虚作假,丧失理智。这个行为的目的仅仅在于获得荣誉和引起大家的注意,并得到周围人的赞美和羡慕。当然啦!每人多多少少都有点爱虚荣,我也一样呢! 第二个故事也很有趣:一位叫弥达斯的国王,由于招待的酒神的养父,便可以实现一个愿望。贪心的国王说:“我要把我碰到的一切都变成金的!”这确实给国王带来了财富,可是却不能正常进食(食物都变成了金子),还无意中把女儿也变成了金人……这个故事告诉了我们,贪心的人永远都不会快乐!所以,我们不能太贪心,否则可是会惹上大麻烦的哦! 我觉得,古希腊神话是对人类的一种期待。它告诉了我们做人的


希腊神话英语小故事:海伦 Helen was the most beautiful woman of the world.She was an infamous lady.She lighted the flames of the Trojan war and brought extreme destruction on the city of Troy.Helen was the daughter of Zeus.Helen's matchless beauty and charms drew towards her many heroes from all parts of Greece. When still small she was carried off by Theseus,who wished to have a divine wife .But she was rescued later by her brother Castor,and brought back to her native land.Her stepfather married her to Menelaus,king of Sparta. Nothing of importance had happened to her married life until Paris came to visit Sparta.Helen was attracted by Paris' lovely face.They stole one another's love in the absence of Menelausand then eloped on board a ship to Troy.Helen left her young daughter behind.To get Helen back,the Greek army sailed across and laid a long siege to the city of Troy . Helen was quietly weaving her story into a web of golden carpet one day when she was called up the city walls of Troy to look at the fighting between Menelaus and Paris.Menelaus was determined to kill Paris in the battle.Sitting by the side of King Priam,she told the chiefs of the Greek side to him.Tears of love filled up her eyes when she saw her first husband down below.After Paris fled the field she had the feelings of love and scorn.She encouraged Hector and Paris to take the field again and sincerely mourned the death of the true hero Hector. But when Odysseus and Diomedes came in disguise to steal the Palladium,she helped them to do so as


希腊神话具有人神同姓同形的特点人和神同样具有喜怒哀乐、七情六欲。 希腊神话的艺术性与哲理性表现特别充分。 希腊、罗马神话的特点分析 希腊罗马神话是欧洲文明的源头之一,展现了人类光辉灿烂的历史。它们既有一般神话的特点,又有他特有的个性来展现人类美丽的沉淀。 1.我们主要是通过大量流传下来的希腊、罗马诗人的作品来了解古人对神的想象,这些诗人是神话得以形成的最大功臣。如诗人荷马等。 2.诸神的外表看来与人一样,在我们的想象中,他们只是比人更高大、更美丽、更庄严,但人们也并不是把他们夸大到超过人的想象。 3.神比人看的更远、听得更远。 4.他们与人一样听命于身体的需要,如睡眠、进食和饮水等。 5和人一样有出生、身体渐渐发育和思想不断发展的自然过程。 6.精神方面,神是胜过人的,但也不免有各种各样的恶习出现。 7.神也像人一样凝聚成了一个大家庭,他们的首领和中心人物就是众神之王—宙斯,他统治一切。 所以,希腊罗马神话向我们展现了以宙斯为最高统治者的众神之国的整套体系。 浅谈古希腊罗马神话对当今文化的影响 首先是对英文文化的影响.兴起于14 世纪,结束于16 世纪的欧洲文艺复兴运动是当时欧洲的新兴资产阶级为反对封建主阶级而进行的一场思想文化运动。在这场运动中,古希腊罗马文化被重新发掘出来,重新受到重视。希腊神话用数以千计的人物形象和许多曲折优美的故事反应了史前人类生活的广阔图景,表现了人类童年时代天真烂漫、自尊、公正的特点和向自然、向一切邪恶力量作斗争的英雄气概, 因此具有永久的魅力。希腊神话对欧洲文化有特别大的影响。 希腊罗马神话对于欧洲的语言文化,特别是善于兼收并蓄的英语语言和文化产生了深远的影响。很多希腊罗马神话中的人物典故用语都被吸收到英语当中,成为英语语言文化的有机组成部


小学生综合素质评价论文 潘庄小学李香梅 小学生综合素质评价是以学生的发展状态与水平为评价对象的教育评价活动,是对学生素质的各个方面,各个过程进行多渠道认证的教育评价活动。评价内容随着学生与学校的发展而发展。评价内容均由教师、学生、家长以及同学等多方面合作完成。虽然在评价过程中存在着差异,但这种对学生的评价是真实而准确的。 以往的教学评价是把优异成绩给予极少数的学生,能够获得成功的只是凤毛麟角,把评价无形中变成了一种甄别过程,以前评价学生是学期末教师对于学生进行评价,而现在的小学生的综合素质评价,现在是学生本人、同学、老师和家长对学生进行评价,不仅关注学生的学业成绩,而且发现和发展学生多方面的潜能,了解学生发展中的需求,帮助学生认识自我、建立自信。从单纯通过书面测试、考试检查学生对知识、技能掌握的情况,转变为运用不拘一格的方法综合评价学生在情感、态度、价值观、知识与技能、创新意识、实践能力等方面的变化与进步。这样评价得比较全面。每个学生都会有自己的闪光点和不足之处。比如:我班的刘鹏同学,他的思维能力与接受能力较差,文化基础不牢,学习进步不快,有时上课还做小动作,可是他劳动很积极,做劳动委员的工作很负责,经常帮助其他组打扫卫生。于是我就抓住他的闪光点,在平时她每做一件好事,我就奖励他一朵小红花。

每个人都有先天素质的差异和不同的兴趣、爱好,通过评价使每位学生都能看到自己的光明之处,逐步使学生养成自尊、自爱、自信、自制等心理品质,提高他们的后天素质。 以前评价学生是学期末教师对于学生进行评价,现在小学生综合素质评价不再只是期末时的一个终结性评价,而是贯穿于学生整个发展过程。教师在教学中要立足于学生的长远发展,把对学生的评价从学期初到学期末分成几个阶段,进行不同阶段的评析,定期帮助学生进行总结、回顾与反思,激励学生自省、自律,明确努力方向。如我班有位学生,是单亲家庭的孩子。父亲长年在外打工,他和爷爷奶奶在一起生活。由于老人对孩子溺爱疏于管教,使得他身上存在很多不良习惯。在学期初定目标时,我就帮助他主要从个人良好习惯方面定好自己的目标:衣着整洁,按时到校,和同学团结友爱,不说谎话,课上积极回答问题,按时完成作业等。尽量使评价指标显性化。一段时间后根据这些指标对他进行逐项评定,根据他的表现提出表扬,如能够按时到校,课上也能主动发言,多数时候能按时完成作业。然后进一步对他提出要求:生活中要能主动帮助别人,作业要认真书写,力求工整,回答问题声音响亮等。这样在阶段性的评价中可以根椐学生发展的情况,有意识地修正目标,引导学生自觉地将评价与日常行为表现联系起来,帮助学生巩固已取得的成绩,发现不足,继续努力。 以前评价学生是教师单一评价,而现在小学生综合素质评价从教师一元化转向师生互动、生生互动。班主任、学科教师、学生


希腊罗马神话传说和《圣经》中的英语典故 1.An Apple of Discord争斗之源;不和之因;祸根 An Apple of Discord直译为“纠纷的苹果”,出自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事传说希腊阿耳戈英雄(Argonaut)珀琉斯(Peleus)和爱琴海海神涅柔斯的女儿西蒂斯(Thetis)在珀利翁山举行婚礼,大摆宴席。他们邀请了奥林匹斯上(Olympus)的诸神参加喜筵,不知是有意还是无心,惟独没有邀请掌管争执的女神厄里斯(Eris)。这位女神恼羞成怒,决定在这次喜筵上制造不和。于是,她不请自来,并悄悄在筵席上放了一个金苹果,上面镌刻着“属于最美者”几个字。天后赫拉(Hera),智慧女神雅典娜(Athena)、爱与美之神阿芙罗狄蒂(Aphrodite),都自以为最美,应得金苹果,获得“最美者”称号。她们争执不下,闹到众神之父宙斯(Zeus)那里,但宙斯碍于难言之隐,不愿偏袒任何一方,就要她们去找特洛伊的王子帕里斯(Paris)评判。三位女神为了获得金苹果,都各自私许帕里斯以某种好处:赫拉许给他以广袤国土和掌握富饶财宝的权利,雅典娜许以文武全才和胜利的荣誉,阿芙罗狄蒂则许他成为世界上最美艳女子的丈夫。年青的帕里斯在富贵、荣誉和美女之间选择了后者,便把金苹果判给爱与美之神。为此,赫拉和雅典娜怀恨帕里斯,连带也憎恨整个特洛伊人。后来阿芙罗狄蒂为了履行诺言,帮助帕里斯拐走了斯巴达国王墨涅俄斯的王后---绝世美女海伦(Helen),从而引起了历时10年的特洛伊战争。不和女神厄里斯丢下的那个苹果,不仅成了天上3位女神之间不和的根源,而且也成为了人间2个民族之间战争的起因。因此,在英语中产生了an apple of discord这个成语,常用来比喻any subject of disagreement and contention;the root of the trouble;dispute等意这个成语最初为公元2世纪时的古罗马历史学家马克?朱里?尤斯丁(Marcus Juninus Justinus)所使用,后来广泛的流传到欧洲许多语言中去,成为了一个国际性成语。 eg: He throwing us an apple of discord,we soon quarrelled again. The dispute about inheriting estate formed an apple of discord between them. This problem seems to be an apple of discord between the Soviet union and the USA. 2.The Heel of Achilles 亦作The Achilles' Heel唯一弱点;薄弱环节;要害 The Heel of Achilles直译是“阿基里斯的脚踵”,是个在欧洲广泛流行的国际性成语。它源自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事。 阿基里斯是希腊联军里最英勇善战的骁将,也是荷马史诗Iliad里的主要人物之一。传说他是希腊密耳弥多涅斯人的国王珀琉斯和海神的女儿西蒂斯所生的儿子。阿基里斯瓜瓜坠地以后,母亲想使儿子健壮永生,把他放在火里锻炼,又捏着他的脚踵倒浸在冥河(Styx)圣水里浸泡。因此阿基里斯浑身象钢筋铁骨,刀枪不入,只有脚踵部位被母亲的手捏住,没有沾到冥河圣水,成为他的唯一要害。在特洛伊战争中,阿基里斯骁勇无敌,所向披靡,杀死了特洛伊主将,著名英雄赫克托耳(Hector),而特洛伊的任何武器都无法伤害他的身躯。后来,太阳神阿波罗(Apollo)把阿基里斯的弱点告诉了特洛伊王子帕里斯,阿基里斯终于被帕里斯诱到城门口,用暗箭射中他的脚踵,负伤而死。因此,the heel of Achilles,也称the Achilles' heel,常用以表示a weak point in something that is otherwise without fault;the weakest spot等意思。 eg:The shortage of fortitude is his heel of Achilles. His Achilles' heel was his pride--he would get very angry if anyone criticized his work.3.Helen of Troy 3.Helen of Troy 直译"特洛伊的海伦",源自源自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事。 Helen是希腊的绝世佳人,美艳无比,嫁给希腊南部邦城斯巴达国王墨涅俄斯(Menelaus)为妻。后来,特洛伊王子帕里斯奉命出事希腊,在斯巴达国王那里做客,他在爱与美之神阿

古希腊罗马神话欣赏 课程教学大纲及样题

《古希腊、罗马神话》课程教学大纲 课程编码:30615022 学分: 2 总学时:36 说明 【课程性质】 《古希腊、罗马神话》是全日制大学本科教育英语专业高年级开设的专业选修课。 【教学目的】 使学生了解西方文化渊源,从文化的角度学习英语词汇,培养和提高其文化素养、鉴赏能力和对异域文化的敏感度。 【教学任务】 以古希腊、罗马神话的重要神祗、英雄的轶事为主线,分析现代英语中源于神话的词语与典故及以古希腊、罗马神话为题材的英美文学作品、雕塑、绘画、建筑等艺术作品,提高学生的文化能力和鉴赏水平。 【教学内容】 古希腊、罗马神话简介,旧神谱系与天地的起源,奥林匹斯山新神,普罗米修斯与人类,次神的故事,英雄的故事 【教学原则和方法】 教学原则:以培养具有文化能力和鉴赏水平的学生为原则 教学方法:采用多媒体课件教学,辅以影视欣赏和学生讨论促进教学 【先修课程要求】 本课程是在学生完成了精读、泛读、英美文学、影视欣赏、英美文化概况等课程,并掌握了一定的专业知识和技能基础上开设的专业选修课。 【教材与主要参考书】 教材:常耀信《希腊罗马神话》外语教学与研究出版社,1981年。 参考书:廖光蓉《英语词汇与希腊罗马神话》湖南师范大学出版社,1999年。

徐国萍《希腊罗马神话及典故成语》海洋出版社,2001年。 陶洁《希腊罗马神话一百篇》中国对外翻译出版公司,1989年。 大纲内容 第一部分古希腊、罗马神话简介 【教学目的和要求】 教学目的:了解希腊述神话的起源、形成、和发展 教学要求:掌握学习古希腊、罗马神话的意义、目的,重要性和方法 【内容提要】 第一节什么是神话 第二节神话的起源和发展 第三节神话故事与神话学的区别 第四节神话的分类 第五节学习神话的原因、意义和方法 【教学重点与难点问题】 教学重点:神话的分类 教学难点:神话的起源和发展 【复习思考题】 1. 什么是神话? 2. 神话故事与神话学的区别是什么? 第二部分天地的起源 【教学目的和要求】 教学目的:讲述天地的起源 教学要求:掌握旧神谱系中主要的神及由此派生出来的英语词汇 【内容提要】 第一节天地的起源 第二节旧神谱系:地神盖娅、天神乌拉诺斯,十二提坦巨神 第三节以cosmos、chron为词根的派生单词 【教学重点与难点问题】 教学重点:天地如何起源的 教学难点:旧神谱系中诸神之间的关系及名称 【复习思考题】 1.天地是如何起源的? 2.试论述旧神谱系中诸神的关系。 第三部分奥林匹斯山新神 【教学目的和要求】 教学目的:讲述奥林匹斯山新神谱系中诸神的职能、地位及轶事 教学要求:掌握诸神的名称、地位及由此派生出来的英语单词 【内容提要】 第一节宙斯:天神之父,地上万物的最高统治者 第二节赫拉:宙斯的正妻,女性的代表 第三节雅典娜:智慧女神、雅典城的守护女神 第四节阿波罗:太阳神


浅谈小学生综合素质评价 全面实施素质教育的今天,是以全面提高公民思想品德、科学文化等多方面的素质,培养能力,发展个性为目的的教育,对学生的综合素质评价,不仅关注学生的学业成绩,而且发现和发展学生多方面的潜能,了解学生发展中的需求,帮助学生认识自我、建立自信。从单纯通过书面测试、考试检查学生对知识、技能掌握的情况,转变为运用不拘一格的方法综合评价学生在情感、态度、价值观、知识与技能、创新意识、实践能力等方面的变化与进步。几年来对小学生综合素质评价工作使我感受颇多,下面,谈谈我的个人看法。 学生素质综合评价是个人评定制度的先进理念。为了让每一位学生养成良好的学习习惯,掌握个人自主学习和合作探究的方法,积极参与各种活动,在进步中感受成功的喜悦,增强学习自信,在评价中享受快乐,享受成功。综合评价过程中要注意以下几点: 一、评价内容要开放 在传统教学中,教师仅注重对学生学习结果的评价,忽视对学生学习过程的评价,这势必导致教师简单地根据学生的学习成绩来评价学生的学习质量,忽视了对学生在学习过程中的情感变化和闪现的创造火花以及实践能力的评价,导致了学生走上只追求考分的歧路。而新的《课标》对教学目标提出了知识与技能,过程与方法,情感、态度与价值观的要求。所以在课堂上我们对学生的评价除了重视学生对认知任务的完成,而且还要重视学生学习过程中思维活动的评价,重视学生情感、态度、价值观等非智力因素的评价。改变传统那种固定的、无情的

评价,要正视学生差异与个性,因人、因事、因地制宜,进行灵活的、充满人情味的评价。 二、评价形式要多样 在传统教学中,评价是教师的“专利”,是教师“权威”的象征。学生学习情况的对与错、好与坏等均是教师一“言”定音,学生处于被动甚至被忽略的地位。《课标》要求我们要采取多样化的方式。评价方式应多种多样,口试、笔试、作业等其他方面结合起来。因此,我们要把自我评价、学生评价、教师评价、家长评价结合起来,要赋予学生评价的权力,实现全员评价。平时作业可用“红旗”、“红花”等表示并加上简单的批语。单元练习、期末考试则用等级制进行模糊评价。比如,教师发现学生的字写得很工整了,发现他组了一个很特别的词语、表演很精彩……一句赞赏、加上几分,让学生高兴很多天,甚至回味很多年!我们凭着极平凡的发现,凭着极为平常的一句赞语,凭着用不完的分数点燃孩子自尊、自信的热情,点亮指引他们前进的灯塔。想一想,我们的平凡举动在孩子一生中却是多么伟大。慷慨些,让每个学生都感受成功的喜悦。 三、评价要有实效性 以往的教学评价是把优异成绩给予极少数的学生,能够获得成功的只是凤毛麟角,把评价无形中变成了一种甄别过程,而我们所实施的评价是为了让学生在现有的基础上谋求实实在在的发展。我们指出,不要吝啬表扬,不要把表扬看成是给学生的多大的赏赐,而要真诚的送一份赞许。这里我们提出在课堂上评价要研究学生的差异,分层加以鼓励。这就如同摘一棵树上的桃子,有的伸手就够到,有的跳脚才能够到,有的需要踩矮凳子,有的则需要踩高凳子。教师分层鼓励就是在教给学生跳脚、搬矮凳子、换高凳子。坚持每个学生都有得分、获得小红花


Greek Mythology Today I'm very happy to have this opportunity to show you our presentation. Greek Mythology is a group of traditional tales told by the ancient Greeks. It talks about the deeds of gods, heroes and their relations with human beings. Greek Mythology is not just a literary works; it is also a production of culture of that time and an exhibition of the social surroundings and problems of the current western countries. If we want to know western culture, we need to read this book. It is a summary about gods and heroes story of the ancient Greek nation. It mixed up the real life with the fantasies. After reading the book Greek Mythology, I'm sure everybody is interested in the goddess in this fantastic masterpiece, so I will share with you some of our ideas. Juno was the principal wife of Jupiter, and, as queen of heaven, participated in the honors paid to Jupiter. Juno appears to be the sublime embodiment of strict, matronly and virtue, and is on that account the protectress of purity and married women. Faultless herself in her fidelity as a wife, she is essentially the type of the sanctity of the marriage tie. So strongly was she imbued with this hatred of any immorality, that, finding herself so often called upon to punish the failings of both gods and men in this respect, she became jealous, harsh, and vindictive. She seemed to be hard-hearted to those gods who were sent many blessings by Jupiter. Latona was just a typical example. Juno changed herself into fierce and dreadful forms to frighten Latona and her children - Apollo and Diana to run from the beautiful garden which Jupiter had found for her. Then she followed and tormented Latona in many ways such as sent wild animals to howl horribly behind her when Latona grew tired and to rest. Juno also changed Callisto into a great furry bear when she found that Jupiter was so pleased with Callisto?s charm and goodness. Her exalted position as the wife of the supreme deity, combined with her extreme beauty, caused her to become exceedingly vain, and she consequently resented with great severity any infringement on her rights as queen of heaven, or any apparent slight on her personal appearance. Juno…s character was just like a jealous and manipulative woman in our daily life. Venus was appointed goddess of Love and Marriage.She represented sex, affection and the attraction that binds people together. With the help of her little son,Eros,the god of love,she made many a tale of happiness and sadness in the life of gods and men.Though Venus was regarded as the symbol of extreme beauty, she still showed a human-like emotion. Venus was much vexed by Psyche who was a princess famous of her beauty. Although her little son Eros - - the god of love fell in love with Psyche. Venus tried every method to break them up. Obviously, Venus was jealous of Psyche?s beauty. In another story, Venus made Pygmalion…s (a sculptor) dream come true, only because she was delighted with the loveliness of Pygmalion?s statue which looked much like herself. Venus spent all her life in the pursuit of love, but her enthusiasm for love is temporary. What?s more, she isn?t single-minded in love. Venus created a personality image with strong vanity and beautiful appearance. She stressed the women's instinct to pay more attention to the appearance. And these points made Venus more act like human beings.


apple of discord(不和的根源) 不和女神艾瑞斯(Eris)在某个婚礼中投下一只金苹果,上面写着“送给最美的女神”。结果引起神后赫拉(Hera)、智慧女神雅典娜(Athene)和爱与美的女神阿芙洛狄特(Aphrodite)的争夺。最后她们去找特洛伊城(Troy)的王子帕里斯(Paris)裁决。三位女神向Paris许下了不同的诺言。Aphrodite许诺说她将把世界上最美的女人送给Paris,于是Paris就把鑫苹果判给了Aphrodite.Hera和Athene非常生气,发誓要报复特洛伊人。后来,Paris出使希腊的斯巴达,在Aphrodite的帮助下,勾引走了斯巴达王后海伦(Helen)——当时世界上最美丽的女人。Paris拐走了Helen,激起了全体希腊人的公愤,于是希腊各国组成联军,远征特洛伊人。战争中,Aphrodite支持特洛伊人,Hera 和Athene支持希腊人。由一只苹果引发了战争,因此apple of discord意思就是“不和的根源,发生纠纷的事端”。Electra Complex(恋父情结) 爱烈屈拉因母亲与其情人谋杀了她的父亲,故决心替父报仇,最终她与其兄弟杀死了自己的母亲。 Achilles' heel(致命的弱点) 阿基里斯(Achilles)幼年时,他母亲为了使他有不死之身,提着他的脚在冥河中将他全身浸过,使刀枪不能伤害他,唯独脚跟没有浸过冥河水,结果在同Paris作战时,被Paris

用毒箭射中脚跟而死,因此Achilles' heel(阿基里斯之踵)就成了“致命的弱点”的同义语。 Helen of Troy(红颜祸水) 特洛伊战争的最后一年,希腊人采用了“木马计”(the Trojan Horse),在Hera和Athene的帮助下,攻陷了特洛伊城。由于Helen导致了特洛伊城的沦陷,因此Helen of Troy 就成了“红颜祸水,倾国尤物”的代名词。 the sword of Damocles(达摩克利斯之剑) Damocles是叙拉古王朝的一位大臣,非常羡慕帝王的荣华富贵。一天,国王让他坐在王位上,在Damocles的头上用一根头发悬一把利剑,告诉他王权的危险就象那把剑一样,随时可能降临。因此the sword of Damocles就成了“富贵中隐藏的危险”的同义语,也可以指形势危急,千钧一发;


希腊罗马神话传说和《圣经》中的英语成语典故 1.An Apple of Discord争斗之源;不和之因;祸根 An Apple of Discord直译为“纠纷的苹果”,出自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事 传说希腊阿耳戈英雄(Argonaut)珀琉斯(Peleus)和爱琴海海神涅柔斯的女儿西蒂斯(Thetis)在珀利翁山举行婚礼,大摆宴席。他们邀请了奥林匹斯上(Olympus)的诸神参加喜筵,不知是有意还是无心,惟独没有邀请掌管争执的女神厄里斯(Eris)。这位女神恼羞成怒,决定在这次喜筵上制造不和。于是,她不请自来,并悄悄在筵席上放了一个金苹果,上面镌刻着“属于最美者”几个字。天后赫拉(Hera),智慧女神雅典娜(Athena)、爱与美之神阿芙罗狄蒂(Aphrodite),都自以为最美,应得金苹果,获得“最美者”称号。她们争执不下,闹到众神之父宙斯(Zeus)那里,但宙斯碍于难言之隐,不愿偏袒任何一方,就要她们去找特洛伊的王子帕里斯(Paris)评判。三位女神为了获得金苹果,都各自私许帕里斯以某种好处:赫拉许给他以广袤国土和掌握富饶财宝的权利,雅典娜许以文武全才和胜利的荣誉,阿芙罗狄蒂则许他成为世界上最美艳女子的丈夫。年青的帕里斯在富贵、荣誉和美女之间选择了后者,便把金苹果判给爱与美之神。为此,赫拉和雅典娜怀恨帕里斯,连带也憎恨整个特洛伊人。后来阿芙罗狄蒂为了履行诺言,帮助帕里斯拐走了斯巴达国王墨涅俄斯的王后---绝世美女海伦(Helen),从而引起了历时10年的特洛伊战争。不和女神厄里斯丢下的那个苹果,不仅成了天上3位女神之间不和的根源,而且也成为了人间2个民族之间战争的起因。因此,在英语中产生了an apple of discord这个成语,常用来比喻any subject of disagreement and contention;the root of the trouble;dispute等意义 这个成语最初为公元2世纪时的古罗马历史学家马克·朱里·尤斯丁(Marcus Juninus Justinus)所使用,后来广泛的流传到欧洲许多语言中去,成为了一个国际性成语。 eg: He throwing us an apple of discord,we soon quarrelled again. The dispute about inheriting estate formed an apple of discord between them. This problem seems to be an apple of discord between the Soviet union and the USA. 2.The Heel of Achilles 亦作The Achilles' Heel唯一弱点;薄弱环节;要害 The Heel of Achilles直译是“阿基里斯的脚踵”,是个在欧洲广泛流行的国际性成语。它源自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事。 阿基里斯是希腊联军里最英勇善战的骁将,也是荷马史诗Iliad里的主要人物之一。传说他是希腊密耳弥多涅斯人的国王珀琉斯和海神的女儿西蒂斯所生的儿子。阿基里斯瓜瓜坠地以后,母亲想使儿子健壮永生,把他放在火里锻炼,又捏着他的脚踵倒浸在冥河(Styx)圣水里浸泡。因此阿基里斯浑身象钢筋铁骨,刀枪不入,只有脚踵部位被母亲的手捏住,没有沾到冥河圣水,成为他的唯一要害。在特洛伊战争中,阿基里斯骁勇无敌,所向披靡,杀死了特洛伊主将,著名英雄赫克托耳(Hector),而特洛伊的任何武器都无法伤害他的身躯。后来,太阳神阿波罗(Apollo)把阿基里斯的弱点告诉了特洛伊王子帕里斯,阿基里斯终于被帕里斯诱到城门口,用暗箭射中他的脚踵,负伤而死。 因此,the heel of Achilles,也称the Achilles' heel,常用以表示a weak point in something that is otherwise without fault;the weakest spot等意思。 eg:The shortage of fortitude is his heel of Achilles. His Achilles' heel was his pride--he would get very angry if anyone criticized his work.3.Helen of Troy Helen of Troy 直译"特洛伊的海伦",源自源自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事。 Helen是希腊的绝世佳人,美艳无比,嫁给希腊南部邦城斯巴达国王墨涅俄斯(Menelaus)为


小学生素质综合评价论文 对学生一学期以来的学业的评价工作是学校教育评价的一个重要环节,它对班主任工作来讲,更是一项重要工作。多年来,我们习惯以“三好生”与积极分子,来定位学生的学业成就,他一般以学生的考试成绩与师生的主观印象为评价内容,体现不出学生发展的状态与水平。随着素质教育的全面深入,教育观念进一步更新,学校教育的一系列变革。学生的期末学业评价也必然需要一种新的,能客观反映学生的发展状态与水平的新的评价体系来与之相适应。我在此方面进行了大胆的探索、实践。注重学生切实发展,贯穿学生学习全过程。我们以细则为载体,以面向全体、全面发展的素质教育内涵为原则,对学校、教师的素质教育成果,对学生素质的发展,完成了全程的监控和指导。几年来,在实施过程中,细则对学校素质教育的调控、激励功能日益突出。现在,我们将实践中的问题所在和经验所得一并报告如下,意在抛砖引玉。 一、素质综合评价的观点分析与理论基础 (一)什么是评价 所谓评价,是指人们根据一定的标准和系统的信息对某一事物或对象的具体事实所进行价值判断的过程。“价值判断”是评价的本质特征,在实际应用过程中,人们往往把评价混同于测量或测验,其实它们有不同的涵义,测量是确定某一事物或对象数量值的活动或方法,而评价则是在获得尽可能全面、系统的信息的基础上,对某一事物或对象进行定性描述、定量的表述,进行相应的价值判断。 (二)素质与素质教育 什么是素质?《现代汉语词典》解释:素质有事物本来的性质,人的先天特点的含义;还有后天的素养,即平日的修养。而修养则是一种养成,表明着发展的状态与水平。素质教育是指立志提高学生的发展水平,不断改变学生的发展状态的教育。小学的素质教育主要是基础教育,这一阶段,除了教给学生应有的基础知识和基本技能外,


美杜莎的悲剧 中文学院文秘1401 谢欣静20140701366 初次接触到蛇发妖女美杜莎是在看帕尔休斯的故事之时,这位勇敢的少年在仙女跟雅典娜的帮助之下成功地杀死了这个可以用目光杀死所有人的可怕的怪物。那时候,我对美杜莎有着深深的恐惧,因为她不仅面容丑陋,蛇发獠牙,而且所有与她目光接触到的人就会变成石头死去。 但是每一个人,每一只妖以及每一个神的诞生都是有理由的,帕尔休斯的诞生是因为他的母亲与化成黄金雨的宙斯发生关系生下了他,他出生之后遭到迫害,被骗去做杀死美杜莎这样一件凶险万分的事情,由于他是宙斯的儿子,宙斯与凡人所生育的孩子必然会成为英雄,再加上雅典娜的帮助,他成功了。之后,帕尔休斯的人生便开始走向了新的高峰,统治这一方领地,死后还得以成为星座。反观被帕尔休斯杀死的美杜莎,她本事一名美丽的女祭司,代表着圣洁,因为海神波塞冬垂涎她的美貌,在寺庙中将她强奸,她曾向雅典娜求救,但是雅典娜知道她不能对海神波塞冬作出处罚,而且作为祭司,与神沟通必须纯洁的祭司美杜莎却没有保住自己的贞洁,还苟活于世,这引得雅典娜非常不满,因此迁怒于她以及她的两个姐姐,所以将三姊妹都变为妖怪。她们全身长满金色的鳞片,背上长着鹰的翅膀,美杜莎的背上则长着天鹅的翅膀,头上没有头发,只有盘挠扭动的蛇,但仍然难于掩盖她的美丽,只要有人看过她(们)的眼睛,都会被她的美丽和魔力吸引而失去灵魂变成一尊石像。因此,她逃到了一个孤岛上与世隔绝,但是仍然摆脱不了被害的命运。 在美杜莎被波塞冬墙强暴这件事情上,受到伤害的明明是凡间女子美杜莎,对于一个仅次于宙斯的海神,能够指望她做出什么反抗呢?然而同为女性,并且是美杜莎主人的雅典娜非但没有同情她的悲惨遭遇,反而将罪责落到了她的头上,将怒气发泄到她的身上,让波塞冬逃过了应有的责罚。从这里可以看出希腊神话当中已经相对浓重得而男子主义色彩以及折射了当时的父系社会以及女性地位的相对低下。 我们可以看到希腊神话当中很女神的形象十分鲜明,却又是在男性神,天后赫拉生性善妒,对于宙斯的情人以及私生子加以残酷的迫害,她虽掌管着妇女婚姻与家庭,自己的丈夫却荒淫无度,在凡间四处强占貌美的女子并使他们怀孕,在人间私生子无数。作为掌管婚姻


西方文化有两个源头:一为希腊(Hellenic) 文化,一为希伯莱(Hebrew) 文化,而希腊文化中的希腊神话(Greek mythology) 对英语影响非常广泛。表现在词汇方面就是英语吸收了部分词汇并将之沿用,而这些词又或是可分解词或是可溯源词。这些词源包含的信息不仅可帮助读者准确理解每个词的词义,增添记忆单词的乐趣,还能特别记录、描述英语与古希腊文化的差异和交流,具有很高的历史性和趣味性。由于罗马神话深受希腊神话的影响,故事情节与希腊神话大同小异,只不过人名不同,所以希腊神话时常和罗马神话联系在一起。希腊罗马神话就像神话故事中的灵泉,滋养着英语的词汇,产生了许许多多美妙动人的词汇故事,增强了英语的生命力。 一源于希腊罗马神话中众神名字的英语词汇 现代英语中,不少词汇来源于希腊罗马神话中众神的名字,至今仍起着重要的作用。典型的词源试举如: 1、Flora :古希腊罗马神话中的花神。她嫁给了西风之神Zephyr ,丈夫送给她一座满是奇花异草的园子。春天时,Flora和丈夫Zephyr 手挽手在园子里漫步,他们一路走过的地方百花齐放。Flora 在现代英语里指代“植物”。衍生词:flower ,flour , flourish , floral , florist。 2、The Muses(缪斯) : 希腊神话中掌管艺术的诸神。共九位,分别是历史、抒情诗、喜剧(牧歌、田园诗) 、悲剧、歌舞、爱情诗、颂歌、天文、史诗。Muses 的艺术衍生出单词music ,Muses 收藏艺术品的地方就是museum。艺术带来的快乐便是muse ,amusement。 3、Pan(潘) :牧神和森林之神,受打扰时会大声吼叫。衍生词:panic(惊慌,恐慌)。 4、Titan(泰坦) :曾统治世界的巨人族的一员。Titan 在现代英语里指代高大强壮的人,重要人物。衍生词titanic 意指巨大的,极大的。“泰坦尼克号”即以此命名。 5、Zephyrus(泽费罗斯) :西风之神。衍生词:zephyr (西风,和风,微风)。 6、Atlas : 阿特拉斯,希腊神话中Titans (泰坦) 巨神之一,因背叛Zeus(宙斯) 被罚在世界的西边尽头以双肩扛天。16 世纪地理学家麦卡脱把Atlas 擎天图作为一本地图册的卷首插图。后人争相效仿, atlas 从此有了地图、地图集、身负重担的人的含义。其他衍生词:Atlantic。 7、Ceres :庄稼保护神。古罗马遭受大旱,教士们求助女巫占卜,占卜的结果是要立一位新的女神Ceres ,向她供奉,这样她就会给大地带来雨水。此后,Ceres 就变成了庄稼的保护神。cereal 从拉丁语变化而来,意即“of Ceres”属于谷物女神的。衍生词:cereals(谷类,早餐麦片)。 8、Cronos :宙斯的父亲。害怕子女反抗自己,曾吞食自己的后代。就像无情的时间,吞噬一切。因此字根“chron”意指“time”。衍生词:chronic(耗费时间的,慢性的) ;chronology(年代学,年表)。 9、Eros(厄洛斯) :爱神。是一位生有双翼的美少年,相当于罗马神话中的Cupid(丘比特) 。不管是Eros 还是Cupid ,成天无所事事,在天上飞来飞去练习射箭,搞得大家人心惶惶。 所以他们衍生出的单词都含贬义:erotic 色情的;cupidity 贪心,贪婪。
