

Unit 2 Diction (遣词用字)

Some background information about this unit:

a)No context, no text.

b)What is context?

Context, as the term suggests, refers to all the different situations involved in language communication.


Firth: each word when used in a new context is a new word.

Some examples:

?I’ll finish the book next week.


?Tension is building up.

形式紧张起来。/ 张力在增大。/ 电压在增加。/ 压力在增强。/ 血压在增高。/ 气压在加强。/ 情绪越来越紧张。/ 紧张局势在加剧。

Without context, both “tension” and “build up” may have various explanations.

?I’m through.



1. Equivalence between English and Chinese at Word Level

1.1 Word-for-word equivalence

This is most shown in proper nouns and technical terms.

?Marxism 马克思主义

?Aspirin 阿司匹林

?Laser 激光

?Leukemia 白血病

1.2 One word with multiple equivalents of the same

This is a common case in translation.

?Wife: 妻子、老婆、夫人、老伴、媳妇、爱人、内人……

?Potato: 马铃薯、土豆、洋芋、山药蛋……

?人:human being, man, people, person…

?犬:dog, hound, spaniel, mastiff, pointer, setter, retriever, terrier…

1.3 One word with several equivalents of different meanings

This is also very common in translation.

?cousin: 堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹、表哥、表弟、表姐、表妹……

?president: 总统、主席、总裁、董事长、议长、会长、社长、校长……

?carry: 搬、运、送、提、拎、挑、担、抬、背、扛、抱、搂、举、端、夹、捧……

?走:walk, saunter, amble, stride, trudge, shamble, prance, scamper, clump, tiptoe.

?羊:sheep, goat, ram, ewe, lamb

1.4 Equivalents interwoven with one another

1.5 Words without corresponding equivalents

In this case, an explanation is given instead of an equivalent.

?teenager: 13到19岁的青少年

?cyber slacker: 利用工作时间在公司上网、做与工作无关的事情的雇员

?阴:yin (in Chinese thought) the soft inactive female principle or force in the world

?阳:yang (in Chinese thought) the strong active male principle or force in the world

2. Methods of discriminating the original meaning of a given word

2.1 According to word formation

?parabiospheric: 外生物层的

para- (outside), bio- (biologic), spheric (having the form of a phere)

?pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis 肺尘病,硅酸盐沉着病pneumono (of lung) ultra (beyond) micro (very small)

scopic (of viewing or observing) silico (of silicon) volcano (of volcano)

coni (koni, of dust) osis (forming the name of a disease)

2.2 According to the reference

In many cases the meaning of a pronominal word may be judged from the references.

?He [father] sent John to the university and was eager to have him distinguish himself.


?Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that.


?I hate blue shirts; white shirts suit me but gray is the most preferable.


2.3 According to the context and collocation

?Tension is building up.

?“S tory”

[1]This war is becoming the most important story of this generation. (event)


[2]It is quite another story now. (situation) 现在的情况完全不同了。

[3]Some reporters who were not included in the session broke the story.

有些未获批准参加那次会议的记者把内情捅出去了。(inside information)

[4]He’ll be very happy if that story holds up. (statement)


[5]Tom’s story is one of the saddest. (experience) 汤姆的遭遇算是最惨的了。

[6]What a story! I don’t believe a word of it. (lie) 弥天大谎!我只字不信。

[7]Last December the Post first reported that probes were being made in each of those

cities, but officials refused to confirm the story. (news)



[8]The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from American TV.



delicate difference 讲不大清楚的差别,细微的差别

delicate diplomatic question 微妙的外交问题

delicate ear for music 对音乐有鉴赏力

delicate features 清秀的五官

delicate food 可口的食物

delicate health 虚弱的身体

delicate living 奢侈的生活

delicate porcelain 精致的瓷器

delicate sense of smell 灵敏的嗅觉

delicate skin 娇嫩的皮肤

delicate surgical operation 复杂的外科手术

delicate stomach 容易吃坏的胃

delicate upbringing 娇生惯养

delicate touch 生花妙笔

delicate vase 易碎的花瓶

2.4 According to different branches of learning and specialties

?The lathe should be set on a firm base. (machinery) 车窗应安装在坚实的底座上。

?As we all know, a base reacts with an acid to form a salt. (chemistry)


? A transistor has 3 electrodes, the emitter, the base and the collector. (electronics) 晶体管有3个电极,即发射极、基极、和集电极。

?Line AB is the base of the triangle ABC. (math) AB线是三角形ABC的底边。

?He is on the second base. (sports) 他在二垒。

?The weary troops marched back to the base. (military science)


3. Techniques of translating a given English word

3. 1 Deduction

A major means in English-Chinese translation which is used to deduce the original meaning in the light of the explanation of an English dictionary. For example:

?boomer----- a person born in the marked rise in birthrate (as in the US immediately following the end of World War II) 生育高峰期出生的人

?cybercafé—a coffee house that provides patrons(customer) with computer terminals for browsing the Internet for a fee 网吧

?smart card—electronic card: a small plastic card containing a Mmicrochip (芯片)that can store personal data and bank-account details 智能卡

?win-win—beneficial to all in some way 双赢

3.2 Transplant

By this technique, we may translate the ingredients of a given English word literally and then

combine each part of them.

?bandwidth 带宽

?blue-tooth 蓝牙

?microwave 微波

?supermarket 超级市场

?splashdown 溅落

?white-collar 白领

3.3 Extension

The extension of meaning may be either from the specific to the general or from the concrete to the abstract, and vice versa.

?bottleneck 瓶颈→交通狭口→阻塞(from the concrete to the abstract)

?brain trust 脑托拉斯→智囊团(from the specific to the general)

?brain drain 脑排干→人才外流→人才流失(from the concrete to the abstract )

?ecstasy (an illegal drug) 入迷→摇头丸(from the abstract to the concrete)

?It is more than transient everydayness.这远非一时的柴米油盐问题。(from the abstract to the concrete)

3.4 Substitution

This technique is used to replace the words of the original expression with Chinese synonyms or idioms according to different situations.

?to kill sb. as an example杀一儆百(或:杀鸡给猴看)

?please withhold the handout. 请不要发这些材料。(正说反译)

?He was indeed a good riddance. 他还是不在的好。(正说反译)

?The same is not true with a mortal illness. 如果得了不治之症(绝症),情况就不一样了。

3.5 Explanation

This technique is commonly used when there is no corresponding Chinese expression and all the above-mentioned techniques fail to make sense.

?mindlessness 思想上的混沌状态

?togetherness (家庭或社会的)和睦相处

?redshirt 红色运动员(出色的美国大学生运动员)

?swan song 天鹅临死时发出的忧伤动听的歌声,(诗人,音乐家等)最后作品

3.6 Combination

This technique is used to integrate two words of close meaning into one expression.

?so subtle and careful an observer 一位如此精细的观察者

?his mendacity and dishonesty他的狡诈

? a grim and tragic Christmas 一个惨淡的圣诞节

?the body and mind cramped by noxious work 有害工作造成的身心困顿

3.7 Transliteration

This technique is commonly used in dealing with proper nouns(especially the names of people and places, trademarks, etc.) Besides, it is also used in coinage when no existing Chinese expression is available.

?bungee 蹦极

?calorie 卡路里

?Citroen 雪铁龙(汽车)

?clone 克隆

?domino 多米诺骨牌

?euro 欧元

?hacker 黑客

?Internet 因特网

?Pizza 比萨饼

?quinine 奎宁

?The Times 泰晤士报

?Wall Street 华尔街

3.8 Pictographic Translation

By this technique English words are translated according to their actual shapes.

?H-beam 工字梁

?U-steel 槽钢

?V-belt 三角皮带

?X-brace 交叉支撑

?Y-curve 叉形曲线

?O-ring 环形圈

4. Diction in Chinese-English Translation

Diction in Chinese-English translation is somewhat different from that in English-Chinese. If the crux(difficulty) of the latter lies in picking out the right Chinese word from those we know very well, the former then is much more difficult—we have to deal with an English vocabulary that we are not so familiar with. For example, the familiar Chinese adjective “老”, so simple and common a word, when used in different contexts, the English equivalents rarely keep to its original meaning “old”—that explains why we are often frustrated when trying to find out an accurate English equivalent for a certain Chinese word.

?老战士a veteran

?老领导a senior leader

?老师傅a master craftsman

?老儿子the youngest son

?老黄牛a willing ox

?老芹菜overgrown celery

?老黄历ancient history, obsolete practice

?老家hometown, native place

Another example, the Chinese noun “书”:

?·申请书letter of application


?·成绩通知书grade report


?·家书a letter from home


?·楷书regular script



?·白皮书White Book

A further example, the Chinese expression “运动”

?运动有益身心。Exercise is good for health.

?足球是我最喜欢的运动。Football is my favorite sport.

?他在香港热心推广手球运动。He is a keen promoter of handball in Hong Kong.

?我国每年纪念五四运动。The May Fourth Movement is commemorated in our country every year.

?人们热烈响应筹款运动。There was great enthusiasm for the donation drive.

?他们发动了一场戒烟运动。They started a campaign to stop people smoking.

?这属于运动神经疾病。This belongs to moto r nerve disease.

?技术革新运动是成功的关键。Technological renovation is a key to the success. Finally, the Chinese character “着”:

?她着凉了。She was caught cold.

?你猜着了。You’ve guessed right.

?炉子着得很旺。The fire is burning briskly in the stove.

?上不着天,下不着地。Be suspended in mid air.

?老李躺下就着了。Lao Li fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

?他有点着慌。He got alarmed.

?他走错了一着。He has made a false move. (or: taken a wrong step)

?屋顶上全都覆盖着积雪。The roofs are all covered with snow.

?这些孩子穿着整齐。These children are all neatly dressed.

?再着一把力。Make one more effort.

?我们着眼于未来。We have our eyes on the future.

?他们正在着手制订计划。They are starting drawing up the plan.


Discuss the following questions.

1.What does “diction”mean? Cite some instances to illustrate the importance of “diction” in translation.

2.Can we match each Chinese word with a corresponding English word in translation?Why or why not?

3.What are the relationships of corresponding between English and Chinese at word level?

4.What are the basic methods of discriminating the original meaning of an English word? Cite some examples to illustrate them?

5.Summarize the eight techniques employed in translating a given English word, trying to find some examples of your own.

Translate the following Chinese words and expressions into English.

1. 葡萄酒、白酒、烈酒、啤酒、香槟酒、鸡尾酒、白兰地酒、威士忌酒、杜松子酒wine, alcohol, spirits, beer, champagne, cocktail, brandy, whisky, gin

2. 钢笔、铅笔、圆珠笔、蜡笔、粉笔、毛笔、画笔、电笔、光笔

(fountain) pen, pencil, ballpoint pen, wax crayon, chalk, writing brush, painting brush, electro probe, electronic (light) pen

3. 学习知识、学习技术、学习外语、学习成绩、学习别人的长处、互相学习、学习榜样雷锋

acquire knowledge, master a skill, study a foreign language, academic records, emulate other’s strong points, learn from each other, follow the example of Lei Feng

4. 献花、献礼、献艺、献计、献媚、献身、捐献财物

present flowers, present a gift, show one’s skill, offer advice (or: make suggestions), ingratiate oneself with sb., devote / dedicate oneself to, contribute / donate money and goods

Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1.We must hang together, or we’ll be hanged separately.


2.We can't all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.


3.No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is won’t make you cry.


4.Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable.


5.I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


6. Great minds think alike!


7. The bacteria pneumonia may complicate influenza at both extremes of age.


8. While you are in the act of summoning your energies, focus on a plan. Don't exhaust yourself with fruitless excursions into any and all possibilities.



单选题 第1题 (2) 分这些工人都是篮球的热心观众。 A、These workers are avid watchers of basketball matches. B、These workers are avid watchers of basketball. C、These workers are warmhearted watchers of basketball. 第2题 (2) 分她常常动不动就骂她的孩子们,但孩子们都知道她使刀子嘴豆腐心。 A、She was always scolding her children, but they knew that her scolding might be like a knife but her heart B、She was always scolding her children, but they knew her bark was worse than her bite. C、She was always scolding her children, but they knew that she was kindhearted while scolding. 第3题 (2) 分这个小女孩长得又漂亮又聪明,真是人见人爱。 A、This little girl is beautiful and clever. Indeed everybody here loves her. B、This little girl is very beautiful and clever. It is true everybody here loves her when they see her. C、This little girl is so beautiful and clever that no one who sees her can help loving her. 第4题 (2) 分 On these pages you get the story of what happened --- and how leading Americans see the priorities now. A、以下几页叙述的是事情的来龙去脉――以及美国领导人当前如何看待事情的轻重缓急。 B、以下几页叙述的是事情的来龙去脉――以及领导的美国人当前如何看待事情的轻重缓急。 C、以下几页叙述的是事情的来龙去脉――以及当领导的美国人当前如何看待事情的轻重缓急。 第5题 (2) 分 His preoccupation with business left little time for his family. A、他全神贯注于事业,为他的家庭留下了很少的时间。 B、他对事业的全神贯注留给他家庭的时间很少。

仁爱英语八年级上册Unit 2 Topic 1 课文原文英汉互译

UNIT 2 Food and Health\n 第二单元食物与健康\n Topic 1 You should go to see a doctor.\n 话题1 你应该去看医生。\n Section A\n A部分\n 1a Listen, read and say\n 1a 听、读与说\n Betty: What's wrong with you? Do you have a cold?\n 贝蒂:你怎么了?你感冒了?\n Kangkang: No, I don't. I have a toothache.\n 康康:不,不是。我牙疼。\n Betty: I'm sorry to hear that. You should see a dentist.\n 贝蒂:听到这个消息我感到很难过。你应该去看牙医。\n Kangkang: I think I will.\n 康康:我想是要去看的。\n Betty: I hope you'll be well soon.\n 贝蒂:我希望你很快就没事了。\n Kangkang: Thank you.\n 康康:谢谢你。\n Section B\n B部分\n 1a Listen, read and say\n 1a 听、读与说\n Steve: Hey, Bruce. You look pale. What's the matter?\n 史蒂夫:嘿,布鲁斯。你看起来很苍白。怎么了?\n Bruce: Well, I have a headache and a cough. I'm feeling terrible! \n 布鲁斯:呃,我头疼还咳嗽。我觉得很难受!\n Steve: I'm sorry to hear that. How long have you been like this?\n

华师在线 翻译作业

翻译作业 1.这些工人都是篮球的热心观众。A.These workers are avid watchers of basketball matches. 2.She is an absolutely one-man wife.C.她是一个忠实的妻子,坚信从一而终的信念。 3.Every one of us, except my poor hoodwinked grandmother, heard of the bad news. C.我们大家都得知了这一不幸的消息,只有我那可怜的奶奶,还蒙在鼓里。 4.学校不会管这样的事情。B.The school authority will not bother about such things. 5.A pretext was the last thing that Hastings was likely to want. A.哈丁斯好像不需要什么借口。6.他最终什么时候来,大家都吃不准。C.When he’ll finally turn up is anybody’s guess! 7.别管枝节问题,让我们讨论实质性问题,以求得基本的一致。https://www.360docs.net/doc/825962322.html,y aside the side-issues for the moment; let’s get down to brass tacks and thrash out a basic agreement. 8.但他性情不同,既不求官爵,又不交朋友,终日闭门读书。B.He was, however, eccentric. He neither looked for an official post, nor had any friends, studying behind closed doors al day. 9.在那个殖民地,行政官员调动频繁,就像走马灯似的。A.The transfer of administrative personnel in that colony was so frequent as to create a kaleidoscope effect. 10.这个小女孩长得又漂亮又聪明,真是人见人爱。C.This little girl is so beautiful and clever that no one who sees her can help loving her. 11.当时我们已经变得像一家人那样亲密,东西不分你我,彼此可以把筷子伸到对方的碗里抢肉吃。C.We had come to be like one family by now, being on such intimate terms that we helped ourselves freely to each other’s things and sometimes could dig our chopsticks into each other’s bowls for choice pieces of meat. 12.即使商品质量好,也不能漫天讨价。A.Even quality goods must have a price ceiling. 13.Failure to answer half the questions they asked made the police suspect him. A.由于他未能回答他们所问问题的一半,使得警察对他产生了怀疑。 14.If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some; for he that goes a borrowing goes a suffering. A.要想知道钱的价值,就得体会一下借钱的滋味。因为开口向人借钱总是很不好受的。 15.He relaxed himself by playing chess at the end of an arduous day’s work. B.他工作了一天非常劳累,下班后下棋轻松一下。 16.I haunted all the meetings in London where debates followed lectures. A.伦敦的集会,凡是演讲结束以后接着进行辩论的,我都参加。 17.You are posted in what had preceded all this, but I was not. C.你现在已经明白了这件事的全部原委,但我当时却全然不知。 18.Of many thousand spare parts does not come up to the standard but one. B.在成千上万个备件中,只发现一个不合格。 19.…but Lady Southdown dismissed poor Briggs as quickly as decency permitted. A.无奈莎吴唐老太太不喜欢布里格斯,勉强留她住了几天,糊过面子,就急急的打发她走了。20.俗话说,不怕不识货,就怕货比货。A.Inferior goods can’t stand comparison, as the saying goes. 21.这具有重大的历史意义。A.This is of historic significance. 22.There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in his character. A.他的性格既残暴又狡猾。 23.她常常动不动就骂她的孩子们,但孩子们都知道她使刀子嘴豆腐心。B.She was always scolding her children, but they knew her bark was worse than her bite. 24.A cat, whose eyes can take in more rays of light than out eyes, can see things clearly in the night. C.由于猫的眼睛能比我们人的眼睛吸收更多的光线,所以猫在夜间看东西很清楚。25.His preoccupation with business left little time for his family. C.他全神贯注于事业,因而与家人在一起的时间很少。 26.Nepal’s wide range of topographies support similarly broad cultural variations. A.由于尼泊尔具有多样化的地貌特征,她的文化也呈现出多样性。 27.必须努力加强廉政建设。A.Great efforts should be made to keep government clean. 28.利润可能下降,但赞助活动仍方兴未艾。A.Profits may be falling, but sponsorship lives. 29.一切都考虑进去,她的建议似乎更切实可行。B.Everything taken into consideration, her proposal seems more practicable. 30.颐和园是我国劳动人民勤劳和智慧的产物。B.The Summer Palace is a monument to the industry and wisdom of the laboring people of China. 31.她变本加厉地剥削欺压工人。A.She redoubled his efforts in exploiting and oppressing the workers. 32.中国人民不用多久就会变得富裕起来。A.It won’t be long before the Chinese people become well off. 33.手头上的钱不够用了,他只好打消买皮鞋的念头。B.Money being not enough, he has to drop the idea to buy a pair of leather shoes for the time being. 34.You’re being merely childish.A.你这样做简直是孩子气。 35.这次展出还是老一套。C.The exhibit does not lend itself to much exciting variation. 36.他想一吐胸中块垒,但却找不到一个可以倾诉的人。C.He wanted to get his problem off his chest, but there was no one to whom he could unbosom himself. 37.On these pages you get the story of what happened --- and ````ee the priorities now.A.以下几页叙述的是事情的来龙去脉――以及美国领导人当前如何看待事情的轻重缓急。38.There’s been some dirty work with the club accounts and some money is missing.A.俱乐部的帐目有鬼,有些钱不知去向。 39.张先生腋下夹着一本字典,手里端``,```踱着步一边哼着一首流行歌曲。B.With a dictionary under his arm and a cup in his hand, Mr. Zhang was humming a popular tune as he paced. 40.大院周围,乱乱地戳着一幢幢茅棚土屋,风雪猛烈地冲撞着家家的破门烂窗。 A.Around the manor lay a wretched and confused mass of thatched huts, whose windows and doors rattled miserably in the snowstorm. 41.A causeless event or thing, we can not think of any more than we can of a stick with only one end.C.任何事情的发生都不可能是无缘无故的,正如一根棍子不可能只有一头一样。42.The children are always up to amusing tricks. A.孩子们总是喜欢调皮捣蛋寻开心。 43.War was avoided by a master stroke of statesmanship. B.由于运用了高超的政治策略,战争才得以避免。 44.The door opens, and who should enter but the very man we were talking of? A.门开了,谁想到走进来的正是我们方才谈论的人! 45.这些话,勾起他许多心事。他的````````子黯淡下来。C.These words awakened to him many memories of the past. Like the darkness pervading the room, his thoughts, too, grew somebre. 46.Few went out in such a cutting and blinding wind. C.寒风刺骨,刮得叫人睁不开眼睛。在这样恶劣的天气,很少有人出门。 47.She is a good washer. C.她洗衣服总是洗得很干净。 48.她没来开会,我们都觉得很遗憾。A.We all think it a pity that she didn’t show up at the meeting. 49.不错,有了自己的孩子使他们的造反冲动收敛了许多。C.True, parenthood has tamed their rebellious impulses. 50.我给你打国际直拨就跟给楼下的李姐打电话差不多,一拨就通。A.An international call to you is as easy as a call to Sister Li downstairs.


Wall Street Take a Dive Ronald Reagan’s 1985 budget took a thunderous shelling last week. Day after day, jittery Wall Street investors fired sell orders, hitting stock prices with their heaviest declines since 1982. Testifying in Washington, Federal Reserve Chairman Paul V olcker fired the single most damaging salvo by warning that the deficits envisaged in the budget pose a “clear and present danger”, threatening to keep interest rates high and tip the economy into a new recession. The size of the deficits is staggering. Rudolph Penner, director of the Congressional Budget Office, predicted that if policy is not changed, the flow of red ink will swell from $190 billion this year to $326 billion by 1989. In testimony on Capitol Hill, the President’s men acknowledged that the economy was in danger. Chief Economic Adviser Martin Feldstein, known as the Administration’s “Dr.Gloom,”agreed with Penner’s warning that the deficit could reach the $300 billion range by the evd of the decade. If that happened, said Feldstein, federal borrowing would be swallowing 75% of American savings and putting powerful upward pressure on interest rates. Even Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, usually an optimist and a critic of Feldstein’s dour outlook, admitted that “without proper fiscal and monetary policies, there is a possibility of our slipping back into a recession in the U.S.”Unless the Federal Reserve speeds up growth of the U.S money supply , warned Treasury Under Secretary Beryl Sprinkel, a recession could start this year. 译文:华尔街股价下跌 罗纳德里根1985财政年度的财政预算,上周遭到了猛烈的抨击。华尔街的投资者深感不安,每天都要下令抛售股票,压低股票价格,导致1982年以来最大幅度的下跌。联邦储备局主席保罗沃尔克在华盛顿作证时,放了最厉害的一炮。他告诫说:从财政预算中可以预见的赤字,带来“清清楚楚的、实实在在的危险”,使得利率居高不下,使得经济失去平衡。 赤字数额高得惊人。国会预算审议室主任鲁道夫彭纳语言:如果政策不改变,赤字的泛滥将从今年的一千九百亿美元,增至1989年的三千二百六十亿美元。 总统的幕僚在国会作证时承认,经济处于危险状态。总统的首席经济顾问马丁费尔斯坦,人称政府中的“忧郁博士”,他赞同彭纳提出的告诫:至80年代末,赤字将达到三千亿美元这一幅度。费尔斯坦说,如果出现这一情况,联邦政府的举债将耗去美国人积蓄的75%,产生强大的压力是利率上涨。财政部长唐纳德里甘本来是个乐天派,对费尔斯坦的忧郁观点常持批评态度,可是就连他也承认:“没有正确的财政金融政策,美国可能再度陷入经济衰退。”财政部次长贝利尔斯普林克警告说:如果联邦储备局不加速美国的货币供应量,今年就会出现经济衰退。


1.第1题 张先生腋下夹着一本字典,手里端着茶杯,一边踱着步一边哼着一首流行歌曲。 A.Mr. Zhang carried a dictionary under his arm, held a cup in his hand, paced and hummed a tune. B.With a dictionary under his arm and a cup in his hand, Mr. Zhang was humming a popular tune as he paced. C.With a dictionary under his arm and a tea cup in his hand, Mr. Zhang was pacing while he hummed a popular tune. 您的答案:B 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 俗话说,不怕不识货,就怕货比货。 A.Inferior goods can’t stand comparison, as the saying goes. B.As an old saying goes, we are not afraid that you do not know all about the goods but we are afraid that you compare the goods. C.As an old saying goes, don’t worry about not knowing about the goods; just compare and you will see which is better. 您的答案:A 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 大院周围,乱乱地戳着一幢幢茅棚土屋,风雪猛烈地冲撞着家家的破门烂窗。 A.Around the manor lay a wretched and confused mass of thatched huts, whose windows and doors rattled miserably in the snowstorm. B.Around the manor stood the wretched and confused mass of thatched huts. The snowstorm was blowing violently and rattled the broken windows and doors of every house. C.There was a wretched and confused mass of thatched huts around the manor. The snowstorm was roaring and rattling the broken windows and doors of every house.

牛津英语七年级下 课文英汉互译.doc

Unit 1 My grandma 我的奶奶 My grandma was a short woman with grey hair. She was always cheerful. 我的奶奶是一个有着灰色头发的矮个子女人。她总是很快乐的。 She was a very good cook. Her dishes were probably the best in the world! 她是一个很好的厨师。她的菜可能是全世界最好的。 I will never forget the taste, and the smell as well. 我将从不会忘记那个味道,还有那个气味。 Grandma took care of my family. She was really kind and patient. 奶奶照顾我的家庭。她真的是和蔼和耐心的。 She died two years ago and I miss her very much. 她两年前死了并且我非常想念她。 —Ben本 Alice爱丽丝 Alice is my best friend. She is a tall girl with glasses. 爱丽丝是我最好的朋友。她是一个戴着眼镜的高个女孩。 She often tells me jokes to make me laugh, but she never makes fun of others.她经常给我讲笑话让我笑,但是她从不嘲笑别人。 Alice is a smart girl. She is good at Maths. 爱丽丝是一个聪明的女孩。她擅长数学。 We often study and play table tennis together. I hope we will always remain friends. 我们经常一起学习和打乒乓球。我希望我们将总是朋友。 —Joyce乔伊思 Mr Li李老师 Mr Li is my Maths teacher. He is tall and thin. 李老师是我的数学老师。他是又高又瘦。 His classes are always full of fun. He uses lots of games in his teaching. 他的课总是充满乐趣。他在教学中使用许多游戏。 Mr Li is strict about our studies, but he always encourages us and gives us support. 李老师对我们的学习是严格的,但是他总是鼓励我们并且给我们支持。 He often says, “Never give up and you’ll be successful.” 他总是说, “从不放弃,你就会成功。“ —Amy艾米


1.第1题 本教学法的教材按有利于培养学生发现和理解语言规则的原则来设计。 A.语法翻译法 B.直接法 C.认知法 D.交际法 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 该教学法的三个原则包括:交际性原则、任务性原则和意义原则。 A.认知法 B.交际法 C.全身反应法 D.任务型语言教学模式 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 该教学法是以英国的“结构主义”作为其语言基础理论的。 A.语法翻译法 B.直接法 C.情景法 D.听说法 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第4题 尽管该教学方法可以分为两种派别,但我们会发现在他们的教学中都包含两种活动类型:任务型活动和语言学习活动。 A.认知法 B.交际法 C.全身反应法 D.任务型语言教学模式

您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 5.第5题 该教学法主张全外语教学,母语在外语课堂中不应该使用。 A.语法翻译法 B.直接法 C.认知法 D.交际法 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 6.第6题 按照该教学法的三个原则,我们应让学生在真正的交际活动中进行有意义的活动,完成一定的学习任务以达到语言交际能力。 A.认知法 B.交际法 C.全身反应法 D.任务型语言教学模式 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:0.0 7.第7题 该教学法的语言学习观点与交际法一样。除此以外,该教学法还有其学习原则,即任务能提供语言习得所需要的语言输入、输出及互动;任务活动能激发学生兴趣及动力;学习困难也能通过协商来解决。 A.认知法 B.交际法 C.全身反应法 D.任务型语言教学模式 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 8.第8题 在该教学方法中,在引领学生进行做事活动时,教师还扮演

英汉互译课程论文原文(5)Translation Theory

嘉兴学院课程论文 2012—2013学年第1学期 课程名称:英汉互译 班级:姓名:学号: 要求:阅读下文,并组织4个同学将其译为汉语(请注明每位同学翻译的部分) A Short History of Western Translation Theory Introduction Antoine Berman has argued that because "reflection on translation has become an internal necessity of translation itself…(t)he construction of a history of translation is the first task of a modern theory of translation" (Berman 1992: 1). This paper gives a very brief overview of the history of western theories of translation, from the perspective of the end of the twentieth century. The framework for my discussion will be a discourse analysis approach to the history of ideas developed by the French historian Michel Foucault. Adapting Steiner (1998: 248-9), I will divide the history of discourse on translation into four periods: (1) a "traditional" period, from the beginning of the Christian era to the end of the eighteenth century, which is a period of "immediate empirical focus", (2) a period of "theory and hermeneutic inquiry", growing out of German Romanticism around the beginning of the nineteenth century, (3) a "modern" period, reaching well into the twentieth century, in which the influence of General Linguistics is increasingly dominant, and (4) the contemporary period, subsequent to the publication of Steiner"s book, which has taken to itself the name of "Translation Studies". An Approach to the History of Ideas My sources to the end of the nineteenth century will be drawn from Douglas Robinson"s Western Translation Theory(Robinson1997a). In studying the history of ideas about translation theory, we are seeking to make sense of a series of existing written texts - what they have to say about the act of translation and translated texts, and how they say what they have to say. Clearly there is a vast amount of discourse about the practice and significance of the act of translation. The 334 pages of Robinson"s book include 124 texts by 90 authors. The historical "sequel", which is the basis of my later remarks, Venuti"s Translation Studies Reader (2000), includes 30 essays by 30 authors and covers 524 pages. This mass of documents is far from being a random collection of statements. As Foucault has noted: "we know perfectly well that we are not free to say just anything, that we cannot simply speak of anything, when we like or where we like; not just anyone, finally, may speak of just anything" (Foucault 1972: 216). Specific fields of discourse are organised in regular ways and grow out of definable social contexts. In all fields of discourse, including those related to translation, "discursive practices are characterised by the delimitation of a field of objects, the definition of a legitimate perspective


“How do you do?” “ ” A.How do you do? B.Thank you. C.Sorry. D. How are you. 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 Her son is ill. She has to him at home. A.look at B.look after C. look for D.see off 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 My son can’t go to the cinema with you. He must the lessons first. A. go on B.go over C.go down D.go into 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第4题 Can you tell me when the train will there? A.arrive in

C.get D.reach at 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 5.第5题 What’s the difference the two words? A.among B.during C.with D. between 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 6.第6题 The Great Wall more than 2000 years old. A.is B.be C.has D. was 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 7.第7题 It’s warm today. Ask your younger sister not her coat. A.take off B.to take off C.put on D.to put on 您的答案:D


"day after day, a small blue truck speeds along the streets of funen. a dog sits besides the driver, looking at him as if lis tening to his 1 . whenever the truck goes by, the people of funen turn and stare, some in 2 , others in admiration, for on its _ __3 are printed the words tracker dog and a telephone number. yes, the passenger in the blue truck is a dog that is used to find lost things or follow the 4 of persons and animals. within seven years, the dog and his 5 anderson have found lost things 6 nearly $ 400,000, 7 are watches, jewelry, money, cows, pigs, and 8 dogs. of course, the 9 of the dog is his sensitive nose. each year the dog and anderson 10 700 calls for help. four out of five __11__ they find what they are 12 to look for. whenever the phone rings in andersons house, the dog is 13 excited. he quickly runs to the truck, 14 to be off in search of 15lost. 16 _ the way, anderson 17 the names of what they are looking for. so by the time they arrive, the dog is 18 to get to work. he circles here and there until he picks up the 19 of an object in a place 20 it doesn’t belong. 难度:0.9 认知类型:应用 1. a. songs b. orders c. question d. advice 2. a. wonder b. anger c. row d. fear 3. a. roof b. ceiling c. bottom d. sides 4. a. advice b. rules c. tracks d. feet 5. a. customer b. officer c. fellow d. owner 6. a. valuable b. rather than c. worth d. like 7. a. which b. among which c. such d. so 8. a. wild b. even like c. lovely d. other 9. a. task b. duty c. secret d. habit 10. a. make b. pay c. answer d. refuse 11. a. things b. times c. persons d. places 12. a. permitted b. asked c. guided d. willing 13. a. immediately b. hardly c. probably d. little 14. a. eager b. afraid c. nervous d. ought 15. a. who b. what c. a d. the 16. a. by b. in c. on d. asking 17. a. remembered b. repeats c. learns d. forgets 18. a. pleasant b. ready c. used d. ordered 19. a. smell b. signal c. sight d. taste 20. a. which b. that c. where d. when 答案: 1-5 BADCD 6-10 CBDCC 11-15 BBAAD 16-20 CBBAC "one day a police officer managed to get some fresh mushrooms(蘑菇). he was so _ 1 what he had bought that he offered to 2 the mushrooms with


广东理工学院2020年本科插班生招生考试 英汉互译考试大纲 Ⅰ.考试性质 普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试是由专科毕业生参加的选拔性考试。《英汉互译》课程是广东理工学院招收专科毕业生入读商务英语专业的考试课程之一。学校根据考生的成绩,按已确定的招生计划,德、智、体全面衡量,择优录取。该考试具有较高的信度、较高的效度、必要的区分度和适当的难度。 Ⅱ.考试内容和要求 基本要求:着重考核应试者能否具备相关的商务翻译理论知识和翻译技巧,并将其应用于指导自己的翻译实践活动,能够忠实通顺地完整翻译商务名片、公司、组织名称、产品、信函、合同等,检验学生将翻译理论与技巧运用于译文优劣判断,特别是英汉互译实践的能力,检查学生是否达到了《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》所规定的基本要求。 第一章名片Business Cards 1、考试内容 (1)名片的构成要素、规格及款式 (2)名片的语言特点及翻译技巧 2、考试要求 (1)能够规范地进行英汉名片的互译 (2)熟悉商务英语的特点及翻译的原则 第二章标识Signs 1、考试内容 (1)商务环境中不同的中英文标识 (2)中英文商务标识的语言特点 2、考试要求 (1)能够运用相关知识准确地翻译各种商务标识语 (2)能较好地把握直译和意译的翻译方法

第三章商标Trademarks 1、考试内容 (1)商标的定义及其语言的特点 (2)商务英语翻译过程中转译的相关技巧 2、考试要求 (1)能够根据商标特点及翻译技巧进行商标的翻译 (2)能够在商务翻译过程中较为熟练地运用转译的方法 第四章组织机构Organizations 1、考试内容 (1)国际贸易中常出现的各种不同组织、机构尤其是企业名称(2)外来语 2、考试要求 (1)能够根据相关知识自主翻译一些常见企业的名称 (2)能够准确翻译外来语 第五章企业介绍Company Introduction 1、考试内容 (1)企业介绍的组成部分 (2)英文企业介绍的语言特点及翻译技巧 2、考试要求 (1)能够规范地进行企业介绍的互译 (2)能够撰写并翻译特殊用途企业介绍 第六章产品说明书Product Descriptions 1、考试内容 (1)产品说明书功能及作用 (2)产品说明书的语言特点及翻译技巧 2、考试要求 (1)能够正确翻译产品说明书常用的词汇和句型 (2)能够熟练地翻译各类产品说明书 第七章广告Advertisements
