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Good morning boys and girls,good morning Maurice! We are the fourth group ,I’m Poppy, number 38.please allow me to introduce my group members ,they are: Abraham 、Knight 、Vincent 、Lenka 、Nicole 、Irene[ai'ri:n]、Panda 、Winter and Skye.Our topic is Confucius' philosophy .And concrete contents are as follow:brief Introduction of Confucius

\Generalization[,dʒɛnrəlai’zeʃən] of Confucius' philosophy and Summarize. Now let’s come straight to the subject :brief Introduction of Confucius:Confucius (551 B.C—479 B.C.) ,the founder of Confucianism[kən'fjʊʃə,nɪzm],is one of the most famouscultural celebrities. He sometimes went by the names KongZi though he was born - KongQiu - styled ZhongNi.He was born in the village of Zouyi in the State of Lu. After a brief introducing, let’s get into the principal

part:Generalization[,dʒɛnrəlai’zeʃən] of Confucius'

philosophy.they are contain 5 key words.firstly,

1.Benevolence.it is the core of Confucius thought. It can be concentrated to:"don't do unto others ,what you don't want others do unto you . " And it's fundamental purpose is maintain the old order emphasize the moral

cultivation['kʌltə'veʃən]of people . Next,2.epistemology [ɪ,pɪstə'mɑlədʒi](zhi),it’s include 3 key points :1.Understand the ethical['ɛθɪkl]relationship (伦理关系)2.inherit old classics.Far from trying to build a systematic or formalist theory, he wanted his disciples [dɪ'saɪpls]to master andinternalize[ɪn'tɝnəlaɪz] the old classics,

3.Mix“understand ”and “act ”together . He was approval

[əˈpruvl]of taking actions ,going through the life up and down .then,3.propriety [prə'praɪəti] (Li)Confucius stressed the development of lǐ through the actions of sage[sedʒ] leaders

in human history.The Confucian [kən'fjʊʃən]theory of Lǐ (禮) is based on three important parts of life: (a)

ceremonies['sɛrə'monɪz] associated with sacrifice['sækrɪfaɪs]

to ancestors['ænsestəz] . (b) social

andpolitical[pə'lɪtɪkl],institutions[ɪnstɪ'tuʃən]. (c) the daily behavior. For example,people should respect the aged and take good care of children .after that is Destiny ['dɛstəni](Ming) you know,Confucianism discusses elements of the afterlife and views concerning Heaven, but it is relatively['rɛlətɪvli] unconcerned with some spiritual['spɪrɪtʃʊəl] matters often considered essential to religious thought, such as the nature of souls. However, Confucius is said to have believed in astrology[ə'strɑlədʒi] saying: "Heaven sends down its good or evil symbols and wise men act accordingly".last but not least,The Doctrine['dɑktrɪn] of the
