





pace n.一步,步幅,步伐,步速,节奏:

My parents, after I had taken several paces from the door, called me back and told me in a whisper to take good care of myself.我已经走出门外几步后,父母叫我回来,小声地嘱咐我要照顾好我自己。

The opening province which consists of 14 coastal cities will quicken its pace of development.


I can’t walk at that pace.我不能按那样的速度步行。

【拓展】keep pace with与……同步,(与……)并驾齐驱,跟上:

The company is struggling to keep pace with changes in the market place.


The modern mathematics has become a science which keeps pace with the social science and

the natural science. 现代数学已经成为一门与社会科学、自然科学并驾齐驱的科学。

I’m afraid I can’t keep pace with my class.我怕我跟不上班上的同学。

One should keep pace with the times.一个人应该跟上时代的步伐。

Pacific adj.太平洋的:China faces the Pacific(Ocean)on the east.中国东临太平洋。

pack n.包,捆:The climber carried some food in a pack on his back.这位登山者在背包里带了些食物。


We packed all the hooks in wooden boxes so that they wouldn’t get damaged.


Mum, where’s my packed lunch?妈妈,我打包的午餐在哪里?

Seventy thousand people will pack the stadium.将有7万人挤满整个体育场。

It’s impossible to pack so many people into the small room.小屋挤不下那么多人。

【拓展】①pack up把……打包,收拾,整理:

I must go now. Please pack up my things in the suitcase very quickly.


②pack off送走/到,打发走,解雇:

We’ve packed the children off to their aunt’s.


I finally succeeded in packing her off to bed.最后我总算是把她打发上床睡觉了。

The boss was not pleased with her work and packed her off.


package n.一包,一袋,一盒:The mail carrier delivered a package for you.邮递员给你送来了一个邮包。packet n.小包裹,袋:Please buy me a packet of tea.请给我买一包茶叶。

page n.页,页码:The letter was three pages long.这封信有3页长。

Open your book at page 9.打开书翻到第9页。

pain n.①疼痛,痛苦:I have pain/a pain/pains in my stomach.我胃痛。

To tell the truth, I would rather I had taken the pain instead of you. You don’t know how worried I was.



He takes great pains to do/over his work.他工作兢兢业业。

Great pains have been taken to do this.做这事费了不少苦心。

No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。

He is sparing no pains to help his friends.他不遗余力地帮助他的朋友们。

We will spare no pains to support you.我们将全力以赴支持你们。

【拓展】pain v.疼痛,痛苦:My foot is still paining me.我的脚还在疼痛。

painful adj.使痛(苦)的,痛苦的,(肉体)疼的,费力的,(工作)困难的:

A serious illness, whatever its nature, is almost always painful.


The American’s long-time painful work finally paid off, for he broke the Guinness World Record for Hula-hoop Spinning.这个美国人长期以来艰辛的工作终于有了回报,因为他转呼啦圈而破了世界吉


Applying for jobs can be a long and painful process.求职可能是一个漫长而又艰难的历程。

It’s a painful lesson.那是一次惨痛的教训。


感到背有点痛”译成英语是I feel a pain in my back,不是I feel painful in my back;

“他仍很痛苦”译成英语是He is still in pain,不是He’s still painful。

paint n.①油漆,颜料:Wet paint.油漆未干。

【拓展】用作名词时通常不可数,但若表示一套管装或块状的颜料,则通常用复数形式:He bought a box of paints.他买了一盒颜料。


If painted green, the door might look more beautiful.如果油漆成绿色,门看起来会更漂亮。

You can’t move in right now. The house is being painted now.你现在不能搬进来,房子正在粉刷中。

She began to paint her lips.她开始涂口红。

②绘画:The picture hanging on the wall is painted by my nephew.挂在墙上的那幅画是我的侄子画的。painter n.绘画者,(油)画家,油漆工/油漆匠:

The town which we visited last month is the one where the famous painter was born.


He had met his old lady when he was a house painter and she was a waitress.


painting n.绘画,画,油画,水彩画:

Is the painting in the Louvre the authentic work by Leonardo da Vinci or just a copy?


Visitors are requested not to touch the paintings.参观者请勿触摸油画。

pair n.一双,一对:

In summer, you’d better wear a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun.


I just bought a pair of shoes/a pair of gloves.我刚才只买了一双鞋子/一副手套。

I wish to have a pair of wings that could fly in the sky.我渴望有一双翅膀,能够在天空中飞翔。

【拓展】用来指由两者组成的“一双”或“一对”,或由两半合成的“一条”、“一副”、“一把”等:This pair of trousers is old.这条裤子旧了。

palace n.宫,宫殿,王宫:

This street ends in the Chil dren’s Palace.这条街的尽头是少年宫。

The Summer Palace, which used to be a royal garden, is my favourite park.

颐和园是我最喜欢的公园, 它以前是座皇家园林。

pale adj.苍白的,灰白的:

Trapped in the mountain for more than 2 days, the climbers looked pale and weak.


pan n.平底锅:Heat the butter and oil in a large pan.把黄油和食用油放到大平底锅里加热。

pancake n.薄煎饼:Spread some of the filling over each pancake.在每个薄煎饼上摊上一些馅。

panda n.熊猫:We had a panda as our mascot.我们把熊猫作为吉祥物。

Giant pandas are indigenous to China.大熊猫产于中国。

panel n.仪表板,控制板,壁板:

The unusual control panel on the walls caught our attention.墙上不同寻常的控制板引起了我们的注意。panic adj.恐慌的,惊慌的:

The financial crisis caused panic selling of securities.金融危机引发了恐慌之下的债权抛售。


The reason why you get into a panic is that you haven’t been well prepared for what’s going to happen.


Frightened by the gun shots, the customers in the shopping mall all rushed out in panic.


v.使恐慌,使惊慌:When faced with danger, don’t panic, and you will find a solution.


pants n.内裤,短裤:He put on a pair of short pants and an undershirt.他穿上了一条短裤和一件汗衫。

paper n.①纸:All difficulties are also paper tigers.一切困难也都是纸老虎。

②报纸:I want first to see if I can buy an evening paper. 我想先看看是否能买一份晚报。

③试卷,考卷:The teacher was marking the papers.教师在批改考卷。

paperwork n.文书工作:She’s good at paperwork.她善做文书工作。

paragraph n.段落:Read your book, starting at the second paragraph.朗读书本,从第二段读起。

parallel adj.①平行的:The railway line runs parallel with/to the highway.铁路线和那条公路平行。

②相同的,类似的:My experience in selling is parallel to yours.在销售方面,我的经验和你相仿。

n.①平行线(=parallel line):

Draw a parallel through the point and you can find a solution.



There are few parallels between American football and European football.


【拓展】in parallel with与……同时/平行/并联:

According to the central bank, the 2015 edition bills will circulate in parallel with previous

editions and will have the same face value.


The trees stand in parallel with the road.这些树与公路平行.

This wire should be parallel with that wire.这根导线应该与那根导线并联。

parcel n.包裹:Please send the parcel to the above address.请把包裹寄到上述地址。

pardon n.原谅,宽恕:Beg pardon, I didn’t quite catch your meaning.对不起,我没听清楚你的意思。

v.原谅,宽恕:Please pardon me for not arriving sooner.请原谅我没早些到。

【拓展】①口语中说I beg your pardon?(用升调),可用于请对方重说一遍自己说过的话。

②pardon me原谅我,对不起:

Pardon me for interrupting you.对不起,打搅你了。

I hope you will pardon me for doing so.我希望你原谅我这样做。

parent n.父(母),双亲之一,家长:

He lives on a single parent’s allowance of £ 70 a week.他靠每周70英镑的单亲家庭生活补助过日子。

I was bringing up my three children as a single parent.作为单身母亲,我独自抚养我的3个孩子。

The overworked parent may be seen as unloving, but may simply be exhausted.



This is where a lot of parents go wrong.这正是很多父母犯错的地方。

park1 n.公园:I took the kids for a picnic in the park after school.放学后我带孩子们去公园野餐。

park2 v.停车:You can’t park (your car) in this street.这条街不准停车。

parking n.①停车:Please park your car in the parking lot.请把车停在停车场。

②停车处:There is plenty of parking behind the building.这建筑物后面有许多车位。

parrot n.鹦鹉:Parrots imitate human speech.鹦鹉学语。

part n.①部分:Parts of the book are interesting.书中有些部分很有趣。

It is selling very well, in part because the packaging is so attractive.


②部件:a factory that makes radio parts一家制造无线电零件的工厂

③角色:Which part do you play?你演哪个角色?

adj.不完全的,部分的:The television producer today has to be part news person, part educator


v.告别,分开,分手,分离:He gave me the envelope and we parted.他给了我那个信封,我们就告别了。

Tell me that we’ll never part.告诉我我们永不分开。

【拓展】①表示“一部分……”时,可用part of或a part of:

I read only (a) part of the novel.这部小说我只看过一部分。

To create an atmosphere where employees feel part of a team is a big challenge.


另外注意:part of...作主语时,谓语通常与of后的名词的数保持一致:

Only part of the story is true.这个故事只有部分情节是真实的。

Part of the pupils are interested in English.部分学生对英语感兴趣。

②take part in参加:

The 2020 Summer Olympic Games will be hosted in Tokyo. Do you know how many countries

will be taking part?2020年夏季奥运会将在东京举行。你知道届时有多少国家参加吗?

③play a part in扮演一个角色,起作用:

Yang Ziqiong is said to play a leading part in the film Rain of Swords.


Science and technology plays an important part nowadays in our socialist construction.


Tom’s pay depends on what part he plays in the factory.


participate v.参加,参与:

College students should actively participate in social practice, which will lead to the acquisition of

more knowledge and skills, now that what they learn from books is limited.既然大学生从书本上学



Without the participation of so many people, the completion of such a project in a short

period would be out of the question.没有那么多人的参加,在短期内完成这项工作是


We win the game because of his participation.由于他的参与,我们赢了比赛。

②participant n.参加者,参与者:

She is an active participant in this activity.她积极参与这项活动。

Each participant is to pay his own expenses.每个参与者都必须自费。particular adj.特殊的,特别的:

I have a particular responsibility to ensure I make the right decision


Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training.口语训练将会特别强调。

【拓展】①be particular about对……挑剔/讲究:

The reason why her son is always thin is that he is particular about what he eats.


She is not particular about clothes as long as they are comfortable to wear.


②in particular尤其,特别:

He likes helping others, in particular those who are in trouble.


partly adv.部分地,在一定程度上:

He is partly right in what he says.他的话有些是对的。

It’s partly my fault, and partly yours.这事部分是我的错,有部分是你的错。

partner n.搭档,合作者,伴侣:

He is my friend and tennis partner.他是我的朋友,也是网球搭档。

Wanting other friends doesn’t mean you don’t love your partner.


【拓展】partner v.使合作,与……合伙:

So, it was a win-win situation which was why we did not hesitate to partner with them.


part-time adj.& adv.兼职的(地):

I am a part-time teacher at Beijing Normal University. 我在北京师范大学做兼职教师。

Do you work full-time or part-time?你干全职工作还是兼职工作?

party n.①聚会,晚会,派对:

Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm having a birthday party in my room.


Before I left they prepared a send-off party for me.临行之时他们准备了欢送会(宴席为我送行)。

②党派:He applied to join the party.他申请入党。

pass v.①传,递:Please pass me the salt.请把盐递给我。


Don’t forget to post the letter for me when you pass by the post office.


I could have passed my examination easily but I made too many stupid mistakes.



Time passed quickly.时间过得很快。

We played cards to pass the evenings.我们晚上经常打牌消磨时间。


The guard won’t let anyone through the gate without a pass.哨兵不让没有通行证的人通过大门。

They are going to guard the pass.他们准备去扼守关口。


His mother came down with an acute disease and passed away three months later.


When the manager passed by her, the girl didn’t even look up.


Children’s toy guns now look so realistic that they can often pass for the real thing


The copy he made of the painting can pass for authentic.他临摹的画足以乱真。

The late Earl passed on much of his fortune to his daughter


May I trouble you to pass on a message to her? 烦您给她捎个信儿。

They pass on their cost of borrowing and add it to their profit margin...


In a meeting, he shared a story on how his parents passed down important moral values to him.


The event passed off without any major incidents.


That zoo has been forced to apologize after it tried to pass off a dog as a lion.


We passed through some beautiful scenery on our journey through the Lake District.


The Yangtze River passes all the way through the province on its long journey to the coast.


An estimated 1600 vessels pass through the strait annually.


He passed through a difficult period shortly after his marriage broke down.


passage n.①章节,段落:

You can try to guess the meaning of the words you don’t know from the passage.


I knew the passage she meant and found the page.


②通道,走廊:Go along this passage to the library.顺着这条通道可到图书馆。

It was extremely dark in the passage so he struck a match.走廊上很黑暗因此他划了根火柴。

③旅程,行程:He couldn’t afford the fare to Australia, s o he worked for his passage.


He fell sick on the passage through the straits.他在通过海峡的途中生病了。passenger n.乘客,旅客:All passengers are required to show their tickets.所有乘客都要求出示车票。

passer-by n.过客,过路人:A few passers-by witnessed the accident.有几个过路人目睹了这次事故。

【拓展】其复数形式为passers-by:Passers-by heard his cries for help.路过的人听到了他求救的呼喊。passive adj.①被动的:

Don’t be so passive. You should catch any chance if you can.


In this lesson, we are going to practice using the passive voice.本课中,我们将练习使用语态。

②消极的:How can you be so passive?你怎能如此消极?

passport n.护照:Before leaving for Japan, I have to get a passport.去日本前我必须先办护照。

past adv.过去,经过:We couldn’t get on the bus because it drove p ast.我们搭不上汽车了,因为它开过去了。

n.过去,昔日,往事:We know nothing of his past.我们对他的过去一无所知。

prep.过……,走过(某处):It’s past midnight now.现在已过了午夜。


Don’t worry about past mistakes.不要担心过去的错误。

Winter is past.冬天结束了。

②in the past过去,以前:

In the past, he wrote with a pen; now he uses a computer.过去他用笔写作,现在用电脑。

③in/for the past five years之类的时间状语通常与现在完成时连用:

He has lived here in the past ten years.过去10年他一直住在这儿。

patent n.专利(权、证):Not all the patents examined have been recognized.并不是所有被审查的专利都得到承认。


He patented the idea that the atom could be split.


The invention has been patented by the university.那项发明已被那所大学申请了专利。

path n. ①小道,小径,(比喻性的)路:

Look over there! There is a long, winding path leading up to the house.


The path to dreams may not be smooth and even at great cost, but hold on to them.


②历程:History is the best teacher. It faithfully records the development path of each country and foretells

the future to us.历史是最好的老师。它忠实地记录每个国家的发展历程,并为我们预测未来。patience n.忍耐,耐心:You need to have patience if you want to teach the group of naughty children well.


【拓展】impatience n.不耐烦,焦躁,渴望:

He felt the sec retary’s impatience.他感觉到秘书的不耐烦。

She came home with impatience to tell us the news.


patient1 n.病人:All the patients think highly of the doctors and nurses in the hospital.


patient2 adj.忍耐的,有耐心的:

—I’m terribly sorry, sir. I should have been more patient.很对不起,先生。我本应该更耐心点儿的。

—Calm down. I understand your feeling.冷静下来,我理解你的感受。

They are patient of hardships.他们能吃苦耐劳。

【拓展】impatient adj.不耐烦的/耐心的,急躁的,急于,迫不及待:

I don’t want to talk to you when you’re so annoyed and impatient.


I don’t want to talk to you when you’re so annoyed and impatient.


He was impatient to get home.他迫不及待想要回家。

pattern n.式样,图案,花样,模式:

The dress is nice but she doesn’t like the pattern on the material.


It is a very useful sentence pattern, one of the most useful sentence pattern.


By applying the theory to the problem, we can brush away the details and reveal simple patterns.


pause n.中止,暂停,停止:

After a pause for a drink, I took up my story just where I had left off.


v.暂停,停顿:David paused to consult his notes, and then proceeded with his speech.


【拓展】stop, cease与pause:




②从结构上看,stop后接不定式或动名词均可,但含义不同(stop to do sth.=停下来去做某事,

stop doing sth.=停止做某事);cease也可接不定式或动名词,且两者含义相同(均表示停止

做某事);pause后通常不接动名词,但可接不定式(pause to do sth.=停下来去做某事)。pavement n.人行道:He had slipped on an icy pavement.他在一条结了冰的人行道上滑了一跤。

pay(paid, paid) v.


With WeChat Pay coming into widespread use, our household bills are convenient to pay.


Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price.



pay a visit(to sb./sp.)访问/拜访(某人/某地):

He will pay a friendly/state visit to China.他将对中国进行友好/国事访问。

n.工资:How much pay do you get?你的工资是多少?

【拓展】①pay attention to注意:

In doing our work, we must pay attention to ways and means.我们做工作应注意方式方法。

②pay back偿还(借款),报答:

She would lend me the money if I promised to pay it back within a month.


I must do something to pay back his help.我必须做点什么去报答他的帮助。

③pay for为……而付钱(代价)/买单:

John paid dearly for his mistake.约翰为自己的错误付出了很大的代价。

④pay off还清(债务等),得到回报:

She expects to pay all her debts off shortly.她预计不久就能还清全部欠债。

Since you are always working hard at your lessons, your efforts will pay off


⑤pay out付出,支付:

I could hardly expect him to pay out a large sum of money for such a drawing.


We all always believe that only after you pay out will you gain the return.

我们始终相信,只要有所付出, 必会得到回报。

⑥payment n.款额,款项,报答,支付:

Based on the agreement, all payments shall be made by the end of the month.


As long as online payment is safe, people will be more likely to link their bank cards to WeChat.


PC=personal computer n.个人电脑:

Drawing offices may use PCs for computer-aided design.制图室可以使用个人计算机进行计算机辅助设计。PE=physical education n.体育(课):In the afternoon, we had PE in the gym.下午我们在体育馆上了体育课。pea n.豌豆:They planted peppers, peanuts and peas at the foot of the foot of the mountains.


peace n.和平,平静:It’s universally acknowledged that the olive branch stand s for peace.



After a brief peace, war broke out again.在短暂的和平之后,战争又爆发了。

a peace of 50 years长达50年的和平时期

②in peace安静,安心,和睦,和平:

You’ll be able to read in peace.你就能安心地读书了。

If you can’t live in peace with your little brother then get out of the house.


I turned off the TV in order that my roommate could study in peace.


peaceful adj.和平的,平和的,安宁的:

Only if both sides accept these terms will everlasting peace be established in this region.


Only when you are peaceful in your heart can you find your problem.


The Greens moved back to the countryside in 2008 and have led a happy and peaceful life there ever


peach n.桃(子):Peaches grow well in hot weather.桃子在高温天气中生长良好。

peak n.山顶,主峰,高峰,巅峰,最高点:

He was the first to top the mountain peak.他是第一个登上这座山顶的人。

The snowy main peak towers above all the others.白雪皑皑的主峰高耸在群峦之上。

The peak of the holiday season is approaching.假日的高峰期即将来临。


We bought it at the wrong time and paid the peak price. 我们买的时机不合适,买了个最高价。

Keeping key players at peak performance can be a major challenge.


pear n.梨子,梨树:This pear tastes a bit sour.这梨带点酸味。

There are lots of pear trees near the house.屋子近旁种着许多梨树。

pen n.钢笔,笔:He writes the composition with a pen/in pen.他用钢笔写作文。

He lives by his pen.他以写作为生。

【拓展】表示用钢笔写,通常用with a pen,也可说成in ink,有时还可用in pen。penalty n.处罚,刑罚:

In some countries, the president can privilege somebody from death penalty.


He scored four of the goals but missed a penalty.他4次射门得分,却罚失了一粒点球。

pencil n.铅笔:Please sharpen this pencil.请削尖这支铅笔。

Write in pencil, not in ink.用铅笔写,不要用墨水笔。

【拓展】表示用铅笔写,通常with a pencil或in pencil。

penny n. (pl pennies或pence)

①便士:One pound equals 100 pence.1英镑等于100便士。

②(泛指)钱:We have a tight budget and every penny counts.我们的预算很紧,每一分钱都很重要。


Give me five pennies for this five-pence.请把这个5便士硬币换成5枚1便士硬币。

It only costs a few pence.它只值几分钱。

②由于俗语:A bad penny always turns up总会有不如意的时候。

A penny saved is a penny earned省一分钱就是赚一分钱。

Penny wise and pound foolish小事聪明大事糊涂。

pension n.养老金:She said her pension is enough to support her in later years.


people n.①人,人们:People are not interested in such things.人们对那样的事不感兴趣。

②民族:the oppressed peoples被压迫民族the Hui people回族

③(连用the)人民:Victory certainly belongs to the people.胜利一定属于人民。


②表示“一个人”时,不能用one people,可根据情况改用one person, one man, one woman, one



The Chinese are a hard-working people.中国人是一个勤劳的民族。

pepper n.胡椒粉:You always find salt and pepper on a restaurant table.饭店的桌上总摆着盐和胡椒。

per prep.每,每一:The fruit costs 30 pence per kilo.水果每公斤30便士。

To hire a boat costs £5 per hour.租船每小时5英镑。

percent n.百分之……:

Forty percent of the land in the village has been flooded and the majority of the villagers have moved to

safe places.整个村庄40%的土地被洪水淹没,大部分村民已经转移到安全的地方。

percentage n.百分率:What percentage of your salary do you spend for rent?你的薪水百分之多少花在房租上?



percent百分之三十;后者通常用large, small, good, great, low, high等形容词修饰:a

small percentage=很小的百分比,即小部分。

The percentage of school leavers that go to university is about ninety percent.



What percentage of the students wear glasses?戴眼镜的学生占多少比例?

perfect adj.完美的,极好的:

Nobody is perfect.人无完人,金无足赤。

Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

While his Chinese was far from perfect, the students were willing to communicate with him and listen to his lectures.尽管他的中文还远远谈不上完美,学生们很愿意与他交流,听他的演讲。

【拓展】perfection n.完美;perfectionist n.完美主义者:

Dawson is always in pursuit of perfection. That’s why he has higher goals where others may

have been satisfied.道森总是追求完美,那就是为什么在其他人可能满意的地方他却有更高


I pay attention to all details so much that some friends call me “Perfectionist”.


perform v.①做,实行,执行,履行,举行:

Peter, as well as his assistant, performed a chemical experiment yesterday, but I wonder whether he has

finished it.彼得和他的助手昨天做了一个化学实验,但我不知道他是否完成了。

Every manager must perform some duties of a ceremonial nature.


They always perform their duties faithfully.他们总是忠实地履行自己的职责。

Members of certain tribes perform special ceremonies when they reach manhood.



More than one boy of your members is to perform in the short play, which is to be

performed tomorrow.你的成员中不止一个男孩要在这出短剧里表演,这出短剧将于明天上演。

I believe I can perform very well.我相信我会表现的很出色。

performance n.演出,表演:

A wonderful performance will be put on in the school gymnasium next month.


performer n.表演者,执行者:

The audience gave the performer a burst of warm applause.观众给予表演者以热烈的掌声。perfume n.①香味,芳香:The flowers give off a fragrant perfume.这些花散发出芬芳的香味。

②香水:She bought a small bottle of French perfume.她买了一小瓶法国香水。

perhaps adv.可能,或许:

This is perhaps his best novel to date.这可能是他迄今最好的小说。

Since you can’t answer the question, perhaps we’d better ask someone else.


period n.①时期,时代,时间,阶段,时长:

I couldn’t have gone through that bitter period without your help.


The lunch period will be extended from 30 minutes to an hour from now on.


Youth is a period of our life when we see no limit to our hopes and wishes.



The teaching of organic chemistry face many problem, such as decreasing period, renewing textbook

and simplifying contents.有机化学教学面临学时减少,教材更新,内容精简等难题。permanent adj.永久的,固定的,不变的:

She married an Australian man and became a permanent citizen of that country.


He hated wandering about and expected to find a permanent position in the civil service of


permit v.许可,允许:

We forbid smoking here. Who has permitted you to smoke here?


We do not permit smoking here.不准在此吸烟。

n.许可证,执照:Have you got a permit to fish in this river?你有在这条河里不予的许可证吗?

Mike is not old enough to have a driving permit.迈克还还没到达拿驾驶执照的年龄。

【拓展】①time(weather)permitting 如果时间(天气)允许的话:

Time permitting, we will pay a visit to him before we leave.


Weather permitting, we’ll go out for a walk.


②permission n.允许,许可,同意:I gave him permission to do it.我许可他做这件事。

表示“得到允许做某事”,可用have/get permission to do sth.,尽管受不定式的修饰,

permission前通常不用定冠词,且其中的不定式不能换成of [for] doing sth.。

person n.人:It is bad manner to talk with your finger pointed at the other person.用手指着别人说话是不礼貌的。personal adj.个人的,私人的:

The style can be adjusted to personal taste.风格可根据个人口味调节。

This is a personal letter, so you can’t read it.这是私人信件,因此你不能看。

【拓展】①personality n.人格,人品,个性,名人:

This kind of education is not only a healthy education, more important is the personality

education and humanity educations.这种教育不仅是健康教育,更重要的是人格教育和


Despite their different personalities, they become best friends.


He is one of the best-known personalities in the world of tennis.


②personalized adj.个性化的:

We provide you with personalized print services.我们为您提供个性化的印刷品服务。personnel n.①(集合用法)人员,职员:

Our office has an efficient personnel.我们办公室的工作人员办事效率很高。

Our personnel are very highly trained.我们的职员都受过很好的训练。

②人事部门:I want to speak to someone in personnel.我想同人事部门的人说说。

Not having received a reply, he decided to write another letter to the personnel manager about his job

application. 由于没有收到回信,他决定再给人事经理写一封求职信。

【拓展】①表示复数意义,所以不说a personnel,要表示多少人员,可用类似以下表达:

Our office needs 10 personnel/a personnel of 10.我们办公室需要10个人。



persuade v.说服,劝说:I persuaded him to stop drinking.我说服了他戒酒。

【拓展】①表示“说服”,若指说而不服,则用try to persuade或advise:

The woman advised/tried to persuade her husband to give up smoking but she failed.


②表示“说服某人做某事”,一般用persuade sb. to do sth. /persuade sb. into doing sth.:

How can we persuade him to join[into joining]us?



He persuaded me that it was not worth buying and we went back with nothing.


④persuasion n.劝说,说服(力),信仰:

He gave in to my persuasion.他听从了我的劝说。

Our way is not to use violence, but peaceful persuasion and we never use threats.


It is a national movement and has within it people of all political persuasions



I find neither argument persuasive.我认为这两个论点都不具说服力。

pet n.宠物,爱畜:Dogs are very popular as pets.狗是很受欢迎的宠物。

petrol n.汽油:You have no more petrol left in the tank.你的油箱里没有汽油了。

phenomenon(pl phenomena)

n.现象:There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the greenhouse effect.


One of the phenomena that attracted my attention was magnetism.


philosophy n.哲学,哲理,哲学体系,哲学思想,生活信条:

She majored in philosophy at Harvard.她在哈佛大学主修哲学。

Annie’s work reflects her philosophy that life is full of mysteries.


There is much philosophy in it.这其中大有哲理。

【拓展】philosopher n.哲学家,哲人,思想家,学者:

He is also an economist and political philosopher.他还是一位经济学者和政治哲学家。

He seems to be a bit of a philosopher.他像个思想家似的。


n.①电话:Will you answer the phone?你去接电话好吗?

Who’s on the phone?谁来的电话?

You are wanted on the phone.有人叫你听电话。

②电话机(听筒):She picked up the phone, and began to dial Maurice Campbell’s number.


v.打电话:Did anybody phone?有人打电话了吗?

Can I phone you up?我能打电话找你吗?

photo=photograph n.照片:She had her photo taken.她去照相了。

I took some photos of my children.我给孩子们照了几张相。

【拓展】①a photo of sb.与,a photo of sb.’s 意思不同:

This is a photo of Mr. Smith.这是史密斯先生的照片。

This is a photo of Mr. Smith’s.这是史密斯先生所收藏的一张照片。

②take a photo自己拍照/照相,have a photo taken请人拍照/照相:

May I take a photo of this school? 我可以拍一张这所学校的照片吗?

I will have a photo taken in Beijing.我将在北京叫人照个相。

photographer n.摄影师:The police arrived, and so did reporters and a photographer from the ‘Journal’.


phrase n.短语,词组, 成语:

Now repeat the words and the phrases.现在把单词和短语重说一遍。

The new phrase is now on the tongue of men.这个新短语现在正十分流行。

The teacher dictated the phrase to the class.老师让全班同学听写这个短语。

physical adj.①身体的:Scientists are convinced of the positive effect of laughter on physical and mental health.


As students, we should often take part in physical exercise.


②物理的:To understand the nature of this challenge, we must first come to terms with the concept of

a physical field.为了理解这一挑战的本质,我们必须首先理解物理场的概念。

③物质的,自然的:Normally, a forest fire and the damage it causes can be very extensive, especially

when you consider the financial and physical losses.通常,森林大火和其引起的破坏可


physician n.(内科)医生:

As well as being an outstanding physician and scientist, he was an accomplished writer and a gifted

artist.除了是一个杰出的医生和科学家,他还是一个成功的作家和一个有天赋的艺术家。physicist n.物理学家:

Famous physicists from all over the world came to the US to celebrate the 100thanniversary of Albert
