




本册教材共12个单元,2个评价。每个单元主要由Look, listen and act---Listen and say---Activity 1---Activity 2---listen and do---Activity 3---Read and write---Read and spell---Activity 4 九个板块组成。覆盖了12个话题(I like my new school, Where’s the zoo?

I have many new friends. Let’s tidy up! What do you usually do on weekends? I often walk to school. I want to be a policeman. What does your father do? Do you like meat? You should eat more vegetables. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!It’s Spring Festival again!)

Unit 1 I like my new school.



2.词语: Class 1 , Grade 5

3.句型:I like…. What’s this…? Where’s the …?



1. 能听懂课文并表演出来

2. 学会熟练地运用句型


1.利用图片, 单词卡片和实物进行词汇教学。

2.利用教学网站来学习round, rectangle, square和其他扩充的shapes.



3. 利用chant 来复习巩固shapes

4. 提倡互动学习,培养合作精神:老师提供书本的图片由学生谈论:

What’s this rectangle? It’s my classroom.

Where’s the playground? The square.


Unit 2 Where's the zoo?


1.单词:straight, left, right, which, way, sign, live, will, halt,march

2.词语:go straight, turn left ,turn right, far away, close by ,

role play, capital city

3.句型:Which is the way to the…?

Where is…?

4. 单词的书写P9


1. 表方位的词组:go straight, turn left, turn right




它在某一手中,问“Where’s the pencil?”,让学生猜;带学生“开火车”跳兔子舞;为盲人指路






Unit 3 I have many new friends.


1.单词:pretty, curl, curly, naughty, straight, turn, welcome

2.词语: guessing game, straight hair, curly hair, smiling face,

good-looking, make up, look good , look pretty, put on

3.句型:Who is he/she? Can you guess? He/She has….

4. 单词的书写P5 13





2.利用Guessing game 来猜学生身边发生的同学或老师,巩固句型。

3.利用多媒体网络:来练习根据特征猜动物。Who is it?



Unit 4 Let’s tidy up!


1.单词:bat, ping-pong, baseball, basketball, football, doll, Teddy bear,

keep, take, lost

2.词语: tidy up

3.句型:Whose …is it/this? It’s …’s. It’s his/hers/mine.

4. 单词的书写P17

5. 字母组合-all在单词中的读音规则









Unit 5 What do you usually do on weekends?


1.单词:usually, sometimes, learn, weekend, weekday, painting, drawing, fishing, bookstore, survey

2.词组:Chinese paper-cuts, Chinese writing, find out, on weekends

3.句型:What do you usually do on weekends?

I usually learn Chinese writing.

4. 字母组合-ay在单词中的读音规则。




2、联系实际, 来谈论自己平常做的事情


1.单词教学:利用图片和单词卡片让学生复习动作的词语,并学习新授词组。有意识的强调painting, drawing, Chinese writing, fishing及其拼写方式。可采用大小声、猜猜他在说哪个单词、拼读单词比赛等游戏方法。


, 练习和巩固动词和词组.




1. painting 正

2. drawing 正 ̄

3. English Learning 正正

4. singing 正

5. dancing  ̄

6. Chinese Writing 正

7. fishing


Unit 6 I often walk to school.


1.单词:tick, form , walk, ask, diagram, sometime

2.词组: by bus, by car, by taxi, by train, by bike, on foot , each other school bus

3.句型:How do you usually go to school ? I often /usually….







2. 利用录音机让学生练习听力,然后跟读。


a. 开火车: How do you usually go to school ? I often /usually….

b. 传声筒

4.任务型教学的完成:利用调查表练习句型,学以致用(可适当选择或更改) Name: Class: Grade:

How do you go to school? usually often sometimes






How do you go to school/ shopping mall…?

Name By car By train By bus By bike By taxi On foot







Recycle 1







Unit 7 I want to be a policeman.


1.单词:fireman, doctor, nurse, policeman, teacher, postman, fire,

save, people ,interesting.

2.句型:What do you want to be? I want to be a ….

3. 单词的书写P33

4. 字母组合-man在单词中的读音规则




1. 利用网站英语活跃课堂,可以课前课后随机播放:


2. 利用图片、头饰来设计不同的场景进行教学,使学生学会运用所学内容表达愿望和理想。


3.玩抽纸条的游戏Game: Pick and read

4. 课后作业:

a. My dreams ――出黑板报:我的理想

b. Family Album( 照片,个人资料)


Unit 8 What does your father do?


1.单词:company , computer, show,

2. 词组:ice-cream company, milk company, food company, computer company, newspaper company , telephone company, clothes company, name card, personal information

3.句型:What does you father do? He works in a …company.





1. 师生直接对话:T: What does your father/mother do?

S1: He/She works in a …company. 产生信息沟后拓展词汇. 2.学生把父母的名片带到课堂中,相互谈论后做个调查表:

S1: What does your father/mother do? S2: He/She works in a … company.

S1 S2 S3 S4




3. 练习介绍家庭成员:课前收集父母照片或图片,俩人一组练说:

A : Look, this is my family photo.

B: Who is it?

A: He is my father.

B: What does your father do?

A: He is a teacher. he works in …

4. 在老师的指导下,学生动手制作名片


Unit 9 Do you like meat?


1、单词:delicious, beef, dumpling, meat, menu, mutton, pork, noodle, vegetable

2. 词组:roast chicken, roast duck, take notes

3. 句型:a. Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

b. What do you want/like to eat/drink? I want / like….

4. 学会字母组合-ee/-ea在单词中的读音规则。

5. 读和写P33




1. 用多媒体网络展示各种食物,快速复习旧识,学习新词。


3. 在老师的指导下学生动手制作自己的菜单。然后分组自编对话进行情境对话。4。Listen and tick P39 表格练习


Unit 10 You should eat more vegetable


1.单词:cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, tomato, potato, cucumber, salad, cooking, boil, yummy

2.词组:salad cream, shopping list , boiled egg, boiled potato

3.句型:You should /should not…. It’s good/bad for you.

Yes, I think so. No, I don’t think so.


5. 读和写P33




1. 制作多媒体课件快速复习food, fruits, vegetables 的单词。

2 学生制作Shopping List


You should eat more vegetables. It’s good for you.

You should not read in the sun. It’s bad for you.



Unit 11 Mery Christmas and Happy New Year!


1. 单词:chopsticks, decorate, fold, need, paper, paste, celebrate

2. 词组:Christmas card, Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas gift, Christmas tree, New

Year’Eve , New Year card, Santa Claus

3. 句型:What do you do on …? We have….

What will you make for…? I will make a….

4. 读和写P49

5. 学会字母组合-eve/-eave在单词中的读音规则

6. 让学生了解国外的圣诞风情, 了解西方文化











Unit 12 It’s Spring Festival again!


1、单词:bake, cut, get, make, mop, smell, wonderful

2. 词组:Spring Festival, paper flower, paper-cuts, TV reporter

3、句型:What are you doing? I’m making….

4. 读和写P53。

5. 学会字母组合-ing在单词中的读音规则




1.直接用TPR法学习词组,用P53 的chant来巩固

2. 猜动作游戏:S1上台抽字条,其他学生问:What are you doing?


3. 利用网络学唱歌曲:Are you sleeping?用making, cutting mopping 等替换sleeping:

4. 了解我国其他一些节日的名称及习俗:


a.. What’s your favorite festival? 学生课外收集资料及与节日有关的图片或照片:

I like… I usually…

b. 节日海报

c. Guess what festival it is. 学生可以分组,每组选一个节日,成员说出在这个节日里吃什么,做什么,看什么等,另外的组猜节日的名称。


Recycle 2










Step 1 Warming up 热身活动和复习。

在每堂课的前几分钟,老师们可以根据学生的特点,要求学生做值日报告。值日报告的形式可以多样化,如唱歌、讲故事、演讲、短剧表演等;由学生课外准备,培养其自觉使用英语的意识。老师也可以根据学生实际和教学需要直接从复习或检查作业入手。Step 2 Presentation and drill 呈现和机械训练。


Step 3 Listening and reading 练习听力和阅读能力。

听录音,让学生重复句子,是很好的练习听力的方法,同时还能让学生注意语音语调。Step 4 Intensive learning 拓展练习。


Step 5 Consolidation 复习巩固及作业。


2. 教师要熟读教材了解单元前后的联系,可以根据学生实际情况和教学需要灵活安排教学的先后顺序。






a. 全期按17周安排,每周3课时,共51课时,12个单元×3――4课时=36――48课时,2个复习单元4课时,机动3课时。




Unit 1 A family outing Period 1 一、教学目标(Teaching Aims) 1、知识目标 (Knowledge Aims) : 1) 能看懂、会读、会说新单词together,ride, grandparents; 2)学习、运用新句型: Shall weWe’ ll 2、能力目标 (Ability Aims): 1)能向他人询问、回答出行计划; 2)能理解课本 A 与 B 部分。 3、情感目标 (Emotion Aims) 学会小组合作,团结友爱。 二、教学重难点 (Teaching Focus & Difficulties) 1)重点:理解并运用生单词 ; 2)难点:运用新句型。 1)课前准备 (Preparation for Class) 课件、图片、卡片、教学录音等等。 2)教学过程 (Teaching Process) Step one: warming up 1. Greetings. 2.Free talk. Talk about their experiences in winter holiday.

Step two: presentation Introduce new words and phrases. T: Do you want to do these things? Watch a movie? Go shopping? Take/ have a walk? Look at the flowers? I think, it is happy for us to do things together. Play games. I do, you say. Then I say, you do. The dialogue. Listen and find out who they are. Listen and read. Answer the question: what are Lingling’s family going to do? Listen and repeat. Listen and act. Step three: consolidation 1.Talk about what you are going to do this evening. 2.Talk about your plans to travel at weekend with your partner and act it out. Step four: homework 1.Listen and read Part A and B. 2.Copy the new words three times. 五、板书设计(Blackboard Design) Unit 1 A family outing together


Unit 1 We are going to read stories 第一课时 一、教学目标 (一)语言目标 1、词汇:能听懂、会说、认读listen to, talk about, read, write about, put on a play, short, interesting。 谈论某人的计划或 2、句型:能用“What are going to do?”“We are going to …” 打算。 (二)应用目标 1、能用be going to 结构谈论自己的计划。 2、能听懂、会说A部分的对话。 二、教学重、难点 1、重点:能听懂、会说、认读listen to, talk about, read, write about, put on a 谈论某play, short, interesting能用“What are going to do?”“We are going to …” 人的计划或打算;能听懂、会说A部分的对话。 2、难点:理解be going to 结构的用法。 三、教学准备 课件、单词卡片 四、教学过程 Step 1 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1、Greetings 2、TPR activities Step 2 新课呈现(Presentation) 1、New words (1)学习listen to

①欣赏一小段欢快活波的音乐,引出listen to 的学习。 T:Thank you, children. You are working hard.Are you tired? We are going to listen to some music. ②板书listen to 一词,引导学生观察这个动词短语的组成,先分别读再组合读。 (2)学习read, read stories, interesting (3)学习talk about, put on a play, short, write about (4)学生跟读B部分的词汇,模仿原声带的地道发音。 2、Dialogue 课文学习:教师可分步骤循序渐进地引导学生熟悉课文。 第一步:Listen and count 不打开书,只听录音,听录音前,给出问题:孩子们在英语课上准备做哪些事情? 第二步:Listen and find 打开课本,听录音,画出所有孩子们再英语课上准备做的事情,检查自己刚才做的是否正确。 第三步:Listen and number 教师用课件呈现几张图片,请学生标号。 第四步:Listen and repeat 听录音,跟读,注意an eraser 的读音。 第五步:Read and act 出示没有文字的课文插图1和插图2,引导学生表演。 Step 3 趣味练习(Practise) 1、用闪卡复习已学过的动词短语。 2、谈论周末的计划安排。 T: Today is Friday. What day is it tomorrow? Ss: Tomorrow is Saturday. T: What are going to do, S1? Are you going to play ping-pong?


教材简介 湘鲁版教材是严格按照《英语课程标准》(实验版)中的二级目标联合编写而成的。 对象是五年级学生。教材遵循“话题――功能――任务”的模式,以话题作为贯穿整套书的主线,注重学生学习兴趣的培养。教学内容适度,难易程度适中,从听说入手,逐步向读写展开。仍然采用TPR的教学方法,符合小学生的认知特点。改编后的教材特别用四线格来规范学生的书写,符合教学要求。 本册教材共12个单元,2个评价。每个单元主要由Look, listen and act---Listen and say---Activity 1---Activity 2---listen and do---Activity 3---Read and write---Read and spell---Activity 4 九个板块组成。覆盖了12个话题( I like my new school, Where’s the zoo I have many new friends. Let’s tidy up! What do you usually do on weekends I often walk to school. I want to be a policeman. What does your father do Do you like meat You should eat more vegetables. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!It’s Spring Festival again!) Unit 1 I like my new school. 教学重点: 1.单词:building,garden,map,nice,playground,rectangle,round,square. 2.词语: Class 1 , Grade 5



Unit 1 You are good at drawing, Peter. Period 1 Teaching aims: 1.Ss can be confident in English studying. 2.Enable the Ss to listen, read, say and write the new words: diving, pictures, good idea, watching films. 3.Enable the Ss to be familiar with the sentence pattern: I like doing sth. I’m good at… Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss to listen, read, say and write the new words. Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss to be familiar with the sentence pattern: I like doing sth. I’m good at… Teaching tools: Tape, pictures Teaching methods: Task teaching method, Audio-linguistic method. Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2.Make a conversation with the Ss. 3.Play a game--- Doing and say. Eg: swimming, running… I like swimming. I’m good at swimming. Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. Show the picture of “diving” . T: I like diving. I’m good at diving. The Ss read after the T: Diving, diving, diving. T: Can you spell the word “ diving”, please? T: I like drawing. I’m good at drawing. Show some pictures, and learn the word. 2. Learn the other words in the similar way. 3. Read together. 4. Little teacher. Step 3 Practice 1. T: I don’t like running. I like swimming. I’m good at swimming. S1: I don’t like swimming. I like skating. I’m good at skating.


湘鲁版小学英语五年级上册教案 篇一:湘鲁版五年级英语 复习I like my new school. 教学重点: 1.单词: building,garden,map,nice,playground,rectangle,round,squar e. 2.词语: Class 1 , Grade 5 3(句型: I like?. What’s this??Where’s the ?? 4( 单词的书写 P5 教学难点: 1. 能听懂课文并表演出来 2. 学会熟练地运用句型 突破方法: 1.利用图片, 单词卡片和实物进行词汇教学。 2.利用教学网站来学习round, rectangle, square和其他扩充的shapes. 1 3. 利用chant 来复习巩固shapes 4. 提倡互动学习,培养合作精神:老师提供书本的图片由 学生谈论: What’s this rectangle? It’s my classroom. Where’s the playground?The square. 复习 Where's the zoo? 教学重点:

1.单词:straight, left, right, which, way, sign, live, will, halt,march 2.词语:go straight, turn left ,turn right, far away, close by , role play, capital city 3(句型:Which is the way to the?? Where is…? 4. 单词的书写 P9 教学难点: 1. 表方位的词组: go straight, turn left, turn right 2.学生在实际生活灵活地运用,学会指路和准确地做答。 突破方法: 1.词汇教学:老师说单词,学生相应举起左手或右手;老 师藏一只橡皮或其 它在某一手中,问“Where’s the pencil?”,让学生猜; 带学生“开火车”跳兔子舞;为盲人指路 2 2.融会话教学于情景表演之中,师生一起在表演中教,在 表演中练,在交际 活动中用 3.创造情景进行教学,让学生学会使用句型。 4.学生分组绘制简单的图,用英语进行练习问路。 复习 I have many new friends. 教学重点:



教材简介 湘鲁版教材是严格按照《英语课程标准》(实验版)中的二级目标联合编写而成的。 对象是五年级学生。教材遵循“话题――功能――任务”的模式,以话题作为贯穿整套书的主线,注重学生学习兴趣的培养。教学内容适度,难易程度适中,从听说入手,逐步向读写展开。仍然采用TPR的教学方法,符合小学生的认知特点。改编后的教材特别用四线格来规范学生的书写,符合教学要求。 本册教材共12个单元,2个评价。每个单元主要由Look, listen and act---Listen and say---Activity 1---Activity 2---listen and do---Activity 3---Read and write---Read and spell---Activity 4 九个板块组成。覆盖了12个话题( I like my new school, Where’s the zoo I have many new friends. Let’s tidy up! What do you usually do on weekends I often walk to school. I want to be a policeman. What does your father do Do you like meat You should eat more vegetables. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!It’s Spring Festival again!) Unit 1 I like my new school. 教学重点: 1.单词:building,garden,map,nice,playground,rectangle,round,square. 2.词语: Class 1 , Grade 5 3.句型: I like…. What’s this… Where’s the … 4.单词的书写 P5 教学难点: 1. 能听懂课文并表演出来 2. 学会熟练地运用句型 突破方法: 1.利用图片, 单词卡片和实物进行词汇教学。 2.利用教学网站来学习round, rectangle, square和其他扩充的shapes. 2


新湘教版三年级英语上册全册教案 第 1 章第 1 节第 1 课时页码 01 课题教学目标教学重难点 Unit 1 Hello ! 1、能听懂、会说本课会话; 2、能运用“Hello! I’mNice to meet you.”进行问候,并对此做出回应;力求在第一课堂就激发学生学习英语的兴趣。重点:自我介绍,运用“Nice to meet you!”向他人致意。难点:理解too的用法。教学过程随感 Step 1: Warming up 师生问候。 T: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you! 用中文或动作帮助学生理解。Step 2 Presentation and drill T: Hello, boys and girls. I am your English teacher. I am Miss Su. 用动作帮助写生理解“I am ” T: Today we’ll learn Unit 1 “Nice to meet you!”板书课题及主题句。带读单词one. 2.走到几个学生面前并与之打招呼。 T: Hello, I’m Miss Su.. 放慢速度,强调口型,帮助学生理解并回答:“Hello, I’m ”游戏——Making friends 让学生离开座位找朋友,找到好朋友后,用“Hello!”问好,并用“I’m ”作自我介绍。 S1:Hello, I’m S2: Hello, I’m S3: T: Hello, I’m Miss Ss: Hello, I’m T: Nice to meet you! 帮助学生回答:“Nice to meet you, too.”,帮助学生理解“Nice to meet you, too.”通常用语回答。 4.听课文A


复习I like my new school. 教学重点: 1.单词:building,garden,map,nice,playground,rectangle,round,square. 2.词语: Class 1 , Grade 5 3.句型:I like…. What’s this…? Where’s the …? 4.单词的书写P5 教学难点: 1. 能听懂课文并表演出来 2. 学会熟练地运用句型 突破方法: 1.利用图片, 单词卡片和实物进行词汇教学。 2.利用教学网站来学习round, rectangle, square和其他扩充的shapes. 3. 利用chant 来复习巩固shapes 4. 提倡互动学习,培养合作精神:老师提供书本的图片由学生谈论: What’s this rectangle? It’s my classroom. Where’s the playground? The square.

复习Where's the zoo? 教学重点: 1.单词:straight, left, right, which, way, sign, live, will, halt,march 2.词语:go straight, turn left ,turn right, far away, close by , role play, capital city 3.句型:Which is the way to the…? Where is…? 4. 单词的书写P9 教学难点: 1. 表方位的词组:go straight, turn left, turn right 2.学生在实际生活灵活地运用,学会指路和准确地做答。 突破方法: 1.词汇教学:老师说单词,学生相应举起左手或右手;老师藏一只橡皮或其 它在某一手中,问“Where’s the pencil?”,让学生猜;带学生“开火车”跳兔子舞;为盲人指路 2.融会话教学于情景表演之中,师生一起在表演中教,在表演中练,在交际 活动中用 3.创造情景进行教学,让学生学会使用句型。 4.学生分组绘制简单的图,用英语进行练习问路。


湘教版小学英语六年级下期教案 Contents 1. The children are playing in the park. 2. Katie always gets up early. 3. Let’s go to the Underwater Water. 4. It’s the Mid-Autumn Festival. 5. The children are playing noisily. 6. How tall are you ? Assessment I 7. These horns are too big. 8. My singing is louder than yours. 9. What is Dongdong going to do ? 10. Are you going visit Anne ? 11. When are we gonging to swim ? 12. Christmas. Assessment II 13. I’m as happy as a bird. 14. A Fairy Tale.

1. The children are playing in he park. 教学目的: 1、学会本单词的新单词:swing, slide, bench bark , chain bite , stones 2、掌握句型:the childer are playing in the park,. 3、正确回答本单元的作业中的问题: 4.掌握现在进行时的结构,(简单进行见解).动词+ing 教学重点: 重点: 1、掌握本单元词语。swing, slide, bench bark , chain bite , stones 1、会进行句型练习。The man is ________ The boy is _______- The old is ________ 难点:情景对话。 教学准备:教学磁带,单词,单词卡片。 教学时间:2课时 第一课时 教学内容: 第一单元中的A.B 两部分 教学过程: 一、组织教学:


Unit1 What did you do during the holidays? Teaching Goals: 1.Learn new words. 2.Learn the text. 3.Know the Past Form of the verbs. Teaching Point: Master the Past Form of the verbs. Teaching Preparations: Tape and pictures Teaching Process: 1.Warming Up (1)Greetings (2)The students talk about their summer holidays. 2.Presentation and Drills (1)Learn new words during holiday learn practise speak (2)Learn Part A Let’s Listen and Say Read the text. What did you do during the holidays? I learnt writing. What are you reading?

I’m reading an English storybook. (3)Learn Part B learn words and sentences play games learn writing practise listening (4)Learn Part C Let’s Practise What did you do during the holidays? I read many books. Master the Past Form of the verbs. talk—talked practice—practised listen—listened do—did have—had go—went learn—learnt take—took read—read speak—spoke teach—taught write—wrote visit—visited play—played


教学计划 教学指导思想: 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使他们掌握好本册的基础知识,了解英语语言的基本特点,初步了解英语国家的风俗习惯,并养成良好的学习习惯。 全册教材的目的和要求: 全册教材目的和要求: 掌握四会单词和四会句型,学会听、说、读、写基本单词和句型,会写部分三会单词。有良好的学习习惯,学会用用简单的英语进行日常对话,培养创新精神和全面发展的素质。 全册教材共14课,可分为14个单元,总课时为36课时,单元内容如下:Lesson 1 I’d like a cold drink. Lesson 2 Do you want some rice? Lesson 3 Can I borrow a pencil? Lesson 4 Can I have a puppy? Lesson 5 Which one do you want? Lesson 6 I like sweets. Lesson 7 Do you have anyhobbies? Assessment 1 Lesson 8 I brush my teeth every day. Lesson 9 What time do you get up? Lesson 10 Does Dongdong help you? Lesson 11 What does that sign mean?

Lesson 12 What’s the name of this place? Lesson 13 We are sorry. Lesson 14 The spring Festival. Assessment 2 学生情况分析及教学措施: 学生经过2年的学习已掌握部分基础知识,具备一定的运用英语进行交流的能力。但水平参差不齐,兴趣也有不同。在本期教学中,要针对这种情况,既要抓基础知识的落实,也要抓运用语言能力的培养和听说读写四种能力的培养。在课堂教学中注意采用丰富多样的教学形式和手段来增强课堂趣味性,激发学生学习兴趣,使们能自觉学习。 课题:Unit 1. I’d like a cold drink. Period 1 教学目标: 1.Be able to understand and speak new words 2.Be able to grasp new sentence 3.Be able to use the form: There be. 教学重点及难点; 重点:Grasp four-skill words. 难点:use there be to describe position relation 教学方法: 对话法


Unit3 She has long hair. 教学目标 1. 能用所学词语与句型谈论人的各方面特征。 2. 能听懂并会用Xiaolin has long, black hair. 和Jane has short, brown hair.等句型进行描述。 3. 让学生相互关心,彼此了解,增加友谊。 教学重难点 词汇: Australia volleyball photo team blonde player high brown 句型: Xiaolin has long, black hair. Jane has short, brown hair. 教学活动 让学生从家里带一张照片,先在小组内轮流对照片上人物的发型和面部特征进行描述。然后,选出代表,在全班面前对照片人物特征进行描述。比一比,看一看,哪个小组做得最好。 课前准备 教师课前需要准备录音机、磁带、教学挂图和制作的课件。 教学过程 1. 任务1的教学: (1)让学生浏览Listen, read and tick内容,了解大意,首先判断出这是一封英文短文。 (2)向学生布置“任务”,让学生带着“任务”去听Listen, read and tick的录音,注意分别听到了哪几个人物的名字,并记下她们分别有什么特征和特长。(3)在学生基本听懂的基础上,进一步朗读Listen, read and tick的内容。朗读可以采用跟录音读、教师带读、学生齐读,或分组轮流朗读等形式。 (4)在学生熟读Listen, read and tick内容的基础上,让学生根据短文内容在方框中判断a、b和c三句话是否正确。如果句子正确,在True后的括号内打√;如果不正确,在False后的括号内打√。(学生写过后,教师可以让学生相互核对或直接给出正确答案。)


M E N U Unit 1 How are you ................................................................................................................................................................. Unit 2 What’s your number..................................................................................................................................................... Unit 3 How old are you ........................................................................................................................................................... Unit 4 What’s the time ............................................................................................................................................................ Unit 5 How many pens are there ............................................................................................................................................. Unit 6 What color is this balloon ............................................................................................................................................. Unit 7 This isn’t my food. ....................................................................................................................................................... Unit 8 Is this a mango.............................................................................................................................................................. Unit 9 I like a sunny day. ........................................................................................................................................................ Unit 10 It’s a cold day. ............................................................................................................................................................ Unit 11 Look at the T-shirts. ................................................................................................................................................... Unit 12 I come to school by bus. ............................................................................................................................................. Unit 13 What shape is this ....................................................................................................................................................... Unit 14 Here’s a jumper. .........................................................................................................................................................


湘教版小学六年级英语下册教案 Unit 1 You are good at drawing, Peter. Period 1 Teaching aims: 1.Ss can be confident in English studying. 2.Enable the Ss to listen, read, say and write the new words: diving, pictures, good idea, watching films. 3.Enable the Ss to be fami liar with the sentence pattern: I like doing sth. I’m good at… Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss to listen, read, say and write the new words. Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss to be familiar with the sentence pattern: I like doing sth. I’m good at…Teaching tools: Tape, pictures Teaching methods: Task teaching method, Audio-linguistic method. Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2.Make a conversation with the Ss. 3.Play a game--- Doing and say. Eg: swimming, running… I like swimming. I’m good at swimming. Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. Show the picture of “diving” . T: I like diving. I’m good at diving. The Ss read after the T: Diving, diving, diving. T: Can you spell the word “ diving”, please? T: I like drawing. I’m good at drawing. Show some pictures, and learn the word. 2. Learn the other words in the similar way. 3. Read together.


湘教版小学六年级英语上册教案全册 Unit 1 The children are playing in the park.(孩子们正在公园里玩) Period 1 一.教学目标 1. 能听懂.会说新单词swing.slide.bench.bark.chain.bite.stones, 2. 能理解课文,能正确运用现在进行时描述人物正在进行活动. 二.教学重点及难点 重点:掌握本单元四会单词. 难点:理解课文. 三.教学准备 单词卡片和图片.教学挂图.教学磁带等. 四.教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1. 师生问候. 2. 唱已学的英文歌曲. Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. T: Hello. boys and girls. Nice to see you again! T oday is the first day of this new term. I`m very happy. So let`s go to the park together! 边说边将一张公园大门的图片贴在黑板上.布置成公园的场景. 2. 可出示一张秋千的图片. T: Look! A swing. Do you like it? 板书单词swing.带读.将图片贴在黑板上[公园"的相应位置. 3. 用同样的方法教单词slide和bench. 4. 出示一张狗正在叫的图片. T: What is the dog doing? It is barking. 板书单词bark.带读. T: Don`t throw the stones at the dog. It`ll bite you. 板书单词stone和bite.并用动作帮助学生理解其含义.然后带读. 5. 出示一张被铁链锁着的狗的图片. T,The dog always bites the strangers.so the owers use the chain. 板书单词chain.帮助学生理解其含义.并带读. 游戏--Look and say. (看看小说) 教师做口型.学生根据口型说单词. 游戏--Loud and low voice (大小声) 教师大声说单词.学生小声重复,或者教师小声说.学生大声说. Step 3 Fast reading and listening 1. 出示课文中人物的图片. T: Look! The children are playing in the park. 边说边将图片贴在[公园"的相应位置. 2. 快速阅读课文A部分.回答问题. T: Today we`ll learn Unit One. First let`s listen to the text. and then answer my question: Why is the dog biting Mingming`s foot


最新湘鲁版五年级英语教案 湘鲁版教材是严格按照《英语课程标准》中的二级目标联合编写而成的。对象是五年级学生。教材遵循“话题――功能――任务”的模式,以话题作为贯穿整套书的主线,注重学生学习兴趣的培养。教学内容适度,难易程度适中,从听说入手,逐步向读写展开。仍然采用TPR的教学方法,符合小学生的认知特点。改编后的教材特别用四线格来规范学生的书写,符合教学要求。 本册教材共12个单元,2个评价。每个单元主要由Look, listen and act---Listen and say---Activity 1---Activity---listen and do---Activity---Read and write---Read and spell---Activity 九个板块组成。覆盖了12个话题 Unit 1I like my new school. 教学重点: 1.单词:building,garden,map,nice,playground,rectangle,round ,square. 2.词语: Class 1 , Grade 3.句型: I like?. What’s this??Where’s the ?? 4.单词的书写 P5 教学难点:

1. 能听懂课文并表演出来 2. 学会熟练地运用句型 突破方法: 1.利用图片, 单词卡片和实物进行词汇教学。 2.利用教学网站来学习round, rectangle, square和其他扩充的shapes. 01/index_e6.asp 200107/4.htm 3. 利用chant 来复习巩固shapes 4. 提倡互动学习,培养合作精神:老师提供书本的图片由学生谈论: What’s this rectangle? It’s my classroom. Where’s the playground?The square. 教学后记; UnitWhere’s the zoo? 教学重点: 1.单词:straight, left, right, which, way, sign, live, will, halt,march 2.词语:go straight, turn left ,turn right, far away, close by , role play, capital city


新版湘少版2013 年小学三年级英语上册教案( 全册 ) Unit 1 hello! Period 1 一、教学目标 1、能听懂、会说本课会话; 2、能运用“ Hello! I’ m?.”进行问候、作自我介绍; 3、力求在第一课堂就激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 二、教学重点及难点 重点 : 能运用“ Hello! I’m?.”进行问候、作自我介绍 难点 : 句型“ Hello! I’ m?.” X Kb1.C om 三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 师生问候。 T: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you! 用中文或动作帮助学生理解。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 1、T: Hello, boys and girls. I amyour English teacher. I amMiss Xiao. 用动作帮助写生理解“ I am ?” T: Today we ’ll learn Unit 1“Hello!” 板书课题及主题句。带读单词one.

2、走到几个学生面前并与之打招呼。 T: Hello, I ’mMiss Xiao 放慢速度 , 强调口型 , 帮助学生理解并回答 :“Hello, I ’m ?” 游戏 ??Making friends 让学生离开座位找朋友 , 找到好朋友后 , 用“ Hello! ”问好 , 并用“ I ’m ?” 作自我介绍。 S1:Hello, I’m?wW w .x K b 1.c o M S2: Hello, I’m? S3: ? T: Hello, I’m Miss? Ss: Hello, I’m? 3、听课文 A 部分录音 , 跟读。 Step 3 Practice 游戏 ??A little actor 准备一个纸盒 , 装入写有 Anne, Lingling, Peter,Mingming 等人名的纸条。学生抽中谁 , 就扮演谁 , 进行角色表演。 游戏 ??Dragon game Step 4 Consolidation 创设清净 , 自由会话。 评价、练习、家庭作业。 Period 2 一、教学目标
