



recursiveness:It mainly means that a constituent can be embedded within(i.e.,be dominated by)another constituent having the same category,but it can be used to any means to extend any constituent. Together with openness,recursiveness is the core of creativity of language. For example,“I met a man who had a son whose wife sold cookies that she had baked in her kitchen that was fully equipped with electrical appliances that were new”.

duality:the structural organization of language into two abstract levels:meaningful units(e.g. words)and meaningless segments(e.g. sounds,letters).

compositionality:Compositionality refers to the principle that the meaning of a sentence depends on the meanings of the constituent words and the way they are combined. Take,for example,the sentence“Socrates was a man”. Once the meaningful lexical items are taken away-“Socrates”and“man”-what is left is the pseudo-sentence,“S was a M”.

ontological metaphors:Ontological metaphors mean that human experiences with physical objects provide the basis for ways of viewing events,activities,emotions,ideas,etc.,as entities and substances. Take the experience of rising prices as an example,which can be metaphorically viewed as an entity via the noun inflation. This gives us a way to refer to experiences:INFLATION IS AN ENTITY

morpheme:Morpheme is the smallest unit of language in regard to the relationship between sounding and meaning,a unit that cannot be divided into further smaller units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning,such as boy and –s in boys,check and –ing in checking,dis-,appoint,and –ment in disappointment. Morphemes cannot be further analyzed. For instance,chair cannot be analyzed into ch and air because there is no relationship between the parts ch,air,and the whole chair.

displacement:the ability of language to refer to contexts removed from the speaker’s immediate situation. When a man,for example,is crying to a woman,about something,it might be something that had occurred,or something that is occurring,or something that is to occur.

2、Short questions

Chapter 1

6、Does the traffic light system have duality?Can you explain by drawing a simple graph?

Traffic light does not have duality. Obviously,it is not a double-level system. There is only one-to-one relationship between signs and meaning but the meaning units cannot be divided into smaller meaningless elements further. So the traffic light only has the primary level and lacks the

expression. Do body language and facial expression share or lack the distinctive properties of human language?

On a whole,body language and facial expression lack most of the distinctive properties of human language such as duality,displacement,creativity and so on. Body language exhibits

arbitrariness a little bit. For instance,nod means“OK/YES”for us but in Arabian world it is equal to saying“NO”. Some facial expressions have non-arbitrariness because they are instinctive such as the cry and laugh of a newborn infant.

15、Why is the distinction between competence and performance important in linguistics?Do you think the line can be neatly drawn between them?How do you like the concept communicative competence?

This is proposed by Chomsky in his formalist linguistic theories. It is sometimes hard to draw a strict line. Some researchers in applied linguistics think communicative competence may be a more revealing concept in language teaching than the purely theoretical pair-competence and performance.

Chapter 3

3、MORPHEME is defined as the smallest unit in terms of relationship between expression and content. Then is morpheme a grammatical concept or a semantic one?What is its relation to phoneme?Can a morpheme and a phoneme form an organic whole?

As a matter of fact,morpheme is both a grammatical concept and a semantic one. For instance,we can recognize that English word-forms such as talks,talker,talked and talking must consist of one element talk,and a number of other elements such as -s,-er,-ed,-ing. All these elements are described as morphemes. The definition of morpheme is“the smallest unit of language in terms of the relationship between expression and content”. We would say that the word reopened in the sentence The police reopened the investigation consists of three morphemes. One minimal unit of meaning is open,another minimal unit of meaning is re-(meaning again),and a minimal unit of grammatical function is -ed(indicating past tense). Therefore,we are in a position to conclude that those which can stand by themselves as single words,e.g. open,are semantic concepts,and those which cannot normally stand alone,but which are typically attached to another form,e.g. re-,-ist,-ed,-s,are grammatical concepts.

As we know,each one of the meaning-distinguishing sounds in a language is described as a phoneme. An essential property of a phoneme is that it functions contrastively. If we substitute one sound for another in a word and there is a change of meaning,then the two sounds represent different phonemes.

The relation between morpheme and phoneme is also of twofold feature,viz. one-to-one,one-to-more. As with the former type,one-to-one,re-is the kind of morpheme that always consists of two phonemes /ri:/;as for the latter type,one-to-more relation,a typical example would be the plural morpheme that follows a noun or a verb. {s} after a noun can be pronounced in three ways,viz. /s/,/z/,and /iz/,as in locks,bags,and watches;{z} after a verb can also be pronounced in three ways,viz. /s/,/z/,and /iz/,as in stops,drags,and catches.

Seem from an integrative perspective,a morpheme and a phoneme,indeed,can form an organic whole,as the number of the sound of each morpheme cannot be unlimited.

Chapter 4

7、Use examples to illustrate different ways to extend syntactic constituents.

In this chapter,several ways to extend syntactic constituents are brought under the category of recursiveness,including coordination and subordination,conjoining and embedding,hypotactic and paratactic and so on. Coordination and conjoining are the different names for the same linguistic phenomenon,that is,to use and,but or or to join together syntactic constituents with the same function. For instance,the sentence A man got into the car could be extended into a sentence

like this“[NP A man,a woman,a boy,a car and a dog] got into the car”. While subordination and embedding can be understood as the extension of any syntactic constituent by inserting one or more syntactic elements with different functions,into another. I saw the man who had visited you last year is an extended sentence by changing the independent clause The man had visited you last year into a dependent element(here a relative clause).

However,hypotaxis and parataxis are the two traditional terms for the description of syntactic relations between sentences. In the examples below,the former is hypotactic,while the latter is paratactic:

We live near the sea. So we enjoy a healthy climate.

He dictated the letter. She wrote it.

Chapter 5

7、The British linguist F. R. Palmer argues in his Semantics(p. 97)that“there is no absolute distinction between [gradable antonyms and complementary antonyms]. We can treat male/female,married/single,alive/dead as gradable antonyms on occasions. Someone can be very male or more married and certainly more dead than alive.”Comment on it.

It is not advisable to tell beginners of linguistics that the distinction between gradable antonyms and complementary antonyms is relative. The expression“more dead than alive”is not a true comparative.

8、姜望琪(1991:79)claims that“To some extent,we can say that any two words of the same part of speech may become antonyms,as long as the meaning difference between them is what needs to be emphasized in the particular context.”He uses the two sentences below as examples. What do you think of the claim?

You have to peel a raw potato but you can skin a boiled one.

He’s no statesman,but a mere politician.

This is a reasonable claim. As the author said in the paper,“man”can be the antonym of “woman”,but it can also be the antonym of“boy”in a situation when the age difference is important. When the difference between a man and an animal is important,“man”can also be the antonym of“dog”. And when the difference between something animate and something inanimate is important,then“man”can even be the antonym of“stone”. In the extreme cases,so-called synonyms may also become antonyms,for example,“You have to peel a raw potato but you can skin a boiled one”,“He’s no statesman,but a mere politician”.


Give your comment on the distinction between word group and phrase.

A“phrase”is a single element of structure containing more than one word,and lacking the subject-predicate structure typical of“clauses”. Traditionally,it is seen as part of a structural hierarchy,falling between a clause and word,e.g. “the three tallest girls”(nominal phrase). There is now a tendency to make a distinction between word groups and phrases. A“word group”is an extension of a word of a particular class by way of modification with its main features of the class unchanged,e.g. right behind,all along. Thus we have nominal group,verbal group,adverbial group,conjunction group and preposition group.

In general,word group can be a phrase,but phrase not always a word group.


语言学导论 一What is Language Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. To give the briefest definition, language is a means of verbal communication. Language distinguishes us from animals because it is far more sophisticated than any animal communication system. 二Design Features of Language 一)Arbitrariness The widely accepted meaning of this feature, which was first discussed by Saussure, refers to the fact that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning. For instance, we cannot explain why a book is called /buk/. 二)Duality It means the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization. 三)Creativity By creativity we mean language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness. One of the reasons why language is actually a far more complicated entity is that we can use it to create new meanings. 四)Displacement Displacement means that human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts, which are not present (in time and space) at the moment of communication. For example, we can refer to Confucious or the North Pole, even though the first has been dead for 2,500 years and the second is situated far away. 练习: 1、Which of the following statements about language is NOT true? A. Animals also have languages. B. Language is a system. C. Language is arbitrary D. Language is symbolic. 正确答案:Animals also have languages. 2、Productivity is one of the _____ features of languages. A. Design B. Distinctive C. Pragmatic D. Superasegmental 正确答案:design Functions of Language 一)Informative It is the major role of language. The use of language to record the facts is a prerequisite of social development. It is also ideational function in the framework of functional grammar. 二)Interpersonal Function It is the most important sociological use of language, by which people establish and maintain their status in a society.


第一章语言学导论 复习笔记 Ⅰ.语言的定义 语言是人类以口头交流的任意的符号系统。该定义揭示了语言的五个要素:系统,任意,口头,符号,人类。 Ⅱ.语言的定义特征 语言的定义特征是人类语言区别于其他动物交流系统的特点。 1.任意性 任意性是语言的核心特征,是指符号的形式或者声音与意义之间没有逻辑或内在联系。虽然语言从本质上讲是任意的,但也不是完全任意的。一些词语,例如一些拟声词的发音与其意义还是有一定联系的。 2.二重性 二重性是指拥有两层结构的这种属性,底层结构是上层结构的组成成分,每层都有自身的组合规则。二重性只存在于这样的系统之中,既有元素又有它们组合成的单位。 3.创造性 创造性指语言的能产性,它能够使人造出和理解无穷的长句,其中很多句子是以前从未听过的。 4.移位性 移位性是指人类语言可以让使用者在交际时用语言符号代表时间上和空间上并不可及的物体、事件和观点。移位性赋予人们的概括和想象力使人类受益无穷。 5.文化传递性

语言不是靠遗传,而是通过文化传递的。 6.互换性 互换性是指人可以是信息的发出者,也可以是信息的接受者,即人作为说话者和听话者的角色是可以随意更换的。 Ⅲ.语言的起源 1.圣经的记载 语言是上帝的恩赐。 2.“汪汪”理论 语言是模仿自然的声音,例如动物的叫声,如 (鸭子)的刮刮声,嘎嘎声,布谷鸟的叫声。 3.“噗噗”理论 语言来源于人本能的情感声音,表达疼痛或喜悦。 4.“哟一嘿一吼”理论 语言起源于原始人共同劳动时发出的有节奏的哼哟声。 5.进化理论 语言起源于劳动的过程,满足了社会的需求。 Ⅳ.语言的功能 1.信息功能 语言用来陈述某件事情,提供信息或用作推理。信息功能是语言最重要的功能,一般出现在陈述句中。 2.人际功能 人际功能是语言最重要的社会功能。人们由此建立和维持他们的身份和社会



第一章绪论 1.应用语言学的性质。狭义:专指语言教学,特指外语教学和第二语言教学。定义为研究语言理论在语言教学或外语教学中的种种应用问题。广义:应用于各实际领域的语言学,指语言学知识和研究成果所应用的一切领域和方面,应用语言学所关心的是如何应用语言学理论、方法和成果来阐释其他应用领域所遇到的跟语言有关的问题。应用语言学是语言学跟其他学科相互交叉渗透所产生的一门边缘学科。 2.应用语言学具有学科的相对独立性:表现在:1.有明确的研究任务,研究语言学在一切领域的实际应用问题;2.有明确的研究对象,形成了像语言教学、语言规划、社会语言学、心理语言学、儿童语言学、语言信息处理、神经语言学、词典学等几个较为成熟的下位领域; 3.有自己独特的学科基础,如有大量的专业研究人员、创建了大量专门的研究机构; 4.形成了专门的应用语言学专业和课程。 3.应用语言学的特点:a.相对独立性;b实用性,实用性是应用语言学存在和发展的基本条件。c.实验性,调查和实验是应用语言学研究的重要方法。调查包括访谈调查、观察调查、问卷调查等,比较的方法和统计的手段在应用语言学中较为常用。d.综合性,由应用语言学学科性质决定。 4.语言学三大分支:本体语言学、理论语言学(普通语言学或一般语言学)、应用语言学。 5.应用语言学与本体语言学、理论语言学的关系:应用语言学首先必须是语言学,应用语言学不是语言本体的研究。但必须从本体研究的成功出发进行相关研究;应用语言学不是进行语言学理论研究,但必须遵循语言学的基本理论,

应用语言学的不同分支对语言本体研究和理论研究成果的利用有不同的侧重点。 6.语言教学、语言规划、社会语言学、计算语言学四个领域构成了我国应用语言学的研究主体。主要研究领域:语言教学、语言规划和语言调查、对外汉语教学、社会语言学、计算语言学、儿童语言发展等。 7.1870,波兰语言学家杜恩。德。库尔特内提出区分纯粹语言学和应用语言学,首次提出“应用语言学”。 8.美国,是应用语言学的发源地。世界上第一本应用语言学杂志:弗赖斯、拉多《语言学习》-“应用语言学杂志”,主要研究语言教学问题。 9.1959,语言学家弗格森在华盛顿成立“应用语言学中心”。1964年第一届国际应用语言学大会(法国)的召开和国际应用语言学协会的成立标志着应用语言学学科的正式形成。 10.外国我国对语言应用问题的研究起源于先秦 11.现代语文运动的三个主要方面:白话文运动、国语统一运动、拼音化运动(起源于清末切音字运动)。 12.1955.10 召开的“全国文字改革会议”和“现代汉语规范化问题学术会议”标志着我国应用语言学研究进入一个新的历史阶段,以“简化汉字、制订和推行汉语拼音方案、推广普通话”三项主要任务为代表的现代语文运动进入了一个新的高潮。 13.1958年2月汉语拼音方案正式施行。


第一章语言学导论 Chapter1 Invitations to Linguistics Linguistics is nowadays coming into wide use with combination of theories and practice as well as linguistics and other disciplines. Linguistics is of great use with very wide application. —人工智能,人机对话,机器翻译 The research of linguistics has already gone beyond language itself. Definition of Linguistics How do you define linguistics? What is linguistics? ——Linguistics can be defined as the scientific or systematic study of language. It is a science in the sense that it scientifically studies the rules, systems and principles of human language. What are we going to learn about linguistics? 1. It is generally agreed that linguistics should include at least five parameters, namely, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic. These can be called microlinguistics. 语音学(phonetics);音系学(phonology);形态学(morphology);句法学(syntax) —Schools of Modern Linguistics 现代语言学流派; 语义学(semantics) ; 语用学(pragmatics) (chapter2-6) 2. Macrolinguistics——interdisciplinary learning Saussure, father of modern linguistics(现代语言学之父) were intended to establish the autonomy of linguistics, giving it a well-defined subject of study and freeing it from reliance on other disciplines. However, the interactive links between linguistics and other sciences are developing fast. 尽管索绪尔的目的是给予语言学自主性,给它定义明确的研究对象,将它从对其他学科的 依赖中解放出来。然而,随着时间的推移,语言学和其他学科的联系越来越密切。Psycholinguistics Psycholinguistics, as implied by the name, is the study of psychological aspects of language. It usually studies the psychological states and mental activity associated with the use of language. 心理语言学,顾名思义,是对语言的心理方面的研究,它通常研究的是与语言使用相关的 心理状态和心理活动。比如语言习得,语言的理解,语言的生成等等。(chapter 9/chapter11) Sociolinguistics Sociolinguistics, as implied by the name, attempts to show the relationship between language and society. Sociolinguistics attempts to look at language structures by paying attention to language use in a social context and on the other hand tries to understand sociological things of society by examining linguistic phenomena of a speaking community. 这就是社会与语言的关系,一方面通过社会语境中语言使用情况的调查了解语言结构的问 题,另一方面又通过语言现象的分析了解社会构成的问题。 Research Focus1 Cross-cultural Communication There exists a close relationship between language and culture. Language is an indispensable carrier of culture. Culture finds a better representation through language use. 语言是文化的载体,具有不可替代的重要性;文化通过语言得以凸现,其表现力得到充分展示。 心理学家罗杰斯(Rogers,1961), 真正的交流建立在理解基础上的倾听。 - 1 -


社会语言学的研究对象 (一)定义和解释 社会语言学(sociolinguistics)是联系社会各种因素对语言进行的研究,探讨语言在社会环境中的变化、功能及其使用的一般规律。 概括来说对语言的研究大致有四个角度:部研究、外部研究、比较研究、应用研究。 社会语言学属于对语言的外部研究,但并不是纯粹的外部研究。 (二)研究对象的不同界定 1.布莱特(美国)1964 (1)说话人的身份; (2)听话人的身份; (3)言语事件的社会环境; (4)社会方言的分析; (5)言语行为的社会评价; (6)语言变异的程度; (7)社会语言学的实际应用。 2.礼德(英国) (1)语言宏观社会学、语言人口统计学; (2)双语、多语、多方言研究; (3)语言规、语言发展和规化; (4)语言混合; (5)社会方言; (6)社会语言学和教学; (7)言语的人种史、语言环境; (8)语域和言语能力; (9)语言变化的社会因素; (10)语言和社会化及其传播; (11)社会语言学的方法; (12)语言体系的功能理论; (13)语言相对性; (14)话语理论; (15)人种方法论的语言学。 3.祝畹瑾《社会语言学概论》(1992) 总的来说,社会语言学研究的对象主要包括五个方面: (1)一个国家或地区的语言状况如双语、多语或多方言状况,以及各类言语共同体使用语言的状况和特征; (2)各类语言变体的构造特点及其社会功能; (3)社会以及不同集团对各种语言或语言变体的评价和态度以及由此产生的社会效应;(4)由于社会、文化、经济、政治等原因以及语言接触所引起的语言变化的方式和规律;(5)交际情景与选择语码之间的关系以及语码选择与人际关系的相互作用。 4.戴庆厦《社会语言学概论》(2004) (1)社会因素(阶级、阶层、职业等)对语言结构的影响; (2)个人因素(年龄、性别、性格等)对语言的影响; (3)语言政策、双语等; (4)社会因素引起的语言关系,如语言接触、语言融合;


《德语语言学导论》练习题 第一章: 哪些是语言学的研究对象? 1.通过语言区分人类与动物。 2.德语是一门难学的语言。 3.这些数字明确地表明了结果。 4.汉斯由于中风而失语。 5.不能用这种语言和父母说话! 6.他告别时的表情是只有他的母亲才能读懂的语言。 7.我们计算中心现在使用的是另一种语言。 第二章: 请翻译: 1.学生:李老师,我想汇报论文情况。 2.老师:我想提醒你注意论文的主旨。 3.市长:请各位对我们多提宝贵意见。 4.代表:我们建议政府关心教育问题。 5.总理:感谢专家们对国企改革提出的建议。 第三章: 请为下列各词配音位对应的词: 1.Wahl- 2.Wagen - 3.Hebel - 4.Ring - 5.Bier - 6.Krug - 7.Kasten - 8.Waage - 9.Stirn - 10.dein - 11.Meile - 12.Dach- 请用适当的语调读出下面的句子,然后翻译它! 1.Paula will Paul nicht. 2.Paula will Paul nicht? 3.Paula will, Paul nicht. 4.Paula will, Paul nicht? 5.Paula will? Paul nicht. 6.Paula, will Paul nicht?

7.Paula will Paul, nicht? 第五章: 下列词的反义词是什么? 1.Ankunftsplan, 2.einpacken, 3.optimistisch, 4.Einnahme, 5.monoton, 6.Gewinn, 7.das entwickelte Land, 8.Steuer zahlen, 9.einschalten 10.akute Krankheit, 11.Raucher, 12.Einwanderer 区分同义词的种类: 1.wundern/bewundern, 2.kündigen/feuern, 3.unterbrechen/abbrechen, 4.lügen/betrügen, 5.Br?tchen/Semmel, 6.stattfinden/abhalten, 7.Zimmer/Raum, 8.betrachten/beobachten 请找出上义词! 1.waschen, spülen, reinigen. 2.Gehalt, Lohn, Sold, V erdienst, Honorar. 3.Ochse, Kuh, Rind, Kalb, Stier, Bulle. 4.Henne, Hahn, Huhn, Küken. https://www.360docs.net/doc/9e7221531.html,den, Gesch?ft, Kaufhaus, Supermarkt. 6.Fachhochschule, Institut, Universit?t, Hochschule 给出下列词的上义词! 1.Bus, U-Bahn, Stra?enbahn, S-Bahn. 2.Lohn, Kindergeld, Zinsen, Pr?mie 3.Leser, Zuschauer, H?rer. 4.Mais, Weizen, Reis, Roggen 问题八:指出下列词的文体层次! 1.schlafen/pennen 2.Fernseher/Glotze

27037 本科自考英语语言学概论精心整理 Chapter 4 Phonology

Chapter 4 Phonology(音位学) 4.1 phonetics and phonology:语音学与音位学的区分 Both phonetics and phonology are concerned with speech.语音学和音位学都士对语音的研究。 定义区别 -Phonetics is a study of the production, perception and physical properties of speech sounds. 语音学是研究语音的生产、感知和物理性质的。 -Phonology studies how speech sounds are combined,organized,and convey meanings in particular languages.研究语音如何在在特定的语言中结合、组织和表达含义。 ---Phonology is language-specific.it is the study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages.音位学是特定于语言的。它的研究对象是自然语言中的声音是如何组织和使用的。 ---Phonetics is a study of speech sounds while phonology is a study of the sound syst em of a language.语音学是一个研究语音的然后音位学是研究一种语言的声音系统的学科。 4.2 Phonemes,phones and allophones 音位、音子、音位变体 Different languages have different phonological systems.不同的语言有不同的语音系统。 定义: ①Phones are the smallest identifiable phonetic unit or segment found in a stream of speech. 音子就是在连续的发音中可辨认的最小语音单位或片段。 ②Allophones are the phones which represent a phoneme in a language and cannot change word meaning by substituting any of the set for another.音位变体是指代表语言中音位的音子,即使以一个取代另一个也不改变词义。 ③Phonemes are the minimal distinctive units in the sound system of a language.音位是语言系统中最小的独特的单位。 Allophones are the realization of a particular phoneme while phones are the realizatio n of phonemes in general.音位变体是一个特定音素的认知而音子则是一般的音素。 4.3Minimal pairs 最小对立体 The phonologist is concerned with what difference are significant or technically speaki ng, distinctive. Minimal pair---a pair of words which differ from each other by one sound. Three conditions(情况): 1)the two froms are different in meaning意义不同 2)the two forms are different in one sound segment声音片段不同 3)the different sounds occur in the same position of the two words.不同声音发生在两个单词的相同位置 Minimal set: a group of words can satisfy(满足)the three conditions . Minimal pairs help determine phonemes. 最小对立体用来定义音位。 4.4 identifying phonemes 识别音素 4.4.1 contrastive distribution,complementary distribution and free variation 对比分布,互补分布和自由变异 The distribution of a sound refers to the collective environments in which the sound concerned may appear.一个声音的分布是指其有关的声音可能出现的集体环境。 1)contrastive distribution对比分布 If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of on


论语篇功能理论对英语写作教学的启示 摘要:写作是一种输出性的语言应用能力,是学习者英语水平和思维能力的综合体现。因此,如何提高学生英语写作水平是许多教师普遍关心的问题。本文借助系统功能语言学中的语篇功能理论,试图把衔接理论、主位结构及信息结构应用于写作教学,以探索培养学生写作能力的有效途径。 关键字:系统功能语言学衔接主位结构信息结构写作 一、引言 听、说、读、写是学习语言要掌握的四大基本技能,而写作水平的高低体现了学习者综合运用语言的能力,最能反映学习者的实际语言水平,也是四大技能中最难提高的。因此如何提高学生英语写作水平是许多教师普遍关心的问题。目前,虽然大多数写作课程把衔接纽带——替代、省略、连接词等作为学生写作中必须掌握的技能,然而,写作课老师仍然发现学生的作文就单个句子来说语法正确,但是总体的语义并不连贯。再者,尽管韩礼德的系统功能语言学一直被应用于写作教学,尤其是他的语篇功能理论。然而,回顾过去关于英语写作教学的研究,发现大多数研究只涉及衔接系统,而忽视了如何将主位结构和信息结构应用到写作教学。有鉴于此,本文试图把衔接理论、主位结构及信息结构应用到写作教学,以探索培养学生写作能力的有效途径。 二、语篇功能理论概述 系统功能语言学认为,语言具有三大元功能(metafunction)或纯理功能,这是各种语言用途所固有的,是语言的普遍特征(胡壮麟等,2005:11)。韩礼德的元功能包括三个方面,即概念元功能(或概念意义),人际元功能(或人际意义),和语篇元功能(或语篇意义)。其中,语篇元功能,也叫语篇功能(textual function),指将语言成分组织成为语篇功能(Halliday,1973:66),也就是说把概念功能信息和人际功能信息组织成连贯完整的语篇。在句法词汇层面,语篇功能主要通过以下三种方式得到体现:主位结构(thematic structure)、信息结构(information structure)和衔接(cohesion)。


外国语学院 语言学导论 课程论文 课题名称:英文题目 Cultural Differences in English and Chinese Idioms 中文题目 英汉习语中的语言文化差异 学生姓名:褚宏川 学号:10131140134 专业:英语 班级:2010级1班 授课教师:韩泽亭 2012年12月

Cultural Differences in English and Chinese Idioms Abstract: Language is the main carrier of culture. Idioms are the essence of a language, and also the quintessence of a nat ion’s culture and wisdom. English and Chinese idioms carry the different national cultural characteristics and cultural information. Among these idioms, a large number of them are connected with geography,customs, historical allusion, and religion.In order to understand these idioms clearly, this paper will analyze cultural differences from four aspects of geography, customs, historical allusion, and religion. 摘要:语言是文化的主要载体。习语是语言的本质,也是一个国家文化和智慧的精髓。 英汉习语携带不同的民族文化特色和文化信息。在这些习语中有很大一部分都与地 理、风俗、历史典故、和宗教有关。为了更加清晰的理解这些习语,本文将从地理、 风俗、历史典故、和宗教四个方面分析文化差异。 Key words:English and Chinese idioms,cultural comparison,cultural differences; 关键词:英汉习语;文化比较;文化差异


《语言学概论》练习1参考答案 (导言、第一章、第二章) 一、填空 1、语言学的三大发源地是中国、印度和希腊-罗马。 2、现代语言学的标志性著作是瑞士语言学家索绪尔的《普通语言学教程》。 3、印度最早的经典所使用的语言是梵语。 4、文字、音韵、训诂是中国“小学”的主要研究内容。 5、语言的功能包括社会功能和思维功能。 6、语言的社会功能包括信息传递功能和人际互动功能。 7、儿童语言习得一般经过独词句阶段和双词句阶段,这是儿童学话的关键两步。 8、说出的话语句子是无限的,但无限多的句子都是由有限的词和规则组装起来的。 9、符号包括形式和意义两个方面,二者不可分离。 10、语言符号的任意性和线条性,是语言符号的基本性质。 11、心理现实是存在于客观现实和语言符号之间的人脑中的信息存在状态。 12、语言系统二层性的一大特点是形式层的最小单位一定大大少于符号层的最小单位。 13、组合关系和聚合关系是语言系统中的两种根本关系。 14、动物无法掌握人类的语言,从生理基础看是不具有发达的大脑和灵活的发音器官。 二、问答题。 1、为什么说语言学是自然科学和人文科学的桥梁? 从语言学发展的历史来看,语言学首先深受哲学、逻辑学等历史悠久的人文学科思想方法的影响,后来语言学摆脱对传统人文学科的附庸地位成为独立的学科后,受到许多自然科学研究的影响。比如,19世纪,历史比较语言学的语言观念和研究方法深受生物学的影响;20世纪初的语言结构思想与科学的整体论思想密切相关;生成语言学受数学、逻辑学影响;等等。与此同时,其他学科也开始从语言学理论中汲取有益的思想观念。20世纪的社会学、人类学、文学批评等都深受结构主义语言学的影响。 从19世纪后期开始,现代语言学的研究理念在很大程度上接受了物理学等自然科学的方法论原则,一些学者甚至提出语言学是一门自然科学。但另一方面,语言学又从未割断与传统人文学科的联系。语言学的这一特点在很大程度上源于语言现象的独特性。语言既具有社会属性,又是人类天赋的能力,既是贮存人类已有文明的宝库,又是人类新的精神创造的依托。语言是联系人类主观世界和外在客观世界的中介,是认识人类自身和外在世界的必要途径。所以说,语言学在科学体系中的地位是独特的,它是自然科学和人文科学的桥梁。语言学需要并正在成为一门领先的科学。 2、如何看待语言学研究的意义和价值? (1)满足文化传承和文化交流的需求; (2)语言研究协同其他学科研究一起,在社会生活中发挥作用; (3)语言学研究为国家语文政策的制定提供支持。 3、语言功能的生理基础是什么,有哪些体现? 大脑是人体最复杂的器官,是人的各种行为的指挥中枢,也是人类语言思维能力的生理基础。人的大脑有左右两个半球,左半球控制着语言功能及相关的计数、分类、推理等功能。


Chapter 1 Introduction I. There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement. 1. If a study describes and an alyzes the Ian guage people actually use, it is said to be C A. prescriptive B. analytic C. descriptive D. linguistic 2. Which of the follow ing is not a desig n feature of huma n Ian guage? D A. Arbitrari ness B. Displaceme nt C. Duality D. Meaningfuln ess 3. Moder n lin guistics regards the writte n Ian guage as C ________ . A. primary B. correct C. sec on dary D. stable 4. In modern linguistics, speech is regarded as more basic than writing, because _____ D ____ . A. in lin guistic evoluti on, speech is prior to writ ing B. speech plays a greater role tha n writ ing in terms of the amount of in formati on conveyed. C. speechis always the way in which every n ative speakeracquires his mother ton gue. D. All of the above 5. A historical study of Ian guage is a __B__ study of Ian guage. A. synchronic B. diachr onic C. prescriptive D. comparative 6. Saussure took a(n) A view of Ian guage, while Chomsky looks at la nguage 7. Accordi ng to F. de Saussure, _C _ refers to the abstract lin guistic system shared by all the members of a speech com mun ity. A. parole B. performa nee C. Lan gue D. la nguage 8. Lan guage is said to be arbitrary becausethere is no logical conn ecti on betwee n __B ___ and meanin gs. A. sense B. Sounds C. objects D. ideas 9. Lan guage can be used to refer to con texts removed from the immediate situati ons of the speaker. This feature is called _ A __ . from a _______ point of view. A. sociological, psychological C. applied, pragmatic B. Psychological, sociological D. sema ntic, li nguistic


1章导论 一、语言学的定义 科学或系统学习语言,这始终是由三经科学指导性,一致性和经济。 二。语言学与传统语法 语言学不同于传统语法,至少有三种基本方法。 1。语言学描述语言并没有制定正确的规则。 2。语言学把口语作为主要的,而不是书面的。 3。语言学对每一种语言都有其自身的优点。 语言学的范畴 微观语言学:语音;语音;形态学;语法;语义;语用学 宏观语言学:sociolinguitics;心理语言学;神经语言学;文体学;话语分析;计算语言学;认知语言学;应用语言学 语言的定义 语言是人类交际中使用的任意性的语音符号系统。 五、语言的起源 鼎东理论:人的语言从原始人的声音表达到他所遇到的对象。 唱歌理论:语言从原始的仪式歌曲的赞美。 呸呸说:语言是感叹词,表达说话人的情感。 哟何理论:语言是从发出的呼声,在工作期间。 助教理论:语言是从某些手势和舌头运动的结合中产生的。 弓哇理论:语言来自模仿动物的叫声和其他声音在自然中听到。 六、语言的结构特征 1。任意性:这是指没有逻辑或内在特定的声音和意义,它是与之间的连接。 2。二元性:语言在2个层次上运作。在一个层面上,这些元素本身没有意义,但在另一个层次上结合起来,构成了另一个层次,这就意味着。 3。生产力:生产力或创造力是指人的语言能力,使他能够产生和理解一个无限大量的句子在我们的母语。 4。互换:互换性和互惠性是指人能够产生和接收的信息,和他作为一个演讲者和听众可以交换安心的角色。 5。位移:位移是一种语言的特性,使人们可以在空间或时间上谈论事情的遥远。 6。专业化:专业化指的是,人在沟通的过程中没有完全的身体参与。 7。文化传播:语言是文化传播的。它不能通过遗传传递。 七。语言功能 1。交际功能/交流:语言是用来建立一个气氛或保持说话人和听话人之间的社会联系。问候、告别和天气服务这一功能的评论。 2。指令功能:语言是用来让听话人做某事。最重要的句子是这个函数。 3。信息功能:语言是用来告诉一些东西,给信息,或是对事物的原因。陈述句服务于此功能。 4。疑问句:语言是用来询问别人的信息。所有问题期待的答复,这一功能。 5。表达功能:语言是用来表达说话人的态度和感觉的。射精有这个功能。 6。唤起功能:语言是用来在听众创造一定的感情。笑话、广告和宣传为这一功能服务。7。语言功能:语言是用来做事或执行的行为。法官的监禁判决,总统宣布的战争或女王的命名等,服务于此功能。 八。语言学中的一些主要概念


语言学教程笔记 第一章语言学导论 语言的定义特征:从本质上将人类语言与动物语言区分开的人类语言的区别性特点。 1.任意性:任意性是指语言符号的形式与所表示的意义没有天然的联系,任意性是语言的核心特征。例如,我们无法解释为什么一本书读作a /buk/,一支钢笔读作a /pen/。 任意性具有不同层次:(1)语素音义关系的任意性。(2)句法层面上的任意性。(3)任意性和规约性。 2.二层性:二层性是指拥有两层结构的这种特性,上层结构的单位由底层结构的元素构成,每层都有自身的组合规则。话语的组成元素是本身不传达意义的语音,语音的唯一作用就是相互组合构成有意义的单位,比如词。因为底层单位是无意的,而上层单位有明确的意义,所以我们把语音叫做底层单位,与词等上层单位相对。二层性使语言拥有了一种强大的能产性。 3.创造性:创造性指语言的能产性,指语言有制造无穷长句的潜力,这来源于语言的二层性和递归性。利用二重性说话者可以通过组合基本语言单位,无止境地生成句子,大多数都是以前没有过的或没有听过的。 4.移位性:是指人类语言可以让使用者在交际时用语言符号代表时间上和空间上并不可及的物体、时间或观点。因此我们可以提及孔子或北极,虽然前者已经去世两千五百五十多年而后者位置距我们非常之远。语言使我们能够谈及已不存在或还未出现的事物。移位性赋予人们的概括与抽象能力使人类受益无穷。词在指称具体物体时,并不总是出现在即时、形象化的语境中。他们通常为了体现指称含义而被使用。 5.文化传递性:语言不是靠遗传,而是通过文化传递的。 6.互换性:指人可以是信息的发出者,也可以是信息的接受者,即人作为说话者和听话者的角色是可以随意更换的。 元语言功能:我们的语言可以用来讨论语言本身。比如说,我可以用“书”指代一本书,也可以用“书这个词”来指代“书”这个词本身。这使语言具有无限的自我反身性:人类可以谈论“说话”,也可以思考“思考”。所以只有人类才能提问:元语言功能对交际、思考及人类的意义是什么? 语言学的一些重要区别 1.“描写式”和“规范式”


第一章语言学导论 一. Why Study Language? 二. What is Language? 三. Design Features of Language The features that define our human languages can be called Design Features. What makes language unique to human beings? The design features of language which refer to the defining properties of human language tell the difference between human language and any system of animal communication. Arbitrariness is a core feature of language, which means that there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. Duality, which means the property of having 2 levels of sturctures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the 2 levels has its own principles of organization. Creativity means language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness. Because of duality, the speaker is able to combine the basic linguistic unites to form an infinite set of sentences, most of which are never heard before. Displacement means that language can be used to refer to things which are present or not present, real or imagined matters, in the past, present, or future, or in far-away places. So all these features make language unique to human beings. Design features refer to the distinctive features of human language that essentially make human langugae distinguishable from any animal system of communication. ARBITRARINESS By ‘language is arbitrary’ we mean there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. For example, there is no reason why English speakers use the sounds /dog/ to denote the animal ‘dog’, or /pig/ to refer to the animal ‘pig’ while Chinese speakers use different sounds (狗and 猪respectively) to indicate them. There are different levels of arbitrariness. (1) Arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaning. We must admit that there are certain words with different degrees of onomatopoeia in every language which imitate natural sounds, such as ‘bang, crash, and roar’ in English, and ‘叮叮当,咔嚓,扑哧’ in Chinese. However arbitrariness and onomatopoeic effect may work at the same time. Widdowson’s illustration of a line ‘The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves’ in Keats’Ode to a Nightinggale by attempting the substitution of ‘murderous’ for ‘murmurous’ shows that no connection will be established between sounds and the little noiseness of the flying flies. ‘It is only when you know the meaning that you infer that the form is appropriate.’(Widdowson, 1996:6) (2) Arbitrariness at the syntactic level As to arbitrariness at the syntactic level, there are 2 opposite points of view. According to some functional linguists (Halliday, 1985/1994), language is not arbitrary at the syntactic level because there may be a certain degree of correspondence between the sequence
