
主要原则: 简单化原则 零错误原则 纯原则 语法结构:定语从句+插入语
1. The satirical sketch graphically dipicts a scene in which ______________________
It is graphically/vividly/symbolically illustrated/demonstrated in the 图 that___________
2. 1) What makes the drawing striking/intriguing/compelling is the fact that __________
2) The most striking feature of the drawing is (the fact)that ____________________
3) As is symbolically depicted in the (first/left-handed)图,____________________
3. 其他描写
4. 字幕 1) We are informed by the caption that “____________________________”
2) The caption reads “___________”/The caption indicates that “___________”
双图题第一段写法见讲义“沙进我退,我进沙退”,03、06年真题(第一句话总览两图信息,第一图反映什么,第二图反映什么(On the contrary / By contrast / In contrast,……))

1. 由浅入深(讲义上2002Example 1,2003Example2)(若有话写则坚决放弃)
1) What the enlightening cartoon conveys goes for beyond the superficial meaning.
2) To begin with, the purpose of the drawing is to inform us that……
2. 深层含义(全段核心,全文关键)
1).Inferred in this picture is virtually a (形容词) social issue: ____________.(好事坏事皆可)
2). The purpose of this picture is to inform/convince us that due attention has to be paid to the (形容词)issue of_____(接名词结构)/the issue that______(接句子), which is an alarming and overwhelming negative social phenomenon in contemporary society.(in the universities, on campus, in our country, in the world)(只能用于坏事)
3). It goes without saying that the drawing aim at revealing a common and serious problem(坏)/widespread phenomenon(中)/ significant lessen(褒) in china.
4). This picture is thought-provoking in that it endeavors to convince us that_________________.
? 每句前都可加表示“起”的关联词:Undoubtedly/Apparently/To begin with(若无第一句)
? 每句后均可接以下定语从句,以加强长度和难度,请灵活处理
(形容词)处可填:好事: beneficial/positive/favorable
Undoubtedly,/Obviously,/Apparently,/It goes without saying that the delicate flower is naturally associated with young people; and correspondingly, the green house symbol

izes parents..
4.原因/背景+现状描述(深入点明当代社会中这个深刻含义的体现,可泛谈“很多人”,也可谈具体事例) (3、4二选一或都不写,不能都写)
1)On account of /owing to/ because of/with the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, imposing tremendous pressure on all individuals. (原因/背景)The past few years have witnessed dramatic increase in the difficulty of examinations and employment.(现状描述)(2007)
2) With the speedy social and economic development(原因/背景), youngsters in mounting /growing/increasing numbers admire the celebrities and super stars. (现状描述)(2006)
3) There is no denying the fact that a great number of fans worship pop singers, film and sports stars(现状描述), for/,in that the handsome appearance and unique personality of them are undeniably fascinating, especially for the teenagers. (原因)(2006)
4) The past several years have witnessed the phenomenon that it is increasingly difficult for college graduates to find a suitable job(现状描述), and two/several/various/a multitude of factors could account for the issue. On the one hand,________. On the other hand________________________.(多重原因:层次感和高手感的有效途径)
5.In other words,___________________________________________(最好自己创作1-2句)
1) In other words,______play(s) an extremely + adj.(beneficial / adverse ) role on ______
2) In other words,______ has / have brought about a + adj.(beneficial / adverse ) influence on ______
1).It can be best/aptly exemplified by the case of ____, who____./by the following case.
2). A case in point is that/a fitting example/an apt example is that______, which______________.
3). 万能举例: Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list. (such as_______/ and the most compelling one is that_________/and a fitting one is that______________________)
7. 层进
1) It is universally accepted/acknowledged that________ is a traditional virtue/positive phenomenon, which should be accepted, respected, appreciated and advocated. (好事)
1) Yet, it is, to some extent/to a large extent, ignored and neglected in current society.(坏事)
例子:养老:It is universally accepted/acknowledged that we should take care of our parents, which should be accepted, respected, appreciated and shared. Yet, it is, to a large extent, ignored and neglected in current society.
8. 总结
1)Generally speaking / In a word, if we turn a blind eye to it (如果我们熟视无睹), ……(坏事)
2)Generally speaking / In a word, 如果我们没有这个好的方


1)Accordingly/As a consequence, on no account can we fail to attach great importance to the phenomenon reflected in the picture.
2).Accordingly, it is imperative for us to derive positive implications from these thought-provoking drawings./to take effective and efficient measures.
3).Therefore / Consquently, it is imperative for us to take drastic(果断的)measuures.
2.具体措施 (2个即可:on the one hand……, on the other hand……)
A. authorities(国家立法):Relevant las and regulations should be made to severely punish those who ......+被批判的行为(如those who destroy environment)
B. Education(人民教育、启迪)
C. Media(媒体宣传):The media should play a positive and decisive role in publicizing such phenomenon in order to arouse the public awareness.
D. Self-effort(自身努力)
1)we each individual should start from right here and now, and attach great value and importance to the urgency of the issue.
2)spare no efforts doing……(不遗余力做某事)
E. 自由发挥
3. 总结(看“解决问题方式”总结:讲义35页)
1)It is in this way that……(强调句)
2)It is (high) time we learned the lesson of this cartoon:……
也可34合并,如:And only in this way can we crack the hard nut and make our society develop in a dynamic/vibrant, harmonious and prosperous way/direction.

1.TS:It can be aptly(恰当的)exemplified by the following examples
1)For instance , ……(1~2句)
2)Another fitting case is that ……(1~2句)
3.总结:Under such aircumstances(在这种情况下)these examples effectively and efficiently illustrate the point that + 文章主题.

1. TS(双刃剑:double-edged sword)
2. 具体影响(坏……好……,中间用on the contrary连接)
3. 总结
Therefore, the latter attitude should be adopted to direct our way of life.

看了这么多学生的习作,发现问题最大的,也是最不知道如何控制字数的段落,是第二段:意义阐述段。问题不是写不到字数,是大大超出(当然这总比没话写好)但是语言一多就杂,一杂就让人看不清楚,最后影响分数. 与其杂乱,不如少写,就写那么几句,但是少而精!

3.自己从图画发出联想或者总结(如:Although the boy has finished his running, he does not stop.Instead, he continues to run with confidence and optimism

当然也可以用 caption当总结
注意:只有图画的标题(图下面的中文字)才可以叫caption, 如果是教授站在书上,书上写着"学术论文",要写为The professor is staning on a pile of books(which is ) entitled"academic paper"
如果是学生的话外音,要写, and we are informed by one of the students that" professor, the blackboard is below!"或者, one of the students shouts out that:".......... "
如果实在只有两句, 可以把第二段由浅入深刻的句子放过来(正好第二段嫌多了),如: Simple as the picture is, its connotation should be taken into consideration with more insight.

2.尽量简化你的思路,层次越少越好!!能舍弃的尽量舍弃!! 想都写就是都写不了!!写一句就是一句,莫名其妙的句子不要写。建议先用3—5分钟用中文规划好你的第二段的关键层次(见下面第三点:要有中文提纲),大胆舍弃那些不好写的和次要的,把最牛的和最好写的用最清晰的语言表达出来!

1. 论点 (1—2句)
2.论据 (3—4句)
4)IN OTHER WORDS:FC体系中关键的一句。体现层次感,并且换个角度阐述深层含义或者你的理解。若没话说,则用xxx has/have brought about a xxxxx influence on XXX, 深刻点明这个事情的好或者坏
6) 层进

:本来是得意之笔,但是根据KYW003来看,几乎成了字数的累赘。不过,别的不说吧。Accepted、 这四个词还是挺不错了,放哪里都很亮。
3.结论:必须要有(1句)。引导词:Generally speaking, 假设结尾预测结果是不错的方式
坏事:威胁式总结:如果我们熟视无睹,(例:这个disturbing trend 就会继续下去……)
综合以上对天龙八部的分析,中间冲顶6句里,除开志在必得的论点和结论外,还有4句可以写(也就是说,什么叫思路??就是写3--4句话!!!第一段不存在思路,第三段不存在不会写, 也就是说,整个考研写作就是写这3--4句话!!)

推荐:动笔前花3--5分钟简单列出自己可以写的几句话, 不用象下面这么仔细, 不然10分钟都不够, 只用随便写个提示,让自己心中有数,然后取舍, 写自己最擅长的, 淘汰不好写的和没有意义的.当然并非一定要这么做.
写作思路:先用中文大概列出提纲 (脑子里想,不用都写,写要点提醒自己就可以了,有个心理预期值)
(1). 深意:教授只顾自己研究,忽视学生教育
(2). 现状:在很多高校中,这样的事并不在少数,很多教授把大量时间放在论文的数量和质量上, 而把极少的时间放在了学生的身上(这其实是对1的深入挖掘和细致描述)
(3).原因: 两方面:一方面是高校评估教授时过多注意论文,另一方面是教师自己喜欢追求名誉
(4).IN OTHER WORDS: 此现象已经造成了极大危害
(1)是论点, (6)是结论.(2,3,4,5)是论据.然而稍微分析下发现,字数可能偏多. 水平一般的同学可以写(2,4,5), 水平高的人可以写(3),分析两点或者一点原因,而放弃(4)或者(5).
2、举例说明(好事): 站得高,看得远
3.In other words, 远大的眼光在一个人或者国家的成功过程里发挥着积极而深远的作用
4.举例: 邓小平....
(1)是论点, (6)是结论,必写.(2,3,4,5)要懂得舍弃. 合理的组合

是(1)+(2,3)+(6), 或者(1)+(2,3,5)+(6), 或者(1)+(2,4)+(6), 或者(1)+(2)+自己写的话+(6)

Undoubtedly, the purpose of the drawing is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the issue that________. And I believe that the connotation contains two/three layers of meanings.
3.(if possible)
例一:2005, 养老足球赛
The purpose of the drawing is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the mistreatment of senior citizens. And I believe that the connotation contains three layers of meanings. First and foremost, some people shirk their duty of financially supporting their old and helpless parents due to their own interest. Furthermore, some elderly people are often ill-treated by their own children and can hardly lead a normal life. Last but not least, while some young people enjoy a comfortable life, their parents are neglected and reduced to utter poverty.
例二:2006, 小贝头
The photos clearly reveal a serious and pervasive social problem nowadays. And I believe that the connotation contains three layers of meanings. First of all, there is no denying that many youngsters want to be famous or rich overnight, therefore their focus is only on the success of the superstars, ignoring the fact that the famous people have to overcome many hardships and difficulties before they attain their success. A case in point is Beckham or Liu Xiang. What’s more, following the footsteps of superstars will waste the youngsters’ precious time. They are at a prime time to learn new knowledge and lay a solid foundation for their future career. Sheer adoration of stars will ruin their study and their future. Last but not least, some stars are not the ideal idols for young people, for example, the famous footballer Maradona used to abuse drugs. This, of course, has a negative effect on the development of the young people.
优点自然不用说, 和六及作文差不多,十分清楚,一,二三.缺点是, 只是貌似逻辑清楚, 真正分析起来,不如天龙八部全面体现出:"起承转合"的精髓.在最后关头补充出来,随便看看就可以了)

1.由浅入深To begin with, the purpose of the drawings is to show us that the flower growing in the greenhouse can not withstand the test of the storm, yet the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken more seriously.
2.象征点展开阐述The delicate flower is naturally associated with young people, to be specific, the only children in our current society; the greenhouse epitomizes parents’ doting care and abundant material supplies that can shield the children from the storms, or the harsh reality.
3.结论:威胁式总结Once the young people begin to seek independence and accept

the challenges from the real world, they are found too spoiled to be strong enough in the face of difficulties. 当然这句完全可以写为
If we turn a blind eye to the disturbing trend, our young generation, the future of our society, would lose the strength to face any challenges and difficulties.

Were the disturbing trend to continue, our young generation would pay a high price/hardly can our young generation achieve anything in the ruthless and relentless society. (虚拟+倒装)

1.深刻含义The purpose of the pictures is to show us that due attention has to be
2.原因+现状描述Owing to rampant clear cutting, the desert is occupying our living space at an overwhelming speed.
3. 继续深入描述现状(或举沙尘暴的例子)Especially,the increase of the sand storm is sounding an alarm to us humans
4.In other words, this phenomenon has brought about an undeniably adverse consequence on our ecosystem.
5. 结论(威胁性总结)If we do not fight against , they will drive us away from the land. if we let this situation go as it is, our environment will suffer a great destruction.

1.浅-深To begin with, the purpose of the drawing is to show us a special “football game”, yet the symbolic meanings subtly demonstrated should be taken into account more seriously. (可以省略,写别的)
2.深刻含义The purpose of this sketch is to show us that due attention has to be focused upon the issue of mistreating of the aged, which is an alarming and overwhelming negative social phenomenon in contemporary.
3.现状+原因The past several years have witnessed the phenomenon that people in increasing numbers are reluctant to raise their aging parents, for they only intend to pursue their own comfortable and convenient life, totally ignoring their parents.
4.层进(注意观察)In the past, respecting the old was accepted, respected, appreciated and shared, yet, it is, to some extent, ignored and neglected in current society.
5.威胁性总结If we let the situation go as it is, our moral system will suffer a great destruction.
在3句后,可以加In other words, 这个现象带来很XXX的影响。

1.深刻含义Undoubtedly, the photos have subtly reflected the social phenomenon that idol worship is prevalent among the youth nowadays.
2.象征点(其实也解释了人们为什么追星的原因:人帅,球技好)Beckham represents the image of sport hero whose handsome appearance and unparalleled football skills are passionately adored by all the sports fans.
3.举例Likewise, several teenage girls won their fame overnight in The 2005 Super Girl Contest in China, which provoked nationwide noisy debate

s on the value and harm of admiring these idols.
4.总结Generally speaking, young people are inclined to adore the people who excel in appearance, intelligence or talent.

1.深刻含义Apparently, the purpose of the picture is to emphasize the importance of self-confidence in our daily life.
2.原因On account of the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, imposing tremendous pressure on all individuals.
3. 现状+号召(点出自信的重要性)The past few years have witnessed dramatic increase in the difficulty of examinations and employment. We must maintain powerful self-confidence and optimism in the face of challenges so as to survive and succeed.
4.正反Suppose we are inclined to overestimate our rivals or problems and neglect our ability, we will become hesitating and doubtful of ourselves, unable to fulfill even a simple task.6。
5.总结(其实可以就拿正反作总结,已经够了)Therefore, it is necessary to embrace the strong faith that we are indomitable and invincible.

1.有浅入深The connotation subtly revealed in the drawing goes far beyond a running man.(由浅入深很简短,不要写太长了)
2.深刻含义 Instead, a prevalent social issue is virtually demonstrated: a growing number of people are striding into wealthy lives under the support of the government, who exerts a positive impact on the national economics.
3.反面论证On the contrary, a minority of people are still struggling to their feet in the poor circumstances, and are reluctant to adopt the government’s policy, which results in even worse hardship that can hardly be shaken of temporarily.
4.结论Consequently, the reasonable policies are extraordinarily vital to reverse the trend of poverty.

1.浅—深:Simple as the picture is, its subtle connotation endeavors to convinces us that almost every issue is a double-edged sword. 或positive development will inevitably/constantly/invariably bring about negative consequences.
2.现状+原因 The past several years have witnessed the phenomenon that our economic development is accompanied by environmental pollution, for people who only pursue their economic profit totally ignore the significance of sustainable development. (注意黑体字的运用。其中逗号加FOR表原因,一定接句子,也就是说,FOR后面的句子

3.举另外一个细节例子Another fitting example is closely associated with/is closely connected to the soaring development of the Internet. On the one hand, people from all walks of life are benefiting considerably from its powerful function of information communication. On the other hand, a great number of students are addicted to on-line games and therefore they can hardly concentrate on study.
4. 威胁性总结 If we turn a blind eye to the negative side of such issue, we would pay a high price.
还有什么没有写??Obviously, 树象征好的方面,阴影象征伴随而来的坏的方面(这两句话固然好,但是绝对值得舍弃,因为有更好的选择,而你只有6句话冲顶)In other words, 层进,这些看起来经典的句子也可以丢掉了。

4.媒体应该在这个问题上发挥关键和重要作用: The media should play a positive and decisive role in publicizing such phenomenon in order to arouse the public awareness
5. 自由发挥: 针对题目本身自己提出合理的建议, 如国家应该减少汽车尾气排放, 我们应该让社会上多创作一些类似"常回家看看"之类的歌曲


1. This picture is thought-provoking in that it conveys the following three layers of subtle connotations.
2. The subtle implication can be analyzed in the following three interrelated aspects.
3. In order to derive profound implication from it, we can dissect this enlightening picture in the following three aspects.

第三句是第一点,initially/to begin with/first and foremost
第四句是第二点,additionally/what’s more/moreover/furthermore
第五句是第三点,finally/last but not least


如果不知道发挥什么怎么办? 此时请不要忘了天龙八部。 除了浅,深和总结三步,我们还有5部。回忆一下哪五

步?1.象征点;2. 现状+原因(老实说,这难道只是一点吗?牛逼的人可以写N句)3. 结果和影响 4 强行举例(记得2006年的小贝头和春哥的关系吧) 5. 层进的修辞手法(accepted…)
如:The past several years have witnessed the phenomenon that our living space is occupied by sandstorm at an unprecedented speed, for the reason that we humans are only in pursuit of the maximum profit and economic prosperity, totally turning a blind eye to the sustainable development.
楼主们,这只是一句话,前半截由经典拟人句引导出现状,后半截用for the reason that(==because)引导出原因。如果要放在三分天下里成为第一和第二点的话,要这么写
Initially, the past several years have witnessed the phenomenon that our living space is occupied by sandstorm at an unprecedented speed.
Additionally, the reason is that we humans are only in pursuit of the maximum profit and economic prosperity, totally turning a blind eye to the sustainable development.
注意红字部分提示原因解释。绝对不可以写the reason is because..
Initially, 然后把现状+原因都写上去成为一句话。然后二三两点写别的

至于最后一句第六句,以前怎么总结,现在还怎么总结。注意关联词Generally speaking
