

































1 语言学教案 导论zsl

1.什么是语言:语言是人类独有的以言语形式进行表达和理解的一种音义结合符号系统,是客观世界与人的主观条件相结合的产物。1.语言是一种系统;1.是人类独有的,主要包括人类的口头语言和书面语言;3.是一种音义结合体;4.其表现形式是言语;5.语言用于交际的方式是通过言语进行表达和理解;5.是客观世界与人的主观条件相结合的产物。 2.语言的三个性质:语言是人类最重要的交际工具、语言是思维工作、语言是一种符号系统。前两个性质是语言的功能,后一个性质是语言的结构特点。 3. 如何理解语言的全民性? 语言是特殊的社会现象,具有全民性,它与社会相互依存,是人们交流思想、进行交际的工具。没有语言,就无法形成人类社会。语言具有全民性可以从三个方面理解:其一,语言没有阶级性。作为人们交际工具的语言,不是为一个阶级服务,而是一视同仁地为整个社会,为社会各阶级服务。其二,语言不同于思想。在阶级社会中,人们的思想是有阶级性的;而语言是没有阶级性的。其三,语言不同于客观事物。语言所代表的客观事物(如“国家”、“军队”等)、语言所代表的感情(如“正义”、“邪恶”等)是有阶级性的,但代表这些事物或感情的词是没有阶级性的。因为不同阶级的人对这些词都有共同的理解。 4. 什么是语言学?语言学就是研究语言的科学,或对语言的科学研究。以人类语言作为研究对象,讨论它的性质、起源和结构原理的成为普通语言学。以某一具体语言(如汉英、英语等)为研究大学的成为XX语语言学,如汉英语言学、英语语言学,等等。具体语言是研究是普通语言学的基础,因为语言的共性结构原理都是从具体的语言的研究中总结出来的。语言学作为一门独立的科学诞生的很晚,至今也不过二百多年的历史。 5.言学的对象和任务 对象:以语言为研究对象的一门学科。 任务:研究语言的性质、结构、分类、发展等这些语言方面的理性知识。 6.语言的定义特征?也叫语言的本质特征,是指那些把人类语言与其他动物“语言”区分开来的定义特征。一般有5个,它们是任意性、二层性、创造性、移位性和文化转移性。 任意性是瑞士语言学家索绪尔(现代语言学之父,他的著作《普通语言学教程》于二十世纪初出版,标志着现代语言学的诞生。)提出的,是指语言符号的形式与所表示的意义没有天然的联系。任意性具有3个不同的层次;(1)语素音义的任意性,(2)句法层面上的任意性,(3)任意性和归约性。 二层性是指语言的两层结构特点,即上层结构(符号层:有意义的单位)和底层(语音层)。 上层音义结合的符号层语素-词-短语/词组-句子有意义无限 底层语音层音位无意义有限(几十个)创造性是指语言的能产性。词语通过新的使用方法能表达新的意思,并能立刻被没有遇到过这种用法分人所理解。语言的创造性一方面来源于语言的二层性,使用者可以通过组合基本的语言单位,无止境的生成句子,大多数都是以前没有过或没有听过的。语言的创造性另一方面来源于递归性,因为它有制作无穷长句的潜力,语言的递归性为这种潜力提供了理论基础。 移位性是指人类语言可以让使用者在交际时用语言符号代表时间上和空间上并不可及的物体、时间或观点。移位性给予我们的心智的好处在于它使我们有可能用抽象的概念来交谈或思考。 文化转移性是指语言不是天生的,而是后天学习的来的。 7.语言的起源 P7。 摹声说(bow-wow):远古时代,人们居住在野生环境中模仿动物发出的声音,语言表从此而来。拟声词在对自然声音的模仿程度上是非常不同的,此理论缺乏有力的证据。 感叹说(pooh-pooh):我们上古祖先在艰难生活中,常本能的发出表示痛苦、愤怒和高兴的声音。几乎所有的语言中感叹词数量都非常有限,使这一理论存在问题。 哼育声说(yo-hi-ho):原始人共同劳动时,他们发出有节奏的哼育声,逐渐发展成单调的语调然后变成语言。哼育声与实际的语言相差太大。这一理论至多是猜想。


1 提纲 聋哑人的语言与思维 前面学过,语言是思维的工具,思维不能离开语言的实验根据。提出问题:聋哑人能夫进行思维。 …… 结论 ↓↓ 板书:聋哑人的思维 聋哑人也是能够思维的,那么 问题一:聋哑人是怎样思维的?? 第一,健全的大脑,发音器官 第二,别的器官进行补偿 第三,视觉获得信息,但与听觉相比有局限性 扩展:聋哑人也有思维活动,只是在思维方式上他们与正常人有所不同,,他们是怎样进行思维活动的. …… 总结:聋哑人思维载体的发展过程是:形象思维→ 形象思维+手语思维→ 手语思维+文字思维→ 以文字思维为主。 由此可见,思维必须要有载体,没有任何依托的“赤裸裸”的思维是不存在的。第四小节,以上。 进入下一节:

思维共同性,语言民族性 语言具有民族性,而思维是人类共同的 A,思维共同性: 从思维本身看: 从思维对象来看: B,语言民族性: 不同环境→ 举例说明:国内80种语言 外语——日语汉语同字不同义 人类思维在机器中的再现 生活已经离不开计算机。发展到人工智能——机器能不能思维? 1,思维——改造客观世界——特定形式(人工智能) 2,算法语言计算机发展对语言研究影响重大 扩展:1,人工智能机器在这次日本地震中对救灾行动的帮助。 …… 2,从黑客帝国看人与机器的关系 …… 2 正文 聋哑人的语言与思维 前面学过,语言是思维的工具,思维不能离开语言的实验根据。那么,我要请大家判断一下:思维离不开语言,聋哑人不能掌握语言,所以说聋哑人不能思维。这句话正确么?(提问)我想问一下大家有接触过聋哑人么?尤其是未经语言训练的聋哑人。(你觉得他能够

思维么?例子)事实上,生活中未经语言训练的聋哑人完全具备抽象的“数量”概念,会制造工具和改造劳动工具。众所周知,聋哑人通过训练完全可以掌握建立在自然语言基础上的手语和书面语,更说明他们具有抽象能力,所以说,聋哑人也是能够思维的。那么,可以判断“思维离不开语言,聋哑人不能掌握语言,所以说聋哑人不能思维”是错误的。刚才说,聋哑人也是能够思维的,那么 问题一:聋哑人是怎样思维的?? 首先有个问题想问大家,大家不要看书自己思考一下,聋哑人不能说话和动物不能说话是一回事么? 对,它们不是一回事。前面讲过,人类大脑分为左右半球,各有分工。而动物左右半脑没有专门分工,没有专门管语言的大脑机构,而发音器官也不能像人类那样发出多种多样的声音。它们根本就学不会语言。但是聋哑人和常人一样也是有健全的大脑和发音器官的。为什么不会说话呢,主要是因为他们听不见别人说话,所以才学不会语言。一旦恢复或获得了听觉就可以逐渐学会说话了。所以动物不会说话语聋哑人失去语言能力是根本不同的。所以,聋哑人能够思维第一点是因为聋哑人也有 第二,健全的大脑,发音器官 大脑是人一切活动的司令部,人的各种感觉器官由他统一指挥,组成一个完整的体系。所以我们有各种各样的感官:听觉,视觉,味觉,触觉等等。聋哑人失去了听觉,而通过别的感觉器官进行补偿。所以聋哑人能够思维第二点就在于: 第二,别的器官进行补偿 前面学过,交际工具分为语言的和非语言的,比如身势神态等。而聋哑人他只能发展非语言的交际工具,用视觉触觉等来代替常人de听觉来接受的信息。尤其是视觉。这个最好的例子就是手语。他们用看话代替听话,用手势来代替说话。但是,生活中,与常人相比,他们还是有不便之处。为什么呢?这就是聋哑人思维的第三点: 第三,视觉获得信息,但与听觉相比有局限性 为什么说有不便之处呢?(提问)举一个最简单的例子,比如说让他们掌握“笔”这个词,你可以拿出来,告诉他这个是笔。但“伟大”这个词,你该怎么让他们理解呢? (提问)聋哑人也有思维活动,那么思维方式上他们与正常人一样吗?大家知道为什么吗?这是由于他们没有接触过常人的语言,也就不可能有正常人所具有的语法形式,他们是以直观表达的顺序,排列脑中的概念和形象,在概念的排列上与常人有异(如:“我们不摘花”一意,他们往往是以“花——不——摘”的顺序)。这就象外国人的思维方式不可能和我们的完全相同一样。,有一个问题想问大家,他们是怎样进行思维活动的呢?语言是思维的载体,聋哑人的思维与语言无缘,那么,他们的思维载体是什么?是一连串的情景与画面,或是一连串的手势,或者还有其它形式?当聋哑人掌握文字后,他们进行思维活动时,会不会是一连串的文字在脑海里出现?其思维载体的发展过程是怎样的? 聋哑人在掌握比较丰富的手语之前,其思维活动是形象思维。所谓形象思维,包括视觉印象,还有听觉、嗅觉、触觉、动觉、味觉、心情、病痛感觉等的印象,以及建立在这些印象基础之上的想象。 当聋哑人学习掌握一定量的手语后,其思维工具开始向手语转变。


“语言学用”教学的基本方法 余映潮 第一部分最基本的道理 高效课堂阅读教学理念 充分利用教材 安排实践活动 重视课中读写 实现语言学用 注重知识积累 关注集体训练 “教学设计”的目标 语言学用 技能训练 知识积累 集体训练 气质养成 关于“教学设计”的基本要求 非常讲究“课文研读” 十分重视“教学思路” 关键在于“课堂活动” 精心考虑“积累丰富” 时时关注“能力训练” 教师要克服的重要弱点 碎问碎读碎说 -老师的碎问碎说可形成知识碎片,但难以形成系统的知识和有力度有深入的课堂训练 单个对话频繁 -老师和几十个学生对话,因此对话显得肤浅,凌乱,零碎。时间消失在对话中,学生没有沉淀和收获。

没有选点深入 -不到知识点,文章的精彩中去,所谓点,一个是知识点,比如探究文章线索,欣赏这篇文章的照应 活动时间不多 -不肯安排时间,每个学生都要把握自己学习时间。 积累意识很差 课堂阅读教学的训练性 多读 多析 多写 *多背 多记 阅读课堂教学两个永远的点:语言学用,能力训练和知识积累 课标说:语文教学要注重语言的积累、感悟和运用,注重基本技能训练,让学生打好扎实的语文基础。而不是把教学放到解读上去。 第二部分阅读训练最基本的指标 1、难读难写的字300个 2、两字书面语汇4000个 -雅致,离口语较远的词汇,如清新、清雅。朗读,背诵都是重要的途径。 3、成语、短语1000个 4、背诵积累60000字 -初中学生到高中一帆风顺,能读会写 5、精读训练100篇 -短文一定要让学生精细地赏析 6、知识术语200个 文体知识、修辞知识、 章法知识、手法知识 7、自学方法10种 8、阅读技能训练20种


第一章语言学入门知识: I. 名词解释 1.cultural transmission (as a defining property of language) Answer: While human capacity for language has a genetic basis, the details of any language system are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned. An English speaker and a Chinese speaker are both able to use a language, but they are not mutually intelligible. This shows that language is culturally transmitted. It is passed on from one generation to the next through teaching and learning, rather than by instinct. In contrast, animal call systems are genetically transmitted. They are born with the capacity to produce the set of calls peculiar to their species. 2.descriptive linguistics vs. prescriptive linguistics Answer: A linguistic study is descriptive if it describes and analyses facts observed; it is prescriptive if it tries to lay down rules for "correct" behavior. Linguistic studies before the 204 century are largely prescriptive whereas modem linguistic is mostly descriptive. II. 判断正误(T for True and F for False) 1. When language is used to get information, it serves an informative function. Answer: F (It serves an interrogative function).


语言学概论 授课教案 课程编号:01012 总学时:51 周学时:3 适用年级专业(学科类):汉语言文学类2年级 开课时间:2009-2010学年第二学期 使用教材:《语言学纲要》(叶蜚声徐通锵著,1997年第3版)

00导言(1课时) 教学目的 认识语言学的研究对象和任务,语言学的分类和主要流派,了解语言学在学科体系中的重要地位。 教学重点及突出方法 重点:语言学的对象和任务,语言学在学科体系中的重要地位。 方法:讲授为主,联系社会生活实际说明问题 教学难点及突破方法 难点:语言学的建立过程 主要的语言学门类和派别(代表人物、理论观点、主要贡献) 方法:讲授为主 相关内容素材 索绪尔.普通语言学教程[M].北京:商务印书馆,1980 爱德华·萨丕尔.语言论[M].北京:商务印书馆,1985 布龙菲尔德.语言论[M].北京:商务印书馆,1980 胡壮麟.语言学教程(修订版)[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2001 教学过程教师授课思路、设问及讲解要点 本节主要采取课堂讲授法组织教学。 导言部分对课程的内容作一个总体介绍,让学生了解该课程和已经在一年级学习过的现代汉语课程及正在学习的古代汉语课程之间的关系,说明该课程的性质特点,介绍学习该课程应具备的认识和方法,即以发展的观点看待语言,同时注重历时和共时相结合的方法;以辩证的方法看待语言相关问题,以理论联系实际语言材料分析的方法学习、认识并进一步掌握本课程的基本理论。 一、语言学的对象和任务 语言在社会生活中的地位和作用 语言的结构 语言的发展 二、语言学在科学体系中的地位

语文学时期 –社会科学:哲学、历史学、考古学、文学…… 语言学时期 –社会科学 –自然科学:生理学、物理学、心理学…… 语言交际的信息论解释: –编码-发送-传递-接收-解码 三、语言学的功用 语言教学 推行语文政策 实际应用研究 第一章语言的社会功能(2课时) 教学目的 1.认识语言的社会功能 2.理解语言是人类最重要的交际工具及其在社会生活中的重要作用3.了解语言与思维的关系 教学重点及突出方法 重点:语言和言语的辩证关系 语言是人类最重要的交际工具 思维离不开语言:1.思维要以语言为工具才能进行 2.思维的成果要以语言为工具才能表达与贮存 语言同样也离不开思维 方法:讲授为主,启发学生思考体会 教学难点及突破方法 难点:语言和言语的辩证关系 语言是人类社会最重要的交际工具 方法:讲授为主,启发学生思考体会


第一章语言学入门知识: I、名词解释 1.cultural transmission (as a defining property of language) Answer: While human capacity for language has a genetic basis, the details of any language system are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned、An English speaker and a Chinese speaker are both able to use a language, but they are not mutually intelligible、This shows that language is culturally transmitted、It is passed on from one generation to the next through teaching and learning, rather than by instinct、In contrast, animal call systems are genetically transmitted、They are born with the capacity to produce the set of calls peculiar to their species、 2. descriptive linguistics vs、prescriptive linguistics Answer: A linguistic study is descriptive if it describes and analyses facts observed; it is prescriptive if it tries to lay down rules for "correct" behavior、Linguistic studies before the 204 century are largely prescriptive whereas modem linguistic is mostly descriptive、 II、判断正误(T for True and F for False) 1、When language is used to get information, it serves an informative function、 Answer: F (It serves an interrogative function)、

语言学教案Chapter 5 Meaning

Chapter 5 Meaning 5.1 Meanings of “meaning” 5.2 The referential theory 5.3 Sense relations 5.3.1 Synonymy 5.3.2 Antonymy 5.3.3 Hyponymy 5.4 Componential analysis 5.5. Sentence meaning 5.5.1 An integrated theory 5.5.2 Logical semantics Semantics: the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences in particular. 5.1 Meanings of “meaning” Ogden & Richards: 16 major categories of meaning, with 22 sub-categories Ogden, C. K. & I. A. Richards. 1923. The Meaning of Meaning[M]. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Leech: 7 types of meaning Leech, G. 1981[1974]. Semantics: The study of Meaning [M]. Harmondsworth: Penguin. ●Conceptual meaning (概念意义): similar to reference (指称) ●Connotative meaning (内涵意义): some additional, especially emotive meaning. E.g. c.f. politician & statesman Note: Connotation and denotation in philosophy CONNOTATION (内涵) DENOTATION (外延) E.g. human ●Thematic meaning (主题意义) Question: How to explain the meaning of a word in the conceptual meaning? E.g. DESK 1) to point to a desk directly 2) to describe it as “a piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs, at which one reads and writes. 3) to paraphrase it as “a desk is a kind of table, which has drawers” 4) to give the Chinese equivalent 书桌 5.2 The referential theory Problems: The concrete thing pointed at differs from the abstract concept behind the thing. The object pointed at does not directly correspond to the concept. CONCEPT Semantic triangle concept


Chapter 1 ⅠThe things that I have learnt ①Linguistics: the scientific study of language. ②The scope of linguistics: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, applied linguistics ect. ③Some important distinctions in linguistics: prescriptive vs. descriptive, synchronic vs. diachronic, speech and writing, langue and parole, competence and performance. ④Traditional grammar: prescriptive; tended to emphasize, maybe over-emphasize the importance of the written words; forced languages into a Latin-based framework. ⑤Several different definitions of language, e.g. Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols. (Sapir,1921) ⑥Generally accepted definition: language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. ⑦Design features of language (design features refer to the definition properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.) : arbitrariness, productivity, duality, displacement, cultural transmission ect. ⑧Functions of language: phatic, directive, informative, interrogative, perforrnative, expressive and evocative. ⑨Saussure: the Swiss linguist in the early 20th century. ⑩Chomsky: the American linguist in the late 1950s. ⅡThe things that I am interested in. ①The scope of linguistics, such as phonetics. ②The differences between modern linguistics and traditional grammar. ③Design features of language. ⅢThe things that I am confused ①the Swiss linguist F. de Saussure in the early 20th century; the American linguist N. Chomsky in the late 1950s. How to understand the red parts (the underline parts) ②How to understand the following words Synchronic, diachronic, langue and parole ③The functions of language. I still can’t understand each function means what exactaly.

语言学教案Chapter 9 Language and Literature

Chapter 9 Language and Literature 9.1 Introduction 9.1.1 Stylistics and Rhetoric 9.1.2 Style 9.2 Style investigation 9.2.1 Deviance, Prominence and Foregrounding 9.3 Levels of Style 9.3.1 Phonological Level 9.3.2 Lexical Level 9.3.3 Syntactical Level 9.1 Introduction 9.1.1 Stylistics and Rhetoric As a branch of linguistics, stylistics is both old and young. It is quite “old”, because historically, we may find its origin in rhetoric, which dates back to the 5th century B.C.. Nowadays, some people still identify stylistics with rhetoric. But their difference is quite evident: Rhetoric is mainly concerned with the way to present ideas. It deals with how to say what you have to say. In its grand tradition marked by those distinguished names, such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle etc., it has been the deliberate exploitation of eloquence for the most persuasive effect in public speaking or in writing. Modern critics sometimes refer to the rhetorical dimension of a literary work, meaning those aspects of the work that persuade or otherwise guide the responses of the readers. Stylistics, in modern sense, is closely related to modern linguistics, in which linguists find a systematic and scientific approach towards language. So stylistics can be simply defined as the linguistic studies of style. It develops with the development of modern linguistics. 9.1.2 Style Generally speaking, the word style refers to the way in which language is used in a given context, by a given person, for a given purpose, and so on. In practice, writers on style differ a great deal in their understanding of the subject, and one reason comes from their disagreement over the question “To what or whom do we attribute style?” According to Roman Jakobson, there are sis constitutive factors in any speech event: Context Message Addresser Addressee Contact Code These factors are, according to our understanding, writer, text, reader, context and meaning. 9.2 Style investigation 9.2.1 Deviance, Prominence and Foregrounding Three concepts and their interrelationship are crucial in our investigation of style. Deviance: A statistical notion It is the difference between the normal frequency of a feature, and its frequency in the text or corpus. Deviance is achieved by a writer, which can be calculated and may escape reader’s attention. Prominence: A psychological notion “The general name for the phenomenon of linguistic highlighting, whereby some linguistic feature stands out in some way” (Halliday). We assume that p rominence of various degrees and kinds provides the basis for a reader’s subjective recognition of a style. Foregrounding:“value in the game” (Halliday) Artistically or functionally motivated deviation Whatever is prominent is considered foregrounding to achieve certain effect. Foregrounding may be: qualitative The deviation from the language code itself, i.e. failing to observe some rules or conventions


红?色是定义 语?言学chap1部分笔记在鑫宇那 why study language language is a means of verbal communication what is language design features of language 语?言的特点 arbitrariness任意性 the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning. The symbols have been chosen arbitrarily. In other words, it is impossible to predict the meaning from the form, or vice versa. The symbols have been chosen arbitrarily. In other words, it is impossible to predict the meaning from the form, or vice versa. 1 arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and ite meaning 语素?音义关系的任意性 2 arbitrariness at the syntactic level 句句法层?面上的任意性 3 arbitrariness and convention 任意性和规约性 they derive from the choice of subject matters. once such links between particular word and associative meaning are fixed, it becomes a matter of conventionality. Saussure索绪尔提出 duality?二层性 It means that language is a system which consists of two levels of structures, at the lower level there is the structure of sounds; at the higher level there is the structure of words. 下层lower sounds 交通灯和动物叫声?一样,只有下层含义。 ∵meaning units cannot be divided into smaller meaningless element further 上层higher=primary words, sentences creativity创造性 the ability that we all have to construct and understand an indefinitely large number of sentences in our native language, including sentences that we have never heard before, but that are appropriate to the situation in which they are uttered. displacement移位性 the ability for the human language users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present (in time and space) at the moment of communication, or the ability to use language to talk about the things that exist in our world of experience or in the world of imagination.语?言能够指称说 话?人即时情境以外的语境 culture transmission?文化传递 refers to the fact that, on the one hand, human language has a genetic basis, in other words, we are born with the capacity to acquire human language; on the other hand, the details of any human language are passed on from one generation to the next by teaching and learning, rather than by gene. function of language 语?言的功能 基本功能 不不同的?人 JACKBSON 语?言功能框架 referential 所指:传达信息 poetic 诗学:享受语?言?自身的乐趣 emotive 情感:表达态度感觉情感 conative 意动功能:通过指令和恳 求说服和影响他?人祈使 呼语 phatic 寒暄:与他?人建?立交际早上好 metalingual function元语?言嘿,听到吗 HALLIDAY 语?言元功能理理论 ideational 概念 interpersonal ?人际 textual 语篇 功能 function informative信息 Language serves an informative function when it is used to tell what the speaker believes, to give information about facts, or to reason things out. interpersonal ?人际 It is mainly concerned with interaction between the speaker and hearer in the discourse situation and the speaker’s attitude towards what he speaks or writes about. performative 施为speech can be used to “do things”, performing acts. emotive 感情 the use of language to create certain feelings in the hearer. The aim is to amuse, startle, anger, soothe, worry or please. phatic communion 寒暄交谈 It refers to language used for establishing an atmosphere or maintaining social contact rather than for exchanging information or ideas. For instance, greetings, farewells, talking about weather are all instances of phatic function. recreational 娱乐 When language is used to amuse, language is performing recreational function. For instance, verbal dueling (对歌),baby’s babbling and word game. metalingual 元语?言 When language is used to talk about and study language itself, language is performing metalingual function?用来谈论语?言 的?言语 to tell the truth, frankly speaking important distinction in linguistics 语?言学中?一些重要的区别 Descriptive vs. prescriptive 描写式和规定式 If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive. people don’t say X If it aims to lay down rules for “correct” behavior, it is said to be prescriptive. don’t sat X Synchronic vs. Diachronic 共时和历时 Synchronic linguistics is the analysis of language at a single point in time 共时通常为当下 Diachronic历时 linguistics is the study of a language through the course of its history Langue & parole 语?言和?言语 According to Saussure, “Langue”语?言 refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. 抽象的语?言系统 “parole”?言语 refers to the actual language.说出来的话 Langue is abstract, parole speci?c to the speaking situation; langue not actually spoken by an individual, parole always a naturally occurring event; langue relatively stable and systematic, parole subject to personal and situational constraints. Competence & performance 语?言能?力力和语?言运?用 According to Chomsky, “Competence”语?言能?力力 is the ideal language user’s knowledge of the rules of his language. “Performance” 语?言运?用is the actual realization of this knowledge in utterances.
