





学时:72 先修课程:计算机信息技术基础







1) 能认识计算机专业大部分单词短语;

2) 能认识计算机专业相关术语;

3) 能写出一些缩写的全称及含义;

4) 英译汉一些短语及句子;

5) 能写出基本的硬件系统组成单词;

6) 能写出基本的软件系统组成单词;

7) 重点掌握操作系统的知识;

8) 会进行计算机网络组成的单词、短语了解;

9) 熟悉多媒体作用与优点。

(2) 知识目标

1) 掌握基本单词、短语;

2) 熟悉计算机发展阶段;

3) 掌握笔记本组成与特点;

4) 掌握对计算机系统构成的英文描述;

5) 掌握对硬件系统构成的英文描述;

6) 掌握对软件系统构成的英文描述;

7) 掌握操作系统的基本概念;

8) 掌握对窗口的英文描述;

9) 掌握计算机网络的英文表达与组成;

10) 掌握利用多媒体技术的表达;

11) 掌握克服计算机病毒的方法。







(3) 考核方式

















《计算机专业英语第3版》作者王小刚机械工业出版社 2009年1月出版



2014年上半学期计算机专业英语 期末考试试卷(A卷)答案 一、选择题 Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇)(30分) (一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。)( 共10分,每题1分) 1. 操作系统 2. 需求分析 3. 网络安全 4. 数据结构 5. 决策支持系统 6. 关系数据库 7. 软件危机 8. 计算机病毒 9. 邮件附件 10.中央处理器(单元) (二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviatio ns.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。) (共10分,每题1分) 1.DBMS 2.TCP 3.MDI 4.OOP

5.ROM 6.VCD 7.CAD 8.SQL 9.USB 10.B2B (三) Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。)(10分,每空1分) 1. c 6. h 2. f 7.j 3. e 8. d 4.g 9. i 5. a 1 0. b Ⅱ. Comprehension(阅读理解) (一)

Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the lis t given below, and change the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空。)(10分, 每空2分) maintain disciplined requirements coding modified (二) Tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) accord ing to the passage A.(根据上文的内容判断下列句子的正误)(10分,每题2分)1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F (三)、choose the best answer according to the passage B.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。(10分,每题2分) 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C (四) Choose the best answer according to Passage C.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。10分,每题2分) 1.C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B Ⅲ.Translation.翻译(30分) (一) Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(将下列句子翻译成汉语。)(共20分,每题5分)


计算机英语教案(五) 授课老师:Mary Ye 授课班级:睦城中学15计算机高职班 授课内容:Introduction to Computers 教学目的:1.Know about the history of computer and its development. 2.Impro ve students’ practical skills learning, listening, writing, speaking and translation. 教学重点与难点:Talk about computers in English. .教学方法:Teaching method: Question-driven method; task-based method ,oral practice Teaching Steps Step1 Go over words.Dictate some of the words Step 2 Words competition( Who can write down more computers words ) Personal Compute. Keyboard. Display.System unit.Disk drives.Printer.CPU .Mother Board .RAM:. Hard Disk Drive .Floopy Disk Drive .Compact Disk Read Only Memory .DVD-ROM:DVD光驱 .CD-RW:刻录机VGA:显示卡 .AUD:声卡 .LAN:网卡 .MODM:.Case:机箱Power:电源 .Mouse:鼠标.Monitor:屏幕 .USB:通用串行总线.KB:键盘.Speaker:喇叭.Printer:打印


教材名称:《计算机专业英语》 主编:来永春 出版时间: 电子教案

statistic adj. 统计的 look through 浏览 retrieve vt. 检索,恢复 script n. 脚本 subscriber n. 订购者 integrity n. 完整性 data-manipulation 数据控制 computer-intensive 信息密集的 Step 2. Introduction of training target 1 In this part, our target is to improve the speed of reading professional articles and the comprehension ability of the reader. 2.We have marked specialized vocabulary key words in some paragraphs so that the reader can quickly grasp the main idea of the sentences and paragraphs. Step 3. Leading in a short introduction to Foundation of Database System Database Systems are now used in various aspects of society, such as government apparatus, universities, airlines, banking, telecommunication and manufacturing. Step 4. Analyzing the structure of the complex sentences 1. In the management of economy, database can process statistic data, analyze and obtain a result so as to guide the enterprises to develop rapidly. 2. A DBMS can also format reports for printed output and can import and export data from other application using standard file formats. 3. Database model is the method used by a database management system (DBMS) to organize the structure of the database. Step 5. Memorizing and mastering the following key sentences in the text. 1. In government apparatus, database can be used to know information resources of human affairs and carders in various aspects as well. 2. In banking, database can be used for customer information, accounts, loans, and banking transactions. 3. In airlines, database can be used for reservations and schedule information. 4. In universities, database can be used for student information, course registrations and grades. 5. Data is a collection of facts made up of numbers, characters and symbols, stored on a computer in such a way that the computer can process it. 6. Data is different from information in that they are formed of facts stored in machine-readable form. 7. Database is a collection of related objects, including tables, forms, reports, queries, and scripts, created and organized by a database management system (DBMS). 8. Database management system: Database management system is a software that controls the data in a database. 9. The most common database model is the relational database. ` 10. A front-end running on the user’s workstation and back-end running 5分钟 5分钟 15分钟 45分钟


少工学结合创新教程....................... 计算机专业英语 2014年上半学期计算机专业英语 期末考试试卷(A卷)答案 一、选择题 I . Vocabulary(词汇)(30 分) (一).Tran slate the follow ing words and expressi ons into Chin ese( 汉语。)(共10分,每题1分) 1. 操作系统 2. 需求分析 3. 网络安全 4. 数据结构 5. 决策支持系统 6. 关系数据库 7. 软件危机 8. 计算机病毒 9. 邮件附件 10. 中央处理器(单元) (二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.( 写出相应的英语缩写。)(共10分,每题1分) 1 . DBMS 2. TCP 3. MDI 4. OOP 5. ROM 6. VCD 7 . CAD 8 . SQL 9 . USB 10. B2B (三) Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in mea ning in the right colum n.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。写出下列词组的 根据汉语)(10分,每空

1分) 1. c 6. h

1. 开发一个软件产品,开发过程分为五个步骤:需求分析和说明,设计,写代码,测试和维护。 2. 功能测试检验的是用有效的输入是否能够得到所期望的输出。+ 3. EDI指的是两个公司之间通过私有网络使用特定、结构化的格式电子交换商业信息。 4. 一些应用软件,例如Word,允许几个窗口同时在一个叫做MDI的模式下存在,你能够在 一个软件中打开多个文档。 (二)Tran slate the follow ing paragraph into Chi nese. (将下段文章翻译成汉语。)(共10分) 高级语言是一种人造语言,使用它我们可以写不同的指令。这成为可能不是因为计算机处理器如今是如此的技术先进以至于它们可以理解这些语言。你需要将这些语言翻译成计算机处理器能够理解的机器语言。编译器能够完成这项工作。这就意味着高级语言程序不是直接可项目1 3. e 8. d 4. g 9. i 5. a 10. b n . Comprehension(阅读理解) (一) Fill in the bla nks with suitable words or expressi ons from the list give n below ,and change the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适 当的形式填空。)(10分,每空2分) maintain discipli ned requireme nts codi ng modified (二)项目2 项目3 Tell whether the follow ing stateme nts are true(T) or false(F) accord ing to the passage A.(根据上文的内容判断下列句子的正误)(10分,每题2分)项目4 1 . F 2 . T 3 . F 4 . T 5 . F (三)、choose the best answer according to the passage B.(确的答案。(10分,每题2分) 1 . B 2 . A 3 . D 4 . B 5 . C (四)Choose the best answer according to Passage C. 案。10分,每题2分) 1 . C 根据上文的内容选择正 (根据上文的内容选择正确的答 项目5 2. D 3. A 项目6 4. C 5. B 川.Translation. 翻译(30 分) (一)Tran slate the followi ng senten ces in to Chin ese. 20分,每题5分)(将下列句子翻译成汉 语。 ) (共 项目7 项目8 项目9 项目10


计算机英语期末考试试题 I. 单选题. (1*20) 1.A computer system includes both _________ and software. A.cable B.memories C.CPU D.hardware 2.The heart of the computer is _________ A.CPU B.BUS C.CAI D.DIV 3.Which is not input device used with microcomputers ? A.Keyboard B.Printer C.touch screen D.Mouse 4.Basically , a computer consists of four components : Central Processing Unit , _________, Input Device and Output Device. A.Memory B.Keyboard C.Monitor D.The Control Unit 5.A _________ is a small , hand-held object that is pushed around a desktop to move the cursor or pointer on the screen or to select choices from menu displayed on screen. A.keyboard B.mouse C.monitor D.printer 6.Which is "删除" in Chinese ? A.shift B.Control C.Insert D.Delete 7.__________ refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch. A. Software B. Hardware C. Hardship D. Instruction 8._________ is used to communicate with another computer over telephone lines A. keyboard B .modem C. printer D. Mouse 9.__________is a device that enables the computer to handle sounds. A. network card B. video card C. sound card D. Monitor 10. The display screen is the most common device used to show you what the computer is doing. A. input B. printing C. output D. electronic 11._________ is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents. A. Word 2003 B. Outlook 2003 C. Access 2003 D. Excel 2003 12.The first generation of computer lasted from _________ to 1958. A.1965 B.1946 C.1947 D.1970 13._________ is the application of the computer and communications technology to improve the productivity of office workers. A.CAI B.AI C.OA D.CAM 14._________ is a software system based on graphics, which can run under MS-DOS. A.Office B.Mouse C.OS D.Microsoft Windows 15.Generally software can be divided into two types: software system and _________ system. A.hardware B.DOS C.application D.Windows 16.The _________ is the part of the computer where programs and data are stored. A.Input Device B.Memory C.CPU D.CU 17. refers to data storage equipment that allows the stored data to be accessed randomly rather than just in sequence. A.Random Access Memory B.Magnetic tapes C.Disks D.ROM 18.Word processing , of course, relies on perhaps the most basic computer _________ : the keyboard. A.output device B.input device C.storage D.CPU 19._________ refers to any machine capable of representing information from a


Project Six Multimedia TEACHING OBJECTIVE 1. Master all the professional terms in this Unit. 2. Develop the students’ reading abilities. 3. P ractice the dialogue to improve he students’ communication ability. 4. .I mprove t he students’ the writing ability TEACHING APPROACH: 1. Method of Lecture 2. TBLT(Task Based Language Teaching ) 3. CLTA (Communicative Language Teaching Approach) IMPORTANT POINTS: 1. Words and terms 2. comprehension ability of professional articles DIFFICULT POINTS: 1 .How to grasp the main idea of the paragraph. 2. How to use specialized English knowledge to finish professional tasks in English environment. 2.TIME ALLOTMENT: 1) Theoretical learning (4课时) 2) Practical learning(2课时) 3 ) Occupation English(2课时) 4) Simulated writing:(2课时) TEACHING PROCEDURE:


计算机专业英语单词1-10第一单元 Processor处理机 Primary storage主存储器 bit位 hearsay传说 CPU中英处理器 control unit控制部件 arithmetic and logic unit算术逻辑部件 integral parts不可缺的部件 tape and disk磁带和磁盘 DRAM动态随机存储器 SRAM静态随机存储器 Register寄存器 a state of the art目前工艺水平 chip芯片 VDT视频显示终端 secondary storage辅助存储器 at a premium非常珍贵 reallocate重新分配 capacity容量

coaxial cable同轴电缆program and data程序和数据instruction指令 location单元 RAM随机存取存储器Hardwired硬连线 EPROM可擦可编程只读存储器Cache高速缓存 Throughput吞吐量 read-mostly以读为主EEPROM电可擦编程ROM Nonvolatility非易失性Updatable可修改的 in place在适当的地方semiconductor半导体 flash memory闪存functionality功能 byte-level字节级 be referred to as称作 virtually事实上 house存放 expansion扩充

. peripheral外围的 slot插槽 power supply电源 system board系统板 storage bay存储机架 floppy软盘 第二单元 optical laser disk光盘 laser beam激光束 score刻痕 microscopic pit微小的凹点 light-sensitive光敏感的 deflect偏转 access arm存取臂 inviting令人心动的 fluctuation波动 emerge显现 stabilize稳定 gigabyte千兆字节 cd光盘 magneto-optical disk磁光盘


2014年下学期《计算机专业英语》期中考试试卷 班级:_________ 姓名:________ 学号:________ 计分:________ I. 根据图片把方框里的单词或词组填入对应的空格。(14分) 1. __________________ 2. _________________ 3. __________________ 4. _________________ 5. __________________ 6. _________________ 7. __________________ II. 中英文配对:将中文前的字母填入其对应的英文前的空格里。(20分) _____ 1. input device a. 闪盘 _____ 2. RAM b. 只读光盘 _____ 3. floppy disk c. 芯片 _____ 4. memory bank d. 移动硬盘 _____ 5. output device e. 输入设备 _____ 6. flash disk f. 随机存储器 _____ 7. chip g. 软盘 _____ 8. mobile hard disk h. 输出设备 _____ 9. motherboard i. 内存条 _____ 10. CD-ROM j. 主板 III. 阅读理解: A Mary: Hello, PC Support Center. This is Mary. What can I do for you? Customer: Hello. this is Chen Lin. I’m calling because I have some questions about my disk. Mary: Hi, Chen Lin. You can tell me one by one. Customer: I’m afraid I’ll run out of disk space. What shall I do? Mary: OK, running out of hard disk space is no big deal. You can just start moving old junks off to the CDs or you can just add a second hard disk. monitor mouse speaker printer system unit


Project Three Computer Network TEACHING OBJECTIVE 1. Master all the professional terms in this Unit. 2. Develop the students’ reading abilities. 3. P ractice the dialogue to improve he students’ communication ability. 4. .I mprove t he students’ the writing ability TEACHING APPROACH: 1. Method of Lecture 2. TBLT(Task Based Language Teaching ) 3. CLTA (Communicative Language Teaching Approach) IMPORTANT POINTS: 1. Words and terms 2. comprehension ability of professional articles DIFFICULT POINTS: 1 .How to grasp the main idea of the paragraph. 2. How to use specialized English knowledge to finish professional tasks in English environment. 2.TIME ALLOTMENT: 1) . Theoretical learning (4课时) 2) . Practical learning(2课时) 3 ) .Occupation English(2课时) 4) Simulated writing:(2课时) TEACHING PROCEDURE:


2014年下学期《计算机专业英语》期中考试试卷班级:_________ 姓名:________ 学号:________ 计分:________ I. 根据图片把方框里的单词或词组填入对应的空格。(14分) 1. __________________ 2. _________________ 3. __________________ 4. _________________ 5. __________________ 6. _________________ 7. __________________ II. 中英文配对:将中文前的字母填入其对应的英文前的空格里。(20分) _____ 1. input device a. 闪盘 _____ 2. RAM b. 只读光盘 _____ 3. floppy disk c. 芯片 _____ 4. memory bank d. 移动硬盘 _____ 5. output device e. 输入设备 _____ 6. flash disk f. 随机存储器 _____ 7. chip g. 软盘 _____ 8. mobile hard disk h. 输出设备 _____ 9. motherboard i. 内存条 _____ 10. CD-ROM j. 主板 III. 阅读理解: A Mary: Hello, PC Support Center. This is Mary. What can I do for you? Customer: Hello. this is Chen Lin. I’m calling because I have some questions about my disk. Mary: Hi, Chen Lin. You can tell me one by one. Customer: I’m afraid I’ll run out of disk space. What shall I do? Mary: OK, running out of hard disk space is no big deal. You can just start moving old junks off to the CDs or you can just add a second hard disk. Customer: Oh, I see. Are there any signs before the hard drive fails? Mary: Yes, the signs may include strange sounds, noise, popping or similar problems. Customer: Thanks for your help Mary: You’re welcome. 根据上文判断以下句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(12分) 1. Chen Lin’s hard disk is almost full. ( ) 2. There is a strange sound before the hard drive fails. ( ) 3. Running out of hard disk space is a serious problem. ( ) 4. Mary works at PC Support Center. ( ) 5. Chen Lin asks Mary for help. ( ) 6. Chen Lin can’t add second hard disk. ( ) B Data are written to and read from the surface of a platter by a device called a monitor mouse speaker printer system unit keyboard modem


Project one C omputer Hardware TEACHING OBJECTIVE 1. Master all the professional terms in this Unit. 2. Develop the students’ reading abilities. 3. P ractice the dialogue to improve he students’ communication ability. 4. .I mprove t he students’ the writing ability TEACHING APPROACH: 1. Method of Lecture 2. TBLT(Task Based Language Teaching ) 3. CLTA (Communicative Language Teaching Approach) IMPORTANT POINTS: 1. Words and terms 2. comprehension ability of professional articles DIFFICULT POINTS: 1 .How to grasp the main idea of the paragraph. 2.How to finish two special tasks in English environment 3.TIME ALLOTMENT: 1) . Theoretical learning (4课时) 2) . Practical learning(2课时) 3 ) .Occupation English(2课时) 4) Simulated writing:(2课时) TEACHING PROCEDURE:


1 工学结合创新教程 计算机专业英语 2014年上半学期计算机专业英语 期末考试试卷(A 卷)答案 一、选择题 Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇)(30分) (一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。)( 共10分,每题1分) 1. 操作系统 2. 需求分析 3. 网络安全 4. 数据结构 5. 决策支持系统 6. 关系数据库 7. 软件危机 8. 计算机病毒 9. 邮件附件 10. 中央处理器(单元) (二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。) (共10分,每题1分) 1.DBMS 2.TCP 3.MDI 4.OOP 5.ROM 6.VCD 7.CAD 8.SQL 9.USB 10.B2B (三) Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。)(10分,每空1分) 1. c 6. h

35 项目5 项目9 项目8 项目6 项目7 项目10Ⅱ1. (三)、choose the best answer according to the passage B.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。(10分,每题2分) 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C (四) Choose the best answer according to Passage C.( 根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。10分,每题2分) 1.C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B Ⅲ.Translation.翻译(30分) (一) Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(将下列句子翻译成汉语。)(共20分,每题5分) 1.开发一个软件产品,开发过程分为五个步骤:需求分析和说明,设计,写代码,测试和维护。 2.功能测试检验的是用有效的输入是否能够得到所期望的输出。+ 3. EDI 指的是两个公司之间通过私有网络使用特定、结构化的格式电子交换商业信息。 4.一些应用软件,例如Word ,允许几个窗口同时在一个叫做MDI 的模式下存在,你能够在一个软件中打开多个文档。 (二) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.(将下段文章翻译成汉语。)(共10分) 高级语言是一种人造语言,使用它我们可以写不同的指令。这成为可能不是因为计算机处理器如今是如此的技术先进以至于它们可以理解这些语言。你需要将这些语言翻译成计算机处理器能够理解的机器语言。编译器能够完成这项工作。这就意味着高级语言程序不是直接可


北京华嘉物联网国际学院课程教学大纲 课程名称:计算机专业英语 适用专业:2013级物联网开发专业 课程类别:专业课

《计算机专业英语》 课程教学大纲 一、课程性质 《计算机专业英语》是学院物联网开发专业的公共必修课,也是物联网开发专业教学计划中的一门重要的专业基础课。 二、课程目标 《计算机专业英语》教学目标在于扩大学生的专业词汇量,提高学生阅读国外计算机专业文章的能力,同时使学生获得更多的计算机信息方面的新知识和新的发展。 三、教学要求 本门课程要着重讲授计算机知识及英语运用能力,每篇文章之后都有与文章紧密联系的联系,具有一定的针对性,有利于检验学生掌握课文的程度,旨在达到即学、即练、即会的学习效果。精编介绍了计算机的最新技术及应用的自主阅读材料,在提高学生计算机专业英语阅读水平的同时,也扩展了学生的专业面知识。专业英语语言的结构特点、语法知识,科技英语文章的翻译方法,技巧等,能够帮助学生提高英语的读写能力。 大纲所列各部分的教学内容,提出三种不同要求: 第一种:要求学生“正确理解”并“牢固掌握”,或能“熟练运用”; 第二种:要求学生“理解”或“掌握”或“运用”; 第三种:只要求学生“有所了解” 四、教学方法和手段 文字教材 使用教材:书名《计算机专业英语》 作者:陈莉康丽军主编宋学坤副主编 出版社:清华大学出版社2013年版 五、必要说明 1、本课程教学时间为两个学期 2、课程考核办法:教考分离,实行平时成绩和期末考查相结合的考核方式。 3、教材与主要参考书:《计算机专业英语》;21世纪高职高专规划教材《计算机专业英语》;

六、学时分配:理论学时144学时。 七、章节内容 UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS [教学目标] 本单元主要介绍计算机相关的基础知识,主要包括计算机的分类,计算机的发展过程,计算机的未来发展方向,计算机的正确使用及维护方法,使学生对计算机有一个全方位的了解和认知。 [教学重点和难点] 对计算机专业英语中的专业词汇重点考察,对计算机的专业知识有一个全方位的了解和认知。 [教学内容] PASSAGE ONE FOUR KINDS OF COMPUTERS PASSAGE TWO COMPUTER GENERATIONS PASSAGE THREE MAKE BETTER ULTRALIGHT COMPUTERS


英语翻译成汉语: 1、In order to solve a computational problem, its solution must be specified in terms of a sequence of computational steps, each of which may be performed by a human or a digital computer.If you want to solve the computational problem with a computer, you should learn how to program.The task of developing programs for the soultion of computational problems is referred to as programming.Computer programming is the process of planning and creating a sequence of steps for a computer to follow.In general,this process will help us resolve a problem,which is either too tedious (冗长的) or difficult to work out otherwise.So programming is breaking a task down into small steps. 译:为解决计算问题,其解决方案必须被指定在一个计算步骤的序列,每一个可能由一个人或一个数字计算机。如果你想解决计算问题的计算机,你应该学会如何计划。制定发展任务的计划称为编程。计算机编程的过程中规划和创建一个序列的计算机执行步骤。一般来说,这个过程将帮助我们解决一个问题,是太冗长的或难以解决的方式。所以编程是打破任务分解成小的步骤。 2、Programming is sometimes contrasted with coding. Coding generally refers to the writing of programs for given program specification,while programming includes the task of preparing the program specification as well as that of writing the program.The text of a program is sometimes referred to as code,and lines of program text are referred to as lines of code,especially in the case of machine language programs.The term coder is used to describe a person engaged exclusively in implementing program specifications prepared by others. 译:编程有时是相反的编码。编码一般是指写作程序给定程序规范,而编程包括任务的准备程序的规范以及编写程序。该程序文本有时称为代码,和行程序文本称为行代码,特别是在案件的机器语言程序。这个词编码是用来形容一个人专门从事项目规格由他人准备。 3、What's, actually involved in programming—the actual process of writing programs? Here's a quick overview of the process: 1. Write a program. 2. Compile the program. 3. Run the program. 4. Debug(调试) the program. 5. Repeat the whole process until the program is finished. 译:什么是实际参编写程序的过程?这里有一个快速的过程概述: 1。写一个程序。 2。编译程序。 3。运行程序。 4。调试程序。
