


高中英语《How to bathe a bird?》



《How to bathe a bird?》主要教学过程及板书设计


Step 1 Lead in

A report: Ask a student on duty to give an oral report while other students listen to him/her carefully, and after that I will ask some questions about her report.

Possible answer: my family, including a pet.

Q: Who is special in her family? ( A pet)

Who is going to look after a dog or a cat?

What does she do every day? (I’ll feed it, bathe it and walk it every day!)

Step 2 Pre-listening

1. Discussion: Show a question and ask them to discuss with their partner.

Q: If you have a pet, but it is very dirty, what will you do? And how to do?

(To encourage students to try their best to speak in English)

2. Word study: Before listening, give Ss some new words and expressions that can help them have a good understanding about the listening material.

Step 3 While-listening

First of all, let’s look at the pictures. Guess what happened to them or get the Ss to guess the answers to the questions. Then let them listen to the tape. For the first time, let them listen carefully and get the general idea. For the second time, let them answer the questions according to what they hear.

Extensive listening:

At the first listening, students will be required to get the main idea. After that, ask students to talk about it in their own language.

At the second time, students will listen to the dialogue carefully again and fill the following blanks according to what they hear.

Three minutes later, the Ss give different answers.

Step 4 Post-listening

1. Repeat the dialogue. Play the tape for the last time, and ask students to pay more attention to the pronunciation and intonation while imitating.

2. Retell the story. Show some important phrases on the screen and ask the Ss to retell the story in the first person.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summary: The students share what they have learnt today, and teacher can emphasize the emotional attitude (we should protect the little animal, love the nature).

Homework: Change the dialogue into a composition.


















Step 1: Warming up

Show some tongue twisters on the screen and ask students to read and practice them. They can make competitions with their desk mates.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot. We'll weather the weather whether we like it or not.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Listen to the tape and later I will invite some students to tell us what he/she has heard from the tape and how many people they can find during the listening.

2. Teacher read the same material as the listening without rising tone and falling tone.

Students should compare these two listening and talk about the difference between the teacher’s reading and the tape.

3. Guide students to find out the rising tone and falling tone in this conversation.

4. Show the new knowledge:

(1) General question---rising tone Would you…? May I…? Are you…?

(2) Special question---falling tone What…? Where…? How…?

(3) Declarative sentence---falling tone I can…? Go ahead please. See you ….

Step 3: Practice

1. Read the conversation loudly and use the correct tone in 3minutes.

2. Practice this conversation with their partner in five minutes.

Step 4: Production

1. Invite some of them to perform this dialogue in front of the class.

2. Write more sentences in groups in the table. They just have 3 minutes; the group which finishes fast in both quantity and quality can get some small gifts (post card, book marks).

Step 5: Summary & Homework

1. Summarize with students together that we’ve learnt a pronunciation lesson about rising and falling tones.

2. (1) Listen to the tape and read the rest of the context with correct answer.

(2)Watch a movie which they like best and write some rising and falling tones sentences on their note book (at least ten).













高中英语《British and American English》



《British and American English》主要教学过程及板书设计


Step 1 Warming up and lead in

1. Play two speeches, one speech in British English and the other in American English.

2. Students will answer the questions: Are there any differences between the two speeches? Why there are so many differences?

3. After students think and make out the answer, teacher will point out the title of this lesson.

Step 2 Pre-listening

1. Listen to the tape of this lesson and find out the new words. Before listening, teacher will give some guidance about which part students will pay more attention to.

2. After listening to the tape, students will write the new words on the blackboard. Teacher will choose some students to guess the meaning of those words and direct them to make out the right answer.

Step 3 While- listening

1 The words obstacles have been cleaned, then teacher will play the tape for the second time. This time students will talk about the main idea of this passage.

2. Play the tape for the third time. This time teacher will play it sentence by sentence and students will repeat the passage word by word.

3. After repeating, students will find out the words with the same meaning but use the different style in British English and American English.

4. List more words with the same meaning but use the different style

5. Students should work in pairs. Teacher will choose some students to write their answer on the blackboard.

6. Talk about other kinds of English styles and their characteristics in groups and every group will chose a representative to describe their final result.

Step4 Post- listening

Review the new words use ask and answer methods

Students will work in pairs to make up dialogue. One student use British English and the other use American English style.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Review what we have learned together

Find out more differences between British and American English.














Step 1: Warming up

Play a guessing game with students. These riddles are related to computer:

I am a machine. My shape is not large. I can help people calculate sum. Who am I?

I am a machine. I am very diligent and can help you do house work. Maybe I can talk to you in the future. Who am I?

Step 2: Pre-reading

Show a picture of prototype of computer and ask students to guess what this is.

Step 3: While-reading

1. Fast reading:

Read the whole passage quickly and find the time line of the development of Computers.

Invite one student to write it on the blackboard.

2. Detailed reading:

Ask students to scan the following questions, look up the new words in these sentences by themselves. And then ask several students to read loudly one by one according to the timeline and other students should circle the related information.

Q: What Can I do when I was young?

Q: When is the start of my artificial intelligence?

Q: Why did my designer become worried in 1940s?

After students find out the answers, I will ask them to guess the new words in their answers such as simplify and reality by telling them the prototype of the two words: simple and reality.

Step 4: Post-reading

1. Give them further information about the key words: simplify, reality.

2. Ask students to have a group discussion. List the advantage and the disadvantage of internet.

Step 5: Summary & Homework

1. Ask students to summarize the development of computer according to the timeline on the blackboard.

2. After class, please search some famous pieces of Shakespeare and write an small article of the development of Chinese.








Skimming主要是用来抓住文章的主要要点的(chief points),即找一篇文章的主旨大意或是文章的高潮,可通过抓住每一自然段的中心论点或中心句来判断一篇文章的大意。实际上,这就是一种整体阅读的方法。







Step 1 Warming-up

1) Greeting

2) Sing a song

I have a beautiful song for you. Seasons in the sun. You can sing this with me. Here we go.

Step 2 Pre-writing

1) Lead-in

Tell the students we will learn a new kind of writing-argument.

2) Demonstration

Ask the students to look at the PPT, and there is a argument. Let them find their topic, demonstration and proof. Then write it on the blackboard.

3) Brain-storming

Ask students to think about a question:

With the development of science, many chemicals are used in daily life. Many farmers welcomed them as a great way to stop crop disease and increase production. Recently, however, scientists have been finding that long-term use of these fertilizers can cause damage to the land and, even more dangerous, to people’s health. How do you think of it? And why?

Step 3 While-writing

Write an argument on your textbook. Pay attention to the format, punctuation, sentence structure and tenses. You have 20 minutes to complete your argument individually. It should contain 120 words. Try your best.

Step 4 Post-writing

1) Self-editing: Check your writing after you finish it.


高中英语教师资格证面 试经验分享 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

高中英语教师资格证面试经验分享有一句话是这么说的:“人有多大胆,复习拖多晚。死猪不怕开水烫,越到考试我越浪。” 我是今年一月份参加面试的,一月十号面试我一月七号才开始做准备,表示自己也是心大。有时间还是多准备准备,12月份应该有新一轮的教师资格证的面试吧,所以在此po上我自己的经历,希望对你有那么一点点作用。 相信对教师资格证面试做过一点了解的人都知道流程是什么样的,放一张流程图以防有人不知道 教资面试整体流程 因为我面试的是高中英语,因此我聊的都是和高中英语有关的,但其实所有的都大同小异。有一点要特别注意:面试英语学科全程英文面试!!不允许说中文!!! 面试前三天我做了哪些准备呢?和班上要一起参加面试的同学约个时间去练习,包括写教案,讲各种课型,虽然这三天只去练了几次,但在互相听课中都能发现一些问题,也能借鉴一些别人好的地方。 1. 正装可穿可不穿(根据你那边的要求来觉得),我当时面试的时候是冬天比较冷所以比较随意,但我个人建议不是非常冷的情况下最好穿一下,毕竟就只是冷一会儿就行; 2. 教资面试是靠演技的,你需要和学生互动,所以你可以提一个问题,假装有人回答了你,然后说:非常好!记住,自导自演。

3. 听说在面试过程中最好不要暴露自己的学校??这个我不确定,因为在后来答辩的过程中老师问了我是不是xx师大的,我就说是,总不能不回答老师吧。如果老师不问你你就不要主动跟老师说“老师我是xx大学的”。A. 候考 我是1.10中午12:45候场的那场面试,和朋友先签到进入候场室,等时间差不多了就会有老师开始念名字,一组20人,等一组都到齐之后就会有工作人员带领去存东西的教室。 B. 抽题 在存东西的教室存放好随身物品之后,老师会让你去抽题目的另一个教室,我们抽题目的时候是有七台电脑然后随便去任何一台电脑前,每台电脑前都有一位老师坐着,你填好你的相关信息电脑就会自动开始抽题目,是随机的。高中英语面试的课型有:词汇课、语法课(最难)、口语课、写作课、听力课、阅读课,听说读写嘛,英语所有的内容都在这儿了。 C. 备课 全组人员抽完题目之后就会有工作人员带你去写教案的教室,桌上会给大家准备好写教案的纸,然后就可以开始20分钟的写教案时间了。面试英语要用英文写教案,相信大家准备过教资的人都知道的! 面试完出来后朋友之间互相了解到,确实每一个部分都有人抽到,语法也很多。 抽题之前我一直希望God bless me,结果我抽到了语法讲解,讲定语从句!!!我完全不知道用英语怎么讲定语从句QAQ 题目是这样的,一篇文章里面有两句话画了线(划线的句子一个是限制性定语从句一个是非限制性定语从


语法有人考了v+ing用法,动名词gerund,分词participle;定语从句attributive clause, antecendent, relative pronoun; 虚拟语气subjective clause; 词汇就是讲解词汇课,思维导图讲解;例句等; 阅读就是套路讲法,一切记得leadin即可; 语音有语调tone;升降调;重音;发音等 总结就是,写教案的时候打草稿,写关键词,自己能记住流程,注意连贯性;重点在嘴上嘟囔几遍 1.试讲题目:阅读教学试讲 2.内容: One day, a man called the taxi company to get a taxi to go to the airport, but after a very long time, the taxi did not come. He called the girl in the taxi company again. Th e girl in the taxi company said, “ the taxi has not come, but you need not to worry abo ut it as the airplane is always late.” the man answered, “certainly, the airplane will be l ate this morning, because I happen to be flying it.” 3.基本要求:(1)朗读所给段落。 (2)配合教学内容适当的板书。 (3)针对该段落中的划线部分,设计相应的阅读后教学活动。(4)试讲时间:约10分钟。(5)用英文试讲。 Good morning, class, in the previous class, we have learned a reading text about the manner and ways of communication, do you still remember? And in this class, we are going to learn another text about manner and ways of communication as well as some names of vehicles in the reading material. Firs of all, I’d like you do the match exercis e on the blackboard. As you can see that, on the left part of this blackboard, there are some names of auto mobiles, and on the right part of the blackboard, there are some pictures. Can you mat ch the names on the left with the pictures on the right. Who can have a try? OK, Mike, tell me your choice. Great, your answer is right, this can be matched with this picture, and this name represents the taxi, and this is a picture about a plane. Very good,class, you have done a very good job. Then,I will read this text for you, please listen carefully, and try to get the main idea about t he reading material.OK,afterI read this text, I’d show you some new words and expres sions in the reading material. The first word is “taxi”(在黑板上板书写上这个单词),this word means “出租车” in Chinese. And the second word is “airport”, before I tell you the meaning of this word, can you guess the meaning of this word? Class, who can have a try? We can co mbine what we have learned with what we are going to learn today. I will give you so


高中英语《语音-升降调》 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 高中英语《语音-升降调》主要教学过程及板书设计 教学过程 Step 1: Warming up Show some tongue twisters on the screen and ask students to read and practice them. They can make competitions with their desk mates. Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot. We'll weather the weather whether we like it or not. Step 2: Presentation 1. Listen to the tape and later I will invite some students to tell us what he/she has heard from the tape and how many people they can find during the listening. 2. Teacher read the same material as the listening without rising tone and falling tone.



学习策略 简答题: 一.简述高中英语课程基本理念 1.重视共同基础,构建发展平台 2.提供多种选择,适应个性需求 3.优化学习方式,提高自主学习 4.关注学生情感,提高人文素养 二.简述教师如何提高专业水平,与新课程同步发展 1)转变教学观念,不仅看学习,整体素质也发展,把全面发展作为教学基本出发点 2)改变教学角色,不仅是(知识)传授者,还是(学习)促进者、指导者、组织者、帮助者、参与者、合作者。 3)能开发课程资源,创造性教学。 4)开放的工作方式,教师间合作研究,共同反思,相互支持,提高素质。 5)终身学习 语音教学

高中生应掌握的英语基础知识:语音、词汇。语法、功能、话题 教学原则: 1.面向全体学生,为学生终身发展奠定共同基础 共同基础--持续的学习动机,初步的自主学习能力,综合的语言运用能力 2.鼓励学生选修,加强选修课的指导 1)提供多样化选择,发展个性 2)设计以课程目标和学生需求为依据,充分调查学生学习兴趣、水平、需求3)教学内容多样性、目的性、拓展性、可行性、地方特色、跨文化特性 3.关注学生情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围 4.加强对学生学习策略的指导,形成自主学习 5.树立符合新课程要求的教学观念,优化教育教学方式 英语教学中的任务设计原则: 1)明确目的 2)真实意义 3)涉及接收、处理、传递等过程 4)过程中使用英语 5)通过做事情完成任务 6)任务结束有具体成果 6.利用现代教育技术,拓宽和运用英语的渠道 7.教师要不断提高专业化水平,与新课程同步发展 教学活动类型: 1.调查和采访活动 2.探究活动 3.合作学习 4.即兴发言与讨论 5.反思活动


《Music》试讲稿 《Music 》选自人教版高中英语一年级下册 T:Good morning, class, yesterday, we learned the passage about the bands, so, does anyone want to sing a song of a band for us? Have a try! S:yes! T:Good, Li Hui, the angel, Maydays song, it sounds so marvelllous! Thank you! So, Mayday is a band, yes? Yes, Mayday has 5 members, yes? Yes, look at the two sentences, how to make the two to an attributive one? The monitor, Mayday is a band which has five members. Very good! We have already learned attributive clause in unit1. Today we’ll learn something new about attributive clause. Presentation Open your books, turn to page 34, look at the title, the band that wasnt. How do you think about this title? Whats the meaning of it? Okay, Xie Fei, please, good, the band was not the band, sit down, much clearer, anyone? Please, Wang Chanchan, the band is Monkees, Monkees was not a usual band. Thats right, sit down, please. “that” guide an attributive clause, now, 2 minutes, find out attributive sentences in the passage.


英语面试试题 1、What gifts will you buy for your parents for their birthdays? Why? 2、If it is fine tomorrow, what would you like to do? Why? 3、If you are a rich person, how will you spend your money? Why? 4、How will you celebrate (庆祝) your birthday? Why? 5、What kind of school life can you imagine (想象) in high school? 6、What can we do to save water? 7、Do you think it is good for a student to have a mobile phone? Why/ Why not? 8、Please describe (描述) your perfect (美好的) day. 9、What kind of people would you like to make friends with? Why? 10、Why do you want to study here? 11、How will you prepare (准备) for your trip if you have a chance? 12、How will you get ready for your high school lift? 13、There are so many cars in the streets. Do you think it’s good or not? Why? 14、Do you think smoking is good or not? Why? 15、Do you like pets? Why/ Why not?


英语教资面试试讲七大类型真题及教案模板 语音教学 一.真题 1.题目:You are new here,aren’t you? 2.内容:A:You are new here,aren’t you? ↗ B:Yes,I am.My name is Bill.You are Tony, aren’t you?↗ A:That’s right. B:It’s really crowded here,isn’t it?↗ A:Yes,it is. 3.基本要求:(1)朗读所给对话 (2)配合教学内容适当板书 (3)针对语调标记,进行相应的语音教学活动 (4)试讲时间约10分钟 (5)用英文试讲 二.教案模板 1.Teaching objectives (1)knowledge objective Students will understand and recognize sentences with rising tone. (2)Ability objective Students will be able to use rising tone properly in communication. (3)emotional objective Students will realize some basic rules of language and be more interested in learning English. 2.Teaching key and difficult points (1)key point Help students to use correct intonation to make sentences. (2)difficult point Guide students to find out the rule of rising intonation. 3.Teaching and learning methods


2017中小学教师资格证面试——高中英语真题 1.词汇课,单词:instrument album split up break up材料内容关于Beatles 2.阅读课,Dasily和wildlife、carpet、Tibet要求讲阅读前活动。 3.语篇衔接词but、however材料内容是有关莫扎特、贝多芬。 4.口语课Fredy and his band 5.词汇课traveler humour cheque 6.阅读课culture mistake 题目要求阅读后设计 7.语法课虚拟语气内容:a football match 8.写作课home province 9.词汇课:没有文章只有单词:endless 、branch、concrete、tease 10.语法课解释划线句子的语法。考定语从句。句子:1.The way that the words(rhymed) at the end of the lines . 2.The forms I liked best (convey) their meaning by using the bare(minimum)of words. 11.语法课定语从句,给材料,讲语法(… the way that…) 12.阅读课关于coffee的那篇 13.写作课给两首诗,押韵的现代诗给出的词有; Beijing anything string ate plate, 第二首诗有feared、beard 14.听说课Mona Lisa 让同学猜词:burglar、antique、dash away… 15.语音课读文章,讲语音知识 16.写作课信件写作,要求续写 17.口语课endangered animal ,给一段文章然后设计成口语课(要求


往年全国教师资格证考试面试中学英语真题和答案 (第一道题有答案,其他几道题就当实战练习题,考考你!) 全国教师资格证(以下简称“教资证”)改革从近两年才开始。不管是在笔试的考试范围和题型上,还是在面试的题型和要求上面,都和往年有了很大的区别。比如普遍反映改革后的笔试后考试的范围和内容更加的偏,更加的难,“都想有一种想要扔掉购买的资料书的冲动”,因为所购买的资料书的封面上所写的什么“考点覆盖率100%”的广告根本就是个幌子,实际考试考的内容和书上所列的考点很难挂钩。而教师资格证考试的面试很大的一个变革就是采取了结构化面试和情景模拟相结合的方法,通过抽题,备课,试讲,答辩等方式进行。以前的说课变成了现在的十分钟的试讲。我是参加了今年下半年的教师资格证的考试,9月份笔试考试,考的是英语学科知识与教学能力,教育知识与能力以及综合素质三科。成绩是在12月1日出来的,当时没有想过三门都会过,因为自己在考试之前根本从没有复习过,可是最后查了成绩之后发现教育知识与能力以70分的成绩险过之后(120分的满分,70分及格),自己都有点欣喜若狂,感觉自己太幸运了!对于教资证的笔试,我真的没有什么经验可以传授,只能说自己高中是学文科的,可能训练的那些答辩技巧的运用再加上自己的一点幸运险过了。如果真的想下定决心想拿到教资证的同学还是好好的背背书,做做题,那样更有把握一些。好吧,闲扯了那么多,我还是回到我们的主题吧,那就是大家都关心的教资证的面试来说说吧,顺便附上几套历年的真题和模拟题外加答案加我自己参加面试(主要是英语,当然,报考其他科目的同学也可以借鉴一下)的一些心得。PS:我今年大三,就读的是华中师范大学英语系专业。(以下黑色表示我的主观的心理活动,红色表示题目或者真实讲课以及对话)


2017上半年高中英语教师资格证面试真题精选(第一批) 高中英语教师资格证面试真题——《How to bathe a bird?》 一、考题 二、考题解析 《How to bathe a bird?》主要教学过程及板书设计 教学过程 Step 1 Lead in A report: Ask a student on duty to give an oral report while other students listen to him/her carefully, and after that I will ask some questions about her report. Possible answer: my family, including a pet.

Q: Who is special in her family? ( A pet) Who is going to look after a dog or a cat? What does she do every day? (I’ll feed it, bathe it and walk it every day!) Step 2 Pre-listening 1. Discussion: Show a question and ask them to discuss with their partner. Q: If you have a pet, but it is very dirty, what will you do? And how to do? (To encourage students to try their best to speak in English) 2. Word study: Before listening, give Ss some new words and expressions that can help them have a good understanding about the listening material. Step 3 While-listening First of all, let’s look at the pictures. Guess what happened to them or get the Ss to guess the answers to the questions. Then let them listen to the tape. For the first time, let them listen carefully and get the general idea. For the second time, let them answer the questions according to what they hear.


Good morning, everyone. Today I`m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. The content of my lesson is I`ll be ready to begin this lesson from four parts. They are 1 Analyzing teaching Material 2.the teaching methods 3.the studying methods 4.the teaching procedures, and while presenting these parts I will do the blackboard design properly. Ok now I am going to start from the first part Part 1 Analyzing teaching Material: This lesson is about .By studying of this lesson, we`ll enable the students to know the serious attitude towards and develop the interest in At the same time, let the students learn how to give instructions. This lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit. As it is the main passage in this unit which outlines the theme of this unit .If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make Ss learn the rest of this unit. And as we all know , reading belongs to the input during the process of language learning. The input has great effect on output, such as speaking and writing. Then according to the new standard curriculum and syllabus(新课程标准和教学大纲), I think the teaching aims of this lesson are the following:


2018上半年高中英语教师资格证面试真题(第二批) 二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching Aims: Knowledge aim: Students will know what sense group is and master how to pause between sense groups. Ability aim: Students can use the method to divide a long sentence into several parts and read the sentence more fluently. Emotional aim: Students will improve their intonation and not be afraid of speaking English. Teaching Key Points: Students know the concept of sense group and pausing point of a long sentence.

Teaching Difficult Points:题目来源于考生回忆 Students can apply the pause between sense groups into daily reading to improve their pronunciation and intonation. Teaching Methods: Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, Audio-lingual teaching method. Teaching Aids: PPT, Blackboard and so on Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. Greetings 2.A tongue twister: I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish. Step 2: Presentation题目来源于考生回忆 1.Ask students how to read a sentence quickly and in rhyme.


语法有人考了 v+ing 用法,动名词 gerund,分词 participle;定语从句 attributive clause, antecendent, relative pronoun;虚拟语气 subjective clause; 词汇就是讲解词汇课,思维导图讲解;例句等; 阅读就是套路讲法,一切记得leadin 即可; 语音有语调 tone;升降调;重音;发音等 总结就是,写教案的时候打草稿,写关键词,自己能记住流程,注意连贯性;重点在嘴上 嘟囔几遍 1.试讲题目:阅读教学试讲 2.内容: One day, a man called the taxi company to get a taxi to go to the airport, but after a very long time, the taxi did not come. He called the girl in the taxi company again. Th e girl in the taxi company said, “the taxi has not come, but you need not to worry abo ut it as the airplane is alwayslate. the” man answered,“ certainly,the airplane will be l ate this morning, because I happen to be flyingit. ”3.基本要求:(1)朗读所给段落。 (2)配合教学内容适当的板书。 (3)针对该段落中的划线部分,设计相应的阅读后教学活动。(4)试讲时间:约 10 分钟。(5)用英文试讲。 Good morning, class, in the previous class, we have learned a reading text about the manner and ways of communication, do you still remember? And in this class, we are going to learn another text about manner and ways of communication as well as some names of vehicles in the reading material. Firs of all,I ’d like you do the match exercis e on the blackboard. As you can see that, on the left part of this blackboard, there are some names of auto mobiles, and on the right part of the blackboard, there are some pictures. Can you mat ch the names on the left with the pictures on the right. Who can have a try? OK, Mike, tell me your choice. Great, your answer is right, this can be matched with this picture, and this name represents the taxi, and this is a picture about a plane. Very good,class, you have done a very good job. Then , I will read this text for you, please listen carefully, and try to get the main idea about t he reading material.OK,afterI read this text,I ’d show you some new words and expres sions in the reading material. The first word is“ taxi 在”(黑板上板书写上这个单词 this word means“出),租


Part 2 Teaching methods: Dealing with this lesson. I`ll do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while me, myself acts as director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the Ss receive some moral

Part 4 Teaching Procedure: I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Especially reading ability. Step1.Lead-in Have a free talk about ---and then discuss the question in pre-reading on page

Step5.Retell the passage 1.I will list out the general idea of each paragraph which the Ss have concluded in fast reading 2. Encouraging Ss to use their own words to retell the passage according to the general ideas . Purpose: I want to check if my students really understand the whole text and


高中英语教师资格证面试——2017真题 1.词汇课,单词:instrument album split up break up材料内容关于Beatles 2.阅读课,Dasily和wildlife、carpet、Tibet要求讲阅读前活动。 3.语篇衔接词but、however材料内容是有关莫扎特、贝多芬。 4.口语课Fredy and his band 5.词汇课traveler humour cheque 6.阅读课culture mistake 题目要求阅读后设计 7.语法课虚拟语气内容:a football match 8.写作课home province 9.词汇课:没有文章只有单词:endless 、branch、concrete、tease 10.语法课解释划线句子的语法。考定语从句。句子:1.The way that the words(rhymed) at the end of the lines . 2.The forms I liked best (convey) their meaning by using the bare(minimum)of words. 11.语法课定语从句,给材料,讲语法(… the way that…) 12.阅读课关于coffee的那篇 13.写作课给两首诗,押韵的现代诗给出的词有; Beijing anything string ate plate, 第二首诗有feared、beard 14.听说课Mona Lisa 让同学猜词:burglar、antique、dash away… 15.语音课读文章,讲语音知识 16.写作课信件写作,要求续写 17.口语课endangered animal ,给一段文章然后设计成口语课(要求


第一批 1.上课有蝴蝶在飞,同学都要抓蝴蝶,你怎么办? 新课改强调教师角色与教学行为的转变。如果课上有蝴蝶飞进来,学生都在抓蝴蝶,我会这样做。 第一,改变预定计划,“创造性地教学”.把学生当作学习的主体,因势利导,尊重学生的兴趣、情感,激发学生的求知欲。 第二,教学过程应该是课程创生与开发的过程。遇到此类事件,我会迅速而正确地做出判断,采取有效的教育措施。抓住学生被“蝴蝶”深深吸引这一现象.以此作为活的教学材料。 第三,时刻谨记新课改所提倡的“以人为本”,关注学生的需要。遇到偶发事件,应当把学生放在主体地位,因势利导,把事件转变成培养学生观察力的活教材,引导学生看、听、说、写;指导他们学会正确、全面、有条理地观察事物,取得更好的教学效果。 总之,作为教师,在教学过程中对于课程既要有预设性,也要重视课程的生成性,更多地关注学生而非学科,从而培养学生的学习兴趣和良好的学习习惯。 2.学生的妈妈经常因为繁琐小事找老师,老师觉得烦,你怎么看? 我觉得老师做法不对,针对上述问题我会有如下处理: 第一,作为老师,应该耐心解决家长疑问。 第二,积极主动和家长沟通。 第三,教师和家长应该形成合力,做好家校共育。 3.谈谈你对习相近、性相远的理解?

性相近习相远的意思是:人生下来的时候都是好的,只是由于成长过程中,后天的学习环境不一样,性情也就有了好与坏的差别。 这句话对我们的启示是:人生下来原本都是一样,但从小不好好教育,普良的本性就会变坏。所以,人从小就要好好学习,区分善恶,才能成为一个对社会有用的人才。我们要为学生创造良好的成长教育环境,帮助学积极健康成长。 4.豆豆小朋友第一天上幼儿园,她自己跑回去了怎么办? 按如下处理: 第一,给家长打电话,确保豆豆安全回家。 第二,事后和幼儿沟通,了解原因。 第三,与家长沟通,培养幼儿独立意识。 5.家长和你谈话的时候录音了怎么办? 退到题目中的问题,我会做如下处理: 第一,紧急处理,制止家长,并了解情况。 第二,如果是因为反感教师的批评态度,就真诚向家长道歉,请求谅解。借此机会引导学生意识到自己的错误并改正错误。 第四,事后我会进行反思,反思自己在和家长沟通方面需要注意的问题。总之,和家长沟通,秉着爱心、耐心、责任心认真负责。 6.学生被班主任批评上课无精打采怎么办? 第一,了解情况,安抚学生,劝解学生先安心上课。 第二,课后继续与学生交流沟通,帮助学生进步。 第三,反思自己的批评方式,针对不同的学生采取不同的教育方式。


精品文档 2017年1月,我参加的是高中英语教师资格证面试。准考证上标明:7:30-7:45到抽签候考室。等到了考点后,发现考点面试人员仅为初中英语和高中英语。组织人员井井有条地把我们分为几组,分别进入候考室抽签。我抽中的为10号。每个号段有三十人。所以等其他号段一批批面试完以后,轮到我已经是11点多了。 我们号段的人员被领到抽题教室,每人抽一组题。等所有人员抽完题后,进入备课室。在20分钟的时间内完成教案。时间还是很紧张的。所以,面试前要做充分的准备。时间规划为:15分钟完成教案,5分钟在草稿纸上列出试讲要填充的教学细节,如:词汇课的例句,说写课的讨论指令等。虽然教案不必要体现所有的教学细节,但是,你要对试讲内容要有一个清晰的思路,才不至于到时候脑子一片空白。 我抽中的题型为词汇。如下为试题: Chemical fertilizers damage the land by killing the helpful bacteria and pests as well as the harmful ones. Chemicals also stay in the ground and underground water for a long time. This affects crops and therefore, animals and humans, since chemicals get inside the crops and cannot just be washed off. These chemicals in the food supply build up in the people's bodies over time. Many of these chemicals can lead to cancer or other illness. 1.朗读多给段落。 2.对文中画线部分的词汇,进行呈现,设计教学环节。 3.根据设计,将教案写在教案纸上。 拿到题后,先对课型进行分析,再进行备课。 我的教案如下: 1.Teaching objectives: Knowledge objectives: Help the students understand and grasp the new words and phrases in the passage. Ability objectives: Help students use these new words and phrase in their daily communication, both in writing and speaking. Emotion objectives: Help students know the side-effect of chemical fertilizer and in what way these chemical fertilizer do harm to animals and human. To get them think about ways of avoiding or lessening the side-effect of chemical fertilizer. 2.Teaching key points: The comprehensive understanding of the new words and phrases in the passage. 3.Teaching difficult points: To have the students speak confidently or write freely by using these words or phrases. 4.Teaching procedures:
