










(英语)高中英语词汇训练测试(一)Unit 1—Unit 8

高中英语词汇训练测试(一) Unit 1—Unit 8 姓名分数 一、根据汉语写出单词的正确形式。(每小题一分) 1. Speaking with a strong (口音), be was laughed at sometimes. 2. Free (住宿)will be provided for all the contestants. 3. All the children must be (陪伴)by adults when riding the roller coaster. 4. His boss doesn't (欣赏)his talents, making him depressed. 5. Please ask him to leave his (地址)to us. 6.You should be (羞耻的)of yourself for telling such lies. 7. He was________(意外地) caught stealing when a postman was sending mail. 8. At school, we not only a (获得)knowledge but also improve ourselves in other aspects. 9. The students' union (倡议,提倡)that we beautify the campus by planting trees 10. (酒精的)drinks are forbidden in this restaurant. 11. He is so (好斗的)that his classmates tend to avoid him. 12. As an (有抱负的)young man, I aim high and spare no effort to achieve my goal. 13. After (分析)the situation, we agreed to take action immediately. 14. The book will teach you how to deal with (焦虑)in an effective way. 15. The (申请者)are required to hand in their resumes before May 15th. 16. His remarks aroused an (争论)among the people present. 17. After-class (活动)are treated as an essential part of school life. 18. I dream of being an (建筑师)in the future. 19. He went onto the stage and the audience began to (鼓掌)him for his courage. 20. (运动员)from all parts of the world will take part in the competitions. 21. My teachers are good at creating a relaxing (气氛)for us. 22. My neighbor is related to the (企图的)murder. 23. They entered the hall through the (自动的)door. 24. Don't judge others by (外貌). 25. The freshmen are listening to the pre8ident (专心地). 26. It is really a (廉价货)compared with goods of the same quality. 27. I will help to clear away all the (障碍)on the path ahead. 28. We were amazed at the (美)of nature. 29. I sleep for an (平均)of eight hours every day. 30. They can provide practical courses, especially for the (初学者). 二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。(每小题一分) 1. Theories are too abstract to be understood by kids. 2. The family members of the performers will have free admission. 3. There is an abundant supply of fresh water in this area. 4. We must stop abusing animals. 5. We were all shocked by his account of the accident. 6. The country children have access to good education now.


高三上 UNIT1 beard n.(下巴上的)胡须;络腮胡子 cheetah n.猎豹 sailfish n.旗鱼;姥鲛 voyager n.航行者;航海者;航天者 tight adj.紧的;难解开的;紧密的 tightrope n.绷紧的绳索或钢丝 gorge n.峡谷 edition n.版本;版次 moustache n.髭;八字须;小胡子 Urumqi n.乌鲁本齐 brewery n.啤酒厂 conclude vt.结束时说;(经推理)相信;达成vi结束 hire vt.雇佣;租用 send in 寄送某处进行处理 set down 记下;写下 feat n.技艺;功绩;伟业 length n.长度;长 hectare n.公顷 athletic adj.运动(员)的;体格健壮的 Lance Armstrong 兰斯·阿姆斯特朗 fade vi.凋谢;褪色;(声音等)变弱;(光纤等)变暗vt.使褪色in a row 一个接一个地;连续不断地 in the first place (用于列举理由等时)首先;第一;原先account n.叙述;账目;账户 attempt vt.尝试;努力n.试图;企图 suitable adj.适合的;恰当的 apply for 申请;请求 inspect vt.检查;视察;察看 confirm vt.证实;确认 certificate n.证(明)书 gradual adj.逐渐的;渐变的 blank n.空的;空隙adj.空白的;空虚的 enthusiastic adj.热情的;热心的 bid n.出价;投标vt.& vi.(bid,bid)(拍卖时)喊(价);投标decade n.十年 committee n.委员会 fascinate vt.迷住;使神魂颠倒 Juan Antonio Samaranch 胡安·安东尼奥·萨马兰奇 burst vt.(burst,burst)爆炸;爆破 burst into sth 突然而猛烈地发出或产生出某事物 underline vt.在……下面画线;强调 globe n.地球;地球仪;球体


1. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. He pratices (speak)English every day. 2. Our English teacher made us ____ __ (not talk)about our friends in Chinese. 3. I often see them (watch)TV. 4. My father always (teach)me how to study English last term . 5. I (call)you when I arrive there. 6. It’s seven o’clock. Everyone (read)English. 7. Don’t worry. I will tell you how (use)the computer.. 8. It is very important ________(not give)them a shower. 9. Do you mind my (close)the window? 10. I hope you (come).next Friday. 2. 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.Tony usually _________(get)up at seven o'clock. 2.Betty _________(not often do)her homework on Friday. 3.Let's _________(go)to a Taijiquan class. 4.Daming can _________(talk)about jobs in English. 5.Kate _________(not have)got any brothers. 4. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.He works hard and becomes a _____(law). 2.I don't like eating _____ fish.(fry) 4.Tom often goes to school without ______ breakfast.(have) 5.Do you live on the _____ floor? (nine) 5. 用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。 1.He has much (interesting)in collecting stamps. 2.Believe in (you),Tony,and you are sure to succeed。 3.I found something important in (today)newspaper。 4.More trees and flowers should be (plant)to make our hometown beautiful,5.Don’t worry,Kitty.With our help,you will do much (well)next time.6.More and more people in the world are (begin)to learn Mandarin(普通话).7.It’s such a (wonder)song that we all like it.


选修6各单元词汇专项练习Unit 1 Art 一. 单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇) 1. The word “honesty” is an a____________ noun. 2. Which do you like better, his paintings or s______________? 3. There are many art g_____________ in New York. 4. They are put on an e______________ of French paintings next week. 5. An a________________ country is always ready to start a war 6. His a_______ is to be a successful writer. 7. You’ll soon be c____________ that she is right , though you think not now. 8. The prisoners a___________ to escape, but failed. 9. The keys are in the p________________ of the boss. 10. She was the f__________ of everyone’s attention at the party. 11. In the picture the tree is the s__________ of life while the snake stands for evil. 12. He has lost his b____________ in the God. 13. The expert p____that there will be an earthquake in that area in the near future. 14. He made a r__________ drawing of a horse. (他画了一匹栩栩如生的马) 15. I’m afraid I have never been much of a ________________(学者). 16. You look r_______________ (可笑的)in those tight jeans. 17. The professor made a ______________ speech. ( 可能引起争议的) 18. Was Johnson _________ (同时代的)with Shakespeare ? 19. Would you please let me know your p_______________ address( 固定地址) ? 二.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- focus on feel like look through in the flesh break away from scores of lead to a great deal in possession of consequently convince of full of on the other hand bunch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.When she wore the dress, Jane ___________ a princess. 2.They are _____________ urgent problems at present. 3.The thief managed to _____________________the policeman. 4.Your explanation has _______ me _____ a clear understanding. 5.I was _________________ a magazine in the bedroom when she called me. 6.You can’t be __________________????__ the house until all the papers have been sign ed. 7.I got up late and ___________ I was late for my plane for Beijing. 8.I have __________ CDs at home. Would you like to come and enjoy some. 9.The film star looks thinner ________________ than in the photograph. 10.We should value it , because it has cost us ____________. 11. He hurried home, ________ fear. 12.We couldn’t _____________ him _____ his mistake. 13.On one hand I valued his friendship, but ________________________ I disliked his self-pride and selfishness. 三. 句子翻译。 1.“福斯特先生从未去过中国, 所以对中国了解得很少。” Mr. Foster has never been to China.______________, he knows very little about it. 2.他劝我应该学法律。 He ________________me that I should study law. 3.她有丰富的教学经验。 She has ___ _______ ________ _____ teaching experience. 4.足球比赛的比分是四比一。 The ________ in the football game was 4 - 1. 5.我们有相同的宗教信仰。 We share the same ______ .


高考英语词汇量测试题 1.Many species of animals are becoming every year due to pollution caused by man. A.idle B.solar C.extinct D.temporary 2.The large river turned into a small due to lack of rain A.steam B.stream C.scream D.dream 3.Do you mean to that I am a bad person? A.apply B.reply C.supply D.imply 4.It is a good idea to one’s money in a safe stock. A.recite B.purchase C. invest D.account 5.The in the bookstore is only available to students. A.discount B.recreation https://www.360docs.net/doc/ad13727193.html,edy D.blank 6.The standard of the people have dropped by a great degree in recent times. A.oral B.moral C.significant D.charming 7.One must conduct a great deal of before writing an article. A.search B.source C. resource D.research 8.Please us with a song or dance A. define B.cheat C.entertain D.bless 9.It is difficult to to a new culture and language. A.enter B.adjust C.generate D.disclose 10.The of the criminal act was two years in jail A.consequence B.stress C.basis D.affects 11.George can explain to you whatever information you need in about our program. A .fancy B.detail C.tone D.promotion 12.Ben is a friend of mine;Ican trust him with all of my secrets. A.loyal B.royal C.pleasant D.awful 13.It really me to see how much food we waste every day. https://www.360docs.net/doc/ad13727193.html,mands B.depresses C arises D.recommends 14.There was not enough to prove him guilty of crime


关于中学生提高英语词汇量与阅读之间的关系 执笔人首师大附属密云中学高一(3)班刘畅张阿梁内容提要 提到英语学科的成绩,阅读便是重中之重。然而,许多中学生的英语阅读成绩却提高缓慢,本文就中学生词汇量与学习阅读之间的联系做出深入探究,透视出现代中学在提高英语阅读方面尚存在的问题,指在唤起中学生对学习英语阅读的关注。.?(··)? 一、问题的提出 在对问题的探究中,本小组发现学生在阅读中存在严重的词汇障碍。对此, 提出对这项课题的研究。 词汇障碍主要体现在以下几个方面: 阅读材料中加注中文的生词。调查表明, 这类词在学生实际阅读中同样存在一定的干扰。尤其在篇幅较长的材料中, 当该词在下文再次出现时, 学生会误以为是生词。另外, 这类词的派生词在后来的材料中也不作生词对待; 已学词汇的派生词,这类词在阅读材料中有很多; 有新义的熟词, 这类词与学生已经掌握的意思完全不同, 实际上就是生词; 课标允许在阅读材料中存在的约3% 的生词。可中学生阅读中存在的生词远比3% 的生词大得多,这时我小组成员才深刻地体会到这项课题的真正意义所在。 二、调查过程 1.对中学英语教学大纲的研究 为了切实了解学生学习英语阅读的情况,我小组成员曾数次访问了多为英语教师,并对中学英语教学大纲做出了深刻的研究。中学英语教学大纲指出:“中学英语教学的目的,是对中学生进行听、说、读、写的基本训练,培养学生初步运用英语的能力,侧重培养阅读能力。”从某种意义上说,阅读能力的提高,是听、说、写能力提高的关键。通过阅读,扩大了知识面,增加了词汇量,交际时就不会因为知识或词汇贫乏而言不达意,写作时才能语言地道,内容丰富。从长远的观点来看,中学阶段阅读能力的高低对学生以后的进一步深造也有很大影响。据了解,许多中国留学生初到国外,阅读这关不好过。他们每天除了要应付上课外,课后往往需要阅读数十乃至数百页参考材料。而对于习惯于逐字逐句阅读的学生来说,要完成这样的阅读量,显然是很困难的。问题的关键就是阅读速度慢。当今时代是信息化时代,人们要从浩如烟海的科技情报资料中获取所需的信息,就必须提高阅读效率。 阅读能力的重要性在近年来的考试题中也体现出来。阅读理解题在中考试题中的比重逐年增加。阅读理解部分由两篇、三篇增加到四篇。题量在逐渐增加。测验的目的从考查词句的理解到篇章的理解,从了解事实细节到确定中心思想、进行正确推论、得出合乎逻辑的结论等等。文章的题材和体裁也逐步多样化,包括各种记叙文和说明文、议论文。由此可见,中考对中学生的阅读能力不但在阅读速度而且在理解的深度方面都提出了更高的要求。而要适应这样的要求,不进行教材、教法的改革,显然是不行的。只有大胆摆脱传统观念和传统教学模式的束缚,努力改革教材、教法,才能学提高生的阅读理解能力。


三年级(上册) Unit 1 _______钢笔_______铅笔_______铅笔盒_______尺子 _______橡皮_______蜡笔 _______书_______书包 _______卷笔刀_______学校 Unit 2 _______头_______脸_______鼻子_______嘴_______眼睛_______耳朵_______胳膊_______手指 _______腿 _______脚_______身体 Unit 3 _______红色的_______黄色的_______绿色的_______蓝色的 _______紫色的_______白色的_______黑色的_______橙色的 _______粉色的_______棕色的 Unit 4 _______猫_______狗 _______猴子 _______熊猫 _______兔子 _______鸭子_______猪_______鸟 _______熊 _______大象_______老鼠_______松鼠 Unit 5 _______蛋糕_______面包_______热狗_______汉堡包_______鸡肉_______茶_______榨薯条_______可乐_______果汁_______牛奶_______水_______咖啡 Unit 6 _______一_______二_______三_______四 _______五 _______六_______七_______八_______九_______

十_______玩具娃娃_______小船_______球_______风筝 _______气球_______小汽车_______飞机 三年级(下册) Unit 1 _______男孩 _______女孩_______教师_______学生 _______这个_______我的 _______朋友_______好的。愉快的 _______早上好_______下午好_______遇见。碰见 _______再见_______也。太 Unit 2 _______父亲。爸爸 _______爸爸(口语) _______母亲。妈妈_______妈妈(口语) _______男人_______女人_______(外)祖母_______(口语)(外)祖母 _______(外)祖父_______(口语)(外)祖父 _______姐妹_______兄弟 _______让我们_______太好了_______真地。确切地_______和。并且_______多么。怎么样 Unit 3 _______十一_______十二_______十三_______十四 _______十五_______十六_______十七_______十八 _______十九_______二十 _______多少_______能够。可以_______看。瞧 Unit 4 _______桃 _______梨 _______橙子_______西瓜 _______苹果_______香蕉_______草莓_______葡萄_______喜欢_______一些。某些_______多谢 Unit 5 _______公共汽车 _______自行车 _______出租车_______吉普车_______课桌


高中英语变形词汇 1. A. 2.able adj. ability n. enable vt. disable vt. 3.accident n. accidental adj. accidentally ad. 4.achieve v. achievement n. 5.act v./n. action n. actor/actress n. active adj. activity n. 6.actual adj. actually adv. 7.add v. addition n. additional adj. 8.admire v. admiration n. admirable adj. 9.admit v. admission n. 10.adventure n. adventurous adj. 11.advice n. advise v. 12.afford v. affordable adj. 13. agree v. agreement n. agreeable adj. 14.anger n. angry adj. angrily ad. 15.announce v. announcement n. announcer n. 16.anxious adj. anxiously ad. anxiety n. 17.apology n. apologize v. 18.appear v. appearance n. 19.argue v. argument n. 20.arrive v. arrival n. 21.art n. artist n. artistic adj.


一、强背: 1、要大声朗读,反复朗读直至背诵。 2、背完单词之后8小时再复习一遍,第二天再看一遍,第四天再复习一 遍,你可以前后衔接地类似滚雪球那样去复习。 3、注意积累,备一本单词本。这其实和学母语一样的,经常记下一些单词 和美文妙句,记多了就自然融会贯通,能在作文中熟练运用了。 4、多留心英文广播电视,其节目来源目前在中国还是比较丰富的。 5、你还可以找一个网友用英文发email交流。 二、实践: 记单词就像交朋友,是一回生、二回熟的过程。第一次见面,可能只记得脸,记不住名字,但这并不妨碍你们今后交往;第二次见面,记住了名字,但不知其脾性,这也无妨;第三次见面,可能略知其性格,但不知其底细,这还是无妨;以后见面多了,就可能逐渐了解他的方方面面,甚至交上朋友。所以,最关键的 是要增加见面交往的机会。 同时,是否略过不熟悉的单词,以不同场合而异。若在进行阅读测试,是不可能逐词逐句地查字典,因为那样做速度太慢。如果是在读闲书,那尽力弄清楚 每个词的意思。 三、方法: 1、明确背诵目标。 任何的词汇记忆,都不是所有英文单词的记忆。一定要根据需要,明确自己的词汇量空间。一般来说,目前的各种词汇辅导的书已经很多,不需要自己去样 本采集。 高考英语词汇量在3500~3800之间。 然而,对于较高层次英语水平的词汇量,不再局限地要求词汇量的绝对多少, 这时候,构词法的理解更为重要。 建议选择简单明了的词汇表,看着要少而薄,每页单词list尽可能多。选择一本好的词汇表,可以说是决定了下一步的难度和信心耐心。这时候应该注意区分两种需求。买书的时候,书厚实一些、内容全一些丰富一些,让人觉得实在,对得起书价,从而决定购买。但是在看书的时候,书越薄、越简单,就越容易接受,降低畏难情绪。特别是词汇表,本身比较枯燥乏味,进度慢就不会有成就感, 锐气也会消磨光。 有的人强调背字典,因为字典上每个词的解释比较全面。但这是针对骨灰级人物——也就是英文高手的,对于一般人学习并不合适。 2、常看须背单词。 先集中看单词,而不是背单词。这个阶段20天左右。尽量在最短的时间内,把所有常用的单词粗粗看一遍。不要刻意去记忆,但是要认真,用心感觉每 一个生词。


周至三中高二英语词汇考试 本试题共四部分,满分100分,时间90分钟。 一单词拼写(0.5x20) 1.I’ll phone him (立刻,一…就) I hear any news. 2.This article can be (分开) into four parts. 3.The house is situated in very pleasant (周围环境). 4.After a hard day’s work, I felt ___ ___(完全地,彻底地) tired. 5.They were taken by (救护车) to the nearest hospital. 6.You look _______________ (可笑的)in those tight jeans. 7._______(分析)the difficult sentences helps to understand the text well. 8.So I did the wrong thing! Well, nobody is _________(完美的). 9.The population had ________(减少) from about 8,300,000 in 1845 to less than 6,600,000in 1851. 10.I can’t _____(评价) his ability without seeing his work.

11.An _______(合适) method must be found to deal with such situation. 12.The music is written in a _______ (节奏) of three beats to a bar. 13.I’m ________ (等待) their reply. 14 The songs of birds ______ (唤醒) me. 15.Don’t take it seriously, he was only ______ (开玩笑) 16.English is a _______ (分支) of Germanic family of languages. 17.A _______(广泛传播的)flu epidemic affected eighteen western states. 18.There has been serious _______(分歧) between the two political over the question. 19.He couldn’t stand terrible English ________(气候). 20.The _______(平均数)of 3, 6and 9 is 6. 二英汉互译(2x20) 1.adapt to https://www.360docs.net/doc/ad13727193.html,ed to do 3.leave....alone 4.turn around 5.cannot help doing sth. 6. come across make some difference to 8.share sth with sb

2018年高考英语一轮复习重点词汇专项检测试题: 17 含答案

2018广州天河中学高考英语一轮复习重点词汇专项检测试题17 字母t 专练(1) I. 核心词汇 1. The island is shaped like a _________(三角形). 2. His ____________裤子) were slightly short. 3. It was a brave decision to change _____________(方针) in the middle of the project. 4. The TV sex educational program is aimed at t _________, not adults. 5. Modern t ________ makes it possible for people to live longer than before. 6. The government is determined to _________(解决) inflation. 7. He showed considerable _____________(天资) for getting what she wanted. 8. The university will reach its ____________(目标) of 10,000 students next year. II.熟词生义练习: 把下列句子译成汉语,注意黑体字的含义 1.The divorced woman is the talk of the street. 2.I am not familiar with chemical terms. 3.Tires are usually made of rubber. 4.Harris got a ticket for speeding. 5.It’s my treat today. III. 用方框中短语的适当形式填空 1.He ______________________the good weather to go for a walk. 2.Don’t _______ i t ________________ that I should do it. 3.She _____________________teasing her younger sister. 4.We will __________________ with the weather and go for a picnic. 5.We should _____ ____________________the proposals of our parents. IV. 单项填空 1.One of the most important questions they had to consider was _____ of public health. A. what B. this C. that D. which


v1.0 可编辑可修改 高考英语单词分类汇编 School 学校 第一组 No1 subjects 有关科目的词汇curriculum n 课程 course n 课程 compulsory course n 必修课optional course n 选修课schedule n 课程表 school timetable n 课程表mathematics(math) n 数学Algebra n 代数 Arithmetic n 算术 Geometry n 几何 statistics n 统计学 physics n 物理 chemistry n 化学 Chinese n 汉语 English n 英语 biology n 生物 politics n 政治 history n 历史 geography n 地理 physical education(PE) n 体育music n 音乐 art n 美术 science n 科学 philosophy n 哲学 medicine n 医学 engineering n 工程学astronomy n 天文学psychology n 心理学 economics n 经济学 finance n 金融学 law n 法学 botany n 植物学 zoology n 动物学 math 有关数学的词汇 count v 数数 number n 数字 add v 加 addition n 加法 subtract v 减去 subtraction n 减法 multiply v 乘 multiplication n 乘法 divide by v 除以 division n 除法 calculate v 计算 equation n 方程式,等式 plus n 加,正号 minus n 减,负号 square n 平方 cube n 立方,立方体 index n 指数 average n 平均数 percent n 百分之… point n 点 line n 线 plane n 面 angle n 角 degree n 度 parallel 平行的,平行线 triangle n 三角形 rectangle n 矩形 square n 正方形 circle n 圆 diameter n 直径 radius n 半径 oval n 椭圆形 round a 圆的 straight a 直的 bent a 弯的 physics 有关物理的词汇 matter n 物质 energy n 能 liquid n 液体 fluid n 流体 solid n 固体 gas n 气体 object n 物体 mass n 质量 weight n 重量 gravity n 重力 speed n 速度 accelerate v 加速 acceleration n 加速度 friction n 摩擦力 pressure n 压力,压强 work n 功 temperature n 温度 heat n 热 conduction n 传导


八年级英语(上)词汇训练 一、根据句意和首字母提示写出单词。 1. Two times is t . 2. Do you have a good eati ng h . 3. A lot of v ________ h elp you to keep in good health. 4. Li Ming likes watch T . An imal World is his favorite p . 5.1 thi nk math is the most difficult s 6. We see with our e . 7. Are you t ________ ? No, I ' m hungry 8. Whe n you feel t _______ ,please have a good rest. 9. What ' s the m _____ ? I have cold. 10. Whe n you have a feve,ryou s ______ drink more water 11. You have a bad tooth, please go to the d . 12. Whe n did you come here? Three days a . 13. I ' m going to take a v in Beijing this summer 14. Don ' t f ______ t o close the windows when you leave. 15. Mr Wang d ________ to lear n En glish last year 16. The coat is too expe nsive. I must t ______ about it. 17. I like to live in the c _______ 」t ' s quiet and beautiful. 18. Your father and your mother are your p . 19. She ' s going to Tibet tomorrow. That s ______ interesting. 20. Let ' s go to the lake to go f . 21. Isabella Romero is a famous m _______ s tar 22. D ________ is the last month of the year



高考英语词汇量测试题 1.Many species of animals are becoming every year due to pollution caused by man. A.idle B.solar C.extinct D.temporary 2.The large river turned into a small due to lack of rain A.steam B.stream C.scream D.dream 3.Do you mean to that I am a bad person? A.apply B.reply C.supply D.imply 4.It is a good idea to one’s money in a safe stock. A.recite B.purchase C. invest D.account 5.The in the bookstore is only available to students. A.discount B.recreation https://www.360docs.net/doc/ad13727193.html,edy D.blank 6.The standard of the people have dropped by a great degree in recent times. A.oral B.moral C.significant D.charming 7.One must conduct a great deal of before writing an article. A.search B.source C. resource D.research 8.Please us with a song or dance
