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plagiarize/plagiarism 抄袭,剽窃

postdoctoral fellow 博士后研究员

preschool class 学前班

schooling suspension 休学

straight A student 成绩全优生

student aid 助学金

student cafeteria/canteen 学生餐厅

student union 学生会

take attendance 查点考勤

teaching assistant 助教

teaching faculty 全体教师

top student 头等生

track out of schools 被逐出校门

transcript 成绩单

transmission of civilization 传播文明

valedictory address/speech 毕业献辞

virtual university 虚拟大学

working graduate 在职研究生

work-study program 勤工助学

cramming system; spoon-feeding pedagogy 填鸭式教学法crash course 速成班

credit hour 学时

drop out (中途)退学

educational expenditure 教育开支

educational innovation 教育革新

educational network 网络教育

education in patriotism 爱国主义教育

elective course 选修课

exemption from examination 免考

exit qualification 结业资格

fellowship 研究生奖学金

financial aid 财政资助(泛指向学生提供的各种资金、贷款、非全日工作等)average student 中等生

award/confer degree 授予学位

basic literacy 基本读写能力

campus medical center; school clinic 校内诊所

CA T (computer adaptive test) 机考

cheating in exams 考试作弊

check roll 考勤

children with learning disability 无学习能力的儿童

class rank 年级名次

coeducation 男女同校

commencement ceremony 毕业典礼

compulsory course 必修课

core curriculum 核心课程

cost of education 教育费用

course leader 课代表

academic achievements 学业成绩

陪读be companion to sb in study

听课attend a class or lecture

走读生nonresident student


进修班class for further studies

特困生the most needy student

学杂费tuition fee and miscellaneous charges

毕业设计graduation project

大专学历 a college graduate

德才兼备combine political integrity with professional


定向培养provide training to selected students

定向招生recruit students from selected organizations or regions;

enroll students who are pre-assigned to specific posts or areas

动手能力the ability of practice

岗位培训in-service/on-the-job training

高等教育higher/postsecondary education

国情教育education abou t China’s conditions

积累知识accumulate knowledge

基础教育basic/elementary education

寄宿学校boarding school

家庭教育education in the home

综合治理comprehensive treatment

安居工程housing project for low-income urban



智力密集型concentration of brain power;


外资企业overseas-funded enterprises

下岗职工laid-off workers

分流reposition of redundant personnel

三角债chain debts

素质教育education for all-round development

豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects

社会治安情况law-and-order situation

西部大开发Development of the West Regions

可持续性发展sustainable development

风险投资risk investment


扩大内需to expand domestic demand

计算机辅助教学computer-assisted instruction(CAI)


虚拟现实virtual reality

网民netizen(net citizen)

电脑犯罪computer crime

电子商务the e-business

网上购物shopping online

应试教育exam-oriented education

学生减负to reduce study load

下岗laid-off workers
