


生物tpo24 lecture 1


生物学讲座主要涉及到的小学科有conservation biology保护生物学,marine biology海洋生物学,zoology动物学和botany植物学。主要话题有以下五个:动物行为研究;动物和环境之间的关系;动物交流方式;动物身体结构;动物保护。
















1. 开头原则:

2. 问答原则

3. 举例原则

4. 强调原则(语义的强调):

5. 结尾原则


1. 笔记热身



2. TPO1 Conversation1 笔记






1. Crocodile: a predator that hasn't evolved much in the last seventy million years

2. The functions of American alligators’ vocalization: ①To threaten other males ②To attract mates

The functions of baby crocodiles’ vocalization: ①getting attention ②letting others know you are distressed:baby crocodiles。

The relationship of vocalization between crocodiles and mammals

3. The functions of mother crocodiles’ vocalization: to ensure their babies follow her.



Listen to part of a lecture in a Biology class.

Professor: OK. For today, let's look at a reptile, a predator that hasn't evolved much

in the last seventy million years. No discussion of reptiles would be complete without some mention of crocodiles.(教授开门见山提出讲座的主旨:a predator--crocodiles,其中today, let’s look at...就是主旨句的提示句型。)Now, we tend to think of crocodiles as, uh, kind of solitary, hiding out in a swamp, uh, kind of mysterious creatures. But we are finding out that they aren't as isolated as they seem. In fact, crocodiles interact with each other in a variety of ways. One way is with vocalizations, you know, sounds generated by the animal.(一些常考的细节题提示词有now, but, in fact,这部分全都有,但是前边的now和but都是为了引出in fact,而且in fact后面指出来了有多种交流方式,其中一种是:vocalization,那么要注意一下可能会有另外的交流方式出现。但是事实上通过听全文没有提及其他的方式。)This is true of the whole crocodile family, which includes crocodiles themselves, alligators, etc.

Take American alligators.(这里take做的是介词,举例子的意思,注意听力中举例子处可能出一道细节题,也可能是个作者意图态度题:Why does the professor talk about the American alligators?---To show the function of vocalization.)If you were to go to a swamp during the breeding season, you'd hear a chorus of sounds, deep grunts, hisses, these are sounds that male alligators make. And some of them are powerful enough to make the water vibrate. This sends a strong, go-away message to the other males. So the alligator can focus on sending other sound waves through the water, sound waves that you and I couldn't even hear since they are at such low frequency. But they do reach the female alligator, who then goes to find and mate with the male.(这里这两处给出来了the function of vocalization,就是第7题的答案。)

Vocalization is um...well, it is used for other reasons, like getting attention or just, um... letting others know you are distressed. (这里的other reasons提醒下文主要讲解vocalization的另外几个目的:1)getting attention 2)letting others know you are distressed。综合上文可以出一个Except题:All of the followings are about the functions of crocodiles’ vocalization except---?----A to threaten other males B to attract their predators C to get attention D to let others know they are distressed

答案是B)Let's see.(下文具体解释这两个功能,以new born crocodiles为例。)New-born crocodiles, or hatchlings and their interactions with their mothers. When they are born, croc... baby crocodiles have a sort of muffled cry while they are in their nest. Hatchlings are really vulnerable, especially to birds and small mammals when they are born. But their mother, who has been keeping vigil nearby, hears their cry for help and carries them to safety, meaning, to water. So she takes them out of the nest. Uh, uh, all the eggs hatched at once, so she has about forty newborns to look after. Well, she takes about fifteen out of the nest at a time, carrying them in her mouth to the nearby water. While she is taking one load of hatchlings, the others wait for her to come back.

But do you think they are quiet about it? No way. They are clamoring for the mother's attention, sort of squeaking and practically saying-don't forget about me!(这里的but是一个提示词,除此之外,教授在说这句话的时候语调比较重,可能出重听题,why does the professor say this?---To indicate that baby crocodiles make vocalization in order to attract their mother’s attention, and remind her not forgetting them.这里也是第8题的答案所在处。)

I heard some great examples of this on the television program on crocodiles last week. Anyone catched it? It had a few interesting bits. But you know, uh, you have to be careful, think critically. Sometimes I don't know where these shows find their experts.(教授先扬后抑,用到but肯定有蹊跷,这里是第9题答案所在处。)Student: Excuse me. But, um... does all that crying defeat the purpose? I mean, doesn't it attract more predators?

Professor: Hmm...good question. I guess, well, I am guessing that once the babies have the mother's attention, they are safe. She's never too far away, and, and I think...I mean, would you mess with a mother crocodile?(从这部分中,可能会出的一个题是:why does the professor say this: would you mess with a mother crocodile?---To indicate that baby crocodiles’ vocalization will have the mother's attention and they are still safe.)

So after the mother transports all the youngsters, they still call to each other, and to their mother. This communication continues right through to adulthood. Crocodiles

have about eighteen different sounds that they can make.

There's...um...um… you have deep grunting sounds, hisses, growls, squeaks, roars, so there are many different sounds to interact or send messages. This is more typical of mammals than of reptiles.(这里是一个细节题:what is the typical difference between mammals and reptiles?---There are many different sounds to interact.)I mean, crocodiles' brains are the most developed of any reptile. In that sense, they are closer to mammals' brains than other reptiles' brains. And we know that mammals, dogs for example, dogs vocalize many different sounds. Crocodiles have a similar level of, uh, vocal sophistication, if you will, which makes them unique among reptiles.(这里是第10题的答案所在处。)

Another thing would be, um, if a hatchling gets separated from the rest of its family, once the others get far enough away, its survival instinct kicks in. It will make a loud distress call, which its siblings answer. It calls again. And they continue calling back and forth until they all find each other again.(这里是照应上文中:Vocalization is um...well, it is used for other reasons, like getting attention or just, um... letting others know you are distressed.中的第二个原因。讲解了baby crocodiles的vocalization行为是为了express their distressing.这里是第11题的答案所在处。)Another thing, something that wasn't on that TV show I mentioned. Um... mother crocodiles lead their young from one area to another, like when they have to find a different source of water. Usually she will lead them at night, when it is safer for them, moving ahead and then letting out calls of reassurance so that they will follow her. Her voice helps give the babies the courage they need to leave the area and go some place that's a more desirable home for them.(当出现another的时候就是可能会考到的细节,这里教授提出来了另外一个目的:what is the mother crocodiles’ intention with vocalization?---To make sure that their babies are safe and courageous.)
























1. What does the professor mainly discuss?

A Factors that affect successful crocodile communication

B Some reasons for crocodile vocalizations

C Ways that newborn crocodiles learn to communicate

D Reasons why crocodile vocalization is difficult to study


2. According to the professor, what are two functions of the sounds made by male alligators? Click 2 answers

A To frighten predators

B To attract mates

C To locate hatchlings

D To threaten other males


3. Based on the discussion, what is one reason hatchlings make vocalizations to their mother while they are in the nest?

A To reassure her that they are safe

B To signal that they are ready to follow her

C To make sure she does not forget them

D To indicate that they need to be relocated to a larger nest


4. What is the professor's opinion about the television program that she mentions?

A She is concerned about the accuracy of some of the information the experts provided.

B She is hopeful that the class will be able to discuss it.

C She thinks it was overly critical of some recent theories about crocodiles.

D She is surprised that it did not include more examples of crocodile communication. Answer

5. Why does the professor mention dogs?

A To explain that mammals are more complex than reptiles

B To point out that crocodiles can communicate with dogs

C To give an example of mammals that care for their young

D To emphasize that crocodiles have highly developed brains


6. What happens when a hatchling makes a distress call?

A Its siblings answer back.

B The mother repeats the call.

C The rest of its family waits near water.

D The mother calls to other adult crocodiles for assistance







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托福听力训练材料选择建议指南 托福听力备考中考生的训练主要分为两方面,一是通过机经官方真题Official等资料练习应试能力,另一方面则需要从基础上提升听力水平,下面就和大家分享托福听力训练材料选择建议指南,来欣赏一下吧。 【备考资料】托福听力训练材料选择建议指南 要选对白多的影视剧 假如大家喜欢选择影视剧类的材料进行听力训练,那么一定要选对白多的电影电视剧。叙事类的,爱情电影,对白就会比较丰富。如果是战争题材,满耳朵估计听得都是轰炸声,听力没练好,耳朵因被过分刺激而暂时失聪就不好了。大家可别小看这一点。一个人在听力水平不好时,总觉得是录音材料效果不好,声音听不清,所以习惯性地把声音调得很大。这是大家一定要避免的。这样做的结果是,你的耳朵会疲劳得非常快,而且会觉得听得脑袋疼,还真的可能会导致听觉能力下降的。平时练的时候,一定要把音量调到比自己听着舒服的声音还小一点的声音来练英语听力。这样的话,你的注意力会更集中的去听,也不会那么快就感到疲劳。记住,你觉得听力声音效果不好时,可能是因为你的水平暂时还没有到达材料的要求,而并非真的不清楚。

语速要有一定挑战性 材料的语速最好比你习惯或考试的速度快一些。为什么要这样?如果你平时都泛听语速快的材料,这样考试时在你心情比较紧张的情况下,你也不会觉得考试的材料语速很快。就如同举重运动员平时训练时,基本都会举起比真正比赛时更重的重量。 难度要略高于自身水平 材料的难度最好比你的水平高一些,比考试材料也难一些。比如,平时泛听的材料里有更多你听不出不认识的生词,有更多你不熟悉的话题场景,有更多复杂的句型结构。这样做的目的和第一点类似,就是平时对自己要求高一些,考场上就会轻松许多。电影电视方面,什么样题材符合这点呢?比如法律、政治题材,都有这个特点。政客律师说话,逻辑性强,用词复杂,比较难懂,语速还快。 发音要符合参加的考试 大家需要选择的材料,其发音应该是和你要参加的考试相同或相似的。比如如果参加托福,你就要充分熟悉美式英语的发音。比如很多动画片的配音,和托福考试里的相去甚远,你说你看动画片提高托福听力水平,效果就不会太明显。 通过上述这些选择方法,大家就能选出比较适合自己训练提升的托福听力优质备考材料了


实例解析:托福听力考试三大类题型 根据《The Official Guide To The New TOEFL》即新托福考试官方指南(OG)的介绍,新托福听力考试部分有八种题型,可分为三大类。下面介绍一下每种托福听力题型的考察目的和应对策略分析,希望对大家有帮助。 (一)Basic Comprehension Questions 对材料的基本理解 1.Gist-Content (内容主旨题,理解讲座或对话的主旨大意) 2.Gist-Purpose (目的主旨题,考察对话目的) 3.Detail (细节题,听懂并记住讲座或对话中明晰的细节或事实) (二)Pragmatic Understanding Questions 情景理解题 4.Understanding the Function of What Is Said (句子功能题,测试是否理解某一句话的功能) 5.Understanding the Speaker's Attitude (说话人态度题,考查是否能听出说话人的态度或观点) (三)Connecting Information Questions 整合信息题 6.Understanding Organization (组织结构题,识别整个听力材料的结构和听力材料中两个部分之间的关系) 7.Connecting Content (连接内容题,考查对材料中各观点之间的关系的理解能力,有时需要根据所听内容来推测) 8.Making Inferences (推论题,根据已听到的内容得出结论) 对于听力基础较弱的同学,尤其要抓住的就是第一类--基本理解题。我们把其中的前两种题型Gist Content(内容主旨题)以及Gist Purpose(目的主旨题)统称为Gist Questions(主旨题)。下面我们就一起来看一看托福听力Lecture中的主旨题该如何破解。 1、出题位置: 主旨题的出题位置是固定的,是听完每篇文章后的第一道题目。从题号上来说,是每个section中的1、6、12题。 要注意的是,托福听力答题过程中不走回头路,也就是说大家无法根据后面的细节题来推测文章的主旨大意。 2、题型识别: (1)What is the main topic of the lecture? What is the lecture mainly about? What aspect of X does the professor mainly discuss? 【此类是OG中出现的Lecture 部分Gist Content的题目问法】 (2)Why does the professor explain X? 【此类是OG中出现的Lecture 部分Gist Purpose的题目问法】 不论是Gist Content还是Gist Purpose,考察重点都是文章的主旨大意,


托福听力短语词汇汇总 短语汇总 1、a change of pace 改变步调;换口味 You cant do these chemistry e_periments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 2、a far cry from 相距甚远 The published book is a far cry from the early manuscript. 3、and how 的确 A:Shes a good dancer. B:And how. 4、a matter of time 时间问题 It is only a matter of time. 5、a phone call away 一个电话之远,即愿意过来帮忙 If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away. 6、a while back 不久以前 Well, I listened to that CD you lent me a while back. 7、all along 一直 I knew it all along. 8、anything but 绝对不

I was anything but happy about going. 9、account for 解释 How do you account for it 10、after all 毕竟;终究 A:Ive just seen the _-rays and your teeth look just fine. B:I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all. 11、allergic to 对过敏 Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something. 12、at sbs service 愿为某人服务 I am at your service at any time. 13、around the clock 24小时不停 Martha studied around the clock for management e_am. 14、as far as I know 就我所知 But as far as I know, he once won the world chion at the Olympic Games. 15、at home with 对很熟悉 She is at home with problems like this. 16、back out 退出 A:Wasnt Bert supposed to sing tonight


历年托福听力考试真题下载五(原文+音频 为了让同学们更好地备考托福听力,下面小马编辑为大家整理了历年1月份托福听力考试真题,并附有文本和听力音频,供同学们进行下载练习。 以下是2002年1月托福听力考试真题音频: 部分 2002年1月托福听力考试真题原文如下: Never be unduly elated by victory or depressed by defeat. Part A 1:A: With so little time left to study for the history final. I think we should concentrate on going over our lecture notes. B: That sounds good. At least we have an idea what Prof. Martin thinks important. Q: How do the students plan to prepare for the exam? 2:A: Sorry I'm late. There was road construction on highway 9 and traffic was backed up for a miles(排起长龙. B: Tell me about it. I take that road. And it took me two hours to get home last night. Q: what does the man mean? 3:A: u said u wanted to borrow my camera for Prof. Wilson's assignment. Well, here it is. B: I know this is precious to you, and I'll take good care of it. I hate using other people's things, especially expensive equipment like this. Q: according to the conversation, what will the woman do?

托福听力场景词汇 新2

CONVERSATION 1.课程相关事务场景 intro / basic course introductory intermediate (level) course higher course sign up for … register get enrolled in ?Discussion讨论n, presentation个人陈述n, topic话题,主题n, lecture演讲(n.)good choice好的选择, slide幻灯片n, library图书馆n, collection收集n, check支票n, librarian 图书馆管理员n Report报告n, office hour 教授答疑 ?时间, submit 上交v, on disk在磁盘上, hard copy硬皮书, soft copy软皮书, computer电脑n, print打印v, computer lab电脑实验室 ?Project工程,计划n, tons of很多(a ton of ,tons of), cover 覆盖, re-write重写v, research data研究数据, information 信息n, input投入n,输入v, presentation个人陈述n, complete完整的adj, 完成vt semester seminar

?Term paper学期报告, grade分数,成绩n, complicated复杂的adj, terrible mistake严重的(糟糕的)错误, edited version编辑过的版本, submit上交n, overtired过度劳累adj, stressed有压力的adj, rushing(急急忙忙的)against the clock争分夺秒, mark标记,分数n, draft起草vt,草图n, print打印vt(printer打印机n), final paper期末论文, maintaining average保持平均水平, application申请n, drop 扔掉, re-take重上, due到期的adj, extension延期n, discuss 讨论vt, check back查阅记录, re-reading评价, submission 上交n ?Information信息n, exam schedule考试规划表, term术语,学期n, date日期, book预定vt,书n, ?apartment公寓department部门,院系; appointment 预约?departure离开depart 离开, invigilator监考人n, ?sign up for a course选择选修课程 ?(required必须的/compulsory 被强制的course必修课)(selective/elective/optional course选修课)(register注册), sheet纸张=paper(a sheet of 张,表量词), ?bulletin board公告栏, faculty lounge教师休息室, square正方形,广场n, draft起草,草图, dean系主任=department chair(person), review评估, draw up起草=draft=first version, ?Manual手工(manufacture制造),consult咨询, register 注册 Physiology 生理学100, sophomore大学二年级生, second year course第二年课程, first year student新生, transfer转变, begin my first lecture开始我的第一堂课, introduce介绍,引进, complete完整的,完成, approach方法n,接近vt, laws of physics and chemistry法律的物理和化学, process of life生命的过程, vital force机体,生命力, philosophical approach哲


托福考试听力常用短语精选(3) I can never thank you enough. 我不知道该怎样多谢你. I can’t afford to lose... 我丢不起... I can’t believe my eye. 我简直不敢相信你的眼睛. I don’t buy your story. 我不相信你的话. I don’t care. 我不在乎. I don’t have a slightest idea. 我一点也不知道. I don’t want to be in your shoes. 我不要象你那样. I feel the call of nature 内急;急于上厕所 I get them mixed up. 我把它们搞乱了. I give you my word. 我向你保证. I have no idea. 我简直一无所知. I haven’t got the foggiest. 我一点也摸不着头脑. I know what I’m doing. 我知道该怎样做. I like the way you have. 照你原来的样子就好了. I lost you. 我不了解你的意思. I love her something fierce. 我爱她爱得要命. I may be psychic. 可能是第六感作用. I mean what I say. 我说的是实话. I must be in love. 我一定是在谈恋爱了. I was behind my paper correcting. 把改卷子的事耽误了. I was fooled by the terms. 我被这些名词搞糊涂了. I was starved to death. 我饿死了. I won’t take no for an answer. 你非答应不可. I would appreciate it. 我非常感谢. I’d enjoy the company. 我很高兴有个伴. I’ll be right over. 我马上就来. I’ll be right with you. 我马上就来. 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页 I’ll bet... 我敢打赌 I’ll give it to you strait. 我坦白对你说吧. I’ll go a couple of rounds with you. 我和你过几招. I’ll have him call you. 我会叫他打电话给你. I’ll heed your words. 我会考虑你的话. I’ll say. 英雄所见略同 I’ll see to it. 我会留意这件事的. I’ll see you home. 我送你回家吧. I’ll take a chance. 我要试试看. I’ll take a raincheck on that. 迟些再谈吧. 【


托福听力备考4个基本要素 托福听力中考生常会因为听不懂长难句而无法顺利解答题目,而长难句本身的高难度也会让许多同学头疼不已。下面就和大家分享托福听力备考4个基本要素,来欣赏一下吧。 托福听力备考4个基本要素 托福听力备考以“词”为首 “词”为四要素之首为,托福考试涉及艺术、生命科学、自然科学、社会科学四大学科,44个话题,考察学术环境下的听力能力,要求考生掌握8000左右词汇量,其中包括学科专有词汇。良好的词汇基础就是听力高分的必要因素。 那么不同年级的同学如何准备词汇呢?小学和初中阶段备考同学可以按照初中词汇、高中词汇、四级词汇、托福词汇的顺序进行准备,高中阶段的同学可以按照高中词汇、四级词汇、托福词汇的顺序备考,大学阶段的同学可以考虑从四级词汇或托福词汇开始备考。确定词汇记忆的范围后,我们还需要注意托福听力的词汇记忆不同于阅读的词汇记忆,虽然两者的范围相当,但记忆方法却截然不同。阅读讲究用“看”的方式来识词,而听力则要用听的方式。因此记单词的时候可以采取“看-听”同步的形式熟练生词发音,即时反应,尽量达到2秒内精准输出生词意思。

托福听力备考先“听”再“记” “听”,托福听力学习过程中,“听”先于“记”,同学们需要确保听懂听力的基础上,加强笔记。如何提升听的能力呢?我们可以采用泛听与精听结合的方式。泛听即广泛的听,用于培养英语语感,目的在于在听力练习中以掌握*的整体意思。因此,泛听并不要要求百分之百听懂听力材料中的所有细节,只求听懂大意。备考的同学可以选择自己喜欢的方式练习泛听,如看美剧、听英文歌、模仿英语演讲、听英文广播等。精听材料尽量选择官方真题Official或与考试学科、难度相近的资料。学习过程中需要进行精读、精听、模仿跟读、影子跟读、口述输出。 托福听力备考要合“理” “理”,这里指的是听力的逻辑规律。托福听力需要掌握一些基础的逻辑论证框架和出题规律,如问题-解决方案、举例论证、对比论证、因果论证、分类论证、反对-赞同等。 如官方真题Official27-L1体现论证体现事物的因果关系 Mangrove root systems have the ability to absorb and, well, trap sediments and pollutants in water that flow through them before they enter the ocean.This of course has beneficial results for the nearby coral reefs.


托福听力3种高频题型解题思路精讲 托福听力考试中虽然题型众多,但哪些题目出现频率较高还是比较明显的,比如主旨题、细节题还有功能目的题就是较为常见的题型。下面就和大家分享托福听力3种高频题型解题思路精讲,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 【高分技巧】托福听力3种高频题型解题思路精讲 托福听力主旨细节题最重要 主旨题以及细节题重点是考察大家针对基本信息的理解能力(basic comprehension),此外这两类题型还需要考察大家的另外2种能力,分别是针对语用信息的理解(pragmatic understanding)和整合信息、对全文结构把握的能力(connecting information)。但是基本信息的理解就已经占据了百分之五十的比重,可见主旨题和细节题的重要性。 托福听力高频题型解题思路分析:主旨题 一个段子的主旨通常是在*引言和开头处出现,但是重复的最多通常肯定是主旨!在听课堂演讲等学术性题目时,必须要首先把握*最核心的主旨,主旨考题选项里太过细节的通常都是错误选项。

托福听力高频题型解题思路分析:细节题 对于细节题,大家不要走入误区,认为全部的细节100%会考到,因此一定要注意到每一个小的细节点,以至于舍本逐末,只见树木,不见森林。对于细节题,大家要把握两个原则:第一、ETS只会对大家与主旨有关的重要细节考察。太过偏细节的真的是并未听到,大可不必惋惜,影响后面的发挥;第二,要认真的把握通常与考点向联系的重要信号词。例如代表因果的accordingly, thus等词对应于细节题中常考察的因果题。但是常见的和信号词相关的考点包含了逻辑时间顺序、举例、列举、相似或者对比、转折、强调、因果、总结、定义、建议、数字等。 托福听力高频题型解题思路分析:功能目的题 该题型就好像是主旨题,针对任何一个长段子,首先一定要把握的是*的主旨和结构,只有主旨确定了,也许才会去理解细节,做推断,然后才能搞明白听力中这么说的原因目的,了解问题内容在听力材料中起到的功能作用。 以上这3类托福听力中的高频题型,希望大家能够认真学习并熟练掌握其解题思路。如果考生能够做到这一点,那么听力高分相信也就离大家不远了。 托福听力:听力日常提高技巧


托福听力长对话短语:北美校园生活 小马过河为大家准备了“新托福听力长对话短语:北美校园生活”,供各位备考托福的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!免费咨询电话:400-0123-267。 1.orientation meeting/session新生情况介绍会 Ex: The University hasarranged an orientation session. 2.professor’s office h our 教授答疑时间 Ex:Many freshmen areuncertain or shy about utilizing a professor’s office hours. 3.lecture n. 演讲,讲课 Ex: Several hundredpeople are expected to attend the lecture. 4.lecture hall n. 讲堂,讲演厅,报告厅 Ex: The lecture hallwas jammed when the professor arrived at the very last moment. 5.tutorial n. 个别指导 Ex: Small grouptutorials are used to discuss problems which come up in lectures. 6. deadline n. 最后期限,截止时间 Ex: There's no way Ican meet that deadline. 7. overdue adj. 过期的 Ex: I must take thesebooks back to the library - they're overdue. There is a fine if the reserved librarybooks are even one hour overdue. 8. schedule n. 时间表,计划 v. 安排,计划, Ex: According to theschedule, the first lecture begins at 9.00 am The test is scheduled to begin in one hour.


新托福听力题型及评分标准之我见 新托福听力评分标准是按正确题目个数给分的。新托福听力计分的一共是6篇文章,34道题,其中回答正确的题目数量加起来就是你的最后分数参考值。参考如下: 正确题目个数得分正确题 目个数 得分正确 题目 个数 得分 34302215104 3329211593 3227201483 3126191372 3025181162 292417951 282316840 272215830 262114720 251913610 241712500 2316114 在新托福听力部分,大部分正确答案的分值是1分,有些问题的分值可能是2分。 提醒考生需要注意的是: 当问题的分值是1分时,所有的项目都要回答正确,这一题才算是拿到了全部分值。 当问题的分值是2分时,比如,四选三的题目,必须全部答对才能得到所有分值;选对2个,可得到1个分值。 新托福听力以单选题为主,复选题和表格题为辅。 (二)新托福听力题型

主旨题: IBT听力主旨题考查把握谈话或演讲的主要内容的能力。对于任何一个长段子,首先务必要把握的是文章的主旨和结构,只有主旨确定了,才有可能进一步去理解细节,做推断。 主旨题特点: 通常是对一个谈话或演讲的主要内容的综合概括。 在一段长演讲中,通常会有两个或以上的主要表述内容,但这些内容往往是相互关联的,它们互相补充构成一个完整的主题。 典型提问形式: 新托福听力主旨题的问题常常以特殊疑问词开头, 例如: What is the subject of the conversation? Why did the man go to see the professor? What are the man and the woman discussing? What is the woman’s problem? What is the lecture mainly about? What is the professor mainly discussing? What aspect of …… does the instructor mainly discuss? 细节题: 新托福听力中的细节是指具体的信息,例如说话人提及的事实、描述、定义和例子等。 细节题特点: 细节题要求考生重现对话或讲座中的具体信息,不需要做过多的推测 基于ETS考察内容是和主旨有关的重要细节。我们在听的过程中需要把握的往往是和考点相联系的重要信号词,比如说表示因果的so, thus等词对应于细节题中常考察的因果关系 典型提问模式:

老托福听力93篇(45-46)-So, why did what is now

老托福听力93篇(45-46)-So, why did what is now 45 So, why did what is now called "modern dance" begin in the United States? To begin to answer this question, I'll need to backtrack a little bit and talk about classical ballet. By the late 1800's, ballet had lost a lot of its popularity. Most of the ballet dancers who performed in the United States were brought over from Europe. They performed using the rigid techniques that had been passed down through the centuries. Audiences and dancers in the United States were eager for their own, "contemporary" dance form. And, so, around 1900, dancers created one. So, how was this "modern" dance so different from classical ballet? Well, most notably, it wasn't carefully choreographed. Instead, the dance depended on the improvisation and free, personal expression of the dancers. Music and scenery were of little importance to the "modern" dance, and lightness of movement wasn't important either. In fact, modern dancers made no attempt at all to conceal the effort involved in a dance step. But even if improvisation appealed to audiences, many dance critics were less than enthusiastic about the performances. They questioned the artistic integrity of dancers who were not professionally trained and the artistic value of works that had no formal structure. Loie Fuller, after performing Fire Dance, was described as doing little more than turning "round and round like an eggbeater." Yet, the free, personal expression of the pioneer dancers is the basis of the "controlled freedom" of modern dance today. 【生词摘录】 1. backtrack: v. (由原路)返回,后退 2. ballet: n. [C]芭蕾舞 3. rigid: adj. 严格的 4. contemporary: adj. 当代的 5. choreograph: v. 设计舞蹈动作,精心编排 6. improvisation: n. 即席创作 7. scenery: n. 舞台布景 8. lightness: n. 轻盈,灵活 9. conceal: v. 隐藏 10. eggbeater: n. [C]打蛋器 11. pioneer: adj. 先驱,创始人 12. controlled freedom: 克制的自由 46 Today I want to discuss fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. The term "fossil fuel" refers to the trapped remains of plants and animals in sedimentary rock. You see, living plants trap energy from the sun by the process of photosynthesis, and they store the energy in their chemical compounds. Most of that energy is released when the plant dies and decays. However, sometimes organic matter is buried before it decays completely. In this way some of the solar energy becomes trapped in rocks, hence the name fossil fuel. Although the amount of organic matter trapped in any one growing season is small, the accumulated remains from millions of years are considerable. Because the accumulation rate is so slow, millions of times slower than the rate at which we now dig up this organic matter and


托福考试听力真题中100个短语 1,a change of pace 节奏变换 You can‘t do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 2, a far cry from 相距甚远 The published book is far cry from the early manuscript. 3, and how 的确 A:She‘s a good dancer. B: and how. 4, a matter of time 时间问题 It is only a matter of time. 5, a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。 If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away. 6, a while back 不久以前 7,all along 一直 I knew it all along. 8, anything but 绝对不 I was anything but happy about going. 9, account for 解释 How do you account for it? 10, after all 到底 A:I‘ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine,

B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all. 11, allergic to 对|……过敏 Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something. 12,at sb‘s service 愿为某人服务 I am at your service at any time. 13, around the clock 24小时不停 Martha studied around the clock for management exam. 14, as far as I know 就我所知 15,at home with 对………很熟悉 She is at home with problems like this. 16, back out 1)退出 A:Wasn‘t Bert supposed to sing tonight? B: Yes, but he backed out at last minute 2)不履行 She finally backed out of her promise. 17, be cut out for 天生适合 I‘m not cut out to be a hero. 18, be absorbed in She has been absorbed in a horror fiction. I can‘t tear her away. 19, be addicted to 对……上瘾 She has been addicted to drugs for years. 20,be attached to 对……有感情


老托Part C精选93篇 1 Community service is an important component of education here at our university. We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called "One On One" helps elementary students who've fallen behind. You education majors might be especially interested in it because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching—that is, tutoring in math and English. You'd have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English, or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Dodge will act as a mentor to the tutors—he'll be available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutoring next week. I'm sure you'll enjoy this community service and you'll gain valuable experience at the same time. It looks good on your resume, too, showing that you've had experience with children and that you care about your community. If you'd like to sign up, or if you have any questions, stop by Professor Dodge's office this week. 【生词摘录】 https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc4852810.html,ponent: n.[C]one of several parts that together make up a whole machine or system (机器或系统的)零件;成分;组成部分 2.tutor: n.[C]someone who teaches one pupil or a small group, and is directly paid by them 家庭教师,私人教师 v. to teach someone as a tutor 给… 当家庭教师;指导 3.mentor: n.[C]an experienced person who advises and helps a less experienced person 顾问,指导人,教练
