


Diamond&Abrasives En g ineerin g


No.1 Vol.39 Serial229悬浮上砂金刚石线锯的锯切性能试验分析*








中图分类号 TG74;TQ164 文献标志码A 文章编号 1006-852X(2019)01-0076-04

DOI码10.13394/https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf16950353.html,ki.j g szz.2019.1.0014

Ex p erimental anal y sis on sawin g p erformance of

sand-sus p ension-electro p lated wire saw

ZHENG Chuxi1,MA Xiaob in1,XI E Qian1,BI Wenbo1,GE Pei q i1,2,GONG Yan g3,LIU Tin gq uan3

(1.School o f Mechanical En g ineerin g,Shandon g Universit y,J inan250061,China)

(2.Ke y Laborator y o f H i g h-E f f icienc y and Clean Mechanical Manu f acture o f Ministr y o f Education,

Shandon g Universit y,J inan250061,China)

(3.Shantian Abrasive Materials Co.,Ltd.,Lin y i276700,Shandon g,China) Abstract Sus p ended electro p lated diamond wire saws with different sandin g p ositions are used to machine sin g le cr y stal silicon.The sawin g p erformances of different wires are com p ared b y recordin g machine time and calculatin g the efficienc y.SEM is used to observe the sandin g and wear conditions, and the surface rou g hness is measured b y related instruments.Results show that the densit y of abrasive g rain varies g reatl y as sandin g p osition chan g es,while that is the hi g hest when sandin g p osition is close to the center of the launder.It is also found that the cuttin g efficienc y is hi g her if the wire saw has hi g her abrasive densit y.The one with abrasive densit y of585p er mm could cut4.949mm2/min,138% hi g her than that of the com p ared saw which has abrasive densit y of446p er mm and efficienc y of2.158 mm2/min.In addition,there is no bi g difference on surface q ualit y of silicon wafer machined b y wire saws with different abrasive densit y.The main wear or dama g e p atterns of wire saw are abrasive wear, g rain sheddin g and coatin g wear and dama g e.

Ke y words diamond wire saw;sandin g p osition;cuttin g p erformance;wire saw wear and dama g e


