


剪纸(papercutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(theMing and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。剪纸最常用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。

参考译文:Paper cutting is one of most popular traditional folk arts in China. Chinese paper cuttinghas a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly duringthe Ming and Qing Dynasties. People often beautifytheir homes with paper cuttings. During theSpring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings areused to decorate doors, windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere. The color most frequently used inpaper cutting is red, which symbolizes health andprosperity.Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world andit is often given as a present to foreign friends.


一、京剧Peking Opera


Peking Opera,known as the Eastern Opera,is a purely one of bestparts of Chinese culture,it can dates back to the year of 1790. In that year,four local opera troupes of Anhui province came to Beijing on a performance tour. For the paintedroles, a special feature of Peking Opera, the different colors of the facesrepresent different characters andpersonalities. Generally, red stands for uprightness and loyalty, black means wisdom, blue and green indicate the vigorous and rebellious heroes,yellow and white represent cunning andgold and silver represent mystic orsuper-natural power. Nowadays, Peking Opera has became one of the mostpopular arts among people and widespread all over the country.

二、丝绸之路 TheSilk Road



The Silk Road isthe joint name given to a number of trade routes linking China and ancient Rome. The ancient silk road had it s start in Chang’an(nowXi’an), the capital of then China, and its terminus on the eastern coast ofthe

Mediterranean, with nearly half of itrunning across Xinjiang. The Silk Road beganduring the time of emperor Wudi of the Han dynasty, is not only an

importantroute for Buddhism to enter china, but also an endless stream of merchants andbusiness travelers. In the Yuan dynasty, the silk road gradually gave the wayto the rapidly developing sea trade. The Silk Roadwas also a road of friendship, linking the west and the east economically,politically and culturally.

三、中国新年 ChineseNew Year


The Chinese New Year, also called the spring festival, is anoccasion of reunion for family members. The same thing happen in the west forthe Christmas. However, the Chinese New Year falls on the January 1st of the lunar calendar, which comes usually later than the same date of the Gregoriancalendar. There is money in the red envelop, given by parents and grandparentsto kids as New Year gift after they wish the elders a happy new year. We alsocan deliver some words like “wish you a good fortune,wish you a happy new year,wish you a pros perous business”

toadd the joyous atmosphere for the spring festival.



China is a unified multi-ethnic country with 56 ethnic nationaliti es. More than 100 million ofpopulation, or about 12 percent of C hina’s total population are from 55 ethnic minorities. Ethnic aut onomous regions cover over 6 million square km, making up 64.2 p ercent of China’s territory. China’s different peoples have devel oped individual customs regarding food, clothing and etiquette, in response to their own particular environments, social conditions

and levels of economic development. Generally, the Han people take rice and flour as their staple diet, love to eat vegetables, b eans, meat, fish and eggs, and pay particular attention to the a rt of cooking.



China’s folk arts and crafts have a very long history. First we shouldcome to the jade which has a history of seven to eight thousands years inchina. The art of jade carving has been in existence in china since around 3500B.C. the common Jadewares includes the jade of flowers, birds, animals andhuman figures, especially the beautiful women from fairy tales or legends. Thereare lots of other arts and crafts such as embroidery,carpet,clay and dough toys,paper cuts,kites,and colored lanterns and so on. In order to inherit and carryforward our fine traditional arts and crafts, over 200 colleges and

specializedvocational schools of arts and crafts have been set up nationwide.



China’s population over 60 totals more than 150 million, or nearly12 percent of the total, a figure bigger than that of any other countries in theworld .China’s a aging population is growing at an average rate of 3.2 percent, and it will exceed 400 million by the middle of this century , or more than30 percent of the total population. The government and the society as a wholehave made great efforts to improve the life of the elderly. Currently, thepriority is to reform and improve the social security system in order to ensureall retired people receive their pensions on time.




There are two major concerns in theeducation of teenagers that deserve our attention; the education of the only child in a family and the issueof juvenile delinquency.For us parents, there is much to learn in the education of our children, The counselingservice we have provided to parents has been well received.

Juveniledelinquency is another major concern. Nearly 70,000 juvenile delinquents werearrested last year, accounting for 9.1 percent of the total criminal suspectsarrested nationwide.The newly revised “Law on the Protection of Minors” expectsfamilies, schools, society and judicial departments to work together to ensurea healthy development of the youngsters in China.



The Chinese government attaches great importance to training womeneducational workers and makes earnestefforts to improve their working and living conditions. Yet, we have to realizethat many new problems have emerged in the course of rapid economicdevelopment. Some women workers are laid off from enterprises. Some women findthemselves unable to take those newly created jobs because of their lack ofprofessional qualifications. Some employers set a higher standard for womenwhen recruiting employees. Our conference will focus on these issues so as toface new challenges and truly protect the rights and interests of women.



Since the ruralreform, the agricultural production and the village and township enterpriseshave had a big growth, and every housed in my village has some savings

andtheir own houses. They also enjoy the color TV sets, VCD players,

KalaOKmachines and some young people buy Motorbikes which they had never dreamed of. Anotherobvious change is the farmers have been enjoying a better physical conditionwhich could hardly tell their true age from the facial appearance.

Theirchildren have received a better education which can make sure a

wonderfulfuture both their family and children.



Recently, Chinaonce again increased train speeds on nationwide railway lines, the fifth of itskind. As you’ve noticed,this train provides passengers with some latest facilities, such as LCD TV

setsand broadband Internet access. Infact, previous train speed accelerations have decreased the number of trainsthat call at small and medium-sized cities, resulting in inconveniences tolocal residents, they have to go bigger stations to have more comfortablejourney. The railway departments are considering to more trains to meet theneeds of residents in small and medium-sized cities,Our aim is to use railway resources effectively.



Wushu, known as Kongfu or martial arts, has a history of a thousandyears in China.The working people in Chinapractice Wushu for physical training and self-defense and Wushu is stillimmensely popular today. Chinese Wushu has also aroused interest amongforeigners and is taught in many countries throughout the world. Wushu ispracticed in various types of set exercises, either bare-handed or withweapons. A unique Chinese national sport, Wushu builds strong bodies, steelsthe willpower and gives training in fighting skills.





Mooncakes are to Mid-Autumn Festival what mince pies are to Christmas.The seasonal round cakes traditionally have a sweet filling of lotus seed pasteor red bean paste and often have one or more salted duck eggs in the center torepresent the moon. And the moon is what this celebration is all about.Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th month, it is the time whenthe moon is said to be at its brightest and fullest.






China is a country with a time-honoredcivilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it isnecessary to make and serve tea to them.

Before serving tea, you may ask themfor their preferences as to what kind of tea

they fancy and serve them the teain the most appropriate teacups. In the course of

serving tea, the host shouldtake careful note of how much water is remaining in the

cups and in the https://www.360docs.net/doc/c511155907.html,ually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should

be added afterhalf of the cup has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled

so that thetea retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm throughout the

entirecourse of tea-drinking. Snacks, sweets and other dishes may be served at

teatime to complement the fragrance of the tea and to allay one's hunger


四六级翻译答案(第四期) 牛刀小试 1.施比得更重要。 2.要想拥有健康的身体,必须养成良好的饮食习惯。 3.想要学好英语,你必须付出巨大的努力。 4.为了使园林风格独特,园林的主人通常会请一些文人画家参与园林的设计。 参考译文 1.To give is much more important than to receive. 2.The most important thing for one’s health is to keep a good eating habit. 3.To learn English well,you must make great effort. 4.To acquire a distinctive feature and style,the owner of the garden usually invites some literati-painters to participate in the designing. 段落翻译 1中国古典园林在中国传统艺术文化中独具一格。2园林的修建是为了满足人们休闲和住宿的需求。3中国古典园林包括皇家园林和私家园林。4中国园林将人造景观与自然风光、建筑、绘画、文学、书法、园艺融于一体。5在园林设计中,很重视人造景观和自然景观的和谐。6人造景观的布局很重要,因为它决定了园林的风格,也展现了园林主人的性情。 参考译文 Classical Chinese gardens are a special aspect in traditional Chinese culture and art.A garden is constructed to meet people’s demand for relaxation and lodging.Classical Chinese gardens include imperial gardens and private gardens.A Chinese garden mixes man-made landscape with natural scenery,architecture,painting,literature,calligraphy,and horticulture.Great importance has been attached to the harmony between man-made scenery and natural landscape in the designing of a garden.The layout of man-made scenery is important for it might determine the style of a garden and reveal the temperament of the owner.


2017年12月英语四六级翻译真题 英语四级翻译真题:泰山 泰山位于山东省西部。海拔1500余米,方圆约400平方公里。泰山不仅雄伟壮观,而且是一座历史文化名山,过去3000多年一直是人们前往朝拜的地方。据记载,共有72位帝王曾来此游览。许多作家到泰山获取灵感,写诗作文,艺术家也来此绘画。山上因此留下了许许多多的文物古迹。泰山如今已成为中国一处主要的旅游景点。 英语四级翻译真题:华山 华山位于华阴市,距西安120公里。华山是秦岭的一部分。秦岭不仅分割陕南与陕北,也分隔华南与华北。与从前人们常去朝拜的泰山不同。华山过去很少有人光临。因为上山的道路极其危险。然而,希望长寿的人却经常上山,因为山上生长着许多药草,特别是一些稀有的药草。自上世纪90年代安装缆车以来,参观人数大大增加。 英语四级翻译真题:黄山 黄山位于安徽省南部。它风景独特,尤以其日出和云海著称。要欣赏大山的宏伟壮丽,通常得向上看。但要欣赏黄山美景,就得向下看。黄山的湿润气候有利于茶树生长,是中国主要产茶地之一。这里还有许多温泉,其泉水有助于防治皮肤病。黄山是中国主要旅游目的地之一,也是摄影和传统国画最受欢迎的主题。 英语六级翻译真题:青海湖 青海湖位于海拔3205米、青海省省会西宁以西约100公里处。是中国最大的咸水湖,面积4317平方公里,最深处25.5米,有23条河注入湖中,其中大部分是季节性的。百分之八十的湖水源于五条主要河流。青海湖位于跨越亚洲的几条候鸟迁徙路线的交叉处。许多鸟类把青海湖作为迁徙过程中的暂息地,湖的西侧是著名的“鸟岛”,吸引着来自世界各地的观鸟者。每年夏天,游客们也来这里观看国际自行车比赛。 英语六级翻译真题:洞庭湖 洞庭湖位于湖南省东北部,面积很大,但湖水很浅。洞庭湖是长江的蓄洪池,湖的大小很大程度上取决于季节变化,湖北和湖南两省因其与湖的相对位置而得名,湖北意为“湖的北边”,而湖南则为“湖的南边”。洞庭湖作为龙舟赛的发源地,在中国文化中享有盛名。据说龙舟赛始于洞庭湖东岸。为的是搜寻楚国爱国诗人屈原的遗体。龙舟赛与洞庭湖及周边的美景,每年都吸引着成千上万来自全国和世界各地的游客。 英语六级翻译真题:太湖 太湖是中国东部的一个淡水湖,占地面积2250平方公里,是中国第三大淡水湖,仅次于鄱阳和洞庭,太湖约有90个岛屿,大小从几平方米到几平方公里不等。太湖以其独特的“太湖石”而闻名,太湖石常用于装饰中国传统园林。太湖也以高产的捕鱼业而闻名。自上世纪70年代后期以来,捕捞鱼蟹对沿湖的


翻译原文: 其实我一点儿不排斥电脑,也享受着它的种种方便快捷,但每当我要给最亲近的人写信时还是喜欢用笔,因为我坚信字是有生命的,有情感的,在书写的同时,我生命的一部分也随之带走了,而打字则像是请人代笔,隔着一层什么,就像打电话时尽管你能清楚地听到对方的呼吸,可有些话就是怎么也说不出来,最后还是得借助笔纸,就是这么神奇,形式的不同、工具的不同,影响到内容的不同。 参考译文: Actually I do not reject the computer at all and alsoenjoy its every kind of conv enience.Butevery timewhen I want to write to my closet people,I would liketo u se a pen.Because I firmlybelieve that charactershave their life and emotion.Whe n writing,one part ofmy life is taking awaywith it.But typing is like hiring people t o write for you.It is separated bysomething just likealthough you can clearly he ar the breath of the addressee,some words youjust can't say themout at all.At la st you have to write with the help of pen and paper.It is somagic that differentfo rmats and different tools will influence the difference of context. 下面是2014年英语四级写作必备范文:出国留学。 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on t he topicStudying Abroad. You should write at least 120 words following the outli ne given below: 1)目前很多中国学生出国留学, 2)出国留学的好处, 3)我的看法。 Nowadays, going abroad for studies is enjoying a striking popularity among a dolescents.Importance should be attached to studying abroad. There are a great many advantages of studying overseas. First and foremost, liv ing andstudying abroad offers students a different perspective of the world. On a university campus,international students are likely to encounter their counte rparts from various countries andareas and are exposed to diverse ideas and v alues. What is more, overseas experience is thebest opportunity for the real-lif e use of foreign languages. There is no better opportunity toimprove second-la nguage skills than living in the country in which it is spoken. Generally peaking, it is my view that although going abroad is expensive and pe rhapspainful, the payoff is worthwhile. In the first place, in addition to knowle dge, overseasstudents can gain precious experiences that those who stay at ho me will never have.Furthermore, overseas experience, frustrating and painful as it may be, is conducive to thegrowth of adolescents. 参考译文: 目前,出国留学在年轻人中间非常流行。我们应该充分重视留学问题。 出国留学有很多好处。首先,国外生活和学习为学生提供了一个看待世界的不同视角。在大学校园中,国际学生很可能遇到来自不同国家和地区的同伴,并且面临迥异的观念和价值。此外,海外经历是外语在实际生活运用的最佳时机。没有什么比住在母语国家提高第二外语技能的更好机会了。 总之,我认为尽管出国留学很昂贵,并且可能会痛苦,但这种付出是值得的。首先,除了知识之外,留学生可以获得留在国内的学生永远无法获得的宝贵经验。其次,尽管留学经历可能使人沮丧痛苦,然而这对年轻人的成长是有益的。 翻译原文: 杭州是中国著名的六大古都之一,已有两千多年的历史。这个城市不仅以自然美闻名于世,而且有着传统的文化魅力。不仅有历代文人墨客的题咏,而且有美味佳肴和漂亮的工艺品。一般来说,游览杭州西湖及其周边景点花上两天较为合适。到杭州旅游,既令人愉快,又能得到文化享受。


四六级段落翻译,你准备好了吗? 1、中国将进一步发展经济、扩大开放,这对海外企业(enterprises)意味着更多的商机。改革开放以来,中国企业与海外企业一直积极开展经济技术合作,并取得了巨大成就。海外企业不仅帮助了中国企业的成长,而且也在合作中获得了收益。中国政府将继续提供有利的政策和条件,推动中国企业与国外企业进一步开展合作。 China will develop its economy further and open itself wider to the outside world, which offers more business opportunities to overseas enterprises. Since China’s reform and opening up, Chinese enterprises have been cooperating with overseas enterprises in terms of economy and technology, and have scored great achievement. Overseas enterprises have not only helped Chinese enterprises with their growth, but also benefited from the cooperation. Chinese government will continue to offer favorable policies and conditions to promote the further cooperation between Chinese and overseas enterprises. 2、假日经济的现象表明:中国消费者的消费观正在发生巨大变化。根 据统计数据,中国消费者的消费需求正在从基本生活必需品转向对休闲、舒适和个人发展的需求。同时,中国人的消费观在蓬勃发展的假日经济


四六级翻译真题及答 案

中国的创新正以前所未有的速度蓬勃发展。为了在科学技术上尽快赶超世界发达国家,中国近年来大幅度增加了研究开发资金。中国的大学和研究所正在积极开展创新研究,这些研究覆盖了从大数据到生物化学,从新能源到机器人等各类高科技领域。它们还与各地的科技园合作,使创新成果商业化。与此同时,无论在产品还是商业模式上,中国企业家也在努力争做创新的先锋,以适应国内外消费市场不断变化和增长的需求。 译文一 China's innovation is flourishing faster than ever before. In order to surpass developed countries on progressing and technology as soon as possible, China has sharply increased research and development fund. Chinese universities and institutes are actively doing innovative researches, covering various fields of high technology, from big data to biochemistry, and from new energy to robots. They are also cooperating with science and technology parks in different places, progressing commercialize their fruits of innovation.In the meantime , to adapt to the changing foreign and domestic market, and to satisfy the growing demand, Chinese entrepreneurs are also making pioneering efforts to innovate their products and business models(模式). 译文二(文都版) Innovation is progressing in an unprecedented speed in China. In order to catch up with those developed countries in the world as fast as it can in the science and technology field, China has increased funds for development research substantially in recent years. Universities and research institutions in China are actively carrying out innovation researches, which cover high-


英语四六级新题型——【段落翻译】 1、狮舞(Lion Dance)是中国最广为流传的民间舞蹈之一。狮为百兽之首,在中国传统中,狮子被视为是能带来好运的吉祥物(mascot)。古人将狮子视作是勇敢和力量的化身,能驱赶邪恶、保护人类。据记载,狮舞已拥有了2,000多年的历史。在唐代(the Tang Dynasty),狮舞就已经被引入了皇室。因此,舞狮成为元宵节(the Lantern Festival)和其他节日的习俗,人们以此来祈祷好运、平安和幸福。 The Lion Dance is one of the most widespread folk dances in China. The lion is the king of animals. In Chinese tradition, the lion is regarded as a mascot, which can bring good luck. Ancient people regarded the lion as a symbol of braveness and strength, which could drive away evil and protect humans. The dance has a recorded history of more than 2,000 years. During the Tang Dynasty, the Lion Dance was already introduced into the royal family of the dynasty. Therefore, performing the lion dance at the Lantern Festival and other festive occasions became a custom where people could pray for good luck, safety and happiness. 2、中国将进一步发展经济、扩大开放,这对海外企业(enterprises)意味着更多的商机。改革开放以来,中国企业与海外企业一直积极开展经济技术合作,并取得了巨大成就。海外企业不仅帮助了中国企业的成长,而且也在合作中获得了收益。中国政府将继续提供有利的政策和条件,推动中国企业与国外企业进一步开展合作。 China will develop its economy further and open itself wider to the outside world, which offers more business opportunities to overseas enterprises. Since China’s reform and opening up, Chinese enterprises have been cooperating with overseas enterprises in terms of economy and technology, and have scored great achievement. Overseas enterprises have not only helped Chinese enterprises with their growth, but also benefited from the cooperation. Chinese government will continue to offer favorable policies and conditions to promote the further cooperation between Chinese and overseas enterprises. 3、假日经济的现象表明:中国消费者的消费观正在发生巨大变化。根据统计数据,中国消费者的消费需求正在从基本生活必需品转向对休闲、舒适和个人发展的需求。同时,中国人的消费观在蓬勃发展的假日经济中正变得成熟。因此产品结构应做相应调整,来适应社会的发展。另一方面,服务质量要改善,以满足人们提高生活质量的要求。 The phenomenon of holiday economy shows that Chinese people’s consumption concept is undertaking great changes. According to statistics, the demands of Chinese consumers are shifting from the basic necessities of life to leisure, comfort and personal development. Therefore, the structure of products should be adjusted accordingly to adapt to social development. On the other hand, services should be improved to satisfy people’s demand for an improved quality of life.

四六级翻译题 中国文化

【原文】中国人自古以来就在中秋时节庆祝丰收,这与北美地区庆祝感恩节的习俗十分相似,过中秋节的习俗与唐代早期在中国各地开始流行,中秋节在农历八月十五,是人们拜月的节日,这天夜晚皓月当空,人们合家团聚,共赏明月。2006年,中秋节被列为中国的文化遗产,2008年又被定为公共假日,月饼被视为中秋节不可或缺的美食,人们将月饼作为礼物馈赠亲友或在家庭聚会上享用。传统的月饼上带有“寿”(longevity)、“福”或“和”等字样。 【参考译文】Since ancient times, the Chinese people usually celebrate harvest in the Mid- Autumn, which is similar to the custom of celebrating Thanksgiving in the North America. The tradition of celebrating Mid-Autumn festival became popular throughout China in the early Tang dynasty. The lunar August 15 is a day for people worshiping the moon. On this day, under the dazzling bright moon, families reunite and enjoy the moon’s beauty. In 2006, Mid- Autumn festival was listed as one of China’s cultural heritage, and in 2008, it was classified as a public holiday. Moon cakes, as indispensable delicious food of the festival, were gifts people sent to families and friends during the festival and usually eaten on family gatherings. There are characters of “longevity”,“good fortune”and “harmony”on the Traditional moon cakes. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage fr om Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2. 端午节,又叫龙舟节,是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原。屈原是一位忠诚和受人敬仰的大臣(minister),他给国家带来了和平和繁荣。但最后因为受到诽谤(vilify)而最终投河自尽。人们撑船到他自尽的地方,抛下粽子,希望鱼儿吃粽子,不要吃屈原的身躯。几千年来,端午节的特色在于吃粽子(glutinous dumplings)和赛龙舟,尤其是在一些河湖密布的南方省份。 参考译文: The Duanwu Festival, also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a loyal and highly esteemed minister, who brought peace and prosperity to the state but ended up drowning himself in a river as a result of being vilified.People got to the spot by boat and cast glutinous dumplings into the water,hoping that the fishes ate the dumplings instead of Qu Yuan's body. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by glutinous dumplings and dragon boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes 剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。剪纸最常用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物 Paper cutting is one of China’s most popular traditional folk arts. Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings

英语四六级考试模拟翻译题-喝茶 刺绣(含参考答案)

无论中国人走到哪里,都不会改掉喝茶的习惯。茶最先由中国人发现,它是中国人生活中不可或缺的组成部分。有一句中国谚语将基本的日常必需品称为柴米油烟酱醋茶。一千多年以来,饮茶的习俗已经在中国人心中根深蒂固。唐朝时,一个名叫陆羽的人写了世界上第一部关于茶的著作——《茶经》,这部书有助于在中国推广饮茶艺术。 Wherever the Chinese go, the custom of drinking tea follows. Tea was first discovered by the Chinese and it is an indispensable part of the life of the Chinese. A Chinese saying identifies the basic daily necessities as fuel, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce,

vinegar and tea. The custom of drinking tea has been ingrained in the Chinese for over a thousand years. In Tang Dynasty, a man named Lu Yu created the first compendium in the world on tea, Book of Tea. This work helped to popularize the art of tea drinking all across China. 刺绣是一种具有悠久传统的民间艺术,在中国艺术和手工艺品史上占有重要地位。刺绣的长期发展离不开蚕的饲养和纺丝技术的发展。中国是世界上第一个发现和使用丝绸的国家。早在5000年前,中国就已经开始饲养蚕。丝绒和丝制品的生产促进了刺绣艺术的诞生。时至今日,丝绣几乎已经传遍整个中国。最好的绣品通常


16-17年四级翻译: 华山位于华阴市,距西安120公里。华山是秦岭的一部分,秦岭不仅分隔陕南与陕北,也分隔华南与华北。与从前人们常去朝拜的泰山不同,华山过去很少有人光临,因为上山的道路极其危险。然而,希望长寿的人却经常上山,因为山上生长着许多药草,特别是一些稀有的药草。自上世纪90年代安装缆车以来,参观人数大大增加。(145字) Huashan(Mount Hua) is situated in Huayin City, 120 kilometers away from Xi' an. It ispart of the Qinling Mountains, which divides not only Southern and N orthernShaanxi, but also South and North China. Unlike Taishan, which becam e a popularplace of pilgrimage, Huashan was not well visited in the past beca use it is dangerousfor the climbers to reach its summit. Huashan was also an i mportant place frequentedby immortality seekers, as many herbs grow there esp ecially some rare ones. Sincethe installation of the cable cars in the 1990s, the number of visitors hasincreased significantly. 黄山位于安徽省南部。它风景独特,尤以其日出和云海著称。要欣赏大山的宏伟壮丽,通常得向上看。但要欣赏黄山美景,得向下看。黄山的湿润气候有利于茶树生成,是中国主要产茶地之一。这里还有许多温泉,其泉水有助于防治皮肤病。黄山是中国主要旅游目的地之一,也是摄影和传统国画最受欢迎的主题。 Mount Huang is located in the south of Anhui province. Its landscape is unique, and it is especially famous for its sunrise and sea of clouds. In order to appreciate the magnificence of this great mountain, one has to look up, but to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Mount Huang, one has to look down. Mount Huang’s humid climate is fit for the growth of tea tree, and it is one of the major tea tree growing areas of China. There are also many warm springs in Mount Huang, whose water is helpful for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases. Mount Huang is one of the major tourist destinations in china, and is also the most popular subject of photography and traditional Chinese paintings. 泰山位于山东省西部。海拔1500余米,方圆约400平方公里。泰山不仅雄伟壮观,而且是一座历史文化名山,过去3000多年一直是人们前往朝拜的地方。据记载,共有72位帝王曾来此游览。许多作家到泰山获取灵感,写诗作文,艺术家也来此绘画。山上因此留下了许许多多的文物古迹。泰山如今已成为中国一处主要的旅游景点。 Mountain Tai , 2,700 m above sea level and 400 square kilometers, which is located in the western part of China. It enjoys not only the magnificent sight, but the high reputation for its historical culture. Mountain Tai is a place of worship for pilgrims for 3,000 thousand years. According to the record, it was visited by 72 emperors in total. Many writers obtain inspiration and compose poems and compositions by visiting Mountain Tai.


?During the meeting,hardly had he begun to speak when the audience interrupted him 他一开始说话,就被听众打断了 ?surrounded by the police, the kidnappers had no choices but to surrender on the spot (没有选择,只能投降) 若是everything 等则不加 to ?The concerned mother thrilled at the news of his son's having been admi tted to the university(她的儿子被大学入取了) ?The lecture was so boring that the students couldn't help yawning(学生忍不住打起哈欠) ?I‘ll be very grateful if you could be kind enough to give me a ride to school (好心载我一程去学校) ?(除非你和保险公司签订了货物保险合同)Unless you sign a contract with the insu rance company for your goods, you are not entitled to a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery. ?It is reported that local health organization was established 25 years ago(据说当地的卫生组织25年前就成立了)when Dr.Mark became its first president. ?Mrs.Smith shut the window lest 以免 the noise outside (should) interfere with h er son's sleep(外面的噪声会影响她儿子睡觉)虚拟语气 ?The new mayor was charged with failure to fulfill his promise to decrease the inflation rate(未能履行他降低通货膨胀率的承诺) ?When confronted with such question, my mind goes blank(每当我遇到这类问题,我脑袋一篇空白),and I can hardly remember my won date of birth. ?The customer complained that no sooner had he started the computer than it sto pped working(他刚启动计算机,它就不运转了) ?What upset me was not what he said but the way he said it.(不是他说的话,二十他说话的方式) ?This piece of writing is more like a news report than a short story.(与其说是短篇小说,还不如说是新闻报道) ?The court ruling deprive him of his political right.(剥夺他的政治权力) ?Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, while animal behavior depen ds mostly on instinct.(然而动物的行为主要依靠本能)。


[翻译技巧] 名师总结2011四六级考试翻译主要考点 四级翻译部分为汉译英,共5个句子,一句一题,句长为15-30词,句中的一部分已用英文给出,考生需根据全句意思将汉语部分译成英语,考试时间5分钟。翻译题重点考察考生对语法结构及常用英语表达习惯的掌握情况。若考生语法功底较好且句型和词组储备丰富,那么此题不会太为难。和作文相比,翻译虽只是个把句子,但来路不明难以猜测。作文尚可背诵模板以备执笔急需之用,而翻译则全无,它微小零星却锋利难防,并将考生模板式作文的画皮扯下,暴露其撰句能力的真实面目,所以令人可畏。 根据近几年的翻译真题来看,针对某项语法重复考察率比较高,所以对曾经考察过的语法点依然不可松懈。下面所提一些重点语法项目,并提出一些建议,希望对大家的备考有所帮助。 (1)句型以及其倒装使用 2008年6月翻译真题第91题: __________________________(直到他完成使命)did he realize that he was seriously ill. (Key:Not until he accomplished / finished the mission ) 建议:以此类推,掌握如下常用句型(以倒装方式给出) Not only ……..but also…… So ( Such )…that…….. Not until………. Neither…..nor…….. Hardly …..when…….. No sooner ……than……. Only by /through /in …., ………….. 例:Not only __________ (他向我收费过高)but he didn’t do a good repair. (key:did he charge me too much) (2)从句 a. 定语从句 2008年12月翻译真题第87题:


四六级翻译样题: 剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。剪纸最常用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。 参考译文:Paper cutting is one of most popular traditional folk arts in China. Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings are used to decorate doors, windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere. The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity. Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends. 以下是我们总结的几大翻译话题,供大家参考练习 一、京剧Peking Opera 京剧,号称东方歌剧,是地道的中国国粹,可以追溯到1790年。那年,4个徽剧戏班子奉诏进京表演。京剧的一大特点是在人物的脸上涂上各种颜色,以象征这个人物的性格和品质。简单的讲,红脸含有褒义,代表忠勇;黑脸代表智慧;蓝脸和绿脸代表草莽英雄;黄脸和白脸代表奸诈;金脸和银脸代表神秘或超自然力量。现如今,京剧也成了颇受人们欢迎的艺术形式之一,广受推崇。 Peking Opera,known as the Eastern Opera,is a purely one of best parts of Chinese culture,it can dates back to the year of 1790. In that year,four local opera troupes of Anhui province came to Beijing on a performance tour. For the painted roles, a special feature of Peking Opera, the different colors of the faces represent different characters and personalities. Generally, red stands for uprightness and loyalty, black means wisdom, blue and green indicate the vigorous and rebellious heroes, yellow and white represent cunning and gold and silver represent mystic or super-natural power. Nowadays, Peking Opera has became one of the most popular arts among people and wide spread all over the country. 二、丝绸之路The Silk Road 丝绸之路实际上是很多条中国通往古罗马商路的总称。古代丝绸之路的起点是中国当时的古都长安(现在的西安),终点在地中海东岸,几乎有一半路程穿越新疆。丝绸之路始于汉武帝时期,不仅是佛教进入中国的通道,而且路上商旅往来络绎不绝。元朝时,丝绸之路逐渐被日益繁荣的海上贸易所取代。丝绸之路还是一条友谊之路,在政治、经济、文化方面发挥了纽带的作用。 The Silk Road is the joint name given to a number of trade routes linking China and ancient Rome. The anc ient silk road had its start in Chang’an (now Xi’an), the capital of then China, and its terminus on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, with nearly half of it running across Xinjiang. The Silk Road began during the time of emperor Wudi of the Han dynasty, is not only an important route for Buddhism to enter china, but also an endless stream of merchants and business travelers. In the Yuan dynasty, the silk road gradually gave the way to the rapidly developing sea trade. The Silk Road was also a road of friendship, linking the west and the east
