

Lesson 1

1.Importance of writing

1)help u to reach people in different time and space;

2)express yourself more clearly and more accurately;

3)organize your thoughts in clear and logical way;

4)make a distinction between facts and opinions;

5)reflects on your thoughts and feelings;

6)enable u to see both the overall picture and minute details of complex issues;

7)turn your initial impressions or gut feelings into complex research design;

8)seek worthwhile questions;

9)establish the relationship between writers and readers

10)refine and enrich your ideas based on feedback from readers

11)essential job skill

2.academic writing

(1) Features:

1) written for specific audiences;

2) present an argument;

3) cohesion and coherence;

4) formal and no spelling and punctuation errors;

3.what makes critical reading?

1)Judging the appropriateness of the reading materials;

2)Finding materials most relevant to the research topic;

3)Avoiding the materials that contain weak arguments;

4)Distinguishing between and opinions.

4.Requirements of a critical writer

1)understanding the requirement of writing task;

2)proving or arguing for a point;(introduction, body, conclusion)

3)providing a set of contributing arguments;

4)considering alternative or opposing views;

5)being a critical reader of her or his own writing;

6)conclusion drawn naturally and logically from argument;

7)contributing something new;

PS: things to avoid: 1) being to descriptive and rely too much on summaries and explanations; 2) being biased and blinded by personal misconceptions; 3) sticking to one position blindly.

5.Writing process

1)Prewriting and outlining;(help to organize idea and generate idea)

Free-writing; Questioning (why when where who and how); make the list;

Diagramming; preparing a scratch outline

2)Writing a first draft;

Content first; think about the essay as a whole; consistency (in word, sentence type, tone)

3)Revision (change content and structure)

Whether the paper is unified (stick to one thing); is my paper supported? Is my paper



Sentence be parallel; consistent point of view; specific words; active verbs;…

Lesson 2

1.Basic structure of an essay (have no single rule or pattern apply to all essay)


providing the background, raising a question or problem; indicating the importance of an issue; ending with a thesis statement.

2)main body;

topic sentence;

supporting sentence: key concepts; examples; explanations; significance;

concluding sentence


repeating, restating; summarizing; answer the question; point out the importance;

giving consequences; making predictions.

2.Topic selection

General principle:

1)Interest to u and your reader;

2)Meaningful, having academic and practical appeal;

3)Manageable, give your time, energy and expertise.


1)Brainstorm to get research topic ideas;

2)Read general background information;

3)Focus in on your topic (narrow down the topic);

4)Make a list of useful keywords;

5)Define your topic as a focused research question;

6)Formulate a thesis statement

Additions tips:

1)Ask why where when who how;

2)Avoid topics are too: locally confined; recent; broadly interdisciplinary(跨学科);


3.Types of writing (Expository writing\Descriptive writing\Persuasive writing\Narrative


1)Expository writing;

Explains or informs. It talks about a subject without giving opinions.



(b)facts and figures needed;

(c)no opinions.

Key points:

(a)explain something in a process;

(b)equipped with facts and figures;

(c)in a logical order or sequence;

when use expository writing: textbook writing; how-to articles; recipes; News stories;

business\technique\or scientific writing.

2)Persuasive writing;

Try to bring others around to your point of view. (to convince, have opinions)

Features: contains justifications and reasons or arguments.

When use: opinion and editorial newspaper pieces; advertisement; reviews; letter of

Lesson 3

1.Task of an introduction:

1)grab attention;

2)narrow focus;

3)present thesis (main idea);

2.six elements included in conclusion:

1)original question or hypothesis;

2)review of major findings;

3)explanations for findings;



6)further research applications.

3.Peer review: evaluation of scientific, academic or professional work by other working in

the same filed.

4.Reason for peer review

1)Have a broader audience for writing;

2)Develop the ability to give the feedback;

3)See different approaches and perspectives;

4)Develop a more unified and coherent essay

5.Ways of making an effective peer review

1)Mirroring: writing down what u think the writer intended to communicate

2)Being specific in praise and critique (specific suggestion)

3)Being sensitive and careful with language

4)No being afraid of being subjective

5)Balancing the praise and critique

Lesson 4

1.How to incorporate evidence into academic writing



3)direct quote.

2.Types of source

1)reference sources (dictionaries [give general background information] );


3)popular article;

4)scholarly article;


3.Finding the sources

1)start from a search engine;

2)consult librarians, digital specialist or ur professors.

3)Use academic journals or scholarly articles;


5)Use online scholarly databases

6)Don’t forget the library;

4.Evaluate the sources




Lesson 5


1)a hook; 2)background; 3) thesis statement


1)Topic sentence and main point support it;

2) supporting evidence and explanation of points (facts, details )


4.Argument——Counter argument (must have supporting evidence, quote have to claim

its sources)

5.Planning an outline:

1)Choose a topic (it can be broad);

2)Decide on your main goal;

3)Gather supporting materials;

4)Choose a type of outline;

6.Patterns of organization s

1)Chronological pattern (time);

2)Sequential patterns (step by step that describe a process);

3)Spatial patterns (how things fit together in physical space)

4)Comparisons contrast pattern (two or more things similar or different from each


5)Cause-Effect patterns (one event as a result or consequence of some other events

or actions);

6)Problem-solution patterns (divide to two section: problem and solution );

7)Topical patterns (different sub-topics within large topic)


专业英语写作考点总结 part ? academic english writing (专业英语写作)chapter 1 six considerations in academic writing 1、academic writing is a product of many consideration : audience, purpose, organization, style, flow and presentation. (学术写作六要素:写作对象,目的,组织结构,文体特征,表达连贯和宣讲或宣读)。 2、organization usually has the following four parts : 问题-解决方法包括四个部 分 (1) description of a situation (描述情况) (2) identification of a problem (甄别问题) (3) description of a solution (描述解决方法) (4) evaluation of the solution (评估解决方法) 3、formal grammar style:(正规的语法风格) (1) generally avoid contractions (一般来讲避免使用略缩词) 例:won’t改为will not (2) use the more appropriate formal negative forms (使用更为适宜的正规的否定 形式) 例:not...any改为nonot...much改为little not...many改为few (3) limit the use of “run-on” expressions, such as and so forth and etc. (限 制使用多个词连用的表达法) 例:句子内不能出现and so forth和etc.出现时应将省略的部分扩展出来。 (4) avoid addressing the reader as you(except, of course, if you are writing a textbook or other instructional materials).(避免向读者说“你”)例:you can see the results in table 1. 改为:the results can be seen in table 1. 改为: it is necessary to consider how costs may be lowered. 或者 we now need to consider how costs may be lowered. (6) place adverb within the verb. (将副词放于动词词组内)例:this model was developed by krugman originally. 改为:this model was originally developed by krugman. (7) consider whether you should split infinitives.(考虑是否该使用割裂不定式)例:we need to adequately meet the needs of those enrolled in the program. (8) aim for an efficient use of words. (目的是为了有效地使用词汇)例:there are some inorganic materials that can be used by bioengineers in the process of tissue engineering that have been shown to be very promising. 改为:some inorganic materials used in tissue engineering have shown great promise. 习题: (1)you can use this model to analyze the effects of several parameter changes. 错误:使用了you。 改为:this model can be used to analyze the effects of several parameter changes. (2)ok, what are the reasons that coffee prices have fallen? there’re a lot of possibilities. 错误:使用了口语ok;直接引语的使用;使用了缩略词there’re。


前沿学术英语论文题目参考 学术英语即专家学者、教授学生在学术论文研究与写作中使用的英语,学术英语具有科学严谨性,用词考究,论文写作中应避免英语口语化。接下来跟着小编一起来看看学术英语论文题目有哪些。 1、浅议系统功能语言学理论指导下的英语专业学术论文摘要的翻译 2、“教学学术”视角下开放大学英语教师专业发展的思考 3、课程生态需求分析模式下的“学术英语”课程定位 4、CBI理论视域下学术英语读写教学研究 5、基于微课的通用学术英语写作课翻转课堂教学模式设计与实践 6、基于课堂读写任务的学术英语写作引用特征研究 7、基于语类的英语学术论文写作教学路径研究--以“文献综述”写作教学为例 8、基于需求分析学术英语教学模式 9、学术英语阅读能力的界定与培养 10、学术英语的词块教学法研究 11、英语专业本科毕业论文学术失范现象的成因与对策 12、浅析批判性思维下大学学术英语课程模块的构建

13、关于中文学术期刊使用英语的规范性问题 14、医学学术英语口语课程构建的探索 15、学术英语写作中词汇衔接探究 16、学习者学术英语写作中的引用行为研究 17、浅探理工院校学术英语改革实践 18、学术论文写作中的英语负迁移现象研究 19、学术英语写作教学体系的构建与实践 20、学术英语口头报告对批判性思维的影响探究 21、“学术读写素养”范式与学术英语写作课程设计 22、中国高校学术英语存在理论依据探索 23、学术英语教育对大学生就业的影响研究 24、学术道德教育和学术英语能力一体化培养 25、非英语专业研究生学术英语交际能力现状与对策研究--以延安大学为例 26、关于研究生学术英语教学定位研究 27、理工科学术英语视野下的批判性思维能力培植 28、面向学术英语的实验平台建构与探索 29、学术英语有效教学 30、学术英语写作课程环境下的写前计划效应探究 31、元话语视角下英语学术论文中的转述动词与语类结构研究 32、基于自建语料库的学术英语中语块结构的研究 33、以学术英语为新定位的大学英语教学转型问题的对策研究


专业英语写作考点总结 Part ?Academic English Writing (专业英语写作)Chapter 1 Six Considerations in Academic Writing 1、Academic writing is a product of many consideration : audience, purpose and strategy ,organization, style, flow and presentation. (学术写作六要素:写作对象,目的,组织结构,文体特征,表达连贯和宣讲或宣读)。 2、Organization usually has the following four parts : 问题-解决方法包括四个部分 (1)description of a situation (描述情况) (2)Identification of a problem (甄别问题) (3)Description of a solution (描述解决方法) (4)Evaluation of the solution (评估解决方法) 3、Formal Grammar Style:(正规的语法风格) (1) Generally avoid contractions (一般来讲避免使用略缩词) 例:won’t改为will not (2)Use the more appropriate formal negative forms (使用更为适宜的正规的否定 形式) 例:not...any改为no not...much改为little not...many改为few (3)Limit the use of “run-on” expressions, such as and so forth and etc. (限制使用 多个词连用的表达法) 例:句子内不能出现and so forth和etc.出现时应将省略的部分扩展出来。(4)Avoid addressing the reader as you(except, of course, if you are writing a textbook or other instructional materials).(避免向读者说“你”) 例:You can see the results in Table 1. 改为:The results can be seen in Table 1. (5)Be careful about using direct questions. In some fields they are common, while in others they are not.(使用直接引语时需谨慎) 例:What can be done to lower costs? 改为:It is necessary to consider how costs may be lowered. 或者We now need to consider how costs may be lowered. (6)Place adverb within the verb. (将副词放于动词词组内) 例:This model was developed by Krugman originally. 改为:This model was originally developed by Krugman.


关于六级和考研作文 对于考研和六级的你们而言,作文只有一次,所以不要害怕自己用滥一些表达 方式。一下给大家的建议和词汇并非最难的,但是本人以为最实用的,如有遗漏 和不足,欢迎补充。 1.考前反复熟记框架,挑选5个单词和2个表达方式强制自己在文中使用 2.用上非谓语结构,以及经典的介词词组远远比从句更吸引人。太复杂的表达 不要用,容易错,也容易表意不明。(强调句不错,可以使用) 一.普通词替换 1.Remarkable(显著的,显赫的,替换significant) 2.Dramatically(戏剧性地,这个单词用的人很多了,可以不用) 3.Durable/enduring(持续的,恒久的,很实用的单词) 4.Overwhelming(常用语overwhelming majority<绝大多数>,或者表示“不可抵挡”) 5.Incredible/unbelievable(不可思议的,难以置信的,非常推荐使用这个形容词) 6.Tranquil(安静的,代替peaceful,高级词汇) 7.Simultaneously(同时地,代替meanwhile,很实用很推荐) 8.Fulfill(代替finish,还可以表示更高端的“实现”等意义) 9.Whereas(表转折,非常推荐,but的意思) 10.Witness(句子倒转使用,“见证了…”也可代替see,很推荐) 11.Sophisticated(复杂的,世故的) 12.Alarming(震惊的,一般表示数字,也可以用it really shocks me that…) 13.Decent/elegant/dignity(尊严,得体的,高雅的,高贵的类似意思) 14.Self系列(self-esteem, self-improvement等) 15.Manifold(多方面的,各种各样的,代替various) 16.Manifest(显示,体现出,代替indicate或show) 17.Affirm(断言,声称,还有assert和allege) 18.Prevailing(代替popular,流行的,还有epidemic不常用) 19.Endeavour(努力,很实用的单词,endeavor to do)


英语作文常用句型总结(完美打印版) 现将历年作文中常用句型加以总结,希望对广大考生有所帮助。 一.开头 1.Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic. 2.Recently the problem has been brought into focus. 3. Nowadays there is a growing concern over ... . 4. What calls for special attention is that... 5. There’s no denying the fact that... 6. what’s far more important is that... 7.It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy. 8.It is well-known that… 9.Many nations have been faced with the problem of ... 10.According to a recent survey, ... 11. With the rapid development of ..., ... 二.结尾 1.From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that ... 2.In conclusion, it is imperative that ... 3.In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up. 4.With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly. 5.Taking all these into account, we ... 6. Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear... 7.All things considered, ... 8.It may be safely said that... 9.Therefore, in my opinion, it’s more advisable... 10. It can be concluded from the discussion that... 11. From my point of view, it would be better if... 三.表比较 1.The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. 2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B. 3.A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that... 5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages. 6.Like anything else, it has its faults. 7.A and B has several points in common. 8.However, the same is not applicable to B. 9. A and B differ in several ways. 10. Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.


学术论文写作课程总结 科研的进步在于科研工作之间交流,讨论,阅读。在第一节课,老师就告诉我们,面对全球众多的科研工作者来说,本领域学者之间的交流多以文字的形式进行。英语作为世界各国人们交流的一种流通语言,让那些非英语为母语和以英语为母语国家的科研人员不会对我们投稿的英语学术论文所要表达的内容产生歧义,才能达到学术交流与进步的目的。 在本次的英语学术论文写作课程学习中,我们组经历了第一次的细致分工,到以后的分工与合作相结合的进步。由于我的研究方向为InSAR监测矿区,在本次论文写作中主要负责我们‘空天地一体化矿区环境灾害监测’中D-InSAR监测矿区部分的实验以及数据分析的工作。同时,在小组汇报的过程中共同进行了第一部分Introduction 部分的汇报,完成了Authors and Keywords部分PPT的制作与汇报工作。从选择汇报PPT模板、搜集资料、总结资料,再到最后制作修改完成终稿,最后是台下的汇报演练,每个步骤的实践经历都给了我弥足珍贵的经验。 回首这学期本门课程的学习,我发现自己在慢慢地积累中有了很多的收获。首先,作为一个学制只有2年的工程硕士,在本学期已经完成了自己学位论文的开题工作,在下一个学期就要着手于自己学位论文的撰写工作。无论是发表期刊论文,还是撰写自己的学位论文,插入、添加参考文献都曾经是写作的一大难题。本次课程老师给我们介绍了几款文献管理器(Noteexpress,Endnote)。通过对文献管理器软件的学习与使用,让我熟悉了文献管理器,在本学期的其他专业课程中的论文写作中已经可以熟练使用,极大的方便了论文写作。其次,语料库的检索分析,制定自己论文写作方向,都对我的论文写作有着十分重要的作用。 接着就是自己关于学术论文写作方面的收获。从第一节课开始,老师给我们写学术论文的正确态度,给初入学术写作的我论文写作方面奠定了很好的基础。原来对英语论文的态度就是从中文的论文通过翻译软件直接进行翻译。在本次课程中,我们在老师的带领下,通过小组合作的形式,对introduction,methodology,results,conclusion等几个论文的主体部分,以及title,authors,abstract,keywords进行了细致的学习,理解了每个部分在论文中所起到的作用,以及写作这些部分的英文论文的时候所需要注意的时态语法主语人称等方面的问题。也让我明白,英语学术论文的写作,不应该是简单的中译英,而更重要的是自己的学术内容与思想能够清晰而又高效的传达出来,进而实现学术交流与提高的作用。


【花开两朵型】 1.出题思路 ①有一些人认为…(好方面) ②另一些人认为…(坏方面) ③你的观点 2.写作提纲(4段) 第一段: 第1句:引入话题 第2句:引入两种观点 第二段: 第1句:On the one hand(有一些人认为) 第2句:支持性分论点,两到三条(一定要有承接词) 第3句:本段总结(可有可无,如果论点写的多就不用写,总结主要为凑字用)第三段: 第1句:On the other hand(另一些人认为) 第2句:支持性分论点两到三条(还是要有承接词) 第3句:本段总结(可有可无) 第四段:个人观点 【各段例句】: 第一段: 1:设问型 How should we read?Should we read selectively or extensively?Everyone has his own view. 2:话题引出句: 1:When it comes to ______,people’s notions vary from one to another.Recently,a sensational debate has taken place as to whether _______ or _______. 2:Now,it is generally accepted that ______ plays an important part in

people’s lives.But,there is an ongoing heated discussion as to whether ______ is a blessing or a curse. 注意:“_______”是指所提到的话题。 Blessing是祝福的意思。Curse是灾难的意思。 这几种开头可以相互穿插交换着用。 第二段第1句: 1:On the one hand,some people believe that… 2:As is often pointed out by some people,they argue that… 3:From a certain point of view(从某种观点来看),people who hold the former opinion argue that(持有前者观点的人认为)… 第三段第1句: 1:On the other hand,others consid er that… 2:However,other people insist that… 3:Whereas/Nevertheless,people who hold the latter opinion insist that…第二、三段第2句: 1: To begin/start with(首先),What’s more(其次),Last but not the least(最后)… 2:First an foremost(首先),Moreover(其次),Last but by no means the least(最后)… 第二、三段第3句:本句是凑字用的,可有可无。 1:Hence(因此,以后)… 2:Thus…


第一部分常用于引言段的句型的2类表达方式 一、议论文常用句型 1. It is a fact that…. 2. It is well-known that…. 3. There is no doubt that…. 4. I think that…. 5. Contrary to the popular thought, I prefer…. 6. Some people say/believe/claim that…. 7. It is generally believ ed that…. 8. It is widely accepted that…. 9. It is argued/held that…. 10. While it is commonly believed that…, I believe…. 11. It can be concluded that…. 12. People’s views vary from person to person. 二、图表作文常用句型 1. The table/diagram/bar chart/pie graph/tree diagram/curve graph /column chart shows/illustrates/reveals/describes/depicts/reflects that/how…. 2. The graph provides some interesting data regarding…. 3. The data/statistics/figures can be interpreted as follows: 4. The data/statisti cs/figures lead us to the conclusion that…. 5. As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table, …. 6. It is clear/apparent from the table/chart/diagram/figures that…. 7. The vertical/horizontal axis stands for…. 8. There was rapid/noticeable/great/sharp/steep/remarkable/slow/little/slight/grad ual rise/increase/decrease/fall/decline/drop/change in development in …. 9. The percentage remained steady/stable at…. 10. The figures stayed the same…. 11. The figures bottomed out/pea ked at…. 12. The figures reached the bottom/a peak/a plateau during…. 第二部分常用于正文段的句型的4类表达方式 一、A、B型作文段落常用句型和表达方式 1. A is completely / totally / entirely different from B. 2. A and B are different in some/every way / respect / aspect. 3. A and B differ in…. 4. A differs from B in…. 5. The difference between A and B is/l ies in/exists in…. 6. Compared with/In contrast to/Unlike A, B…. 7. A…, on the other hand,/in contrast,/while/whereas B…. 8. While it is generally believed that A …, I believe B…. 9. Despite their similarities, A and B are also different.


Comparison of the Flood Myth between China & the West 2010583 行政100班 ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC STUDY COURSE Department of Political Science Southwest University of Science and Technology

Abstract Flood myth is a common theme of all ethnic groups in the world.F or the past,the research on the western myth of the flood was particularly in the comparison study of the basic structure and the story contrast. The important significance of studying the lies in rehabilitation history and tapping—its deep cultural connotations by using the way of primitive people.In this paper, from the Angle of cultural function of myth, Chinese and western the flood myth rooted by the culture differences. Overall,the creation-made the sin.correctional impunity of the flood—creation again,as the more common myths flood program.Flood myth of Chinese and in the west can be embodied in the story of the god of punishment as the cause of floods,reflecting the original people’S awareness of the early relationship between mankind and nature.After the floods,the recycling world reflected the awareness of the relationship of the original people.They expressed the aspirations of civilization. However,the flood myths of Chinese and in the west have a marked difference.The theme of western flood myth is asylum,which did not reflect the spirits of protest.On the contrary,Chinese flood myths take the”harnessing water”as a theme,which mainly reflected the use and control of flood.The people who are in harnessing water, the west flood myth Was God-centered and embodied a strong sense of religion while the Chinese flood myths is people—oriented.Yu and his son became the representatives of the floods and beco me heroes of the Chinese nation. Key Words:flood;myths;compare;difference References [1] (Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary)7th Edition [2] Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary


高中英语写作课题总结 丁彩云 一、课题的目的与意义 探寻高中英语写作中学生存在的主要问题,指导并帮助学生解决疑难,探究和学习各种写作题材、话题,并在不断实践中总结写作经验和熟悉经典句式,逐步提高写作水平和写作应试能力,最终能在高考等考试中写出高质量的作文。 二、过程实施 准备阶段 1.选题依据 在听说读写四项语言技能中,写作的技能难度最大,需要动手动脑,如有条件和必要还要使用电脑。写作是运用语言传递书面信息的手段,要求语言文字准确;要求文字通顺、结构严谨、格式正确、文体合适。这就要求学生具有较强的思维能力和表达能力。因此,加强学生对写作的研究,尤其是高考中基础写作应用文的写作,为其将来高考写作完成高质量的作文有很大帮助。 2. 课题选定 综合目前新课程标准中对写作的基本要求,结合学生的学情、能力,选定本研究课题为《英语基础写作》。 实施阶段 1. 时间及地点安排

按照学校教研处的部署安排,定于每周三下午第七节课在高一班教室进行本研学课程。 2.成立研究小组及组员具体分工 选定本课题的共有11人,分别是高一班的王永浩、封玉婷、宋晓玲、苏永亮、赵一鸣、曹玲瑞、孙少俊;高一班的王晓红;高一班的苏建钰和高一班的张世巧。通过第一节课开题课的讨论决定,成立一个研究小组。具体分工如下:苏永亮为课题组组长,负责组织研学讨论;王永浩、封玉婷、宋晓玲负责记录讨论内容;赵一鸣、曹玲瑞、孙少俊、王晓红负责上网搜集查询研究性学习所需资料;苏建钰、张世巧负责问题的整理和反馈。 3. 研究的条件与方法 文献资料研究,研究部分名篇中的经典名句; 网上查询相关话题资料; 整理、分析、讨论、归纳相关资料。 4. 课题研究的步骤 第三周:讨论并完成开题报告 第六周:英语写作基本技巧 第七周:英语写作基本句型之开篇句型 第九周:英语写作基本句型之过渡句型 第十周:英语地点写作 第十二周:英语议论文对比观点题型写作


考研英语作文常用句子总结 句型在英语学习中占有不可替代的作用,背诵一些有用的句子对于我们来说也是非常重要的。考研英语作文冲刺复习要注意积累,记忆一些好的句式。素材丰富了,大家才能下笔灵活,下面分享的这些考研英语常用写作句型,大家可以收藏。 1.The cartoon vividly shows an important truth that…漫画生动地揭示了一个重要的道理 2.As is vividly depicted in the drawings 漫画生动地描述了 3.Clearly, the cartoon reveals a very common problem in our society 很明显,漫画揭示了我们社会的一个普遍现象 4.The implied meaning of the drawings is that 漫画的寓意是 5.As is manifested in the cartoon 如漫画所示 6.The two drawings stand in a sharp contrast 两幅图形成了鲜明的对比 7.A ridiculous situation 一个可笑的场景 8.To grasp the full implication 充分理解寓意 9.With sweats trailing down the face 汗流满面 10.There is no denying that… 毋庸置疑…… 11.There is a general assumption that 人们普遍认为 12.To make careful decision 认真做决定


英语写作万能模板(经典版) 说明一物的利弊 1、AAA has improved the quality of our lives and are playing an important role in our daily life. The benefits AAA brings to us are far more than its disadvantages. However, we cannot ignore its problem. 2、On the positive side, AAA has enabled us to (1) 此处填入 AAA 的优势之一。For instance, ( 2 )举例说明优势之一。Besides, (3)AAA 的优势之二。Nowadays, (4) 举例说明优势之二。In addition, ( 5 ) AAA 的优势之三。 3、On the negative side, (6) 此处填入 AAA 的劣势之一。For example,(7) 举例说明劣势之一。Besides,(8)AAA 的劣势之二。Furthermore,(9)AAA 的劣势之三。 4、All in all, we can not live without AAA for the conveniences it brings to us, but we should also be aware of the negative effects it creates on the modern life. 分析型 1、Recently the...has been brought into focus...Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible. In this essay, I aim to explore this complicated phenomenon from diverse perspectives, identify the relevant contributing factors and bring up some effective measures. 2、As far as I am concerned, an array of integrated factors contributes to the ...The first role that should be blamed is...Another equally important factor lies in…Last but not least... 3、As a matter of fact, ...gives rise to a host of problems, such as...Confronted with such a thorny issue, people come up with a variety of constructive countermeasures. Personally, the following are worth recommendation... 4、When everyone is fully aware of the severity and take feasible measures, I firmly believe... 一面倒 1、.NO invention has received more praises and abuses than cars… Now there is a growing awareness over traffic safety. 2、Although some people acclaim that… I am still prone to go along with the other side based on the following sound reasons... 3、To embark on it, it comes as the first problem that... 4、Should it remain unable to unfold my perspectives, it'll come as reinforcement that… 5、It is indisputable that nowhere in history has...been more visible. As far as I am concerned… TASK 1 ( 一 ) 信息描述或数据比较 1、The graph illustrates (1) 总体介绍图表情况。According to the graph, in YEAR1,(2)YEAR1 年的信息描述。For example, (3) 举例说明。However by YEAR2,(4)YEAR2


Sample 1 Native American Influences on Modern U.S. Culture When the first Europeans came to the North American continent, they encountered the completely new cultures of the Native American. Peoples of North America, Native Americans, who had highly developed cultures in many respects, must have been as curious about them. As always happens when two or more cultures come into contact, there was a cultural exchange. Native Americans adopted some of the Europeans? ways, and the Europeans adopted some of their ways. As a result, Native Americans have made many valuable contributions to modern U.S. culture, particularly in the areas of language, art, food, and government. First of all, native Americans left a permanent mark on the English language. The early English-speaking settlers borrowed from several different Native American languages words for places in this new land. All across the country are cities, towns, rivers, and states with native American names. For example, the states of Delaware, Iowa, Illinois, and Alabama are named after Native American tribes, as are the cities of Chicago, Miami, and Spokane. In addition to place names, English adopted from various Native American languages the words for animals and plants found in the Americas, Chipmunk, moose, raccoon, skunk, tobacco, and squash are just a few examples. Although the vocabulary of English is the area that shows the most Native American influence, it is not the only area of U.S. culture that has been shaped by contact with Native Americans. Art if another area of important Native American contributions. Wool rugs woven by women of the Navajo Tribe in Arizona and New Mexico are highly valued works of art in the United States. Native American jewelry made from silver and turquoise is also very popular and very expensive. Especially in the western and southwestern regions of the United States, native crafts such as pottery, leather products, and beadwork can be found in many homes. Indeed, native art and handicrafts are a treasured part of U.S. culture. In addition to language and art, agriculture is another area in which Native Americans had a great and lasting influence on the peoples who arrived here from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Being skilled farmers, the Native Americans of North America taught the new comers many things about farming techniques and crops. Every U.S. schoolchild has heard the story of how Native Americans taught the first settlers to place a dead fish in a planting hole to provide fertilizer for the growing plant. Furthermore, they taught the settlers irrigation methods and crop rotation. Many of the foods people in the United States eat today were introduced to the Europeans by Native Americans. For example, corn and chocolate were unknown in Europe. Now they are staples in the U.S. diet. Finally, it may surprise some people to learn that citizens of the United States are also indebted to the native people for our form of government. The Iroquois, who were an extremely large tribe with many branches called “nations”, had develo ped a highly sophisticated system of government to settle disputes that arose between the various branches. Five of the nations had joined together in a confederation called “The League of the Iroquois.” Under the league, each nation was autonomous in running its own internal affairs, but the nations acted as a unit when dealing with outsiders. The league kept the Iroquois from fighting among themselves and was also valuable in diplomatic relations with other tribes. When the 13 colonies were considering what kind of government to establish after they had won their independence from Britain, someone suggested that they use a system similar to that of the League of the Iroquois. Under this system, each colony or future state would be autonomous in managing its own affairs but would join forces with the other states to deal with matters that concerned them all. This is exactly what
