老友记 专业论文

老友记 专业论文
老友记 专业论文




二、功能对等(functional equivalence)理论分析在对国外情景喜剧研究中,有不少学者从语言学的角度来讨论剧中幽默的字幕翻译。在情景喜剧的字幕翻译中,功能对等是有效的指导理论,对幽默的字幕翻译有着重要的指导作用。




Phoebe:Are you gonna go over there?菲比:你想过去吗?

Joey:No.Yeah.No. Okay,but not yet.I don’t wanna seem too eager. One Mississippi,two Mississippi. three Mississippi.


Joey在咖啡馆巧遇前女友Angela,Angela似乎对他不再有感觉。Joey决定重新去认识她,但为了不显得焦急,就数了三下:One Mississippi,two Mississippi,three Mississippi,然后再走过去。这其实是橄榄球运动员开球前的数数方法,有时要数至Five Mississippi。但是中国观众并不能理解Mississippi在这有什么样的背景知识,所以译文如果将“一个密西西比,两个密西西比,三个密西西比.”改为“一、二、三”效果更佳,译文所传达的幽默翻译虽与原文不完全对等,但却实现了幽默功能的对等。




这是六个人的故事,从不服输而又有强烈控制欲的monica,未经世事的千金大小姐rachel,正直又专情的ross,幽默风趣的chandle,古怪迷人的phoebe,花心天真的joey——六个好友之间的情路坎坷,事业成败和生活中的喜怒哀乐,无时无刻不牵动着彼此的心,而正是正平凡的点点滴滴,却成为最令人感动与留恋的东西。 人物:1、瑞秋?格林(RACHEL GREENE)由珍妮佛?安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)扮演 瑞秋是莫妮卡的高中同学,在与牙医未婚夫的婚礼上脱逃至莫妮卡处。 2、罗斯?盖勒(Ross Geller)由大卫?修蒙(David Schwimmer)扮演 罗斯为莫妮卡的哥哥,于高中时即暗恋妹妹的同学瑞秋,但始终不敢表白 3、莫妮卡?盖勒(Monica Geller)由科妮寇?克斯(Courteney Cox Arquette)扮演 莫妮卡是《六人行》的中心人物,其他五人可以说就是由她延伸出来的。 4、钱德?宾(Chandler Bing)由马修?派瑞(Matthew Perry)扮演 钱德为罗斯的大学同学,因而与罗斯、莫妮卡结识甚久 5、菲比?巴费(Phoebe Buffay)由丽莎?库卓(Lisa Kudrow)扮演 菲比为莫妮卡的旧室友,后因受不了其洁癖而搬走 6、乔伊?崔比昂尼(Joey Tribbiani)由麦特?雷布兰克(Matt Le Blanc)扮演 乔伊与钱德为共租公寓的室友,自然也是莫妮卡和瑞秋的邻居 《电影手册》评价: friends是一部彻底而纯粹的通俗剧的代表,它是一部具有十足纽约风格的情景喜剧。它形成了一个自己的世界,围绕着同一个屋檐下的,6个30上下的男女拉开了故事帷幕。他们在一起,倾听彼此的烦恼和快乐,一起成长和生活,而故事的平衡点,也是最常见不过——6个单身贵族最终将组成三对情侣(此点有错误),这一对称组合加强了全剧的轻松喜剧效果。Friends为我们解析了每天的平淡生活,普通情侣的爱恋或友情体现了逐步系列剧的力量。城市文明异类温柔的疯狂,却又怀有情窦初开的少女梦想,这个从普通生活中得来的灵感。一直推动系列剧向滑稽情节发展。Friends给我们解释了什么是快乐的痛苦,再多一点,我们又会把自己幽闭在这个神奇的世界里。 【Season 1 Index】 Episode 101 : The One Where Monica Gets A New Roommate (Pilot) Episode 102 : The One With The Sonogram At The End Episode 103 : The One With The Thumb Episode 104 : The One With George Stephanopoulos Episode 105 : The One With The East German Laundry Detergent Episode 106 : The One With The Butt Episode 107 : The One With The Blackout Episode 108 : The One Where Nana Dies Twice Episode 109 : The One Where Underdog Gets Away Episode 110 : The One With The Monkey Episode 111 : The One With Mrs. Bing Episode 112 : The One With The Dozen Lasagnas Episode 113 : The One With The Boobies Episode 114 : The One With The Candy Hearts Episode 115 : The One With The Stoned Guy Episode 116 : The One With Two Parts, Part 1


Friends Last year, I was told that there was an American TV serial called “ Friends that enjoys an overwhelming popularity in America. This semesterI had an opportunity to watch it and from that moment on I learned that it had been filmed for ten years. What a great accomplishment it is! It is a story in which six of typical young people live a common life. They are Ross, Phoebe, Chandler, Monica, Joey, Rachel. They have many conflicts in terms of emotion, principles, interest, and social status. Meanwhile, the friendship and love are promoted to a new level. This story actually mirrors our daily life and routines. It also stimulates us to think about how to live a better life and appreciate the beauty of life. Friendship is difficult to establish and easy to destroy. The phenomenon happened to the six friends. Chandler once chased Joey ' s girlfriend and had a romance with Joey ' s sister.They all have various defects. Ross sometimes declares a dissertation like a a sealed book. Chandler is an expert in making jokes. Monica ' s cleanliness and emulation is unbearable. Rachel doesn ' t do anything and can do nothing but shopping. She even doesn ' t know how to dispose waste. What ' s more terrible is Phoebe ' s voice. She loves singing but no one can afford to listen to. Nevertheless, we can learn a lot from them. The solid friendship among them doesn' t just result from the demand of plots. The real reason is they know the greatest principles of friendship: trust, tolerance and support. They trust each other and tolerant others ' shortcoming and mistakes, what ' s more, they support each other to do what he or she likes to do.


Characters Of Friends The series featured six main characters throughout its run, with many other characters recurring throughout all ten seasons. ?Jennifer Aniston portrays Rachel Greene, a fashion enthusiast and Monica Geller's best friend from childhood. Rachel first moves in with Monica in season one after nearly marrying Barry Farber whom she realizes she does not love. Rachel and Ross Geller are later involved in an on-again-off-again relationship throughout the series. Rachel dates other men during the series, such as an Italian neighbor, Paolo in season one, her client Joshua Bergin in season four, her assistant Tag in season seven, and Jo ey Tribbiani in season ten. Rachel’s first job is as a waitress at the coffeehouse Central Perk, but she later becomes an assistant buyer at Bloomingdale's in season three, and a buyer at Ralph Lauren in season five. Rachel and Ross have a daughter named Emma in "The One Where Rachel Has a Baby, Part Two" at the end of season 8. ?Courteney Cox portrays Monica Geller, the mother hen of the group and a chef,known for her perfectionist, bossy and competitive nature. Monica is often jokingly teased by the others for having been extremely overweight as a child, especially by her brother Ross. Monica works as a chef in various restaurants throughout the show. Monica’s first serious relationship is with family friend Richard Burke who is 21 years her senior. The couple maintains a strong relationship until Richard expresses that he does not want to have children much to Monica’s dismay. Monica and Chandler Bing later start a relationship after spending a night with each other in the season four finale, leading to their marriage in season seven. ?Lisa Kudrow portrays Phoebe Buffay, an eccentric masseuse and self-taught musician. Phoebe lived in uptown New York with her mother until her mother killed herself and Phoebe took to the streets. Phoebe is ditsy but street smart and writes and sings (badly) her own quirky songs, accompanying herself on the guitar. She has an "evil" identical twin named


老友记人物介绍 1 瑞秋-格林(RACHEL GREENE) :珍妮佛-安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)扮演 语音学习:口音不很好学,经常会发出很可爱的声音,感情丰富;而且连音也比较多。但是学她很有用,因为她的发音很性感。 瑞秋是莫妮卡的高中同学,在与牙医未婚夫的婚礼上脱逃至莫妮卡处。 [个性]未经世事的医家千金小姐,生活上的大白痴(连垃圾都不会倒哦~) 有些娇纵,没什么主见,对人言听计从。 25岁才煮了这辈子第一杯咖啡的她,主修艺术史副修舞蹈,为了独立就先在咖啡屋当女侍。她从没工作过,鼓起勇气来面对现实的贫困,不过还是没忘了带她老爸的信用卡附卡出门。 婚姻问题上,本想走上同母亲一样的道路,但当她了解到自己爱结婚贺礼胜过未婚夫时,就从婚礼上跑掉了。 对性的态度比较随意;由不愁吃穿到自食其力吃了不少苦头没有什么技能,除了……购物 [怪癖]高中时鼻子大过成龙,后来做了缩鼻手术;喜欢拿人家送她的礼物去换 非常有男人缘,偏爱男医生 [职业]本来是“中央咖啡厅”的服务生,后来进了服装公司做采购助理(专业对 口啊) 2 罗斯-盖勒(Ross Geller):大卫-修蒙(David Schwimmer)扮演 语音学习:经常不出好词,你就查吧;再就是俚语很多。 罗斯为莫妮卡的哥哥,高中时暗恋瑞秋,但始终不敢表白。 个性]有点一板一眼,不能忍受他人违反秩序。 爸妈眼中的优等生,从小得奖犹如家常便饭 不同于钱德和乔伊,他甚是专情,在美国这样一个性开放的国家中不一样

的男人,非常疼爱他的儿子本;养过一直叫作“马赛尔”的猴子且对它一往情深因前任老婆是同性恋而离婚,但对她始终无法忘情对感情的表白上显得十分胆小,对婚姻缺乏信心,共计有三次离婚记录 [怪癖]事事都爱与前妻的同性恋爱人苏珊竞争 不能忍受别人对“人类是由猴子进化而来的”的观点有丝毫怀疑 [职业]博物馆考古学家,大学讲师,收入颇丰 3 莫妮卡-盖勒(Monica Geller):科妮寇-克斯(Courteney Cox Arquette)扮演 语音学习:练长句子,她经常会一口气说很多。如伦敦之行 莫妮卡是《六人行》的中心人物,其他五人由她延伸出来的。 [个性]像是妈妈般的照顾大家,爱管闲事,让她成为大家的支柱。 在市区最炫餐厅担任厨师,不论工作和生活上,凡事都要求认真专心,井然有序——连床单的铺法角度,她都有一定的规矩。 最爱在自己家准备盛宴招待朋友,享受当女主人的感觉,不过她搞的派对太过严肃和正经,好象都没有人喜欢 喜欢控制别人,任何场合都不肯服输。 从小被哥哥罗斯的优异成绩給比了下去,在爸妈面前显得很不如哥哥;而且肥胖,担任家中垃圾筒的角色(消灭剩饭,好可怜!) 在爱情的沙场上她屡败屡战,交往过的男友非常之多,其中以一个叔叔辈的眼科医生与一个网络界的亿万富翁用情最深,后深深与钱德相恋并步入礼堂。 [怪癖]高中時是一个超级胖妹 有强烈洁癖 对女生來讲,运动神经非常的发达 渴望婚姻和小孩 烹饪技术高超 [职业]某餐厅小厨师 自由办桌 某餐厅二厨 大厨兼采购部主管(当天因“受贿”被撤消,冤枉啊) 4 钱德-宾(Chandler Bing):马修-派瑞(Matthew Perry)扮演


Reviews of《Friends》 谢银艳-87150312-食科三班This winter holiday, I have watched the extremely fantastic American teleplay 《Friends》,which is so popular to a high degree that it is one of the most welcome situation comedy in the world.The plot is closely developed with six main protagonists, Rachel, Ross, Monica, Joey, Phoebe and Chandler. Their friendship is the basis of the story, as well as the whole - length main thread, connecting all the drama story. As we all know, one resultful way for human beings to express their feelings is to enjoy the humor, which also becomes a important topic in pragmatic study that how the human system itthe purpose to promote audiences to understand and enjoy the humor. Surely it should be obvious to the spectators, that the conversations are always so funny as to make people cannot stop laughing. Chandler's acerb jokes, Monica's self-mockery, Phoebe' strange words, Joey' stupid utterance, and so on, that inevitably make us roll in the aisles. Not only the language humor, but also the action humor is the feature of this comedy. We are likely to see Phoebe' odd movements every day, Ross and Monica's exaggerated new year dance and Joey' clumsy and stupid behaviors in the drama. Factually, their inopportune talks and actions are actually the humor feature. No one can refuse the joy it brings. Except the humor ,we are also supposed to contemplate the emotion topic the play conveys. Indeed, just as we enjoy the humorous plot, it occurs to us their deep friendships in the same time. They satirize each other, they quarrel without a break, and their personalities are quiet different, but they can't lose anyone of them, as well as their friendships are more and more deep with time going by. Generally speaking, though the six protagonists make fun of their own life and other's drawbacks without hesitation, they put whole their hearts into the friendships between them. Based on their mutual trust and respect, finally, they get on well. And another thing I have learned from this play is the cultural differences between China and America. It is not the same between the two countries, when it comes to the view of family affection. One situation in the drama leaves me a pretty deep impression. When Ross' grandparent passed away, all the family members and friends participate the funeral. During the boring funeral, men watch the ball competition, while women talk happily, which makes me surprised,as it seems that they are not so sad. Afterwards, I understand that Americans do not have the same family hierarchy sense as Chinese. They treat other people including relatives and friends more equally. So when it refers to the view of friend affection, they are also more optional. They respect their friends' lifestyles and are unwilling to put their own opinions on them. Instead, individuals would like to consider more for friends and give tips to them in China. There are huge differences in American and Chinese culture. Above are my reviews on 《Friends》, I definitely think it is a nice play ,and I learned a lot from it.


老友记第三季剧情梗概 第三季剧情梗概 编译:sogo 301 (星际大战中的)莉亚公主 莫妮卡因为和里查德分手而萎靡不振。 乔伊受不了珍妮丝的腔调,而珍妮丝为促进他们之间的互相了解,消除乔伊的偏见,特地邀请乔伊共度“有趣的一天”。 罗斯和瑞秋谈论彼此的性幻想。 后来瑞秋把罗斯对莉亚公主的幻想告诉了菲比和莫妮卡。 菲比帮助莫妮卡排遣痛苦。 罗斯和钱德交流了一下,结果钱德的说法搅乱了罗斯的思想。 老盖勒(莫妮卡的爸爸)来安慰莫妮卡。 302 没人准备好 今晚对罗斯意义非凡,他要带朋友们出席一个重要的宴会。但大家都慢吞吞老是没准备好。 乔伊和钱德为坐椅和着装而斗气。两人玩闹时不慎弄脏了菲比的衣服。 莫妮卡听到答录机里里查德的一条旧留言,她妄想这是新的消息。 莫妮卡给里查德留了个消息,之后又想登录里查德的答录机抹掉它,结果出尽洋相。 瑞秋决定不了该穿哪件衣服。 罗斯发火了,瑞秋干脆说不去了…… 作为道歉,罗斯答应瑞秋喝一杯油。 303 果酱 乔伊在床上蹦蹦跳跳时把手摔到脱臼。 莫妮卡想寄情于工作,忘却里查德。 她做了很多果酱,乔伊很喜欢吃。 之后,她决定到精子捐献机构去挑选精子来生一个孩子,结果她带回的档案居然是乔伊的。 菲比被马尔科姆(后来成了戏外莫妮卡的老公哦!)跟踪,此人将她当做了她姐姐乌苏拉……其后两人约会。钱德向瑞秋和罗斯取经,如果拥有美满的男女关系。 罗斯偷偷传授他“抱一抱,滚一边”的绝招。 此方可以骗过睡觉时喜欢拥抱的女孩,有自己的睡眠空间。 钱德如法炮制,结果把珍妮丝滚到地上了。 304 战胜自我,不再害怕承诺 乔伊出演牛奶盖2000年广告。 菲比忘了告诉乔伊有电话找他试镜…… 为了弥补自己的过失,菲比冒充乔伊的经纪人给导演打电话。 她的表现如此出色,乔伊请她全权代理自己的演出事务。 罗斯的儿子本喜欢玩芭比娃娃,罗斯实在难以接受。 他力图使本喜欢玩更具阳刚之气的游戏。 钱德惧怕对女人许下承诺,乔伊说服他正视自己的恐惧…… 但钱德冒冒失失提出同居,倒把珍妮丝吓得落荒而逃。 莫妮卡和瑞秋向钱德表示热烈欢迎,祝贺他成为她们的同类(就是渴望亲密关系的那一类啦),并用低脂无糖的冰激凌慰劳他。 305 菲比的弟弟小福兰克

老友记 英文作文

Good morning everyone, this semester we watched an American situation comedy, first season of friends, which is about a group of friends in New York. It is so popular that receiving a Golden Globe, 2 SAG Awards, and 56 other various awards with 152 nominations. The first season introduces the six main characters: Rachel Karen Green, Monica Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Joey Francis Tribbiani, Chandler Muriel Bing and Ross Geller. These friends have different character and experience, enriching the comedy. Some one likes Rachel Karen Green, for her courage to purse the happiness and the successful change from a girl living without worrying anything to a strong independent woman. Some one likes the character, Phoebe Buffay, who is very optimistic although she experienced poverty and being abandoned. I also like these characters, but my most favorite one is Monica Geller, who is a connection center for the six characters. She is Rachel’s schoolmate, Phoebe’s roommate, the landlord of Joey and Chandler, and Ross’s sister. I will give my reason for from three aspects. First, Monica is the perfectionist, desiring to make everything perfect. She keeps her house neat forever and don’t allow anyone to place thing out of order. She is a typical obsessive compulsive. Maybe some people hate her just for it, but she also makes everyone develop a good living habit. As we all know, Monica is a fat girl when she was a student. Under the desire of keeping perfect, she loses weight and become very



老友记简介(04)——评价 2008年02月19日星期二 22:13 评价 作为一部受到观众喜爱的情景喜剧,《老友记》的精彩并不仅仅来源于它对生活原生态的再现。虽然《老友记》自始至终严格地遵循着美国情景喜剧的基本规则:每集故事掀起的高潮都会在半小时的限定时间内归于平静。从制作上看,我们不仅找不到任何特别的地方,而且简直就可以用循规蹈矩、缺乏新意来形容它。但是,《老友记》并不是你想象中那样平庸乏味。只需看上一集,没有人能逃脱那些来自于异想天开的剧情、高潮迭起的故事和形形色色的客串明星的“致命诱惑”。尤其是那些轻松而诙谐的人物对白,蕴涵着一种独特的“美式”幽默,令人拍案叫绝。 《老友记》之所以受人欢迎,其一是因为它完全具备消费良品的素质,而更重要的是,在不断的笑声中,它让我们看到了另一种和我们一样普通的生活,形形色色的人因为情感、原则、利益、地位等问题产生矛盾、闹出笑话,同时,亲情、友情、爱情也在这里升华。《老友记》无形中成为人们日常生活的一面镜子,可以让我们学习生活,去欣赏生活中的那些真善美。 流行电视剧几乎都像一个小乌托邦,反映了现实,又游离于现实,在《老友记》里,六个人之间及各自的感情历程也牢牢地吸引着观众,表现着年轻人对于爱情的纯真态度。比如10年来,剧中最关键的一对——罗斯和瑞秋,他们的故事牵动着每一个观众的心,从罗斯最初怯于向暗恋十几年的瑞秋表白,到后来俩人热恋,分手,再复合,再分手……反反复复,吵吵闹闹……让年轻的观众们从中明白了一个道理,也许恨一个人往往比爱一个人更难。而钱德和莫妮卡的结合更是贴近了许多人平凡的生活,两个平凡的人历经挫折,终于找到了彼此,像是两个走在路上的小孩子,曾经摔跤、哭泣,后来终于懂得拉起对方的手,互相支持安慰着,一起走下去。 善待亲情尊重亲人的决定 每个家庭都有各自的问题,六位主角的家庭也不例外,比如罗斯和莫妮卡的双亲严重偏心,对罗斯无比自豪,看莫妮卡怎么看怎么不顺眼。而菲比的生父离家出走,养母自杀,生母对她的遭遇毫不知情……而父母永远是父母,人自然而然地会爱自己的父母,六位主角当然也不例外。 我们从电视剧里可以学到对待父母的态度。首先,不要期待父母是完美的人。马克·吐温说,改善自己永远比纠正别人有效,而且安全。对父母过分的地方,不妨坦率说出来。像莫妮卡告诉自己的母亲,她对自己太苛刻;像钱德勒告诉自己的母亲,她的行为该像个长辈。


中央咖啡馆 这没什么好说的 There's nothing to tell! 他不过是我的同事 He's just some guy I work with! 少来了你们都在约会了 C'mon, you're going out with the guy! 这个男人一定有什么问题There's gotta be something wrong with him! 他是驼背吗戴着假发的驼背 So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece? 等等他吃粉笔吗 Wait, does he eat chalk? 我只是不想你 Just, 'cause, I don't want her to go through 重蹈我和卡尔的覆辙what I went through with Carl 拜托各位放松点这甚至不算是约会 Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. 只不过是两个人出去吃个饭 It's just two people going out to dinner 而且不会上床 and not having sex. 听起来像是和我约会Sounds like a date to me. 于是我回到了高中学校

Alright, so I'm back in high school, 我站在食堂中间 I'm standing in the middle of the cafeteria 然后发现自己全身赤裸and I realize I am totally naked. 噢做过那种梦 Oh, yeah. Had that dream. 然后我低下头看见那里有一部Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone 大哥大there. -那话儿变成了-没错 - Instead of...? - That's right. -这种梦倒从未做过-没有 - 《比利别逞英雄》70 年代反战歌曲还有个问题 Y'know, here's the thing. 就算我鼓足了勇气想约个女人出来Even if I could get it together enough to- to ask a woman out,... 我又能约谁呢 who am I gonna ask? 不可思议吧 Isn't this amazing? 我这辈子从没泡过咖啡 I mean, I have never made coffee before in my entire life. -真不可思议-恭喜你了 - That is amazing. - Congratulations. 既然你现在正进入角色 While you're on a roll 有没有想做个煎蛋卷之类的东西 If you feel like you have to make a Western omelet or something.. 不过事实上我还不太饿 Although actually I'm really not that hungry... -早安-早安


你想他们有昨天的《每日新闻报》吗 Do you think they have yesterday's Daily News? 干吗 Why? 我只想看看我的星座占卜准不准 I just wanna check my horoscope, see if it was right. 天啊菲比别看你背后有个男的 Oh,my God! Don't look now. Behind you there's a guy... 完全有可能让咱俩心碎欲绝痛不欲生 ...who can break our hearts and plunge us into depression. 哪呢 Where? 到妈妈这来吧 Come to mama. 他来了冷静淡定淡定 He's coming. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool. -帽子不错 -谢谢 - Nice hat. - Thanks. 咱们得做点什么吹口哨 We should do something. Whistle. 不能吹口哨 I'm not whistling. -来吧吹吧 -不 - Come on, do it! - No.

吹吹吹 Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. 我不敢相信你居然这么干了 I can't believe you did that. 我为什么要喊"呜哇哦"啊 Why did I whoo- hoo? 难道我期望他回过头来然后说 Was I hoping he'd turn around and say... "我喜欢那声音我现在就要你" ..."I love that sound. I must have you now"? 我只希望我们能帮上一点忙 I wish there was something we could do. 你好 Hello. 你好昏迷的帅哥 Hello, coma guy. 起来你个美女杀手起来起来 Get up, you Girl Scout! Up,up,up! 菲比你在干什么 Phoebe, what are you doing? 也许没人试过这个方法 Maybe nobody's tried this. 希望至少能知道他的名字 I wish we at least knew his name.


Friends Introduction Friends is an American sitcom created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, which aired on NBC from September 22, 1994 to May 6, 2004. The series revolves around a group of friends in Manhattan. The series was produced by Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television. The original executive producers were Crane, Kauffman and Kevin Bright, with numerous others being promoted in later seasons. Kauffman and Crane began developing Friends under the title Insomnia Cafe in November/December 1993. They presented the idea to Bright, with whom they had previously worked, and together they pitched a seven-page treatment of the series to NBC. After several script rewrites and changes, including a second title change to Friends Like Us, the series was finally named Friends and premiered on NBC's coveted Thursday 8:30 pm timeslot. Filming for the series took place at Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, California in front of a live studio audience. After ten seasons on the network, the series finale was promoted by NBC, and viewing parties were organized around the U.S. The series finale (the 236th episode), airing on May 6, 2004, was watched by 51.1 million American viewers, making it the fourth most watched series finale in television history and the most watched episode of the decade. Friends received positive reviews throughout most of its run, becoming one of the most popular sitcoms of all time. The series won many awards and was nominated for 63 Primetime Emmy Awards. The series, an instant hit from its debut, was also very successful in the ratings, consistently ranking in the top ten in the final primetime ratings. Many critics now regard it as one of the finest shows in television history, including TV Guide, which ranked it #21 on their list of the 50 greatest TV shows of all time. In 1997, the episode "The One with the Prom Video" was ranked #100 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time. The series made a large cultural impact, which continues today. The Central Perk coffee house that was featured prominently in the series has inspired various imitations throughout the world. The series continues in syndication worldwide. All 10 seasons are available on DVD. The spin-off series Joey was created to follow up with the series after the finale. Cast The main cast members were familiar to television viewers before their roles on Friends but were not considered stars. Cox had the highest profile career of the main actors when she was initially cast, having appeared in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and Family Ties. Kudrow previously played Ursula Buffay on Mad About You, and reprised the dual role of twin sister Ursula as a recurring character during several episodes of Friends. Before her role on Friends, Kudrow was an office manager and researcher for her father, a headache specialist. LeBlanc had appeared as a minor character in the sitcom Married... with Children, and as a main character in its spin-offs, Top of the Heap and Vinnie & Bobby. Aniston and Perry had already appeared in several unsuccessful sitcom pilots before being cast in Friends. Before his role on Friends, Schwimmer played minor characters in The Wonder Years and NYPD Blue. During the series' ten-season run, the actors all became household names. In their original contracts for the first season, cast members were paid $22,500 per episode. The cast members received different salaries in the second season, beginning from the $20,000 range to $40,000 per episode. Before their salary negotiations for the third season, the cast decided to enter collective negotiations, despite Warner Bros.' preference for individual deals. The actors
