中西饮食文化差异 英语作文

中西饮食文化差异   英语作文
中西饮食文化差异   英语作文

The Food Culture Difference Between China and West

Studying food cultural differences, we can find out a joint enhancing the communication between China and the west through a comprehensive study of the subject. It may be a great help to the communication of the Chinese and western cultures.

Diet is actually the contents of our daily lives. It has special status in the Chinese culture, and it also has a great distinction between China and the west. As one of the world ancient nations, China’s diet has a history almost as long as that of Chinese civilization. But in western countries, ancient thinkers devoted less attention to the food problem than the Chinese philosophers did.The differences in concepts, targets, patterns, attribution and nature had reflected the different dietary culture in the different state characteristic.

Differences in Concepts

Chinese diet is a sense of beauty diet and pays attention to the "color, flavor, taste " regardless of the nutrition . Chinese people hanker on a diet is just the “mood”that is difficult for one to say anything. Even using the "color, flavor, shape and implement "which people often said to make the" realm "reification, is still difficult to crown all. Chinese


中西方饮食文化差异比较 古人云:民以食为天。在人类社会的发展中,各国的饮食也逐渐形成了自己独特的文化。不同的地区有着不同的饮食习惯,不同的饮食习惯造就了不同的饮食文化。 (一)中国的饮食文化 中国有着五千多年的历史,形成了灿烂丰富、博大精深的饮食文化。中国人注重“天人合一”。中国饮食以食表意,以物传情。中国的饮食文化令人拍案叫绝,赏心悦目。 中国的传统饮食有四大特点: 1.重食:古人就有“民以食为天”之说。见面常问“吃了没有”,可见饮食文化的地位。朋友离合,送往迎来,人们都习惯在饭桌上表达惜别和欢迎的心情。感情上的风波,人们也往往借酒菜平息。这是饮食活动对社会心理的调节功能。 2.重养:以“五谷”养“六脏”,饮食中重视人体养生保健。中国的饮食注意各种食物的搭配,以相生相克、相辅相成等阴阳调和之理性认识指导烹饪。 3.重味:中国的饮食最注重食物的味,讲究“色、香、味、型”。孙中山先生讲“辩味不精,则烹调之述不妙”,将审美视作烹调的第一要义。 4.重理:对于饮食活动中的情感文化,有个引导和提升品位的问题。中国的饮食提倡健康优美、奋发向上的文化情调,追求一种高尚的情操。 (二)西方国家的饮食文化

西式餐饮的主要特点是:一是生,如牛排带血丝;二是冷,如凡是饮料都加冰块;三是甜,无甜不餐,无餐不甜。此外西式餐饮不讲究精细,追求快捷方便,也不奢华,比较大众化。 此外西餐还有以下显著特点: 1.重视各类营养成分的搭配组合,根据人体对各种营养(糖类、脂肪、蛋白质、维生素)和热量的需求来安排菜或加工烹调。 2.选料精细,用料广泛。西餐烹饪在选料时十分精细、考究,而且选料十分广泛。如美国菜常用水果制作菜肴或饭点,咸里带甜;意大利菜则会将各类面食制作成菜肴:各种面片、面条、面花都能制成美味的席上佳肴。 3.讲究调味,调味品种多。西餐烹调的调味品大多不同于中餐,如酸奶油、桂叶、柠檬等都是常用的调味品。 4.注重色泽。在色泽的搭配上则讲究对比、明快,因而色泽鲜艳,能刺激食欲。 5.工艺严谨,烹调方法多样。西餐十分注重工艺流程,讲究科学化、程序化,工序严谨。西餐的烹调方法很多,常用的有煎、烩、烤、焖、焗、炸、熏、铁扒等十几种,其中铁扒、烤、焗最具特色。 6.器皿讲究。烹调的炊具与餐具均有不同于中餐的特点。特别是餐具,除瓷制品外,水晶、玻璃及各类金属制餐具占很大比重。 二、中西方饮食方式的差异 (一)就坐形式的差异中西方的饮食方式有很大不同,这种差异对民族性格也有影响。



The comparison between Chinese and Western festivals 中西方节日文化的差异比较 Abstract: the process of comparing the Chinese and Western festivals and studying Western histories and cultures can help people promote the communication and understanding of different cultures. With the further development of society and inter-cultures, globalization will affect many aspects of life in all countries. And western festivals are becoming more and more popular in China. We should respect them and select the essence. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. In modern times, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. But it seems that young people no longer treasure the tradition. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a seemingly more modern culture. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let’s join hand in hand to protect and carry forward Chinese tradition. Key words: Traditional festivals; Chinese and Western cultures; difference; globalization Introduction: “A holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.” To understand a nation's


T h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n c h i n e s e a n d w e s t e r n c u l t u r e With the rapidly challging word, people throughout the world have found it increasingly necessary to minimize the rate of misunderstanding due to miscommunication in their contacts with another. In the oast most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geoographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. It might be said that technological advances have been most effective in creating the borderless word, the global community. As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remot cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. It is no longer hard to find situations in which membes of ince isolared groups of people. Now these people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other. So all the people are faced with the challenge of understand this world. So when the east meet west, there are many problems. Some problems are listed as follows. First of all, the way of eating. All huaman beings have certain basic needs. Our fundamental needs for things that keep us alive. This is the physioligical need. All individuals must eat in order to survive. But what people eat, when they eat, and the manners in which they eat are all patterned by culture. No society views everything in its environment that is edible and might provide nurishment as food. Americans eat oysters but not snail. The French eat snails but not locusts. The Jews eat fish but not pork. The Hindus eat pork but not beef. The Russiand eat beef but not snake. We all have ideas about what kinds of food are good to eat. We also have ideas about what kinds of food are bad to eat. As a result, people from one culture often think the food that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. Dislike is not the only reason why some culture will not eat a certain food. In some clture, certain foods are taboo. Sometimes the food taboos may be so strong thrat just the thought of eating forbidden foods can cause an indivdual to feel ill. We can also find culture difference in way of bring up children treating the early, greeting each other, saying and spending money before other people do in everyday, but in some English-speaking countries, people do not agree with us. We chinese may enjoy something that is not usually consider as edible by the English-speaking people. Generally we perfer to have thing hot and much emphasis on the taste. We eat from one plate when we are eating with others, and we like to seat one by one, and in the shape of a round. On the


课程论文 英美文化课程论文 系别:教育二系 专业年级:初教六班 姓名:李倩 学号:13310604 指导教师:李智强 职称:讲师 2015年6月13日

目录 中文摘要...........................................................................英文摘要...........................................................................前言 (1) 1中西方饮食文化差异………………………………………………1~5 1.1中美饮食文化的历史差异 (1) 1.2中西方饮食观念的差异 (3) 1.3中西方中美饮食文化食材差异 (5) 1.4中西方饮食文化的用餐方式及餐具差异 (5) 2中西方饮食文化的相互影响及思考 (5) 参考文献: (7)

[摘要]:本篇论文探讨了中西方饮食文化的差异,饮食文化在世界文化中起着非常重要的作用。中西方文化的差异带来了中西饮食文化的差异,不同的国家有自己不同的饮食文化特点。在不同的文化背景下,无论是在观念、对象、方式、餐具、还是礼仪等各方面,这些不同都是显而易见的。但是,随着国际的交流与融合,中西饮食文化业将会在交流中共同发展,这对全世界范围内的文化交流将起到促进作用。 [关键词]: 跨文化交际; 饮食文化; 文化差异 前言 随着人们经济水平的不断提高,人们对饮食质量的要求也越来越高,而随着中国与世界接轨,麦当劳,肯德基等快餐及西餐越来越多的渗透到了中国的餐饮文化中。而中国的饮食也在西方许多国家享有盛誉。现今,中国人走向世界各地并带去我们的饮食文化,而外国人也逐渐走进中国传播他们的饮食文化,因此便出现了多种不同饮食文化并存的局面。餐饮产品由于地域特征、气候环境、风俗习惯等因素的影响,会出现在原料、口味、烹调方法、饮食习惯上的不同程度的差异。正是因为这些差异,餐饮产品具有了强烈的地域性。中西文化之间的差异造就了中西饮食文化的差异,而这种差异来自中西方不同的思维方式和处世哲学。中国人注重“天人合一”,西方人注重“以人为本”。 1.1中美饮食文化的历史差异 中西文化历来是世界文化的两大派系,而饮食在两个文化中都占有非常重要的地位。我们将会通过大量调查得来的数据及细致的研究为您分析中西方饮食文化的异同,优劣,希望对您今后的饮食结构的改善有所帮助。 历史上,中国是世界上最古老的国家之一,有五千年的悠久而厚重的历史。千百年来形成了博大精深的文化.随着时间的流逝以及辽阔国土的地域差异,四大菜系逐渐形成,四大菜系自成体系,各有特点,但共同点是用料复杂考究,制作方法复杂。口味多种多样。 西方以欧美为代表,其文化同样源远流长.到中世纪,欧洲文化已十分完善,


Differences between Chinese and Western culture As we know the differences between the our estern cultures and western cultures are quite obvious.I would like to state some of my opinions in this paper. I.difference in the thinking style People on the earth are homologous,but different people in different place have different performance on the way of thinking. Differences between Chinese and Western way of thinking reflected in many aspects.Such as the difference between abstract and concrete, reflected in their attitudes towards life can be understood as Westernersare more practical, and the Chinese are much more biased towards some spiritual experience. Westerners pay attention to logical thinking, but Chinese pay more attention to dialectical thinking and so on. As Chinese and western way of thinking are different, there are differences in expression of the order. For example,we can see that the names of western style are not like ours,they put their given names at the first place,while we put them after our family names,that is to say,we regard our family more important than ourselves,and it's the traditional way of estern thinking.Westerners have another way of thinking,they think that each person is important in our world and society,and a person should play a important role among our human beings. II.differences in daily communication Westerners are frank,but chinese are humility.The reflection between westerners and chinese on the treatment of praise is different.In the West, people can accept it generously. As the Chinese have long term impact of Confucian education, we treat others’ praise and recognition not often take the attitude of ourselves, or there is suspected of arrogant. When meeting acquaintances, chinese and westerners greet each other are also different. Chinese people often say "Have you eat ?" "Where are you going?"except the general asked”hello”. In western culture, this is not a greeting, but substantive issues. When British and American people meet,they usually use a polite phrase like "How are you?" or "Nice to meet you!" In addtion,when westerners accept gift from others,they are willing to open it and praise it directly,but chinese do not do like that. III.differences in customs Chinese people regard ourselves as descendants of the Dragon.Chinese have a supreme respect for the dragon, we think dragon is a symbol of our nation. In the dynasty time,Chinese emperors generally self-styled "dragon".However,in the West, the dragon was regarded as the devil, and it was killed by the legendary god of protection, so they set a day as a festival to celebrate the lifting of a disaster, and thank the protection of God.For this reason, when the students describe a person's lively, they say "He / She is full of vim and vigor." not"He / She is as lively as a dragon and tiger". Everyone has their favorite color, so does a country and a nation. Chinese like the red colour ,because chinese think red is a symbol of luck and enthusiam. But westerners perfer to the blue colour,they think blue can make themselves calm. Thus,the preferences of different colors can reflect the whole of a country’s aesthetic taste. IV. differences in eating cultrue Chinese and Western diets are very different, so the differences also have an impact on the national character. In China, a banquet, no matter what purpose, there will be only one form, that is, everyone sit around one table. People toast each other,and eat the same food in one plate,,It reflects the mutual respect between people even the traditional courteous virtue. Although from the health point of view, this dietary approach has obvious shortcomings, it is consistent with our


中西文化差异英文 Differences Betwween Chinese And Western Clture As we know,there are many obvious differences between chinese and western clture.Here I will epress some opinions about this. Chinese culture is the collectivist culture.Chinese put the benefit of groung the first place.The value of people can not be allowed to set up over the the benefit of the grounp.On the contrary,western culture is the individualist culture.They spare no efforts to show off themselves. 1、Differences in addressing Chinese put the given name after the family name.While in the western country,their given names were put at the place.We can see that Chinese regard the family name more important than the given name.It reflects that Westerners have a thought that each person is significant in our world and a person should play a important role among our beings. 2、Differences in rendering thanks Generaly,in China the family members hardly say “thanks”.If say it,we will feel strange and have distance beween each other.But Westerners can it on any occasion and beween any people.When someone give they a cup of drink,they will say“Thanks”.What,s more,when someone ask you“Would you like something to eat/dirnk,”Chinese would say a few words of courtesy although they would like.But in th e west,peole will say“Yes,please”if they would like and will say“No,thanks”if they would not.


The comparison between Chinese and Western festivals 中西方节日文化的差异比较 Abstract: the process of comparing the Chinese and Western festivals and studying Western histories and cultures can help people promote the communication and understanding of different cultures. With the further development of society and inter-cultures, globalization will affect many aspects of life in all countries. And western festivals are becoming more and more popular in China. We should respect them and select the essence. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. In modern times, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. But it seems that young people no longer treasure the tradition. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a seemingly more modern culture. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let’s join hand in hand to protect and carry forward Chinese tradition. Key words: Traditional festivals; Chinese and Western cultures; difference; globalization Introduction: “A holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.” To understand a nation's cultural implications a nd its cultural characteristics, we must start with its traditional festivals. There exists great difference between Chinese and Western festivals due to their different languages, education, life styles and customs. Recently, western festivals are becoming more and more popular among Chinese. On one hand, it can indeed bring some benefits to our country to some extent. On the other hand, we should pay attention to this phenomenon. The differences in their origin and shaping, celebration, food, banquet manners, color of festive dressing and the attitudes of accepting presents contribute to the great differences of Chinese and Western festive cultures. On the background of globalization, we should pay respect to western festivals, and carry forward our excellent traditional festivals at the same time. “A holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.” To understand a nation's cultural implications and its cultural characteristics,

中美在饮食文化方面的差异 英语论文

淮阴工学院课程论文(2010-2011学年第二学期) 论文题目: 跨文化交际中的饮食文化差异——以中美饮食文化为例 课程名称:跨文化交际英语任课老师:余洪虹 姓名: 植云 班级: 艺术1093 学号: 1092202325

跨文化交际中的饮食文化差异 ——以中美饮食文化为例 摘要:饮食是一种文化,而不同的文化背景孕育着不同的饮食文化,中国饮食以食表意,其博大精深不可言喻,而美国的饮食则是吃什么就是什么。在中西方文化互相交融的今天,美国文化有值得我们学习和借鉴的地方,同时中华饮食文化的优点也要继承,本文着重从中美饮食文化进行比较,从而用客观的视角去审视中西方饮食文化。 关键词:饮食文化,中国饮食,美国饮食,文化差异 1中国饮食文化的特点 中国的历史悠久,文明源远流长,具有上下五千年的文化,因此饮食文化也比较丰富,它也是祖国丰富文化宝库中的一朵奇葩。中国从原始社会开始都是以大杂居为主,远古时期以部落为单位,后来一直演变,直到现代社会都是以家庭为单位,团团圆圆一直是中国人的愿望,中国人的集体意识形成了中国饮食文化的一大特点就是—一家人都是吃一桌菜,并且大多数家庭是以圆桌为主,一家人围在一起,表示家人和和睦睦、团团圆圆。中国人的饮食很讲究色、香、味原则,三者缺一不可,为使食物色美,通常是在青、绿、红、黄、白、黑、酱等色中取三至五色调配,也就是选用适当的荤素菜料,包括一种主料和二、三种不同颜色的配料,使用适当的烹法与调味,就能使得菜色美观。食物香喷,可以激发食欲,其方法即为加入适当的香料,如葱、姜、蒜、辣、酒、八角、桂皮、胡椒、麻油、香菇等,使烹煮的食物气味芬芳。烹调各种食物时,必须注重鲜味与原味的保留,尽量去除腥膻味;譬如烹调海鲜时,中国人则爱用葱姜。因此适量的使用如酱油、糖、醋、香料等各种调味品,可以使得嗜浓味者不觉其淡,嗜淡味者不嫌其浓,个人根据自己的口味选择。 因为中国自古以来地大物博、人口稠密,所以中国人的饮食从先秦开始,就是以谷物为主,肉少粮多,辅以菜蔬,这就是典型的饭菜结构。其中饭是主食,而菜则是为了下饭,即助饭下咽。因为主食并不可口,必须有一种物质来辅助它使人们能够吃下去。当然菜的功能和盐的功能有共同点,但是不等同于盐。因为主食的单一性,所以,只有在菜上面花功夫,因此,中国的菜大都比较注重口味,


中西饮食文化差异对比 文化是人们长期生活中凝聚起来的生活方式的总称。饮食与文化密切相关,不同的民族因其生活地域、气候环境和风俗习惯而缔造出各种不同的饮食文化。传统的西方文化是畜牧文化和海洋文化,而中国是农耕文化和陆地文化,两种不同的文化反映出人们生活方式的不同,中国与西方国家对于饮食的观念和态度、饮食的内容及特点等方面都存在着显著的差异。 中西饮食观念存在差异,中国的饮食观念是五味调和,是一种感性的饮食观念,而西方的是一种理性的饮食观念。中国传统文化讲究五行调和,因而中国人饮食更偏重于一种难以言喻的意境,并设法从感官上把那种只可意会不可言传的意境用“色香味形器名”具体化。因而人们对美味展开了孜孜不倦的追求,让食物的本味,加热后的熟味,以及各种调料交融在一起,相互补充。“民以食为天,食以味为先”,也可以看出吃不仅是生存的需要,同时人们对美味最求也几乎达到极致。西方人对饮食的态度主要坚持其实用性特征,重视食物对人体的健康,力求口味清淡和食物均衡,而不追求食物的色香味形。他们认为吃只是生存的必要手段,为人体的正常运作补充能量,只要吃了后能够保持身体健康,其他的并不特别讲究。因此西方人基本上是从营养健康角度来理解饮食的,享受在饮食中并不占重要位置,故而不会过分的追求食物的口味。 中西饮食方式存在差异,中国的饮食方式体现出团结共享,而西方则是个性自主。在中国,筵席用圆桌,大家围坐,共享一席;席间,大家相互敬酒、相互让菜。这样不仅从形式上营造了一种礼貌、团结、和睦的气氛,更体现出大家的相互尊重、相互礼让的美德。而西式宴会的核心在于交谊,但一般只和邻座的客人交谈,达到交谊的目的。西方人习惯于分而食之,有专人先行分配食物。在宴会上虽也围坐,但是食物都是事先分配的单独碗碟,而且座位不必固定,可以随意走动以便个人感情信息交流。这种用餐方式充分体现出西方人对人性、自我的尊重,强调了个人的独立自主。 中西用餐礼仪存在差异,中国宴会主要体现出尊卑有序,而西方更多的是自由平等,更加尊重女性。在旧中国,长期以来以南为上,以北为下,并且女性地位不高,所以形成了“南尊北卑,男尊女卑”的传统观念,所以在大多数宴会上为高权重或年长者首先入座首席,并且在宴会上很难看到女性的身影。但随着科学文化进步,中国女性地位显著提高,这一状况已经得到很大改善。而在西方,一般以右为上,左为下,所以尊贵的客人一般安排在主人的右侧。并且由于基督教的深远影响,西方形成了尊重女性的社会风尚,在宴会中女士优先作为宴会安排的标准。


如何对待中外文化差异英语作文 我们如何去看待,中外文化差异所带来的英语学习的思维转换?下面是给大家整理的怎样对待中外文化差异英语作文,供大家参阅! 如何对待中外文化差异英语作文篇1 The culture differences between the East and West. As we know ,there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different aspects.I will focus on the differences of diet custom and teaching system.For your better understanding ,I will set examples of China and America. It is no doubt that it is a tradition to use chopsticks for Chinese.But people in America prefer to forks and knives.This different result is based on different food they are like .Americans choose to eat beefsteak,bread,and salad,while Chinese people choose noodles ,pancakes and rice.What is more,the custom of drinking tea in China and drinking coffee in America are stand out particularly.However,there is a trend that the food in both countries has been mixture.For example,the coffee and bread have introduced to China.The famous KFC is very popular at children. The gap of teaching system between China and America is big.Chinese students always complain about their homework.Too much homework has limited the time to exercise and relax.They have to recite many things as to get a high mark.Homework comes the first to them. In my opinion,the study in America is more interesting .Teachers pay attentions to training students skills in thinking in realastic life not to emphasis on the importances of memories.In a addition,the rate of going to school ,the salary of teaching ,and the job of gruduates are quite different,too.I should say that Chima government should make great efforts to improve its teaching syetem.I am also expect to be one day ,the West give more cheers to our country.


2012届本科毕业论文 中西方饮食文化差异 姓名: 系别: 专业: 学号: 指导教师: 2012年5月

The Differences of Dietary Cultures Between China and the West Shangqiu Normal University May 2012

摘要 饮食是人们生存的根本,中西方都不例外。饮食文化是民族文化的重要组成部分。随着21世纪全球化进程,跨文化交际日益频繁,其中饮食文化成了东西方文化交流的最基本内容。但是由于长期以来形成的生活环境、风俗习惯、价值观念的不同,中西方形成了各自不同的饮食文化。由于饮食文化的不同,中西方人在交流的过程中有时会产生一些误解。本文主要从中西方饮食观念、烹饪取材、饮食结构、烹饪方式以及上菜顺序等方面来论述中西方饮食文化差异,以促进中西方文化交际的顺利进行。 关键词:饮食;饮食文化;差异

Abstract Diet is the base of living, with no exception in China or the West. Dietary culture is an important part of the national culture. With the entrance of the 21st century, cross-cultural communication has become more and more frequent, among which dietary culture has been the most basic content. However, because of the differences in living environments, customs and value concepts China and the West have formed their own different dietary cultures. As a result, there appears some misunderstandings sometimes between Chinese and the Westerners in their communication. This paper will analyze the differences of dietary cultures between China and the West from dietary concepts, raw materials, dietary structures, cooking patterns and the order of serving dishes so as to facilitate the efficient communication between Chinese and Westerners. Key words: diet;dietary culture; difference
