








Beijing is the capital of our country.北京是我国的首都。(名词Beijing 作主语)

She is fond of sports.她爱好运动。(代词She作主语)


My brother rides. his bicycle to work.我哥哥骑自行车上班。(动词rides 作谓语动词)


His father is a doctor.他父亲是个医生。(名词doctor作表语)

The lesson is easy and Short.这课书又容易又短。(形容词easy和short 作表语)

That classroom is ours,那个教室是我们的。(代词ours作表语)


I love music.我热爱音乐。(名词music作宾语)

The medicine is good for her.这药对她有效。(代词her作宾语)


Li Hong is an excellent teacher.李红是一位好老师。(形容词excellent 作定语)


Our monitor does well in English.我们班长英语学得好。(副词well作状语)

句子成分(members of the sentence) 概念






We work in a big factory.


The classroom is very big.


Three are enough. 三个人就够了


To operate on the blind is one of the ORBIS Doctor’s job.


What we need is food. 我们最需要的是食物.

▲在“There be …”句型中,主语的位置在中间。如:

There are some bottles of milk in the box.


It is very interesting to play the game called “treat or trick”.

It took two workers about three months to build the house.




He is very generous.

She looks very smart and cool

We have finished the job.

He can speak German.




You look younger than before.


My father is a teacher.


Everyone is here.


They are at the theatre.


My job is to teach them English.


Her job is training the nurses.


That is why he didn’t come to school yesterday.




He never forgives others for their mistakes.


He often helps me. 不定式作宾语

He likes to sleep in the open air.


The Americans enjoyed living in China.


I believe that they can finish the work in time.



We brought them some food.


间接宾语可以放在直接宾语后面,但必须加to 或for。


在英语的句子中有些句子里只有宾语并不能表达完整的意思,还必须在宾语后面加上宾语的补足语才能表达完整的意思。我们把“宾语+宾语补足语”合起来称为复合宾语。复合宾语所表达的意思相当于一个巨资的意思。名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、现在分词、过去分词都可以作宾语补足语.如: 名词作宾补

If you let me go, I’ll make you king.


Don’t make your hands dirty.


We found Li Ming out when we arrived.


Make yourself at home.


I saw a girl go into the building.


The boy ordered the dog to lie down.


The boss kept them working all day.


Yesterday he got his leg broken.


▲“宾语+名词”。常用于改结构的动词有:call, name, make, find, choose, think, leave等。

We call him Jack.

They made Li Lei their monitor.

▲“宾语+形容词”。常见的动词有think, believe, leave, drive, make, keep, turn, wish, want等。如:

Do you think his idea wrong?

We must keep our classroom clean.

We can’t leave him alone.

Can you get everything ready for the party before Friday?

▲“宾语+副词”。副词作宾补常表示宾语的状态,与宾语有逻辑上的主表关系。常见的副词有:down, up, here, there, home, in, out, anywhere等。如:Let him in/ out.

Mr. Li drove us home.

When got there, we found him out.


We found everything in good order.

We regard him as our good friend.

He opened the door and found some of his friends in the rain.


A 要求带to的不定式

The cool water of the lake invited us to swim.

B 要求不带to 的不定式let, make, see, hear, watch等

The boss made the workers work 12 hours a day.

I often hear him read English in his room.

C 单词help 后可加to 或不加to

She sometimes helps her mother (to) do housework.


I saw them playing on the playground.

I heard Mary singing in the classroom.


I had my bike stolen.

The teacher explained again and again to make himself understood.


We found it impossible to get there before Saturday.

▲宾语+what 从句

Call me what you like.

Mr. Li has made the factory what it is today.

The mountain village is different from what it was ten years ago.




The black bike is mine.


What’s your name?


They made some paper flowers.


The boys in the room are in Class Three, Grade One.


I have lots to eat and drink.


The tall boy who is standing there is Peter.


▲修饰不定代词something, anything, nothing, something, anyone, somebody, anybody, nobody 的定语必须后置。如:

We’ll go to have something English.

If you don’t know the answer, ask someone else.

Do you have anything important to tell me?


Do you know the boy behind the tree?

The students in the room are all my friends.

I think the picture on the left is better than the one on the right.


What about something to drink?

I have no time to travel to China is in Autumn or in Spring.

动词不定式作主语时,to 后面的动词必须是及物动词或相当于及物动词的短语。如果时短语时,那么与动词搭配的介词或副词是不能少的。

Do you have any piece of music to listen to?

▲nearby, below, downstairs等个别方位词作定语时要后置。如:

We are at the top of the hill. Can you see the village below?

The people downstairs are listening to a talk now?

They took the boy to the hospital nearby at once.



He did it carefully

They missed me very much.

Without his help, we couldn’t work it out.

In order to catch up with my classmates, I must study hard.

When I was young, I could swim well.



a)不定式短语(infinitive phrase)如He 1ikes to read newspapers after lunch(他喜欢在午饭后读报)中的to read newspapers after lunch。

b)动名词短语(gerundial phrase)如:

Staying indoors all day is unhealthy(整天呆在家里不利于健康)中的staymg indoors all day。

c)分词短语(participial phrase)如:

I saw many people walking along the lake(我看见许多人在湖边散步)中的walking along the lake。

d)介词短语(prepositional phrase)如:

He came by bus(他乘公共汽车来)中的by bus。



a)主语从句(subject clause)如What I want to say is this(我要说的是这么一点)中的what I want to say。

b)表语从句(predicative clause)如This is what I want to say(这是我要说的)中的what I want to say。

c)宾语从句(object clause)如I have said what I want to say(我说完了我要说的话)中的what I want to say。

d)定语从句(attributive clause)如This is the thing I want to say(这就是我要说的)中的I want to say。

e)状语从句(adverbial clause)如If you want to say something,say it clearly(假如你要说什么,就应说清楚)中的if you want to say something。


a)简单句(simple sentence)只有一个主语部分和一个谓语部分,如:

The people's Republic of China was founded in 1949.中华人民共和国于一九四九年成立。

b)并列句(compound sentence)包括两个或两个以上的简单句,中间常由连


Tom's father worked from morning till night but he got very little money.汤姆的父亲从早干到晚,但挣得的钱很少。

c)复合句(complex sentence)内含一个或一个以上的从句,如:

It's a long time since I saw you last.好久没有看见你了。


a)陈述句(declarative sentence)用来叙述一件事,如:

I saw him yesterday.昨天我看见他了。

b)疑问句(interrogative sentence)用来提出疑问,如:

Did you see him yesterday?你昨天见到他了吗?

c)祈使句(imperative sentence)表示请求、命令等,如:

Please come in.请进来。

d)感叹句(exclamatory sentence)表示喜怒等各种情感,如:

What a beautiful voice she has!她嗓子多好啊!


一、简单句(the simple sentence)





况:动词性复合谓语、名词性复合谓语。其中动词性复合谓语由“情态动词(modal verb)+不定式”构成;名词性复合谓语由“系动词(vi)+表语”构成。


非谓语动词由不定式(to do)、动名词(-ing)、分词(-ed、-ing) 充当。



1. We study hard at school everyday.

主语vi 方式状语地点状语时间状语

2.He slept alone for three hours in the bedroom.

主语vi 方式状语时间状语地点状语

3.Stpehen apologized to us for his words at once.

主语vi 宾补原因状语时间状语





1.House are too expensive in the big city now.


2.None of these answers is right.


3.He is my brother’s best friend in their school.





1.He left his wallet at home this moring.

主语vt 宾语地点状语时间状语

2.My mother enjoy the play very much.

主语vt 宾语程度状语

3.You must have meet her yesterday.

主语助动词vt 宾语时间状语



○ 1一般情况句型四中间接宾语放在直接宾语之前,若要把直接宾语置于间接宾语之前则要在直接宾语与间接宾语之间加“to”或“for”(sth. to\for sb.)。

常见的"to" "for"动词如下:



1.The firm give Sam


前位定语 主语 vt 间接宾语 前位定语 宾语

as a present for his work.


被动语态1(提前间接宾语):Sam was given a beauitiful gold

watch as a present for his work.

被动语态2(提前直接宾语):A beautiful gold watch was given

to Sam as a present for his work.

2.He showed me cellphone bought last week

主语 vt

间宾 直接宾语 过去分词短语作定语

just now.




主语+vt+宾语(Object )+宾语补足语

1该句型中“宾语+宾语补足语”这种结构合称为复合宾语(The structure of complex object )。


2该句型变被动语态时宾补(在被动语态中叫主补)不得提前。 ○

3该句型中宾补由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语及非谓语动词充当,其中非谓语动词包括不定式和分词,在该句型中不定时可以省略不定时符号“to ”。



1.The parents called their baby “Tony”.

前位定语主语vt 定语宾语宾语补足语

2.We all made my deskmate monitor of the class. 主语同位语vt 定语宾语宾补宾补的定语

3.We found it hard to keep food fresh in hot days. 主语vt 形式宾语宾补keep的复合宾语状语

词序(word order)



We help each other.我们互相帮助。


We go to school every day.我们每天上学。


It's fine today.今天天气很好。


I like this place.我喜欢这个地方。(及物动词的宾语的位置)

There are many trees in this place.这地方有许多树。(介词的宾语的位置)


The school library has many books on agriculture.校图书馆有许多关于农业的书。(many和on agriculture,都修饰books,many在books的前面,on agriculture则在它的后面)


The Summer Palace is very beautiful.颐和园非常美丽。(very为状语,修饰形容词beautiful,放在beautiful之前)

I know him well.我十分了解他。(well为状语,修饰动词


The students often go on a picnic.这些学生经常出去野餐。


We take exercise every day.我们每天都运动。(every day为状语,修饰动词take,在宾语exercise之后)




I met a friend at the bus-stop.我在公共汽车站遇到一位朋友。


There is a map of China on the wall.墙上有一幅中国地图。


They worked quickly and efficiently.他们工作速度快,效率高。

He works just as hard as everyone else although he is over sixty.他尽管六十多岁了,仍和大家一样努力工作。


Oh,it's you!啊,是你呀!




现在play is has has

plays am playing have played have been playing


过去played was had played had been playing

were playing

将来shall shall shall shall will play will be playing will have played will have been playing 过去should should should should

将来would play would be would have would have been

playing played playing



(1) 直接加“s”,works, takes

(2) 以辅音加“y”结尾,变“y”为“i”,再加“es”

carry → carries

(3) 以“o, s, x, ch, sh”结尾的动词加“es”

goes dresses watches brushes


(1) 表现在的事实、状态或动作:

eg:?. Birds fly.

?. She loves music.

?. Mary’s parents get up very early.

(2) 表习惯性动作或职业,常与often, sometimes, usually, always, every week,

seldom, occasionally, frequently等时间副词连用。

eg:?. I always take a walk after supper.

?. She writes to me very often.

?. Tom and his girlfriend go out to take a picenic occasionally.


?. The earth moves round the sun.

?. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

?. Two and two makes four.

?. No man but errs. 人非圣贤,熟能无过。


A. 在由when, after, before, as, as soon as, although, because, if, even if, in case, till, until, unless, so long as, where, whatever, wherever等引导的状语从句中用一般现在时表将来发生的动作。(黄金重点,所有考试都不放过它!)


?. I’ll tell her wh en she comes tomorrow.

?. Even if it rains this afternoon, I’ll meet you.

?. Whatever happens, you should keep cool-headed. (不错的句型,背下!!)

?. I’ll be right here waiting for you wherever you go. (很感人的句型!)


?. The play begins at 6:30 this evening.

?. When does the plane take off?

?. He leaves for that city next week.

?. According to the timetable, the express train to Shanghai starts at nine in the morning. (按照时刻表,开往上海的特快列车早上7点出发。)


1. The Brow ns _______ a nice car and brown’s brother _______ a nice jeep.

A. have/have

B. has/has

C. have/has

D. has/have

2. If their house _______ not like ours, what _______ it look like?

A. is/is

B. is/does

C. does/does

D. does/is

3. _______ you think he will come?If it _______ tomorrow, he will not come.

A. Do/rains

B. Are/rains

C. do/will rain

D. Are/will rain

4. The little child _______ not even know that the moon _______ around the earth.

A. do/move

B. do/moves

C. does/moves

D. did/moved

5. Many a student _______ fond of films, but a good student seldom _______ to the cinema.

A. are/goes

B. is/goes

C. are/go

D. is/go

二、现在进行时:is/am/are +现在分词


?. The kettle is boiling. Shall I make tea?

?. Don’t you think you eat too much? You’

re putting on weight. (体重增加) ?. The workers are building a new bridge across the reiver.


?. He is taking physics this semester. (本学期)

?. We are preparing for our final examination this week.

3. go, come, leave, arrive, land, meet, die, start, return, join, etc. 用于进行时态时表示

?. Look! The bus is coming. 看!车来了!

?. The old man is seriously ill, and he is dying.

?. Alice is leaving for Beijing with her mother.

4. 与always, forever, continually, constantly 等副词连用,表示说话人带有感情


?. He is always thinking of others.(他总是想着别人。)

?. The boy is continually making noises. (这男孩不断地发出吵闹声。)

?. The teacher is constantly (always)criticizing her for being late. (老师一直在批评她迟到。)



believe(相信),doubt(怀疑),see(看见),hear(听见),know(知道)understand(理解),belong(属于),think(认为),consider(认为),feel(觉得)look(看起来),seem(看上去),show(显示),mind(介意),have(有)sound (听起来),taste(尝起来),require(要求),possess(拥有),care(关心)

like(喜欢),hate (讨厌),love(喜爱),detest(憎恨),desire(意欲)


● 永远不要说I’m believing…或He is seeing a house.再简单一点说,这些


● 可怕的是:我们在写作及口语中常犯此类大错!

● 注意:have a party / think about可以用进行时,因为这里have 意为“举

行”;think 意为“考虑”。


1. How can you _______ if you are not _______?

A. listening/hearing

B. hear/listening

B. be listening/heard

C. be hearing/listening to

2. The girl even won’t have her lunch before she _______ her homework.

A. will finish

B. is finishing

C. had finished

D. finishes

3. Those who have applied for the post(职位)_______ in the office. (此题超前)

A. are being interviewed

B. are interviewing

C. interviewing

D. to be interviewing

4. The old scientist _______ to do more for the country.

A. is wishing

B. has been wishing

C. wishes

D. has been wished

5. If he _______, don’t wake him up.

A. still sleeps

B. is still sleeping

C. still has been sleeping

D. will be sleeping still



?. We visited the school last spring.

?. I went to school by bike when I was in middle school.

?. China was founded in 1949.

2. 表示时间或条件等的状语从句中代替过去将来时。(参)

?. She told me that she would not go with us if it rained the next day.

?. They would not lave until she came back.

?. My friend promised to marry me once she made her final decision.

3. 一般过去时,现在时和过去时的几组差异:(别以为这很简单,下面的差异你

不一定明白。)● Her brother was a chemist. (已去世)

● Her brother is a chemist. (尚健在)

● That’s all I had to s ay. (话已说完)

● That’s all I have to say. (言之未尽)

● It was so nice to see you. (离别时用)

● It is so nice to see you. (见面时用)

● Jane did a lot of work this morning. (已是当天下午或晚上)

● Jane has done a lot of work this morning. (仍是上午)[本句现在完成时,此乃后话!]


1. Yesterday I _______ (think) that you were not in Beijing.

2. Alice usually _______ (sit) in the front of the classroom, but she _______ (sit) at

the back this morning.

3. He _______ (tell) the news to us three days ago.

4. He _______ (begin) to teach Chinese in 1990.

5. She would not telephone me if she _______ (have) no time.


1. They _______ the trip until the rain stopped.

A. continued

B. didn’t continue

C. hadn’t continued

D. would continue

2. The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they _______

of hunger and cold. (without 在这里表示条件,你知道吗?)

A. would die

B. will die

C. would be dead

D. would have


3. It was not until then that I came to know that the earth _______ around the sun.

A. moved

B. has moved

C. will move

D. moves

4. When all those present (到场者)_______ he began his lecture. (重点题)

A. sit

B. set

C. seated

D. were seated

5. If I had had time, I would have written to you. But in fact _______ not.

A. have

B. would have

C. had

D. had had



?. I was playing chess at 8 yesterday evening.

?. When I arrived, they were watching TV.

?. They were doing housework this time last week.


?. She told me to wake him up if she was sleeping.

?. I asked my friend to warn me about it as long as I was driving too fast.

3. 过去某时将发生的事。可参考2(4)

?. They told me that they were leaving for New York.

?. He was going out when I arrived.


1. My brother _______ while he _______ his bicycle and hurt himself.

A. fell/was riding

B. feel/were riding

C. had fallen/rode

D. had fallen/was riding

2. He _______ his leg as he _______ in a football match.

A. broke/played

B. was breaking/was playing

C. broke/was playing

D. was breaking/played

3. My father will be here tomorrow.

I thought that he _______ today

A. was coming

B. is coming

C. will come C. comes

4. Jcak was going out of the shop when he collided with an old woman who _______ in.

A. come

B. was coming

C. had been coming

D. had come

5. Michike couldn’t come to the telep hone when Mr. Smith called her because she

_______ in the lab.

A. had been working

B. has been working

C. was working

D. worked

五、现在完成时:have/has +过去分词


yet, just, before,

recently, lately(最近),ever, never 等表时间的副词搭配使用。

● He hasn’t seen her lately.

● I haven’t finished the book yet.


示一段时间的时间状语连用。如:so far (迄今为止),up till now(直到现在),since, for along time(很长时间),up to present(直到现在),in the past/in the last few years(在过去的几年里),these days(目前)… …

?. He has worked here for 15 years.

?. I have studied English since I came here.

?. The foreigner has been away from China for a long time.

?. So far, I haven’t received a single letter from my brother.

3. 某些非延续性动词(即:动作开始便终止的动词),在现在完成时中不能与表示一段时间状语搭配。


I. 常见的非延续动词:die, arrive(到达),join(加入),leave(离开),

go, refuse(拒绝),fail(失败),finish, buy, marry, divorce(离婚),

awake(醒),borrow ,lend …(背三遍!)

II. 这类动词并非不能用现在完成时,而是不能接常由for引导的时间状语。

III. 但若是用在否定句中,非延续动词的现在完成时可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。

● She has gone away for a month.(误)

● She has been away for a month.(正)

● The man has died for two years.(误)

● The man has been dead for tow years.(正)

● How long have you bought the book?(误)

● How long have you got the book.(正)4. 注意since 的用法:

?. They haven’t had an trouble since they came here.

?. It has been ten years since we me last time.

?. He has been here since 1980.

?. He has been here since ten years ago.

5. 几组对比:

He has gone to Shanghai. 他到上海去了。

He has been to Shanghai. 他去过上海。

She has gone. 她已走了。

She is gone. 她缺席了。(or 她死了)

The door has been closed. 门关上了。(动作)

The door is closed. 门是关着的。(状态)


1. The prices _______ going up all the time in the past few years.

A. keep

B. kept

C. have kept

D. are keeping

2. For the whole period of two months, there _______ no rain in this area.

A. is

B. will be

C. has been

D. have been

3. Today is Jane’s wedding day. She _______ John.

A. have just married with

B. was just married to

C. has just been married to

D. just has been married to

4. No wonder the flower have withered, they _______ any water for ages.

A. hadn’t

B. haven’t

C. haven’t had

D. hadn’t had

5. Nowadays computer _______ a wide application with the development of production and science.

A. found

B. has found

C. finds

D. had found

六、现在完成进行时:have/has +been +现在分词



?. I’ve been waiting for an hour but she hasn’t come.

?. He has been running after her for 8 years. (run after:追求)

2. 表某种感情色彩。

?. I’ve been wanting to see you for so many years.

?. Who’s been telling you such nonsense.



?. I have thought of it. (我已想到了这一点。)

?. I have been thinking of it.(我一直在想这一点。)

?. Jim has painted the door.(杰姆已将门油漆过了。)

?. Jim has been painting the door.(杰姆一直在油漆门。)


1. They _______ us since five o’clock this morning.

A. are helping

B. have been helping

C. have been helped

D. have helped

2. I _______ the book the whole day, yet I haven’t finished it.

A. have been reading

B. have read

C. am reading

D. had been reading

3. Please come in. We _______ about your paper.

A. talk

B. had been talking

C. have been talking

D. would have talked

4. Such natural resources as coal and petroleum _______.

A. gradually are exhausted

B. are being gradually exhausted

C. have gradually exhausting

D. have been exhausting gradually

5. It _______ almost every day so far this month.

A. is raining

B. rained

C. rains

D. has been raining


1. You should go to bed. You _______ (watch) TV for 5hours.

2. I _______ (write) letters since breakfast.

3. I _______ (write) 3 letters since breakfast.

4. Sorry, but Mr. Smith _______ (leave) for Beijing.

5.I _______ (look) for him everywhere, where can he be?


1. 表示过去某表动作或某个具体时间之前已经发生、完成的动作。“过去的过去”。

● They had got everything ready before I came.

● The play had begun before I got to the theater with my boyfriend.

2. 过去完成时常用于hardly/scarcely... when, no sooner… than等固定句型结构

中。(此乃超级重点句型,意为:“一…… 就”)

● She had hardly/scarcely gone to bed when the bell rang.

● No sooner had he arrived at the railway station than he met her parents.(注

意no sooner在句首时句型倒装。)

3. intend(打算),mean(意味),hope(希望),want(想要),plan(计划)


● I had intended to call on you yesterday, but someone came to see me just

when I was about to leave.(……原想昨天去看你……)

● They had planed to hold a football match last week, but they had to

cancel it because he had weather.(…原计划上周举行一场足球赛……)测试精编:

1. Let’s hurry! The president is coming.

Oh, I was afraid that we _______ .

A. already miss him

B. had already missed him

C. will miss him already

D. have already missed him

2. Your letter came just as I _______ my office.

A. was leaving

B. would leave

C. had left

D. left

3. I _______ my keys, I can’t remember where I last saw them.

A. was losing

B. lost

C. had lost

D. have lost

4. Nobody knew where the teacher _______.

A. has gone

B. would have gone

C. had gone

D. would be gone

5. The sportsmen ______ training for 3 hours when the coach told them to break off

for rest.

A. have been

B. are

C. had been

D. were

八、一般将来时:shall/will + 动词原形

1. 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。

● He will graduate form the college next year.

● We shall finish our work as quickly as possible.

2. 将来时的其它结构:(务必背下!)

I: be going to do something. 打算做某事。(美国口语中常读做be gonna)

● I’m going to buy a new coat this fall.

[be going to 与will的对比:下列情况须用will]

● I’ll be sixteen years old next year.

● It will be the 20th of August tomorrow

● When he comes, I will give him your message.

II. be + to do sth. 表示计划安排做某事或用来征求意见。

● Am I to take over his work?

● We are to meet at the gate.

III. be about to do sth. 即将做某事。

● The talk is about to begin.

3. 重点补充:

be on the point of doing sth. 正要做某事

set out to do sth. 着手做某事

set about doing sth. 开始做某事


1. “The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 o’clock.”

“But _______ a delay.”

A. it will be

B. there’d be

C. there will be

D. there is

2. He’ll leave for Paris before you _______ next week.

A. will come back

B. will be back

C. come back

D. came back

3. Our next meeting _______ on 1st December.

A. has been held

B. will hold

C. is to be held

D. is holding

4. Where _______ a will, there is a way.

A. there will have

B. has been there

C. there is

D. there has been

5. It _______ be Wednesday tomorrow.

A. is going to

B. will

C. is about to

D. is to

九、过去将来时:should /would + 动词原形

1. 表示从过去某个时刻看将要发生的动作或状态。

● He said tha t they would meet me at the station.

2. 此用法常用于间接引语中。


1. On television last night the newscaster announced that the leader _______ on Saturday.

A. is arriving

B. will arrive

C. would be arrived

D. would arrive

2. He told us that he would begin the dictation when we _______ ready.

A. will be

B. would be

C. were

D. are

3. My aunt _______ to see us, she would be here soon.

A. is coming

B. was coming

C. came

D. had came

4. They would be given a new house if more _______ the next year.

A. will be built

B. would be built

C. are built

D. were built

十、过去完成进行时:had been + 现在分词


● She said that she had been typing a paper before I came in.


?. The girl had cleaned up the room, so it was tidy.

?. The girl had been clearing up the room, so we had to wait outside.


1. It _______ for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.

A. was raining

B. would be raining

C. had been raining

D. has rained

2. He told us that he _______ there since 1982.

A. has been living

B. had been living

C. would have lived

D. was living

3. He had been learning English for 3 years before he came here and _______ now.

A. is still learning

B. had been learning

C. was still learning

D. has been learning

4. By the end of last week, he _______ in the company for 10 years.

A. had worked

B. had been working

C. will have worked

D. would have worked

5. Not until then did people know that he _______ important military information to

the enemy for a long time.

A. sold

B. would sell

C. had sold

D. had been selling

十一、将来进行时:shall/will be + 现在分词

1. 表示将来某个时刻正在进行的动作:

?. What will you be doing this time tomorrow?


?. Tom won’t cut the grass because he is afraid of being tired.(说明意图)

?. Tom won’t be cutting the grass.(无意图、仅陈述事实)

2. 用将来进行时询问别人的计划、打算比用一般将来时更显礼貌。

?. Will you be having supper with us this evening? 3. 将来进行时表示对即将发生的动作的推测。

?. She will be arriving at Shanghai tomorrow morning.

?. The car will be going at the speed of 100 miles an hour.

十二、过去将来进行时:should/would be + 现在分词


?. He asked me what I should be doing when he came the next day.


1. Tomorrow, I _______ the book all morning.

A. am reading

B. will be reading

C. will read

D. have


2. “Can you attend the meeting tonight?”

“No, _______ the manager about something urgent.”

A. I see

B. I’ll have seen

C. I’ll be seeing

D. I can


3. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people _______ long

enough to see it return in the twenty-first century?

A. will the live

B. they will be living

C. will live

D. living

4. He told us that he _______ visiting Japan by this time next year.

A. will be

B. would be

C. was

D. is

5. It _______ when you wake up tomorrow morning.

A. is snowing

B. will snow

C. will be snowing



十三、将来完成时:shall/ will have + 过去分词


?. They will have been here for 5years next Friday.

?. By the en of next term, the students will have finished the book.

十四、过去将来完成时:would/should have + 过去分词


?. He said that they would have arrived by seven o’clock.

十五、将来完成进行时:shall/will have been + 现在分词


?. We shall have been staying here for four weeks when tom arrives.

?. It will have been raining for a week if it does not stop tomorrow.

[注: 此句型过于复杂,人们很少运用,了解而已。]


1. Simple photographic lenses can’t _______ sharp, undistorted images over a wide


A. to form

B. are formed

C. forming

D. form

2. Of all the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is the one _______the most.

A. it influences farmers

B. that influences farmers

C. farmers that it influences

D. why farmers influence it

3. By tracking the eye of a hurricane, forecasters can determine the speed at which


A. is a storm moving

B. a storm is moving

C. is moving a storm

D. a moving storm

4. During the flood of 1927, the Red Cross, _______ out of emergency headquarters

in Mississippi, set up temporary shelters for the homeless.

A. operates

B. is operating

C. has operated

D. operating

5. Of all the economically important plants, palms have been _______.

A. the least studied

B. study the least

C. study less and less

D. to study the less

6. During an eclipse of the sun, _______ in the shadow of the moon.

A. the Earth lies

B. the Earth when lying

C. that the Earth lies

D. the lying Earth

7. The photo periodic response of algae actually depends on the duration darkness, _______.

A. the light is not on

B. and not on light

C. but is not on the light

D. is not on light 8. The wallflower _______ because its weak stems often grow on walls and along

strong cliffs for support.

A. so called is

B. so is called

C. is so called

D. called is


9. Because of its importance in modern living, _______ in all parts of the world.

A. algebra is studied in schools and colleges

B. studying algebra in schools and colleges

C. and the study of algebra in schools and colleges

D. in schools and colleges are algebra studies

10. Sociologists have long recognized that social tension _______.

A. elements from group living

B. elements of a normal group life

C. living are a group of elements

D. are normal elements of group life


Principle Rules for Subject and Verb Agreement

I. 单数主语:

1. 当every-, some-, any-, no- 等构成的不定代词及each, either, neither作主语



Someone has told me about it.

Neither of us likes the film.

2. 当every或each位于两个由连接词连接的单数主语前,谓语动词用单数。(必记之要点!)

Each girl and boy has a nickname.

Every man and woman is welcome.

3. 位于主谓之间的介词短语不影响谓语动词的数,谓语动词须和主语一致。常

见介词短语有:i n addition to, together with, as well as, along with, but, except, etc.


The teacher along with his students is going to the party.

His parents as well as his elder sister have come to see him.

II. 复数主语:

1. 当主语由and或both…and连接,通常采用复数谓语动词。

● Both the girl and the boy are his friends.

2. 如主语是both, few或主语前有both, few, several, many等限定词时,谓语动词须用复数。

● Several novels have been written by her.

● Both got the news at the same time.

3. 下列名词总是复数形式且谓语动词必须用复数。

Trousers, pants(裤子),jeans, glasses, scissors(剪刀),tweezers(镊子),plier (钳子),scales(天平),compasses(圆规),etc.

● The trousers here are mine.

别忘了:如果以上名词受“ a pair of ” “ the pair of ”修饰时,谓语动词用单数。

The pair of ants is too dirty.

III. 单、复数的灵活运用:

1. 当主语由neither…nor, either…or, not only…but also或or连接时,谓语动词

与nor, or, but also

● Neither he nor I am going to the airport.

● Not only Mary but also her parents have gone abroad.

2. 当主语前面有none, all, some, any, most, half, majority等词时,谓语动词则根


All of the money has been in the bank. (money是不可数名词)

All of us have been here. 3. “ a number of ”是复数,修饰可数名词,谓语动词为复数,“the number of ”


● A number of students have passed the exam.

● The number of students in this class is 50.

IV. 用作单数的复数形式主语:

1. 如主语是指:time, money, weight, volume, etc. 虽为复数形式,但谓语用单数形式。

Two years is a short time.

One hundred dollars is needed by me.

2. 下列单词如:physics, economics, mathematics, statistics, etc; measles, mumps,

herpes, etc, news, ethics, politics, etc. 为复数形式,但谓语动词用单数。

Statistics is a dull subject.

Politics is important.

3. 书、报、杂志、电影的名称作主语,谓动用作单数。

The New York Times is a good newspaper.

V. 下列名词在形式上保持不变,但谓语动词的数取决于其意义:

1. family, team, class, committee, group, audience, faculty, etc.

The family is big.(总体)

His family like to watch TV.(家庭所有成员)

2. species, series, etc.

The species is rare.

These species are common.

3. sheep, deer, etc.

The sheep are eating grass.

The sheep is big.

VI.Chinese, English, French, etc指语言时,谓动词是单数,如与“the”搭配,指人民时,谓语动词用复数。

English is used widely.

The English love peace.

VII. 注意下列外来语的单复数形:


basis bases

crisis crises

criterion (标准) criteria

phenomenon phenomena

radius (半径) radii

alumnus (男校友) alumni

datum (资料) data

medium (媒体) media

index (索引) indices

appendix (附录) appendices

alga (海藻) algae

vita (生命) vitae


1. Students today are writing _______ of poetry.

A. a great many lines

B. quantities of lines

C. lots lines

D. a large number

2. The bookstore had not ordered _______ texts for all the students in the course.

A. plenty of

B. enough

C. as many

D. enough of

3. What did you see?We saw _______ police there.

A. many

B. much

C. little

D. the


英语词法和句法 根据词的形式、意义及其在句中的功用将词分为若干类,叫做词类。一个句子由各个功用不同的部分所构成,这些部分叫做句子成分。学一个词,要学它的发音、拼法、意义,也要记它的词类;更重要的是要了解它和其他词的关系,及其在句中作什么句子成分。如China is in East Asia(中国位于东亚)一句中的China这个单词所属的词类是名词,在句子中作主语。 ●词类:英语的词通常分为十大类: 1.名词(noun,缩写为n.)表示人、事物、地点、现象及其他抽象概念的词。如Girl(女 孩)、book(书)、Tokyo(东京)、war(战争)、Goodness(善良) 2.代词(pronoun,缩写为pron.)用来代替名词并起名次作用的词如we(我们),his(他 的),all(全部)。 3.形容词(adjective,缩写为adj.)用来修饰名词和代词,起描述名词和代词的性质。 如great(伟大的),honest(诚实的),difficult(困难的)。 4.副词(adverb,缩写为。adv.)是修饰动词、形容词和副词的词,有时修饰全句。如 quickly(快),often(经常),very(很)。 5.动词(verb,缩写为v)表示动作和状态,如write(写),walk(行走),think(想)。 6.数词(numeral,缩写为num.)是表示“多少”和“顺序先后”的词,如four(四), eighteen(十八),first(第一),eighth(十八),hundred(一百)。 7.冠词(article,缩写为art.)本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前 面,帮助指明名词的含义,表示的名词数量或者特征。如a,an(一个),the(这,那)。 8.介词(preposition,缩写为prep.)是一种用来表示词与词、词与句之间的关系的 虚词,在句中不能单独作句子成分。如from(从),in(在…内),between(在…之间)。9.连词(conjunction,缩写为conj.)是连接词、短语、从句和句子的词,如and(和), because(因为),if(假如)。 10.感叹词(interjection,缩写为int.)表示喜怒哀乐等感情的词。如,oh(噢),aha(啊 哈),hush(嘘)。 注意点一:属于前六类(名、代、形、数、动、副等词)的词都有实义,叫做实词(notional word)。属于后四类(冠、介、连、感等词)的词没有实义,叫做虚词(form word)。注意点二:不少词可以属于几个词类,如work(工作;动词和名词),fast(快;形容词和副词),since(自从;连词和介词)等。 ●句法 1.句子:是由词和词组构成的、能够表达完整的意思的语言单位。 2.句子成分:指构成句子的各组成部分,即词和短语在句子中的各种语法意义。英语 的句子由主语部分与谓语部分组成。具体地讲,主要有下列六种句子成分:


小学英语语法句法 句法主要研究句子的成分,语序以及句子的种类,类型等的内容。 一,句子成分 组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分。根据词汇在句子中的不同作用,英语句子主要含有以下六个成分:主语,谓语,表语,宾语,定语,状语。句子主要由主语和谓语两部分组成。 1.主语主语是句子的主体,表示所说的是谁一或是什么。主语的位置一般放在句首,有时在特殊句型中主语放在句末。 I go to school by bike every day. 2.谓语用来说明主语的动作,特征或状态等。谓语主要有两种形式:动词谓语(包括动词短语)和复合谓语(系动词+表语)。 This happened in 1990. (动词谓语) He must take good care of his little sister at home today. (动词短语) The young man became a doctor . (系动词+表语) Trees turn green in spring. (系动词+表语) 3.表语用来说明评语的身份,特征和状态等。它通常位于系动词的后面,可作表语的有名词,代词,数词,形容词等。 Is this pencil yours She is not at home. 4.宾语是动作的承受者。及物动词和相当于及物动词的短语都必须有宾语,可作宾语的有名词,代词,数词等。句子作宾语和叫宾语从句。有些及物动词可以有两个宾语:一个指人,一个指物。 W e are waiting for Lily. He knows he should work hard. 5.宾语补足语用来说明补充宾语,与宾语一起构成复合宾语。可作宾语补足语的有名词,形容词,副词等。 Let me do it . We must keep the classroom clean every day. 6.定语用来修饰名词或代词的句子成份。形容词作定语时,一般放在名词前面,副词或副词短语作定语时,放在名词后面。可作定语的有名词,代词,数词形容词,副词等。Spring is the first season of a year. The bike under the tree is mine. 7.状语是修饰动词,形容词,副词等的句子成分,说明时间,地点,目的,结果,条件,原因,方式等。 She studies very hard. They are working in the park. 二.句子的种类 根据英语所表示的不同功用,它们可分为陈述句,疑问句,祈使句,感叹句四种种类。1.用来说明事实或陈述说话人看法的句子叫陈述句。陈述句Uncle Wang likes making things. 2.用来提出问题的句子叫作疑问句。疑问句有三种:一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问句。Was he hete a month ago Whose bike do you want to borrow Would you like coffee or tea 3.表示请求,命令或劝告等的句子叫祈使句。它通常省略主语(you)。根据语气的强弱,句末用感叹号或句号,句子用降调说或读。祈使句有肯定式祈使句,否定式祈使句和let 开头的祈使句。 Stop playing !Listen to me ! Let’s go together! Let’s not wait for him. 4.用来表示说话人强烈的喜怒哀乐等情绪的句子叫感叹句。多用how和 What 引起,,how 和what 所修饰的词放在句首,其它部份用陈述语序。在口语当中为主常常省略,句末用感叹句,句子用降调读或说。 感叹句的表达方式:what作定语修饰名词(名词前有其它定语),单数可数名词前要加不定冠词 a/an. What a good idea! What beautiful flowers (they are)! How作状语修饰形容词,副词或动词,结构为:how +形容词(副词)+主语+谓语


从句 从句按其在主句中的句法功能可分为三类: 即名词性从句、形容词性从句(即定语从句)和副词性从句(即状语从句)。 引导从句的词称作关联句. 一、名词性从句 引导这些名词性从句的关联词包括: 从属连词that, if, whether; 连接代词 who,whoever,whom,whomever,which,whichever,what,whatever,wh ose; 连接副词where, when, why, how。 其中, 从属连词只起连接作用, 在从句中不充当任何句法成分, 而连接代词和连接副词既起连接作用, 在从句中又充当一定的成分. That Owen should have married his cousin is not at all surprising. The fact is that he didn't go to the dinner party. I don't know if he will attend the meeting. Have you heard the news that Mary is going to marry Tom? 你听说玛丽要和汤姆结婚的消息了吗?(that引导同位语从句) [提示]

1. 在含有主语从句的复合句中, 为保持句子平衡, 常用it作形式主语,而将真正的主语从句置于句末. It's well-known that water is indispensable to life.(形式主语) 2. 为保持句子平衡, that引导的宾语从句也常用it代替, 而将真正的宾语从句置于主句句末。这常常出现在主句有形容词或分词作宾语补足语的情况下。 He made it quite clear that he preferred to live here. 3. 从属连词whether和if都作“是否…”解, 但if不可引导主语从句和表语 从句。whether可与or(not)连用, 而if不可以。 I don't know whether (if) she is at home. Whether she comes or not makes no difference. 4. that和what引导名词性从句的区别: that在从句中不充当成分,而what在从句中充当一定的成分, 如主语、表语、宾语等。that可省略, what则不可省。 He always means what he says. She suggested (that) he do it at once. 5. 同位语从句大多由从属连词that引导, 常跟在下列名词后面, 如fact, idea, opinion, news, hope, belief等, that不可省。同位语从句一般用来解释说明这些名词的具体含义和内容。 We are familiar with the idea that all matter consists of atoms. The news that we are invited to the conference is very encouraging.

中考英语语法总复习大全 第一篇句法之主要句式

第二篇句法 一、主要句式 (一) 知识概要 初中所学的句型一般要分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。陈述句中有肯定句与否定句之分。其中可以分为以下五种:① 主语+不及物动词。如:I arrived at six last night.② 主语+及物动词+宾语,如:I bought a good English Chinese Dictionary yesterday.③ 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语,如:Please tell me a story before I go to bed. 这样可加双宾语的句子有buy,tell, give, ask, pass, teach.④ 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语,如:I found it impossible to do it. Please keep the classroom clean and tidy.⑤ 主语+系动词+表语,如:Tom is an American boy. The grass turned green in spring.在初中常见的句型中有There be…句型,表示存在某种事物,如:There is a map on the wall其be动词的形式要与其后面相近的那个名词相一致。要注意的是这种句型加入助动词后,也要保持be动词,不要换用have,如:There is going to be a meeting tomorrow.在句子结构中要注意主谓一致的问题,即句子的主语与谓语动词要相呼应。要注意的有如下几点:① 用and连接两个主语时一般应视为复数,但如一人身兼两职时则要用单数谓语动词形式,如:A singer and dancer is coming to our party. a singer and dancer 既歌唱又可舞的演员。而 a singer and a dancer 则要译为:一位歌唱家和一位舞蹈家。②有些以 s 结尾的名词谓语动词要用单数,如: The news is good (news 为不可数名词)。③ 有量词时应按量词的数量计算;如: This pair of glasses is good My glasses are broken. ④有些形单却意为复数的名词,如: People are coming here这样的词还有 Police,如果要讲一个警察时,应讲 a policeman。两个警察为 two policemen。又如 a policewoman, two policewomen⑤所有不定代词 each, either, neither, one, the other, nobody, nothing, anyone, anything,someone,something … 要作为单数如: Someone is waiting for you在并列句中表示联合关系的连词有:and not only … but also,ne ither … nor,either … or如: My sister and my parents are going to the cinema。表示转折关系的并列连词有: but 和 yet,如: She is a good student, but she didn't pass the final exam. 又如: I think the news is strange, yet it is true表示选择关系的连词有:or,either … or,如: Hurry up, or you will be late for school表示因果关系的并列连词有: for, so 如: They studied very hard, so they all passed the exam 在初中范围复合句中主要有状语从句和宾语从句(名词性从句)两种,而定语从句(形容词性从句)要在高中讲述,为了使同学阅读文章方便,我们将在下面另一章予以介绍。我们首先来看宾语从句。①在及物动词的后面可以接一个名词来充当宾语,如: I knew the man, 而这时也可以用一个句子来充当宾语,如:I knew that he was a good man这时宾语从句的连接词有 that, (that 只在从句中起联接作用,不


非谓语动词指的是在句中起名词,形容词或副词作用的动词形式,而不是作谓语的动词形式。动词的非谓语形式分为动名词,分词,动词不定式。 Climbing mountain is a good exercise. (Climbing..., 动名词起名词作用) 爬山是一项好运动。 Do you know the man wearing a white shirt. (wearing ... 分词起形容词作用) 你认识那个穿白衬衣的人吗? He gets up early to catch the first bus. (to catch .... 不定式起副词作用) 他早早起床是为了赶上第一班汽车。 谓语动词和非谓语动词的区别: 1) 谓语动词在句中可单独作谓语,而非谓语动词不能单独作谓语。 Miss Mary teaches us English. 玛丽教我们英语。(teaches 动词作谓语) Mr.Victor came to our classroom to have a talk with us last week.

维克托先生上周来到了我们教室和我们谈话。 (to have a talk.... 不定式作状语) 2) 谓语动词受主语的人称和数的限制,而非谓语动词形式没有这种限制。 Larke likes the pop music. 拉克喜欢流行音乐。 (动词用单数第三人称形式) Larke has nothing to do today. 拉克今天没什么事要做。(do 用原形) 非谓语动词的特征: 1 如果非谓语动词是及物动词,后面须跟宾语。 Studying English is my favorite. 学习英语是我的爱好。(studying 后跟宾语) To help him is my duty. 帮助他是我的责任。(help 后跟宾语) 2 非谓语动词可以带有自己的状语或逻辑主语。 Working under such a condition is terrible.


【学英语必看】《英语语法手册》(全) 在实用英语备受青睐的现在,大家在学习英语和准备各种考试时,总是把听说读写放在首位,诚然,学习语言重在实践。但是,请不要忽视语法的作用,特别是在阅读和写作中,他能帮助你分析清楚句子结构,准确抓住句子的要点,更能帮你写出复杂而优美的长句。 以下为你整理《英语语法手册》全集,不需背诵记忆,只要静下心阅读一遍,就能有所收获! 宝宝更希望你能把他们融在平时的阅读写作里. [英语语法手册]关于词类和句子成分 根据词的形式、意义及其在句中的功用将词分为若干类,叫做词类。一个句子由各个功用不同的部分所构成,这些部分叫做句子成分。 学一个词,要学它的发音、拼法、意义,也要记它的词类;更重要的是要了解它和其他词的关系,及其在句中作什么句子成分。如China is in East Asia(中国位于东亚)一句中的China这个单词所属的词类是名词,在句子中作主语。 词类(parts of speech) 英语的词通常分为十大类: 1)名词(noun,缩写为n.)人和事物的名称,如pen(钢笔),English(英语),life(生活)。 2)代词(pronoun,缩写为pron.)用来代替名词的词,如we(我们),his(他的),all(全部)。 3)形容词(adjective,缩写为adj.)用来修饰名词,如great(伟大的),honest(诚实的),difficult(困难的)。 4)数词(numeral,缩写为num.)是表示"多少"和"第几"的词,如four(四),eighteen(十八),first(第一),eighth(十八),hundred(一百)。 5)动词(verb,缩写为v)表示动作和状态,如write(写),walk(行走),think(想)。 6)副词(adverb,缩写为。adv.)是修饰动词、形容词和副词的词,如quickly(快),often(经常),very(很)。 7)冠词(article,缩写为art.)说明名词所指的人或物的词,如a,an(一个),the(这,那)。 8)介词(preposition,缩写为prep.)表示名词(或代词)与句子里其它词的关系,如from(从),in(在…内),between(在…之间)。 9)连词(conjunction,缩写为conj.)是连接词、短语、从句和句子的词,如and(和),because(因为),if(假如)。 10)感叹词(interjection,缩写为int.)表示感情,如。oh(噢),aha(啊哈),hush(嘘)。 [注一]属于前六类(名、代、形、数、动、副等词)的词都有实义,叫做实词(notional word)。属于后四类(冠、介、连、感等词)的词没有实义,叫做


Unit 7Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 1.I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. 我认为不应该允许16岁的孩子穿耳洞。 (1)当主句的主语是第一人称I或we,谓语动词是think, believe, suppose, guess等词时,其后的从句不能是含有not的否定句;若要否定,须将not提到主句。在翻译时,按汉语习惯翻译。例如:“我想他不会给你打电话的”应译为I don't think he will give you a call.,而不是I think he won't give you a call.。 (2)本句中的sixteen-year-olds相当于sixteen-year-old teenagers,意为“16岁的孩子”。 数词和一个相应的名词单数用“-”连接起来,可以构成一个合成形容词。也可以是数词、单数名词和形容词用“-”连接起来作形容词。如: a 300-meter-long river一条300米长的河流 a two-month holiday两个月的假期 a sixty-pound stone一块60磅重的石头 (3)get their ears pierced属于“get/have+名词/代词+动词的过去分词”结构,意为“使……被做;请人做……”。如: ①I'll go out to get my hair cut. 我要出去理发。 ②Why haven't you got the work done yet? 你为什么还不叫人把活干了呢? 2.I regret talking back, not listening to Mom. 我后悔顶嘴了,没有听妈妈的话。 regret可作动词,意为“感到遗憾;表示歉意;懊悔”。常见用法如下: (1)regret+n./pron.。如: If you don't do it now, you'll only regret it. 如果现在不做,你以后一定会后悔的。 (2)regret+that/what从句。如: ①I deeply regret what I said. 我非常后悔说了那些话。 ②I regret that I am unable to accept your kind invitation. 很遗憾,我不能接受你的友好邀请。 (3)regret+to do。如: We regret to tell you that your friends have left for Beijing. 我们很遗憾地告诉你,你的朋友们已经离开去北京了。 (4)regret+动词-ing。如: He regretted doing such a bad thing. 他后悔做了这么一件坏事。 regret还可以作名词,意为“后悔;懊悔;遗憾”。如: I have no regrets about leaving the big city.


第一部分词性及其句法功能 词性是英语中的单词根据词义、句法作用和形式特征所作的分类。共有十类:名词、动词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 词类英语名称(简称)意义例词 1. 名词Nouns ( n. ) 表示人、事物、时间、地点或抽象概念的名称John,room 2.动词V erbs ( v. ) vt 及物vi 不及物表示动作、状态或性质stand ,be 3.形容词Adjectives ( adj. ) 表示人或事物的属性或特征good,interesting 4.代词Pronouns ( pron. ) 代替名词、数词以避免重复them,everything 5.数词Numerals ( num. ) 表示数量或顺序nine,first 6.冠词Articles ( art. ) 用于名词之前,帮助说明名词的含义a,an,the 7.副词Adverbs ( adv. ) 修饰动词、形容词、其它副词或全句,表示行为特征或性状特征almost ,bravely 8.介词Prepositions ( prep. ) 用于名词或代词之前,表示名词、代词与其它词之间的关系near,from 9.连词Conjunction ( conj. ) 连接单词、短语、从句或句子and ,but 10. 感叹词Interjection( interj. ) 表示说话时的语气或感情hello ,oh 在上述的十大词类中,名词、代词、形容词、副词、数词、动词等具有明确的意义,可以在句中独立充当句子成分,称为实义词。介词、连词和冠词只能起联系或辅助的作用,都不在句子中担任任何成分,称为虚词。感叹词一般不构成句子的一部分,通常作独立成分。 一. 名词Nouns ( n. ) 1.名词的句法功能 The man, a success of car industry , was elected deputy to the People's Congress last year and this morning a newspape r called him an economic criminal,which was really a shock to us all. 名词在句子中主要作主语(Subject)、宾语(Object)、表语(Predicative )、主补(Subject Complement )、宾补(Object Complement )和同位语(Appositive),还可以作定语(Attribute) 、状语(Adverbial)和呼语(V ocative)。 例如: (1)名词作主语The bridge has seven arches. 这座桥有七个弯拱。 (2)名词作宾语I want an apple .我要苹果。 (3)名词作表语He became a worker. 他成为了一名工人。 (4)名词作宾补We elected him monitor. (5)名词作主补He was elected monitor. 他当选班长。 (6)名词作同位语This is Mr. Zhou, director of our hospital.这位是周先生,我们医院的院长。 (7)名词作定语There are a lot of banana trees on the island. 岛上有许多香蕉树。 (8)名词作状语The meeting lasted an hour. 会议开了一个小时。 (9)名词作呼语Take a seat, Tom. 汤姆,请坐吧。 2. 名词的分类 名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词(Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。 普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。普通名词又可


词句语法综合 词法: 名词:表示某类人或事物的共有的名称,或某种物质和抽象的名词。 1.个体名词:表示人或事物的个体。Car;teacher 2.集体名词:表示一群人或事物的总称。.family;class 1.普通名词分类: 3.物质名词:表示无法分出个体的物质。Fire;water;rice 4.抽象名词:表示动作、状态、品质等抽象概念。Life;happiness;anger 2.专有名词:表示个别的人、团体、地方、机构、或事物的名称。其中的名词、代词、数词、形容词、副词和动词的首字母必须大写。China;Smith;the Unite States of America;New York 1.可数名词:表示可以直接以数字计算的名词。 3.可数与不可数: 2.不可数名词:不可以直接以数字计算的名词。物质与抽象名词一般为不可数名词。 (如果表示不可数名词的数,需要在名词前同时加上数词与量词 a little of water) 4.名词的数与所有格:单复数变换和所有格的表示。 冠词:是虚词,不能单独使用,只能放在名词前起限定作用。 不定冠词:a用在以辅音开头的单数名词前;an用在以元音开头的单数名词前。 1.表示某一类人或某一事物中的一个。 2.表示数量“一”,等于one,但数的概念没有one强。 3.表示某个、任何一个、每个 4.用于固定搭配中。A cold;a few;a little 定冠词:the既可用在可数名词前,又可用在不可数名词前, 1.特指某人或某物,或指谈话双方都知道的人或物。 2.用在单数名词前表示某一类人或物。 3.表示世界上独一无二的。 4.少部分的专有名词前。 5.用在序数词、形容词最高级或副词的最高级前。 6.用在乐器前。 7.用在形容词前表示一类人。The poor;the rich;the sick;the dead 8.用在一些固定词组中。In the morning;on the left 零冠词:就是指不用冠词的情况。 1.复数名词表示一类人或事物时。 2.大多数的专有名词、泛指的抽象名词和物质名词前。 3.名词前已经有this/that/my/some/any等代词修饰时。 4.在人名、称谓、头衔、职务等前。 5.在日期、季节、节假日等前。 6.在三餐和球类运动名称前。 7.某些固定词组中。At noon/at night/at first 代词:用来代替名词或名词短语的词。 人称代词:分为主格和宾格;做主语或表语时用主格,做宾语或介词宾语用宾格。注意性别和单复数及先后顺序。 物主代词:分为形容词性物主代词(只能做定语)和名词性物主代词起名词作用(作主语、表语、宾语等) 反身代词:表示某人自己或本人。可作宾语、表语、主语和宾语同位语。 指示代词:this;that;these;those;such等,可作主语、宾语、表语、定语。亦可代指前面所提


句子的种类 (一)按使用目的可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。 1)陈述句(Declarative Sentences):说明一个事实或陈述一种看法。Light travels faster than sound.光比声速度快。(说明事实)The film is rather boring.这部电影很乏味。(说明看法) 2)疑问句(Interrogative Sentences):提出问题。有以下四种: a.一般疑问句(General Questions): Can you finish the work in time? 你能按时完成工作吗? b.特殊疑问句(W Questions; H Questions): Where do you live?你住那儿? How do you know that? 你怎么知道那件事? c.选择疑问句(Alternative Questions): Do you want tea or coffee? 你是要茶还是要咖啡? d.反意疑问句(Tag-Questions): He doesn't know her, does he? 他不认识她,对不对? 3)祈使句(Imperative Sentences):提出请求,建议或发出命令,例如:

Sit down, please.请坐。 Don't be nervous!别紧张! 4)感叹句(Exclamatory Sentences):表示说话人惊奇、喜悦、愤怒等情绪,例如: What good news it is!多好的消息啊! (二)句子按其结构可以分为以下三类: 1)简单句(Simple Sentences):只包含一个主谓结构句子叫简单句,例如: She is fond of collecting stamps.她喜欢集邮。 (主)(谓) 2)并列句(Compound Sentences):包含两个或两个以上主谓结构的句子叫并列句,句与句之间通常用并列连词或分号来连接,例如:The food was good, but he had little appetite. (主)(谓)(主)(谓) 食物很精美,但他却没什么胃口。 3)复合句(Complex Sentences):包含一个主句从句和一个或几个从句的句子叫复合句,从句由从属连词引导,例如: The film had begun when we got to the cinema.


英语词法和句法 (一) 词法 词法(morphology)词法研究的对象是各种词的形式及其用法。 一、词类(parts of speech) 根据词的形式、意义及其在句中的功用将词分为若干类,叫做词类。学一个词,要学它的发音、拼法、意义,也要记它的词类;更重要的是要了解它和其他词的关系。英语的词通常分为十大类: 1)名词(noun,缩写为n.)是人和事物的名称,如pen(钢笔),English(英语),life(生活)。 2) 代词(pronoun,缩写为pron.)是用来代替名词的词,如we(我们),his(他的),all(全部)。 3) 形容词(adjective,缩写为adj.)用来修饰名词,如great(伟大的),honest(诚实的),difficult(困难的)。 4) 数词(numeral,缩写为num.)是表示“多少”和“第几”的词,如four(四),eighteen(十八),first(第一),eighth(十八),hundred(一百)。 5) 动词(verb,缩写为v)表示动作和状态,如write(写),walk(行走),think(想)。 6) 副词(adverb,缩写为。adv.)是修饰动词、形容词和副词的词,如quickly(快),often(经常),very(很)。 7) 冠词(article,缩写为art.)说明名词所指的人或物的词,如a,an(一个),the(这,那)。 8) 介词(preposition,缩写为prep.)表示名词(或代词)与句子里其它词的关系,如from(从),in(在…内),between(在…之间)。 9) 连词(conjunction,缩写为conj.)是连接词、短语、从句和句子的词,如and(和),because(因为),if(假如)。 10) 感叹词(interjection,缩写为int.)表示感情,如。oh(噢),aha(啊哈),hush(嘘)。 [注一]属于前六类(名、代、形、数、动、副等词)的词都有实义,叫做实词(notional word)。属于后四类(冠、介、连、感等词)的词没有实义,叫做虚词(form word)。 [注二]不少词可以属于几个词类,如work(工作;动词和名词),fast(快;形容词和副词),since(自从;连词和介词)等。 二、英语词类的形式变化有:名词和代词的数、格和性的形式变化;动词的人称、时态、语态、语气等形式变化;以及形容词和副词比较等级的形式变化。 1) 名词变化 名词有数的概念。 不可数名词(物质名词、多数抽象名词) gold, wood, water, fire, earth, air, land, paper, cloth, tobacco, soap; life (生活), nature (自然), business, work, luck, cash, money, harm, trouble, furniture, music, sunshine, scenery, fun,


英语中情态动词的词法和句法特征 情态助动词还有如下词法和句法特征: 一、除ought和used和have to以外,其他情态动词后面只能接不带to的不定式。如果我们把ought to和used to看做是固定词组的话,那么,所有情态动词无一例外地只能接不带to的不定式: 1.We used to grow beautiful roses. 我们过去常常种这种漂亮的玫瑰花。 2.I asked if he would come and repair my television set. 我问他是否来修我的电视机。

二、情态助动词在限定动词词组总是位居第一: They need not have been punished so severely. 他们不需要如此严厉的惩罚。 三、情态助动词用于第三人称单数现在时的时候,没有词形变化,即其词尾无-s形式: She dare not say what she thinks. 她不敢说她是怎么想的。 四、情态动词没有非限定形式,即没有不定式和分词形式,也没有相应的动名词:

Still,she needn't have run away. 不过,她不必跑了。 五、情态助动词的“时”的形式并不是时间区别的主要标志。在不少场合,情态助动词的现在时和过去时形式都可以表示现在、过去或将来时间: 1.Would you mind very much if I ask you to do something? 你会很介意如果我让你做什么? 2.She told him he ought not to have done it. 她告诉他他不应该这样做。


英语语法术语 语法grammar 句法syntax 词法morphology 句子sentence 从句clause 词组phrase 词类part of speech 单词word 实词notional word 虚词structural word 单纯词simple word 派生词derivative 复合词compound 词性part of speech 名词noun 专有名词proper noun 普通名词common noun 可数名词countable noun 不可数名词uncountable noun 抽象名词abstract noun 具体名词concret noun 物质名词material noun 集体名词collective noun 个体名词individual noun 介词preposition 连词conjunction 动词verb 主动词main verb 及物动词transitive verb 不及物动词intransitive verb 系动词link verb 助动词auxiliary verb 情态动词modal verb 规则动词regular verb 不规则动词irregular verb 短语动词phrasal verb 限定动词finite verb 非限定动词infinite verb 使役动词causative verb 感官动词verb of senses 动态动词event verb 静态动词state verb 感叹词exclamation 形容词adjective 原级positive 比较级comparative 最高级superalative 副词adverb 方式副词adverb of manner 程度副词adverb of degree 时间副词adverb of time 地点副词adverb of place 修饰性副词adjunct 连接性副词conjunct 疑问副词interogative adverb 关系副词relative adverb 代词pronoun 人称代词personal pronoun 物主代词possesive pronoun 反身代词reflexive pronoun 相互代词reciprocal pronoun 指示代词demonstrative pronoun 疑问代词interrogative pronoun 关系代词relative pronoun 不定代词indefinite pronoun 物主代词possecive pronoun 名词性物主代词nominal possesive prnoun 形容词性物主代词adjectival possesive pronoun 冠词article 定冠词definite article 不定冠词indefinite article 数词numeral 基数词cardinal numeral 序数词ordinal numeral 分数词fractional numeral 形式form 单数形式singular form 复数形式plural form 限定动词finite verb form 非限定动词non-finite verb form 原形base form 从句clause 从属句subordinate clause 并列句coordinate clause 名词从句nominal clause 定语从句attributive clause 状语从句adverbial clause 宾语从句object clause


英语语法大全 英语语法是针对英语语言的语法进行的研究,指英语中语言的结构规律。包括词法和句法。英语的语法既可以是规范性的,也可以是描述性的。 一、实词 1.名词(nouns)n.: 名词是词性的一种,也是实词的一种,是指代人、物、事、时、地、情感、概念等实体或抽象事物的词。名词可以独立成句。在短语或句子中通常可以用代词来替代。名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词(Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等,专有名词的首字母要大写。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。 2.代词(pronoun)pron.: 代词是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、反身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词、连接代词和不定代词九种。 3.数词(numeral)Num.: 表示“多少”和“第几”的词,叫数词。其用法相当于名词或者形容词。数词分为基数词和序数词两种。 4.形容词(adjective)adj.或a.: 很多语言中均有的主要词类中的一种。主要用来修饰名词的词,表示事物的特征。形容词用来修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态,和特征的程度好坏,与否。 5.副词(adverb)adv.: 是一种用来修饰动词、形容词、全句的词,说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念的词。副词是一种半虚半实的词。副词可分为:时间副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词、频率副词和说明性副词等。 6.动词(Verb)v.: 动词,就是用来形容或表示各类动作的词汇。基本上每个完整的句子都有一个动词,要表示第二个动作时可使用不定词、动名词、对等连接词、从属连接词或增加子句等方法连结。[1] 二、虚词 7.冠词(article) art.: 冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的含义。 冠词可以说是名词的一种标志,它不能离开名词而独立存在。表示的主语数量或者特征。 8.介词(preposition)prep.: 介词是一种用来表示词与词、词与句之间的关系的虚词,在句中不能单独作句子成分。介词后面一般有名词、代词,或相当于名词的其他词类,短语或从句作它的宾语。介词和它的宾语构成介词词组,在句中作状语,表语,补语或介词宾语。介词可以分为时间介词、地点介词、方式介词、原因介词和其他介词。9.连词(conjunction)conj: 连词是一种虚词,它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及句与句的作用。连词主要可分为4类:并列连词、转折连词、选择连词和因果连词。 10.助词: 助词是附着在词,短语,句子的前面或后面,表示结构关系或某些附加意义的虚词。助词有结构助词,时态助词,语气助词三种。 11.叹词:(interjection)interj.: 叹词是语法学术语。表示感叹、呼唤、应答的词。 三、判断词 现代汉语中表示条件、让步、转折等关系的连词多包含一个来自判断词“是”的语素,其他语言也有类似的情况。英语中的判断词有常见的“Yes”和“No”。 四、情态动词 情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,但要与动词原形及其被动语态一起使用,给谓语动词增添情态色彩,
