





Feng Kang No.8:

Supreme high yield .Resistant to diseases. Continuous cropping

Medium-late maturity with 35 days of fruit development. Vigorous growth and good fruit set . High resistance to Fusarium Wilt and Anthracnose. Oval shape. Green rind marked with dark green stripes. Crisp red flesh with approximate 12% sugar content. Average weight 8kg, a larger one reaches 10~15kg. Hard rind and suitable for storage and shipment..




Xinkang Junlong:

Supreme high yield. Resistant to diseases. Continuous cropping

The improved variety of Xinong No.8 with greener background color. Medium-late maturity with 33~35 days of fruit development. Red flesh, oval shape. Green rind marked with dark green stripes. Red flesh with over 12% sugar content. Average weight approximate 8kg, a larger one reaches 10~15kg. High resistance to Fusarium wilt. Hard rind and tolerance to storage and shipment.





Kangbing Xulong

Early-medium maturity. Good quality. Good fruit set.

Early-medium maturity with 30 days of fruit development. Vigorous growth and resistance to Fusarium wilt. Good fruit set. Oval shape. Green rind marked with dark green stripes. Crimson flesh with approximate 12% sugar content. Crispy, juicy and tasty. Average weight 7~8kg, and a larger one reaches 10~14kg.




Jinzhong Guanlong

Medium maturity. High yield

Medium maturity with 32 days of fruit development. Vigorous growth. Good fruit set. Oval shape . Green rind marked with dark green stripes. Red crisp juicy flesh with 12% sugar content. Average weight approximate 8kg and a larger one reaches 10~15kg.




The King of Flower

Supreme high yield. Good quality. Tolerant to storage and shipment.

Medium-early maturity with 35days of fruit development. Oval shape, light green rind covered with dark green stripes. Juicy crimson

flesh with 12.5% sugar content. Average weight 10kg and a larger one reaches 15kg. High suitable for storage and shipment.





High yield. Resistant to diseases. Continuous cropping

Early-medium maturity with 30days of fruit development. Vigorous growth, high disease resistance and high stress resistance. Round shape. Green rind marked with dark green stripes. Crimson crisp juicy flesh with 12% sugar content. Average weight 7~8kg and a

larger one reaches over 10kg. Tolerance to storage. Suitable for open field cultivation, greenhouse cultivation and plastic membrane mulching.




Spring Flower

Early maturity. Good quality.

Early maturity with 28 days of fruit development. Vigorous growth and good fruit set. Tolerance to low temperature and weak light. Round shape. Black seeds. Green rind marked with dark green stripes. Red crisp flesh with over 12% sugar content. Average weight 7kg and a larger one reaches over 10kg. Suitable for

open field cultivation, greenhouse cultivation and plastic membrane mulching.




Kangbing Jingxin

High yield. Resistance to diseases. Continuous cropping

Early-medium maturity with 30days of fruit development. Vigorous growth. High resistance to Fusarium Wilt and Anthracnose. Good fruit set. Round shape. Green rind marked with dark green stripes. Red flesh with over 11.5% sugar content. Average weight 7~8 kg and a larger one reaches over 10 kg. Suitable for open field cultivation and plastic membrane mulching.




Super Spring

Greenhouse only

Early maturity with 28 days of fruit development. Vigorous growth and good fruit set. High tolerance to low temperature and weak light. Round shape. Green rind marked with uniform dark green stripes. Black seeds. Red crisp juicy flesh with over 12.5% sugar content. Average weight approximate 7kg and a larger one reaches 10 kg. Ideal for greenhouse cultivation and plastic membrane mulching.




Sweet Dew

Greenhouse only

Early maturity with 27days of fruit development. Vigorous growth and good fruit set. High tolerance to low temperature and weak light. Quick fruits expansion in low temperatures and poor light. Round shape. Black seeds. Green rind marked with dark green stripes. Crimson crisp juicy flesh with over 12.5% of sugar content. Average weight 5~6 kg and a larger one reaches over 8 kg. Suitable for Greenhouse planting.




Zao Jia (84-24)

Early maturity High quality Low temperature resistant

Early maturity with 28 days of fruit development. Vigorous growth and good fruit set. Tolerance to low temperature and dim light. Round shape and mixed-color rind. Red delicate flesh with over 12.5% sugar content. Average weight 6kg. Suitable for greenhouse planting.





Lovely Spring

Early maturity. Beautiful outside. Tolerant to storage.

Early maturity with approximate 28 days of fruit development. Vigorous growth and resistant to low temperature and dim light. Round shape. Green rind covered with slender dark green stripes. Beautiful appearance. Black seeds. The red flesh is close-textured with approximate 12% sugar content. Average weight about 8 kg and a larger one reaches over 10kg. No splits. Highly suitable for storage and transportation.





Yellow Crystal No.1

Early maturity High quality Heat-proof

Early-medium maturity with about 27 days of fruit development. Good fruit set. Green skin covered with dark green stripes. Yellow crisp juicy flesh with about 12% sugar content. Average weight is 5~6 kg and a larger one reaches over 8kg. Quick fruits expansion without splits in high temperatures.. Tolerant to storage. Suitable for planting in high temperatures in autumn.




Spring Bud

Early maturity High quality Easy fruit set Early maturity with about 27 days of fruit development. Vigorous growth and good fruit set. The fruit is round shaped with dark green wide stripes on light green skin. Crimson crisp flesh. Average weight is about 5kg and a larger one reaches 7~8 kg. High suitable for storage and transportation.


1、中国意念词(Chinesenesses) 八卦 trigram 阴、阳 yin, yang 道 Dao(cf. logo) 江湖(世界) the jianghu World (the traits’ world) e.g. You can’t control everything in a traits’ world. (人在江湖,身 不由己) 道 Daoism(Taoism) 上火 excessive internal heat 儒学 Confucianism 红学(《红楼梦》研究) redology 世外桃源 Shangri-la or Arcadia 开放 kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world) 大锅饭 getting an equal share regardless of the work done 不搞一刀切 no imposing uniformity on … 合乎国情,顺乎民意 to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people 乱摊派,乱收费 imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge 铁交椅 iron (lifetime) post’s; guaranteed leading post

脱贫 to shake off poverty; anti-poverty 治则兴,乱则衰 Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline 2、中华民族的喜庆节日(Chinese Festivial) 国庆节 National Day 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival 春节 Spring Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 儿童节 Children’s Day 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 妇女节 Women’s Day 泼水节 Water-Splashing Day 教师节 Teachers’ Day 五四青年节 Youth Day 3、中国独特的传统饮食(Unique Traditional Chinese Foods) 馄饨 wonton 锅贴 guotie (fried jiaozi) 花卷 steamed twisted rolls 套餐 set meal 盒饭 box lunch; Chinese take-away


各种蔬菜的英语翻译 更新日期:2006-1-31 1:02:08 出处:作者: tomato 番茄,西红柿 asparagus 芦笋 cucumber 黄瓜 aubergine, eggplant 茄子 bean 菜豆 beet, beetroot 甜菜 pepper 胡椒 pimiento 甜椒 potato 马铃薯 carrot 胡萝卜 cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜 pumpkin 西葫芦 broad bean 蚕豆 cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜 chilli 辣椒 garlic 蒜 chive 葱 fennel 茴香 cos lettuce 莴苣 marrow 嫩葫芦 melon 香瓜,甜瓜 mushroom, celery 芹菜 onion 韭 leek 韭菜 radish 萝卜 tarragon 狭叶青蒿 thyme 百里香 mushroom 蘑菇 artichoke 洋蓟 broccoli, brocoli 硬花甘蓝 Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝 caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜 cardoon 刺菜蓟 chervil 雪维菜,细叶芹 chick-pea 鹰嘴豆 chicory 苣荬菜 cress 水田芥 cumin, cummin 孜然芹,枯茗

dandelion 蒲公英 French bean 法国菜豆 gherkin 嫩黄瓜 horseradish 辣根 Jerusalem artichoke 洋姜,鬼子姜kale 无头甘蓝 kohlrabi 甘蓝 laurel 月桂 lentil 兵豆 lettuce 莴苣 lupin 羽扇豆 (美作:lupine) parsley 欧芹 parsnip 欧防风 pea 豌豆 rhubarb 大黄 salsify 婆罗门参 sorrel 掌叶大黄 truffle 块菌 turnip 芜菁 watercress 豆瓣菜


2019大学英语四级翻译中的中国特色词汇(1)一、汉语的那些秘密 小编啰嗦一句:汉语是世界上最美的文字,没有之一 汉字 Chinese character 单音节 single syllable 汉语四声调 the four tones of Chinese characters 阳平 level tone 阴平 rising tone 上声 falling-rising tone 去声 falling tone 五言绝句 five-character quatrain 七言律诗 seven-character octave 八股文 eight-part essay; stereotyped writing 二、课本中的四书五经你忘了嘛? 四书五经 The Four Books and The Five Classics 1、四书 the Four Books 《大学》 The Great Learning 《中庸》 The Doctrine of the Mean 《论语》 The Analects of Confucius 《孟子》 The Mencius/The Works of Mencius

2、五经 The Five Classics 《春秋》 the Spring and Autumn Annals 《诗经》 The Books of Songs;The Book of Odes 《易经》(《周易》) I Ching; The Book of Changes 《礼记》 The Book of Rites 《尚书》 (《书经》) The Books of History


水果类(fruits): 西红柿tomato;菠萝pineapple;西瓜watermelon;香蕉banana;柚子shaddock(pomelo);橙子orange;苹果apple;柠檬lemon;樱桃cherry;桃子peach;梨pear;枣Chinese date(去核枣pitted date);椰子coconut;草莓strawberry;树莓raspberry;蓝莓blueberry;黑莓blackberry;葡萄grape;甘蔗sugar cane;芒果mango;木瓜pawpaw

或者papaya;杏子apricot;油桃nectarine;柿子persimmon;石榴pomegranate;榴莲jackfruit;槟榔果areca nut;西班牙产苦橙 bitter orange;猕猴桃kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry;金橘cumquat;蟠桃flat peach;荔枝litchi;青梅greengage;山楂果haw;水蜜桃honey peach;香瓜、甜瓜musk melon;李子plum;杨梅 waxberry red bayberry;桂圆longan;沙果crab apple;杨桃starfruit;枇杷loquat;柑橘tangerine;莲雾wax-apple;番石榴 guava 肉、蔬菜类(livestock家畜): 南瓜(倭瓜)pumpkin cushaw;甜玉米Sweet corn;牛肉beef;猪肉pork;羊肉mutton;羔羊肉lamb;鸡肉chicken;生菜、莴苣lettuce;白菜Chinese cabbage(celery cabbage);甘蓝、卷心菜cabbage;萝卜radish;胡萝卜carrot;韭菜leek;木耳agarics;豌豆pea;马铃薯(土豆)potato;黄瓜cucumber;苦瓜balsam pear;秋葵okra;洋葱onion;芹菜celery;芹菜杆celery sticks;地瓜sweet potato;蘑菇mushroom;橄榄olive;菠菜spinach;冬瓜(Chinese)wax gourd;莲藕lotus root;紫菜laver;油菜cole rape;茄子eggplant;香菜caraway;枇杷loquat;青椒green pepper;四季豆、青刀豆 garden bean;银耳silvery fungi;腱子肉tendon;肘子pork joint;茴香fennel(茴香油fennel oil 药用);鲤鱼carp;咸猪肉bacon;金针蘑needle mushroom;扁豆lentil;槟榔areca;牛蒡great burdock;水萝卜summer radish;竹笋bamboo shoot;艾蒿Chinese mugwort;


1. 元宵节:Lantern Festival 2. 刺绣:embroidery 3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day 5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting 6. 书法:Calligraphy 7. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets 8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 9. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow 10. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 11. 战国:Warring States 12. 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 13. 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 14. 函授部:The Correspondence Department 15. 集体舞:Group Dance 16. 黄土高原:Loess Plateau 17. 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals 18. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 19. 结婚证:Marriage Certificate 20. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 21. 附属学校:Affiliated school 22. 古装片:Costume Drama

23. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 24. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup) 25. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems 26. 火锅:Hot Pot 27. 四人帮:Gang of Four 28. 《诗经》:The Book of Songs 29. 素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education 30. 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 31. 大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement) 32. 《西游记》:The Journey to the West 33. 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 34. 针灸:Acupuncture 35. 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery 36. 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics 37. 偏旁:radical 38. 孟子:Mencius 39. 亭/阁:Pavilion/ Attic 40. 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises 41. 火药:gunpowder 42. 农历:Lunar Calendar 43. 印/玺:Seal/Stamp 44. 物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization


On Translation of Chinese Culture-loaded Words 论中国特色词汇的英译 Introduction Chapter One Chinese Culture-loaded Words 1.1 Definition of Chinese Culture-loaded Words “中国特色词汇”的定义:(从内容与结构两个方面定义) 集中体现中国特有的事物或现象并具有中国语言独有的语言表达形式的一类词汇 1.2 Characteristics of Chinese Culture-loaded Words “中国特色词汇”的特点:(从内容与结构两个方面说明特点) 1.体现中国特色:集中体现中国特有的事物、现象,并往往带有鲜明的时代特 点,涉及政治、经济、社会、文化教育、日常生活等几乎所有领域。(反映的是具有中国特色的事物) 中国特色词汇是相对于普通词汇和外语词汇而言的,是在中外文化交流过程中突显出来的。其往往缺乏直接对应的英文词汇。 这些特殊词汇或表达法语言生动活泼, 形式简洁明了,并且通俗和富有特色,内涵含蓄丰富, 带有丰富的中国文化内涵反映了中国社会在各个时期独特的社会文化现象, 涵 盖政治、经济、文化教育、社会、外交、艺术、科技、网络、日常生活等方方面面。 政治类的,比如,“三讲”,“三通”,“两会代表”,“中国人民政治协商会议”“一00国两制”、“两手抓”、“三个代表”、“三下乡”、“八荣八耻”、“节日腐败”、“双规”、“地方粮票”等;经济类的,比如,“小康”,“龙头企业”,“解困基金”、“包产到户”、“练摊”、“倒爷”、“假日经济”、“黄金周”、“出口创汇”、“回扣”等等;社会类的,如,“安居工程”,“公款吃喝”,“货币化分房”、“托儿”、“红包”、“啃老族”、“毕婚族”、“超女”、“哈日”、“包二奶”、等;文化教育类的:如“禅宗”,“小品”、相声?“高考移民”、“高考状元”、“保送生”、“普九工程”、“希望工程”、“素质教育”等等;生活行为类的,如,“剪彩”,“皈依三宝”等,诸如此类,不胜枚举。 (这些新用语所包括的文化内涵,一开始不为英语国家人民所理解,但随着我国经济文化的繁荣和综合国力的增强,英语国家人民渴望进一步了解中国,他们开始逐步接受其文化中 所没有的这些具有中国特色的用语。) 2.具有中国语言独有的语言表达形式, 包括一些概念、政治术语、短语和汉语 民族文化特色鲜明的词语等。 这些词中, 有些是旧有词汇被赋予了新义, 有些是外来词汇进行了中国化改造, 有些是根据汉语特点新造出来的词汇。从总体上看, 这些特色词汇反映了汉语构词灵活, 内涵丰富的特点, 很难在英语中找到意思一致的词汇或表达, 因此, 给译者带来极 大的困难。 对与其构词灵活的特点,可以做如下分析。汉语的字和词是分开的。汉语的字是有限的,虽然人们还在造新字,但是这是极为有限的。而汉语新词构造却是无限的。汉字的词形较为


最新200份英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 论新闻英语中隐喻的运用及其翻译技巧 2 《紫色》中黑人女性意识的觉醒和成长 3 中美餐桌文化差异比较研究 4 论《献给爱米莉的玫瑰》的艺术创作特征 5 E-learning的理论与实践 6 从引进好莱坞大片看中国意识形态转型: 从集体主义到个人主义 7 从《大象的眼泪》看人与动物的关系 8 A Study on Problems and Strategies in Phonetic Teaching of Spoken English in JEFC 9 辩证论视域下神似与形似的相互关系研究 10 爱伦坡侦探小说中恐怖气氛的营造方法 11 商务英语中的颜色词浅析 12 A Preliminary Study on Racial Discrimination in America 13 从交际方式的角度比较中美课堂差异 14 中美之间宴请礼貌原则的差异以及其产生原因 15 The Relationship Between Character and Destiny: An Analysis of Sense and Sensibility 16 浅析礼貌原则在跨文化交际中的体现 17 普通话对英语语音的迁移作用 18 用陌生化理论阐述《红色手推车》的悲剧色彩 19 浅析科技英语翻译中的逻辑错误 20 《荷塘月色》的两个英译版本的比较研究 21 论“and”的用法和翻译 22 法律英语中情态动词的语用功能及翻译技巧 23 论“迷惘的一代”--以海明威为个案 24 论莎士比亚《尤利乌斯?凯撒》墓地演说中的人际意义的实现手段 25 从《暴风雨》看凯特?肖班的自由派女性主义思想 26 中西方礼仪文化差异比较 27 浅析《简?爱》的主人公简?爱 28 浅析《爱玛》中女主人公的女性意识 29 英语基本味觉词“甜/苦”的隐喻机制 30 Jude the Obscure and Hardy’s World View 31 新课标下初中英语教师角色转变的研究 32 《德伯家的苔丝》环境细节描写的作用 33 英汉基本姿势动词(立、坐、躺)的语义实证比较研究 34 存在主义视角下浅析《太阳照常升起》中杰克和布莱特的爱情 35 简?爱性格魅力分析 36 浅析模糊语在商务谈判中的应用 37 从《爱玛》中的言语反讽看乔拉的反讽理论 38 An Analysis of Conversational Implicature In Pride and Prejudice 39 论企业简介中文到英文的翻译 40 圣经典故的翻译 41 The Use of Symbols in A Farewell to Arms 42 《无名的裘德》中裘德的悲剧探析


2019四级翻译中的中国特色词汇(一)一、汉语的那些秘密 小编啰嗦一句:汉语是世界上最美的文字,没有之一 汉字 Chinese character 单音节 single syllable 汉语四声调 the four tones of Chinese characters 阳平 level tone 阴平 rising tone 上声 falling-rising tone 去声 falling tone 五言绝句 five-character quatrain 七言律诗 seven-character octave 八股文 eight-part essay; stereotyped writing 二、课本中的四书五经你忘了嘛? 四书五经 The Four Books and The Five Classics 1、四书 the Four Books 《大学》 The Great Learning 《中庸》 The Doctrine of the Mean 《论语》 The Analects of Confucius 《孟子》 The Mencius/The Works of Mencius

2、五经 The Five Classics 《春秋》 the Spring and Autumn Annals 《诗经》 The Books of Songs;The Book of Odes 《易经》(《周易》) I Ching; The Book of Changes 《礼记》 The Book of Rites 《尚书》(《书经》) The Books of History


浅析中国特色词汇的翻译技巧 中国历史悠久,文化资源丰富。经济的发展和跨文化交流的日益密切使我们意识到译好中国特色词汇的重要性。本文从中国传统词汇和特色新词两方面简要分析了中国特色词汇的翻译技巧。 标签:中国特色;词汇翻译;翻译技巧 中国在五千年的历史长河中形成了许多具有中国特色的词汇,这些词汇遗留下来成为中华民族无形的瑰宝。近年来,中国经济发展迅速,许多领域中不断涌现出具有中国特色的词汇。跨文化交际,多方面的文化碰撞融合,新词不断涌现。 一、中国特色词汇的特点 (一)独特性 这些词汇所表达的都是具有中国特色的独有的事物、事件,如:馒头、包子、旗袍、唢呐古筝等,这些词汇不存在于西方的文化中,在译成英文时,没有相对应的词汇。或者有些词汇虽然能找到相对应的语言,或表达相同的含义,但译成英文时,却不能译出词汇所包含的文化内涵,如:时辰、元宝等。还有一些词汇简短精练却包含着丰富的传统文化内涵,如:仁、忍、礼、智、信等。中国在经济迅速发展的同时,涌现出来许多新词,如:扶贫工程、小康之家、应试教育等,这些词都带有中国特色,在翻译时只翻译出字面意思是远远不够的。 (二)词汇范围广 政治方面的词汇,如:中国梦、一体化、脱贫致富、五四、温饱等。中国的传统节日如:泼水节、火把节等。经济领域的词汇,如:倒逼、按揭贷款等。医学方面的词汇,如:医托。日常生活中常用到的词汇,如:中国式过马路、异地高考、段子手等等。 二、常用的翻译理论 (一)功能对等理论 美国翻译理论家奈达指出:“翻译使用最恰当、最自然和对等的语言从语义到文体再现源语的信息。”翻译包括四个方面的对等,包括词汇意义、语义、风格和文体的对等,翻译既要表达词汇的表层信息还要传达出词汇的深层文化内涵。 (二)目的论 德国翻译家费梅尔德目的论认为翻译是以原文为基础的有目的和有结果的


各种公司的翻译方法中国常用词汇汉英对照中国食物的的英文表述各种公司的翻译方法 一、通称 公司 company, corporation, firm 母公司 parent company 总公司 head office 有限责任公司 company of limited liability 股份公司 joint stock company 私人公司 private company 股票上市公司 listed company 内资公司 domestic-funded company 独资公司 sole-funded company 内股公司 close company 股权公司 holding company 跨国公司 multinational corporation 外国公司 foreign corporation 地方公司 local company 集团公司 group company 子公司 subsidiary company 分公司 branch company 无限责任公司 company of unlimited liability 股份有限公司 company limited (Ltd.) 公营公司 public company 股票发行公司 stock issuing house 外资公司 foreign-funded company 合资公司 joint venture 控股公司 proprietary company 联营公司 affiliated company 跨业公司 conglomerate 国内公司 domestic corporation 离岸公司 offshore company 二、分类 贸易公司 trading/commercial company 外贸公司 foreign trade corporation 运输公司 transport company 航运公司 shipping company 工程公司 engineering company 投资公司 investment company 咨询公司 consulting company 保险公司 insurance company


怎样把中国的这些特色词汇翻译成英文让外国人懂 中文摘要 中国特色词汇是中国英语研究中相当重要的一部分。中国特色词汇是表达中国文化中的特有事物,其中蕴藏着中国千百年文化的内涵,当中国的文化传出中国走向世界的时候,这些中国特色词汇又是怎样不失原味的被翻译成外语从而被外国人所接受的呢?本文将以中国特 色词汇翻译成英文为例,介绍了一些中国特色词汇的被译成英语的方法,它们分别是音译、直译、意译等,通过这些方法可使大家基本了解中国特色词汇在英语交际是怎样被转换并被使用的,逐渐融合进传统英语中的,以满足人们日常生活中用英语交流的需要。除此之外,还将浅谈中国特色词汇所对应的特别的英文词汇出现的原因之一:中西文化差异造成的词汇空缺。并对文化差异进行细分详细阐述。还将提出一些关于中国特色词汇在英语国家传播的前景的看法。 关键词:中国特色词汇;文化差异;翻译 Chinese Culture-loaded Words and Translation Abstract Chinese culture-loaded words are becoming increasingly important in the study of China English. Chinese culture-loaded words refer to the uniqueness of Chinese items, and of course, contain the connotation of Chinese culture. With the wide spread of Chinese culture to the world, how can they be understood and accepted by foreigners accurately in translation? The paper, by giving a good number of examples, introduces some methods of translating Chinese culture-loaded words, including transliteration, literal translation, free translation and so on. These methods help to understand how Chinese culture-loaded words are transformed into and used in English, and how they gradually integrate into the traditional English and satisfy the demand of communication in English. In addition, the paper is to expose in detail lexical gap caused by cultural differences between the East and the West. Furthermore, it also offers some views on the prospect of the spread of Chinese culture-loaded in English-speaking countries. Key words: Chinese culture-loaded words; culture differences; translation


金帅 优质、高产、耐贮运 优质大果型中早熟品种,果实发育期35-40天,果实圆球形,成熟果金黄色,光滑有光泽,果肉浅桔红色,厚4cm左右,肉质酥脆,中心折光糖含量14%-16%,平均单瓜重2公斤左右,大瓜可达2.5公斤以上。极耐贮运。 Sunshine High quality. High yielding. Suitable for storage and shipment. This mid-early maturity variety enjoys high quality and big fruits, with 35-40 days of fruit development. The round-shaped fruit is golden, smooth and shiny with crispy light orange red flesh. The flesh is 4cm in thickness with sugar content of 14%-16%, Average weight approx. 2 kg, a larger one reaches over 2.5 kg. Suitable for storage and shipment. 金瑞 早熟,优质,易栽培 优质大果型,早熟品种,果实发育期33-36天,果实圆球形,果皮金黄色,光滑有光泽,果肉雪白色,肉厚4.2cm左右,肉质酥软,汁多味甜,中心折光糖含量15-17%。平均单瓜重1.5-1.8公斤,大瓜可达2公斤以上。 Jin Rui Early maturity. High quality. Easy cultivation. This early maturity variety enjoys high quality and big fruits, with 33-36 days of fruit development. The round-shaped fruit is golden, smooth and shiny with white flesh, crispy and juicy. The flesh is 4.2cm in thickness with sugar content of 15-17 %. Average weight approx. 1.5-1.8kg and a larger one reaches over 2.5kg. 金冠 高产、优质 优质大果型中熟品种,果实发育期37-40天,果实圆球形,果皮金黄色,光滑有光泽,果肉白色,肉厚5.0cm左右,肉质细脆,汁多味甜,中心折光糖含量14%-16%。平均单瓜重2.5公斤左右,大瓜可达3公斤以上。耐贮运。 Gold Crown High yielding. High quality. This mid-maturity variety enjoys high quality and big fruits, with about 37-40 days of fruit development. The round-shaped fruit is golden, smooth and shiny with white flesh, crispy and juicy. The flesh is 5.0cm in thickness with sugar content of 14-16%. Average weight approx. 2.5kg and a larger one reaches over 3kg. Suitable for storage and shipment.. 大果金甜 早熟易坐果 早熟种,厚薄皮杂交甜瓜品种,抗病能力极强,果实发育期24-26天,果实椭圆形,成熟果金黄色,果面有棱沟,极易坐果,单株可坐3-4果,果肉白色,平均单瓜重1.2公斤,肉厚3cm左右,中心折光糖含量14%-16%. 适合全国保护地和露地栽培。


中文摘要 特色词汇是中国研究中相当重要的一部分。中国特色词汇是表达中国文化中的特有事物,其中蕴藏着中国千百年文化的内涵,当中国的文化传出中国走向世界的时候,这些中国特色词汇又是怎样不失原味的被翻译成外语从而被外国人所接受的呢?本文将以中国特色词汇翻译成为例,介绍了一些中国特色词汇的被译成英语的方法,它们分别是音译、直译、意译等,通过这些方法可使大家基本了解中国特色词汇在英语交际是怎样被转换并被使用的,逐渐融合进传统英语中的,以满足人们日常生活中用英语交流的需要。除此之外,还将浅谈中国特色词汇所对应的特别的英文词汇出现的原因之一:中西文化差异造成的词汇空缺。并对文化差异进行细分详细阐述。还将提出一些关于中国特色词汇在英语国家传播的前景的看法。 关键词:中国特色词汇;文化差异;翻译 Abstract Chinese culture-loaded words are becoming increasingly important in the study of China English. Chinese culture-loaded words refer to the uniqueness of Chinese items, and of course, contain the connotation of Chinese culture. With the wide spread of Chinese culture to the world, how can they be understood and accepted by foreigners accurately in translation? The paper, by giving a good number of examples, introduces some methods of translating Chinese culture-loaded words, including transliteration, literal translation, free translation and so on. These methods help to understand how Chinese culture-loaded words are


24种作物需肥特性总结 1.西红柿 整个生育期需从土壤中吸收大量养分,主要是氮、磷、钾三要素,以钾最多,氮次之,磷较少。耐肥性强,需肥量大。据测定,每生产1000千克番茄,需吸收氮7.8千克,磷1.3千克,钾15.9千克,CaO2.1千克,MgO0.6千克。一生中对氮、磷、钾、钙、镁5种元素的吸收比例大约为100:26:180:74:18。育苗时,氮、磷、钾的比例为1:2:2,高出的壮苗可提早开花结果,提高结果率。在培育壮苗的基础上,大多带花移栽定植。缓苗后生长缓慢,第一穗花陆续开花、坐果, 此时营养生长和生殖生长同步进行,所需养分逐渐增加。当进入结果期后,吸肥量急剧增加。当第一穗果采收,第二穗果膨大,第三穗果形成时,番茄达到需肥高峰期,定植后一个月内吸肥量仅占总吸收量的10%——13%,其中钾的增加量最低。在以后20天里,吸钾量猛增,其次是磷。各元素吸收顺序为:钾>氮>钙>磷>镁。结果盛期,养分吸收量达最大值,此期吸肥量占总吸收量的50%——80%。此后养分吸收量逐渐减少。幼苗期应以氮肥为主,并注意配施磷肥,可促进叶面积扩大和花芽分化。而第一穗果的盛花期应逐渐增加氮、钾营养。结果盛期,在充分供氮钾的基础上,必须增加磷素营养,尤其保护地栽培,更应注意氮钾的供应,同时还应增施二氧化碳气肥,钙、镁、硼、硫、铁等中量元素和微量元素肥料的配合施用,不仅能提高产量,还能改善其品质,提高商品率。 2.黄瓜 据测定,每生产1000千克黄瓜需从土壤中吸收N1.9——2.7千克, P2O50.8——0.9千克。K2O3.5——4.0千克。氮、磷、钾三者的吸收比例为1:0.4:1.6。黄瓜全生育期需要钾最多,其次是氮。黄瓜定植后30天内吸氮量直线上升,到生长中期吸氮最多,达到吸收高峰。进入生殖生长阶段,黄瓜对磷的吸收剧增,而对氮的需要量略减。黄瓜全生育期都吸收钾,因此黄瓜生产中要注意使用钾肥。 施肥策略:


中国特色词汇翻译研究 中文摘要 中国特色词汇是中国英语研究中相当重要的一部分。中国特色词汇是表达中国文化中的特有事物,其中蕴藏着中国千百年文化的内涵,当中国的文化传出中国走向世界的时候,这些中国特色词汇又是怎样不失原味的被翻译成外语从而被外国人所接受的呢?本文将以中国特 色词汇翻译成英文为例,介绍了一些中国特色词汇的被译成英语的方法,它们分别是音译、直译、意译等,通过这些方法可使大家基本了解中国特色词汇在英语交际是怎样被转换并被使用的,逐渐融合进传统英语中的,以满足人们日常生活中用英语交流的需要。除此之外,还将浅谈中国特色词汇所对应的特别的英文词汇出现的原因之一:中西文化差异造成的词汇空缺。并对文化差异进行细分详细阐述。还将提出一些关于中国特色词汇在英语国家传播的前景的看法。 关键词:中国特色词汇;文化差异;翻译 Chinese Culture-loaded Words and Translation Abstract Chinese culture-loaded words are becoming increasingly important in the study of China English. Chinese culture-loaded words refer to the uniqueness of Chinese items, and of course, contain the connotation of Chinese culture. With the wide spread of Chinese culture to the world, how can they be understood and accepted by foreigners accurately in translation? The paper, by giving a good number of examples, introduces some methods of translating Chinese culture-loaded words, including transliteration, literal translation, free translation and so on. These methods help to understand how Chinese culture-loaded words are transformed into and used in English, and how they gradually integrate into the traditional English and satisfy the demand of communication in English. In addition, the paper is to expose in detail lexical gap caused by cultural differences between the East and the West. Furthermore, it also offers some views on the prospect of the spread of Chinese culture-loaded in English-speaking countries. Key words: Chinese culture-loaded words; culture differences; translation

甜 瓜

甜瓜 一、概述 甜瓜(Cucumis melo),又名“香瓜”、“白啄瓜”。是葫芦科黄瓜属一年生蔓性草本植物,叶心脏形。花单性,黄色,雌雄同株,或为两性花。瓜呈球、卵、椭圆或扁圆形,皮色黄、白、绿或杂有各种斑纹。果肉绿、白、赤红或橙黄色,肉质脆或绵软,味香而甜。性喜高温、干燥和充足的阳光。原产热带,我国各地普遍栽培,品种很多,华北、西北产的香甜味浓,潮湿地区产的水分多味较淡。为夏季的优良果品之一。著名的新疆哈密瓜,即为甜瓜的变种的一个品种。果实的形状、颜色因品种而异,有香味,果皮平滑;种子污白色。广泛栽培于温带至热带地区;我国各地栽培。品种繁多,果实变化较大;可分为数个变种,而园艺上可归属于数个品系,其中菜瓜、哈密瓜和白兰瓜也各属于不同的变种或者品系。果实作水果或蔬菜;瓜蒂和种子药用。原产非洲和亚洲热带地区,中国华北为薄皮甜瓜次级起源中心,新疆为厚皮甜瓜起源中心。鲜果食用为主,也可制作瓜干、瓜脯、瓜汁、瓜酱及腌渍品等。中国、苏联、西班牙、美国、伊朗、意大利、日本等国家普遍栽培,以中国产量最高。

二、主要品种介绍 1.鼎甜雪丽 杂交一代薄皮甜瓜。极早熟,从开花至果实成熟约25天。商品性佳。果实高圆型,丰满,齐整,果皮、果肉似白雪一样美丽,故名“雪丽”;甜度高达17度,特甜;不裂瓜,耐运输;单瓜重500-600克,适应性强。2-6月均可播种,满足市场所需的5月瓜、6月瓜、 7月瓜、8月瓜、9月瓜,获得更好的收入。露地栽培为主。

2.浓香118 杂交一代薄皮甜瓜。极早熟,从开花至果实成熟约25天。品质特佳。果实圆球型,果皮、果肉嫩绿;甜度高达17度;特别是香味浓,俗称“满屋香”,闻之扑鼻,吃之甜脆,远超一般甜瓜。不裂瓜,耐运输;单瓜重500-600克。露地栽培为主。适应性强。2-6月均可播种,满足市场不同时期需求,获得更好的收入。 3.大棚阿雪 杂交一代薄皮甜瓜。极早熟,主蔓生长快,相对耐低温(耐低温能力与黄瓜相当),在温室、大棚内生长良好。座果率高,主蔓、子蔓、孙蔓均坐果;品质好,甜度高(可达18度),特别甜脆,果成熟后,果皮、果肉乳白色,单瓜重700克左右。适宜全国各地保护地种植。


英语六级翻译常考词汇中国特色篇2017年英语六级翻译常考词汇(中国特色篇) 中国的那些戏剧文化 皮影戏shadowplay;leather-silhouetteshow 说书story-telling 叠罗汉makeahumanpyramid 折子戏operahighlights 踩高跷stiltwalk 哑剧pantomime;mime 哑剧演员pantomimist 戏剧小品skit 马戏circusshow 单口相声monologuecomictalk,standupcomedy 特技表演stunt 相声wittydialoguecomedy,comiccrosstalk 杂技acrobatics 京韵大鼓thetraditionalstory-tellinginBeijingdialectwithdrumaccompaniment 秦腔Shaanxiopera 艺术相关词汇

文人menofletters 雅士refinedscholars 表演艺术performingart 现代流行艺术popularart,popart 纯艺术highart 高雅艺术refinedart 电影艺术cinematographicart 戏剧艺术theatricalart 才子佳人giftedscholarsandbeautifulladies 国粹里的那些”术语“ 生(男性正面角色)male(thepositivemalerole) 旦(女性正面角色)female(thepositivefemalerole) 净(性格鲜明的男性配 角)asupportingmalerolewithstrikingcharacter 丑(幽默滑稽或反面角色)aclownoranegativerole 花脸paintedrole 歌舞喜剧musical 滑稽场面,搞笑小噱头shtick 滑稽短剧skit 京剧人物脸谱PekingOperaMask 中国天干地支等 阳历solarcalendar 公历Gregoriancalendar
