


1. 素质教育:Quality Education

2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient

3. 保险业:the insurance industry

4. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas

5. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears

6. 不良贷款:non-performing loan

7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting

8. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas

9. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents

10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers

11. 出口信贷:export credit

12. 贷款质量:loan quality

13. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans

14. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks

15. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project

16. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction

17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels

18. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions

19. 费改税:transformadministrative fees into taxes

20. 跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing

21. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects

22. 国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets

23. 过度开垦:excess reclamation

24. 合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects

25. 积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy

26. 基本生活费:basic allowance

27. 解除劳动关系:sever labor relation

28. 金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision

29. 经济安全:economic security

30. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the deficit to spend more on development

31. 扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand

32. 拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth

33. 粮食仓库:grain depot

34. 粮食收购企业:grain collection and storage enterprise

35. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds

36. 粮食销售市场:grain sales market

37. 劣质工程:shoddy engineering

38. 乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款:arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines

39. 骗汇、逃汇、套汇:obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign owed to the government and illegal arbitrage

40. 融资渠道:financing channels

41. 商业信贷原则:the principles for commercial credit

42. 社会保险机构:social security institution

43. 失业保险金:unemployment insurance benefits

44. 偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税:tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes

45. 外汇收支:foreign exchange revenue and spending

46. 安居工程:housing project for low-income urban residents

47. 信息化:information-based; informationization

48. 智力密集型:concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive

49. 外资企业:overseas-funded enterprises

50. 下岗职工:laid-off workers

51. 分流:reposition of redundant personnel

52. 素质教育:education for all-round development

53. 豆腐渣工程:jerry-built projects

54. 社会治安情况:law-and-order situation

55. 民族国家:nation state

56. “*”:"independence of Taiwan"

57. 台湾当局:Taiwan authorities

58. 台湾同胞:Taiwan compatriots

59. 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分:Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.

60. 西部大开发:Development of the West Regions

61. 可持续性发展:sustainable development

62. 风险投资:risk investment

63. 通货紧缩:deflation

64. 扩大内需:to expand domestic demand

65. 计算机辅助教学:computer-assisted instruction ( CAI )

66. 网络空间:cyberspace

67. 虚拟现实:virtual reality

68. 网民:netizen ( net citizen )

69. 电脑犯罪:computer crime

70. 电子商务:the e-business

71. 网上购物:shopping online

72. 应试教育:exam-oriented education

73. 学生减负:to reduce study load

74. “厄尔尼诺”:(EL Nino)

75. “拉尼娜”:(La Nina)

76. “智商”:(IQ)

77. “情商”:(EQ)

78. “第三产业”:(third/tertiary industry,service sector,third sequence of enterprises)79.“第四产业”:(quaternary/inFORMation industry)

79. “军嫂”:(military spouse)

80. “峰会”(香港译“极峰会议”)”:summit(conference)

81. “克隆”:clone

82. “冰毒”:ice

83. “摇头丸”:dancing outreach

84. “传销”:multi level marketing

85. “(计算机)2000年问题”:Y2K problem(y for year, k for kilo or thousand)

86. “白皮书”:white paper(不是white cover book)

87. “傻瓜相机”:Instamatic(商标名,焦距、镜头均固定,被称为foolproof相机);

88. “白条”:IOU note(IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you 的读音缩略转义而来)

89. “巡回招聘”:milk round(一种招聘毕业生的方式,大公司走访各大学及学院,向求职者介绍本公司情况并与报名者晤谈)。

90. “减员增效”:increase efficiency by downsizing staff;

91. “抓大放小”:manage large enterprises well while ease control over small ones;

92. “市政府要办的X件实事”:x major projects that should be given top priority as designated on the municipal government?s working agenda;

93. “两个基本点”:two focal points,two of the major points of the line set by the 13th Congress of the CPC,I.e.upholding the four cardinal principles and the policies reform,opening to the outside world and invigorating domestic economy。

94. “投资热点”:a region attractive to investors,a muchsought piece of hand,popular investment spot

95. “移动电话”:本系cellular(有时简作cel)或mobile(tele)phone

96. “三角债”:chain debts或debt chains

97. “拳头产品”:knockout product

98. “投诉热线”:dial-a-cheat confidential hotline(打电话告诉一件欺诈事件)

99. “三通”的现译文three links:link of trade,travel and post

100. “外资”:overseas investments

101. “开放”:open to the outside world

102. “联防”:community/teampolicing(一种由警察和辖区居民共同参与的治安管理)

103. “三陪服务”:escort services(陪伴服务)。

104. “五讲四美”:five stresses and four points of beauty

105. “暴利”:excessive/extravagant/exorbitant/sudden huge profit (windfall profit也好)

106. “暴发户”:upstart,parvenu,noov(e),nouveau riche(new rich),jumped-up people(口语)

107. “快餐”:snack(food),quick meal,fast(food,meal),takeaway,carryout,MRE (meals ready to eat)“一次(性/用)”

108. 一次处理:single/primary treatment;

109. 一次污染:primary pollution;

110. 一次冻透:straight;freez-ing;

111. 一次空气:fresh/primary air;

112. 一次爆破:onepull;

113. 一次付清:pay in full;

114. 一次消费:one-time-consumption;

115. 一次误差:first-order error;

116. 一次成像照片:a Polaroid picture;

117. 一次偿还信贷:non-installment;

118. 一次性杯子:sanitary cup;

119. 一次性筷子:disposable chopsticks;

120. 一次性收入:lump-sum payment

121. 一次用包装:non-returnable container;

122. 一次用相机:single-use camera

123. 西部开发:Develop Western Regions

124. 假日经济:Holiday Economy

125. 手机的利与弊:Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cell Phone

126. 传呼机不久将会被淘汰吗?:Can Beepers Be Soon Out of Use?

127. 电脑病毒:Computer Viruses

128. 网上犯罪:Cyber Crimes

129. 旅游热:Tourism Wave

130. 打拐:Cracking Down on the Abduction of Women and Children

131. 反毒斗争:Anti-drug Battle

132. 黑客:Hackers

133. 减负:Reduction of Students? Study Load

134. 中国加入世贸组织:China?s Entry into the WTO

135. 沙尘暴:Sandstorms

136. 告别1999:Farewell to the Special Year 1999

137. 千年虫:The Millennium Bug

138. 千禧年的梦想:My Millennium Dreams

139. 拥抱新千年:Embracing the New Millennium

140. 网上购物:Shopping on the Net

141. 参考书的负面效应:My View on the Negative Effects of Reference Books

142. 因特网的利与弊:Positive and Negative Aspects of Internet

143. 人类第一张基因草图的意义:The Significance of the First Working Draft of Human Genome Map

144. 高校合并:The Merging of Universities

145. 网上求职:Hunting for A Job on Internet

146. 何为新世纪的好老师?:What Is a Good Teacher in the Next Century?

147. 中国的外资:China?s foreign Investment

148. 中国的人才流失:The Talent Flight in China

149. 性教育:Sex Education

150. 明天的因特网:The Future Tomorrows Internet

151. 课堂是以教师为中心还是以学生为中心?:A Teacher-centered Class or A Student-centered Class?

152. 现有的考试制度的利与弊:The Positive and Negative Aspects of Exams and the Existing Examination System

153. 中国的因特网:Internet in China

154. 中国的电脑:Computers in China

155. 中国的大学英语教学:College English Teaching in China

156. 新的收费政策把学生拒之门外了吗?:Does New Tuition Policy Keep Students Away?

157. 家教的利与弊:Positive and Negative Aspects of Home Tutoring

158. 教师,国家的未来:Teachers, A Nation?s Future

159. 电子词典:Electronic Dictionaries

160. 教育应是应试教育还是素质教育:Education: Examination-oriented or


161. 提倡创新精神:Develop Our Creative Mind

162. 计算机辅助教学:CAI/Computer Assisted Instruction

163. 自动取款机的利与弊:Advantages and Disadvantages of the ATM

164. 展望廿一世纪:Looking Forward to the 21st Century

165. 盗版问题:Problem of Piracy

166. 学会如何学习:Learn How to Learn

167. 假文凭:Fake Diplomas

168. 书的不良影响:My View on the Negative Effects of Books

169. 人们为什么热衷于摸彩票?:Why Do People Like to Try Their Luck on Lottery?

170. 兼职工作:My View on a Part-time Job

171. 无偿献血:Blood Donation without Repayment

172. 留学海外:Studying Abroad

173. 发展经济还是保护环境?:Developing Economy or Protecting the Environment?

174. 电子邮件:The Internet E-mail

175. 拥抱知识经济的新时代:Embracing the Knowledge Economy Age

176. 努力更新知识:Trying to Renew Knowledge

177. 深化(中国的)改革:Deepen China?s Reform

178. 因特网的利与弊:The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

179. 我们需要因特网吗?:Do We Need Internet?

180. 大学英语考试:College English Test

181. 大学英语四、六级考试有必要吗?:Is the College English Test Band 4/Band 6 Necessary?

182. 廿一世纪的青年人:The Youth and the 21st Century

关心老龄人care for senior citizens.

贵族学校exclusive school(美); select school(英)

国企下岗职工基本生活保障guarantee of basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises

合理调整就业结构to rationally readjust the employment structure

积极发展民办教育Efforts should be made to develop schools not operated by government education departments.

6.保障妇女就业权利to guarantee women?s right to employment

7.城镇居民最低生活保障guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents

8.在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be made mandatory in urban areas.

9.城镇社会保障体系the social security system in urban areas

10.城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees


社会政治与经济类英语热点词块翻… (11月26日)

·社会政治与经济类英语热点词块翻… (11月26日)

·社会政治与经济类英语热点词块翻… (11月26日)

·社会政治与经济类英语热点词块翻… (11月26日)

·社会政治与经济类英语热点词块翻… (11月26日)

·社会政治与经济类英语热点词块翻… (11月26日)



科学发展观Scientific Outlook on Development


The Scientific Outlook on Development means putting people first and aiming at comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. 科学发展观即“坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观。”

服务型政府service-oriented government


The ultimate goal of building a service-oriented government is to enhance the government's capability and level of service. 建设服务型政府的最终目标是增强政府的执政能力和水平。

三通Three Direct Links


Shorthand for direct links in post, transportation and trade between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan.


中国特色美食地道英文翻译 白菜豆腐焖酥肉:Braised Pork Cubes with Tofu and Chinese Cabbage 鲍鱼红烧肉:Braised Pork with Abalone 鲍汁扣东坡肉:Braised Dongpo Pork with Abalone Sauce 百叶结烧肉:Stewed Pork Cubes and Tofu Skin in Brown Sauce 碧绿叉烧肥肠:Steamed Rice Rolls with BBQ Pork Intestines and Vegetables 潮式椒酱肉:Fried Pork with Chili Soy Sauce,Chaozhou Style 潮式凉瓜排骨:Spare Ribs with Bitter Melon,Chaozhou Style 豉油皇咸肉:Steamed Preserved Pork in Black Sauce 川味小炒:Shredded Pork with Vegetables, Sichuan Style 地瓜烧肉:Stewed Diced Pork and Sweet Potatoes 东坡方肉:Braised Dongpo Pork 冬菜扣肉:Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetables 方竹笋炖肉:Braised Pork with Bamboo Shoots 干煸小猪腰:Fried Pig Kidney with Onion 干豆角回锅肉:Sautéed Spicy Pork with Dried Beans 干锅排骨鸡:Griddle Cooked Spare Ribs and Chicken 咕噜肉:Gulaorou (Sweet and Sour Pork with Fat) 怪味猪手:Braised Spicy Pig Feet 黑椒焗猪手:Baked Pig Feet with Black Pepper 红烧狮子头:Stewed Pork Ball in Brown Sauce 脆皮乳猪:Crispy BBQ Suckling Pig 回锅肉片:Sautéed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chili


1、中国意念词(Chinesenesses) 八卦 trigram 阴、阳 yin, yang 道 Dao(cf. logo) 江湖(世界) the jianghu World (the traits’ world) e.g. You can’t control everything in a traits’ world. (人在江湖,身 不由己) 道 Daoism(Taoism) 上火 excessive internal heat 儒学 Confucianism 红学(《红楼梦》研究) redology 世外桃源 Shangri-la or Arcadia 开放 kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world) 大锅饭 getting an equal share regardless of the work done 不搞一刀切 no imposing uniformity on … 合乎国情,顺乎民意 to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people 乱摊派,乱收费 imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge 铁交椅 iron (lifetime) post’s; guaranteed leading post

脱贫 to shake off poverty; anti-poverty 治则兴,乱则衰 Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline 2、中华民族的喜庆节日(Chinese Festivial) 国庆节 National Day 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival 春节 Spring Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 儿童节 Children’s Day 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 妇女节 Women’s Day 泼水节 Water-Splashing Day 教师节 Teachers’ Day 五四青年节 Youth Day 3、中国独特的传统饮食(Unique Traditional Chinese Foods) 馄饨 wonton 锅贴 guotie (fried jiaozi) 花卷 steamed twisted rolls 套餐 set meal 盒饭 box lunch; Chinese take-away


2017年四级英语翻译中的中国特色词汇 从最近几年的翻译真题中我们不难看出,翻译目前考察的方向多偏向于社会经济、文化等方面,日常复习中我们也要提前储备一些常考话题材料,以下是为大家搜索整理的2017年四级英语翻译中的中国特色词汇,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们网! 一、汉语的那些秘密 啰嗦一句:汉语是世界上最美的文字,没有之一 汉字 Chinese character 单音节 single syllable 汉语四声调 the four tones of Chinese characters 阳平 level tone 阴平 rising tone 上声 falling-rising tone 去声 falling tone 五言绝句 five-character quatrain 七言律诗 seven-character octave 八股文 eight-part essay; stereotyped writing 一、假期霸屏的那些中国四大名著 《三国演义》 Three Kingdoms 《西游记》 Journey to the West; Pilgrimage to the West 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Tales of the Water Margin 《红楼梦》 Dream of the Red Mansions 二、那些我们耳熟能详的经典作品 《史记》 Historical Records

《资治通鉴》 History as a Mirror;Comprehensive History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers 《山海经》 The Classic of Mountains and Rivers 《孝经》 Book of Filial Piety 《孙子兵法》 The Art of War 《三字经》 The Three-Character Scripture;The Three-Word Chant 《西厢记》 The Romance of West Chamber 《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio; Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio 一、近现代大师的佳作 《围城》 Fortress Besieged 《阿Q正传》 The True Story of Ah Q 《吾国吾民》 My Country and My People 《京华烟云》 Moment in Peking 《骆驼祥子》 Rickshaw/James 《茶馆》 Teahouse 《边城》 The Border Town 《倾城之恋》 Love in a Fallen City 《十八春》 (《倾城之恋》)Eighteen Springs 二、中华文化遗产拾珠 重要文化遗产 major cultural heritage 优秀民间艺术 outstanding folk arts 文物 cultural relics 中国画 traditional Chinese painting 书法 calligraphy


广告英语翻译常用词汇 产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好评Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers. 畅销全球 selling well all over the world 典雅大方 elegant and graceful 定型耐久 durable modeling 方便顾客 making things convenient for customers 方便群众 making things convenient for the people; to suit the peo ple's convenience 方便商品 convenience goods 方便生活 bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life; prov iding amenities for the people; making life easier for the popula tion 各式俱全 wide selection; large assortment

顾客第一 Customers first 顾客是我们的皇帝 We take customers as our Gods. 规格齐全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specific ations 花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs 货色齐全 goods of every description are available. 客商第一,信誉第一 clients first, reputation first 款式多样 a great variety of models 款式活泼端庄 vivid and great in style 款式齐全 various styles 款式新颖 attractive designs; fashionable(in) style; novel (in) de sign; up-to-date styling 款式新颖众多 diversified latest designs 美观大方 elegant appearance 美观耐用 attractive and durable 品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购 excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are welcome. 品种多样 numerous in variety 品种繁多 great varieties 品种齐全 complete range of articles; a great variety of goods


中国特色小吃的英文翻译 中式早點 烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns 割包Steamed sandwich 饭团Rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk 饭类 稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 油饭Glutinous oil rice 糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 面类 馄饨面Wonton & noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鴨肉面Duck with noodles 鱔魚面Eel noodles 乌龙面Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles 米粉Rice noodles 炒米粉Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle 汤类

鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 貢丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤Clams soup 牡蛎汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 猪肠汤Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup 甜点 爱玉Vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃Longevity Peaches 芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花Hemp flowers 双胞胎Horse hooves 冰类 绵绵冰Mein mein ice 麦角冰Oatmeal ice 地瓜冰Sweet potato ice 紅豆牛奶冰Red bean with milk ice 八宝冰Eight treasures ice 豆花Tofu pudding 果汁 甘蔗汁Sugar cane juice 酸梅汁Plum juice 杨桃汁Star fruit juice 青草茶Herb juice 点心 牡蛎煎Oyster omelet


金玉满堂:Treasures fill the home 生意兴隆:Business flourishes 岁岁平安:Peace all year round 恭喜发财:Wishing you prosperity 和气生财:Harmony brings wealth 心想事成:May all your wishes come true 吉祥如意:Everything goes well 国泰民安:The country flourishes and people live in peace 招财进宝:Money and treasures will be plentiful 一帆风顺:Wishing you every success 步步高升:Promoting to a higher position 出入平安:Safe trip wherever you go 郎才女貌talented guy and beautiful lady 天缘巧合 a destiny given by heaven and a wonderful match 天作之和 a match by heaven 心心相印 a complete meeting of minds 永结同心to be of one mind forever 相亲相爱to be kind and love to each other 百年好合 a harmonious union lasting a hundred years 永浴爱河bathe in a river of love forever 佳偶天成an ideal couple 百年琴瑟married couple for a hundred years 百年偕老(of a married couple) to stick to each other for a hundred years 花好月圆the flowers are in full bloom, and the moon is full-ideal time for wedding 福禄鸳鸯 a happy wealthy couple 天缘巧合 a destiny given by heaven and a wonderful match 美满良缘 a happy and wonderful marriage 夫唱妇随the man sings, the wife follows - domestic harmony 珠联璧合an excellent match 凤凰于飞 a couple of phoenixes on the wing-happy marriage 美满家庭 a happy family 琴瑟和鸣marital harmony; happy married life 相敬如宾(of a married couple) to respect each other as if the other were a guest 同德同心to be of one mind 宜室宜家to make a harmonious and orderly home breath 鸾凤和鸣harmony in marriage 白头偕老(of a married couple) to stick to each other till the hair turns gray 情投意合to be congenial; to agree in taste and temperament 花开并蒂 a good marriage 美满良缘A happy and wonderful marriage 鸾凤和鸣 1 ,Luan and Phoenix Sing together 2 ,Harmony in marriage


1. 元宵节:Lantern Festival 2. 刺绣:embroidery 3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day 5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting 6. 书法:Calligraphy 7. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets 8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 9. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow 10. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 11. 战国:Warring States 12. 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 13. 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 14. 函授部:The Correspondence Department 15. 集体舞:Group Dance 16. 黄土高原:Loess Plateau 17. 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals 18. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 19. 结婚证:Marriage Certificate 20. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 21. 附属学校:Affiliated school 22. 古装片:Costume Drama

23. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 24. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup) 25. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems 26. 火锅:Hot Pot 27. 四人帮:Gang of Four 28. 《诗经》:The Book of Songs 29. 素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education 30. 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 31. 大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement) 32. 《西游记》:The Journey to the West 33. 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 34. 针灸:Acupuncture 35. 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery 36. 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics 37. 偏旁:radical 38. 孟子:Mencius 39. 亭/阁:Pavilion/ Attic 40. 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises 41. 火药:gunpowder 42. 农历:Lunar Calendar 43. 印/玺:Seal/Stamp 44. 物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization


The Cuisines’ Expressions of Translating 一、以主料开头的翻译方法 1、介绍菜肴的主料和辅料: 公式:主料(形状)+(with)辅料 例:杏仁鸡丁chicken cubes with almond 牛肉豆腐beef with bean curd 西红柿炒蛋Scrambled egg with tomato 2、介绍菜肴的主料和味汁: 公式:主料(形状)+(with/in)味汁 例:芥末鸭掌duck webs with mustard sauce 葱油鸡chicken in Scallion oil 米酒鱼卷fish rolls with rice wine 二、以烹制方法开头的翻译方法 1、介绍菜肴的烹法和主料: 公式:烹法+主料(形状) 例:软炸里脊soft-fried pork fillet 烤乳猪roast suckling pig 炒鳝片Stir-fried eel slices 2、介绍菜肴的烹法和主料、辅料 公式:烹法+主料(形状)+(with)辅料 仔姜烧鸡条braised chicken fillet with tender ginger 3、介绍菜肴的烹法、主料和味汁:

公式:烹法+主料(形状)+(with/in)味汁 例:红烧牛肉braised beef with brown sauce 鱼香肉丝fried shredded pork with sweet and sour sauce 清炖猪蹄stewed pig hoof in clean soup 三、以形状或口感开头的翻译方法 1、介绍菜肴的形状(口感)和主料、辅料 公式:形状(口感)+主料+(with)辅料 例:芝麻酥鸡crisp chicken with sesame 陈皮兔丁diced rabbit with orange peel 时蔬鸡片sliced chicken with seasonal vegetables 2、介绍菜肴的口感、烹法和主料 公式:口感+烹法+主料 例:香酥排骨crisp fried spareribs 水煮嫩鱼tender stewed fish 香煎鸡块fragrant fried chicken 3、介绍菜肴的形状(口感)、主料和味汁 公式:形状(口感)+主料+(with)味汁 例:茄汁鱼片sliced fish with tomato sauce 椒麻鸡块cutlets chicken with hot pepper 黄酒脆皮虾仁crisp shrimps with rice wine sauce 四、以人名或地名开头的翻译方法 1、介绍菜肴的创始人(发源地)和主料


中国成语的英语翻译 1.爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog. 2.百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing. 3.比上不足比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst. 4.笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start. 5.不眠之夜 white night 6.不以物喜不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses 7.不遗余力 spare no effort; go all out; do one's best 8.不打不成交 No discord, no concord. 9.拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul 10.辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new 11.大事化小小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all 12.大开眼界 open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener 13.国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace 14.过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little 15.功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits. 16.好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more 17.好事不出门恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide. 18.和气生财 Harmony brings wealth. 19.活到老学到老 One is never too old to learn. 20.既往不咎 let bygones be bygones 21.金无足赤人无完人 Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect. 22.金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home. 23.脚踏实地 be down-to-earth 24.脚踩两只船 sit on the fence 25.君子之交淡如水 the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal; a hedge between keeps friendship green 26.老生常谈陈词滥调cut and dried, cliché 27.礼尚往来 Courtesy calls for reciprocity. 28.留得青山在不怕没柴烧 Where there is life, there is hope. 29.马到成功 achieve immediate victory; win instant success 30.名利双收 gain in both fame and wealth 31.茅塞顿开 be suddenly enlightened


2019大学英语四级翻译中的中国特色词汇(1)一、汉语的那些秘密 小编啰嗦一句:汉语是世界上最美的文字,没有之一 汉字 Chinese character 单音节 single syllable 汉语四声调 the four tones of Chinese characters 阳平 level tone 阴平 rising tone 上声 falling-rising tone 去声 falling tone 五言绝句 five-character quatrain 七言律诗 seven-character octave 八股文 eight-part essay; stereotyped writing 二、课本中的四书五经你忘了嘛? 四书五经 The Four Books and The Five Classics 1、四书 the Four Books 《大学》 The Great Learning 《中庸》 The Doctrine of the Mean 《论语》 The Analects of Confucius 《孟子》 The Mencius/The Works of Mencius

2、五经 The Five Classics 《春秋》 the Spring and Autumn Annals 《诗经》 The Books of Songs;The Book of Odes 《易经》(《周易》) I Ching; The Book of Changes 《礼记》 The Book of Rites 《尚书》 (《书经》) The Books of History


1. 山寨copycatting This Chinese term literally refers to the mountain strongholds of bandits. First borrowed to describe rip-off products, it has evolved to refer also to homemade products, such as video parodies of movies. 2. 囧be sunk/sunken This is an ancient Chinese character, pronounced "jiong". It means "light shining through a window". Young Chinese use it to express embarrassment, or a bad mood. Look at the character. Doesn't it look like a disappointed face? 3. 很黄很暴力very pornographic, very violent During a CCTV interview about a new Internet censorship regulation, a girl said that an uncensored Web page once popped up on her computer. She called it "very pornographic, very violent". Some believe the girl was told to say it by CCTV, so it is now used to mock the way the network covers news. 4. 槑nuts Pronounced méi, the word is a variant of the word for "梅". But it also looks like a double version of the character 呆(dai), which means stupid. So netizens have borrowed it to mean "very silly or very stupid". 5. 叉腰肌Psoas muscle Xie Yalong, the former head of the Chinese Football Association , once criticized women players, saying they have weak Psoas muscles. (This is the muscle that links the trunk to the legs; it's important for motion.) However, nobody, including the players, knew where the muscle is. This quote is now used to mock Xie, who was recently removed from his position. 6. 打酱油get some soy sauce When a person in Guangzhou was asked to give his opinion of the sex scandal involving Hong Kong star Edison Chen (Chen Guanxi), the man answered, "It is none of my business. I am just out to get some soy sauce." People have since begun using the words to mean "it's none of my business". 7. 泡良族pick-up artists This expression refers to men who seduce married women. 8. 凤凰男Phoenix man


执法部门law-enforcingdepartments 群众组织massorganizations保证将国家机关的工作置于 社会的监督下 toensuretheworksofstateorganizationsbeputunder socialsupervision深入开展反腐败斗争 todeepentheanticorruptioncampaign廉正建设 theconstructionofhonestadministering 社会主义民主政治的核心是人民当家做主,真正享有法律赋予的 各项民主权利. Theessenceandcoreofsocialistdemocraticpoliticsis thatthepeoplearethemastersandtheyreallyenjoyvarious democraticrightsendowedbylaws集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定collectiveleadership, democraticcentralism,case-specificconsultation,decision throughmeeting全心全意为人民服务、立党为公、执政为民servethepeopleheartand soul,workforthepublicandassumespowerforthepeople 社会主义制度socialistsystem 社会变革socialtransformation 建设有中国特色的社会主义事业thecauseofbuildingsocialismwithChinesecharacteristics 中华民族的伟大复兴thegreatrejuvenationoftheChinesenation 小康社会、小康生活well-to-dosociety,well-to-dolife 四项基本原则FourCardinalPrinciples 社会主义初级阶段theprimarystageofsocialism 党管干部的原则 theprincipleofthePartyassumingtheresponsibilityforcadres’affairs集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定 collectiveleadership,democraticcentralism,case-specific consultation,decisionthroughmeeting 基本国策basicstatepolicy 精神文明intellectualandideologicaldevelopment


2019四级翻译中的中国特色词汇(一)一、汉语的那些秘密 小编啰嗦一句:汉语是世界上最美的文字,没有之一 汉字 Chinese character 单音节 single syllable 汉语四声调 the four tones of Chinese characters 阳平 level tone 阴平 rising tone 上声 falling-rising tone 去声 falling tone 五言绝句 five-character quatrain 七言律诗 seven-character octave 八股文 eight-part essay; stereotyped writing 二、课本中的四书五经你忘了嘛? 四书五经 The Four Books and The Five Classics 1、四书 the Four Books 《大学》 The Great Learning 《中庸》 The Doctrine of the Mean 《论语》 The Analects of Confucius 《孟子》 The Mencius/The Works of Mencius

2、五经 The Five Classics 《春秋》 the Spring and Autumn Annals 《诗经》 The Books of Songs;The Book of Odes 《易经》(《周易》) I Ching; The Book of Changes 《礼记》 The Book of Rites 《尚书》(《书经》) The Books of History


传统中国美食的英文词汇: 烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns 割包Steamed sandwich 饭团Rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk 米浆Rice & peanut milk 饭类~ 稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 油饭Glutinous oil rice 糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 面类~ 馄饨面Wonton & noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鸭肉面Duck with noodles

鹅肉面Goose with noodles 鳝鱼面Eel noodles 乌龙面Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 蚵仔面线Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles 米粉Rice noodles 炒米粉Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle 汤类~ 鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 贡丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤Clams soup 蚵仔汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 猪肠汤Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤Pork thick soup 花枝汤Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup 甜点~ 爱玉Vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃Longevity Peaches 芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花Hemp flowers


最新200份英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 论新闻英语中隐喻的运用及其翻译技巧 2 《紫色》中黑人女性意识的觉醒和成长 3 中美餐桌文化差异比较研究 4 论《献给爱米莉的玫瑰》的艺术创作特征 5 E-learning的理论与实践 6 从引进好莱坞大片看中国意识形态转型: 从集体主义到个人主义 7 从《大象的眼泪》看人与动物的关系 8 A Study on Problems and Strategies in Phonetic Teaching of Spoken English in JEFC 9 辩证论视域下神似与形似的相互关系研究 10 爱伦坡侦探小说中恐怖气氛的营造方法 11 商务英语中的颜色词浅析 12 A Preliminary Study on Racial Discrimination in America 13 从交际方式的角度比较中美课堂差异 14 中美之间宴请礼貌原则的差异以及其产生原因 15 The Relationship Between Character and Destiny: An Analysis of Sense and Sensibility 16 浅析礼貌原则在跨文化交际中的体现 17 普通话对英语语音的迁移作用 18 用陌生化理论阐述《红色手推车》的悲剧色彩 19 浅析科技英语翻译中的逻辑错误 20 《荷塘月色》的两个英译版本的比较研究 21 论“and”的用法和翻译 22 法律英语中情态动词的语用功能及翻译技巧 23 论“迷惘的一代”--以海明威为个案 24 论莎士比亚《尤利乌斯?凯撒》墓地演说中的人际意义的实现手段 25 从《暴风雨》看凯特?肖班的自由派女性主义思想 26 中西方礼仪文化差异比较 27 浅析《简?爱》的主人公简?爱 28 浅析《爱玛》中女主人公的女性意识 29 英语基本味觉词“甜/苦”的隐喻机制 30 Jude the Obscure and Hardy’s World View 31 新课标下初中英语教师角色转变的研究 32 《德伯家的苔丝》环境细节描写的作用 33 英汉基本姿势动词(立、坐、躺)的语义实证比较研究 34 存在主义视角下浅析《太阳照常升起》中杰克和布莱特的爱情 35 简?爱性格魅力分析 36 浅析模糊语在商务谈判中的应用 37 从《爱玛》中的言语反讽看乔拉的反讽理论 38 An Analysis of Conversational Implicature In Pride and Prejudice 39 论企业简介中文到英文的翻译 40 圣经典故的翻译 41 The Use of Symbols in A Farewell to Arms 42 《无名的裘德》中裘德的悲剧探析
