


Language is a way to communicate with each other. Westarted to learn language when we were born. However, people are used to speaking their native language, so immigrants are having many problems between the first generation and the second generation because they don't have the same native language. Also, the second generation is losing their identity. Especially in America, there are many immigrants that came from different countries to succeed in the States. Because they suffer in lots of areas such as getting a job and trying to speak English, they want their children to speak English, not only at school, but also at home in order to be more successful. Because of this situation, their children are losing their ethnic identity and, even more, they are ignoring their parents whose English is not very good.

I think most immigrants are trying to preserve their native language in their new country, but this doesn't help very much in getting a good job. My aunt didn't teach Korean to her children in order to help them succeed in the US; she did so, hopefully, to help them establish a Korean identity. Though the second generation is born in the new country, they often get confused about their identity. My cousins told me that when they visited Korea a few years ago, they felt different from other Koreans. They could even feel it just strolling around the street because they wore different clothes.

We must realize that language is important and valuable for many reasons. Immigrants should make an effort not to be ignored by their children and to make their children understand their heritage by teaching them the parents' language. This is important in helping the second generation establish their identity.

1.Which people are having trouble with language?

A. Natives.

B. People of the 2nd generation.

C. People when born.

D. Immigrants.

2. Why are children ignoring their parents?

A. Children have lost their identity.

B. Parents cause children to suffer.

C. They speak different languages.

D. They have different job levels.

3. The author's aunt taught Korean ________.

A. so she could preserve her language

B. so she would have a job in America

C. to help children succeed in their new country

D. to help children keep their Korean identity

4. The author's cousins felt ________.

A. they were not similar to people in Korea

B. they could not get a job in America

C. it was all right to look and feel different

D. it was important to keep their identity

5. A proper title for this passage is ________.

A. The Identity of the Second Generation

B. Korean Problems in America

C. Learning a New Language in the US

D. Keeping Your Culture in a New Land

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.

Two similar-sounding English words caused trouble for a man who wanted to fly from Los Angeles to Oakland, California. His problems began at the airport in Los Angeles. He thought he heard his flight announced, so he walked to the gate, showed his ticket, and got on the plane. After flying for twenty minutes, the man began to worry. Oakland was north of Los Angeles, but the plane seemed to be heading west, and when he looked out his window all he could see was ocean. "Is this plane going to Oakland?" he asked the flight attendant (服务员). The flight attendant was shocked. "No," she said. "We're going to Auckland-Auckland, New Zealand."

English is not the only language with similar-sounding words. Other languages, too, have words that can cause mistakes, especially for foreigners.

Auckland and Oakland. When similar-sounding words cause a mistake, probably the best thing to do is just laugh and learn from it. Of course, sometimes it's hard to laugh. The man who traveled to Auckland instead of Oakland didn't feel like laughing. But even that mistake turned out all right in the end. The airline (航空公司) paid for the man's hotel room and meals in New Zealand and for his flight back to California. "Oh well," the man later said, "I always wanted to see New Zealand."

6. The main topic of this passage is ________.

A. mistakes made by people in airports

B. troubles experienced by foreigners in a new country

C. difficulties had by people when taking a plane

D. problems caused by words that sound alike

7. She told him the plane would arrive in ________.

A. Oakland

B. Auckland

C. Los Angeles

D. California

8. The man realized something was wrong when ________.

A. he landed in Oakland, California

B. he saw that the flight attendant was shocked

C. he noticed the direction of the plane

D. he walked up to the gate

9. The sentence "Oh well, I always wanted to see New Zealand." reflects ________.

A. the man's sense of humor

B. the man's frustration

C. the man's disappointment

D. the man's despair

10. According to the passage one proper way to deal with a mistake caused by similar-sounding words is ________.

A. to have a sharp ear

B. to learn a good pronunciation

C. to speak clearly and slowly

D. to laugh and learn from it

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage or dialog.

Yinlan looked at the people sitting around the table and smiled with satisfaction. Everyone in her family was there—her children, her grandchildren, and her new great-grandson, just one month old. Her whole family had come to celebrate the Harvest Moon Festival (节日).

Two days after the Harvest Moon Festival, Yinlan died peacefully in her sleep. Her family was sad but at the same time grateful. They felt happy that they had been able to celebrate the Harvest Moon Festival with her one last time. Everyone said it was remarkable that Yinlan had died just two days after the holiday.

Actually, the timing of Yinlan's death was not remarkable at all. Recently sociologists (社会学家) studied the death rate among elderly Chinese women in California. They discovered that the death rate drops 35 percent before the Harvest Moon Festival and then rises 35 percent. Sociologists believe that these changes in death rate show the mind's power over the body. The Harvest Moon Festival, when families gather, is important to elderly Chinese women. Apparently some women are able to postpone (推延) their deaths so that they can celebrate the festival one last time.

The idea that people can postpone the time of their deaths is not new. Many families tell stories of a relative who held on to life until after an important event. The stories people tell, however, are just that: stories. They are not proof that people can postpone their deaths. The sociologists' work is important because the sociologists studied facts, not stories. The facts—the drop and rise in death rates—prove that people really can postpone their deaths.

11. When did Yilan die?

A. During the Harvest Moon Festival .

B. Before going to sleep.

C. Just before the Harvest Moon Festival.

D. A couple days after the Harvest Moon Festival.

12.The writer tells us the story of Yilan to let us know that _________.

A. the Harvest Moon Festival is important to elderly Chinese women

B. Chinese families get together to enjoy the Harvest Moon Festival

C. families are often sad during the Harvest Moon Festival

D. people may be able to put off death for an important event

13. Where did the study take place?

A. China.

B. Yilan's home.

C. Festival grounds .

D. California.

14. What does the author describe as "not new"?

A. The work of sociologists.

B. Proof of postponing death.

C. The Harvest Moon Festival.

D. Stories of putting off death.

15. What provides us with proof?

A. The stories of family members .

B. The numbers showing death rates.

C. The important events.

D. The postponing of death.



Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.

Engineers of the Woods

In the forests of North America, where the winters are often long and cold, small lakes can be found along the streams. Sometimes these lakes are natural, sometimes they are man-made, and sometimes

they are the constructions of beavers (海狸). You can tell a beaver lake by its dam. To make the dams, the beavers lay sticks and branches on top of each other to form an effective barrier against the water of the stream. Near the dam the beavers lay sticks and branches. Usually this barrier is similar to a small island in a lake. This is the house where a beaver family spends the winter, protecting themselves from enemies and from the cold. The beavers are able to keep dry in the center of the house, which is above water level.

The beavers work hard to make their house. They cut down trees, gather branches and put them together with mud. Most of the summer is spent on this kind of work, but in winter the beavers' work pays off. Their house protects them from bears as well as the cold.

The beaver is related to animals such as rats and mice. The beaver, however, is much bigger than his relatives. An adult beaver may weigh more than 50 pounds, and his body may be about three feet long. His tail will add ten to twelve more inches to his length. His back feet are webbed, which help him swim rapidly. His front feet are similar to a pair of strong hands. With them he can carry wood and stones. His eyes, nose and ears are small, but he has two huge front teeth. These teeth are always growing, and he must keep them sharp by constant use. The teeth of an adult beaver are yellow from the bark of trees that he bites.

Men attach great value to the beaver because beavers can be sold to make expensive clothing. Beavers have almost disappeared from Europe because trappers (设阱捕兽者) have killed so many of them. Beavers might easily have become extinct in America, too, but laws were passed to protect them before they were all killed.

The beaver likes family life, and lives with the same mate all his life. Several young—usually two to five—are born every year. The little beavers stay with their parents for two years before mating and setting out on their own. They share the work of building dams, constructing homes and raising the young.

When there are too many beavers in one place, some of them will group together in another place. They usually choose a spot near some fairly deep lake or river, where there are trees. The bark of trees is eaten as food. Then the wood is used for building.

Sometimes the lodges are built on the bank of the water, but usually they are built on an island in the water. If there is no island already there, the beavers make one by piling sticks and mud on the bed of the river until the top is a few inches above the level of the water. The top is carpeted with small pieces of wood leaves. A roof of sticks and lots of mud is then built over this "floor". Food for the winter is taken to the lodge before the weather gets too cold. Some of it—the larger pieces—is stored on the bottom of the lake or river, near the entrance to a tunnel leading up to the lodge. There are sometimes several such entrances, under the surface of the water. Wood that is kept under water may be stuck in the mud, or weighted down with stones.

Beavers prefer to work at night. One beaver, on a single night, can cut down a tree that is eight inches around. After cutting down the tree, the beaver cuts the trunk into pieces that can be carried. He uses these as the base for the dam. A small dam may be enlarged after several years, in order to flood a

large surface and provide living space for more beavers. Under favorable conditions, a dam may last for a hundred years or more. Naturally, other animals use these dams as bridges, forcing the beavers to keep the dams in good repair. The dams must be strong enough to hold up against the pressure of ice in spring and sometimes, holes are made by the beavers, after heavy rains, to allow excess water to run off.

Another type of work beavers do is canal digging. When they have used up the good trees near their home, they must bring more wood from farther away. To accomplish this, they may dig a canal (运河) to float the trees to the place where they are needed.

Beaver dams help people because they prevent floods and bring water to farms. It is fortunate that these animals have not been allowed to disappear completely.

1. The stick and branch dams made by beavers are similar to ________________.

A. houses where people spend the winter

B. small islands in a lake

C. barriers against the water of the stream

D. dams that are man-made

2. Beavers spend most of the summer ________________.

A. hiding from bears

B. making their house

C. keeping cold

D. looking for mice and rats

3. To help it swim quickly, a beaver has ________________.

A. small ears

B. strong front feet

C. a long tail

D. webbed back feet

4. ________________ have (has) protected beavers from becoming extinct.

A. Family life

B. Europe

C. Laws

D. Trappers

5. Beavers usually choose to live ________________.

A. in one place

B. near some deep lakes or rivers with food

C. near some deep lakes or rivers with trees

D. near the dams of rivers

6. On the bottom of the lake or river, beavers store ________________.

A. large pieces of food

B. small pieces of wood leaves

C. wood and stones

D. sticks and lots of mud

7. In only one night, a beaver can ________________.

A. build a small dam

B. cut down a tree

C. repair a dam

D. make more living space

8.After heavy rains, beavers make holes in the dam to let excess water-


9.Beavers dig canals to _____________from the places farther away to the places where they are


10.Preventing floods and bringing water to farms are two ways that beaver



run off float the trees help people


So long as teachers fail to distinguish between teaching and learning, they will continue to undertake things for children that children can only do for themselves. Teaching children to read is not passing reading on to them. It is certainly not endless hours spent in activities about reading. Douglas insists that "reading cannot be taught directly and schools should stop trying to do the impossible."

Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes. They differ in kind and function. The function of teaching is to create the conditions and the climate that will make it possible for children to devise the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read. Teaching is also a public activity: it can be seen and observed.

Learning to read involves all that each individual does to make sense of the world of printed language. Almost all of it is private, for learning is an occupation of the mind, and that process is not open to public examination.

If teacher and learner roles are distinguishable, how can teaching aid the child in the quest for knowledge? Smith has one principal rule for all teaching instructions. "Make learning to read easy, which means making reading a meaningful, enjoyable and frequent experience for children."

When the roles of teacher and learner are seen for what they are, and when both teacher and learner fulfill them appropriately, then much of the pressure and feeling of failure for both is eliminated. Learning to read is made easier when teachers create an environment where children are given the opportunity to solve the problem of learning to read by reading.

1.The problem with the reading course as mentioned in the first paragraph is that ________.

A. it is one of the most difficult school courses

B. too much time is spent in teaching about reading

C. students spend endless hours in reading

D. reading tasks are assigned with little guidance

2.The teaching of reading will be successful if ________.

A. teachers can enable students to develop their own way of reading

B. teachers can improve conditions at school for the students

C. teachers can devise the most efficient system for reading

D. teachers can make their teaching activities observable

3.The word "examination" at the end of Paragraph 3 most probably means "________".

A. inquiry

B. observation

C. control

D. suspicion

4.According to the passage, learning to read will no longer be a difficult task when ________.

A. children become highly motivated

B. teacher and learner roles are identical

C. teaching helps children in the search for knowledge

D. reading enriches children's experience

5.The main idea of the passage is that ________.

A. teachers should do as little as possible in helping students learn to read

B. teachers should encourage students to read as widely as possible

C. reading ability is something acquired rather than taught

D. reading is more complicated than generally believed

Society usually tends to focus on the negative side of inner-city schools. Many people like to stereotype (模式化) these schools which, while these general statements may be true in some cases, tend to be worse most of the time. People think that the students of these schools receive inferior educations. My school, an inner-city school named St. Ignatius, is regarded as one of the best in the state. People also believe that violence occurs on a daily basis, both in the school itself and in the nearby city. I cannot even remember a serious fight at St. Ignatius. People who think that the teachers at inner-city schools lack love for their job worsen this typical stereotype even further. My teachers not only had a love for teaching, but they were also able to cultivate a love for learning in their students.

Take Mrs. Borroni, my Spanish teacher, for example. She would often take time out of her class to tell her students about the numerous activities after class with which we should get involved. She loved her job so much that she stayed after school every day to moderate activities such as "Amnesty International" (an international organization that protects human rights) and the Spanish Club. Her students, including me, joined all of the clubs which she moderated just because she made them so interesting.

After reading all of this, most people would argue that St. Ignatius should not be considered a true "inner-city school". While this may hold some truth, I am arguing that my life was greatly enriched simply because of the school's location in the middle of Cleveland, as opposed to a poor suburban area.

6.What do people often think negatively about?

A. Inner-city schools.

B. Stereotypes.


一、中考英语阅读理解汇编 1.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。 What will the world of the future be like? There are plenty of people who are happy to give their opinion of what we will be doing in 2050. Here are two predictions about the world of tomorrow. When we dream about the future, many like to think of owning a personal flying car. The advantages are obvious. This technology would allow total freedom of movement. We could fly at 480 km per hour, avoiding traffic lights and busy roads. However, some people believe there will be problems with traffic control. If the cars become popular, there is likely to be air traffic jam. Another big problem is mechanical failure. What will happen if the cars stop working? These are problems we must expect if flying cars become a reality. Three-dimensional printing is another new technology with exciting possibilities. 3D printers are used to build an object with liquid plastic. They build the object layer by layer until it is complete. Car companies already use 3D printers to make life-size models of car parts, and medical companies use the technology to make man-made body parts. As we move into the future, 3D printing will revolutionize the way we shop, the way we manufacture and the way we treat sick people. The disadvantage is that such equipment will be extremely expensive. So in the future, we might be able to fly to work or print out new shoes. Although there are some problems to solve before this will be possible, we can certainly dream of a world where technology makes life easier and safer for millions of people. (1)What is the passage mainly about? A. Environmental protection. B. The world of tomorrow. C. Advantages of technology. (2)What do we learn from the passage? A. Some people think technology development may bring new problems B. 3D printing can bring great changes to our life and its equipment is cheap. C. The flying cars won't bring air traffic jam even when they become popular.

初中英语阅读教学设计与案例分析 继续教育张银发

初中英语阅读教学设计与案例分析 赵文娟 (北京市朝阳区教研中心初中英语教研员中学高级 ) 一、初中英语阅读教学概述 Do you believe…? We learn to read by reading. The best way to improve your knowledge of a foreign language is to go and live among its speakers. The next best way is to read extensively in it. 阅读是读者从语篇中获取信息的过程。著名语言学家 Christine Nuttall认为,作者将自己头脑中的信息编码,形成语篇,读者再把语篇解码,获取信息。 阅读活动各环节的设置应注重其心理效应、突出语言的实践性和语篇的整体性。 阅读是读者与文章的交互过程。 传统观点认为阅读就是要从文章中获取信息,了解文章的内容就是达到了阅读的目的。然而现在语言学家们提出了新的看法。“ 阅读是一个语言心理的猜测过程” ( Goodman )。读者在对语言层次的词语进行解码的同时,也在运用自己的知识(事实和社会文化方面的知识、有关阅读材料话题的知识、文章结构组织的知识、情景上下文的知识等)对文章的下文进行预测,阅读检验自己的预测、修订自己的预测、进行新的预测…… 整个阅读过程实际上就是读者与文章的交互过程。 只有当低层次阅读和高层次阅读共同作用时,才能实现流利阅读的目的。这样的阅读才能激发学生的思维能力、想象能力和创造能力,而这,也正是我们阅读教学的目的。

阅读教学的定义 《英语课程标准》指出:“ 语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力。听和读是理解的技能,说和写是表达的技能;这四种技能在语言学习和交际中相辅相成、相互促进。学生应通过大量的专项和综合性语言实践活动,形成综合语言运用能力。为真实语言交际打基础。(《英语课程标准》,第 9 页) 英语课程标准》阅读五级要求: 1 .能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义; 2 .能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系; 3 .能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局; 4 .能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料; 5 .能根据不同阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息; 6 .能利用字典等工具书进行学习; 7 .除教材外,课外阅读量达到 5 万词以上 ,累计 15万字。 阅读教学的目的 教师通过开展有效的阅读教学活动,培养学生良好的英语阅读习惯,使学生在轻松愉快的环境下获取信息,得到感知语言的能力,从而达到全面提高英语能力的目的。


小学英语阅读教学案例 Topic: My family Teaching aims: 1、Learn these new words and phrases: university, nature, Beijing Opera, be fo nd of , be strict with,How happy we are! 2、Can understand and read this passage by themselves. 3、Can talk about their own families with these words and phrases. Teaching Steps: 1、Sing a song: ‘If you’re happy’(Ss sing the song and do some actions) (借助歌曲开始课堂教学,活跃气氛。同时选用与本课内容紧密结合的歌曲,也为新知的呈现埋下伏笔,自然导出How happy we are! ) 2、Free talk: Hello, what’s your name? How old are you? What can you do? W hat do you like? (I like…) I see , you are fond of… Teach: be fond of ( on—fond---be fond of ) What are you fond of ?(I’m fond of…) (采用Free talk的形式,其目的主要是以旧引新,在相互问候的同时,自然的引出新知,体现教学的无痕。) 3、Presentation: (1)介绍father ①.Look , this is my father. Guess, wh at’s he fond of? He’s fond of cars.(媒体呈现图片及句子) ②.Every week he drives his car to Shanghai, because he works in a university in Shanghai. (媒体呈现图片及句子) Teach : university(unit---university),read the sentence. ③.He’s a teacher. He teaches English. (Ss read a fter the T) (媒体呈现图片及句子)


初中英语阅读课堂教学案例 阅读理解是英语学习中必须具备的能力之一,有助于巩固和扩大词汇、丰富语言知识,提高运用语言的能力。可以训练学生的思维能力、理解能力、概括能力与判断能力。加强阅读训练可以为学生创造大量获取语言知识和大量运用语言的机会和条件。既可以培养学生对语篇进行分析、综合并从中获取信息的能力,也能培养学生的审美情趣。培养阅读能力也是教学大纲中规定的中学英语教学目标之一,所以阅读课在我们平时的英语教学中尤为重要,怎样上好阅读课成为英语教师教学中的关键。以下根据自己近些年的教学经验,对初中英语阅读理解教学模式进行初步的探究和分析。 教学模式总结如下: Presentation(导入)——skimming(粗读)——listening and reading (听读)——scanning(跳读)——intensive reading(细读)——retellin g(复述)——discussing(讨论)——writing(写作)——summary(小结)。 现以初中英语人教版九年级Unit 12 Section B 3a中的一篇短文为例,进行说明。 Step 1:Presentation(导入) 本篇文章主要讲述法国的风俗,所以可以通过讲述一个因为语言差异所产生的误解的笑话导入,以此引起学生对课文产生兴趣,使学生更快的进入学习状态。 Step 2:Skimming

这一步是为掌握文章大意而进行的阅读,要求学生读后概括文章的大意,并且设计一些简单的问句让学生进行回答。 What does Wang Kun do? Where is she now? What’s the article mainly about? Step 3:Listening and reading 让学生边听边读,并且在听读的过程中找出文章的重点词汇、短语、句子。并且进行解决,扫除学生阅读中存在的一部分障碍,但要注意知识点的讲解要尽量简练,并且要引导和培养学生根据上下文猜词的能力。 Step 4:Scanning 这是一种为寻求特点细节放弃大部分容,只注意某一点或某几点的阅读方式,要求学生根据老师提出的问题进行跳跃式的阅读,找出问题的主要信息。在此环节中提醒学生不要逐词逐句看课文,要讲究速度。在最短的时间找出问题的答案。在此期间老师要出示以下问题: How many table manners are mentioned in the passage ? What are th ey ? be supposed to do be not supposed to do Step 5:Intensive reading


英语阅读理解专项习题及答案解析及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Every day I see advertisements in the newspapers and on the buses claiming that it is easy and quick to learn English. There is even a reference to William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens to encourage learners even more. When I see advertisements like this, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. But many people must believe these ridiculous claims, or else the advertisements would not appear. Of course it is clear that students who go to England to learn English have a great advantage over others, but too many cannot afford to do so. Some go to the opposite extreme and think they can teach themselves at home with dictionaries. But it is wrong to assume that each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language, let alone produces good pronunciation and intonation. Most teaching is still based on behaviorist psychology. Behaviorists are fond of making students repeat phrases and making sentences. If we were parrots or chimpanzees, these methods might be successful. A large number of theorists seem to think it is a pity we aren't, because it would make it easier to use their methods. In my personal opinion, no one can ever learn to speak English or any other language unless he is interested in it. Human beings, unlike parrots and chimpanzees, do not like making noises unless they understand what the noises mean and can relate them to their own lives. It is worth remembering that language is a means of communication. What they listen to and read cannot be a formula. It must be real. There is another relevant point worth mentioning here. We need other people to talk to and listen to when we communicate. They can work with us and practice the unfamiliar forms with us in real situations, talking to each other about real life language. (1)Many people believe advertisements in the newspapers and on the buses probably because . A. they are encouraged by William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens B. they are eager to learn and then believe them C. the ways advertised can help them to save time and efforts D. the ways advertised prove effective and helpful (2)What may behaviorists argue towards English learning? A. Human beings make more interesting noises than parrots and chimpanzees. B. Human beings should relate their speech to their own lives. C. Language is a formula with lots of repetitions and practices. D. Language is a means of communication. (3)What opinion does the author hold? A. A quick method that suits all the students does exist. B. English can be mastered within a very short period of time. C. Each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language. D. No one can learn English well without being interested in it.


谈初中英语阅读课教学案例 吉林省桦甸市金沙中学:王欣平 一、背景 现行初中英语教材具有很多的优点,但由于学生认知水平的发展具有规律性,教师只有充分认识和掌握这种规律,并结合教学实际,合理设计教学程序,充分发挥学生的主体作用,教学相长,才能达到教学效果的最优化。 二、教材分析 1、话题:本课时选择的是初二英语课本第四单元How often do you exercise?中的一篇文章,主要是围绕本单元的中心任务“Food and lifestyles ”而展开的。 2、内容:这篇文章讲述了很多学生平时的饮食和生活习惯。通过学习,让学生明白什么是健康的饮食和生活习惯 3、目标:(1)理解课文内容,知道如何捕捉细节。 (2)根据图片猜测大意。 (3)引导学生掌握模仿主题进行描述的技巧, 形成根据主题理解文章细节并能分辨是非的能力。 Step 1: Warming–up activities (一)Free Talk: To ask the student on duty to make a speech: “What is my favorite food?” 设计思路:以讨论日常生活的话题进入,可以活跃课堂气氛。同时,由于每天都有值日生报告,可以锻炼学生的书写和口头表达能力。另外,在交流过程中,也互相锻炼了学生的听力水平。 (二)1.Revise some names of food (Let the students speak freely.)

2. To show the students beautiful pictures of food During the talking,the teacher can write some of them on the Bb, especially some new words: fruit, sweet, bread, meat, juice. 3. To ask the students to ask and answer: “What is it?”,“Do you like it?” 设计思路:(1)通过感性的图片教学,可以进一步调动学生的学习积极性。 (2)让学生相互问答,了解食物的名称,在交流中培养他们的合作精神和解决问题的能力。 (三)Discussion : (1)What food can we eat a lot? (2) Do you think … is good for our health? (3) Which is your favorite? 设计思路:通过有趣的话题极大地激发学生的好奇心,为进入正文教学打下基础。最后向学生展示有关食物的相关链接(P67)-- “Healthy Eating”,并让他们参与讨论,知道哪些才是正确的饮食。 教学后记:针对上述教学设计和课堂教学活动,笔者有以下三点体会:(1)本活动在设计上比较符合学生的认知水平,能激发学生完成任务的兴趣和参与活动的热情。(2)能使阅读前的“Warming–up activities”真正发挥“热身”的作用。这就为顺利开展之后的多个活动打下了基础。(3)上课伊始就顺利切入主题,中间过渡自然,言语富有鼓励性和启发性,能使学生产生强烈的共鸣。 Step 2: Reading (一)Listening and scanning: 1. What do students want to be? 2. What do students eat for breakfast now?


用,分享了英语阅读教学设计,一起来看看吧! (一)、教学材料 自选阅读材料《the first transcontinental railroad》,摘自Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum. (二)、教学课型:(45分钟) 本课是一节基于互惠式教学理论设计的英语阅读课。通过互惠式学习的四个步骤:Prediction; Clarification; Questioning; Summary,教师引导学生对文章进行阅读猜测,阅读难点澄清,设计问题最后对文章进行总结,旨在训练学生自主的阅读能力。 (三)、教学理念和总体思路 交互式教学是一种学生合作互动式的学习方法,其理论基础是维果茨基的最近发展区理论和社交互动理论。该教学方法涉及高度的人际互动和合作,学生逐步学会帮助同伴构建文本意义。过程包括四步:总结、设问、澄清和预测,在这样的一个过程中学生从旁观者转为表演者。这种学习中的互动可发生在生生之间,也可发生在师生之间。例如总结这个环节可以帮助学生将文本中最重要的信息,主题和观点识别、释义、集合、整理成为更清晰和简洁的表达。而澄清这一步可以让学生对于不清楚的难点疑点做一弥补和加强。 (四)、教学内容分析 本篇阅读材料摘自一篇讲话稿,是对中国劳工对于美国大陆铁路建设的贡献的肯定和赞扬。结构上看,有一条比较清晰的时间轴,按照缘由、过程和结果的顺序。从文体上来说,这篇演讲稿中记叙描写的部分很多。内容上看,文章涉及到历

史背景,文化背景,学习这篇文章,需要学生提前对历史文化有所了解,才能更深刻地理解文章的意义。根据阅读材料的特点设计了有针对性的问题和活动,一步步引导学生的阅读。 (五)、教学目标 (1)知识和能力目标 a. 让学生认识了解美国第一条跨大陆铁路的历史及其重要意义; b. 让学生学习并了解中国劳工的贡献; c. 培养学生的批判性思维能力和人文素养; (2)过程与方法目标 a. 通过历史背景介绍引入话题; b. 通过预测,知识点讲解,小组讨论,总结复习四步进行让学生完成阅读任务,掌握内容,升华知识点和意识。 (3)情感态度和价值观目标 a. 学习并欣赏中国劳工的勤劳、坚韧; b. 让学生通过学习认识科学发展的重要性,培养忧国忧民意识和爱国之情。 (六)、教学重点和难点 (1)美国大陆铁路修建的重要意义; (2)理解并认识中国劳工对美国铁路行业的贡献并学习他们的坚忍不拔的意志和顽强的生命力。 (七)、教学方法


运用思维导图指导小学五年级英语阅读课的教学案例 本课是新译林版小学英语教材的五年级上册教材中的内容,本套教材是小学三年级起点的,也就是说孩子们已经学过两年多的英语,他们已经有一定的英语基础,他们已经具备一定的听说读写能力。但是从阅读语篇来看,教材的Story及Cartoon课文的篇幅明显增长,三四年级的Story课文主要以对话为主,而且对话的话轮不多,内容较简单,但五年级的课文对话讨论的话题明显要复杂的多,话轮也增多啦,这对于大部分孩子来说学起来是有困难的,在这种情况下,我试着让孩子们在课前学会自主预习,鼓励他们根据自己对课文的理解画出思维导图,以此为基础,在课上再借助思维导图进行系统学习,我在Unit5 What do they do?的课文学习中尝试这样的一种教学模式,具体如下: 首先在课文的课前预习环节,我给孩子们提出了明确的预习要求,主要包括以下三点:1、认真听跟读课文录音至少五遍,自读课文一遍;2、在自读过程中划出课文中的生词及关键词;3、以划出的关键词为主线跟读自己的理解画出课文部分的思维导图。归于之前对孩子们进行过思维导图的相关培训,他们已经能够了解思维导图的制作步骤及注意事项,在布置预习任务时,我给他们强调,他们所做出的思维导图没有好坏之分,只要认真去做就行。 其次,在阅读课上,我先用一些相关职业的图片让他们进行描述,他们都是做什么的,进而描述他们的工作内容,然后根据我的描述来

猜一猜,以此激发他们学习的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,在此基础上,我抛出课文相关的问题:What do Mike’s father and mother do? Andwhat do Su Hai’s father and mother do?这个时候我没有急着按原来的教学方法听并回答问题,而是让孩子们先来说说他们在预习环节获取的知识,也就是让他们到前面用投影仪展示自己的思维导图,在展示的同时说他们对Mike及Su Hai父母职业的了解,并在此我设置了互动环节,显示让到台前展示的孩子针对自己的思维导图提一些问题让大家回答,比如:What does Mike’s father do? What subjectdoes he teach? Does he have a lot of students?等等,接下来,反过来让大家提一些问题思维导图展示者来回答。在几个孩子展示完之后,我在黑板上呈现出一幅完整的关于课文的思维导图框架,让孩子们在合上书本的基础上先听课文,填出首要的关于他们职业的关键词;再让他们细读课文,填出关于每个职业的具体内容的关键词。在共同完成大家的思维导图之后,我让孩子们小组进行讨论完善自己的思维导图,在此过程中充分体现了兵教兵、兵帮兵的互助精神。在此之后让他们根据自己的思维导图来复述课文内容,在经过以上环节之后孩子们复述课文的难度大大降低,他们也不再像以前那样依赖于课本上的句子复述课文,而是真正变成了自己的语言能够流利地讲出这篇Story课文的主要内容。在巩固环节,主要处理书上的两个练习,一个是“Ask and answer”,另一个是“Think and write”,从孩子们做练习的速度和正确率来看,孩子们整体对课文理解都比以前有很大进步。


英语阅读理解题及答案 Do you love holidays but hate the increase weight that follows? You are not alone. Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods. Many people, however, are worried about the weight that comes along with these delicious foods. With proper planning, though, it is possible to control your weight. The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You don't have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy. The following suggestions may be of some help to you. Do not miss meals. Before yon leave home for a feast(宴会),have a small, low-fat snack(小吃). This may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods. Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables. A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full. Use a small plate; a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough. Better not have high-fat foods. Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them. Choose lean meat(瘦肉 ).Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables. If you have a sweet tooth, try mints (薄荷) and fruits. They don’t have fat content as cream and chocolate. Don’t let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess(过多的) calories.


初中英语阅读理解教教案 阅读理解是英语学习中必须具备的能力之一,有助于巩固和扩大词汇、丰富语言知识,提高运用语言的能力。可以训练学生的思维能力、理解能力、概括能力与判断能力。加强阅读训练可以为学生创造大量获取语言知识和大量运用语言的机会和条件。既可以培养学生对语篇进行分析、综合并从中获取信息的能力,也能培养学生的审美情趣。培养阅读能力也是教学大纲中规定的中学英语教学目标之一,所以阅读课在我们平时的英语教学中尤为重要,怎样上好阅读课成为英语教师教学中的关键。以下根据自己近些年的教学经验,对初中英语阅读理解教学模式进行初步的探究和分析。 教学模式总结如下: Presentation(导入)——skimming(粗读)——listening and reading(听读)——scanning (跳读)——intensive reading(细读)——retelling(复述)——discussing(讨论)——writing (写作)——summary(小结)。 初中英语人教版九年级Unit 12 Section B 3a Step 1:Presentation(导入) 本篇文章主要讲述法国的风俗,所以可以通过讲述一个因为语言差异所产生的误解的笑话导入,以此引起学生对课文产生兴趣,使学生更快的进入学习状态。 Step 2:Skimming 这一步是为掌握文章大意而进行的阅读,要求学生读后概括文章的大意,并且设计一些简单的问句让学生进行回答。 What does Wang Kun do? Where is she now? What’s the article mainly about? Step 3:Listening and reading 让学生边听边读,并且在听读的过程中找出文章的重点词汇、短语、句子。并且进行解决,扫除学生阅读中存在的一部分障碍,但要注意知识点的讲解要尽量简练,并且要引导和培养学生根据上下文猜词的能力。 Step 4:Scanning 这是一种为寻求特点细节放弃大部分内容,只注意某一点或某几点的阅读方式,要求学生根据老师提出的问题进行跳跃式的阅读,找出问题的主要信息。在此环节中提醒学生不要逐词逐句看课文,要讲究速度。在最短的时间内找出问题的答案。在此期间老师要出示以下问题:How many table manners are mentioned in the passage ? What are they ? be supposed to do be not supposed to do Step 5:Intensive reading 仔细阅读文章,要求学生从细节处把握文章,在前面阅读的基础上,从整体上把握文章的主要内容,以便于帮助学生加深对课文的理解。 在此环节中,要求学生各自独立完成阅读任务,然后与同桌或同组同学合作解决疑难点。在学生的阅读过程中,教师要出示以下问题帮助学生理解课文。 1、Why was Wang Kun nervous before she arrived in France? 2、Why did she have no reason to be nervous? 3、How has her French improved? 4、What is one particular challenge she is facing?


(英语)英语阅读理解专项习题及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.根据短文内容选择正确答案。 D If you could see a movie of your life before you lived it, would you want to live it? Probably not. The excitement of living is that you don’t know what’s coming. Sure, it’s hard to see uncertainty in such positive(积极的)light when you’re out of work, or when you feel like you’re failing. But uncertainty is really another word for chance. When Allison graduated from Harvard, she had chan ces all over the place but had no idea what she wanted to do. She took a job in consulting(咨询), but she knew she wouldn’t stay there. She took the GRE and scored so high that she was able to increase her income(收入)by teaching students. Still, she didn’t think she wanted to go to graduate school. Allison knew she w asn’t doing what she wanted, but she didn’t know what she wanted. She worried. All her friends were going to graduate school or starting their own businesses. She was lost and felt that she would never find anything out. After six years, Allison, by having a general(全面的)plan in mind, got married, moved to the Midwest, and used her consulting experience to get a great job. Allison realized that she spent her years finding her way: time well spent, and time we must all take if we’re being honest with ours elves. The only way to lead an interesting life is to face uncertainty and make a choice. Otherwise your life is not your own—it is a path someone else has chosen. Moments of uncertainty are when you create your life, when you become who you are. Uncertainty usually begins with a job hunt, but it doesn’t end there. Every new role we take on means another round of uncertainty. Instead of fearing it, you should find some ways to deal with uncertainty. (1)From the first two paragraphs, we can learn that . A. being out of work is a sad thing B. uncertainty is what makes life interesting C. life in a film is more exciting than real life. D. chance never appears when we need it (2)What troubles Allison after graduation? A. She couldn’t find a well-paid job. B. She had no money to start a business. C. She was not sure what to do. D. She didn’t score high enough for graduate school. (3)How did Allison feel about her six years’ working experience? A. Uncertain. B. Amazed . C. Sorry. D. Satisfied. (4)What may be discussed in the following paragraph?


初中英语阅读课的教学案例 一、设计思路 在课堂教学活动中,无论一节课的课型是什么,教师的目的只有一个,那就是最大程度上实现教学目标,保证学生完 成学习任务。但是在教学活动过程中,教师只是学习活动的引导者和组织者,学生才是课堂的主人。教师要充分体现以人为本的教学理念,尊重学生的个体差异, 通过学生亲身经历动手实践操作过程,鼓励学生自主探索与合作交流,发展学生丰富的想象力,引发学生的发散思维和 创新意识,不断提高解决问题的能力。 二、教学目标和教材分析 1.本模块及本单元的题材内容 本模块以天气为话题,让学生学习听天气预报,学习使 用描述天气状况的相关词汇和语句,学会根据天气情况为他人提出建议并给出原因。本模块的语言重点是对可能性的表述和动词不定式的应用。语法重点是正确使用情态动词may / might。本模块的第二单元是一篇阅读材料,以美国的三个城市为载体,介绍了去美国游玩的最佳时机,并阐述了理由。通过阅读,学生可以对目标语国家的地理环境及天气有所了解,开阔其视野,从而提高对英语学习的兴趣,既可学习语法,又可培养阅读和叙述能力。 三、教学思路及过程

围绕2010年研究主题《英语学科阅读能力培养的有效教研策略》实验研究情况,本学期开始我们学校积极探索预学案教学,针对英语学科的特点,下面以其中一篇为例。 unit 7 would you mind keeping your voice down? 一、 pre-read(目的在于熟悉话题,预测内容,激发学生的兴趣和愿望,激活相关语言) what does etiquette mean? look at the picture on p58. how many rules of etiquette can you see being broken?(你能看到多少条礼节规则被破坏了?) make a list with your partner. e.g: don’t talk loudly in public. 二、listen to the tape and pay attention to your pronunciation.(听录音,注意语音语调,突出重点词语。) 单词/短语: at first in public 扑灭咳嗽亚洲的批评 三、read quickly and find out the topic sentences.(快速阅读,了解大意,掌握阅读策略,跳读,掌握基本信息) true or false 1. etiquette is a normal and impolite social behavior. 2. etiquette is the same in every culture or in every


初中英语阅读教学案例分析及反思 银川四中邵芳 阅读课在英语教学过程中既是教学重点,也是教学难点.阅读一篇文章不是单纯为解决某个语言或是回答几个问题而进行的,通过阅读课,教会学生阅读技巧,培养学生的阅读能力,从而提高语言的运用与交际能力才是最终的目的。现在我以七年级英语上Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?的第四课时Section B 2a-2c,这篇有关体育用品收藏和表达某项运动项目看法和喜好的阅读内容为例展开说明。 教学步骤: Step 1 New Words and New phrases 这一部分可利用课堂的前分钟完成,导入生词,like, love5 play sports, with, ( 引导学生理解并掌握。通过头脑风暴复习前) classmates, after, class, after class, 面学习过的体育类名词并通过谈论体育运动来导入新的生词,这一步骤旨在激活之前所学知识,为之后的学习作好铺垫;引人学习生词,为后面的阅读教学,扫清生词的障碍。 : Do you love sports? I love sports, I have two basketballs, three soccer balls, one T volleyball and five ping-pongs. So I love/like sports very much. I often play sports ? with my classmates after class. How about you S1:…….. (导入) Step 2 Lead-in教师先谈论体育收藏品并说: 1. I have three soccer balls, a volleyball, two basketballs, five ping-pong balls… But I don't have a ping-pong bat, a tennis bat, a baseball bat… 叫出一学生,然后指着该生说: He has a soccer ball, a volleyball, two tennis balls, three ping-pong bats… But he doesn't have a basketball, a tennis bat, a baseball
