



Part I. Reading Comprehension (30%)

Passage One

For the most part, rapid economic development has been a boon. But there is a down side to development –health problems such as overweight are all becoming more prevalent, as more people take taxis to work instead of riding their bicycles, and other labor-saving devices become more popular.

An increasing fast pace of life makes it difficult for people to spend time working out or playing sports. “I know exercise is good for your health,” a young lady sai d. “But after a busy work week, the only thing I want to do is watch some TV and go to sleep.” That attitude may explain the results of a recent nationwide study, which suggested 15 percent of urban adults I China are overweight, a large number of people over the age of 40 suffer from high blood pressure and cardiac ailments.

Local researchers found that 31.2 percent of elderly respondents were getting enough exercise, but less than 9 percent of youngsters and the middle-aged got an adequate amount of physical activity.

Elderly people understand the importance of protecting their health. The young people, however, are busy working and use this as an excuse to avoid exercise. In fact, physical exercise doesn?t require much time, money or a special gymnasium. People can make use of any time and any place at their convenience to take part in sports. Walking quickly, cycling, climbing the stairs and dancing are all helpful methods to enhance one?s health.

The benefits of adding a little more activity to your lift are priceless. “There is no need to be an athlete, however,” a local doctor sai d. People should walk for 30 minutes a day and take part in other physical activity three to five times a week. He warns, however, that people in poor physical shape should start slowly, and build up over time.

China has taken the need for more exercise to heart, with the government running several activities last Sunday, which was the designated World Health Day. Pamphlets and posters based on the theme “Move for Health” were distributed nationwide, encouraging people to devel op a positive and healthy lifestyle.

1.Rapid economic development has resulted in all the following except ____.

A.an increasing number of taxi passengers

B.the wide use of labor-saving devices

C.an increasingly fast pace of life

D.people?s awareness of the importance of exercise

2.Some people are getting overweight because ____.

A.they are too busy to have any time for exercise

B.they are ignorant of the benefits of exercise

C.they are too weak to participate in physical activity

D.they are short of money to pay for different exercises

3.According to the passage, who need regular daily exercise most?

A.People taking taxis to work.

B.Urban adults with full-time jobs.

C.Elderly people suffering from high blood pressure.

D.Youngsters dreaming of becoming professional athletes.

4.What is the main idea of the last paragraph but one?

A.Many people are still unable to afford the cost of physical exercises.

B.Nobody should take part in physical activity in order to be an athlete.

C.Moderate physical exercise is usually enough for ordinary people.

D.Old or sick people should only take part in physical exercises of the slowest type.

5.By referring to rapid economic development as “a boon” at the beginning of the passage, the

author means that ____.

A.it has benefited the general public greatly

B.it has done harm to people?s health nationwide

C.it is going faster than anyone could have imagined

D.it has helped to establish a positive and health lifestyle of the public

Passage Two

For Roy Johnson, a senior magazine editor, the latest indignity came after a recent dinner at a fancy restaurant in the wealthy New York City suburb where he and his family live. First the parking valet handed him the keys to his Jaguar instead of fetching the car. Then an elderly white couple came out and handed hi the keys to their black Mercedes-Benz. “It took them a while to realize that I was not a valet,” says Johnson. “It didn?t matter that I was dressed for dinner and had paid a handsome price for the meal, just as he had. What mattered was that I didn?t fit his idea of someone who could be equal to him.”

Such incidents, which are depressingly familiar to African-Americans of all ages, incomes and social classes, help explain why black and white attitudes often differ so completely. A recent survey found that 68 percent of blacks believe racism is still a major problem in America. Only 38 percent of whites agreed.

Many Americans find the gulf between blacks and whites bewildering. After all, official segregation is a bad memory and 40 years of laws, policies and court decisions have helped African-Americans make significant progress toward equal opportunity. Indeed, a black man born iin Harlem could be the nation?s next president.

But racism persists, unmistakable to every black but largely invisible to many whites. It is evident in the everyday encounters. African-Americans have with racial prejudice and discrimination, like the valet parking incident. Such encounters often strike whites as trivial misunderstandings. But they remind blacks that they are often dismissed as less intelligent, less industrious, less honest and less likely to succeed. Some insults are patently racist; others may be evidence of insensitivity or bad manners rather than racial prejudice. But the accumulation of insults feeds anger.

“What is amazing to me is the number of whites who express surprise that any of this happens,”observes Mary Frances Berry, chairperson of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, who says she has

been watched at shopping malls.

6.The Word “valet” in the first paragraph most ly probably means ____.

A. a restaurant owner

B. a driver of expensive cars

C. a wealthy-looking gentleman

D. a restaurant employee taking care of the cars of the diners

7.Roy Johnson was unfairly treated because ____.

A.his car was inferior in quality

B.he forgot to wear proper clothes

C.he failed to express himself clearly

D.he is black

8.From the passage we can learn that ____.

A.both blacks and whites are bewildered by racism

B.examples of racism are common in the US

C.some government officials have very bad memories

D. a black man born in Harlem will be the next US president

9.It is implied in the passage that many white people deny the presence of racism in the US

because ____.

A.they tend to regard instances of racism as trivial misunderstanding

B.they have never seen any instance of racism in their country

C.they believe that black people are inherently less intelligent and less industrious

D.they have always treated black people as their equals

10.Judging from the context, the most possible explanation for Mary Frances Berry?s being watched

at shopping malls is that ____.

A.she was a national celebrity

B.she didn?t fit people?s idear of an Afro-American woman

C.many people nowadays are insensitive and rude

D.she is black

Passage Three

As a century of grand retailing comes to a close, the 94-year0old “merchant prince of Teas”–who turned Neiman Marcus from a small specialty shop into one of the world?s major retail stores –says department stores today must recreate themselves if they are to survive.

Marcus is worried about that customer service is being igored. He considers hoe shopping networks “a step above snake oil peddlers”. And despite all the advantages he sees in selling over the Internet, he says it is no substitute for a good salesperson.

Today, as head of his own Dallas consultancy firm, Marcus is moving into the next century advocating the same philosophy he held throughout the 20th century: focus on quality and service, and sales will take care of themselves.

“I?ve always believed that quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten,” says Marcus, who still makes regular visits to the flagship Neiman Marcus store in downtown Dallas, where he looks over new fashion lines, examines the latest fine imported luggage and greets young salespeople eager to talk with him. “The price of a great meal disappears from the memory, but the price of a bad one will be remembered for years. If you force a bad buy on a customer, he will never forgive you.”

Marcus puts much of the blame on business schools for what he sees a lack of quality – and vitality –in department stores. He says the schools are turning out graduates who are excellent money managers and cost cutters, but who lack the skills that helped make the great stores like Macy?s, and his own, into retailing legends. The MBA programs do not teach principles of selling, principles of human understanding, principles of leadership speaking, which, he believes, is the most important thing.

“I do not want …trained? salespeople. The word training is the most terrible word. You train dogs and bears to do repetitive action. But with people, you educate them, because no amount of training takes the place of experience that enables them to answer all the questions that customers will ask.”

11.What is the problem with department stores today?

A.Neglect of customer service.

B.Excessive running costs.

C.Fierce challenge from the home shopping network.

D.Uncompetitive prices.

12.In Marcus?s view, good salespeople ____.

A.will soon be replaced by the Internet

B.can compete with peddlers

C.ensure the success of a retailing business

D.have recreated department stores

13.Which of the following is likely to be long remembered?

A.Good service.

B.The price of a bad buy.

C.The price of a good buy.

D.Good quality.

14.What is the problem with MBA programs?

A.Failure to teach principles of human understanding.

B.Too much emphasis on cost cutting.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d311389021.html,ck of vitality.

D.Neglect of strict training.

15.What is the major difference between training and educating according to Marcus?

A.Training is applied to animals while educating is applied to humans.

B.Training is a terrible word while educating is a wonderful one.

C.Training enables the trainee to imitate while educating enriches his experience.

D.Training is aimed at action while educating is aimed at answering questions.

Passage Four

Several commentators and scientists have suggested that it might in some cases be ethically acceptable to clone existing people. One possibility is generating a replacement for a dying relative. All such possibilities, however, raise the concern that the clone would be treated as less than a complete individual, because he or she would likely be subjected to limitations and expectations based on the family?s knowledge of the genetic “twin.” Those expectations might be false, because human personality is only partly determined by genes. The clone of an extrovert(性格外向的人) could have a quite different way of behavior. Clone of athletes, movie stars, entrepreneurs or scientists might well choose different careers because of chance events in early life.

Some people have also put forward the notion that couples in which one member is infertile might choose to make a copy of one or the other partner. But society ought to be concerned that a couple might not treat naturally a child who is a copy fo just one of them. Because other methods are available for the treatment of all known types of infertility, conventional therapeutic avenues seem more appropriate. None of the suggested uses of cloning for make copies of existing people is ethically acceptable to my way of thinking, because they are not in the interests of the resulting child. It should go without saying that I am strongly opposed to allowing cloned human embryos to develop so that they can be tissue donors.

It nonetheless seems clear that cloning from cultured cells will offer important medical opportunities. Predictions about new technologies are often wrong: societal attitudes change; unexpected developments occur. Time will tell. But biomedical researchers looking into the potential of cloning now have plenty to do.

16.What is the author?s concern about cloning an existing person?

A.The clone created will have one defect or another.

B.The clone created will be mistreated.

C.The clone created is unlikely to fulfill your expectations.

D.The clone created is ethically unacceptable.

17.It can be inferred from the text that a clone will ____.

A.choose the same career as the person it is created from

B.behave in the same way as the person it is created from

C.share the same characteristics with the person it is created from

D.be partially similar in personality to the person it is created from

18.According to the passage, one?s personality is determined by ____.

A.their genes

B.the environment they live in

C.both their genes and the environment they live in

D.neither their genes nor the environment they live in

19.In the author?s view, which of the following uses of cloning is justifiable?

A.To replace a lost relative.

B.To help childless couples to have a baby.

C.To develop tissue donors.

D.To culture cells for medical purposes.

20.What is the author?s attitude towards cloning technology?

A.It should be condemned.

B.It has medical potential for scientists to explore.

C.It should wait till people?s views change.

D.It was unethical from the very beginning.

Part II. Vocabulary & Structure (30%)

1.As the semester is drawing to an end, the student union is calling on all the students to ____ the

temptation to cheat on exams.

A. refuse

B. reject

C. resist

D. resolve

2.You don?t agree with me on this matter, I know, but ____ you?ll see I am in the right.

A. at times

B. in time

C. at one time

D. all the time

3.As some of the rules concerning foreign trade ran contrary to the principles of the WTO, the

government decided to ____ them as soon as possible.

A. abolish

B. accomplish

C. distinguish

D. establish

4.It is impossible for me to sing a song these days, for my voice is ____.

A. going of

B. going to

C. going off

D. going away

5.The old man regained consciousness and found himself lying in a room which had nothing but

____ walls.

A. blank

B. empty

C. vacant

D. bare

6.The typical symptom of the epidemic SARS is ____ high fever and acute cough.

A. persistent

B. resistant

C. subsequent

D. perseverant

7.The Christmas dinner includes poultry for the main course, salad, bread, and vegetables, and

____ a variety of desserts, for example, pies, puddings and ice-cream.

A. involves

B. features

C. characterizes

D. protrudes

8.____ the events of last week, I think, we could have handled things more efficiently.

A. Falling back on

B. Looking back on

C. Getting back on

D. Going back on

9. A suicide bomb exploded in a Jewish ____, killing dozens of people.

A. site

B. plantation

C. terminal

D. settlement

10.In the last few years, the Internet and the World Wide Web have become ____ words; almost

everyone has heard of them.

A. family

B. home

C. house

D. household

11.It can said without exaggeration that no part of the United States is not easily accessible by car,

by train, or by air, and ____ by all the three of them.

A. more often than

B. more often than not

C. no more often than

D. less often than

12.While freshmen are considered part of the academic elite(精英), some of them appear to lack

common sense ____ following traffic regulations.

A. coming to

B. when coming to

C. when it comes to

D. when they come to

13.Dangerous animals such as bears and wolves can be ____ by lighting a fire when you go

camping in a virgin forest.

A. kept in hand

B. kept at bay

C. kept in touch

D. kept in mind

14.As she matured as an artist, she ____ realize that “all artists are a product of their culture”.

A. came to

B. kept to

C. took to

D. went to

15.He always uses the same ____ of lies to cheat strangers.

A. number

B. flock

C. group

D. web

16.Many European countries ____ all alliance(同盟) against Hitler?s military invasion.

A. passed for

B. forged

C. compelled

D. authorized

17.Because of the mad cow disease, the European Union ____ a worldwide ban on British beef and

beef product exports.

A. challenged

B. charged

C. forged

D. imposed

18.The ancient tribes there are supposed ____ from the mainland to the island.

A. to move

B. to be moving

C. to have moved

D. to have been moving

19.Bicycle riders want the city government to set aside special lanes(行车道) for bicycles on some of

the main streets, but though they have got some supporters, ____ likes the idea.

A. everyone

B. not everyone

C. no one

D. someone

20.On Children?s Day, our nieces and nephews were taken to the department store and then ____

to pick their favorite toys.

A. set out

B. let alone

C. brushed aside

D. turned loose

21.Even when the houses are exactly ____, as they are in many housing developments, cluster

planning adds interest and variety to the scene.

A. likely

B. alike

C. alive

D. same

22.What I have said about this person ____ anyone else when I find trespassing(非法侵入) on my land.

A. stands for

B. speaks for

C. goes for

D. struggles for

23.Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from high-handed

or incompetent public officers. The system has worked so well that it has been ____ in other countries, too.

A. adapted

B. taken

C. adopted

D. imported

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d311389021.html,ck of employment outside the home tends to make women ____ to depression.

A. vulnerable

B. immune

C. indifferent

D. sensitive

25.Success in anything will not just happen. ____ your abilities and skill mastery, you will need to

manage your time efficiently in order to succeed in college.

A. Regardless of

B. Because of

C. Instead of

D. Proud of

26.The long war that broke out in 1861 make the country suffer a lot and thus ____ its wealth.

A. dismissed

B. dissolved

C. deduced

D. diminished

27.To protect the environment, scientists and engineers are researching ways to ____ electricity

more cheaply from such renewable energy sources as the wind and sun.

A. generate

B. manufacture

C. construct

D. transform

28.I don?t think the young children will really ____ the foreign travel.

A. evaluate

B. calculate

C. appreciate

D. formulate

29.In this part of the city you have to keep your ____ about you all the time when you are driving.

A. eyes

B. wits

C. minds

D. brains

30.For traditional Chinese painters, fame and fortune come late, and it is ____ for artists to hold their

first exhibitions when they are over seventy years old.

A. hardly common

B. less frequent

C. not unheard of

D. just usual

Part III. Cloze (20%)

As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air, and __1__ the passengers had fastened their seat belts, they were suddenly __2__ forward. At that moment, the air-hostess __3__. She looked very pale, but was quite __4__. Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper, she __5__ everyone that the pilot had __6__ and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machine – or at __7__ how to drive a car. After a moment?s __8__, a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilot?s cabin.

Moving the pilot __9__, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the __10__ instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport __11__. The plane was now dangerously close __12__ the ground, but to everyone?s __13__, it soon began to climb. The man had to __14__ the airport several times in order to become __15__ with the controls of the plane. __16__ the danger had not yet passed. The terrible __17__ came when he had to land. Following __18__, the man guided the plane toward the airfield. It shook violently __19__ it touched the ground and then moved rapidly __20__ the runway and after a long run it stopped safely.

1. a. although b. while c. therefore d. then

2. a. shifted. b. thrown c. put d. moved

3. a. showed b. presented c. exposed d. appeared

4. a. well b. still c. calm d. quiet

5. a. inquired b. insured c. informed d. instructed

6. a. fallen b. failed c. faded d. fainted

7. a. best b. least c. length d. first

8. a. hesitation b. surprise c. doubt d. delay

9. a. back b. aside c. about d. off

10. a. patient b. anxious c. urgent d. nervous

11. a. beneath b. under c. down d. below

12. a. to b. by c. near d. on

13. a. horror b. trust c. pleasure d. relief

14. a. surround b. circle c. observe d. view

15. a. intimate b. familiar c. understood d. close

16. a. Then b. Therefore c. But d. Moreover

17. a. moment b. movement c. idea d. affair

18. a. impression b. information c. inspections d. instructions

19. a. as b. unless c. while d. so

20. a. around b. over c. along d. above

Part IV. Translation (20%)






模拟试题二 1 C Section B(每题1分) 6 C , Section C(每题1分) . 11. before Christmas . 13. a wife 14 11 O’clock 、train PartII Structure SectionA (每题分) 16 D 19 A SectionB(每题】分).: elected 29. exist 32. pleased 33 to hear 34.(should)beset 35. taking Part III Reading Comprehension Taskl(每题2分) 36. B 38 D 40 D Task 2(每题2分) 41. D 44 A Task 3(每题1分) 46. (the) Arthritis Foundation 48 individuals 49. fill out or fax Task5(每题1分) 56. sightseeing and destination 57. travel-related 58. 59. hotels and tickets 60. Hong Kong PartIV Translation ----English to Chinese 61. BCAD 62. ADCB 63. CBDA 65.评分时将段落分成5部分,每部分2分;给总的印象分2分。(本题12分) 参考译文:精明的消费者在接触到具有高质量标准的商店或餐馆时,都能领会到它的价值和心满意足。为此,香港旅游团发展局推出了“优质旅游服务”计划。这个计划使旅客很容易便能找到信得过的商店和餐馆。旅客只要寻找具有这种重要资质的商店和餐馆明显地挂有“优质旅游服务”的标志就万无一失了。 Part V Writing Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Li Lin. I learn from the newspaper that your company is recruiting an accountant. I think I’m the right person for the position because I graduated from Shanghai Lixing, accounting College majoring in accounting in 2003. And I’ve been working as an accountant in a company since then. Thanks to my study in the famous college, I performed very well there and gained rich experience in my field. Although I have been working in the company, I’d like to take the opportunity to have a change. I’m very much interest in your company and hoping one day I can


(专升本理工)数学模拟试卷2 一、选择题(每小题4分,共40分) 1、1 1lim 21--→X X x ( C ) A 、0 B 、1 C 、2 D 、3 2、函数)(x f 的函数13)(2'--=x x x f ,曲线)(x f 在2=x 处的切线斜率( C ) A 、3 B 、5 C 、9 D 、11 3、函数21x y =,='y ( B ) A 、31x - B 、32x - C 、31x D 、x 1 4、函数)(x f 在区间),(+∞-∞单调增加,则使)2()(f x f φ成立的取值范围是( A ) A 、)2(∞+, B 、)0,(-∞ C 、)2,(-∞ D 、)2,0( 5、函数1cos +=x y ,则=dy ( C ) A 、dx x )1(sin + B 、dx x )1(cos + C 、xdx sin - D 、xdx sin 6. ()=-?dx x x sin ( B ) A C x x ++cos 2 B C x x ++cos 22 C C x x +-sin 2 D C x x +-sin 22 7. ?-=π πxdx sin ( A ) A 0 B 1 C 2 D π 8.设函数33y x z +=,则=??y z ( D ) A 2 3x B 2233y x + C 44 y D 23y

9.设函数3 2y x z =,则=??22x z ( A ) A 32y B 26xy C 26y D xy 12 10.随机事件A 与B 为互不相容事件,则)(AB P =( D ) A )()( B P A P + B )()(B P A P C 1 D 0 二 填空题(每小题4分,共40分) 11.已知函数? ??+≤=0,10,sin )(φx x x x x f ,则)0(f = 0 ; 12. =--→2 )2sin(lim 2x x x 1 ; 13.曲线 22x y =在点(1,2)处的切线方程为y= 4x-2 ; 14.设函数x y sin =,则'''y = -cosx ; 15.函数x x y -=2 2的单调增加区间是 (1,+ ∞) ; 16. =?dx x 5 661X ; 17. ?=+x dt t t dx d 0 )arctan ( x x arctan + ; 18. =+?-dx x x x 1123)cos ( 3 2 ; 19.设函数y e z x +=,则=dz dy dx e x + ; 20.设函数).(y x f z =可微,且()00,y x 为其极值点,则 =??)(0,0y x x z 0 ; 三、解答题:21-28 (21-25:8分/题,26-28:10分/题) 21、计算x x x 20 )1(lim +→ 解:=210)1(lim ?→+x x x =2e


2016年重庆市专升本数学试卷 一、单项选择题(每题4分,满分32分) 1. 设()f x 在0x x =处可导,则()() 000 2lim h f x h f x h →+-= A.()' 0f x - B.()'0f x C.()'02f x D.()'03f x 2.定积分 1 21 sin x xdx -=? A.-1 B.0 C.1 D.2 3.过OZ 轴及点()3,2,4-的平面方程是 A.320x y += B.20y z += C.20x z += D.230x y += 4.已知微分方程为 dy y dx =通解为 A.x y e = B.x y e C =+ C.y x C =+ D.x y Ce = 5.下列级数收敛的是 A.113n n ∞ =????∑ B.1 1 sin n n ∞=∑ 1.1n n C n ∞ =+∑ D.1! n n n n ∞ =∑ 6.3阶行列式314 89 5111 中元素321a =的代数余子式为 A.1 B.8 C.15 D.17 7、设1002A ??= ??? ,则3 A = A.1002?? ? ?? B.3006?? ??? C.1008?? ??? D.3008?? ???

8、在0,1,2,3,4五个数中任意取3个数,则这三个数中不含0的概率为() A.0.4 B.0.5 C.0.6 D.0.8 二、填空题(每小4分,共16分) 9、极限0sin 6lim tan 2x x x →= 10、设函数()3 20 cos x f x t dt = ? ,求() f x '= 11、设矩阵314035A -?? ??=?? ??-?? ,矩阵 1102B -??=????,则 AB = 12、已知()0.4P A =,()0.3P B =,()0.5P AB =,则() P A B ?= 三、计算题(每小题8分,,共64分) 13、求极限0cos lim tan 2x x e x x →- 14、讨论函数() 2 3()21x f x x =+ -的单调性、极值、凹凸性及拐点。 15、求不定积分2 cos x xdx ?


2009 年河南省普通高等学校 选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试 公共英语 题号一二三四五六总分 分值40 40 20 10 20 20 150 注意事项: 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考场号、座位号、考生号涂写在答题卡上。本试卷的试题答案应答在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。 Part I V ocabulary and Structure (40 points) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. Julie spent one month ______A___ her term paper on Chinese poems. A. to write B. and wrote C. written D. writing 2. I was so_____B___the night before my examination that I could not sleep. A. worrying B. tired C. happy D. nervous 3. Whether you learn or not is entirely ________ you. A. up to B. as to C. about to D. due to 4. I finally________ to study much harder in the future. A. prepared B. made up my mind C. worked out D. made out 5. The old couple decided to________ a boy though they had three of their own. A. adapt B. bring C. receive D. adopt 6. The teacher insisted that we________ our homework before 9:00 o’clock A. finished B. had finished C. finish D. was finishing 7. The little girl showed the policeman the corner ________she was knocked off her bike. A. and B. which C. that D. where 8. The garden requires________. A. watering B. being watered C. to water D. having watered 9. Is this the house________ Shakespeare was born? A. which B. in that C. in which D. at which 10. ________ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Who 11. The population of the world is growing at a dangerous________. A. pace B. measure C. progress D. rate 12. You________ not have seen her yesterday, for she was abroad.


2018年成人高考专升本英语模拟卷 第1卷(选择题,共125分) I.Phonetics ( 5 points) Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and iden-tify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answerby blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A. penalty B. moment C. quarrel D. absent 2. A. sympathy B. material C. courage D. analysis 3. A. starvation B. suggestion C. satisfaction D. situation 4. A. donkey B. turkey C. money D. obey 5. A. revise B. consist C. advertise D. visit Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure ( 15 points ) Directions : There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. Jonathan and Joe left the house to go for__ after supper.() A. walk B. the walk C. wallks D. a walk 7. He pointed at the new car and asked, "___ is it? Have you ever seen it before?"() A. Why B. Where C. Who D. Whose 8. My father asked __ to help with his work.() A. I and Tom B. Tom and me C. me and Tom D. Tom and I 9. Nowadays little knowledge __ to be a dangerous thing.() A. seem B. seemed C. does seem D. do seem 10. If their marketing team succeeds, they __ their profits by 20 percent.() A. will increase B. would be increasing C. will have increased D. would have been increasing 11. You'd better take these documents with you __ you need them for the meeting.() A. unless B. in case C. until D. so that 12. I haven' t been to a pop festival before and Mike hasn' t __() A. too B. as well C. neither D. either 13.__ is known to the world, Mark Twain was a great American writer.() A. As B. Once C. That D. It 14. John complained to the bookseller that there were several pages______ in the dictionary.() A. lacking B. losing C. missing D. dropping 15. Not until the game had begun __ at the sports ground.() A. should he have arrived B. would he have arrived C. did he arrive D. had he arrived 16. Moviegoers know that many special effects are created by computers, they often don' tknow is that these scenes still require a lot of work.() A. That B. Whom C. What D. How 17. The president is to give a formal __ at the opening ceremony.() A. speech B. debate C. discussion D. argument 18. When I am confronted with such questions, my mind goes __, and I can hardly remember myown date of


一东北数学试题(一) 一、选择题:本大题共10个小题,每小题4分,共40分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1.设,则等于() A. B. C. D. 2. 已知为常数,,则等于() A. B. C. D. 0 3. 已知,则等于() A. B. C. D. 4. 已知,则等于() A. B. C. D. 5. 已知,则等于() A. B. C. D. 6. 设的一个原函数为,则下列等式成立的是() A. B. C. D. 7. 设为连续函数,则等于() A. B. C. D. 8.广义积分等于 ( ) A. B. C. D. 9. 设,则等于() A. B. C. D. 10. 若事件与为互斥事件,且,则等于() A. 0.3 B. 0.4 C. 0.5 D.0.6 二、填空题:本大题共10个小题,每小题4分,共40分,把答案填在题中横线上。 11.设,则 . 12. . 13.设,则 . 14.函数的驻点为 . 15.设,则 . 16. .

17.设,则 . 18.若,则 . 19.已知,则 . 20.已知,且都存在,则 . 三、解答题:本大题共8个小题,共70分。解答应写出推理、演算步骤。 21.(本题满分8分)计算. 22. (本题满分8分)设函数,求. 23. (本题满分8分)计算. 24. (本题满分8分)甲、乙二人单独译出某密码的概率分别为0.6.和

0.8,求此密码被破译的概率. 25. (本题满分8分)计算. 26.(本题满分10分)设函数在点处取得极小值-1,且点(0,1)为该函数曲线的拐点,试求常数. 27.(本题满分10分)设函数是由方程所确定的隐函数,求函数曲线,过点(0,1)的切线方程.


《管理学基础》试题 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分) 1. 由于管理的广泛性和复杂性及研究的侧重点不同,对管理所下定义也各异。法约尔认为,() A. 管理就是要确切地知道要别人干什么,并注意他们用最好最经济的方法去干 B. 管理就是实行计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制 C. 管理就是决策 2. 梅奥等人通过霍桑试验得岀结论:人们的生产效率不仅受到物理的、生理的因素的影响,而且还受到社会环境、社会心理因素的影响。由此创立了()。 A. 行为科学学说 B. 人文关系学说 C. 人际关系学说 3. 环境研究对组织决策有着非常重要的影响,具体表现在可以提高组织决策的() A. 有效性、及时性、稳定性 B. 前瞻性、有效性、稳定性 C. 正确性、及时性、稳定性 4. 系统管理学派认为,组织是由一个相互联系的若干要素组成、为环境所影响的并反过来影响环境的开放 的()。 A. 社会技术系统 B. 社会经济组织 C. 社会经济系统 5. 法约尔的一般管理理论对西方管理理论的发展有重大影响,成为后来管理过程学派的理论基础,他的代表作是()。 A. 《社会组织与经济组织理论》 B. 《工业管理和一般管理》 C. 《科学管理理论》 6. 企业在长期的生产经营和管理活动中创造的具有本企业特色的精神文化和物质文化就是 ()O A .企业精神 B. 企业价值观 C. 企业文化 7. 1990年,美国麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院的彼得?圣吉教授岀版了一本享誉世界之作,引起世界管理 界的轰动,这就是()。 A. 《企业再造工程》

B. 《管理的革命》 C. 《第五项修炼--学习型组织的艺术与实务》 8. 中层管理者比低层管理者更多地依靠( A. 正式权力与沟通技巧 B. 个****力与技术技能 C. 人际关系技能与技术技能 9、组织是管理的基本职能之一,从其定义中可以看岀,它由 ()三个基本要素构成。 A、目标、原则和结构 B、目标、部门和效率 C目标、部门和关系 10、经济活动中,指明组织活动的方向和范围,在决策和处理问题时指导及沟通思想活动的方针和一般规定,这就是()。 A策略 B、目标 C政策 11、美国对企业70个目标管理计划的实施情况进行调查,得岀结论:如果高层管理者对目标管理高度重视, 并亲身参与目标管理的实施过程,其生产率的平均改进程度可达到()。 A 6% B、56% C 66% 12、人们除了生存需要外,还有安全的需要、寻求关心的需要、建立友谊的需要等社会需要,所以产生了()。 A、非正式组织 B、非正式沟通 C正式沟通 13?管理幅度是指一个主管能够直接有效地指挥下属成员的数目。经研究发现,高层管理人员的管理幅度通常以()较为合适。 A 4?8人 B、10?15人 C 15?20人 14. 责任、权力、利益三者之间不可分割, 必须是协调的、平衡的和统一的。这就是组织工作中的()原则。 A、责权利相结合 B、分工协作 C目标任务


山西省专升本考试试题 数据结构试题1(222) 一、是非题(下列各题,你认为正确的,请在题干的括号内打“√”,错的打“×”。每题1分,共15分) 1、数据结构概念包括数据之间的逻辑结构,数据在计算机中的存储方式和数据的运算三个方面...............( ) 2、线性表中的每个结点最多只有一个前驱和一个后继。......( ) 3、从本质上看,文件是一种非线性结构。..................( ) 4、线性的数据结构可以顺序存储,也可以链接存储。非线性的数据结构只能链接存储。.......................( ) 5、栈和队列逻辑上都是线性表。..........................( ) 6、单链表从任何一个结点出发,都能访问到所有结点........( ) 7、单链表形式的队列,头指针F指向队列的第一个结点,尾指针R指向队列的最后一个结点。.................................................( ) 8、对某一确定的可利用空间表,给定一串内存请求,若采用最佳适配和首次适配这两 种方法之中的一种能满足该串请求,则也一定能用另一种方法满足该串请求。( ) 9、多维数组是向量的推广。..............................( ) 10、设串S=a1a2...ai...aj...an,则有ord(ai)>ord(aj)。....( ) 11、设串S的长度为n,则S的子串个数为n(n+1)/2。...........( ) 12、一般树和二叉树的结点数目都可以为0。................( ) 13、在拓朴排序序列中,任意两个相继结点Vi和Vj都存在从Vi到Vj的路径。( ) 14、网络的最小代价生成树是唯一的。.....................( ) 15、磁带是顺序存取的外存储设备。.......................( ) 二、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1、在树结构里,有且仅有一个结点没有前驱,称为根。非根结点有且仅有一个( ),且存在一条从根到该结点的( )。 2、评价数据结构的两条基本标准是:( )和( )。 3、对于顺序存储的栈,因为栈的空间是有限的,在进行( )运算时,可能发生栈的上溢,在进行( )运算时,可能发生栈的下溢。 4、对于单链表形式的队列,其空队列的F指针和R指针都等于( )。 5、若S1=‘linked£st',S2='ring',则S1//S2=( )。 6、设根结点的层数为0,定义树的高度为树中层数最大的结点的层数加1。则高度为k的二叉树具有的结点数目,最少为( ),最多为( )。


专升本英语模拟试题 Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure Section A Vocabulary 1. People are ______ (like) to have more confidence in a company if they know something about it. 2. Although I do not share his religious ______ (believe), I respect him. 3. The fresh seaside air is ______(profit) to her recovery. 4. It is known that computers can help to raise ______(efficient). 5. The ______(complain) department was crowded with angry customers. 6. Many a student ______(ask) the same questions by the teacher in yesterday’s class. 7. She found the atmosphere of the college enormously ______(excite). 8. This suit is rather dirty now. It’s been some time since it ______(wash). 9. It was ______(reluctant) that Susan agreed to help. 10. Everything would be all right if he ______(be) here. Section B Structure 11. Weather ______, we’ll start our journey tomorrow. A. is permitting B. permitting C. is permitted D. being permitting 12. The residents, ______ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross. A. all whose homes B. all their homes C. all of whose homes D. all of their homes 13. My new shoes cost me $20. The price was ______ that of the last pair I bought a month ago. A. more than twice B. twice as much as C. as twice D. as much as twice 14. Since the mountain is white, it ______ last night. A. must be snowed B. must snow C. must have snowed D. must have been snowed 15. ______, he would feel exhausted after a whole day’s work. A. As strong is he B. As he is strong C. Strong if he is D. Strong as he is 16. ______ a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work. A. There had B. They had C. There existed D. It existed 17. You mustn’t delay ______ the medicine over. A. to send B. send C. sent D. sending 18. An old friend from abroad, ______ I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me. A. that B. whom C. who D. which 19. Judges must be independent ______ political pressure. A. to B. of C. under D. on 20. I, not you, ______ to blame. A. are B. is C. am D. be Part 2 Reading Comprehension Task 1 About 70 million Americans are trying to lose weight. That is almost 1 out of


专升本试卷真题及答案 数学 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

2016年重庆市专升本数学试卷 一、单项选择题(每题4分,满分32分) 1. 设()f x 在0x x =处可导,则()() 000 2lim h f x h f x h →+-= A.()'0f x - B.()'0f x C.()'02f x D.()'03f x 2.定积分1 21sin x xdx -=? 3.过OZ 轴及点()3,2,4-的平面方程是 A.320x y += B.20y z += C.20x z += D.230x y += 4.已知微分方程为 dy y dx =通解为 A.x y e = B.x y e C =+ C.y x C =+ D.x y Ce = 5.下列级数收敛的是

A.113n n ∞ =??+? ?∑ B.11sin n n ∞ =∑ 1.1 n n C n ∞ =+∑ D.1!n n n n ∞ =∑ 阶行列式314 895111 中元素321a =的代数余子式为 7、设1002A ??= ??? ,则3 A = A.1002?? ? ?? B.3006?? ??? C.1008?? ??? D.3008?? ??? 8、在0,1,2,3,4五个数中任意取3个数,则这三个数中不含0的概率为() 二、填空题(每小4分,共16分) 9、极限0sin 6lim tan 2x x x →= 10、设函数()3 20 cos x f x t dt =?,求() f x '= 11、设矩阵314035A -?? ??=?? ??-?? ,矩阵1102B -??=????,则 AB =


专升本大学语文试题 一、单项选择题(在每小题给出A、B、C、D四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求。请选出正确的选项,并按要求填涂答题卡上相应的字母。错选、多选或未选均无分) 1.“信誓旦旦”一语出自 ( ) A.《行路难》 B.《氓》 C.《国殇》 D.《短歌行》 2.陶渊明生活的朝代是 ( ) A.东晋 B.六朝 C.汉末 D.西晋 3.“忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身”出自 ( ) A.《秋水》 B.《季氏将伐颛臾》 C.《陈情表》 D.《五代史伶官传序》 4.《五代史伶官传序》一文通过五代后唐庄宗盛衰兴亡的史实来证明中心论点,运用的表现手法是 ( ) A.象征 B.夸张 C.对比 D.比喻 5.柳永是 ( ) A.南宋婉约派词人 B.南宋豪放派词人 C.北宋婉约派词人 D.北宋豪放派词人 6.《苦恼》一文的作者契诃夫的国籍是 ( ) A.美国 B.俄国 C.法国 D.英国 7.李清照《声声慢》(寻寻觅觅)一词最突出的语言技巧是 ( ) A.叠字 B.比喻 C.拟人 D.夸张 8.欧阳修的《五代史伶官传序》是一篇 ( ) A.史论 B.辞赋 C.小说 D.奏疏 9.宋代作家中作有《前赤壁赋》和《后赤壁赋》的是 ( ) A.欧阳修 B.李清照 C.辛弃疾 D.苏轼 10.小说《苦恼》的作者是 ( ) A.契诃夫 B.巴尔扎克 C.莫泊桑 D.屠格涅夫 11.下列哪位作家属唐宋八大家之一 ( ) A.杜甫 B.辛弃疾 C.王安石 D.李清照 12.下列作品中,属于书信体驳论文的是 ( ) A.《五代史伶官传序》 B.《答李翊书》 C.《陈情表》 D.《答司马谏议书》 13.《山居秋暝》中,表现作者有隐居山中之意的诗句是 ( ) A.竹喧归浣女,莲动下渔舟 B.明月松间照,清泉石上流 C.空山新雨后,天气晚来秋 D.随意春芳歇,王孙自可留 14.苏轼的《前赤壁赋》主要描写了哪三种景物? ( ) A.清风、明月、芦荻 B.江水、明月、清风 C.清风、黄花、梧桐 D.明月、江水、秋花 15.下列词人中,属于豪放派的是 ( ) A.欧阳修 B.李清照 C.柳永 D.苏轼


2019成考专升本英语模拟试题及答案(7) 一、语音知识(共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。) 在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部 分的读音不同。找出这个词,并把它前面的大写字母填入左边括号里。 ( )1.A.straight B.prefer C.enough D.fall ( )2.A.low B.though C.knowledge D.sold ( )3.A.calm B.hall C.talk D.ball ( )4.A.already B.each C.league D.weak ( )5.A.produce B.true https://www.360docs.net/doc/d311389021.html,puter D.news 二、词汇与语法知识(共25小题;每题1.5分,共37.5分。) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出的一项,并把它前面的大写字母 填入左边的括号里。 ( )6.Are you sure you don‘t have _______ advice to give me?I really need _______. A.any;any B.some;any C.any;some D.any;some ( )7.When we saw his face, we knew _______ was bad. A.the news B.some news

C.a news D.news ( )8.The number of students in our school ________. A.increased B.is increased C.has increased D.are increased ( )9.________ your step,or you might fall into the water. A.See B.Watch C.Miss D.Look at ( )10.The meeting _______. A.is to put off B.is going to put off C.is to be put off D.will put off ( )11.Since the road is wet this morning,last night _______. A.it must be raining B.it must rain


2014年英语试题 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 points, 1 point each) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 7 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) , and decide which is the best answer. 1. A) To the bank. B) To a book store. C) To a shoe store. D) To the grocer’s. 2. A) Near the train station. B) In the countryside. C) In the city. D) Near the workplace 3. A) the choice of courses B) a day course C) an evening course D) their work 4. A) The pear. B) The weather. C) The sea food. D) The cold. 5. A) George’s wife.B) George’s father. C) George’s brother D) George’s wife’s father.


一、语音知识(5 points) 第1题请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。 A.practice B.possible C.physical D.pacific 答案:B 第2题请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。 A. arm B. party C. warm D. farther 答案:C 第3题请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。 A.energy B.engineer C.encourage D.entrance 答案:C 第4题请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。 A. great B. league C. peace D. neat 答案:A

第5题请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()。 A. theory B. throgh C. birth D. there 答案:D 二、词汇与语法知识(15 points) 第6题She kept a close eye__________the sick child and didn’t sleep the whole night. A.at B.in C.for D.on 答案:D 第7题The effect of TV__________the life of average people is incalculable. A.in B.for C.about D.on 答案:D 第8题Jim is the most intelligent,of __________ A.four US https://www.360docs.net/doc/d311389021.html, four C.the four US https://www.360docs.net/doc/d311389021.html, of four 答案:B 第9题I like all kinds of fruit,but my __________is banana. A.favorite B.favored C.favorable D.preferred 答案:A 第10题We were overjoyed at the news of China__________ another man-made satel1ite.


(专升本理工)数学模拟试卷1 一. 选择题(1-10小题,每题4分,共40分) 1. 设0 lim →x sinax x =7,则a 的值是( ) A 1 7 B 1 C 5 D 7 2. 已知函数f(x)在点x 0处可等,且f ′(x 0)=3,则0 lim →h f(x 0+2h )-f(x 0) h 等于( ) A 3 B 0 C 2 D 6 3. 当x 0时,sin(x 2+5x 3)与x 2比较是( ) A 较高阶无穷小量 B 较低阶的无穷小量 C 等价无穷小量 D 同阶但不等价无穷小量 4. 设y=x -5+sinx ,则y ′等于( ) A -5x -6+cosx B -5x -4+cosx C -5x -4-cosx D -5x -6 -cosx 5. 设y=4-3x 2 ,则f ′(1)等于( ) A 0 B -1 C -3 D 3 6. ??(2e x -3sinx)dx 等于( ) A 2e x +3cosx+c B 2e x +3cosx C 2e x -3cosx D 1 7. ??01 dx 1-x 2 dx 等于( ) A 0 B 1 C 2 π D π 8. 设函数 z=arctan y x ,则x z ??等于( )y x z ???2 A -y x 2+y 2 B y x 2+y 2 C x x 2+y 2 D -x x 2+y 2 9. 设y=e 2x+y 则y x z ???2=( ) A 2ye 2x+y B 2e 2x+y C e 2x+y D –e 2x+y 10. 若事件A 与B 互斥,且P (A )=0.5 P (AUB )=0.8,则P (B )等于( ) A 0.3 B 0.4 C 0.2 D 0.1 二、填空题(11-20小题,每小题4分,共40分) 11. ∞→x lim (1-1 x )2x = 12. 设函数f(x)= 在x=0处连续,则 k = Ke 2x x<0 Hcosx x ≥0
