

International Relation


1.The role of the United Nations has gained increasing importance since the end of the Cold War.


2.The increasing prestige is due in part to the fact that the Security Council has escaped the paralysis which resulted from the US-Soviet rivalry during the Cold War, a period when the two superpowers used their veto rights against each other, thereby incapacitating the Security Council.


3.The West, just as the developing world, has discovered that it needs the United Nations to achieve its objectives.


4.In addition, global problems, including the proliferation of nuclear weapons, rapidly expanding populations, the environment, drugs and refugees, call for the entire international community to pool their efforts to find solutions.


5.However, the United Nations faces a series of tough issues.


6.First of all, how should the UN respect state sovereignty while dealing with an increasing number of internal conflicts?


7.In many cases, regional organizations cannot resolve regional conflicts.


8.In the Cold War era, UN peace-keeping forces has two missions: to buffer conflicts and to implement agreements already reached between the parties.


9.Now peace-keeping has turned into peace-enforcement.


10.The United Nations has turned from handling international disputes into meddling in domestic affairs. 联合国从处理国际争端变成了干预国内事务的组织。

11.Furthermore, peace-keeping does not necessarily need prior approval of the countries concerned.


12.A second problem facing the world organization is how to better handle relations between the United Nations and regional organizations.


13.According to the UN Charter, regional organizations can play a role within the Charter and under UN co-ordination.


14.Today, regional organizations, such as NA TO, are playing a more important role than the United Nations, outshining the world body on issues such as the Bosnian-Herzeguvinian war.


15.A third problem is how to achieve equality between nations, be they big or small.


16.On reforming the Security Council, the West unanimously backs up Germany and Japan in their effort to become a permanent member of the Council.

在对安理会的组成进行改革时,西方国家一致支持德国和日本成为安理会的常任理事国。17.Unfortunately, no single Western nation has never expressed its support of any developing country in this regard.




1.值此联合国成立50 周年之际,我们有必要在讨论国际关系的同时,回顾一下联合国这个世界组织所走过的道路,展望联合国的未来。

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, it is necessary, in our discussion of the international relations, to review the past and express our concerns with and expectations on the future of this world organization.

2.于1945 年形成并予以采纳的联合国宪章,以及此后为实践这个宪章所做的努力,使我们能够从更好的角度对联合国有一个更清楚地认识。

Thanks to formulation and adoption of the UN Charter in 1945 and thanks to subsequent endeavor to put the Charter into practice, we can now have a clearer perception of the UN in a better light.



The UN holds these to be its lofty purposes: to maintain international peace and security; to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples; to achieve international co-operation in solving international problem of an economic social, cultural or humanitarian character; and to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.


The purposes are four-fold, with peace and development being the twin center pieces.


To allege that the UN has no role to play on development is an obvious misunderstanding.

6.联合国还有一些合理的原则,即所有成员国之间主权平等,用和平手段解决国际争端,在国际事务中不以武力威胁或不诉诸武力干预一个国家的领土完整或政治独立,不干涉任何国家的内部事务。The United Nations also bases itself on a series of sound principles, namely, sovereign equality of all member states; settlement of international disputes by peaceful means; refrain in international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state; and non- intervention in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state.


represent the minimum code of conduct to be held by sovereign states in international relations.


China, a founding member of the United Nations and a permanent member of the Security Council, has all along supported and adhered to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and striven for their full implementation.

9.事实上早在1945 年,中国、印度和缅甸便提出了综合指导国际关系的和平共处五项原则,即互相尊重主权和领土完整,互不倾翻,互不干涉内政,平等互利,和平共处。

In fact, as early as in 1945, China, India and Burma put forward a comprehensive guideline for international relations known as the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. These include: Mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-aggression, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence.


These five principles represent the crystallization of the UN Charter.


We must recognize that the world today is diverse, manifold, colorful and rich in terms of culture.


This should be an asset rather than a debt of mankind.


It permeates all aspects of human rights, whether civil, political, economic, social or cultural.


The world would be a much better place to live in if we respect cultural diversity, practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors.


We hope the UN will truly become a center of harmonizing actions of nations.


We call for stronger efforts by the UN to harmonize cultures through dialogues and consultation, as well as to resist attempts to build a mono-cultural world by means of political pressure and coercion.


The UN should grasp the opportunity in the Post-Cold war era and meet the challenge head-on.


We sincerely hope that under the firm support and close cooperation of this membership, a more just, reasonable and effective UN will emerge to tackle world issues and contribute more to the building of a better world.


1.Our country assumes a practical and active posture in the pursuit of world peace.


2.The United Nations has had no more consistent supporter than this country for its charter and the work of its specialized agencies.

联合国没有哪一个成员国能够像我国那样始终如一的支持联合国的宪章以及其专门组织的工作。3.We take part in many UN activities and have served on many of its bodies, including the Security Council. 我们参加联合国的许多行动,并且在包括安理会在内的许多分支机构里服务。

4.Among the specialized agencies and subsidiary bodies we support are those assisting in development, food security, children, drug control and human rights.


5.We have provided financial support, personnel and equipment for almost all major UN peacekeeping

activities, contribute our assessed share of the costs of all UN operations and make additional contributions.


6.Our country is fully involved in UN disarmament, arms control and outer space work.


7.We accept the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice and are active in development of the international law.


8.Our country has been a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development for almost 30 years.

我国成为经济合作和发展组织会员已有30 年。

9.Global economic issues are among the core elements of post-Cold War international relations and like other countries we give priority attention to these issues.

全球经济问题在冷战后的国际关系处于中心位置,我们同其他国家一样对这些问题给予优先考虑。10.Our increasing conditions on our domestic economy have led to a sharpened focus on international trade issues in the pursuit of our foreign policy.


11.Our economic and political future is linked closely with those of its Asian and other Pacific neighbors. 我们经济和政治前途与亚洲和其他太平洋地区的邻国经济和政治前途密切相关。

12.Our trade, investment and technology transfer, in the form of joint ventures with such countries, continue to grow.


13.Though regular, reciprocal, high-level exchanges of visits our close contact with their governments continu es, particularly with the government of the People’s Republic of China.


14.We take the view that peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region depend on the ability of the region’s countries to cooperate to maintain economic growth and political stability.

我们认为,亚太地区的和平和繁荣取决于该地区各国能否进行合作以保持经济增长和政治稳定。15.We are keen to ensure the stability and security of this region and to develop mutually profitable trade, investment, technological exchanges and cooperation.




Adopting the most active attitude and exhibiting full confidence China, a member of international community, sincerely hopes to see the common worldwide economic prosperity.


Chinese economy is an integral part of the world economy.


On the one hand, Chinese economy benefits from the common worldwide economic prosperity; On the other hand, rapid economic growth and increasing consumption in this country contribute to the common

worldwide economic prosperity by providing a vast market and more job opportunities.


In opening to the outside world, China links its economy in line with international rules and regulations. 5.中国一贯遵守这些规则,尊重国际惯例。

China has consistently observed such rules and regulations, and has respected common international practices.

6.中国除了同100 多个国家签署了双边经贸协议之外,还加入了100 多个国际公约组织。

China has joined over 100 international conventions, in addition to signing bilateral economic and trade agreements with more than 100 countries.


China has steadfastly honored all obligations prescribed in international conventions and treaties to which it is a party.


The General Rules of Chinese Civil Law clearly stipulates that, if applicable in this country, international conventions or treaties which China has concluded will take precedence in cases involving inconsistencies with the civil law.


Chinese reform and opening effort and modernized drive would get nowhere without the cooperation of her friends around the world.


However, such cooperation must base on trust, negotiation, equality and mutual benefits. It must proceed from actual facts, rather than deductions.

11.18 年来,中国有效地推行了改革,找到了通往繁荣的道路。

Over the past eighteen years, China has carried out an effective reform program, and found a road leading to prosperity.


This in turn has meant we are now shouldering our historical responsibility to contribute to worldwide prosperity.


In the trend toward global economic integration and regional economic groupings, each country should achieve its own development as others advance, and provide necessary conditions for the development of others through its own development.


We must work together to constantly eliminate various influences and obstructions created by non-economic and trade elements, and must cast aside all fabricated mirages and specious inference such as the claim that development is a threat.


We must lose no opportunities for common development and thereafter, filled with great hope, march toward a new century.

International relations 国际关系常用词汇

International relations 国际关系常用词汇 protectorate (被)保护国 asylum 庇护;避难 forntier region, border region 边界地区 boundary negotiation 边界谈判 status quo of the boundary 边界现状 never to attach any conditions 不附带任何条件 non-aligned countries 不结盟国家 patrimonial sea 承袭海 consultations 磋商 the third world 第三世界 imperialism 帝国主义 200-nauticalmile maritime rights 二百海里海洋权 developing countries 发展中国家 dependency 附庸国 plebiscite 公民投票 generally-accepted principles of international relations 公认的国际关系原则joint action 共同行动 normalization of relations 关系正常化 an established principle of international law 国际法准则 rudimentary code of international relations 国际关系中最起码的准则international waters 国际水域 international situation 国际形势 merger of states 国家合并 national boundary 国界 maritime resources 海洋资源 mutual understanding and mutual accommodation 互谅互让 exchange of needed goods 互通有无 détente, 缓和 fundamental rights 基本权利 reduction or cancellation of debts 减轻债务负担

英语口译 练习方法

英语口译的练习技巧 方法一:不断的自言自语 自言自语对于训练说外语的流利程度是很有帮助的。例如搭捷运时,看到什么就说什么,这样练习形容眼前的事物,不断自言自语,将搭车的过程说出来。藉由这种练习来形容眼前的每件事物,每天作十次以上这样的练习,将会发现,自己的外语流利了许多。一些专家建议:刚开始时,先用母语(中文)练习,再用外语来练习及组织。想到什么,就用一种语言说出来,为的是训练我们的敏感度。这种敏感度会在我们自言自语时,组织我们自己语言的语流(speech flow)。 目的:在想到什么讲什么,看到什么就说什么的情况下,磨练我们的语言表达力,跟时间的掌握齐头并进。在自言自语当中,控制自己的语流,让自己的脑神经细胞都能展开来,跟周遭的事物结合在一起。这个在实践中还是做得到的。我们做口译时会紧张,往往就是语流掌握得不好。在做这一行时,很多人会认为我们的正确度已经足够,但是流畅度还是不行,这就是我们对语流控制不够,造成在口译表达上有所挫折。这个在实践上比较多,而理论上比较少。 方法二:阅读口(传)译:(sight translation) 定义:一边看,一边翻译。一边看用甲文字所写出来的文字,用乙文字的语言讲出来。 练习步骤: 步骤一:看英文,译成中文 可先找语法和词汇浅显,内容比较简单且自己较熟悉内容的外文书,例如国中英语课本、儿童故事等等,一边看,一边用母语讲出来。习惯了这样的翻译后,再用硬纸板挖开两行字大小的横条状的洞,将纸从上往下慢慢移动,每次看两行字,口译出来,移动的速度不要太快。每本做三至四次的练习,就可以不用这本书了,再由浅入深。这种步骤的好处是可以掌握文字上的意义与语言上的口说能力等两者转换间的衔接能力。 步骤二:看中文,译成英文 和上个步骤差不多,但难度更大。先用程度较浅的内容如国语、国文课本,或中文的儿童故事,先看中文,再用外语(英语)说出来。接着以步骤一的方法练习。 我的建议:在进行阅读传译步骤一、二的时候,不妨把译文录下来。英译中的部分请没有学过英文的人来听,中译英的部分则请以英语为母语的人来鉴定其是否流畅正确。我们一定要做录音这个动作来确定口译的正确程度。 步骤三:可以用以英文撰写的文字(最好是专题演讲稿〉,因为口译一般不是口语的,而是比较书面的。先训练笔头的功夫,在原文的两行字之间写出摘要( target language ) ,再用母语把摘要讲出来,因为我们脑神经细胞里所接受的化石(fossile)比较接近母语的沉


Passage 1 女士们、先生们:很高兴能有机会参加这次“中国日”年会。亚洲是世界上最大的洲,拥有世界60%的人口。它资源丰富,历史悠久。中国式亚洲的一员,同所有亚洲人民一样,中国人民勤劳智慧。中国人民愿与所有亚洲人民一起,共创亚洲的美好明天。 Passage 2 我们非常高兴能和你们在英格兰度过这样一段愉快的时光。在告别英格兰的时候,我觉得自己对它和它的历史有了更多的了解。我们希望在不久的将来能在中国接待诸位,请诸位看看中国的变化。现在,我提议为东道主的健康干杯!希望在不久能看见你们。 Passage 3我非常感谢您热情友好的欢迎辞。印度是最古老的文明摇篮之一,访问印度是我的强烈愿望。我为能成为贵公司的客人而深感荣幸。这次访问给予我一次很好的机会结交新朋友。我公司同印度有着有好的合作关系。我们在许多领域里的合作都取得了重大进展。我们的合作是富有成效的。我们将继续成为和睦共助的伙伴关系。 Passage 4今晚,我们很高兴在北京大学接待格林博士和夫人。我代表学校的全体师生员工向格林博士和夫人及其他新西兰贵宾表示热烈的欢迎。中新两国教育界人士的互访,增进了相互间的了解和学术交流。我相信格林博士这次对对我校的访问必将为进一步加强两校的友好合作关系做出重要贡献。明天,贵宾们将要赴南京和上海访问,我预祝大家一路旅途愉快。 Passage 5今天各位能出席这个招待会,我们深感荣幸。欢迎到中国来。在发展对外贸易中,我们坚持“互相尊重、平等互利”的原则,这一原则有助于发展我们各国独立的民族经济。我愿借此机会对各位朋友给予我们的合作和支持表示感谢。 Passage 6 在这个满天星斗、举国同庆的夜晚,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾从百忙之中拔冗光临我们的春节联欢晚会。春节是我国一年中的良辰佳时,我希望各位中外同事共度一个轻松、欢快的夜晚。我愿外国来宾能尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴和美酒。我希望这次晚会能使我们彼此有机会沟通、增进友谊。最后我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年健康、事业有成。 Passage 7近年来,中国在交通方面的资金投入每年都有所增加,公路建设因此有了很大发展。到去年末,这方面的投资超过了人民币3,200亿元。自从我国实行西部大开发策略后,西部的公路建设也得到了迅速发展。在今后的几年里,西部地区将继续成为公路建设的重点地区。 Passage 8中国加快发展,将给中美关系发展提供新的机遇与动力。例如,中国的旅游业带动航空业的发展,已经给美国企业带来了可观的实惠。中国从美国进口大量的大豆、小麦等农产品,为美国农业提供了广阔的市场。我相信,中国完全有可能在未来的20年乃至更长的时间里,继续保持稳定快速的经济增长。 Passage 9中国是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,农村地区经济不发达。穷


口译词汇及所涉及专业知识汇总Floating Dock (a metal Floating Dock ) 浮动港口Maritime Training Academy 海军训练基地 Air Force Training Academy 空军训练基地 Ocean Patrol Vessels( OPV) 海洋巡逻舰 Sea Patrol Vessels 近海巡逻船 Air Craft Carrier 航空母舰 发标to issue bidding documents 采购计划purchasing planning 渔政船fishery administration vessel 军舰Naval vessels 德班Durban 开普敦Cape Town 理查湾港Richard Bay 股权equity/share

煤矿集散地Coal distribution center 军港military harbor 商业港commercial port 武官defense attaché 商务参赞commercial counsellor 大使馆embassy 领事馆consulate 军火arms and ammunition 防务defense 中国人民解放军总装备部Chinese PLA General Armament Department 国际海军防务展IMDEX (International Maritime Defence Exhibition & Conference) 导弹护卫舰missile frigate 海军总司令commander-in-chief of the navy 总统专机president jet


各位大家好 我就是jacky,那个帖子《我如何用一年考上欧盟口译司》一文的作者。 我一直都想把这种系统的方法能够通过一个很好的方式传递给其他人,让更多的人找到梦想,发现真谛。 所以,我和朋友们一起集中智慧,起草了下面的这个操作的原则和程序,算作是一次大型的免费口译培训,希望你能够看懂,如果有什么问 题,可以回帖,如果没有,就可以直接开始了,一共六个月的进程,如果你能严格执行下来,考上二级口译应该没问题 1 分为6个不同的阶段,也就是6个月,到什么阶段,达到什么程度 2 在论坛上法帖,监督自己学习,也接受别人的监督, 3 完成了一个阶段,给负责人发邮件,才可以收到下一阶段的学习指示,所以大家必须要学习后在论坛上发帖,证明你每天都在学习,我们的 方法,只能提供给真正热爱的朋友。 4 办一个经验口译员解答专栏。稍候我们会开通这个服务 7 有关学习的具体进程: 第一个月: 模仿新闻1h + 新闻精听2h 基本上听新闻同类话题可以大致理解 第二个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力一次准确理解大约50-60%,语言能力得到增长,语音有所转变 第三个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力一次准确理解大约70-80%,基本上达到语言的运用有了一定积 累,新闻听力一次准确理解大约80-90%,语言运用比较正规,能够用新闻和标准的语言来表述一些复杂论点,开始笔记练习 第五个月: (该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力进入快速阶段,越来越好。语言能力继续提升,笔记基本上能够纪录短时间的文章 第六个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力达到接


外交常用英语词汇: Ministry of Foreign Affairs外交部 Protocol Department礼宾司 Information Department新闻司 diplomatic mission外交代表机构 emba ssy 大使馆 legation公使馆 consulate-general总领事馆 consulate领事馆 office of the chargé d''affaires,代办处 military attaché‘ 's office,武官处 commercial counsellor''s office商务处 press section, in formation service新闻处 liaison office联络处 diplomat外交家,外交官 diplomatic rank外交官衔 diplomatic representative外交代表 members of the administrative and technical staff行政技术人员amba ssador大使 amba ssador extraordinary and plenipotentiary特命全权大使 nuncio教廷大使 internuncio教廷公使

counsellor withthe rank of minister, minister-counsellor公使衔参赞 charg é d''affaires,代办 charg é d''affasiread interim,临时代办 counsellor参赞 first secretary一等秘书 second secretary二等秘书 third secretary三等秘书 attach é,随员 commercial secretary商务参赞 cultural secretary文化参赞 commercial attaché,商务专员 cultural attach,é 文化专员 military attach,é 武官 naval attaché,海军武官 air attach,é 空军武官 consul-general总领事 consul领事 doyen of the diplomatic corps, dean of the diplomatic corps外交使团团长roving ambassador巡回大使 ambassador-at-large无任所大使 special envoy特使 accredited to?向?派遣的


国际关系词汇及翻译 词汇 Vocabulary protectorate (被)保护国 asylum 庇护;避难 forntier region, border region 边界地区 boundary negotiation 边界谈判 status quo of the boundary 边界现状 never to attach any conditions 不附带任何条件 non-aligned countries 不结盟国家 patrimonial sea 承袭海 consultations 磋商 the third world 第三世界 imperialism 帝国主义 200-nauticalmile maritime rights 二百海里海洋权 developing countries 发展中国家 dependency 附庸国 plebiscite 公民投票 generally-accepted principles of international relations 公认的国际关系原则joint action 共同行动 normalization of relations 关系正常化 an established principle of international law 国际法准则 rudimentary code of international relations 国际关系中最起码的准则international waters 国际水域 international situation 国际形势 merger of states 国家合并 national boundary 国界 maritime resources 海洋资源 mutual understanding and mutual accommodation 互谅互让 exchange of needed goods 互通有无 fundamental rights 基本权利 reduction or cancellation of debts 减轻债务负担 Near East 近东 right of residence 居留权 arms dealer, merchant of death 军火商 territorial sea 领海 limits of territorial sea 领海范围 breadth of territorial sea 领海宽度 territorial air 领空 territorial waters 领水 inalienability of territory 领土的不可割让性 territorial jurisdiction 领土管辖权 territorial contiguity 领土毗连


情景:外国客户协同翻译来中国和一家外贸公司谈生意,中方公司派人接机。意外连连,外国客户行李丢失,心急如焚,在接待处向机场工作人员询问。 角色:A外国客户Miss.Brown B外国客户翻译C中方代表(会一点英语) D机场工作人员 A: Where can I get my baggage? I can'find my baggage. B我在何处可取得行李?我找不到我的行李。 D:我们正在调查,请稍等一下。 B: Please wait for a moment while we are investigating. A:Here is my claim tag. B :这是我的行李票。 A:We may have lost some baggage so we'd like to make a lost baggage report. B:我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告。 D:请和我到办公室。 B: Would you come with me to the office? A: Could you please check it urgently? B:是否可麻烦紧急查询? A: How soon will I find out? B:多快可找到? D:你总共遗失了几件行李?请描述你的行李。 B : How many pieces of baggage have you lost? Can you describe

your baggage? A:I have two pieces of luggage missing. One is a medium-sized Samsonite, and it's gray,and the other is a large leather suitcase with my name tag. It's dark blue. How can you help me if you can't find my baggage today? B:一个是中型的灰色绅耐特皮箱。另外一个是上面系有我名牌的大型皮制黑蓝色行李箱。 A: Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you've located it. B:一旦找到行李,请立即送到我停留的饭店。 A : I'd like to purchase what I need for the night. B:我想要购买过夜所需的用品。 D :我们会尽快处理好,把行李送到你的住处 B :they’ll try their best to find your luggage and send them to your hotel as soon as possible . A :OK .thanks! B :非常感谢! 突然,老外手中的电话响了 C:你好!我是代表我们公司来接你们的 A: oh,m y god ! I can’t understand what she is saying把电话给翻译 B喂,你好!我是Miss.Brown的翻译有什么事情跟我说好了我向Miss.Brown 转达。 C你好,我是公司派来接你们的,我已经在机场了,你们在哪里?


1. 全国人民代表大会[National People's Congress (NPC)] 主席团Presidium 常务委员会Standing Committee 办公厅General Office 秘书处Secretariat 代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee 提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee 民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee 法律委员会Law Committee 财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee 外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee 教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee 内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs 华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee 法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs 特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions 宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution 2. 中华人民共和国主席[President of the People's Republic of China] 3. 中央军事委员会[Central Military Commission] 4. 最高人民法院[Supreme People's Court] 5. 最高人民检察院[Supreme People's Procuratorate] 6. 国务院[State Council]


高级口译教程经典背诵版之国际关系 2011-02-14 TEXT PASSAGE ONE 英译汉: 1.The role of the United Nations has gained increasing importance since the end of the Cold War. 冷战结束后的联合国起着越来越重要的作用。 2.The increasing prestige is due in part to the fact that the Security Council has escaped the paralysis which resulted from the US-Soviet rivalry during the Cold War, a period when the two superpowers used their veto rights against each other, thereby incapacitating the Security Council. 联合国地位的上升部分是因为安理会摆脱了冷战期间因美苏对抗而出现的瘫痪状态,当时两个超级大国各自使用自己的否决权来反对对方,致使安理会无法正常运作。 3.The West, just as the developing world, has discovered that it needs the United Nations to achieve its objectives. 西方世界同发展中国家一样也发现它需要联合国以达到自己的目的。 4.In addition, global problems, including the proliferation of nuclear weapons, rapidly expanding populations, the environment, drugs and refugees, call for the entire international community to pool their efforts to find solutions. 此外,包括核武器扩散、人口激增、环境污染、吸毒以及难民在内的全球性问题要求整个国际社会共同努力,携手寻求解决问题的方法。 5.However, the United Nations faces a series of tough issues. 然而,联合国面临着一系列棘手的问题。 6.First of all, how should the UN respect state sovereignty while dealing with an increasing number of internal conflicts? 首先,如何在着手解决日益增多的国家内部冲突的同时,又能尊重那些国家的主权呢? 7. In many cases, regional organizations cannot resolve regional conflicts. 在许多情况下,区域组织不能解决区域冲突。 8.In the Cold War era, UN peace-keeping forces has two missions: to buffer conflicts and to implement agreements already reached between the parties. 在冷战期间,联合国维和部队有两大使命,即缓解冲突和贯彻有关各方之间达成的协议。 9.Now peace-keeping has turned into peace-enforcement. 现在维护和平已经变成了强制和平。 10.The United Nations has turned from handling international disputes

CATTI 笔译常用词汇(中国外交政策和国际关系)

CATTI 笔译常用词汇(中国外交政策和国际关系) 概述General Terms 安全考虑security consideration 傲慢行为arrogant behavior 把自己的意志强加于人impose one’s own will on others 霸权主义和强权政治hegemonism and power politics 保卫国家主权和民族资源safeguard national sovereignty and national resources 边界谈判boundary negotiation 边界现状status quo of the boundary 不附带任何条件never to attach any conditions 不结盟国家/政策non-aligned countries / policy 不受欢迎的人persona non grata 采取惩罚行动take punitive actions 采取高姿态show magnanimity 采取协调行动take concerted steps 常驻代表permanent representative 弹性外交elastic diplomacy 邓小平外交思想Deng Xiaoping’s diplomatic thoughts 低调low keyed (a metaphor for taking a cautious and slow approach) 电话协商telephone negotiations 独联体国家Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS) “渡假外交” holiday-making diplomacy 对无核区承担义务undertake obligations in respect of the nuclear-free zone 发展和平友好、平等互利、长期稳定的关系develop relations of peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, and prolonged stability 附庸国dependency 高层次、全方位的对话high-level and all-directional dialogue


女士们、先生们、朋友们! 人类只有一个地球,各国共处一个世界。共同发展是持续发展的重要基础,符合各国人民长远利益和根本利益。我们生活在同一个地球村,应该牢固树立命运共同体意识,顺应时代潮流,把握正确方向,坚持同舟共济,推动亚洲和世界发展不断迈上新台阶。 第一,勇于变革创新,为促进共同发展提供不竭动力。长期以来,各国各地区在保持稳定、促进发展方面形成了很多好经验好做法。对这些好经验好做法,要继续发扬光大。同时,世间万物,变动不居。“明者因时而变,知者随事而制。”要摒弃不合时宜的旧观念,冲破制约发展的旧框框,让各种发展活力充分迸发出来。要加大转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构力度,更加注重发展质量,更加注重改善民生。要稳步推进国际经济金融体系改革,完善全球治理机制,为世界经济健康稳定增长提供保障。亚洲历来具有自我变革活力,要勇做时代的弄潮儿,使亚洲变革和世界发展相互促进、相得益彰。 第二,同心维护和平,为促进共同发展提供安全保障。和平是人民的永恒期望。和平犹如空气和阳光,受益而不觉,失之则难存。没有和平,发展就无从谈起。国家无论大小、强弱、贫富,都应该做和平的维护者和促进者,不能这边搭台、那边拆台,而应该相互补台、好戏连台。国际社会应该倡导综合安全、共同安全、合作安全的理念,使我们的地球村成为共谋发展的大舞台,而不是相互角力的竞技场,更不能为一己之私把一个地区乃至世界搞乱。各国交往频繁,磕磕碰碰在所难免,关键是要坚持通过对话协商与和平谈判,妥善解决矛盾分歧,维护相互关系发展大局。 第三,着力推进合作,为促进共同发展提供有效途径。“一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。”世界各国联系紧密、利益交融,要互通有无、优势互补,在追求本国利益时兼顾他国合理关切,在谋求自身发展中促进各国共同发展,不断扩大共同利益汇合点。要加强南南合作和南北对话,推动发展中国家和发达国家平衡发展,夯实世界经济长期稳定发展基础。要积极创造更多合作机遇,提高合作水平,让发展成果更好惠及各国人民,为促进世界经济增长多作贡献。 第四,坚持开放包容,为促进共同发展提供广阔空间。“海纳百川,有容乃大。”我们应该尊重各国自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利,消除疑虑和隔阂,把世界多样性和各国差异性转化为发展活力和动力。我们要秉持开放精神,积极借鉴其他地区发展经验,共享发展资源,推进区域合作。进入新世纪10多年来,亚洲地区内贸易额从8000亿美元增长到3万亿美元,亚洲同世界其他地区贸易额从1.5万亿美元增长到4.8万亿美元,这表明亚洲合作是开放的,区域内合作和同其他地区合作并行不悖,大家都从合作中得到了好处。亚洲应该欢迎域外国家为本地区稳定和发展发挥建设性作用,同时,域外国家也应该尊重亚洲的多样性特点和已经形成的合作传统,形成亚洲发展同其他地区发展良性互动、齐头并进的良好态势。 女士们、先生们、朋友们! 中国是亚洲和世界大家庭的重要成员。中国发展离不开亚洲和世界,亚洲和世界繁荣稳定也需要中国。 去年11月,中国共产党召开了第十八次全国代表大会,明确了中国今后一个时期的发展蓝图。我们的奋斗目标是,到2020年国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入在2010年的基础上翻一番,全面建成小康社会;到本世纪中叶建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。展望未来,我们充满信心。 我们也认识到,中国依然是世界上最大的发展中国家,中国发展仍面临着不少困难和挑战,要使全体中国人民都过上美好生活,还需要付出长期不懈的努力。我们将坚持改革开放不动摇,牢牢把握转变经济发展方式这条主线,集中精力把自己的事情办好,不断推进社会主义现代化建设。


Good evening everyone. It’s a very great honor and pleasure to be with you here in Donguan this evening and to pay tribute to this quite remarkable development which um… has left me amazed and impressed and desiring to return again to this wonderful place, thank you. I’d also like to tell you that for me um…China has a special place in my heart and in my family. My brother is actually married to a Chinese lady, a very wise choice. And my little boy, that’s Stuart, um… he is just seven years old, and he’s begun to study Chinese in his school back in London. So who knows, maybe in 40 years’ time he will come along and address you in perfect Chinese. But to the moment NIHAO is all I can say. Now, um… I would like to talk to you reasonably briefly and I understand we’re gonna to have time to take questions and answers, um.. so please feel free then to ask me any questions you want, I will be pleased trying to give you as good answers as I can. But I’d like to, in my remarks to you, address the… this question really, which is how do we develop our economy and society both in countries like this and in countries like mine so that we maximize the potential of our countries and our people.// And I believe there are a number of ways that we have to do this. The first is that we have to have the right partnership between government and business. And I would like to congratulate you, MR vice mayor and all those who are engaged in government in this province, for the very wise and intelligent way that you have partnered the private sector in the developments that have come about. I think that has made a big difference to this region. Thank you, Sir. I also believe that it is only when government and industry work together that we can deal with some of the major questions of planning and urban development that are so critical in making sure we are offering opportunities to everybody in our society, not simply a few. The biggest problem in any modern country today is how do we ensure that the benefits of the wealth that we create are spread amongst the whole of the population. And, in order to do that, we need the closest possible cooperation between those who work in government and those who work in business. I have to… seeing Mr. Chen’s amazing development just a short distance from here, to which congratulations, err…it’s an incredible achievement. But I know that that could not have been done unless with the right cooperation and partnership between those in positions of government and those like yourself who are entrepreneurs. So that’s the first thing, the partnership between public and private sector. // The second thing is the importance of education. I think for all our countries today, the thing that we can do most is to build the knowledge and capability of our people. In every one of our societies, at the moment, there are people of talent and ability. But unless they get the education opportunities that they need, they will never be able to fulfill that opportunity properly. I would like to think in years to come, that there would be partnerships, for example, between the universities and scientific institutes in a country like the UK. And how you develop your university sector and science here? I think for Europe, there is much much more that we can do, to try to make sure that Europe and China work more closely together in developing the knowledge


2015年国际关系MTI真题回忆 本人,今年也考上了国关的翻译硕士,想分享一些东西给大家。国际关系学院隶属于国家安全部,是京城的四小少之子!一开始对这个学校,只是感兴趣,然后,偶然在一次,和考研机构的老师的谈话中了解到这两年,国际关系学院的生源不太好。每年,一志愿过线的就没几个,我去年的时候就在关注这个学校,他们的初试复试及调剂。去年计划招二十五个,初试过线3下,剩下全部是调剂生。因为在网上找不到他的真题信息,所以去淘宝上,对比了几个商家之后买了一套题,顿时感觉,水太深不敢进。可是,考研不就是想考一个好的学校吗?然后狠狠心,把真题全部看了一遍,本身自己就不是那种考试型的学生,逢考必不过,高考失利,进入了一个普通的二本学校,大学的英语等级考试,又路途坎坷。。所以我内心的心情想必大家可以猜到。浏览了好多学校的信息,么有什么感兴趣的,除了国关。在此我想强调一下,选学校真的很重要特别重要,有了方向,就知道该往那方面努力了。其实一开始的目标是,南开或者对外经贸,但是这是两个,大热门院校,人特别多竞争压力特别大,所以,选了国关这个不是太火实力又不弱的学校。 下面说说真题吧。第一翻译硕士英语,国关的翻译硕士英语题型特别全,什么改错了阅读了,选词填空了,GRE选择,名言理解了,对了还有最变态的就是英语的名词解释:包括科技名词,艺术名词,热词,还有希腊神话的谚语解解,顿时想死的心都有了。悲催的不紧如此,那20个GRE选择,都够让我打退堂鼓了,词汇量匮乏是自身最大的毛病,我可能还能记住那些又长又难的gre单词呢?还好,今年的选择换成了语法及词语辨析

(不过哥可是,背了好长时间的gre单词啊,还做了新东方的,gre的词汇的所有选择题,太坑了)还有改错,最烦的改错,每年的文章内容都是希腊神话,要是你不了解这些你根本就做不出来,而且三四行一个长句子找一个错,没题源,只能,做专八的改错了,做了整整一本书。名词解释折到了那个“black death”,出考场之后才想起来是黑死病,但哥也不会解释啊,阅读不按常规出牌,第一篇文章跟着一个题,第二篇跟着5个题,最后一道跟着9个题,还是关于乌托邦的哲学问题,考完之后特别特别想喷血。 第二翻译基础。今年可是题型换了好多啊。前面的三十个英汉词语互译,我就只会十个真的只会是个剩下的都是蒙的,太偏了,貌似今年跟外交学院的题重了一些!英译汉挺简单是,社会经济类的,汉译英,由原来的外交文件性质的换成了偏文学类的。在考场上看到题我顿时就觉得,好吧,我是来做真题的。自己给自己打分也就,九十多吧,然后出来之后挺幸运,将近110。 第三,百科知识与汉语写作!真心推荐那本大绿皮书,是应对名词解释最好的书。国关的百科知识部偏,特别正,需要自己认真的把近几年的真题的词条分类汇总然后再去找应对办法。在14年的真题到手之前我就压了好多题都准了,一五年的真题之中我压了整整十几分全中。小作文基本么有什么格式要求,大作文也挺简单,看高考满分作文就足够了。 最后,我想谈谈政治!如果你高中是一个纯粹的文科生我建议你不要报班学习,九月份政治新大纲出来之后赶紧买一本,就开始固定时间去翻看,必须好好看两遍,这样不会占我你太多的时间。在做题的过程中一遇到错


翻译部分 又

标标原文: Hl e r ar e hy a n d C om m u ni协,a tHom e a nd A b r oad: Evi d e nee o faCom m o n S tr u e t u r e o f f 译译文: 国内与国外的阶层和团体: 美国精英中国内外政策信仰的共同结构之证据 据 题题 D o m e s t一e a nd For e ig n Pol一e、,Be l一efsi n Am e ri ean Ell t e s s 原原文译文 H H Hiera rc h y a n d C o m m u n ity a t t 国内与国外的阶层和团体:: H HHo m e a n d A b ro ad :: 美国精英国内外政策信仰的 EE E、,idenee of a C om m on Struetu re of D om estie e e 共同结构之 证据 a a n d F o r e ig n P o lie y B e lie f s in A m e r iea n E lite s s 赖布恩恩 B BB rian C . R ath b u n nn 摘要: 越来越多的证据表明,美国精 A A A lth o ug h th ere 15 in ere asin g ev id en ee o f a rela t io n sh iP P P 英在国内外政策的态度之间存在着联 系,, b b b e彻 een d o m e sti e an d f or eig n P o liey at t itud es a m o n g g g 但是我们对其原因仍知之甚 少。其实,深深A A A m eriean e li t es. w e h av e less o f a n id ea a b o u t w h y th ese e e 入了解我们所说的左 翼、右翼、自由主义义 se s ts o f at t itu d es eo h ere . T h e a n sw er l i e s i n a b 比 er r r 和保守主义,就可以得到答案。借助 权力力un u d ers t a n d in g o f w h at w e m ean w h en w e ta lk ab o ut “l ef t”理论、党派分歧以及意识形 态连续体的概概an a d “ri g h t、’or “l i b e r a l”an d “eo n ser vati v e .’‘D raw in g o n th e e念,笔者 认为,存在两个核心价值观: 阶 1i t1e r a ture o n rig h ts th eo r y*P ar t isan e leav ag es, an d d d 层和团体; 二者在国内政策和外交 政策层 i d i e o l o g i ea l eo n ti n u a . 1 P o si t th e ex i sten ee o f t w o co re e e 面得到了体现。笔者对表现美国精英 国内内v a v】u es. h ierareh v an d co m m u n i t \. t h 歇 sh o u 】d m an i f e st t t 外政策态度的数据的关键部 分进行了分 t h t e m se lves b o t h at h o m e an d ab ro ad . 1 P erf or m a P r i n ei P a l l 析,结果表明,两个领域存在几乎相 同的的 eo e m P o n en ts an a }y sis on d ata eaP tu rin g b oth t h e d o m estie e e 态度结构。这说明,在一般情祝下将
