















12. 图样的比例,是指图形与实物相对应的线性尺寸之比。

13. 为保护钢筋、防蚀防火,并加强钢筋与混凝土的粘结力,钢筋至构件表面应有一定厚度的混凝土,这层混凝土称为保护层

14. 民用建筑一般由基础、墙柱、楼板层和地坪层、楼电梯、屋顶、门窗等六大部分组成。

15. 凡直接承受屋顶、楼板所传来的荷载的墙称为承重墙。

16. 砌块按单块重量和幅面大小可分为小型砌块、中型砌块和大型砌块。

17. 顶棚装修可分为直接式和悬吊式。

18. 屋顶的作用主要有围护作用和承重作用。

19. 物业接管主要有两种类型。一种是从建筑单位手中接管新建物业,另一种是从业主、业主大会、老物业管理企业手中接管原有物业。

20. 混凝土结构的维护措施有:防止超载、防止撞击、防止腐蚀。




24. 图样上的尺寸单位,除标高及总平面图以米为单位外,其它以毫米为单位。



27. 墙体按受力情况可分为承重墙和非承重墙。

《房地产法》第一套试题 一. 单选题(共20题,共40分) 1. 权属登记管理的根本利益和出发点是(C)。 A.保护房地产使用人的合法权益 B.保护房屋租赁人的合法权益 C.保护房地产权利人的合法权益 D.保护房地产权利人和租赁人的合法权益 ★答题分析:C。见《城市房屋权属登记管理办法》第1条。 2. 下述各项中,不属于土地使用权划拨的特征的是(D) A .土地使用权划拨是一种具体的行政行为 B.土地使用权划拨是一种无偿的行为 C.地使用权可以是有期限的,也可以是无限期的 D.划拨的土地使用权,可以转让、出租、抵押 ★答题分析:D。土地使用权划拨的特征的是土地使用权划拨是一种具体的行政行为;土地使用权划拨是一种无偿的行为;土地使用权可以是有期限的,也可以是无限期的。 3. 天红房地产开发公司于1995年7月1日以出让方式获得某市一国有土地的使用权,使用年限为40年。经开发建成商品房后,1999年7月1日将该房屋一并转让给大洋公司,大洋公司将其作为职工宿舍分配给职工居住。李某于2000年1月1日搬入新居,李某此时对该土地的使用年限为(C) A.40年 B.70年 C. 35年零6个月 D.36年 ★答题分析:C。国有土地使用权的期限以土地出让合同记载的期限为准。通过出让方式取得国有土地使用权的人又以转让方式或开发方式利用该土地使用权的,后续土地使用权人的使用权的实际使用期限仍应以土地使用权出让合同记载的起算时间计算其土地使用权使用时间 4.下列项目需要占用农业地,需要向国务院办理审批农用地转批手续的是:(A) A.国务院批准的建设项目 B.村政府为村民修一个文化娱乐中心 C.设区的市级政府批准的大型管线工程 D.占用土地超过70公顷 ★答题分析:选A。根据《土地管理法》第44条规定,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准的道路、管线工程和大型基础设施建设项目、国务院批准的建设项目占用土地,涉及农用地转为建设用地的,由国务院批准。 5. 福首村位于甲区的近郊,经济比较发达,村办企业已经有几十家,现在有下列用地需求,其中可以使用集体土地的有:(A) A.村里的副产品加工厂想扩大自己的厂房 B.村民王某将原有房屋出卖,想再申请一处宅基地建住房 C.甲区大华公司想利用村里的土地开发商品房 D.区兴隆超市想扩展其经营范围,打算利用村里土地开分店 ★答题分析:选A。根据《土地管理法》第14条规定,兴办乡镇企业和乡村公益企业事业建设,可以使用集体的土地 6. 《城市房屋权属登记管理办法》规定,转移登记必须在转移事实发生之日起(D )日内进行申请。 A.30 B.60 C.45 D.90 ★答题分析:D。根据《城市房屋权属登记管理办法》第十七条第1款规定,因房屋买卖、交换、增与、继承、划拨、转让、分割、合并、裁决等原因致使其权属发生转移的,当事人应当自事实发生之日起90

会计专业学位外语考试模拟试题(1) 2010.12 一、语音题。(每空1分,共5分) 1、A. holiday B. some C. come D. cover 2、A. thousand B. surround C. cloudy D. should 3、A. great B. fate C. palace D. grade 4、A. move B. notice C. motor D. whole 5、A. choose B. flood C. spoon D. food 二、辩错题。(每题1分,共5分) 6、There was no bus. I have to walk home. A. no B. have C. to walk D. home 7、She has read the article last week. A. has read B. the C. article D. last 8、We set up a lot of universities since 1949. We have also set up a Central Radio and Television University. A. set up B. since C. also D. a 9、By now Old Wang worked in that factory for twenty years. A. worked B. in C. that D. for 10、Now that they have successfully passed the TOEFL, the students were ready to begin their classes at the university. A. Now that B. successfully C. were D. to begin 9、Hangzhou is the most beautiful city I saw. A. the B. most C. city D. saw 三、单选题。(每题1分,共25分) 11、It _____ the eyes to read in such poor light.

数据结构(本)期末综合练习 2017年5月 有得看就不难 综合练习一 一、单项选择题 1.设有头指针为head的带有头结点的非空单向循环链表, 指针p指向其尾结点, 要删除头结点,并使其仍为单向循环链表,则可利用下述语句head =head->next ;()。 A.p =head; B.p=NULL; C.p->next =head; D.head=p; 2.在一个单链表中p指向结点a, q指向结点a的直接后继结点b,要删除结点b,可执 行()。 A.p->next=q->next ; B.p=q->next; C.p->next=q; D.p->next=q; 3. 以下说法不正确的是 A. 线性表的链式存储结构不必占用连续的存储空间 B.一种逻辑结构只能有唯一的存储结构 C. 一种逻辑结构可以有不同的存储结构 D.线性表的顺序存储结构必须占用连续的存储空间 4.在一个单向链表中,在p所指结点之后插入一个s所指的结点时,可执行();和 p->next=s; A.p= s; B. p->next=s->next; C.p=s->next; D. s->next=p->next; 5.把数据存储到计算机中,并具体体现( )称为物理结构。 A. 数据元素间的逻辑关系 B.数据的处理方法 C.数据的性质 D.数据的运算 6.设有一个长度为23的顺序表,要删除第8个元素需移动元素的个数为()。 A.16 B.14 C.15 D.13 7.链表所具备的特点之一是()。 A.可以随机访问任一结点 B.需要占用连续的存储空间 C.插入元素的操作不需要移动元素 D.删除元素的操作需要移动元素 8.设一棵有8个叶结点的二叉树,度数为1的结点有3个,则该树共有()个结点。 A.20 B.18 C.17 D.16 9.图状结构中数据元素的位置之间存在()的关系。 A.一对一 B.多对多 C.一对多 D.每一个元素都有一个直接前驱和一个直接后继10.一棵具有5层的完全二叉树,最后一层有4个结点,则该树总共有()个结点。 A.14 B.15 C.19 D.18 11.元素15,9,11,13按顺序依次进栈,则该栈的不可能输出序列是() (进栈出栈可以交替进行)。 A.13,11,9,15 B.15,9,11,13 C.13,11,15,9 D.9, 15,13,11 1

房地产法形成性考核 作业一 一、1、房地产开发关系、房地产交易关系、房地产管理关系、物业管理关系 2、宪法、房地产法律、国务院发布的房地产法规、决议和命令、最高人民法院的文件、国务院各部委发布的命令、指示和规章、地方政权机关发布的房地产管理法规 二、1、房地产法律关系:是房地产法律规范在调整房地产开发、交易及管理过程中发生在房地产主体之间的权利义务关系。 2、土地征用:指国家或政府为了公共目的依法强制取得他人土地并给予补偿的一种行为。 3、安置补偿费:指国家对被征地单位支付的安置因征地所造成的多余农业人口而支付的补助金额。 三、1、土地使用权出让与转让的关系? 答:土地使用权出让作为土地使用权转移的一种形式,它与土地使用权转让行为相同,都是一方将其拥有的土地使用权依法有偿,有期限的让渡与另一方当事人。土地使用权出让与转让行为均不得影响国家对出让、转让的土地所有权。这两点体现了二者的共性。同时,土地使用权转让是以土地使用权出让为前提条件,而土地使用权转让又可以促进土地使用权出让市场的繁荣和发展。 区别:1、土地使用权出让是创设财产权的行为,而土地使用权转让则是转移财产权的行为。2、法律关系主体不同:土地使用权出让法律关系的主体一方是土地所有者,另一方是土地使用者;而土地使用权转让法律关系中的双方当事人均为土地使用者。3、出让金与转让费的构成及反映的关系不同:土地使用权出让金除了土地所有者事先投资外,主要指地租。土地使用权转让费出了包括出让金和土地使用者的投资及其利息之外,还包括经营利润。 2、土地使用权出让合同变更与解除的条件主要有 那几种情况? 答:1、社会公共利益的需要。2、双方协商并经 有关部门批准方可变更。3、由于一方违约,致使出让 合同没有必要履行的。4、土地灭失。因自然灾害原因 造成土地灭失的,使土地使用权出让合同履行成为不可 能时,可以解除出让合同。 四、试论房地产转移让的条件。P233-235 五、案例分析 答:1、法院应判定两家公司签订的《转让合同》 无效。因环宇公司既不具备预售房地产的条件,也不具 备房地产转让的条件,并且该房已抵押给了银行,更无 权用它收益。 2、环宇公司应退还岩达公司的房款,并承担资金 占用期间的损失(利息)。 作业二 一、1、ACDE 2、BD 3、ABC 4、B 5、ACE 二、1、房地产(狭义):指土地与建筑物在空间 上合为一体的财产形态。它是土地与建筑物的有机结 合。 2、土地征用权:指国家或政府再不需要其他土地 所有者同意的情况下,通过一定的补偿,依法把土地用 于公共目的的权利。它有三个特征:它属于国家或政府 的特有权利;它以公共目的为前提;它以补偿为条件。 三、1、简述房地产法的内容。 答:广义的房地产法包括了对房地产经济关系进 行调整的所有法律规范,如宪法规范、民法规范、经济 法规范、行政法规范、刑法规范等,甚至还包括国务院 以及中央各部委所颁发的条例、规章、规定等。狭义的 房地产法在我国一般均指《城市房地产管理法》。 2、简述土地征用的程序。 答:1、申请。2、审查。3、批准。4、公告。征 用土地方案经依法批准后,市、县人民政府应当在收到 批准文件之日起10日内在被征用土地所在地的乡、镇、 村范围内予以公告。 四、案例分析。 答:1、市房屋买卖合同,是无效合同。 2、应当这样处理:双方签订的代理兴建房屋合同 是无效的;符祝浪应付给万泉河黄酒实业有限公司欠购 房款30万元及1996年7月1日起至判决还清之日止的 欠款利息。 作业三 一、填空题。 1、行为、事件 2、以经营为目的、以自用为目的 3、 土地登记人、土地位置、土地权属性质、用地面积、 地类面积、土地实际用途、土地等级、土地权属来源 及依据和土地使用期限。 二、1、土地利用总体规划:指各级人民政府根据国民 经济和社会发展的情况,对土地的开发、利用、整治和 保护在时间上和空间上所作的战略构思和设计方案。 2、房地产转让:指房地产权利人通过买卖、赠与或其 他合法方式将其房地产转让给他人的行为。 3、房屋租赁:指房屋所有人作为出租人,将其房屋出 租给承租人使用,由承租人向出租人支付租金的行为。 三、1、简述房屋租赁的条件。 答:1、有从事房屋租赁的营业执照。房屋租赁属于房 地产经营的一种方式,因此出租人应办理营业执照,取 得合法的经营资格。2、出租房屋所占的土地是以出让 方式取得的。3、有合法的房屋所有证书。4、房屋属正 常使用,符合安全条件。 2、简述房地产抵押权标的物的范围。 答:根据《房地产法》第31条和第47条的规定,房地 产抵押权标的范围包括房屋所有权和该房屋占用范围 内的土地使用权;以出让方式取得的土地使用权可以设 定抵押权,后者则视为权利的抵押。 四、论述题。

2017年电大《大学英语》B电大网考试题及答案(一) 一、交际英语 1、---I'll fly to Shanghai on business next Friday. ---____________________________ A:That's very nice of you. B:I don't think so. C:Can't you go? D:Have a good trip. 答案:D 2、--I went to the beach and got plenty of rest. --___________. You looked tired last time I saw you. A:I hope so B:Really C:I'm glad you did D:The sound was nice 答案:C 3、---This is John. -- ___________ A:Oh, I have never seen you. B:Yes, I am glad. C:Hello, John. Nice to meet you. D:How are you? 答案:C 4、-- Please help yourself to the seafood. -- ________ A:No, I can't. B:Sorry, I can't help. C:Well, seafood don't suit. D:Thanks, but I don't like seafood. 答案:D 5、- Could I borrow your car for a few days? - ________ A:Yes, you may borrow. B:Yes, go on. C:Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journey. D:It doesn't matter. 答案:C 二、阅读理解 1、 Snowflakes look like white stars falling from the sky. But there have been times when snow has looked red, green, yellow, or black. There have been snowflakes of almost every color. Think how it would seem to have colored snowflakes coming down all around you.

学位英考试试题-1 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: Archaeology, like many academic words, comes from Greek and means, more or less, “the study of old things”. So, it is really a part of the study of history. However, most historians use paper evidence, such as letters, paintings and photographs,but archaeologists (考古学家) learn from the objects left behind by the humans of long ago. Normally, these are the hard materials that don't break down or disappear very quickly—things like human bones and objects made from stone and metal. It is very unusual to find anything more than the hard evidence of history--normally, the bacteria (细菌) in the air eat away at soft materials, like bodies, clothes and things made of wood. Occasionally, things are different. In 1984, two men made an amazing discovery while working in a bog called Lindow Moss, in the north of England. A bog is a very wet area of earth, with a lot of plants growing in it. It can be like a very big and very thick vegetable soup—walk in the wrong place and you can sink and disappear forever. The men were working when one of them saw something sticking out—a human foot! Naturally, the men called the police,who then found the rest of the body. Was it a case of murder? Possibly--but it was a death nearly two thousand years old. The two men had found a body from the time of the Roman invasion of Britain. Despite being so old, this body had skin, muscles, hair and internal organs—the scientists who examined him were able to look inside the man's stomach and find the food that he had eaten for his last meal! Why was this man so well preserved? (76) It was because he was in a very watery environment, safe fi:om the bacteria that need oxygen to live. Also, the water in the bog was very acidic. The acid preserved the man's skin in the way that animal skin is preserved for leather coats and shoes. How did he die? Understandably, archaeologists and other scientists wanted to know more about the person that they called,“Lindow Man”. (77) His hands and fingernails suggested that he hadn't done heavy manual work in his life—he could have been a rich man. They found that he hadn't died by accident. The archaeologists believe that he was sacrificed to three different gods. 1. Which language does the word “archaeology”come from? A. French. B. Greek. C. Roman. D. German. 2. The word “these” in the first paragraph refers to_______. A. letters B. photographs C. paintings D. objects 3. Which of the following helped to preserve“Lindow Man”? A. Ice and Iow temperature. B. Bacteria and oxygen. C. Soil and energy. D. Acid and water. 4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

"题目1:把数据存储到计算机中,并具体体现数据元素间的逻辑结构称为()。: 逻辑结构 ; 算法的具体实现 ; 给相关变量分配存储单元 ; 物理结构" "题目2:下列说法中,不正确的是()。 : 数据元素是数据的基本单位 ; 数据项可由若干个数据元素构成 ; 数据项是数据中不可分割的最小可标识单位 ; 数据可有若干个数据元素构成" "题目3:一个存储结点存储一个()。 : 数据类型 ; 数据元素 ; 数据结构 ; 数据项" "题目4:数据结构中,与所使用的计算机无关的是数据的()。 : 物理结构 ; 逻辑结构 ; 存储结构 ; 物理和存储结构" "题目5:在线性表的顺序结构中,以下说法正确的是()。 : 数据元素是不能随机访问的 ; 逻辑上相邻的元素在物理位置上也相邻 ; 进行数据元素的插入、删除效率较高 ; 逻辑上相邻的元素在物理位置上不一定相邻" "题目6:对链表, 以下叙述中正确的是()。 : 插入删除元素的操作一定要要移动结点 ; 不能随机访问任一结点 ; 可以通过下标对链表进行直接访问 ; 结点占用的存储空间是连续的" "题目7:下列的叙述中,不属于算法特性的是()。 : 输入性 ; 可读性 ; 可行性 ; 有穷性" "题目8:算法的时间复杂度与()有关。 : 数据结构 ; 计算机的操作系统 ; 所使用的计算机 ; 算法本身"

"题目9:设有一个长度为n的顺序表,要在第i个元素之前(也就是插入元素作为新表的第i个元素),插入一个元素,则移动元素个数为()。 : n-i+1 ; n-i-1 ; i ; n-i" "题目10:设有一个长度为n的顺序表,要删除第i个元素移动元素的个数为()。 : n-i-1 ; n-i ; i ; n-i+1" "题目11:在一个单链表中,p、q分别指向表中两个相邻的结点,且q所指结点是p所指结点的直接后继,现要删除q所指结点,可用语句()。 : p->next=q->next ; q->next=NULL ; p->next=q ; p=q->next" "题目12:在一个单链表中p所指结点之后插入一个s所指的结点时,可执行()。 : s->next=p->next; p->next=s; ; p->next=s->next; ; p->next= s; s->next= p->next ; p=s->next" "题目13:非空的单向循环链表的尾结点满足()(设头指针为head,指针p指向尾结点)。 : p== head ; p->next==NULL ; p->next==head ; p==NULL" "题目14:链表不具有的特点是()。 : 插入删除不需要移动元素 ; 不必事先估计存储空间 ; 逻辑上相邻的元素在物理位置上不一定相邻 ; 可随机访问任一元素" "题目15:带头结点的链表为空的判断条件是()(设头指针为head)。 : head->next==head ; head->next==NULL ; head!=NULL ; head ==NULL" "题目16:在一个长度为n的顺序表中为了删除第5个元素,由第6个元素开始从后到前依次移动了15个元素。则原顺序表的长度为()。 : 19 ; 21 ; 25

电大英语考试试题及答案 交际用语 A((句子的开头字母)) 1、Afternoon, sir. Where to? A. Please get me to the airport 2、Are you sure about that? D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive 3、All the team members tried their best,We lost the game, .A.However 4、A lecture hall is where students attend lectures.C.one B 1、Before I got to the cinema, the film . A.had begun C 1、Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?-- B. At the office 2、Can I help you to get it down? C. Thanks. It’s so nice of you 3、can you turn down the radio,please?B.I’m sorry,Ididn’t reahze it was that loud 4、Can I get you a couple of tea?A.That’s very nice of you D 1、Do you think the exam will be put off? C. Not likely 2、Don’t worry,There is --------------roomfor all your books here C.enough E 1、Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? A. Certainly. Here you are 2、Excuse me,now can I get to the nenrest supermarket?D.Sorry,sir,I’m a stranger here myself F 1、Fine weather it is! A.What H 1、Hello, Sally. How’s everything?— D. Just so-so 2、Hello, could I speak to Don please?-- _D. Who’s speaking? 4、How’s the movie? Interesting? C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV 5、Her parents died when she was very young,so she was brought up byher aunt. 6、-------he said is quite right. B.What 7、Hello,Saiiy,How’s everything? C.Just so-so I 1、I don’t like the spots programs on Sundays.—B. Neither do I 3、In my opinion, you’d better take a couple of days off.A. I’ll take your advice 4、I think the Internet is very helpful. — A. Yes, so do I 5、I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. —C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now 6、I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer. D. Really? Maybe she’s out 7、Is this the motel you mentioned? B. Yes, it’s as quiet as we expected 8、It happened on a winter night 9、I know it isn’t important but I can’t help thinking about it 10、I don’t suppose he will attend the meeting,B,will be 11、I think all these are main points much attention B.worthy of 12、I prefer classicmusic pop muice. D.to 13、I’m tired. I working very hard.B.have been L 1、Let’s take a walk. A. Yes, let’s 2、Let me the case carefully berore I apaw a conclusion.B.look into M 1、May I help you, madam?-- D. Yes, I’d like 2 kilos of oranges

31. Tom’s father has taught English here since he graduated from Peking University.汤姆的父亲从北京大学毕业后就一直在这里教英语。 32. Please give this book to whoever comes first 请把这本书给最先来的人。. 33. Though it was late, they kept on working尽管已经很晚了,他们还在继续工作。 31. Apples here like water and sunshine. 这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。 32. Fred was such a hardworking student that he soon came our first in the class. 弗莱德是一个学习十分用功的学生,以至于不久他就成了班里学习最好的学生 33. Ted and William have lived under the same roof for five years. 泰德和威廉已经在同一个屋檐下生活了五年了。 31. A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used. 那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用 32. In Foreign Languages Department, a checking machine is used to correct the students’ test papers. 在外语系,用阅卷机给学生阅卷 33. The students are encouraged by their teacher to do more listening, reading and writing. 老师鼓励学生多听,多读,多写 31. There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction. 由于摩擦而损耗了大量的能量。 32. This place has plentiful material resources这个地方的物质资源是丰富的. 33. Various substances differ widely in their magnetic characteristics. 各种材料的磁性有很大的不同 31. The more passions we have, the more happiness we are likely to experience. . 我们的激情越多,我们有可能体验到的快乐就越多。 32. Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up. 历史每重演一次,代价就增加(一分)。 33. In an age of plenty, we feel spiritual hunger. 在这个物质财富充裕的时代,我们感到精神上的饥渴 31. In no other country in the world can you find such plants as this one. 像这种植物在世界上的其他任何一个国家中都找不到。 32. I was having a nap when suddenly the telephone rang我在睡觉时,电话铃突然响了。. 33. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西,未必都是金子 31 Bill hit his car into a wall last night. 昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。 32 Would you please help me with this heavy box? 你能帮我抬一下这个很沉的箱子吗? 33 He has taught English in this university ever since he moved to this city. 自从他来到这座城市就在这所大学里任教 31 Transistors are small in size and light in weight. 晶体管的体积小,重量轻 32. John and his brother differ in personality even if their differences in age are not significant. 尽管约翰和他哥哥在年纪上相差不大,但他们的个性却不相同。 33. If you decided to learn a new language, you would have to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to the cause. 如果你决定学一门新的语言,你必须全身心地投入。 31. You needn’t go there anymore. He already knows about it. 你不必去了,他已经知道那件事了。 32. As is known to all, China is a developing country. 众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家 33. The most common samples of inorganic materials are the gases of the atmosphere, water, rocks, etc. 大气中的气体、水、岩石都是无机物中最普通的实例 76.The study was means to examine how the brain reacts to electromagnetic fields caused by wireless phone signals。研究意图检测大脑是如何对无线电信号引起的电磁场反应的 77.Experts said the results were interesting, but urged that they be understood with great care。专家指出这一结果值得关注,但是在解释时需要特别谨慎 78.Nor is electronic multitasking entirely new: We’ve been driving while listening to car radios since they became popular in the 1930s。电子操作的多任务处理也并不是全新的:自从十九世纪三十年代它们流行开始,我们就边开车边听音乐了 79.Although multitasking kids may be better prepared in some ways for today’s fast-paced workplace, many scientists are positively alarmed by the trend。在如今的快节奏工作环境里,尽管能够多任务处理的孩子在某种程度上也许会准备的更好,但许多科学家的确被这种趋势震惊了。 80.In Germany, nuclear power has been a repeatedly argued and widely felt issue for decades。在德国数十年来核武器已经被反复争论,并且引起广泛的讨论 81. Earthquakewhich recently happened in Japanhad changed the surface of earth。最近发生在日本的地震改变了

2014电大《房地产法》形成性考核册作业答案 《房地产法》形成性考核册作业1答案 一、填空题 1、房地产法调整的社会关系包括(土地利用管理关系)、(土地财产关系)、(城市房屋管理关系)及(房屋财产关系)。 2、房地产法的渊源体系也称之为房地产的法律体系,是房地产法律规范的表现形式。其中主要主要包括(房地产权属法律制度)、(房地产开发用地法律制度)、(房地产开发法律制度)、(房地产交易法律制度)、(房地产税收法律制度)、(物业管理法律制度)。 二、名词解释 1、房地产法律关系 ——房地产法律关系是指房地产法律规范在调整房地产经济关系过程中发生在房地产主体之间的权利义务或职责职权关系。 2、土地征用 ——是指国家或政府为了公共目的依法强制取得他人土地并给予补偿的一种行为。 3、安置补助费 ——安置补助费是指国家在征用土地时,为了安置以土地为主要生产资料并取得生活来源的农业人口的生活,所给予的补助费用。 三、简答题 土地使用权出让与转让的关系。 答:(一)联系 相同点:都是一方将其拥有的土地使用权依法有偿、有期限地让渡于另一方利用;都不影响国家对出让和转让土地的所有权。 联系:土地使用权的出让是转让的前提,使用权的转让促进出让市场的发展和繁荣。(二)区别 1、土地使用权的出让是创设财产权的行为,即在出让之前,该权利并不存在。转让是转移财产权的行为。 2、法律关系的主体不同:出让的主体一方是土地的所有者,另一方是土地的使用者;转让的双方都是使用者。 3、出让金与转让费的构成和反映的关系不同。出让金主要是地租,转让费包括出让金、投资还有利润。 土地使用权出让合同变更与解除的条件主要有哪几种情况? 答:(1)社会公共利益的需要 (2)双方协商并经有关部门批准,可以变更合同。

财经英语答案 【篇一:浙江财经学院英语翻译大赛试卷和答案】txt>考核方式:闭卷考试时间:120分钟第一题:汉译英 15% 1.市场需求 _____________________________________________________ 2.社会主义市场经济 ______________________________________________ 3.可持续发展战略 ________________________________________________ 4.深化改革 ______________________________________________________ 5.人寿保险公司 __________________________________________________ 6.综合国力 ______________________________________________________ 7.消费者物价指数 _________________________________________________ 8.社会主义和谐社会 _______________________________________________ 9.九年制义务教育 __________________________________________________ 10.中国人民政治协商会议 ___________________________________________ 第二题:英译汉 15% 1. intellectual property rights_________________________________________ 2. future exchange_____________________________________________ ____ 3. closing price_________________________________________________ ____ 4. loan and trust company____________________________________________ 5. extensive economy______________________________________________ __ 6. export quota _____________________________________________________ 7. certified public accountant_________________________________________ 8.

北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试 2016.05.07 阅读理解: 语法选择题: 16. “Can your brother and sister understand the English teacher?”“No, ____ of them can. “ A. Not either B. not one C. neither D. no one 17. Someday in the future they are bound to ____ for the crimes they have committed today. A. pay B. cost C. catch D. spend 18. a true friend is one who offers you a helping hand when you are ______. A. in order B. in public C. in time D. in trouble 19. Young boys and girls stood on _____ sides of the street to welcome the president from Africa. A. every B. each C. both D. all 20. Last night a big fire _____ in the suburbs of the town, causing huge losses to the area. A. broke down B. came down C. broke out D. came out 21. Customers: Waiter, a table for two, please. Waiter: Yes, sir. There’s one but it’s close to the door. Customer: ____. We’ll take it. A. Excuse me B. Not at all C. Well, it doesn’t matter D. Not really 22. A child’s five year is important as far as learning is ______. A. touched B. worried C. concerned D. affected 23. The man fell in love with her at first ______. A. scene B. sight B. look D. sign 24. They key ____ success is hard work and persistence. A. on B. to C. for D. of 25. We are all very grateful ______ you for your help. A. on B. from C. with D. to 26. If Jack ____ to the office tomorrow, give him the letter please. A. come B. comes C. came D. come 27. ____ Yellow River is known to be ____ second longest river in China. A. The, the B. /, / C. The, / D. /, the 28. Neither Jane nor Ted ______ going to meet Professor Jones next Friday because both of them will be busy with their classes then. A. are B. were C. is D. was 29. By the year 2020, China’s population probably _____ 1.4 billion. A. will be reaching B. are reaching C. will have reached D. has reached 30. Mary is the only student in my class _____ speaks Chinese. A. who B. which C. where D. what 31. Anna complained the hotel was too expensive. It had ____ her 1,000 dollars for the night. A. spent b. charged C. offered D. bought 32. ____ was in a completely different way that he played the game. A. That B. It C. There D. As 33. ____ all his homework for today, Tom felt very much relaxed and went out for a walk around his neighborhood. A. to finish B. To have finished C. Finished D. Having finished 34. The weather forecast says there’s going to be a heavy storm here in two or three hours, so we have to hurry back home _____ it comes.
