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二、语用意义的特点The basic features of pragmatic meaning:

1、原词附属性(Etymological subsidiarity)

2、主观体验性(Subjective experientiality)

3、词义不确定性(Meaning uncertainty)

4、概念临时性(Conceptual temporality)

5、语境共生性(Contextual interdependency)

• 1)原词附属性 adhesive (忠实原意) : 依托词义 Each word must be adhesive to its primary meaning . .

Ambition is the mother of destruction as well as of evil. mother的原义是“母亲”,而在本句中的语用意义是“源泉”,但它又与本义“母亲”有着密不可分的语义关系。.

• 依托词形 Sometimes make use of the spelling of the primary meaning


H-beam(工字梁) T-shirt u-steel (槽钢) X-brace(交叉支撑) 身比较肥胖的体型)

O-ring(o形环) V-belt(三角皮带) A-shaped(形容下半

依托词音 Sometimes make use of pronunciation of the primary meaning

A: why are parliamentary reports called “ blue books”? B:because the y are never red.



• 2)主观体验性 Personal experienced : In most cases, the use of a certain word will recall a lot of speaker’s association. 南瓜pumpkin 中国人尤其是老一辈的人,看到“南瓜”可能会想起苦日子,南瓜与艰难的岁月联系在一起。而美国人会想到Thanksgiving Day、 Halloween,南瓜与幸福生活紧密相连。

• 3)词义不确定(Meaning uncertainty)


语用扩充 In order to suit different context. it is necessary to extend or shorten the overtone of the word conceptual meaning

(1)语用收缩(pragmatic narrowing): 是指在特定语境中,某一词语所编码意义的所值范围或其含义的缩小。 a.As I worked in the garden, a bird perched on my spade. b.Birds wheeled above the waves. c.A bird, high in the sky, invisible, sang its pure song. d.At Christmas, the bird was delicious. 根据不同的语境条件,人们听到这四句话后,即对“bird” 的原型意义(prototypical meaning) 作出语用收缩的语用加工。Bird在a句中可能指小麻雀;b 句中可能指海鸥;c句可能指云雀;d句中多指圣诞火鸡或家禽肉,并非一般的鸟肉。

(2)语用扩充(pragmatic broadening):就是原型意义或常规意义的语用弱化、延伸。 a.The math teacher made a circle on the blackboard, and then explained the diameter and semi-diameter. b.The students sitting in a circle went on listening to their teacher. c.Shanghai will be the New York in China. a中“circle”是典型的、具有几何意义的标准圆 b 中“circle”表示近似于圆的一种形状 c中“New York ”是指成为类似纽约那样规模、具有高度国际化的大都市。

4)概念临时性Temporary Sometime the speaker adjust the conceptual meaning to serve the context

(1)指示(deixis)现象人们使用指示性的词汇时,常常伴有概念意义的临时调整。 a. I’ll ask her about it this weekend. b. Please wait for me in that place tomorrow. 要确定句子中


(2)共轭搭配(zeugma) 主要由一个词语同两个分属不同语义范畴的词语搭配而成。 d. She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy. Open 与宾语door 和her heart共同组成共轭搭配。

• 5)语境的共生性。语用意义在运用的过程中


• Words pay no debts. • (words 指不行动之人的空话) • He’s the mouth(发言人)of the House. (在开会的语境)
