
2019 中考词汇运用易错题 50 题(附答案)

1.It ’s (真的)that we are going to have a school trip next week.

2.What’s the (总计的)population of China?

3. T his kind of hair clips (与……相配)her red skirt.

4. H ere’s your (零头)

5. The audience in the front (排, 行)made room for the late comers.

6. T om is not happy with his (工作)and he wants to look for a new one.

7. Three (四分之一)of the theater was full.

8. S he used to (仿效)the stars ’ dressing when she was young.

10.The (无力的)you are,the stronger your enemy is.

11. The (发现)of Columbus was quite an event in the world.

14. Would you like us to have the robot (检查)?

15. Some of them have voted (反对)the local government ’s decision.

16. That girl walked past me quickly (没有)saying anything.

17.. He devoted his life to (改善)the poor people ’s living conditions.

18.I want to know more about the 19. Bears seldom hurt people and always sleep (成长)of the giant panda.

(越过)the winter.

20. For (世纪)farmers there have only just managed to survive.

21. You simply can ’t get a ticket (凭借)official channels.

22.I could hear the wind (刮)at that moment.

23.The snow kept (下降)around us.

24.Our team (输)to the other team yesterday.

26. The leaves turn green and the temperature (上升)quickly.

27. Both the farmers and (渔民)were hard hit by the bad weather.

28.. There are mornings when getting out of bed is the (困难的)thing

you will do all day.

29. We are surprised at the man ’s (丑陋).

30. She was very angry that she could be even (提及)in an article of this kind.

31. His wife Cheryl said she had no (担心)about his health.

32. (另外),it ’s important for us to develop a green lifestyle.

33. (far)on is Times Square

34. If you drop litter on the road,you will be (罚款)

35. I told myself to calm down since I was (live).

36. It is probably the most (pollute)body of water in the world.

37. Four (five)of the students in our class do voluntary work after school.

38. Daniel finished the article and (lay)the newspaper down on his desk.

39. The teahouse is a popular place for local people to treat their important (visit)

40. He wanted us to stop laughing ,but he looked even (fun)than before.

41.Many men still avoid (accept)a woman as a business partner.

42. It’s bad for your health to keep your (sad)to yourself.

43. The square in our town is much (noise)than before,especially in the morning.

44. They clapped hands with (excite).

45. I hope you can accept my (invite)

46. J apanese differs greatly from French in (pronounce)

47. M any of you have written to us to express your (think)on teenage problems.

48. His workshop is (connect)with a small building in the garden.

49.Only the achievement of these goals will bring (last)peace.

50. Many wild animals are in danger because of the (lose)of living areas.










9.running 10.weaker

11.discovery 12.smoke 13.wide 14.checked 15.against

16.without 17.improving 18.growth 19.through 20.centuries 21.through 22.blowing 23.falling 24.lost 25.Toothaches

26.rises 27.fishermen 28.hardest 29.ugliness 30.mentioned 31.worries 32.Moreover 33.Further 34.fined 35.alive

36.polluted 37.fifths https://www.360docs.net/doc/ea15985362.html,id 39.visitors 40.funnier

41.accepting 42.sadness 43.noisier 44.excitement 45.invitation 46.pronunciation 47.thoughts 48.connecting https://www.360docs.net/doc/ea15985362.html,sting 50.loss



At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!


九年级单项选择专练 C1. --- ____ do you study for a test? --- I study by listening to tapes. A. What B. Which C. How D. Where B2. I _____ really quiet. Now I’m very outgoing. A. use to be B. used to be C. use to D. used to A3. Ann ____ to choose her own clothes, but she isn’t allowed to get her ear pierced穿耳洞yet. A. is allowed B. allow C. allowed D. is allowing D4. ---What ___ you do if you had a million dollars? --- I’d give it to charity. A. will B. did C. were D. Would ①提出将来会发生的事:主句:主语+would/should/might/could+动词原形 从句:if+should+动词原形/were to+动词原形 eg. If he should go to Harvard University, he would make full use of his time. 如果他要上哈佛大学的话,他就会充分利用他的时间了。 ②提出现在的条件:主句:主语+would/should/might/could+动词原形 从句:if+动词过去式 eg. If he studied at this school, he would know the enviornment around the school very much. 如果他在这所学校学习的话,他会很了解周边环境。 ③提出过去的未发生的条件:主句:主语+would/should/might/could have+动词过去分词 从句:if+had+动词过去分词 A5. --- Have you ever ____ another country? ---- Yes, I have. A. been to B. gone to C. be to D. went to B6. --- _____ would you like to go ? --- I’d like to go somewhere warm. A. Which B. where C. What D. How B7. He looks sad. Let’s ____ . A. to cheer him up B. cheer him up C. to cheer up him D. cheer up him C8. ----Jack,you look tired today. What’s wrong?



一、填空题 1. A=2 x 3X a, B=3X a x 7,已知A与B的最大公约数是15,那么 a=(),A与B的最小公倍数是()。 2. 有一个放大镜,在这个放大镜下,一条线段其长度是原来的3倍,在这个放大镜下,正方形面积是原来的()倍,正方体的体积是原来的()倍。 3. 小红1/5小时行3/8千米,她每小时行()千米,行1千米用()小时。 4. 一台榨油机6小时榨油300千克。照这样计算,1小时榨油 ()千克,榨1千克油需()小时。 5. 把3米长的绳子平均分成4段,每段长()米,每段占3米的()。 6. 一个长方体的长、宽、高的比是3:2: 1,已知长方体的棱长 总和是144厘米,它的体积是()立方厘米。 7. 甲数是乙数的60%甲数比乙数少()%乙数比甲数多() 8. 甲班人数比乙班多1/4,则乙班人数比甲班少()。9.水结成冰后,体积比原来增加1/11,冰化成水后,体积减少()。 10. 一项工程投资20万元,比计划节约5万元。节约() %。 11. 男生人数的3/4与女生人数的4/5 一样多,男女生人数的比是 。 12. 一个长方形的周长36分米,宽是长的4/5,长方形的面积是 平方分米。 13. 在一个减法算式里,被减数、减数与差的和是180,减数与差的比是4: 5,被减数是(),差是()。 14. 一本书若定价每本10元,获得的纯利润是25%如果想使获得的纯利润是40%则每本书应定价()元。 15. 一个两位数,十位上的数字是m个位上的数字是n,用含有 字母的式子表示是()。 16. —个两位小数,它的近似值是4.0,这个数最大是(), 最小是()。 二、判断题 1. 大于90°的角都是钝角。() 2. 只要能被2除尽的数就是偶数。() 3.12/15不能化成有限小数。( 4. 能被3整除的数一定能被9整除。 5. 两个锐角之和一定是钝角。( 6. 在比例中,如果两个内项互为倒数, () 7. x+y=ky (k 一定)则x、y不成比例。( 8. 正方形、长方形、平行四边形、圆都是轴对称图形。( ) 9. 比例尺就是前项是1的比。() 10.1千克的金属比1千克的棉花重。( 11.1/100和1%TE是分母为100的分数,它们表示的意义相同。 () 12. 圆锥的体积比圆柱体积小2/3。( ) () ) 那么两个外项也互为倒数18. 比例尺大的,实际距离也大。(


中考英语单选各种难题易错题 A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather 解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. weather是不可数名词,前面不能有不定冠词。英语中经常考查的不可数名词有work, news, adivice, information等。 ( ) 2. Which is the way to the __________? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. shoes’ factory 解析:选A. 此题极易误选B, C, D. 英语中名词单数可以修饰名词,如: an apple tree →two apple trees. 但注意 a man teacher→two men teachers。 ( ) 3. This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them。 A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying 解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. class, family, team等单词如果表示整体谓语就用单数,表示个体就用复数,从语境及其后面的代词them可以看出,class表示个体,故选择A。 ( ) 4. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam。 A. two month B. two-month C. two month’s D. two-months 解析:选择B 此题容易误选C, D. 在英语中数词中间用连字符号加名词单数,构成符合名词,在句中只能作定语,如果选择C, 需要把逗号放s后面。 ( ) 5. There is no enough ________ on the corner to put the table。 A. place B. room C. floor D. ground 解析:选B. 此题最容易误选A.。 room在句中是空间而非房间。句意:角落里没有摆桌子的空间了。 ( ) 6. We can have _____ blue sky if we create _____ less polluted world。(苏州2010) A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 解析:选A. 此题容易误选C, D. 根据句意:如果我们创造一个没有污染的世界,那么我们就用一个蓝色的天空。


小学六年级数学易错题(选择题)_题型归纳 二、选择题: 1、自然数a除以自然数b,商是10,那么a和b的最大公约数是( )。 A、a B、b C、10 2、一个三角形,经过它的一个顶点画一条线段把它分成两个三角形,其中一个三角形的内角和是( )。 A、180 B、90 C、不确定 3、从甲地开往乙地,客车要10小时,货车要15小时,客车与货车的速度比是( )。 A、2:3 B、3:2 C、2:5 4、用3根都是12分米长的铁丝围成长方形、正方形和圆形,则围成的( )面积最大。 A、长方形 B、正方形 C、圆形 5、在除法算式mn=ab中,(n0),下面式子正确的是( )。 A、a>n B、n>a C、n>b 6、过平行四边形的一个顶点向对边可以作( )条高。 A、1 B、2 C、无数 7、用三根同样长的铅丝分别围成圆、正方形和长方形,( )的面积最小。 A、圆 B、正方形 C、长方形 8、甲数与乙数的比值为0.4,乙数与甲数的比值为( ) A.0.4 B.2.5 C. 2/5 9、加工一批零件,经检验有100个合格,不合格的有25个,这批零件的合格率是( ) A、75% B、80% C、100% 10、小数点右边第三位的计数单位是( )

A、百分位 B、千分位 C、0.01 D、0.001 11、等底等高的圆柱体比圆锥体体积( ) A、大 B、大2倍 C、小 12、如果4X=3Y,那么X与Y( ) A、成正比例 B、成反比例 C、不成比例 13、0.70.3如果商是2那么余数是( ) A、1 B、0.1 C、0.01 D、10 14、做一批零件,如果每人的工效一定,那么工人的人数和用的时间( ) A。成正比例B。成反比例C。不成比例 15、两根同样长的绳子,一根剪去3/7,另一根剪去3/7米,第( )根剪去的长一些。 A、第一根长 B、第二根长 C、一样长 D、无法判断 16、一根绳子,剪成两段,第一段长3/7米,第二段占全长的3/7,第( )段长一些。 A、第一段长 B、第二段长 C、一样长 D、无法判断

历年中考英语易错选择题100题 答案

For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 历年中考英语易错选择题100题/含答案 1. It’s very warm-hearted ______ you to get the tickets ______ the World Cup. A. for, of B. of, for C. of, to D. to, for 2. How many teachers are there in your school? ______, I think. But I don’t know the exact number. A. hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundreds of D. Hundreds or thousands 3. Will you stay for lunch? Sorry, ______. My brother is coming to see me. A.I mustn’t B.I can’t C.I needn’t D.I won’t 4. When he was there, he ______ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day. A. would B. should C. had better D. might 5. There ______ no hurry, need there? A. need be B. need to be C. doesn’t D. needs 6.______ the sports meeting might be put off. Yes, it all depends on the weather. A. I’ve been told B. I’ve told C. I’m told D.I told 7. Shirley ______ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it. A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing 8. We don’t allow ______ in this room. A. smoking B. to smoke C. people smoking D. people to smoking 9. I haven’t got a chair ______. Will you make room for me? A. to sit B. to sit in C. for sitting D. sitting on 10. It was so cold that the travelers had the fire ______ all the night. A. burning B. to burn C. burn D. burnt 11. She ______ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right. A. looked for B. looked up C. looked after D. looked like 12. Every morning, WE are asked ______ taken our temperatures. A .if we have B. if have we C. if we had D. if had we 13. I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exercise A. the other; other five B. the other; another five C. other; five more D. other; more five


[易错题1] 王叔叔家养了350只鸡,每个笼子里装30只,需要准备多少个这样的笼子? 【错误解答】350÷30=11(个)……20(只) 答:需要准备11个这样的笼子。 【“病因”分析】这里出错的原因是把余下的20只鸡忽略了,余下的20只鸡需要再装一个笼子,这里应该准备12个笼子。 【正确解答】350÷30=11(个)……20(只) 11+1=12(个) 答:需要准备12个这样的笼子。 [易错题2] 小红、小林和小刚,一个星期一共练了630个大字,平均每人每天练多少个大字? 【错误解答】630÷3=210(个) 答:平均每人每天练210个大字。 【“病因”分析】这里出错是把一个星期是7天这个隐含的条件忽略了。 【正确解答】630÷3÷7=210÷7=30(个) 答:平均每人每天练30个大字。 [易错题3] 计算(842+421+421)×25,下面最简便的方法是()。 A.421×(4×25 ) B.842×(2×25 ) C.842×25+421×25+421×25 【错因分析】首先要明白(842+421+421)×25有多种简便计算方法,一个可以把421合并成842,另一个也可以把842拆分成421,而此题要求是最简便的方法,那么有的同学只想到简便没看清“最”简便就想当然选择B了。 【思路点睛】正确答案选择A,因为此题要求最简便。通过把842拆分成2个421,和题中已有的2个421合并成4个421,再根据乘法结合律把4和25先乘起来得100,这样就是最简便的方法了。B比起原题死算确实简便,但比起A来没有A更好算最简便。 [易错题4]

简便计算(100+2) ×45。 【错因分析】典型错误(100+2) ×45 =100×45+2 =4500+2 =4502 × 出现这种错误是由于学生对什么是乘法分配律本质内涵认识和理解不够。什么是乘法分配律?书上结论是这样陈述的:两个数的和与其中一个数相乘,可以先把这两个数分别与这个数相乘,再相加。也就是说不能只乘其中一个加数。上述案例中就只乘其中100这个加数,而另一个加数2就漏乘45了,导致出错。 【思路点睛】我们依据乘法分配律,把100和2这两个加数分别与45相乘,最后再把两个乘得的数相加。正确过程如下: (100+2) ×45 =100×45+45×2 =4500+90 =4590 [易错题5] 简便计算68×99。 【错因分析】 68×99 =68×(100+1) =68×100+68 =6800+68 =6868 × 该同学看到99想到100,把99先看作最接近的100这很好,但是忽略了简便计算的前提是等量代换,一个量须用与它相等的量去代替,才可以依次继续递等下去。把99替换成(100+1)这本身就建立在不公平基础上,所以不能向下递等,结果也不对等。 【思路点睛】两个数相乘,如果有一个数接近整百数,可以先将这个数转化成整百数加或减一个数的形式,再应用乘法分配律进行计算。正确过程如下: 68×99 =68×(100-1) =68×100-68 =6800-68 =6732


中考英语单项选择易错题精选 1.What do you think ______solve the problem ? A .you can do B.can you do C .you can do to D.can you do to 2 .In the past he often made his sister____, but now he is often made ___by his sister. A. to cry; to cry B. cry; cry C .to cry; cry D .cry; to cry 3 .The teacher told us that the sun ____in the east. A .rises B .rose C .raises D .raised 4 .He lives in a village _____there are a lot of trees. A. there B. where C .that D .which 5. He _________ Alice for ten years. A. married to B .has married to C. has married D.has been married to 6 .We need fifteen more people _____our team to do the job. A .but B .except C. as well D .besides 7 .They won`t allow us ________ at this beach. A .swimming B. to swim C .swam D .swim 8 .Is this factory ______you visited last week? A. that B. where C .the one D. in which 9 .The reason ____he was absent from the meeting was ____his car broke down on the way. A .that; because B .why; that C. that; that D. for; that 10 .Is the river_____ through that town very large? A .which flows B. flows C. that flowing D.whose flows 11 .The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now. A .playing B. to be playing C .play D .to play 12. The red rose is the only one _____I real like. A. which B .who C .that D. whom 13 .All the apples _____ fell down were eaten by the pigs. A .those B. which C. what D. that 14 .Don`t forget the day ______you were received into the Youth League. A .when B .that C .at which D .where


十一册易错题整理 方程 果园里的苹果树有1000棵,桃树的棵树是苹果树的2倍,但比梨树少500棵。梨树有多少棵? 果园里的桃树有X棵。梨树的棵树是桃树的2.5倍。梨树和桃树一共有()棵,梨树比桃树多()棵。 甲仓存粮180吨,乙仓存粮120吨,甲仓运了一部分到乙仓,这样乙仓的存粮就是甲仓的2倍。甲仓运了多少吨到乙仓? 三角形的面积时S平方厘米,如果它的高是5厘米,那么它的底是()厘米。 一个书架,上层放的书的本数是下层的2.4倍,如果把上层的书搬到56本到下层,这两层书的本数就同样多。原来两层各放了多少本书? 小明和小华各有钱若干,小明比小华多85元,两人各用去30元后,小明剩下的钱是小华剩下的钱的2倍。两人原来各有多少元?

甲仓的存粮是乙仓的2倍,甲仓每天运出350吨,乙仓每天运出250吨,若干天后,乙仓的存粮正好运完,甲仓还剩下900吨。两仓原来各有多少吨存粮? 甲、乙两艘轮船同时从青岛开往上海。甲船每小时行24千米,乙船每小时行21千米。几小时后两船相距15千米? 客、货两列火车从相距465千米的两地同时出发,相向而行。客车每小时行90千米,货车每小时行65千米,几小时后两车相遇? 小明和小华在一个400米的环形道上练习跑步。两人同时从同一点出发,反向而行,小明每秒跑4.5米,小华每秒跑5.5米。经过多少秒,两人第二次相遇? 长方体和正方体 一种长方体的通风管,长1米,横截面是边长4分米的正方形。做一个这样的通风管至少需要多少平方分米的铁皮? 用96厘米长的铁丝焊成一个正方体的框架,再用硬纸将其围成一个无盖的正方体的盒子,至少需要多少平方厘米的硬纸? 正方体石料的底面积是16平方分米,每立方米的石料重2.8千克。这块石料重多少千克?


人教版中考英语易错100道选择题专项练习题 ()1.—What_____to your city in recent years? —Lots of wide roads,tall buildings and beautiful parks have been built. A.takes place B.have happened C.has happened D.happened () 2.—Does your father still smoke? —No,he has succeeded in_____smoking for three years. A.giving up B.give up C.gives up D.gave up () 3.In the past,I often wrote letters to my friends.But now we keep in touch_____each other by telephones and the Internet. A.to B.of C.for D.with () 4. The family was_____poor_____they couldn’t buy a TV set. A.so;that B.not;until C.not;but D.so;but () 5.—_____my daughter is only ten years old,she knows a lot. —What a clever girl! A.Because B.Whether C.Though D.So ( ) 6.He got up______late______he was late for work today. A.such...as B.so...that C.very...that D.too...to ()7.______it rains heavily,______farmers are still working in the fields. A. Though,but B.Though,still C.Though,/ D.Although,but () 8. —I helped a disabled man yesterday. —_____wonderful experience! A.What B.How a C.How D.What a () 9.Jessie learned a lot______the book after reading it. A.from B.Of C.at D.with


一、填空 1、连接梯形各边的中点围成新的图形是() 2、一个三角形两条边是5厘米和三厘米,第三条边的长度可能是() 3、电动伸缩门是利用平行四边形的()性设计的。 4、等边三角形是特殊的()。 5、44×25=(11×4)×25=11×(4×25),这是根据()。 6、1100÷125÷8=11000÷(125×8)运用了() 7、一个立体图形,从正面看是)个小正方体。 8、用一根铁丝围成一个边长18厘米的正方形,那么用这个铁丝围成一个正三角形,边长是()厘米。 9、王大伯家的三角形菜地的两条边分别是5米和8米这个三角形菜地的第三条边可能是()米 10、有三种长度的小棒(长度分别是3cm、5cm、8cm)若干根,可以摆成()种不同的三角形 11、十分位上的“3”与十位上的“3”相差() 12、在0.08、0.080、0.008这三个小数中,计数单位相同,但大小不相等的两个数是()、() 13、把6改成以百分之一为计数单位的数是() 14、将一根15厘米的木棒截成三根整厘米的小棒来围成三角形,最长的一根小棒不能超过()

厘米 15、5吨50千克=()吨 1.2平方厘米=()平方分米 4.1公顷=()平方米 16、直角三角形的三条边分别是6厘米、8厘米、10厘米,这个直角三角形相互垂直的两条边分别是()() 17、观察1、2、3、6、12、23、44、X、164的规律,可知X= () 18、如果12=1×1,22=2×2,32=3×3.....252=25×25,且12+22+....252=5525,那么32+62+...+752=9×5525= 19、近似数是1.0,这个两位小数最小是(),最大是()。 20、甲、乙两数的和是264,把甲数的小数点向左移动一位,则两数相等。甲数()乙数()。 21、两个一样的三角形可以拼成()。两个一样的直角三角形可以拼成()()()。两个一样的等腰直角三角形可以拼成()()()。 22、等腰三角形的底角是顶角的2倍,顶角是()。 23、有3厘米、4厘米、5厘米、7厘米四根小棒,从中选3根搭成一个三角形,有()种不同的选法。 24、在一条长90米的小路两旁种树,如果两端都种,每相邻两棵树之间的距离是10米,可以种()棵。 25、要在五边形的水池边上摆上花盆,使每一边都有4盆,最少需要()盆。


最新中考英语语法单项选择易错题精选20题 (附解析) 1.____is well-known that Taiwan is part of China. A. It B. That C. What D. As 2.____ is clear to us all, students should obey the school’s rules. A. As B. What C. Which D. It 3.____ is known to all is that China is a developing country. A. What B. As C. Which D. It 4.Mao Zedong was born in Shaoshan, ____ now is a place of interest. A. which B. as C. it D. that 5.He spent as much time as he could ____ the experiment. A. do B. to do C. did D. doing 6.He did what he could ____ his mother do some housework. A. to do B. do C. did D.doing 7.Stay ____ you are. I’ll be back soon. A. in which B. where C. there D.at the place which

8.He came to the second storey window, ____he could see what was happening across the rive. A. from which B. from it C. which D. from where 9.She is alone at home, so she has no one ____she can turn for help. A. whom B. / C. to who D.to whom 10.____advice will you fellow? A. Whose else B.Who’s else C. Who else’s D. Who’s else’s 11.He came to the shop,_____was tightly closed. A. who’s door B. which door C. its door D. the door of which 12.He was praised____what he did. A. because B. be came of C. for the reason D. as 13.The reason ____he was turned down is ____he had no money. A. why;that B. why;because C. that;why D. that;because 14.He found ____honor to be invited to give a talk here. A. that it an B. that an C. it a D. it was an


六年级下册数学易错题整理 一、填空 1、如果A:7=9:B,那么AB=() 2、如果5X=4Y,那么X:Y=() 3、甲数的4/5等于乙数的6/7(甲、乙两数都不为0),甲乙两数的比是()。 4、已知三个数12、16、9,如果再添上一个数,使之能与已知三个数组成比例式,这个数应该是() 5、X:Y=3:4,Y:Z=6:5,X:Y:Z=() 6、在12 、8 、16 这三个数中添上一个数组成比例,这个数可以是()、()或()。 7、在比例尺是6:1的地图上,量得A到B的距离是1.2厘米,A 到B的实际距离是() 8、4X=Y,X和Y成()比例。 4÷X=Y ,X和Y成()比例。 9、35:()=20÷16==()%=()(填小数) 10、已知被减数与差的比是5:3,减数是100,被减数是()。 11、在一幅地图上量得甲乙两地距离6厘米,乙丙两地距离8厘米;已知甲乙两地间的实际距离是 120千米,乙丙两地间的实际

距离是()千米;这幅地图的比例尺是()12、一块铜锌合金重180克,铜与锌的比是2:3,锌重()克。如果再熔入30克锌,这时铜与锌的比是()。 13、 12的约数有(),选择其中的四个约数,把它们组成一个比例是()。写出两个比值是8的比()、()。 14、如果体重减少2千克记作—2千克,那么2千克表示()2千克。 15、一个圆柱的体积是15立方米,与它等底等高的圆锥的体积是() 16、一个比例中,两个内项分别是10和4/5,其中一个外项是4.5,另一个外项是() 17、一个零件长10毫米,花在纸上长5厘米,这张纸的比例尺是() 18、一个三位数,用“四舍五入”法精确到百分位约是34.62,这个数最大是(),最小是() 19、修一条公路,单独修甲队要修5天修完,乙队要修7天修完。如果两队同时合修,几天能修完?列式();如果这条公路长9千米,单独修甲队要修5天修完,乙队要修7天修完。如果两队同时合修,几天能修完?列式(); 二、判断题 1、组成比例的两个比,一定是最简整数比。 ()


1. It’s very warm-hearted ______ you to get the tickets ______ the World Cup. A. for, of B. of, for C. of, to D. to, for 2. How many teachers are there in your school? ______, I think. But I don’t know the exact number. A. hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundreds of D. Hundreds or thousands 3. Will you stay for lunch? Sorry, ______. My brother is coming to see me. A.I mustn’t B.I can’t C.I needn’t D.I won’t 4. When he was there, he ______ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day. A. would B. should C. had better D. might 5. There ______ no hurry, need there? A. need be B. need to be C. doesn’t D. needs 6.______ the sports meeting might be put off. Yes, it all depends on the weather. A. I’ve been told B. I’ve told C. I’m told D.I told 7. Shirley ______ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it. A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing 8. We don’t allow ______ in this room. A. smoking B. to smoke C. people smoking D. people to smoking 9. I haven’t got a chair ______. Will you make room for me? A. to sit B. to sit in C. for sitting D. sitting on 10. It was so cold that the travelers had the fire ______ all the night. A. burning B. to burn C. burn D. burnt 11. She ______ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right. A. looked for B. looked up C. looked after D. looked like 12. Every morning, WE are asked ______ taken our temperatures. A .if we have B. if have we C. if we had D. if had we 13. I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exercise A. the other; other five B. the other; another five C. other; five more D. other; more five 14. I called you just now, but you weren’t in Sorry, I ______ the reading room. A. was in B. have gone to C. studied D. had been to 15. The family ______ at the lunch table when someone came to tell them what had happened at ______. A. were sitting; Mr Brown B. were sitting; Mr Brown’s C. was sitting; Mr Brown D. was sitting; Mr Brown’s 16. Have you ______ your father recently? No. He doesn’t often write to me. A. heard about B. heard of C. heard from D. got from 17. ______did you sleep last night? I was reading too late to fall asleep. A. How long B. was doing C. How soon D. How 18. Has Jack finished his homework yet? I’ve no idea, But he ______ it the who le afternoon. A. would do B. was doing C. did D. had done 19. He’s never stolen anything before, ______ he? ______. It’s his third time to be taken to police station. A. hasn’t; Yes B. is; Yes C. has; Yes D. has; No 20. I will spend as much time as I ______ the lesson.


四年级下数学易错题整理(一) (加减法的意义和各部分间的关系;乘、除法的意义和各部分间的关系;加法 运算定律;乘法运算定律;简便计算) 一、填空。 1.___________________________的运算叫做加法。相加的两位数叫做_______,加 得的得数叫做________。 2.____________________________________________的运算叫做减法。 3._______+_______=和加数=_______-_______ 4.在减法中,已知的和叫做__________,_________是加法的逆运算。 5.减法各部分间的关系:被减数=_________+ __________,______=被减数-差,差 =________+________。 6.一箱可乐12瓶,军军买了4箱用了144元,每瓶可乐_________元。 7.李奶奶家养了96只白兔,养灰兔的只数是白兔的一半,李奶奶家一共养了______ 只白兔和灰兔。 8.甲数比乙数多15,乙数比丙数多12,甲数比丙数多______。 9.由2、3、6组成的最大三位数加上最小的三位数减去60的差,结果为_____。 10.求几个_____________________的和的简便运算叫做乘法。

11.相乘的两个数叫做_________,乘得的数叫做________。 12.在除法中,已知的积叫做__________,除法是___________的逆运算。 13.乘除法之间的关系:因数×因数=_______,因数=_________÷另一个因数,被除 数÷_______=商,除数=________÷_______,被除数=________×_______。 14.我们学过的加、减、乘、除四种预算统称_____________。 15.一个数加上0等于___________,一个数和0相乘仍得_______,0除以一个 _____________,还得0。 16.123-[(18+36)÷9]计算时,先算_____法,再算______法,最后算_______法。 17.减法是_______的逆运算,除法是________的逆运算。 18.把850÷5=170,170×10=1700,3580-1700=1880,列成综合算式是 _______________________。 19.一种羽毛球拍48元,比一副乒乓球拍贵28元,如果各买一副,一共需要_______ 元。 20.把65-62=3,15×3=45,112+45=157列成一道综合算式是 __________________________。 21.两个数_________,交换_______的位置,_______不变,这叫做加法的交换律。 可以表示为_______+________=________+_________。


九年级中考英语单项选择题易错题专练 1. A. Do you know girl in red ? B. Yes, she’s a professor of university. A. the, a B. the ,the C. a, an D. the, an 2.Tonny is honest man and we all like him. A. a B. an C. the D./ 3.We can have bluer sky if we create less polluted world. A.. the, a B. a ,a C. a, an D. the, an 4. of the land in that district covered with trees and grass. A. Two fifths, is B, Two fifth, are C. Two fifth, is D. Two fifths , are 5.Do you know ? Of course. Food is OK to eat if you pick up as soon as possible. A 5-seconds-rule B. 5-second-rule C. 5-seconds-rulesD. 5-seconds rule 6. We will celebrate my pet dog’s birthday. A .two B. second C. The second D the two 7. A. Did you find the small village yesterday ? B. Yes, without any difficulty, for it has changed over the years. A. hardly B. greatly C. clearly D. nearly 8.A. What was weather like yesterday afternoon ? B. It was terrible. It rained . We could go out. A. hard, hard B. hardly, hardly C. hard, hardly D. hardly, hard 9.Thanks to man-made satellites, the world itself is becoming a smaller place. A. more B. most C. much D. much more 10. The we do for the people, the we will be. A. much, happy B. more, happier C. little, happy D. least, happiest 11.Many Chinese students think science subjects are foreign language learning. A. more difficult as B. less difficult than C. much difficult D. so difficult as 12.David jumped in the long jump. He won the game! A. longest B. farthest C. fastest D. highest 13. A. What do you think of the lecture of Li Yang’s Crazy English ? B. I think it’s , but someone think it’s much too . A. wonderful enough, bored B enough wonderful, boring C. wonderful enough, boring D. enough wonderful, bored 14. A. What made you so ? B. The noise upstairs. A. angrily B. angry C. happy D. happily 15.The old woman lives , but she never feels . A. lonely, alone B. alone, lonely C. lonely, lonely D. alone, alone 16. He’s wearing a pair sunglasses to protect his eyes the strong sunlight. A. from B in C. to D. with 17.We can see a full moon the evening of August the 15th every years. A. in B. on C. to D. at 18. Boys and girls , wish you to do well in the English exam a light heart. Good luck to everyone ! A. on B. with C. without D. about 19. I usually go to school bike, sometimes I go to school foot. A. with, on B. on, by C. on, with D. by, on 20.A. Can you speak Chinese or Japanese ? B. I can speak , but I can speak English. A. both B. either C. all D. neither 21. My son wants a pet rabbit for long, but I have no time to buy for him. A. it B. one C. the one D.that 22.The shoes don’t fit me.Would you please show me ? A.the other one B.the others C.another pair D.another one 23. A. Is that dog ? B. No. is white. A. hers, His B. him, His C. he , His D. her, Hers 24. I don’t have to tell you. A. something new B. new something C. anything new D. new anything 25. Maybe the disaster can destroy our homes, but can destroy the love in our people. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything 26. Help to some fish, children. A. yourself B. ourselves C. myself D. yourselves 27. A. the soldier are very tired, they keep on working. B. They are great. We must learn from them. A. Because, / B. Though, / C. Because, so D. Though, but 28. A good friend always gives you a helping hand you’re in trouble. A. when B. before C. until D. though 29.I gave you a map you woulfn’t get lost. A.if B.because C.so D.that 30.It is said that we have to put off the camping the bad weather. A.because of B.because C.so D.like 31.We will go for a picnic it doesn’t rain this Sunday.
