

Case 4: NSM-North Sports Motor

Case 内容:

版本1:中国最大汽车制造商进入印度,进入高端汽车市场,可是遇到了质量和安全的问题。版本2:我的case是个叫North Sports Motor的中国公司,在中国发展的不错,主打价格低廉的SUV,市场份额很高,公司在进军国际市场的初期还顺利,但品牌口碑并不好,产品安全问题,设计抄袭问题层出不穷。所以公司也建造了测试中心来改进问题。


版本4:NMS是个中国的汽车生产商,,主打产品是SUV和light vans 啥的,它的SUV 在中国市场排名第一。但是这个公司最近遇到了很多负面问题,后面第三页有写具体是那些负面问题,一个是被意大利的一个企业告他侵权,另一个是澳大利亚发现他的toxic chemical不合格,然后发现他的safety and health standard 低于澳大利亚的市场标准,被召回啥的。还有就是它的发动机太小,然后性能也不太好,售后做的也不太好,消费者有很多complaint 。它的reputation是:sellable but unsafety , 为了扭转现状,公司制定了新战略,即“quality,safety and reliability”

版本5:以前这个car manufacturer发展很好,SUV销售量一直不错,后来出现质量上的问题。分了三个region说问题,一个是poor quality,一个是copyright的问题,还有一个是没有达到health and safety的standard,之后说这个公司打算转型进入luxury market神马神马的。

版本6:第一面是简介NSM公司:NSM公司是中国领先的汽车制造商,SUV产品在中国占据很大的市场份额,同时还生产Sports Truck(个人感觉是皮卡,就是学车的时候学的那种车型)和Light Van(个人感觉是一种小货车?)。说明了NSM公司主攻低端市场,市场表现非常好。

但是市场评价是“unsafe but sellable”。









毕马威简历填写(填晕了。。。) Question 1 - Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies.* During my spare time, I like playing badminton,slow-running,climbing.I took part in the “Mini-Marathon” activities held by Chongqing University.Although I didn't win a prize, I finished the running with my partner who I made acquaintance with in the contest. My hobbies are reading and drawing.My favourate novel is The Count of Monte https://www.360docs.net/doc/ef16152278.html,st month, I participated the hand painted activities called "Hua Shuo Chongda",and won the "Excellent" prize. Question 2 - What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? I have held the post of the vice-minister of the Paraganda Department for two years.In the spring sports meetings, I worked with other colleagues as a team.I took pictures during the activities' processing and wrote news release about the competitions , which acquired team-work spirit and communication skills. Question 3 - What factors have influenced your career choice? In my opinion, the industries of the companies,the reputation of the company,the salaries level of the company may influence my career choice most.Most of us tend to chose the industries related to our majors,cos we can learn form the post more quickly than the others.As for the reputation of the company , the famous company can provide us a higher platform ,which can greatly benefit our career.On top of that, the reason why the salary level must be considered is that proper salary would improve the enthusiasm of the staff, which benefits both the company and the workers. Question 4 - Outline your career ambitions and objectives. As I am maijoring in Finance, I also came into some accounting knowledge during my university studying.To make what I have learned together , I want to choose to work in accounting profession. As for my career objectives, I would receive some training in the beginning I were admitted to the company.It may take a couple of weeks to be familiar with the working environment and atmospheres.When I become the regular emplyee of the company, I will show my loyalty and hard-working spirit to my employer.After years' of working, I wish I could be a department manager. Question 5 - At KPMG our global values guide the way that we interact with each other and help to create our open, friendly and supportive culture. Please tell us about a situation where you have used two of KPMG's values to achieve a positive outcome. The KPMG values of respect for each other and team-work helped me a lot in the programme of "Cultural Finance" I have taken part in since last month.The programme was launched by the Chongqing Bank to help the cultural companies in Chongqing city.Our job is doing information gathering to comprehend the culture industries , writing a company survey report , interviewing managers of the chosen companies and writing a entrepreneur risk appraisal report. Respecting each other creat a friendly and happpy working atmosphere,which improve our working enthusiasm.The team-work value remind us of dividing our job into different portions ,and team partners choose his or her part to be responsible for. This way has improved our working efficiency ,and our three-people team finished the companies survey report in one day.


关于KPMG面试的经验 KPMG面试:一面正常模式是小组讨论,这个在网上可以搜出许 多kp的面经。但我经历的完全不一样,因为去年kp是去大连补招的,所以是一对一的经理面试。KPMG面试经理很和蔼,先就简历用 英语问了些问题,像你的专业都学什么,在学校参加过什么活动阿,班里的职务阿什么的,比较大众化的问题。接下来就是专业化的问 题了。因为我的专业更证券还比较相关灸何经理聊起这个,结果撞 到枪口上了。经理正好在做这个项目,剩下的时间就一直在聊对于 中国股市的看法,股市的各种预测模型。结束后我的脑子完全木掉,英文的术语跟中文的就是对不上,转不过来啊。 正常小组讨论时6个人左右一组,发一个话题大家讨论,并在结束时给一个结论或解决办法。在讨论的过程中,四个墙角各做一名 经理或助理,对每个人在讨论中的表现打分。KPMG面试主要看你的teamwork的能力,不要坚持己见到固执,也不要随声附和,要表现 出自己的主见,最忌讳什么都不说和一直在说。因为以后工作都是 以team的形式作项目,所以112的能力在kp是很看重的。 KPMG面试:二面一般由partner出面,一对一。我面的时候那 个par很恐怖,面部没有表情,我说什么他都非常不满意,典型的 压力面试。结果后来在party上再见到那个par,笑得跟花一样。 所以说par的面试可能很恐怖,但这也只是他们的策略,坚定自己,把想要表达的意思完整的表达出来,就好了。par面的程序和二面 一样,先就简历问些问题,在问些更专业的问题。我居然被问到对 审计这个行业怎么看,当初在准备的时候论坛上的人都说这个问题 已经是化石了,肯定没人问,结果居然真就被问到了,好容易才支 吾过去。所以网上的面试100题什么的老问题还是要全部准备一下的,说不定转了一个圈又转回去。 KPMG面试经验:kp超看重专业性,着装要professional,说话 要professional,行为举止要professional。我们常开玩笑说我们 睡觉也要professional,你的勺子摆放太不pro拉。所以在面试的


四大会计师事务所面试题 篇一:四大会计师事务所面试题 四大会计师事务所经典企业面试题 所谓“四大”,指的是国内最有实力的四大会计师事务所,即“安永大华”、“普华永道中天”、“德勤华永”和“毕马威”。不少有着丰富面试经验的大学生们都有过这种体验,一些大公司的笔试面试题常与“四大”惊人相似。“四大”的面试题眼下正在求职者中流行,对于“面霸”来说,他们修炼的第一步就是从网上收集各种“四大”面试的模式和题型,然后根据这些套路来游刃有余地应付各大名企。许多人纷纷表示,他们从“四大”的招聘中获得了许多有效的实战经验,因为四大的面试流程在外企中有很强的针对性,如果能够成功应对他们的试题,那么,其他的招聘面试也一定能够驾轻就熟。“四大”为何“经典”?“安永大华”、“普华永道中天”,“德勤华永”和“毕马威”的面试题之所以成为许多外企效仿的“样板题”,有三个非常重要的原因:一是因为“四大”进驻校园的招聘时间几乎是所有大企业中最早的,例如德勤的宣讲会是10月底召开的,普华永道是11月初,使得他们的题型有充分的时间在业界流通。其次也是非常关键的一点,那就是实际上很多大公司招聘都并非自己命题,而是把面试题交给专门的面试公司负责。因此,有一些公司往往“共享”同一家出题的企业,这使得“似曾相识”的几率大大提升。第三是因为通常一些知名企业的大学生面试都有一套

严格的模式和流程,而“四大”作为它们其中的代表,每年的面试题都集中了这些企业对员工素质最为看重的部分和最有效的测试方式。这些都是促使“四大”的面试题成为“经典”的原因。 了解“四大”面试流程 “四大”面试既然有如此功效,那么,了解“四大”的面试流程,就等于拿到了一本“面试教科书”。作为最经典的面试流程,“四大”的招聘往往包含招聘中最重要的几个环节。 其一是职业能力倾向测试,它能够测试出一个人的性格,面对压力和挑战的承受能力和其他一系列职业特征品质。在面试中它虽然只是作为参考因素,但往往在最后时刻对于你最终的去留有决定性的影响。例如,当被问及“谁一直对你的职业生涯有重要影响”时,正是试图了解你的求职动机、工作经验和能力特长,同时考察你的思维连贯性、语言表达力等等。 第二是逻辑类题型和智力类题型。这类题目多在笔试时出现,内容多种多样,如脑筋急转弯、趣味数学等等,题目主要是考察你的思维能力,有时候根本没有一个固定的答案,关键是你在回答中体现出来的思路。从这点来说,解答的过程更加重要。 例如:一个正三角形的每个角上各有一只蚂蚁。每只蚂蚁开始朝另一只蚂蚁做直线运动,目标角是随机选择。蚂蚁互不相撞的概率是多少?答案可以是:只有两种方法可以让蚂蚁避免相撞:或者它们全部顺时针运


Question1 - Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies.* Sports: I am kind of a sports enthusiast. I like playing basketball and I am quite good at it. In my free time, I always call on some friends and have a basketball match with them. Last semester, our team won the first place in the basketball competition organized by school of accounting. What's more, I am also fond of playing badminton. My parents and I usually play badminton together on sunny days, which has become a family routine. Hobbies: I prefer watching movies on weekends, especially American ones. Not only can I relax myself when watching movies, I can also polish up my English listening and speaking skills. Question2 - What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity Presently I am a member of the Young Volunteers Association of China, which is a national organization with millions of members across China. During my first two years of university, I was in the Youth Volunteer Association of the college of accounting, when I did a lot of voluntary work to the school and also to the society. At that time, I am a member of the propaganda department. We draw posters for the activities, raise money for the poor, look after the olds in homes for the elderly...Though my life in our department has ended, my strive for the society will never stop. Question3 - What factors have influenced your career choice First, it's my interest. My grandpa was an excellent accountant. With so many years past, I can still remember the contentment on his face when he stroked his abacus. He's the person who initially led me to the world of accounting and who aroused my interest in accounting. I have been determined to be an extraordinary accountant since I was a child. Second, it's my love for math and English and my competence in them. The two are my favourite subjects, which, I think, combine perfectly in accounting. I have won many prizes in maths and English competitions, such as the third prize in the Math Contest of my university and the third prize in the 2010 National English Contest for College Students. Question4 - Outline your career ambitions and objectives I want to join in the auditing department and learn the client business processes and accounting procedures. I will make every effort to fullfill my part and always be passionate in my work. I will learn and develop my core professional skills from every possible way and finally discover a wide skill set when I am an assistant. I hope to achieve business insights and outstanding planning skills if promoted to be a manager. In 10 or 12 years, I hope to be the partner of KPMG and will help to set the firm’s strategy and develop further relationships with the clients. I will live my promise and always thrive and serve for the firm.

四大 模拟面试 群面 小组面 案例分析 求职 咨询面试 一面 普华 德勤 毕马威 安永

Case Study – PART A Mercury Energy is an electricity supplier of the city of Lamar. It is the only electricity company in the region. In order to finance its expansion project and infrastructure construction in the adjacent city, the administration is holding a meeting to decide the budget of next year. You are now attending a top management meeting on behalf of your department. Please share with other department leaders the information you have. Each department will have its own concern, and you should coordinate with other managers to reach a consensus on the budget. You have to make an action plan for the current situation facing the company. (You don’t necessarily have to decide the exact number on the budge. Only action plan is needed.) Average Monthly Expenses for this year: Call-service centers 300,000 Bill-collecting representatives 500,000 Advertisement 32,000 Charity & Social Responsibility 50,000 Research & Development 37,000 Construction 80,000 Total 999,000 The overall sales are relatively stable during the recent months, and will not see any vibration in next year. There are mainly four client sectors, urban residential, rural residential, manufacturing and offices. The Customer Service Department is mainly consisted of call-service centers and bill-collecting representatives, who are responsible for collecting overdue electricity bills. It hires more than 1000 reps in the city, and increases the number of people recently to boost its bill collection. The Public Relation Department is responsible for the advertisement and press relationships. They also held events to create a friendly image of the company. After 5 minutes’ preparation, you will have 15 minutes for discussion. Then you have to deliver a 5 minutes’ presentation on the action plan you suggested. Instructions: 1. You mustn’t discuss in separate groups during the discussion. 2. You mustn’t appoint a leader or chairman of the meeting. 3. You may talk in Chinese or English in the discussion, while the presentation should be in English. 4. You can use any equipment available in the room. 5. The presentation can be performed by any amount of members in the team. You should decide on your own.


Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies. My current recreational and leisure activities are as follows: (1) Sports: I am passionately fond of table tennis and I was a member of School Team as a key player. Doing sports makes me retain youthful vigor and feel energy. With passion and persistent efforts, I won the third prize in the school table tennis competition. (2) Volunteering: In my spare time, I enjoy doing volunteering with my friends. As community volunteers, we often care about the lonely aged people and chat with them. Helping others make me feel happy. (3) Traveling: I enjoy traveling around and talking to the local people very much, which not only broadens my horizons but also gives me inspirations. (4) Music and Movies: Music is one of my biggest passions and I am a big fan of jazz and country music. I am also a moviegoer and recently I saw Grace of Monaco, which is directed by my favorite director Olivier Dahan. (5) Reading: I like reading news related to my majors, which helps me better comprehend the knowledge from books. And I am fond of reading famous novels and graceful prose. What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity?(团队合作经历的引子)I was the supervisor for Personnel Administration Department of the College Work-Study Center. I am enthusiastic in working with people, participate and organize activities. (1) My duties and responsibilities: I assisted manager to in charge of the office, responsible for financial management, the employee attendance, recruitment and organizing activities. As a department leader, I worked with my team members to organize a wide variety of activities to enrich graduates’ life and help them find jobs. I planed and organized the Job Fair successfully in the university and it attracted more than 700 participants. (2)Lea rning and Results: With work experience, I learned more about responsibility, leadership, team spirits and got acquainted with many outstanding people in different college. My organizing and coordinating ability were improved. Finally, on the annual appraisal, I was awarded Excellent Student Cadre and Advanced Individual of Social Practice for outstanding


Western Washington University 简介 人物介绍: 亨利·泰勒(Henry Taylor)——公司创始人、萨莫·泰勒(SummerTaylor)的父亲 玛丽·泰勒(Marie Taylor)——创始人的妻子、萨莫·泰勒的母亲 萨莫·泰勒——公司总裁 爱德华·史密斯(Edward Smith)——研究开发部主任 克莉丝·凯莉(Chris Kelly)——生产部主任 蒙哥马利·布拉德福德(Montgomery Bradford)——负责营销的副总裁 乔什瓦·西尔斯(Joshua Sears)——总会计师 泰勒的减肥器械公司(Reduction Improvement Machines Inc.,TRIM)生产运动器械。 1950年,亨利·泰勒决定创建一个公司,生产既能使用又能享受的产品。在第二次世界大战 中亨利任空军导航员时,曾用跑步和举重来减除焦虑。他从空军得到最好的训练,并希望制 造和提供大众可以用来健身并使身心宁静的机械。出于这一愿望,亨利聚集了他的几位教练, 并在几位同僚和朋友的财务支持下,在家中的车库里创办了TRIM。 到2008年时,这家公司已经拥有一组可靠的产品,这些产品有成熟的市场渠道。人们认为,TRIM的产品质量高、价格合理。顾客们觉得他们付钱买的是产品而不是品牌。不过,顾 客的忠诚度很高,有些营销咨询人员劝告亨利提高TRIM产品的售价。亨利拒绝了。结果是, 他更进一步地提高了顾客的忠诚度。 最近,对家庭和俱乐部用的健身运动器械的需求量急剧增加。虽然TRIM公司仍然维持着这些器械的销售量,但是俱乐部和个人消费者逐渐转向其他公司生产的新型器械。市场不断 扩展,TRIM所占的市场份额却相对有所减少。新任公司总裁萨莫·泰勒,过去曾是泳装模特 儿、美国小姐亚军,毕业于史密斯女子学院。她决定尝试开发新的盈利产品以应付市场之需。 萨莫是亨利·泰勒和妻子玛丽·泰勒的第一个孩子。亨利决定把他的“孩子”(这家公司)交给


我把之前有人分享过的内容和我自己面试的问题整合了一下,供大家参考,祝大家面试顺 利通过~我抽到的case是Bifoods,背景差不多就是下面的总结一下,该公司有三个战略:特许经营权战略、Future战略(高科技)、spilt China market战略,我抽到的问题是Marketing/Health eating,问题有五个:如何增加三个品牌的相似度?如何提高三个品牌的竞争力?健康饮食是否要运用在future策略中?为中国市场开发新品牌(记不太清了)?该企业的优势?,然后主要想提醒大家一定要熟悉自己网申的OP,manager会据此提问。 1.Bifoods 案例是Bifoods,抽到的两个问题一个是split business strategy方面的,还有一个media andmarketing方面。问题大致涉及Bifoods供应商出现食品安全问题,Bifoods如何维护消费者对它的信任;到底值不值得为了消费者的利益和健康而做出相应的努力。 LZ的思路就是从根本上解决问题,保证供应商的食材是安全的。再在广告上侧重食品安全 的宣传。值不值得考虑消费者的利益和健康涉及到权衡费用支出和为消费者生命健康买单/ 承担政府问责的风险两方面。 M追问了2个问题,一个是你在读case的过程中还有没有发现Bifoods的其他问题?LZ有点迷茫,努力回想了半天,回答了一个印象中的点,毕竟我只是浏览了一遍,大致了解了下每个part讲了什么。。M又问你对于Bifoods现在在这个行业的地位和形势怎么看?LZ结 合Bifoods的现状和自己pre中的分析,展望了下未来。 Bifood的case,前半部分是公司背景,讲了它在全球和中国市场的情况,后面有一些财务 表格。抽到的两个问题一个是Maketing的,另一个记不太清了,选的是前一个问题。两个问题都是包含3个小问题。Marketing主要有问最重要的优势、吸引客户的方法、对公司发展的建议。 Bifood快餐店的案例,近年来竞争大,利润下降,想办法降低operating cost,于是公司想了两个strategy,一个是fanchising(大概是吧,原谅我只能意会不能言传),还有一个和我抽到的题无关就没仔细看,大概是产品创新之类的。抽到的题目是有关corporate social responsibilty


KPMG经典24题 The Classical 24 Numerical Reas Answers: 1.E (28x200+25x100)/(100%-10%)=9000 2.C (20x250+16x300) x6%=588 3.B Region E (permanent: temporary)=3:2 Region SE Total: 400 Permanent: 150 Temporary: 250 (New) Permanent: 400x3/5=240 Temporary: 400x2/5=160 所以我们可以得出P增加了90人,T减少了90人 90x(30-18)=1080 (我们可以用其他方法算,但是却不是最节约时间的算法) 4.E 目测,(SE和SW的P每小时接的电话数是最高的,而且SW的P的人数多,所以总数上SW可

Answers: 5. C (43200+80000+16000) x105%-11232-12096-21600-19200-4160-4640=73232 6. A (40x120x4-1600)/16000=20% 7. A 43200/48-44000/50=20 8. D 80000/50/25=64

Answers: 9. E (2.50-2.40)/2.40x2.50+2.50=2.604 (1.10-1.08)/1.08x1.10+1.10=1.120 2.604-1.120=1.48 10. A 1.70-(3.20-1.70)=0.2 11. C (1.70-0.3)x(1-15%)=1.19 12. E 1.08x(1-20%)/ 2.40=36%


安达信审计失败案例 如果说公司治理和内部审计是确保会计信息真实可靠的第一道闸门,那么,独立审计就是防范重大会计差错和舞弊的最后一道防线。独立审计存在的理由是为了满足公司的高管人员和投资者等利益相关者有效利用会计信息的共同需要。高管人员和投资者等利益相关者之间存在着严重的信息不对称和潜在的利益冲突,高管人员有提供低质量甚至是不实会计信息的动机,而投资者等利益相关者又缺乏足够的资源和专业知识验证会计信息的质量和真伪,因此需要由独立的第三方即注册会计师对高管人员提供的会计信息进行鉴证,并对财务报表发表专业意见,以缓解信息劣势对利益相关者的潜在负面影响。但是,当高管人员提供的财务报表存在重大错报漏报(包括由于财务舞弊引起的错报漏报),而注册会计师在鉴证过程中未能发现这些错报漏报,仍对财务报表的整体公允性发表无保留审计意见时,审计失败就出现了。 重大审计失败的常见原因包括被审计单位内部控制失效或高管人员逾越内部控制、注册会计师与被审计单位通同舞弊、缺乏独立性、没有保持应有的职业审慎和职业怀疑。尽管世界通信公司存在前所未有的财务舞弊,其财务报表严重歪曲失实,但安达信会计公司至少从1999年起一直为世界通信出具无保留意见的审计报告。就目前已经披露的资料看,安达信对世界通信的财务舞弊负有不可推卸的重大过失审计责任。安达信对世界通信的审计,将是一项可载入史册的典型的重大审计失败案例。 安达信对世界通信的审计失败,主要归于以下四个方面: 安达信缺乏形式上的独立性 根据世界通信2002年4月22日提供的“征集投票权声明”(Proxy Statement),安达信2001年共向世界通信收取了1680万美元的服务费用,其中审计收费440万美元、税务咨询760万美元、非财务报表审计(主要是外包的内部财务审计)160万美元、其他咨询服务320万美元。自1989年起,安达信一直担任世界通信的审计师,直到安然丑闻发生后,世界通信才在2002年5月14日辞退安达信,改聘毕马威。安达信在过去10多年既为世界通信提供审计服务,也向其提供咨询服务。尽管至今尚没有充分的权威证据证明同时提供审计和咨询服务可能损害会计师事务所的独立性,但2002年7月30日通过的“萨班斯-奥克斯利法案”对代理记账和内部审计等9项咨询服务所作出的禁止性规定以及对税务咨询所作出的限制性规定,至少说明社会公众和立法部门对兼做审计和咨询可能损害独立性的担忧。此外,世界通信历来是安达信密西西比杰克逊(世界通信总部所在地)分所最有价值的单一客户,这一事实不禁让人对安达信的独立性存有疑虑。杰克逊分所的设立,目的是为了“伺候”和保住世界通信这一给安达信带来不菲审计和咨询收入的客户。这种情况下,杰克逊分所的安达信合伙人难免会对世界通信不规范的会计处理予以“迁就”。对世界通信的主审合伙人而言,丢失这样一个大客户,其后果是不堪设想的。 安达信未能保持应有的职业审慎和职业怀疑 安达信向美国证券交易管理委员会(SEC)和司法部门提供的1999至2001年审计工作底稿表明,安达信在这三年里一直将世界通信评估为具有最高等级审计风险的客户。在编制1999至2001年度审计计划时,安达信对世界通信审计风险的评估如表1所示。


毕马威面试问题汇集 Zz 一 1、你做这个案例获得资料的途径有哪些? 2、你认为这个公司每个发展阶段它的战略重点是什么? 3、这个金融机构的公司业务是如何体现它的理念和价值观的?(因为我主要说了对私业务) 4、在发展过程中最需要注意什么,如何做好风险控制的? 二 1、先简单的做下自我介绍,三分钟 2、在所有学习的subject中,最喜欢哪一门,为什么? 3、有什么社团经历?其中最困难的一件事?如何处理的? 4、问我一次案例竞赛时是如何与团队成员合作的?意见不合时如何处理的? 5、我的实习经历中,具体做什么?实习的公司环境如何?有没有加班?学到了什么?会问的很细 6、最后问了我的职业发展目标。WHY AUDIT? 三 你对KPMG的了解,还有关于网申内容的问题,毕马威的价值观,实习的具体内容,社团活动的具体内容。一个球队获胜的最重要的原因是什么,一个新组建的球队要怎么才能获得比赛胜利,假如你是球队队长,队员有不同意见你会怎么处理 四 1. 为什么一开始选择深圳office? 2. 改成北京office中间的转变过程是什么样子的? 3. 作为ME背景为何选择审计行业? 6. 为什么大学要选择me专业? 7. 你了解的审计是做什么的 8. 你觉得自己有哪些性格特点适合做审计? 9. 你为进入审计行业做了什么样的准备? 10. 为什么选择进入kpmg? 11. KP是很辛苦的,经常要加班,你怎么看? 12. 其他四大有没有投? 13. 为何投DTT不投pwc和ey? 14. 你是中国最好大学thu的学生,以后工作中遇到上司毕业于不知名学校,甚至没有本科学历,比如我,不断指挥你做事,你怎么想? 15. 如果team中有同事对工作有不同意见,你怎么解决?


Audrey Taylor Western Washington University 简介 人物介绍: 亨利·泰勒(Henry Taylor)——公司创始人、萨莫·泰勒(SummerTaylor)的父亲 玛丽·泰勒(Marie Taylor)——创始人的妻子、萨莫·泰勒的母亲 萨莫·泰勒——公司总裁 爱德华·史密斯(Edward Smith)——研究开发部主任 克莉丝·凯莉(Chris Kelly)——生产部主任 蒙哥马利·布拉德福德(Montgomery Bradford)——负责营销的副总裁 乔什瓦·西尔斯(Joshua Sears)——总会计师 泰勒的减肥器械公司(Reduction Improvement Machines Inc.,TRIM)生产运动器械。 1950年,亨利·泰勒决定创建一个公司,生产既能使用又能享受的产品。在第二次世界大战 中亨利任空军导航员时,曾用跑步和举重来减除焦虑。他从空军得到最好的训练,并希望制 造和提供大众可以用来健身并使身心宁静的机械。出于这一愿望,亨利聚集了他的几位教练, 并在几位同僚和朋友的财务支持下,在家中的车库里创办了TRIM。 到2008年时,这家公司已经拥有一组可靠的产品,这些产品有成熟的市场渠道。人们认为,TRIM的产品质量高、价格合理。顾客们觉得他们付钱买的是产品而不是品牌。不过,顾 客的忠诚度很高,有些营销咨询人员劝告亨利提高TRIM产品的售价。亨利拒绝了。结果是, 他更进一步地提高了顾客的忠诚度。 最近,对家庭和俱乐部用的健身运动器械的需求量急剧增加。虽然TRIM公司仍然维持着这些器械的销售量,但是俱乐部和个人消费者逐渐转向其他公司生产的新型器械。市场不断 扩展,TRIM所占的市场份额却相对有所减少。新任公司总裁萨莫·泰勒,过去曾是泳装模特 儿、美国小姐亚军,毕业于史密斯女子学院。她决定尝试开发新的盈利产品以应付市场之需。 萨莫是亨利·泰勒和妻子玛丽·泰勒的第一个孩子。亨利决定把他的“孩子”(这家公司)交 给他的“孩子”(女儿)。 萨莫的研发团队,负责人为爱德华·史密斯,最近开发了意向他们认为会受市场欢迎的
