


文献标题:Motivations and Barriers in Promoting Preschool Education (推进学前教育的动因与障碍)

国外作者:A.Güler Kü?ükturan,Sadegül Akbaba Altun

文献出处:《Kuram Ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri》,2017,17(4):1433–1450



Motivations and Barriers in Promoting Preschool Education Abstract This study is designed to explore the reasons for sending and not sending preschool age children to preschools at an early age by exploring the motivations for and barriers towards promoting preschool education in Turkey. It aimed to determine various stakeholders’ perceptions, attitudes, and knowledge related to preschool education in order to promote high-quality and comprehensive preschool education. The research was conducted with 224 participants in five cities in Turkey. Qualitative data was collected through individual and focus group interviews and interpreted by content analysis and descriptive analysis. The findings indicated that families put forward the following reasons for sending their children to preschool: preschool education prepares children for school and helps form the habit of attending school, teachers’ efforts in convincing parents to send their children to preschool, providing the care for the children of working mothers with preschool teachers , and preschool helps children develop social behavior. The following factors were reasons families did not send their children to preschool: economic conditions, perceiving the child as too young, concerns over practices at school, perceptions about the mother’s role, and distrust of the transportation system. The results will help decision makers develop policies and strategies to heighten the general public’s awareness of the need for early education, as well as better provide early education


Keywords:Preschool education; Motivation; Barrier; Pre-schooling; Dissemination of preschool education


Research is well established in showing that access to a high-quality early childhood education has a direct and permanent effect at every stage of human development (Avila & Baldwin, 2007; Barnett, 2008; Blau & Currie, 2005; Heckman & Masterov, 2007; Reynolds, 1992; Reynolds, Mehana, & Temple, 1995). For this reason, in order to provide early education policies, countries determine their equality in opportunity policies and form new strategies. Many countries regulate their early childhood education practices through the state legislature and as part of the education system according to the socio-political developments of the country. These legislative regulations determine basic core values in areas like curriculum, institutional process, teacher education, personnel requirement, monitoring and finance, and parent-teacher cooperation (Bankovi?, 2014; Karila, 2008; Kuisma & Sandberg, 2008; Sheridan, Williams, Sandberg, & Vuorinen, 2011).

Likewise, preschool education and the preschool teacher training system have been changed and developed in Turkey. Even though kindergartens opened before 1908, they became organized and widespread following the Temporary Preschool Law dated 23 September 1913. After two years, the Law Primary school bylaws were issued in 1915.

Accordingly, kindergartens were opened, whether attached or unattached to primary schools, in order to provide education for children aged four to seven (Akyüz, 1989; Cicio?lu, 1989). With the opening of kindergartens, the need for trained teachers in these schools arose. In the same year as the issuance of the bylaws, a kindergarten teacher education school providing one year of education was opened in Istanbul, but it was closed after four years of operation in 1919. In this period, 370 preschool teachers were educated (O?uzkan & Oral, 1987) and preschool education took its institutional place in the education process in real terms.

However, for many years, the insufficient quality and quantity of early education, the changing position of women within the family and their active roles in real life due to rapid socio-cultural and economical changes, and, most importantly, the positive impact of early education on a child’s development as proven by educational studies and brain surveys demonstrate the necessity to take certain measures in the early stages of care and education of children.

Early education gained f unctionality with the “Preschool Curriculum and Regulations,” “Temporary Teacher Training Regulation,” and “Preschool Regulation,” all of which were issued in 1952 and cover the voluntary education process for students not at elementary school age. Today, early education is given by the Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Family and Social Politics, Ministry of Labor, Universities, and voluntary agencies in kindergartens, implementation classrooms, nurseries, and day care centers for care and educational purposes. This multi-headed structure prevents education from reaching its desired quality level.

Educational programs for early education were prepared by the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) and Board of Education in order to give high-quality training to teachers. Program developments were made at various times to troubleshoot and practice new applications that were presented by scientific studies. Accordingly, current education programs were updated under the Education of Early Education Strengthening Project that was introduced by the Ministry of National Education, financed by the European Community, and technically supported by UNICEF. Currently, applied education programs are prepared separately for 0–36 months old and for 37–72 months old. An educational approach based on the Developmental Appropriate Program is adopted. In this approach, it is essential to consider the active participation of the child and the family, suitability of the requirements, and environmental properties. Thus, it aims to raise a child’s behaviors in all development areas to a higher level by meeting his requirements and supporting interactions with each other in his development areas. Teachers who have graduated from the undergraduate program in early education from faculties of education are responsible for the implementation of this program in the preschool education

institutes. Training is given in separate classrooms, formed according to their ages (3, 4, and 5). Classes are composed of 20–24 groups of children composed equally of each gender.

When the current structure of education in Turkey is assessed in terms of program, equipment, and teacher education, it appears that they have several characteristics in common with EU and OECD member countries. However, even though the starting age for early education in OECD countries varies, if early education is evaluated in terms of schooling rates, 71% of three-year-old children and 86% of four-year-old children participated in this non-compulsory education in 2014. The participation of four-year-old children at 94% was significantly higher in 2016. At least 90% of children aged three to four were enrolled in early childhood education in OECD countries—such as Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Island, Israel, Italy, Norway, Spain, and Sweden—and in most of the OECD countries have full enrollment in ECEC for five year olds (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD], 2016). Even though the targeted schooling rate is set to 50% for three to five (37–72 months) years of age and 100% for five (60–72 months) years of age in the Ninth Development Plan for the year 2013 and despite all the efforts for promoting preschool education, at the beginning of the academic year of 2015/2016 the schooling rate for Turkey is 11.74% for three years of age, 33.56% for four years of age and 67.17% for five years of age (MEB, 2015). These rates indicate that the desired and targeted levels in early education have not yet been met.

However, this transition is not always smooth and fast in nature for major stakeholders, who include preschool age children, their families, teachers, mukhtars, prayer leaders, representatives of the Board of National Education, municipality, and written/visual press. In order to promote preschool education, it is important to determine how those stakeholders perceive what their own attitudes are and what they think of not sending children to preschools. In addition, in order to increase schooling rates to acceptable levels at the preschool level, it is crucial to define and understand the context that policy makers deal with.

Therefore, this study has been conducted to determine the stakeholders’

motivations for sending or not sending their children to preschool education. The results may inform decision or policy-makers at all levels as they develop policies and strategies to increase the general public awareness of the need for preschool education, as well as provide preschool education opportunities by increasing awareness about how different stakeholders perceive preschool education.


This study was designed as a qualitative case study in order to explore the reasons the participants considered in sending or not sending their children to preschool. Case studies are used for describing an intervention or phenomenon and its real-life context when posing questions like “how” or “why” (Yin, 2003).


The sampling process included criterion and maximum sampling procedures (Patton, 1990). Variables including geographical regions, migration patterns (incoming-outgoing), and schooling rates were considered the main factors affecting preschool education attendance; therefore, based on these criteria, five cities were determined. When selecting the participants, it was also ensured that both rural and urban settlements were represented. Finally, a total of 224 participants representing parents, preschool teachers, preschool students, imams (prayer leaders), mukhtars (head of village or neighborhood), and branch directors of provincial national education bodies (DoPNE) responsible for preschool education were included in the study (See Table 1). Selection of those participants was based on maximum sampling procedures.

Table 1 Demographics of Participants


Number of Participants

Adana Konya Van Erzurum Ordu Total

Parents 23 28 25 28 19 123 Mukhtar and imam 5 5 4 4 5 23 Student 15 5 18 5 4 47 Rep from DoPNE 1 2 1 1 1 6 Teacher 5 5 5 5 5 25

Total 49 45 53 43 34 224 Data Collection Tools and Analysis

This study is part of a larger project based on mixed method analysis. In this paper, only qualitative data was used. Qualitative data was gathered from interviews and focus group discussions held with families, mukhtars, imams, preschool aged children, preschool education teachers, representatives from the Ministry of National Education, and representatives from the media.

The qualitative data was analyzed through content analysis. Face-to-face meetings and focus group discussions were transcribed and frequently repeated terms and words were determined. While coding the data, these concepts were used as keywords during data coding. After the completion of coding, concepts were determined and grouped under a common theme. Coding procedures were completed by three different researchers. Later on, those codings were compared. Based on the similarities between them, a final decision was made to determine the categories and themes. In order to establish credibility and internal validity, peer debriefing was used throughout the research. Thick description was also used as the validation strategy. The analysis results were reported verbatim from the data along with visual representations.


This research aimed to determine stakeholders’ reasons for sending or not sending children for preschool education according to a qualitative paradigm. Themes and categories were formed and named according to the emerging patterns gathered from families, mukhtars, imams, and preschool aged children, preschool education teachers, representatives from the Ministry of National Education, and representatives from the media. The themes and categories that emerged are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 Themes and Categories in Findings

Motivation Barriers

Preparing children for school: “He should get used to school”

Contribution to Language Development: “They learn and speak Turkish correctly”

Efforts of Convincing: “Their teacher came and asked him to come to school”

Women’s Participation in Business Life: “I work; therefore, I send my child to s chool”Transferring the Child’s Care: “S/he shouldn’t stay at home in an ‘overcrowded’ house”Gaining Social Behavior: “He should learn how to share”Economic Conditions: “We couldn’t afford it” Perceiving the child too young: “I pity him” Concerns over Pr actices at School: “They teach the wrong things”

Perception about the Mother’s role: “The mother is already home; she can give good care to them” Distrust in Transportation System: “I can’t trust the transportation system”

Lack of Knowledge of Preschool Education: “People don’t know the importance and necessity of preschool education in our country”.

Conclusion and Discussion

Preschool education has the power to reduce the developmental inequalities of groups at risk as well as to support the healthy development of children. For this reason, countries determine national policies for preschool education. This study, which aimed at determining the barriers to children’s access to preschool education was conducted in cities where the preschool education schooling rate was low. The findings of this study indicate that the problems in promoting preschool education are multifaceted and should be approached from different perspectives. The perceived needs of preparing children for schooling and of children to gain social behaviors, the efforts of convincing campaign through local and central administrations, women’s participation in business life, and the contextual conditions (including economic and social factors) lead families to send their children to preschool. However, the economic conditions, perceiving the child as too young, concerns over practices at preschools, perception about the mother’s role, distrust in the transportation system, and a lack of knowledge of preschool education seem to hinder parents from enrolling their children in preschool.

In Turkey, there has been a decrease in schooling statistics in preschool education due to the changes made according to the regulation number 222 dated 01/05/1961. Downgrading the schooling age to 66-month-olds and leaving it up to the parents to decide if their 60-month-old is to start school led to a drastic decrease of schooling

rates from 65.16% in 2011/2012 academic year to 39.72% in 2012/2013 (MEB,2015).

This situation can be explained simply by the nature of compulsory education, but it can also be explained with the attitudes of parents who believed that 6 years of age is too early to send their children to preschool. On the other hand, parents’ views of “a child should go to school at the age of 6, it is too early before that age” might lead to a concern that their children would not get any preschool education at all. On the other hand, as also stated among the reasons to send children to preschool education, “gaining sharing behavior,” which could be discussed in terms of emotional regulation, peer acceptance, self-control, and taking precautions. However, it should be noted here that there is a contradiction in this study between the reasons parents posit for sending their children to preschool and their appreciation of year 5 and above as the appropriate age for starting preschool education in this study. This contradiction can be explained by the barriers families face, such as the household budget. Families are requested to contribute tuition since early education is costly and expensive to operate.

The finding related to parents’ unwillingness to send their children to preschool at the age of 6 is quite remarkable. The downgrade of compulsory education to 66 months old and families’ perceptions re garding this age level seemed to be the main barriers to early childhood development. The research is well established to show that early childhood education has a tremendous impact on a child’s later development (Carneiro & Heckman, 2003; Cunha & Heckman, 2007; Cunha, Heckman, Lochnerand, & Masterov, 2005; Heckman 2006; Shonkoff & Philips, 2000). It is noteworthy that disadvantaged families and their children would benefit at the maximum level from preschool education and that it helps to bridge the opportunity gaps they suffer from (Halle et al., 2009; Heckman, 2008). In particular, Campbell and Ramey’s (1994) study showed how preschool education impacts children’s cognitive and academic development. Therefore, it is important to take necessary steps to reverse the existing notions about age, to establish the requirement for starting preschool education at earlier ages, and to (re-)educate parents.

According to a recent report prepared by the World Bank titled “The

Development and Dissemination of Preschool Education in Turkey,” it has been emphasized that the dissemination of preschool education is only possible by a comprehensive and/or focused approach in practice. The report proposes two models for Turkey: Sweden’s model, which is a model for nationwide practice, and New Zealand’s model, which focuses on earlier childhood education with a special emphasis on minority groups (i.e., Maori). However, in this report, the Chilean model is a more comprehensive model for children under supervision and is a kind of combination of the previous two models (World Bank, 2013). This model aims at both disseminating preschool education and reaching disadvantaged groups. However, several measures must be taken to prevent misapplications and their repercussions, such as negative attitudes about and decreased demand for preschooling. The participants in this study have stated that a determined focus on disseminating preschool education, increasing awareness, meeting the demands, and conducting ongoing assessments are needed. Based on these results, it is suggested that certain measures need to be taken and policies set.

















PA VEMENT PROBLEMS CAUSED BY COLLAPSIBLE SUBGRADES By Sandra L. Houston,1 Associate Member, ASCE (Reviewed by the Highway Division) ABSTRACT: Problem subgrade materials consisting of collapsible soils are com- mon in arid environments, which have climatic conditions and depositional and weathering processes favorable to their formation. Included herein is a discussion of predictive techniques that use commonly available laboratory equipment and testing methods for obtaining reliable estimates of the volume change for these problem soils. A method for predicting relevant stresses and corresponding collapse strains for typical pavement subgrades is presented. Relatively simple methods of evaluating potential volume change, based on results of familiar laboratory tests, are used. INTRODUCTION When a soil is given free access to water, it may decrease in volume, increase in volume, or do nothing. A soil that increases in volume is called a swelling or expansive soil, and a soil that decreases in volume is called a collapsible soil. The amount of volume change that occurs depends on the soil type and structure, the initial soil density, the imposed stress state, and the degree and extent of wetting. Subgrade materials comprised of soils that change volume upon wetting have caused distress to highways since the be- ginning of the professional practice and have cost many millions of dollars in roadway repairs. The prediction of the volume changes that may occur in the field is the first step in making an economic decision for dealing with these problem subgrade materials. Each project will have different design considerations, economic con- straints, and risk factors that will have to be taken into account. However, with a reliable method for making volume change predictions, the best design relative to the subgrade soils becomes a matter of economic comparison, and a much more rational design approach may be made. For example, typical techniques for dealing with expansive clays include: (1) In situ treatments with substances such as lime, cement, or fly-ash; (2) seepage barriers and/ or drainage systems; or (3) a computing of the serviceability loss and a mod- ification of the design to "accept" the anticipated expansion. In order to make the most economical decision, the amount of volume change (especially non- uniform volume change) must be accurately estimated, and the degree of road roughness evaluated from these data. Similarly, alternative design techniques are available for any roadway problem. The emphasis here will be placed on presenting economical and simple methods for: (1) Determining whether the subgrade materials are collapsible; and (2) estimating the amount of volume change that is likely to occur in the 'Asst. Prof., Ctr. for Advanced Res. in Transp., Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ 85287. Note. Discussion open until April 1, 1989. To extend the closing date one month,


文献信息: 文献标题:The Existing Approaches to Sexuality Education Targeting Children: A Review Article(针对儿童的性教育的现有方法:综述文章)国外作者:Ganji J, Emamian M H, Maasoumi R, et al 文献出处:《Iranian Journal of Public Health》,2017 , 46 (7) :890-898 字数统计:英文2177单词,12737字符;中文3949汉字 外文文献: The Existing Approaches to Sexuality Education Targeting Children: A Review Article Abstract Background:We aimed to assess what is already known about sexuality education (SE)-related policy or practical issues using review methods to search and critically appraise the existing SE approaches targeting children under age 12 yr. Methods: We completed the data collection by an extensive search of the English and Persian published and unpublished literature, evidence from experts in the topic, and by searching citations. The MeSH-terms were sexuality and training, sexuality education and programs or approaches, sexuality and children, sexuality education and parents, sex or sexuality education, sex education and parents or caregivers. A systematic search of medical and health-related databases, the Cochrane Library and Web of Science was undertaken for the years 1970–2015 together with citation searching, reference list checking and recommendations from stakeholders to identify evidence for SE. Results: According to the inclusion criteria, 20 documents were identified. They were synthesized into three main categories as sexuality-related knowledge, attitudes, and parents' skills to manage children's sexual behavior and related education. Employed approaches to children's sexuality were reported to be effective in


转型衰退时期的土木工程研究 Sergios Lambropoulosa[1], John-Paris Pantouvakisb, Marina Marinellic 摘要 最近的全球经济和金融危机导致许多国家的经济陷入衰退,特别是在欧盟的周边。这些国家目前面临的民用建筑基础设施的公共投资和私人投资显著收缩,导致在民事特别是在民用建筑方向的失业。因此,在所有国家在经济衰退的专业发展对于土木工程应届毕业生来说是努力和资历的不相称的研究,因为他们很少有机会在实践中积累经验和知识,这些逐渐成为过时的经验和知识。在这种情况下,对于技术性大学在国家经济衰退的计划和实施的土木工程研究大纲的一个实质性的改革势在必行。目的是使毕业生拓宽他们的专业活动的范围,提高他们的就业能力。 在本文中,提出了土木工程研究课程的不断扩大,特别是在发展的光毕业生的潜在的项目,计划和投资组合管理。在这个方向上,一个全面的文献回顾,包括ASCE体为第二十一世纪,IPMA的能力的基础知识,建议在其他:显著增加所提供的模块和项目管理在战略管理中添加新的模块,领导行为,配送管理,组织和环境等;提供足够的专业训练五年的大学的研究;并由专业机构促进应届大学生认证。建议通过改革教学大纲为土木工程研究目前由国家技术提供了例证雅典大学。 1引言 土木工程研究(CES)蓬勃发展,是在第二次世界大战后。土木工程师的出现最初是由重建被摧毁的巨大需求所致,目的是更多和更好的社会追求。但是很快,这种演变一个长期的趋势,因为政府为了努力实现经济发展,采取了全世界的凯恩斯主义的理论,即公共基础设施投资作为动力。首先积极的结果导致公民为了更好的生活条件(住房,旅游等)和增加私人投资基础设施而创造机会。这些现象再国家的发展中尤为为明显。虽然前景并不明朗(例如,世界石油危机在70年代),在80年代领先的国家采用新自由主义经济的方法(如里根经济政策),这是最近的金融危机及金融危机造成的后果(即收缩的基础设施投资,在技术部门的高失业率),消除发展前途无限的误区。 技术教育的大学所认可的大量研究土木工程部。旧学校拓展专业并且新的学校建成,并招收许多学生。由于高的职业声望,薪酬,吸引高质量的学校的学生。在工程量的增加和科学技术的发展,导致到极强的专业性,无论是在研究还是工作当中。结构工程师,液压工程师,交通工程师等,都属于土木工程。试图在不同的国家采用专业性的权利,不同的解决方案,,从一个统一的大学学历和广泛的专业化的一般职业许可证。这个问题在许多其他行业成为关键。国际专业协会的专家和机构所确定的国家性检查机构,经过考试后,他们证明不仅是行业的新来者,而且专家通过时间来确定进展情况。尽管在很多情况下,这些证书虽然没有国家接受,他们赞赏和公认的世界。 在试图改革大学研究(不仅在土木工程)更接近市场需求的过程中,欧盟确定了1999博洛尼亚宣言,它引入了一个二能级系统。第一级度(例如,一个三年的学士)是进入


初中语文教学模式研究文献综述 文学院王茹珍 2013120257 通过阅读和浏览数百种教学模式,进行具体的分析,我国的课堂教学模式概括起来可 分三类: (1) 传统教学模式——“教师中心论”。这类教学模式的主要理论根据是行为主义学 习理论,是我国长期以来学校教学的主流模式。它的优点是便于传授大量知识,。正因为 如此,才会在多年的教学活动中一直占据学校教学的主流。但同时,能够大量传授知识的 同时它也存在着问题,照顾到了大多数的学生因而少数的,极个别的学生就被自然而然的“淘汰出局”。都说义务教育阶段的教育是面向全体学生的,可这种模式明显是违背了这 一初衷的。 (2) 现代教学模式——“学生中心论”。这类教学模式的主要理论依据是建构主义学 习理论,主张从教学思想、教学设计、教学方法以及教学管理等方面均以学生为中心,20 世纪 90年代以来,随着信息技术在教学中的应用,得到迅速发展。它的优点是以学生为 中心,顾及到学生的个性,利于学生个性化的发展,增强学生的学习兴趣;它的缺陷是学 生素质存在高下差异,同时,学生的三观也还没建立,看待和分析问题缺乏客观性,认识 比较片面。 (3) 优势互补教学模式——“主导—主体论”。这类教学模式是以教师为主导,以学生为主体,兼取行为主义和建构主义学习理论之长并弃其之短,是对“教师中心论”和“学 生中心论”的扬弃。“主导—主体论”教学模式体现了辩证唯物主义认识论,但在教学实 践中还没有行之有效的可以操作的教学方法和模式。 以教师为中心的传统初中语文教学模式可表述为“复习导入——传授新知——总结归纳——课外扩展——布置作业”。这种教学模式无疑束缚了学生学习主体作用的发挥。当 今较为先进的初中语文教学模式可表述为“创设情境,提出问题——讨论问题,提出方案——交流方案,解决问题——模拟练习,运用问题——归纳总结,完善认识”。这种教学 模式力求重视教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,为广大教师所接受,并在教学实践中加 以运用。但这种教学模式将学生的学习局限于课堂,学习方式是为教学而教学,没有把语 文和生活结合起来,没有把学生学习语文置于广阔的生活时空中去,不利于培养学生的创 新精神和实践能力。 皮亚杰的“建构论”告诉我们,学生头脑里的认知结构不是外界客体结构的简单摹本,也不是主体的内部预先形成的结构展开,而是由主体与客体不断相互作用而逐步建构的结果。所以,学生的学习行为是一个循序渐进的过程,我们不能把太复杂太抽象的东西一股


姓名: 学号: 10447425 X X 大学 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 (2014届) 外文题目Developments in excavation bracing systems 译文题目开挖工程支撑体系的发展 外文出处Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 31 (2012) 107–116 学生XXX 学院XXXX 专业班级XXXXX 校内指导教师XXX 专业技术职务XXXXX 校外指导老师专业技术职务 二○一三年十二月

开挖工程支撑体系的发展 1.引言 几乎所有土木工程建设项目(如建筑物,道路,隧道,桥梁,污水处理厂,管道,下水道)都涉及泥土挖掘的一些工程量。往往由于由相邻的结构,特性线,或使用权空间的限制,必须要一个土地固定系统,以允许土壤被挖掘到所需的深度。历史上,许多挖掘支撑系统已经开发出来。其中,现在比较常见的几种方法是:板桩,钻孔桩墙,泥浆墙。 土地固定系统的选择是由技术性能要求和施工可行性(例如手段,方法)决定的,包括执行的可靠性,而成本考虑了这些之后,其他问题也得到解决。通常环境后果(用于处理废泥浆和钻井液如监管要求)也非常被关注(邱阳、1998)。 土地固定系统通常是建设项目的较大的一个组成部分。如果不能按时完成项目,将极大地影响总成本。通常首先建造支撑,在许多情况下,临时支撑系统是用于支持在挖掘以允许进行不断施工,直到永久系统被构造。临时系统可以被去除或留在原处。 打桩时,因撞击或振动它们可能会被赶入到位。在一般情况下,振动是最昂贵的方法,但只适合于松散颗粒材料,土壤中具有较高电阻(例如,通过鹅卵石)的不能使用。采用打入桩系统通常是中间的成本和适合于软沉积物(包括粘性和非粘性),只要该矿床是免费的鹅卵石或更大的岩石。 通常,垂直元素(例如桩)的前安装挖掘工程和水平元件(如内部支撑或绑回)被安装为挖掘工程的进行下去,从而限制了跨距长度,以便减少在垂直开发弯矩元素。在填充情况下,桩可先设置,从在斜坡的底部其嵌入悬挑起来,安装作为填充进步水平元素(如搭背或土钉)。如果滞后是用来保持垂直元素之间的土壤中,它被安装为挖掘工程的进行下去,或之前以填补位置。 吉尔- 马丁等人(2010)提供了一个数值计算程序,以获取圆形桩承受轴向载荷和统一标志(如悬臂桩)的单轴弯矩的最佳纵筋。他们开发的两种优化流程:用一个或两个直径为纵向钢筋。优化增强模式允许大量减少的设计要求钢筋的用量,这些减少纵向钢筋可达到50%相对传统的,均匀分布的加固方案。 加固桩集中纵向钢筋最佳的位置在受拉区。除了节约钢筋,所述非对称加强钢筋图案提高抗弯刚度,通过增加转动惯量的转化部分的时刻。这种增加的刚性可能会在一段时间内增加的变形与蠕变相关的费用。评估相对于传统的非对称加强桩的优点,对称,钢筋桩被服务的条件下全面测试来完成的,这种试验是为了验证结构的可行性和取得的变形的原位测量。 基于现场试验中,用于优化的加强图案的优点浇铸钻出孔(CIDH)在巴塞罗那的


Inventory management Inventory Control On the so-called "inventory control", many people will interpret it as a "storage management", which is actually a big distortion. The traditional narrow view, mainly for warehouse inventory control of materials for inventory, data processing, storage, distribution, etc., through the implementation of anti-corrosion, temperature and humidity control means, to make the custody of the physical inventory to maintain optimum purposes. This is just a form of inventory control, or can be defined as the physical inventory control. How, then, from a broad perspective to understand inventory control? Inventory control should be related to the company's financial and operational objectives, in particular operating cash flow by optimizing the entire demand and supply chain management processes (DSCM), a reasonable set of ERP control strategy, and supported by appropriate information processing tools, tools to achieved in ensuring the timely delivery of the premise, as far as possible to reduce inventory levels, reducing inventory and obsolescence, the risk of devaluation. In this sense, the physical inventory control to achieve financial goals is just a means to control the entire inventory or just a necessary part; from the perspective of organizational functions, physical inventory control, warehouse management is mainly the responsibility of The broad inventory control is the demand and supply chain management, and the whole company's responsibility. Why until now many people's understanding of inventory control, limited physical inventory control? The following two reasons can not be ignored: First, our enterprises do not attach importance to inventory control. Especially those who benefit relatively good business, as long as there is money on the few people to consider the problem of inventory turnover. Inventory control is simply interpreted as warehouse management, unless the time to spend money, it may have been to see the inventory problem, and see the results are often very simple procurement to buy more, or did not do warehouse departments . Second, ERP misleading. Invoicing software is simple audacity to call it ERP, companies on their so-called ERP can reduce the number of inventory, inventory control, seems to rely on their small software can get. Even as SAP, BAAN ERP world, the field of


项目成本控制 一、引言 项目是企业形象的窗口和效益的源泉。随着市场竞争日趋激烈,工程质量、文明施工要求不断提高,材料价格波动起伏,以及其他种种不确定因素的影响,使得项目运作处于较为严峻的环境之中。由此可见项目的成本控制是贯穿在工程建设自招投标阶段直到竣工验收的全过程,它是企业全面成本管理的重要环节,必须在组织和控制措施上给于高度的重视,以期达到提高企业经济效益的目的。 二、概述 工程施工项目成本控制,指在项目成本在成本发生和形成过程中,对生产经营所消耗的人力资源、物资资源和费用开支,进行指导、监督、调节和限制,及时预防、发现和纠正偏差从而把各项费用控制在计划成本的预定目标之内,以达到保证企业生产经营效益的目的。 三、施工企业成本控制原则 施工企业的成本控制是以施工项目成本控制为中心,施工项目成本控制原则是企业成本管理的基础和核心,施工企业项目经理部在对项目施工过程进行成本控制时,必须遵循以下基本原则。 3.1 成本最低化原则。施工项目成本控制的根本目的,在于通过成本管理的各种手段,促进不断降低施工项目成本,以达到可能实现最低的目标成本的要求。在实行成本最低化原则时,应注意降低成本的可能性和合理的成本最低化。一方面挖掘各种降低成本的能力,使可能性变为现实;另一方面要从实际出发,制定通过主观努力可能达到合理的最低成本水平。 3.2 全面成本控制原则。全面成本管理是全企业、全员和全过程的管理,亦称“三全”管理。项目成本的全员控制有一个系统的实质性内容,包括各部门、各单位的责任网络和班组经济核算等等,应防止成本控制人人有责,人人不管。项目成本的全过程控制要求成本控制工作要随着项目施工进展的各个阶段连续 进行,既不能疏漏,又不能时紧时松,应使施工项目成本自始至终置于有效的控制之下。 3.3 动态控制原则。施工项目是一次性的,成本控制应强调项目的中间控制,即动态控制。因为施工准备阶段的成本控制只是根据施工组织设计的具体内容确


( 二 〇 一 二 年 六 月 外文文献及翻译 题 目: About Buiding on the Structure Design 学生姓名: 学 院:土木工程学院 系 别:建筑工程系 专 业:土木工程(建筑工程方向) 班 级:土木08-4班 指导教师:

英文原文: Building construction concrete crack of prevention and processing Abstract The crack problem of concrete is a widespread existence but again difficult in solve of engineering actual problem, this text carried on a study analysis to a little bit familiar crack problem in the concrete engineering, and aim at concrete the circumstance put forward some prevention, processing measure. Keyword:Concrete crack prevention processing Foreword Concrete's ising 1 kind is anticipate by the freestone bone, cement, water and other mixture but formation of the in addition material of quality brittleness not and all material.Because the concrete construction transform with oneself, control etc. a series problem, harden model of in the concrete existence numerous tiny hole, spirit cave and tiny crack, is exactly because these beginning start blemish of existence just make the concrete present one some not and all the characteristic of quality.The tiny crack is a kind of harmless crack and accept concrete heavy, defend Shen and a little bit other use function not a creation to endanger.But after the concrete be subjected to lotus carry, difference in temperature etc. function, tiny crack would continuously of expand with connect, end formation we can see without the


本科毕业设计 外文文献及译文 文献、资料题目:Designing Against Fire Of Building 文献、资料来源:国道数据库 文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2008.3.25 院(部):土木工程学院 专业:土木工程 班级:土木辅修091 姓名:武建伟 学号:2008121008 指导教师:周学军、李相云 翻译日期: 20012.6.1

外文文献: Designing Against Fire Of Buliding John Lynch ABSTRACT: This paper considers the design of buildings for fire safety. It is found that fire and the associ- ated effects on buildings is significantly different to other forms of loading such as gravity live loads, wind and earthquakes and their respective effects on the building structure. Fire events are derived from the human activities within buildings or from the malfunction of mechanical and electrical equipment provided within buildings to achieve a serviceable environment. It is therefore possible to directly influence the rate of fire starts within buildings by changing human behaviour, improved maintenance and improved design of mechanical and electrical systems. Furthermore, should a fire develops, it is possible to directly influence the resulting fire severity by the incorporation of fire safety systems such as sprinklers and to provide measures within the building to enable safer egress from the building. The ability to influence the rate of fire starts and the resulting fire severity is unique to the consideration of fire within buildings since other loads such as wind and earthquakes are directly a function of nature. The possible approaches for designing a building for fire safety are presented using an example of a multi-storey building constructed over a railway line. The design of both the transfer structure supporting the building over the railway and the levels above the transfer structure are considered in the context of current regulatory requirements. The principles and assumptions associ- ated with various approaches are discussed. 1 INTRODUCTION Other papers presented in this series consider the design of buildings for gravity loads, wind and earthquakes.The design of buildings against such load effects is to a large extent covered by engineering based standards referenced by the building regulations. This is not the case, to nearly the same extent, in the


《文献检索》课程教学设计 目录 绪论:文献(信息)检索的意义及基础 (2) 项目一科技文献检索方法和图书馆的科学利用 (8) 项目二常见化学化工科技论文的写作 (11) 项目三美国化学文摘的使用 (14) 项目四专利文献的查询 (17) 项目五标准文献的查询 (20) 项目六计算机信息检索的应用 (23) 项目七信息检索策略综合应用训练 (26)


教学内容与设计 绪论:文献(信息)检索的意义及基础 自我介绍 提问一:你会检索吗? 如果会,那么会用检索以下毕业专题的相关资料吗? ?杜仲叶中绿原酸的提取分离 ?有机废水处理工艺设计 ?蚕丝蛋白制备工艺研究 ?铁矿石含铁量测定方法新工艺 ?基因工程干扰素生产工艺研究 提问的目的:突出检索技术直接是为毕业专题服务,这是一门技术。提问二:信息检索课是什么? 学生如是说: 文献检索课程是井底之蛙的升降机,是雄鹰的翅膀,是横跨天堑的桥梁。 针对某一课题,通过电子检索查阅有关资料,才知道知识的浩瀚,才知道世界的宽广,才知道“山外青山,楼外楼”。 它是我在大学期间所学的最重要,最有用的课程之一,有了它,我们将会受益终生。教会我们一种方法,一种主动 了解外界,提高自己,放眼世界的方法。 检索不仅是我们学习的制胜法宝,更是一条贯穿我们生活的红线。正因为有了这门课的学习,现在大脑的检索意识 就比较强烈,越搜越快!前几天,问同学借自行车,他告 诉我车子大致地点,是永久牌,有车栏,略有一点蓝。到 了现场,脑海中一下就有了先找有栏的,再找蓝颜色的, 最后确定是不是永久的,很快就找到了。 我爱检索,就像爱自己的生命一样。 最后我想说,我们是幸运的!我们学到了一门真正有用的课,它对我的影响和帮助将是伴随我一身的。 提问三:借鉴与创新的关系? 科学研究是“站在前人肩膀上”的事业,而创新又是科学研究的灵魂,即要求“前无古人”。 时间分配 2min 引导学生回答 8min 10min 通过往届学生对信息检索课的评价能够激起学生学习这门课的兴趣,也可以突出这门课对个人的作用。 10min 通过提问让学生


专业资料 学院: 专业:土木工程 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:Structural Systems to resist (用外文写) Lateral loads 附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 抗侧向荷载的结构体系 常用的结构体系 若已测出荷载量达数千万磅重,那么在高层建筑设计中就没有多少可以进行极其复杂的构思余地了。确实,较好的高层建筑普遍具有构思简单、表现明晰的特点。 这并不是说没有进行宏观构思的余地。实际上,正是因为有了这种宏观的构思,新奇的高层建筑体系才得以发展,可能更重要的是:几年以前才出现的一些新概念在今天的技术中已经变得平常了。 如果忽略一些与建筑材料密切相关的概念不谈,高层建筑里最为常用的结构体系便可分为如下几类: 1.抗弯矩框架。 2.支撑框架,包括偏心支撑框架。 3.剪力墙,包括钢板剪力墙。 4.筒中框架。 5.筒中筒结构。 6.核心交互结构。 7. 框格体系或束筒体系。 特别是由于最近趋向于更复杂的建筑形式,同时也需要增加刚度以抵抗几力和地震力,大多数高层建筑都具有由框架、支撑构架、剪力墙和相关体系相结合而构成的体系。而且,就较高的建筑物而言,大多数都是由交互式构件组成三维陈列。 将这些构件结合起来的方法正是高层建筑设计方法的本质。其结合方式需要在考虑环境、功能和费用后再发展,以便提供促使建筑发展达到新高度的有效结构。这并

不是说富于想象力的结构设计就能够创造出伟大建筑。正相反,有许多例优美的建筑仅得到结构工程师适当的支持就被创造出来了,然而,如果没有天赋甚厚的建筑师的创造力的指导,那么,得以发展的就只能是好的结构,并非是伟大的建筑。无论如何,要想创造出高层建筑真正非凡的设计,两者都需要最好的。 虽然在文献中通常可以见到有关这七种体系的全面性讨论,但是在这里还值得进一步讨论。设计方法的本质贯穿于整个讨论。设计方法的本质贯穿于整个讨论中。 抗弯矩框架 抗弯矩框架也许是低,中高度的建筑中常用的体系,它具有线性水平构件和垂直构件在接头处基本刚接之特点。这种框架用作独立的体系,或者和其他体系结合起来使用,以便提供所需要水平荷载抵抗力。对于较高的高层建筑,可能会发现该本系不宜作为独立体系,这是因为在侧向力的作用下难以调动足够的刚度。 我们可以利用STRESS,STRUDL 或者其他大量合适的计算机程序进行结构分析。所谓的门架法分析或悬臂法分析在当今的技术中无一席之地,由于柱梁节点固有柔性,并且由于初步设计应该力求突出体系的弱点,所以在初析中使用框架的中心距尺寸设计是司空惯的。当然,在设计的后期阶段,实际地评价结点的变形很有必要。 支撑框架 支撑框架实际上刚度比抗弯矩框架强,在高层建筑中也得到更广泛的应用。这种体系以其结点处铰接或则接的线性水平构件、垂直构件和斜撑构件而具特色,它通常与其他体系共同用于较高的建筑,并且作为一种独立的体系用在低、中高度的建筑中。


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