


1、由于原材料价格上涨,我们不得不对产品的价格做相应的调整。Since the prices of the raw materials have been raised, I’m afraid that we have to adjust the price of our products accordingly.

2、“暖日”羊绒衫,寒冬守护神。“Sunny”Cashmere Sweaters, the protector in the cold winter.

3、货物装船后卖方应该立即发电报告知买房合同号、品名、装运数量或重量、发票金额、船名、装运港、起航日期以及目的港。Immediately after completion of loading of goods on board the vessel the Sellers shall advise the Buyers by cable of the contract number, name of goods, quantity or weight loaded, invoice value, name

of vessel, port of shipment, sailing date and port of destination.

4、我们已看到贵公司在近一期《电视世界》上所做的广告,请详细介绍你们的产品规格、价格、包装情况。We have noticed your advertisement in the latest issue of TV World. Please provide us with your product’s information regarding specification, price, and packing in detail.

5、我们认为你方的格力牌空调机在这里会很畅销,希望很快收到你们的样品。We think your Gree brand air conditioners will be selling well at this end and we are looking forward to receiving your samples soon.

6、在国际收支平衡表中,商业交往分成诸如经常账户、资本账户以及平衡账户等不同类别。Business transactions are put into such different categories as current acount, capital account and balance account in international balance of payment.

7、信用证必须规定它是否适用于即期付款、延期付款、承兑抑或议付。A credit must state whether it is available by sight payment, deferred payment, acceptance or negotiation.


大。 Weaknesses in agriculture as the foundation of the economy still have not improved substantially, and it has become harder to continue increasing grain production and rural incomes. In addition, there is the possibility of a return to overheating in fixed asset investment, supplies of coal, electricity, petroleum and transportation are still very tight, and there is still considerable inflationary pressure on prices.

9、请告知我们这批货物一切险的保险费,如果保险费在1000元以下,无需等待我方答复,可直接投保。Please let us know your premium at which you can cover the insurance All Risks on theses goods and arrange to insure urgently without our reply

if the amount is below RMB1000.

10、这是一份250公吨花生的合同,价格为每公吨哥本哈根成本加运费价1800元人民币。This contract is for 250 metric tons of groundnuts at RMB1800 per M\T CFR Copenhagen.

11、目前,虽然我国资产证券化试点工作已经启动,但其运作仍然需要面临市场、技术等方面的困难,尤其在法律方面存在诸多障碍。At present, the pilot work on

asset securitization has started up. However, with the propulsion of asset securitization, there also exist many difficulties in the aspect of market, technology, especially of law.

12、经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的综合领先指标显示,经济至少已出现轻微的好转。The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development composite leading indicator shows at least a slight uptick.

13、通过制定一家银行承兑汇票或承担延期付款承诺,开证行即授权该指定银行预付或购买经其承兑的汇票或其承担延期付款的承诺。By nominating a bank to accept a draft or incur a deferred payment undertaking, an issuing bank authorizes that nominated bank to prepay or purchase a draft accepted or a deferred payment undertaking incurred by that nominated bank.

14、我方想告诉贵方,自下半年以来,复印机的零、部件价格一直不断增长。尽管我方尽量压低报价,但恐怕有此余地的时间不会太久。We want to notice you that prices of copier parts and components have gone up steadily since the second half of the year. Though we have tried hard to keep our quotations down, we are afraid the margin for keeping on going like this will not long.

15、作为中国最著名的奇山之一,黄山以其四绝“奇松,怪石,云海,温泉”以及美丽的日落景色吸引了无数游客的前来。但当皑皑白雪覆盖黄山每一寸土地时,它那美妙的身姿去世前所未有的清新与迷人。As one of the most stunning mountains of China, see the four wonders—ancient pines, bizarre rocks, seas of clouds, and hot springs, and see the sunrise. When the snow settles on all these, the real charm of Mt.Huangshan emerges.

16、世界贸易组织对国际贸易(的发展)起到了稳定作用,同时也使(人们对国际贸易发展的)预测成为可能,这是因为世贸组织规则在法律上具有约束力。同样,世贸组织成员经谈判在货物及服务贸易方面所承诺的市场准入时间表,也在法律上具有约束力。The WTO pings stability and predictability to international trade because its rules are legally binding. So too are the schedules of market-access commitments in goods and services (that each WTO Member negotiates).

17、最近银根很紧,为谋求达成交易,本人代表公司正在研究如何达成这笔交易。我们希望以易货交易为基础,进口你方能运到美国的任何商品。In order to facilitate in consideration of the present monetary stringency, the corporation, on behalf of which I am studying this proposition, is willing to base transaction on trade by barter and would import any articles, which you would ship to the United States. 18、在美国,赠送贵重礼物是行不通的,比较合适的礼物是带上你要感谢的朋友去赴宴或参加娱乐体育活动。In America, lavish and extravagant gifts are definitely out. An appropriate alternate to a gift is to take the deserving person to dinner, or to an entertainment or sporting event.

19、High interest rates and protectionism in potential export markets worsened the current account balance.高利率和潜在的出口市场上的贸易保护主义使经常账户


20、在我们对世界各地众多的访问中,此次访问是我们在文化方面受益最大的。友善、好客、美味佳肴、舒适住宿以及旖旎风光都使这次旅行成为我们所有人最难忘的历。Of many visits to various areas of the world, the visit to your country was the most culturally rewarding. The friendliness, hospitality, superb food, comfortable

accommodations and beautiful scenery combined to make this journey a memorable sojourn for all of us.

21、In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination; while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyer within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination.若买房提出索赔,凡属品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起30天内提出,凡属数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起15天内提出。

22、Insurance on the goods shall be covered by us for 110% of the CIF value, and any extra premium for additional coverage, if required, shall be borne by the buyers. 将由我方按照到岸价的发票金额110%办理该货的保险,如果需要,额外增加保险的费用将由买方承担。

23、An important function of the law is to maintain public order by punishment those who deviate from accepted norms.通过惩罚那些背离公认准则的人来维持公共秩序是法律的一个重要工功能。

24、Beneath the fluffy luxuries, there is a basic American belief: Pets have a right to be treated well. Therefore, the average American enjoys having pet around. To Americans, pets are not just property, but a party of the family. .因为在舒适奢华的享受下,美国人都存在着一种基本信念:宠物有被善待的权利,因此,美国人一般都喜欢与动物为伴。对美国人而言,宠物不仅仅是他们拥有的财产,而是他们家庭成员中的一员。

25、Any dispute arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to CIETAC, South China Sub-Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会华南分会,按照申请仲裁时该会实施的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。

26、Please let us know your premium at which you can take the insurance of AAR on these goods and arrange to insure urgently without our reply if the amount is below CNY1000.请告知我们这批货物全险的保费,如果保费在1000元以下,无需等待我方回复,可直接投保。

27、If Party A materially breaches this Contract, Party B is entitled to terminate this Contract or claim damages.如果甲方实质性违反本合同,乙方有权终止本合同或要求得到损害赔偿。

28、Exporters specialized in capital goods and durables, such as Germany, have been hit harder than others in the crisis. 专注于资本产品及耐用品生产的出口国如德国在这次危机中遭受了重创。

29、In a word, continued industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization pushed in a balanced way are necessary path for China’s modernization. It is also a strategic move to ensure the shift of the growth model, structural adjustment and large domestic demand.总之,协调推进工业化、城镇化和农业现代化是中国现代化的必由之路,也是转变方式、调整结构、扩大内需的战略举措。

30、Due to the adverse impacts of financial crisis, more and more countries resorted

to protectionist measures to check the downturn of employment and the economic recession.由于金融危机的影响,越来越多的国家采取贸易保护主义措施以试图遏制就业率下滑和经济衰退的趋势。

31、Private and sovereign balance sheet will continue to strengthen in a gradually improving economic environment and that policy measures to address legacy problems in key banking systems are implemented alongside important stabilization policies. 随着经济环境的逐步改善,私人部门和公共部门的资产负债表将继续改善,同时,解决关键银行体系遗留问题的政策措施会与重要的稳定政策一起实施。

32、It is mutually agreed that for the quality of the contracted goods in this category, the Inspection Certificate issued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau after inspection the goods within 90 days from the date of arrival at the port of destination shall be taken as final and binding upon both parties.双方同意本合同所订立此类商品之品质应以货物到达目的口岸90日内,经中国商品检验局并以该局所签发的检验证书为最后依据,此证书对双方当事人均具有约束力。

33、If the insurant deliberately refuses to perform the obligations of making true representation, the insurer shall not undertake to pay indemnity or insurance money for insured risks that occur before the contract is terminated and shall not return the insurance premium .投保人故意不履行如实告知义务的,保险人对于保险合同解除前发生的保险事故,不承担赔偿或者给付保险金的责任,并不退还保险费。

34、Theoretically, the benefits of free trade are widely accepted by all countries in the world. In practice, however, every country takes tariff or non-tariff measures to protect domestic industries with comparative disadvantages.理论上,自由贸易的好处已经为世界各国所接受。但是在贸易实践中,各国均采取关税措施或者非关税措施以保护本国处于竞争劣势的行业。

35、These vendors say the potential cost savings—which come from not requiring a local or long-distance phone call—may be what first attracts customers, but that it is only part of the story.这些供应商称,潜在的节省成本(这是不需要打本地或者长途电话而节省下来的)可能是第一个吸引客户之处,但这只是其中的一个好处。

36、In a word, continued industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization pushed in a balanced way are necessary path for China’s modernization.总之,协调推进工业化、城镇化和农业现代化是中国现代化的必由之路。

37、Globalization has been driven by policies that have opened economies domestically and internationally. In the years since World War II , and especially during the past two decades, many governments have adopted free-market economic systems, vastly increasing their own productive potential and creating myriad new opportunities for international trade and investment. 全球化发展的动力来自于各个国家在国内外所实行的经济开放政策。在第二次世界大战后的岁月里,特别是在过去的20年中,许多政府实行了自由市场经济体制,极大地增强了自身的生产潜力,创造出了许多新的国际贸易与投资机会。

38、A defining feature of globalization is an international industrial structure in which thousands of the world’s largest corporations maintain operations in multiple countries.全球化的一个固有特点是其产业结构的国际化,在此结构下,成千上万


39、The issuing bank shall collect modification processing fees and postal fees from the applicant for the opening of the L/C modification form in accordance with the provisions.开证行开立信用证修改书,应按规定向申请人收取修改手续费及邮电费。——————————————————————————————————————


San Francisco, open your golden gate, sang the girl in the theatre. She never finished her song. The date was 18th April, 1906. The earth shook and the roof suddenly divided, buildings crashed to the ground and people rushed out into the streets. The dreadful earthquake destroyed the city that had grown up when men discovered gold in the deserts of California. But today the streets of San Francisco stretch over more than forty steep hills, rising like huge cliffs above the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean.

You leave the palm trees in Union Square --- the heart of San Francisco --- and from the shop signs and the faces around you, you will notice that in the city live people from many nations --- Austrians, Italians, Chinese and others --- giving each part a special character. More Chinese live in China Town than in any other part of the world outside China. Here, with Chinese restaurants, Chinese post-boxes, and even odd telephone-boxes that look like pagodas, it is easy to feel you are in China itself.





Every field of study has its own language and its own way of thinking. Mathematicians talk about axioms, integrals, and vector spaces. Psychologists talk about ego, id, and cognitive dissonance. Lawyers talk about venue, torts, and promissory estoppel .

Economics is no different. Supply, demand, elasticity, comparative advantage, consumer surplus, deadweight loss—the se terms are part of the economist’s language. In the coming chapters, you will encounter many new terms and some familiar words that economists use in specialized ways. At first, this new language may seem needlessly arcane. But, as you will see, its value lies in its ability to provide you a new and useful way of thinking about the world in which you live.

The single most important purpose of this book is to help you learn the economist’s way of thinking. Of course, just as you cannot become a mathematici an, psychologist, or lawyer overnight, learning to think like an economist will take some time. Yet with a combination of theory, case studies, and examples of economics in the news, this book will give you ample opportunity to develop and practice this skill.






All dis putes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for Arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procedure. The decision made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.






What might happen if Greece defaults depend largely on how policymakers behave: the costs of contagion need not be big if panic does not take hold. The ECB could counter money-market flight, for instance, by supplying more liquidity, as the Fed did after Lehman crashed. It could also reopen the foreign-exchange swaps set up with the Fed during the crisis.Some good ideas are already being discussed. One is to conduct credible stress tests and recapitalize banks that fail. On June 17th the IMF urged European regulators to speed up recapitalization, warning that there is still a tail of weak banks.




In a western restaurant, each person generally orders their own food or dishes and eats what they order. One of the biggest differences between Chinese restaurants and western restaurants is the noise. Most western restaurants are quiet and people speak in quiet voices. Avoid shouting, especially to the staff. If you need serviec you should try to attract the waiter’s attention with your eyes not you voice. It’s best not to raise you hand and wave at them either.

Both Chinese and western people love to drink with their food especially wine or beer. The difference is that usually there will only be one or two toasts during the meal. It is not necessary to toast each time you pick up your glass. When the bill at the end of the meal comes most people like to divide the bill equally by the number of people eating. This is called “going Dutch”. If the service and food have been good, you should leave a tip. Usually 10% of the bill is a good tip.




World Trade Organization

At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations. These documents provide the legal ground rules for international commerce. They are essentially contracts, binding governments to keep their trade policies within agreed limits. Although negotiated and signed by governments, the goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business, while allowing governments to meet social and environmental bojectives. The system’s overriding purpose is to help trade flow as freely as possible-so longas there are no undesirable side effects-because this is important for economic development and social well-being.


01A(3 人组)说翻译(下)材料 原文: 要以经济体制改革为重点,区别情况,分类推进,抓好牵一发而动全身的举措,力求取 得实质性进展,更多释放改革红利。 在全国实施工商登记制度改革,落实认缴登记制,由先证后照改为先照后证,由企业年 检制度改为年报公示制度,让市场主体不断迸发新的活力。(118 字) 译文: We will focus on economic structural reform, advance it on different fronts in a targeted way in light of different conditions, take key measures that will have an overall impact, strive to make substantive progress and reap more benefits from reform. We will reform the business registration system nationwide and carry out registration of subscribed capital. Issuing an operating permit before a license, which was the practice in the past, will be replaced with the practice of license first, operating permit second. Annual inspections of businesses will be replaced by annual reporting to incentivize market actors. 0 1B(3 人组)说翻译(下)材料 原文: 坚持放管并重,建立纵横联动协同管理机制,实现责任和权力同步下放、放活和监管同 步到位。 各级政府预算和决算都要向社会公开,部门预算要逐步公开到基本支出和项目支出,所有财政拨款的“三公”经费都要公开,打造阳光财政,让群众看明白、能监督。(115 字)译文: We will attach equal importance to both delegating power and strengthening oversight, establish a mechanism of coordinating management between government bodies at both the same and different levels, and ensure that both responsibility and power are delegated together and that relaxing control and strengthening oversight go hand in hand. Governments at all levels should release their budgets and final accounts to the public, and budgets released by government bodies should progressively include details down to basic regular and project expenditures. In particular, all public spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality should be made public. We will ensure transparency of public finance and make it easy for people to understand and oversee it. 02A(3 人组)说翻译(下)材料 原文: 推进税收制度改革,把“营改增”试点扩大到铁路运输、邮政服务、电信等行业,清费 立税,推动消费税、资源税改革,做好房地产税、环境保护税立法相关工作。 保持人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上的基本稳定,扩大汇率双向浮动区间,推进人民币资本项目可兑换。(117 字) 译文: We will advance the reform of the tax system by taking the following steps: Extend trials for replacing business tax with VAT to the railway transport, postal and telecommunications services industries, abolish fees and replace them with taxes, reform the excise tax and resource tax, and move ahead with legislation on property tax and environmental protection tax. We will keep the renminbi exchange rate basically stable at an appropriate, balanced level,


我已经通过了CATTI二级笔译,告诉大家一个事实,我NAETI和CATTI都考过,但是现在招聘的都不怎么承认NAETI,因为CATTI与职称挂钩,这样去考NAETI的人数就非常少,所有级别的考生连一个教室都坐不满。 不过CATTI二级和三级的笔译是不能同时报考的,二级和三级的口译也是如此,因为考试时间冲突。而二级笔译和二级口译是可以同时报考,因为时间相差一天。像通过了专八的英语专业学生,我建议直接报考二笔和三口。二口的通过率只有6%左右,所以不建议直接报考。 四月份的时候我看了一些笔译理论的书,有张培基《英汉翻译教程》、叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》、李长栓《非文学翻译理论与实践》(这本书真的是把我多年竖立起来的三观全部毁了),还有陈宏薇的一本汉译英的书,挑着做了这些书书后面十来篇练习,基本就是一本做了一点就不想做下去了然后换一本这样子o(╯□╰)o 四月份是时候无所事事,觉得时间还很多,然后听信谣言说笔译综合里的完型是无选项完型,于是还练了综合教材里面的完型部分…… 所以考卷发下来心里一千头草泥马在狂奔好嘛…… 笔译综合很简单,大家放心大胆的裸考吧……当然,考纲后面的单词还是要背的,我考前一天刚瞄过一个a开头的单词,结果第二天出现在试卷上的时候我只能想起这个我前一天晚上看到过啊!!!什么意思完全不记得了- -、

恩,笔译实务貌似是考三个小时,所以试卷发下来之后我先算了一下,3*60/4=45,就是说每篇我必须要控制在45分钟之内(之前听很多人说过会来不及,事实上的确会有很多人来不及)。英译汉两篇我做的很赶,基本就是45分钟匆匆写完,没时间好好斟酌。但!是!我没想到我是个汉译英做的如此之快的二逼= =汉译英第一篇貌似用了三十分钟吧,然后第二篇我尽量写得慢了,最后还是多了很多时间。笔译心得是,字典很重要,论坛上有人推荐过两本,大家搜一下就可以搜到的,那绝对是前辈们的肺腑之言好嘛!我图书馆借到了陆谷孙的《英汉大词典》,那些生僻的地名都能查到。推荐的汉英字典(我忘了叫什么)图书馆没有,我随便借了一本,考试的时候那些个有法可依有法必依之类的只能自由发挥了,借到那本字典的同学们都说查到了。 笔译的感想就是,那两本教材完全没必要看的,我翻了一下就扔回书架了……笔译要多看政府文件,口译两本教材基本都是这一类的,加上我看了政府工作报告和十八大报告,所以虽然我笔译没有练,但实际考试的时候对这种风格的文章还是很适应的。我词汇量不大,长难句也不怎么会写,我的翻译都是很质朴的那种。考前我看到微博上答疑说过,要准确,语言不必华丽。所以不要想着怎么出彩啦,准确就好了。


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I) 文科综合地理(湖南等省份) 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。答题前,考生务必在将自己的姓名、考生号填写在答题卡上。 2. 回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在试卷上无效。 3. 回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案卸载答题卡上,写在试卷上无效。 4. 考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷 本卷共35小题。每小题4分,共140分。在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 太阳能光热电站(下图)通过数以十万计的反光版聚焦太阳能,给高塔顶端的锅炉加热,产生蒸汽,驱动发电机发电。据此完成1-3题。 1.我国下列地区中,资源条件最适宜建太阳能光热电站的是: A.柴达木盆地 B.黄土高原 C.山东半岛 D.东南丘陵 2.太阳能光热电站可能会: A.提升地表温度 B.干扰飞机电子导航 C.误伤途径飞鸟 D.提高作物产量 3.若在北回归线上建一太阳能光热电站,其高塔正午影长于塔高的比值为P,则 A.春、秋分日P=0 B. 夏至日P>0 C. 全年日P<1 D. 冬至日P>1 20世纪50年代,在外国专家的指导下,我国修建了兰新铁路。兰新铁路在新疆吐鲁番附近的线路如下图所示。读图,完成4-6题。

4、推测外国专家在图示区域铁路选线时考虑的主导因素是 A、河流 B、聚落 C、耕地 D、地形 5、后来,我国专家认为,兰新铁路在该区域的选线不合理,理由可能是 A、线路过长 B、距城镇过远 C、易受洪水威胁 D、工程量过大 6、50多年来,兰新铁路并没有改变该区域城镇的分布,是因为该区域的城镇分布受控 于 A、地形分布 B、绿洲分布 C、河流分布D沙漠分布 人类活动导致大气中含氮化合物浓度增加,产生沉降,是新出现的令人担忧的全球变化问题。一科研小组选择受人类干扰较小的某地,实验模拟大气氮沉降初期对植被的影响。实验地植被以灌木植物为主,伴生多年生草本植物。下表数据为实验地以2009年为基数,2010-2013年实验中植被的变化值(测量时间为每年9月30日)。据此完成7-9题。 7、实验期间植被变化表现为 ①生物量提高②生物量降低③植株密度改变④植被分布改变 A、①③ B、②③ C、①④ D、②④ 8、实验期间大气氮沉降导致灌木、草本两类植物出现此消彼长竞争的是 A植株数量B、总生物量C、地上生物量D、地下生物量 9.根据实验结果推测,随着大气氮沉降的持续,植被未来变化趋势是 A.灌木植物和草本植物繁茂 B. 灌木植物和草本植物萎缩


三级笔译题型科普及备考安排 1.三笔综合能力部分 首先澄清一下,综合能力的题型全是单选,并不是像三笔综合能力的教材和辅导练习中的题型那样给首字母填空或是联系上下文填单词。题型有: 1)10个单词单项选择(联系上下文选择合适单词) 2)10个近义词单项选择 3)10个改错的单项选择每个题1分 4)3个阅读理解,每个题10个小题,每题2分 5)1个完形填空(20个小题)每个0.5分。共100分。 什么难度呢?专四通过的话,综合能力是没问题的。因为这一块我可以说基本没有准备,只把三笔综合能力的历年真题和我能在图书馆找到的模拟题都做了一遍,自己评分都是过了的,因此就没怎么将心思用在这。我认为这是考基础的部分,即使是准备,三两个月,也不会有明显的效果,所以我认为更多的精力应该是放在实务这里,实务才是看翻译功夫的地方。 2.三笔实务部分 1)对于复习资料,我自己将其分为精读和泛读两部分。 精读的是CATTI三笔的教材和教材辅导书。泛读的书基本都是从图书馆借来的笔译理论的书。后者是建立主干、框架,目的是让自己在迷乱复杂各式各样的翻译方式中知道自己在用什么方法,处于什么位置,在用什么方法翻译,这些都要清楚。如果一开始就是在“跟着感觉译”,对翻译方式方法心中没数,糊里糊涂的话,就会越来越没有头绪。前者是为后者添枝加叶,有着主干的大方向的指导,即使再接触不同的材料和句子也不会迷糊,再接触不同句子材料中讲解的相同句子的不同翻译方式的时候,也会相应对号入座,在心里有所分类。即使翻译错了也不会彷徨,因为有着大框架的指导,也知道错在哪,为什么错,怎么改。 2)先读懂,才能谈得上翻译。 读懂,不是指将生词查出就懂了这么简单的,如果翻译的难度是建立在生词之上,那CATTI的笔译考试都是让带词典的,为什么还不好通过呢?很显然,不是单词的事。英语多长句,一句话好几十个词是经常的事。怎样将这绕来绕去的,或者说像葡萄串一样的句子断成竹节一样的句子(地道的汉语多短小句,像竹节一样),这就是读懂与没读懂的分水岭。准确地切分句子,考验是英语语法的功底。很多人说,即使英语语法一知半解也不耽误英语说的好。但是,如果想翻译得对,没有坚实的语法功底一定是不行的,如果正确地翻译都达不到,何谈翻译得好呢。因此,英语语法,有必要好好夯实。 3)要10篇文章翻译10遍,也不要100篇文章翻译1遍。 如果你练习多了就会发现:其实英语句子的形式的种类是有数的。如果一篇文章涵盖不了,那10篇总差不多了。关键是把每一篇都反复琢磨至少十遍以上,你看100篇其实也就是不同的话题而已,表达方式都差不多的。毕竟三级笔译的文章话题只是日常性的,像报纸新闻、历史描述等等,并不是像二级笔译那样专业性那么强。考察的更倾向于翻译的基本功和翻译方法。这一阶段并不用广泛的涉猎专业领域,平时适当地看一些新闻报纸就行,而且是当做休息的时候。 4)总结,再总结 就像中学时代的错题本一样。哪句翻错了,怎么错的,错哪了,正确的是什么样,这句子有什么特点,下次遇到这样的句子应该怎么注意。时常看看,过了几天就会发现,以前的症结再过几天就不算什么了。 5)关于翻译课程


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标卷Ⅰ) 语文 适用地区:河南、河北、山西,湖北、湖南和陕西。 第Ⅰ卷阅读题 甲必做题 一、现代文阅读I 9分,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文字,完成l~3题。 悲剧产生于社会的矛盾、两种社会力量的冲突。冲突双方分别代表着真与假、善与恶、新与旧等对立的两极,却总是以代表真、善、新等美好的一方的失败、死亡、毁灭为结局,他们是悲剧的主人公。因为他们的力量还比较弱小,还无法与强大的旧势力或邪恶力量抗衡,正义的要求不能实现,于是形成了悲剧。古希腊学者亚里士多德指出,悲剧描写了比现实中更美好同时又是“与我们相似的”人物,通过他们的毁灭“引起怜悯和恐惧来使感情得到陶冶”,即产生净化的作用。 然而,悲剧不仅表现冲突与毁灭,而且表现抗争与拼搏,这是悲剧具有审美价值的最根本的原因。鲁迅说过:“悲剧将人生的有价值的东西毁灭给人看”。这种毁灭是抗争、拼搏以后的毁灭,抗争与拼搏体现了人的一种精神。古希腊神话中普罗米修斯为了人类从天上盗取火种,触怒了主神宙斯,被锁在高加索山崖上,每日遭神鹰啄食肝脏,但普罗米修斯毫不屈服,最后坠入深渊。罗丹的大理石雕塑《马身人首》中,人臂绝望地扑向一个它所抓不到的目标,而马足则陷于尘土不能自拔,表现出人性与兽性的冲突,象征着灵与肉的斗争,具有强烈的悲剧性。可以说,没有抗争就没有悲剧,冲突、抗争与毁灭是构成悲剧的三个主要因素。 悲剧的审美价值的载体只能是文学艺术。因为人生有价值的东西、美好事物的毁灭是令人伤悲的,因此现实中的悲剧不能作为直接的审美对象来欣赏,否则人就是泯灭了人性的人了。现实中的悲剧只能激起人的同情、义愤,迫使人采取严肃的伦理态度和实践行动。民主革命时期,在演出歌剧《白毛女》的过程中,曾多次出现扮演地主黄世仁的演员被打甚至险遭枪击的事件,这是人们以实际的道德评价代替了审美活动。现实的悲剧只在客观上具有悲


2014年上半年笔译复习资料 1、我们将提供具有竞争力的薪水和奖金计划,所有的员工将得到公司股票选择权。 (第三单元)We offer competitive salary and bonus plan. All employees receive stock options. 2、The PMI figures indicate a large manufacturing slowdown in the fourth quarter. PMI指数反映了制造业第四季度生产大幅减缓。 3、This L/C will be duly honored only if the seller submits whole set of documents that all terms and requirements under L/C NO. 45673 have been complied with. 只有出口人提供与信用证45673号项下相符的全套单据,本行才予以承付。 4、如果采用离岸价,货一上船,货物的风险和费用就都转给买方了。 (第四单元)In case F.O.B. is used, risks and charges are to be passed over to the buyers once the cargo is put on board the ship. 5、乙方应遵守国家及地方的税法制度,自行缴纳其收入的个人所得税,甲方无义务为其代缴。 Party B shall pay personal income tax voluntarily according to the state’s tax law. Party A doesn’t shoulder the responsibility to withhold and remit taxes for Party B. 6、Please let us know your premium at which you can take the insurance of AAR on these goods and arrange to insure urgently without our reply if the amount is below CNY1000. 请告知我们这批货物全险的保费,如果保费在1000元以下,无须等待我方答复,可直接投保。 7、客户接待是会展期间一项关键工作,可以发现新客户并与之建立联系,可以推销公司的产品,宣传公司,使客户对公司产品产生兴趣,产生订购欲望。 8、国际货币基金组织旨在促进汇率的稳定,保持成员国之间有秩序的汇兑安排,避免竞争性通货贬值。 (第六单元)IMF aims to promote exchange stability, to maintain orderly exchange arrangements among members, and to avoid competitive exchange depreciation. 9、In case the rental is more than 10 days overdue9, Party B will pay 0.5 percent of monthly rental as overdue fine every day, if the rental be paid 15 days overdue, Party B will be deemed to have withdrawn from the premises and breach the contract. In this situation, Party A has the right to take back the premises and take actions against party B’s breach. 如乙方逾期支付租金超过10天,则每天以月租金的0.5%支付滞纳金;如乙方逾期支付租金超过15天,则视为乙方自动退租,构成违约,甲方有权收回房屋,并追究乙方违约责任。 10、In case party B breaches this contract, party A has right to deduct the default fine, compensation for damage or any other expenses from the deposit. 因乙方违反本合同的规定而产生的违约金、损坏赔偿和其他相关费用,甲方可在保证金中抵扣。 11、After we have checked the L/C carefully, we request you to make the following amendment: “Partial Shipment and Transshipment Allowed. ” (第一单元)“经过仔细核对信用证,兹要求贵方作如下修改:允许分批装运和转船。”12、长久以来,这些银行一直在与美国运通公司的信用卡以及各式各样的商场赊购卡竞争。(第十单元)The banks have long competed with American Express’s charge cards and various store cards.


2019年CATTI二级笔译英译汉真题及参考答案 【第一篇】 So where there is financial connection, we see that rapid improvements in quality of life can quickly follow. In our modern context, there are several important channels to achieving this greater financial connectivity. I want to highlight two today: increased capital mobility and increased financial inclusion. First, enabling capital to flow more freely. Allowing capital to flow across borders can help support inclusive growth. Right now, foreign direct investment —FDI — is only 1.9 percent of GDP in developing countries. Before the global financial crisis, it was at 2.5 percent. Making progress on major infrastructure needs will require capital flows to rise again and to be managed safely. Greater openness to capital flows can also bring down the cost of finance, improve the efficiency of the financial sector, and allow capital to support productive investments and new jobs. Challenges that come with opening up capital markets. Thankfully, we know from experience the elements that are required for success. These include sound financial regulation, transparent rules for investment, and attention to fiscal sustainability. We also need increased financial inclusion. A few numbers: close to half of the adult population in low and middle-income Asia-Pacific economies do not have a bank account. Less than 10 percent have ever borrowed from a financial institution. And yet, we know that closing the finance gap is an “economic must-have” for nations to thrive in the 21st century. IMF analysis shows that if the least financially inclusive countries in Asia narrowed the finance gap to the level of Thailand — an emerging market economy — the poverty rate in those countries could be reduced by nearly 4 percent. How can we get there? In part, through policies that enable more women and rural citizens to access financial services. The financial gender gap for women in developing countries is about 9 percent and has remained largely unchanged since 2011. There is no silver bullet, but we know that fintech can play a catalyzing role. In Cambodia, for example, strong public-private partnerships in supporting mobile finance has led to a tripling in the number of micro-financial institutions since 2011. These institutions have now provided loans to over 2 million new borrowers, representing nearly 20 percent of the adult population. Many of these citizens had never had a bank account. Now they can save for the future and perhaps even start a business of their own. These are ideas that can work everywhere. But countries have to be willing to partner and learn from each other. That is one of the major reasons why last October, the IMF and World Bank launched the Bali Fintech Agenda. The agenda lays out key principles — from developing financial markets to safeguarding financial integrity — that can help each nation as it strives for greater financial inclusion. 【第一篇参考答案】


2015年新课标1文综历史(word有答案) 24、《吕氏春秋·上农》在描述农耕之利时不无夸张地张,一个农夫耕种肥沃的土地可以养活九口人,耕种一般的土地也能养活五口人。战国时期农业收益的增加 A.促进了个体小农经济的形成B.抑制了手工业和商业的发展 C.导致畜力与铁制农具的使用D.阻碍了大土地所有制的成长 【答案】A 25、两汉时期,皇帝的舅舅、外祖父按例封侯;若皇帝幼小,执政大臣也主要从他们之中选择,这被当时人们视为“安宗庙,重社稷”的“汉家之制”。汉代出现外戚干政的背景是() A.皇帝依靠外戚抑制相权 B.“家天下”观念根深蒂固 C.母族亲属关系受到重视 D.刘氏同姓诸侯王势力强大 【答案】C 【解析】两汉后期皇帝大多年幼继位,母族亲属关系自然受到重视,结果造成外戚干政局面。所以本题正确答案为C项。 26、宋代东南沿海地区出现了一些民间崇拜,如后来被视为海上保护神的妈祖、被视为妇幼保护神的临水夫人等,这些崇拜得到朝廷认可,后世影响不断扩大,这反映出() A.朝廷不断鼓励海洋开发 B.女性地位逐渐得到提高 C.东南沿海经济社会影响力上升 D.统治思想与民众观念趋向一致 【答案】C 【解析】材料反映了东南沿海地区的民间崇拜得到政府认可,实质上是该地区的经济社会影响力提升的结果,所以本题正确答案为C项。 27、表1河南、江苏两地科举考试状元人数表 表1呈现的变化反映了 A.理学的影响力不断扩大 B.经济发展促进文化兴盛 C.中原地区经济急剧衰退 D.政治重心南移趋势明显 【答案】B 【解析】表格体现了唐朝到清朝北方状元人数越来越少,而南方状元人数越来越多,这实质上是因为经济重心南移造成文化格局的变化,所以本题正确答案为B项。


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试全国课标1 理科数学 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的一项. 1.已知集合2 {|230}A x x x =--… ,{|22}B x x =-<…,则A B ?=( ). A .[]2,1-- B .[)1,2- C .[]1,1- D .[)1,2 2.3 2 (1)(1) i i +=-( ). A .1i + B .1i - C .1i -+ D .1i -- 3.设函数()f x ,()g x 的定义域都为R ,且()f x 是奇函数,()g x 是偶函数,则下列结论正确的是( ). A .()()f x g x 是偶函数 B .()()f x g x 是奇函数 C .()()g x f x 是奇函数 D .()()f x g x 是奇函数 4.已知F 是双曲线C :2 2 3(0)x my m m -=>的一个焦点,则点F 到C 的一条渐近线的距离为( ). A .3 B .3 C .3m D .3m 5.4位同学各自在周六、周日两天中任选一天参加公益活动,则周六、周日都有同学参加公益活动的概率( ). A .18 B .38 C .58 D .78 6如图,圆O 的半径为1,A 是圆上的定点,P 是圆上的动点,角x 的始边为射 线OA ,终边为射线OP ,过点P 作直线OA 的垂线,垂足为M ,将点M 到直线OP 的距离表示为x 的函数()f x ,则()y f x =在[]0,π上的图像大致为( ).

7.执行下图的程序框图,若输入的,,a b k 分别为1,2,3,则输出的M =( ). A . 203 B . 72 C . 165 D .158 8.设(0, )2π α∈,(0,)2 π β∈,且1sin tan cos βαβ+= ,则( ). A .32 π αβ-= B . 32 π αβ+= C .22 π αβ-= D .22 π αβ+= 9.不等式组1 24x y x y +≥??-≤? 的解集记为D .有下面四个命题: 1p :(,),22x y D x y ?∈+≥-, 2p :(,),22x y D x y ?∈+≥, 3P :(,),23x y D x y ?∈+≤, 4p :(,),21x y D x y ?∈+≤-. 其中真命题是( ). A .2p ,3P B .1p ,2p C .1p ,4p D .1p ,3P 10.已知抛物线C :2 8y x =的焦点为F ,准线为l ,P 是l 上一点,Q 是直线PF 与C 的一个焦点,若4FP FQ =,则||QF =( ). A . 72 B . 3 C .5 2 D .2 11.已知函数3 2 ()31f x ax x =-+,若()f x 存在唯一的零点0x ,且00x >,则a 的取值范


全国翻译资格考试三级笔译综合能力讲义 第一节考试内容介绍、定语从句讲解、练习及译法 第一部分考试介绍 一、考试题型 词汇和语法部分50题25分25分钟 阅读理解50题55分75分钟 完型填空20题20分20分钟 二、考试要求 掌握本大纲要的英语词汇;掌握并能够正确运用双语语法;具备对常用问题英语文章的阅读理解能力。 三、笔译综合能力试题的基本类型 第一部分词汇和语法部分可分为三大部分:词汇选择(Vocabulary and Grammar)1-20难度大约在四级左右;词语替代(Vocabulary Selection)21-40主要找出和划横线部分相同意思的词汇,难度在4级到6级之间;改错(Error Correction)主要有词汇和语法的两种错误。 第一部分考察的内容主要为近义词的辨析、短语介词和动词词组的搭配;语法点主要包括定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句、虚拟语气、非谓语动词等等。在其后会分专题来讲解。 第二部分阅读理解共5篇,字数在每篇150-450字之间,绝大多数在250字左右,每篇有5到10题,不定量。题材广泛,选题多样。类似于四级以上难度和题型,但是和专业四级题型更加相似。 第三部分为开放性完型填空,20空,共20分。题材广泛,选题多样。难度和专业四级等同。 四、基本复习策略 综合能力课程作为三级笔译必修的课程,主要是考察学生对于英语基本知识的了解,特别是对双语习惯的掌握,为了能够更好地为实务课程打下坚实的基础,所以希望每一位同学都不要对这门课程产生掉以轻心的念头。根据个人经验,我个人推荐以下几个复习的策略:第一、要对大纲的词汇做到十分熟悉,这种熟悉不是简单地认识,而是要学会使用,特别是在没有字典的帮助之下可以迅速而准确地判断搭配。 第二、对于语法结构的重视,但凡是学翻译就必须要对语法结构有着深入的了解,这种了解不是简单地会划分句子成分,而是将每个句子如何组合,这将决定你实务中的句型翻译的关键。 第三,阅读能力要强。任何考试都是得阅读者得天下,咱们的综合能力考试也不除外。包括实务考试,如果文章内容没有弄明白,那么对文章的翻译肯定是不行的。 以上三点经验之谈,仅供参考。 定语从句的讲解、练习及译法 1.that和which用法比较: 1) which用于非限定性定语从句中。 e.g.: He said he was busy, which was not true. 他说他很忙,那是假的。 We don’t want to enter the house, which is very cold. 我们不想进房间,因为太冷了。 2) which用于介词后做宾语。 e.g.: The room of which windows are opposite to the room is large. 窗户正对着海的房间很大。 The chair in which you are sitting is made of iron.


2018-11 【英译中】【Passage 1】 New drone footage gives a glimpse of the damage that Hawaii’s Big Island sustained in the wake of volcanic explosions in recent days. Smoke can be seen billowing off the lava as it creeps down roads and through wooded areas toward homes. Fires are visible with terrifying streams of brightness breaking through the surrounding areas of black. After a day of relative calm, Kilauea roared back in full force on Sunday,spewing lava 300 feet in the air, encroaching on a half mile of new ground and bringing the total number of destroyed structures to 35. 从无人机拍摄到的最新视频中,可以大概了解到近日火山喷发后,夏威夷大岛所遭受的损失情况。火山岩浆在道路上、树林里蔓延,直逼住家,岩浆所到处浓烟滚滚。在一片漆黑中可见多处大火,火光十分刺眼。基拉韦厄火山经过相对平静的一天后,周日又火力全开,将岩浆喷到300英尺高空,又侵蚀了半英里土地,共有35处建筑遭摧毁。 There have been 1,800 residents evacuated from their neighborhoods where cracks have been opening and spilling lava. In evacuated areas with relatively low sulfur dioxide levels, residents were allowed to return home for a few hours to collect belongings on Sunday and Monday. Officials said those residents – a little more than half of the evacuees — were allowed to return briefly, and they would continue to allow residents in if it could be done safely. 由于地面开裂、岩浆涌出,1800社区居民被疏散。周六周日,在二氧化硫浓度不高的被疏散区域,居民获准回家几个小时收拾家中物品。当地官员称,这些居民——约占被疏散居民总数的半数多些——被准许回家短暂停留,并且在保证安全的前提下,允许其他居民回家。 “Things got pretty active,” an official said at a Saturday press conference. “The eight volcanoes were pretty active, to the point where lava was spewing and the flow started spreading so we got additional damage out there. I’m not sure what the count is, but we thought it was just continuing to go. Fortunately, seismicity has laid down and the volcanoes have gone quiet now.” But officials had cautioned that while the lava flow was quiet, it wouldn’t be for long. “More volcano es could open up, the existing ones could get active again.” There’s a lot of lava under the ground so eventually it’s going to come up.” “这些火山变的很活跃,”一位官员在周六举行的新闻发布会上称,“有八个火山变的很活跃,岩浆喷出后,四处扩散,因此我们那里损失又多了些。我现在还不了解损失总数,但我们认为这个数字仍在不断攀升。庆幸地是,现在地震强度已经减弱,火山也开始平息下来了。”但是官员警告称,虽然岩浆流动慢下来了,


2014年高考文综真题(新课标卷Ⅰ) 太阳能光热电站(图1)通过数以十万计的反光版聚焦太阳能,给高塔顶端的锅炉加热,产生蒸汽,驱动发电机发电。据此完成1-3题。 图1 1.我国下列地区中,资源条件最适宜建太阳能光热电站的是: A.柴达木盆地 B.黄土高原 C.山东半岛 D.东南丘陵 2.太阳能光热电站可能会: A.提升地表温度 B.干扰飞机电子导航 C.误伤途径飞鸟 D.提高作物产量 3.若在北回归线上建一太阳能光热电站,其高塔正午影长于塔高的比值为P,则 A.春、秋分日P=0 B. 夏至日P>0 C. 全年日P<1 D. 冬至日P>1 【答案】1、A 2、C 3、D 【解析】1、柴达木盆地位于青藏高原上,海拔高,空气稀薄,大气对太阳辐射虚弱少,太阳辐射强,太阳能资源丰富。其它三地位于季风区,降水多、阴天多,太阳辐射较少,所以A对。 2、光热电站是依靠光能集聚产生热能制造蒸汽,来推动发动机运转,强光、高热能可能会误伤途径的飞鸟,所以选C。 3、在北回归线上建一太阳能光热电站,二分日时正午太阳高度为66.5°,影子不为0,影长与塔高比重P不等于0,A错;夏至日时,正午太阳高度为90°,影长为0,P=0,B错。冬至日,正午太阳高度为43°,影长大于塔高,P>1,D对。 20世纪50年代,在外国专家的指导下,我国修建了兰新铁路。兰新铁路在新疆吐鲁番附近的线 路如图2所示。读图2,完成4-6题。 图2

4、推测外国专家在图示区域铁路选线时考虑的主导因素是 A、河流 B、聚落C耕地D地形 5、后来,我国专家认为,兰新铁路在该区域的选线不合理,理由可能是 A、线路过长B距城镇过远 C、易受洪水威胁 D、工程量过大 6、50多年来,兰新铁路并没有改变该区域城镇的分布,是因为该区域的城镇分布受控于 A、地形分布 B、绿洲分布 C、河流分布D沙漠分布 【答案】4.D 5.B 6.B 【解析】 4.该地位于西北地区,铁路的建设会选择在海拔低的山谷附近,所以结合这个角度,答案也是地形。选D。 5.从图中可以看出,吐鲁番为盆地内部,而兰新线位于盆地边缘,所以最可能是距离城镇远。该地位于西北,降水少,所以洪水灾害威胁小。从图中看出,该铁路线没有穿越等高线,所以工程量不大。B对 6.该地区的城镇主要分布在盆地边缘的绿洲地区。所以选B。 人类活动导致大气中含氮化合物浓度增加,产生沉降,是新出现的令人担忧的全球变化问题。一科研小组选择受人类干扰较小的某地,实验模拟大气氮沉降初期对植被的影响。实验地植被以灌木植物为主,伴生多年生草本植物。表1数据为实验地以2009年为基数,2010-2013年实验中植被的变化值(测量时间为每年9月30日)。据此完成7-9题。 7、实验期间植被变化表现为 ①生物量提高②生物量降低③植株密度改变④植被分布改变 A、①③ B、②③ C、①④ D、②④ 8、实验期间大气氮沉降导致灌木、草本两类植物出现此消彼长竞争的是 A植株数量B、总生物量C、地上生物量D、地下生物量 9.根据实验结果推测,随着大气氮沉降的持续,植被未来变化趋势是 A.灌木植物和草本植物繁茂 B. 灌木植物和草本植物萎缩 C.灌木植物茂盛、草本植物萎缩 D.灌木植物萎缩、草本植物茂盛 【答案】7.A 8.D 9.D 【解析】 7.生物量等于地上生物量和地下生物量之和,随着时间发展,除了地下生物灌木植物略有减少,其他都是增加,简单计算可知,生物量为增加,即①对。柱物密度即植株数量,从表中可知,数量呈递增趋势,即密度增加,即③对。 8.从表直接可以看出,随着时间发展,地下生物量灌木植物减少,但是草本植物增加,符合了题目此消彼长的设问。
